A mother is pulling a sled at constant velocity by means of a rope at 37°. The tension on the rope is 120 N. Mass of children plus sled is 55 kg. The mother has a mass of 61 kg. Find the static friction acting on the mother.


Answer 1


f = 106.3 N


The force applied on the sled must be equal to the static frictional force to move the sled:

Tension Force Horizontal Component = Static Frictional Force

[tex]TCos\theta = \mu W\\TCos\theta = \mu mg[/tex]


T = Tension = 120 N

θ = angle of rope = 37°

μ = coefficient of static friction = ?

m = mass of children plus sled = 55 kg

g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²


[tex](120\ N)Cos\ 37^o = \mu (55\ kg)(9.81\ m/s^2)\\\\\mu = \frac{95.84\ N}{(55\ kg)(9.81\ m/s^2)}\\\\\mu = 0.18[/tex]

Now, the static friction acting on the mother will be:

[tex]f = \mu mg = (0.18)(61\ kg)(9.81\ m/s^2)\\[/tex]

f = 106.3 N

Related Questions

A object of mass 3.00 kg is subject to a force Fx that varies with position as in the figure below. A coordinate plane has a horizontal axis labeled x (m) and a vertical axis labeled Fx (N). There are three line segments. The first segment runs from the origin to (4,3). The second segment runs from (4,3) to (11,3). The third segment runs from (11,3) to (17,0). (a) Find the work done by the force on the object as it moves from x = 0 to x = 4.00 m. J (b) Find the work done by the force on the object as it moves from x = 4.00 m to x = 11.0 m. J (c) Find the work done by the force on the object as it moves from x = 11.0 m to x = 17.0 m. J (d) If the object has a speed of 0.450 m/s at x = 0, find its speed at x = 4.00 m and its speed at x = 17.0 m.




An impulse results in a change of momentum.

The impulse is the product of a force and a distance. This will be represented by the area under the curve

a) W = ½(4.00)(3.00) = 6.00 J

b) W = (11.0 - 4.00)(3.00) = 21.0 J

c) W = ½(17.0 - 11.0)(3.00) = 9.00 J

d) ASSUMING the speed at x = 0 is in the direction of applied force

½(3.00)(v₄²) = ½(3.00)(0.450²) + 6.00

v₄ = 2.05 m/s

½(3.00)(v₁₇²) = ½(3.00)(0.450²) + 6.00 + 21.0 + 9.00

v₁₇ = 4.92 m/s

If the initial speed is NOT in the direction of applied force, the final speed will be slightly less in both cases.

Cuando el pistón tiene un volumen de 2x10^-4 m^3, el gas en el pistón está a una presión de 150 kPa. El área del pistón es 0.00133 m^2. Calcular la fuerza que el gas ejerce sobre el embolo del pistón.



F = 1.128 10⁸ Pa


Pressure is defined by

         P = F / A

If the gas is ideal for equal force eds on all the walls, so on the piston area we have

        F = P A

We reduce the pressure to the SI system

       P = 150 kpa (1000 Pa / 1kPa = 150 103 Pa

we calculate

       F = 150 10³ / 0.00133

       F = 1.128 10⁸ Pa

In a game of pool, the cue ball moves at a speed of 2 m/s toward the eight ball. When the cue ball hits the eight ball, the cue ball bounces off with a speed of 0.8 m/s at an angle of 20', as shown in the diagram below. Both balls have a mass of 0.6 kg.
a) what is the momentum of the system before the collision
b) what is the momentum after the collision
c) what angle dose the right ball travel after the collision
d) what is the magnitude of the eight balls velocity after the collision



a)  p₀ = 1.2 kg m / s,  b) p_f = 1.2 kg m / s,  c)   θ = 12.36, d)  v_{2f} = 1.278 m/s


For this exercise we define a system formed by the two balls, which are isolated and the forces during the collision are internal, therefore the moment is conserved


a) the initial impulse is

         p₀ = m v₁₀ + 0

         p₀ = 0.6 2

         p₀ = 1.2 kg m / s

b) as the system is isolated, the moment is conserved so

        p_f = 1.2 kg m / s

we define a reference system where the x-axis coincides with the initial movement of the cue ball


we write the final moment for each axis

X axis

         p₀ₓ = 1.2 kg m / s

         p_{fx} = m v1f cos 20 + m v2f cos θ

         p₀ = p_f

        1.2 = 0.6 (-0.8) cos 20+ 0.6 v_{2f} cos θ

         1.2482 = v_{2f} cos θ

Y axis  

        p_{oy} = 0

        p_{fy} = m v_{1f} sin 20 + m v_{2f} cos θ

        0 = 0.6 (-0.8) sin 20 + 0.6 v_{2f} sin θ

        0.2736 = v_{2f} sin θ

we write our system of equations

         0.2736 = v_{2f} sin θ

         1.2482 = v_{2f} cos θ

divide to solve

         0.219 = tan θ

          θ = tan⁻¹ 0.21919

          θ = 12.36

let's look for speed

            0.2736 = v_{2f} sin θ

             v_{2f} = 0.2736 / sin 12.36

            v_{2f} = 1.278 m / s

a vector starts at the point (0.0) and ends at (2,-7) what is the magnitude of the displacement



|x| = √53


We are told that the vector starts at the point (0.0) and ends at (2,-7) .

Thus, magnitude of displacement is;

|x| = √(((-7) - 0)² + (2 - 0)²)

|x| = √(49 + 4)

|x| = √53

A space ship has four thrusters positioned on the top and bottom, and left and right as shown below. The thrusters can be operated independently or together to help the ship navigate in all directions.
Initially, the Space Probe is floating towards the East, as shown below, with a velocity, v. The pilot then turns on thruster #2.

Select one:

Space ship will have a velocity to the West and will be speeding up.

Space ship will have a velocity to the East and will be speeding up.

Space ship will have a velocity to the East and will be slowing down.

Space ship will have a velocity to the West and will be slowing down.

Ship experiences no change in motion.



The correct answer is - c.  Spaceship will have a velocity to the East and will be slowing down.


In this case, if turned on thruster #2 then it will exert force on the west side as thruster 2 is on the east side and it can be understood by Newton's third law that says each action has the same but opposite reaction.

As the spaceship engine applies force on the east side then according to the law the exhauster gas applies on towards west direction. It will try to decrease the velocity of the spaceship however, the direction of floating still be east side initally.

Q)what are convex mirrors?​



A curved mirror is a mirror with a curved reflecting surface. The surface may be either convex or concave. Most curved mirrors have surfaces that are shaped like part of a sphere, but other shapes are sometimes used in optical devices.

A convex mirror (or lens) is one constructed so that it is thicker in the middle than it is at the edge.

Open the sash half way up, take the beaker containing the dry ice / water out of the hood, and slowly move it from right in front of the hood all the way down to the floor. At what point do the fumes stop getting sucked up by the fume hood?



The fumes stop getting sucked up by the fume hood once the beaker is pulled out of the hood.

calculate the length of wire.



L = 169.5 m


Using Ohm's Law:

V = IR


V = Voltage = 1.5 V

I = Current = 10 mA = 0.01 A

R = Resistance = ?


1.5 V = (0.01 A)R

R = 150 Ω

But the resistance of a wire is given by the following formula:

[tex]R = \frac{\rho L}{A}[/tex]


ρ = resistivity = 1 x 10⁻⁶ Ω.m

L = length of wire = ?

A = cross-sectional area of wire = πr² = π(0.6 mm)² = π(0.6 x 10⁻³ m)²

A = 1.13 x 10⁻⁶ m²


[tex]150\ \Omega = \frac{(1\ x\ 10^{-6}\ \Omega .m)L}{1.13\ x\ 10^{-6}\ m^2}\\\\L = \frac{150\ \Omega(1.13\ x\ 10^{-6}\ m^2)}{1\ x\ 10^{-6}\ \Omega .m}\\\\[/tex]

L = 169.5 m

What type of wave is a microwave?
O heat
O longitudinal



Microwave is a types of a electromagnetic radiation




Because microwave is electromagnetic  waves and all electromagnetic waves are transvers.

Suppose a 60-turn coil lies in the plane of the page in a uniform magnetic field that is directed out of the page. The coil originally has an area of 0.325 m2. It is stretched to have no area in 0.100 s. What is the magnitude (in V) and direction (as seen from above) of the average induced emf if the uniform magnetic field has a strength of 1.60 T



 emf = 312 V


In this exercise the electromotive force is asked, for which we must use Faraday's law

           emf =  [tex]- N \frac{d \Phi }{dt}[/tex]- N dfi / dt

           Ф = B. A = B A cos θ

bold type indicates vectors.

They indicate that the magnetic field is constant, the angle between the normal to the area and the magnetic field is parallel by local cosine values ​​1

It also indicates that the area is reduced from  a₀ = 0.325 me² to a_f = 0 in a time interval of ΔT = 0.100 s, suppose that this reduction is linear

            emf = -N B [tex]\frac{dA}{dT}[/tex]

            emf = - N B (A_f - A₀) / Dt

we calculate

           emf = - 60 1.60 (0 - 0.325) /0.100

           emf = 312 V

The direction of this voltage is exiting the page

I’m a photoelectric effect, which property of the incident light determines how much kinetic energy the ejected electrons have ?
A) brightness
B) frequency
C) size of the beam
D) none of the above



b = frequency

A friend lends you the eyepiece of his microscope to use on your own microscope. He claims that since his eyepiece has the same diameter as yours but twice the focal length, the resolving power of your microscope will be doubled. Is his claim valid? Explain.



The resolving power remains same.


The resolving power of the lens is directly proportional to the diameter of the lens not on the focal length.

As the diameter is same but the focal length is doubled so the resolving power remains same.

Explain how blood circulation takes place in humans?​


Blood comes into the right atrium from the body, moves into the right ventricle and is pushed into the pulmonary arteries in the lungs. After picking up oxygen, the blood travels back to the heart through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium, to the left ventricle and out to the body's tissues through the aorta.

Hope it helps you

Mark my answer as brainlist

have a nice day

A capacitor consists of two parallel conducting plates, each of area 0.4 m2 and separated by a distance of 2.0 cm. Assume there is air between the plates. While connected to a battery the electric field within the plates is 500 N/C. The potential difference between the plates is: ________
a) 5.0 V
b) 10 V
c) 30 V
d) 20 V



check photo


The cation that is reabsorbed from the urine in response to aldosterone



If decreased blood pressure is detected, the adrenal gland is stimulated by these stretch receptors to release aldosterone, which increases sodium reabsorption from the urine, sweat, and the gut. This causes increased osmolarity in the extracellular fluid, which will eventually return blood pressure toward normal.

5. Steve is driving in his car to take care of some errands. The first errand has him driving to a location 2 km East and 6 km North of his starting location. Once he completes that errand, he drives to the second one which is 4 km East and 2 km South of the first errand. What is the magnitude of the vector that describes how far the car has traveled from its starting point, rounded to the nearest km?​






A 1.5kg block slides along a frictionless surface at 1.3m/s . A second block, sliding at a faster 4.3m/s , collides with the first from behind and sticks to it. The final velocity of the combined blocks is 2.0m/s . What was the mass of the second block?



The mass of the second block=0.457 kg


We are given that

m1=1.5 kg


v2=4.3 m/s

V=2.0 m/s

We have to find the mass of the second block.


Let m2=m

Substitute the values






[tex]m=0.457 kg[/tex]

Hence,  the mass of the second block=0.457 kg

Why is it advised not to hold the thermometer by its bulb while reading it?


Because your body heat might change the temperature

if you jog at a speed of 1.5m/s for 20 seconds how far di you travel


Answer: 30m



Speed: 1.5m/s

Time: 20 seconds

Distance = speed × time

Distance = 1.5 × 20

= 30m

Therefore you will travel 30m

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

. A ball of mass 0.50 kg is rolling across a table top with a speed of 5.0 m/s. When the ball reaches the edge of the table, it rolls down an incline onto the floor 1.0 meter below (without bouncing). What is the speed of the ball when it reaches the floor?





Which factor affects kinetic energy but not potential energy?





because as the mass increase kinetic energy also increase

Rachel has good distant vision but has a touch of presbyopia. Her near point is 0.60 m. Part A When she wears 2.0 D reading glasses, what is her near point



The right answer is "0.273 m".



Power (P),

[tex]\frac{1}{f} = 2D[/tex]

Near point,

u = 0.6 m

As we know,

⇒ [tex]\frac{1}{v} -\frac{1}{u}=\frac{1}{f} = 2[/tex]

By substituting the values, we get

⇒ [tex]\frac{1}{v} -\frac{1}{0.6} =2[/tex]


            [tex]\frac{1}{v} =\frac{1.2+1}{0.6}[/tex]


By applying cross-multiplication, we get

          [tex]0.6=2.2 \ v[/tex]

            [tex]v = \frac{0.6}{2.2}[/tex]

      [tex]S_{near} = 0.273 \ m[/tex]

b. Projectile on cliff (range)
An object of mass 5 kg is projected at an angle of 25° to the horizontal with a speed of 22 ms-1 from the top of the cliff.
The height of the cliff is 21 m. Take g, the acceleration due to gravity, to be 9.81 ms2
How far horizontally (to 1 decimal place) from the base of the cliff does the object land?



x = 41.28 m


This is a projectile launching exercise, let's find the time it takes to get to the base of the cliff.

Let's start by using trigonometry to find the initial velocity

         cos 25 = v₀ₓ / v₀

         sin 25 = Iv_{oy} / v₀

         v₀ₓ = v₀ cos 25

         v_{oy} = v₀ sin 25

         v₀ₓ = 22 cos 25 = 19.94 m / s

         v_{oy} = 22 sin 25 = 0.0192 m / s

let's use movement on the vertical axis

         y = y₀ + v_{oy} t - ½ g t²


when reaching the base of the cliff y = 0 and the initial height is y₀ = 21 m

         0 = 21 + 0.0192 t - ½ 9.81 t²

         4.905 t² - 0.0192 t - 21 = 0

         t² - 0.003914 t - 4.2813 =0

we solve the quadratic equation

        t = [tex]\frac{ 0.003914\ \pm \sqrt{0.003914^2 + 4 \ 4.2813 } }{2}[/tex]

        t = [tex]\frac{0.003914 \ \pm 4.13828}{2}[/tex]

        t₁ = 2.07 s

        t₂ = -2.067 s

since time must be a positive scalar quantity, the correct result is

        t = 2.07 s

now we can look up the distance traveled

         x = v₀ₓ t

         x = 19.94  2.07

         x = 41.28 m

why the stone moves away when the string is broken rotation​



When a stone is going around a circular path, the instantaneous velocity of stone is acting as tangent to the circle. When the string breaks, the centripetal force stops to act. Due to inertia, the stone continues to move along the tangent to circular path. So, the stone flies off tangentially to the circular path


when the string's rotation is broken, there will be no centripetal force to keep the stone stationary. Thus, the stone will flung away when the rotation is stopped

the plane of a 5.0 cm by 8.0 cm rectangular loop wire is parallel to a 0.19 t magnetic field. if the loop carries a current of 6.2 amps, what is the magnitude of the torque on the loop


here is the state ment :0.2 loop

Proper physical exercise makes bones _[blank 1]_.
People with stronger muscles and bones have better _[blank 2]_.

Which option shows the words that correctly fill in blank 1 and blank 2, in that order?

longer, flexibilitylonger, flexibility , ,

stronger, posturestronger, posture , ,

longer, posturelonger, posture , ,

stronger, flexibility


stronger, posturestronger, posture

hope that helped

Why we use semiconductor instead of metal in thermopile.



Semiconductors are not normal materials. They have special properties which conductors/metals cannot exhibit. The main reason for the behavior of semiconductors is that they have paired charge carriers-the electron-hole pair. This is not available in metals.

What is the maximum speed at which a car can round a curve of 25-m radius on a level road if the coefficient of static friction between the tires and road is 0.80? ​


I assume the curve is flat and not banked. A car making a turn on the curve has 3 forces acting on it:

• its weight, mg, pulling it downward

• the normal force from contact with the road, n, pushing upward

• static friction, f = µn, directed toward the center of the curve (where µ is the coefficient of static friction)

By Newton's second law, the net forces on the car in either the vertical or horizontal directions are

F (vertical) = n - mg = 0

F (horizontal) = f = ma

where a is the car's centripetal acceleration, given by

a = v ²/r

and where v is the maximum speed you want to find and r = 25 m.

From the first equation, we have n = mg, and so f = µmg. Then in the second equation, we have

µmg = mv ²/r   ==>   v ² = µgr   ==>   v = √(µgr )

So the maximum speed at which the car can make the turn without sliding off the road is

v = √(0.80 (9.80 m/s²) (25 m)) = 14 m/s

What is a measure of how hard it is to stop a moving object?
A. gravity
B. weight
D. momentum



C. inertia


inertia describes an object’s resistance to change in motion (or to get in motion due to a lack of motion), and momentum describes how much motion it has.

both are connected, as inertia depends on the object's momentum, but the answer here is inertia.

Ashley, a psychology major, remarks that she has become interested in the study of intelligence. In other words, Ashley is interested in?


Group of answer choices.

a) the capacity to learn from experience, solve problems, and to adapt to new situations.

b) how behavior changes as a result of experience.

c) the factors directing behavior toward a goal.

d) the ability to generate novel


a) the capacity to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively.


Psychology can be defined as the scientific study of both the consciousness and unconsciousness of the human mind such as feelings, emotions and thoughts, so as to understand how it functions and affect human behaviors in contextual terms.

This ultimately implies that, psychology focuses on studying behaviors and the mind that controls it.

In this scenario, Ashley who is a psychology major, stated that she's interested in the study of intelligence.

Intelligence can be defined as a measure of the ability of an individual to think, learn, proffer solutions to day-to-day life problems and effectively make informed decisions.

In other words, Ashley is interested in the capacity of humans to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively to produce goods and services that meet the unending requirements, needs or wants of the people (consumers or end users) living around the world.

Other Questions
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