a paragraph describing the morning of the city


Answer 1


A morning walk is very rewarding. It is only at this time in the cities when the roads are not crowded. There is hardly any traffic. One can enjoy the walk in the lap of nature. As one walks, the worries and anxieties vanish away. The feet stride out in a joyful rhythm. The sheer delight of the movement is enough to make the day. In the morning, the nature is at its best.

I go for morning walk with my friends to the nearby park where we take two or more rounds of the walking path. As we set out from our home, we see the street deserted except for a few walker like us. There are couples in track suits and sports shoes walking briskly along. There are also groups of elderly men gossiping and laughing among themselves. Youngsters are seen wearing ear phones and jogging to their favourite songs.

The park is around 300 metres. I can hear the chirping of the birds, parrots and pigeons. They are seen flying from one branch of a tree to another. Amidst the sheet of thin white fog the colourful flowers in the park give solace to the heart and a feast to the eyes. The fragrance of the sweet smelling flowers fills my mind with a freshness which cannot be compared to anything in the world.

The park is filled withe people of various age groups. The cold winter has not prevented these health conscious individuals to stay back in their cozy beds and to put off going for the morning walk, the most important nutrient for the healthy body.

The pure fresh air of the morning devoid of the poisonous gases exhaled by the innumerable vehicles running to and fro in the city streets gives a boost to the body to battle in the days’ hectic schedule.

Gradually, penetrating through the dense fog, the first rays of lights glimmer and shine across the park. Now the body begins to respond well to the movements of the limbs and the flow of fresh, cool air one breathes. The momentum now sets in and the legs appear to walk effortlessly. On feet glides over the other as if trying to be the first to land ahead. An hour later, it is time to stop. The empty stomach demands attention.

By the time we return from our walk many tea-stalls and sweet shops are open making fresh sweets and snacks. We stop at our favourite shop where we indulge in hot tea and samosas.

Words are insufficient to describe the feelings one undergoes during winter morning walks and the experience of indulging in hot and tempting snacks.

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Which selection is an example of an incomplete sentence?

A.The lake was clear.

B.Sail boats were slowly drifting over the water.

C.You could see fish as they.

D.Many people were swimming in the lake.​





full sentence with punctuation

It’s either B or D Reason Both have capitalization and punctuation

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Explanation: woah

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In the omniscient, the narrator knows all the thoughts and feelings of the character. In limited, the narrator relates only their own thoughts, feelings, and knowledge about various situations and the other characters.



Colony Collapse Disorder

In 2006, beekeepers throughout the United States began to notice something new—and troubling. Adult honeybees, known as worker bees, were disappearing from their hives, seemingly abandoning them. Few or no dead bees were found in the hives. The queen and larvae were alive and well. However, the swarm of worker bees that usually attended them to keep them alive were gone. What had happened?

The event became so widespread that it soon received a name, Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). There was no denying that CCD was a problem. After all, American farmers depend on the work of honeybees and other pollinators. At least three-quarters of the crops grown in the United States depend on honeybee pollination for their survival. These include such crops as strawberries, blueberries, apples, broccoli, asparagus, and almonds. Without them, both farmers and anyone who enjoys fresh fruits and vegetables will suffer.

But what is causing this problem? Scientists have thoroughly studied a variety of possible causes, ranging from genetically modified crops to climate change to cell phone towers. Sadly, nothing has shown to be the cause of the problem. The most likely culprits are disease-causing organisms. These have been found in larger numbers in colonies affected by CCD than in unaffected colonies. But these organisms have included various viruses and bacteria. Some were found in greater amounts in different parts of the country. If CCD is caused by a single disease, identifying that disease will be difficult.

The CCD outbreak is most likely the result of multiple causes—disease, poor diet, pesticides, lack of genetic diversity, and habitat loss. Efforts to prevent colony loss have been mildly successful. The number lost has declined each year since 2008. But until a solution to this problem is found, CCD will remain a concern that will threaten the future of bees. It will also affect the people who rely on the food that they help produce.

What are the central ideas in "Colony Collapse Disorder"?

Select the two correct answers.

American agriculture depends on the honeybee for survival.

Greater concentrations of viruses and bacteria are responsible for CCD .

The CCD epidemic is most likely caused by multiple factors.

Strawberries, blueberries, and apples are pollinated by bees.



American agriculture depends on the honeybee for survival.

The CCD epidemic is most likely caused by multiple factors.


A central idea (also called the main or key idea) is the main point the author of a text is making. Pieces of information that explain, expand, describe, illustrate, or clarify it are called supporting details.

The given text tells about a phenomenon called CCD and its impact on American agriculture. Its two central ideas are:

American agriculture depends on the honeybee for survival. The CCD epidemic is most likely caused by multiple factors.

The remaining two options represent supporting details.


American agriculture depends on the honeybee for survival.

The CCD epidemic is most likely caused by multiple factors.


please help i have ten minuets Which of the following is likely the lowest paid of the jobs listed?
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Retail Clerk





Which TWO sentences use coordinate adjectives?

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B Jane and Stuart decided to use all of their savings to buy a spacious and comfortable apartment.

C Steve missed his son's graduation ceremony because he had to attend an overseas business trip.

D Melody tried to explain how she lost control of the vehicle to the patient police officer.

E The five-year-old couldn't take his eyes off the large, fluffy rabbit in Eli’s garage.






hope these helps


“you're as cuddly as a cactus”explain the meaning



you a pric kly ;)))) shave them legs ;))))


isnt this a song lyric


i think the lyrics are comparing cuddling to a cactus, meaning someones cuddles are comparable to a cactus ? i dunno about this one to be honest

Read the research question.

How well did the Roman citizens like Marcus Aurelius?

What makes this research question ineffective?

It is unclear.
It is not broad.
It is too focused.
It is unanswerable.


the research question is unclear

Which sentence uses the underlined
vocabulary word incorrectly?
A. With a look of asperity, the teacher silenced the rowdy boys.
B. With the obstinacy, of a mule, the child refused to leave the
bouncy house,
C. The smell in the air had a vociferation about it.


Answer: C used the underlined word incorrectly. Vociferation means: to utter loudly or to shout, which wouldn't make any sense in this sentence.

Explanation: C sux, it's wronggg!


What words matches best





Answer: Bow Tie!

Hope that helped

plz help me asap i need help i will mark you as brainlist


The answer is summary




not POV or solution. a mere chance of theme

please help i’ll give brainliest if you give a correct answer tysm :))




Simile uses like it as and it is obvious


Its B. because she is struggling to carry groceries so she is waddling "like" a penguin. but her feet are not shaped like a penguin. Lol

Which word has a VCe syllable with a long u sound?
A. applause
B. conclude
C. injure
D. purple



Its conclude


I know its conclude because it has that long u sound and its has 2 syllables.

Hope this helps!!!

Can I have Brainliest???

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They didn't see them trasnform because of the Mist.



The mist obsucred their vision. Demigods also suffer from the effects of the mist since their half-mortal, some are more affected than others.

hope this helped! :))

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ummmmmmmmmm trueeeee


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Which excerpt from "Black Hole Beginnings" would this image best support in a multimedia presentation?
A- As more stuff gathers, its combined gravitation grows stronger.
B- . . . the nuclei are going so fast that their speed overpowers their repulsion.
C- In one giant, sudden WHOOOOOSH!, the center of the star compresses.
D- . . . the crushing weight of the star material continues to press inward.



A- As more stuff gathers, its combined gravitation grows stronger.


According to the given image, the excerpt from "Black Hole Beginnings" that would best support the image in a multimedia presentation is option A.

This is because, as more stuff gathers, its combined gravitation grows stronger and they are attracted to each other which is illustrated in the image.


a is the answer


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The answer is: To convince T.J. that it is pointless to resist


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Where are the sentences?


instead- she could have applied for a scholarship...she chose to take a student loan and pay the tuition fee.

then- first he whipped the eggs and added them to the flour... he baked the mixture

besides- she had always wanted to go outer space because her father was an astronaut.... she loved physics and astronomy

meanwhile- the firefighters battled the blaze bravely; their families waited anxiously for the news.


I said what I said

You usually use initials and acronyms in blank writing





These are commonly used in technical writing. Searched it up ;) Hope this helps!! :)

Giant Squid
by Mary Heath

Giant squid live in waters off southern Australia. Zoologists at the Tasmanian Museum study the invertebrates. Giant squid are called colossal squid. Giant squid live in waters off New Zealand, too. Giant squid contain high levels of ammonia. Recently, a giant squid weighing 550 pounds was found on an Australian beach. The dead squid was 26 feet long from the tip of its body to the end of its tentacles. Giant squid are not common in other parts of the world. Although some people eat squid, scientists said the giant squid would not taste very good. People eat squid called calamari.

Which of these sentences should be added to the passage as a supporting detail?

A.Sharks and other marine life share the waters off southern Australia.

B.The giant squid was shorter than a train.

C.The giant squid measures three feet across at its widest point.

D.Sperm whales live off the coast of other countries, too.​





C is correct


C.The giant squid measures three feet across at its widest point.


Read this excerpt from The Miracle Worker.

CHILDREN [DELIGHTED]: There’s another present! Beatrice! We have a present for Helen, too! Give it to her, Beatrice. Here, Annie!

(This present is an elegant doll, with movable eyelids and a momma sound.)

It’s for Helen. And we took up a collection to buy it. And Laura dressed it.

ANNIE: It’s beautiful!

CHILDREN: So don’t forget, you be sure to give it to Helen from us, Annie!

Which word best describes the children in this excerpt?




The correct answer is C. generous.


The children are asking Annie to give a doll to their, assumingly, friend. Because they are giving someone a gift, without assuming anything in return, generous would be the best way to describe their actions.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. generous.

Hope this helps! :D




Select the choice which best identifies the given passage from "The Cask of Amontillado."

"The thousand injuries [insults] of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge."

Tragic resolution


This is an example of characterization

It shows how arrogant and angry the main character is towards Fortunato and gives us a good idea about the kind of person he is.


C - Characterization


What are the parts of speech for this sentence

This is an unbelievably giant cat everyone should be afraid of it



This - pronoun

is - verb

unbelievably giant - adjective

cat - noun

everyone - pronoun

should be - verb

afraid - adjective

of - preposition

it - pronoun


Parts of speech are defined as the different types of words that are linked together to give meaning to the sentence. Nouns are defined as the referral words to denote a person, place, or thing while the pronouns function to replace the noun. The nouns and pronouns primarily function as the subjects or objects in the sentence. The verb functions to denote the being or action performed by the subject in the sentence. Adjectives are defined as the words that qualify a noun or pronoun. While prepositions function to connect the words of phrases or show relationship between them.

Which lines from the reading best show the Cyclops to be an antagonist?
A. As soon as he'd (the Cyclops) briskly finished all his chores / he lit
his fire and spied us in the blaze.../ The hearts inside us shook, /
terrified by his rumbling voice and monstrous hulk.
B. I approached my host [the Cyclops] with a cordial, winning word.
C. [T]he monster relit his fire and milked his handsome ewes.
D. Our party quickly made its way into the cave / but we failed to find
our host [the Cyclops] himself inside.


Answer: I think its A

Explanation: The sentence "The hearts inside us shook" could mean the fear they get from the Cyclops




Use the abbreviation below to label the sentence pattern. S=subject V=verb IO=indirect object DO=direct object PA=predicate adjective PN=predicate noun Leroy swims at 3:00p.M. Every day.





Sentence pattern refers to the specific sentence construction pattern that is followed so as to form a meaningful sentence. The sentence pattern here is subject+verb.

In the given sentence, 'Leroy' is the subject and 'swims' is the verb.

There is no direct or indirect object in the sentence.

Here, 'Leroy' is the subject and 'swims at 3:00 P.M. everyday' is the predicate.

'Leroy' is the action performer. 'At' is the preposition and 'everyday' is the adverb.

Which statement MOST accurately defines the concept of journalism?
O people who find out the facts of a story and then write the story for news media
O the activity or profession of gathering, writing, and communicating the news
o the publications that communicate written news stories to the public
O any form of mass communication from the media to an audience



the activity or profession of gathering, writing, and communicating the news


why were playhouses built in the suburbs



Puritan leaders had playhouses and theaters banned from the city of London because they felt that the theatre prevented people from going to church. ... Playhouses were banned from the city limits of London (London proper) so they were built in the surrounding suburbs/outskirts of London.



B edge 2021


authorites restricted playhouse in the city

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