A piece of fabric is 1/3 yard by 3 5/8 yards.
Irma solves 1/3*3 5/8 to find the area of the fabric in square yards.

Enter numbers to complete Irma's calculation for the area. (TTM)


Answer 1


favricis 1/3 yard bt 3 5/8 yards wich it will be 64

Related Questions

It cost David $16.75 to fill his 5-gallon gas can.

1. Write two different rates.
2. What is the best unit rate to use?
3. If David decided to fill up his car that has a 22-gallon gas tank, would $73 be enough to cover it? If so, how much does he have leftover? If not, how much is he short?


Answer: I divided 16.75 by 5

Step-by-step explanation:

For every 1 gallon hes using 3.35

So 22 x 3.35 is 73.70 so hell need 70 cent more

Which of the following represents the isolate the variable "r" from the following formula?
V = K * q / r



  r = K * q / V

Step-by-step explanation:

V =  K * q / r

Which graph represents the function f(x) = √x+3 – 1?



look at the png below

Step-by-step explanation:

The 555 points plotted below are on the graph of y=\log_b{x}y=log

xy, equals, log, start base, b, end base, x.
Based only on these 555 points, plot the 555 corresponding points that must be on the graph of y=b^{x}y=b
y, equals, b, start superscript, x, end superscript by clicking on the graph.



See attachment for graph

Step-by-step explanation:

See comment for correct question


[tex]y = \log_bx[/tex]


The corresponding points on [tex]y =b^x[/tex]

On the graph, we have:

[tex](x_1,y_1) \to (1,0)[/tex]

[tex](x_2,y_2) \to (2,1)[/tex]

[tex](x_3,y_3) \to (4,2)[/tex]

[tex](x_4,y_4) \to (8,3)[/tex]

[tex](x_5,y_5) \to (16,4)[/tex]

First, we solve for b in [tex]y = \log_bx[/tex]

Using laws of logarithm, the equivalent of the above is:

[tex]x = b^y[/tex]

[tex](x_2,y_2) \to (2,1)[/tex] implies that:

[tex]2 = b^1[/tex]

[tex]2 = b[/tex]

Rewrite as:

[tex]b =2[/tex]

So, the equation [tex]y =b^x[/tex] becomes:

[tex]y = 2^x[/tex]

Using the same values of x, we have:

[tex](x_1,y_1) = (1,2)[/tex]

[tex](x_2,y_2) = (2,4)[/tex]

[tex](x_3,y_3) = (4,16)[/tex]

[tex](x_4,y_4) = (8,256)[/tex]

[tex](x_5,y_5) = (16,65536)[/tex]

See attachment for graph

The points (1,2), (2,4), and (4,16) are plotted on the graph attached below and this can be determined by using the given data.

Given :

Logarithmic Function  --  [tex]\rm y = log_b(x)[/tex]    --- (1)

The following steps can be used in order to determine the corresponding points that must be on the graph [tex]\rm x = b^y[/tex]:

Step 1 - Now, substitute the value of x and y that is (2,1) in the expression [tex]\rm x = b^y[/tex].

[tex]\rm 2 = b^1[/tex]

b = 2

Step 2 - Now, substitute the value of b in the equation [tex]\rm y=b^x[/tex].

[tex]\rm y = 2^x[/tex]    --- (2)

Step 3 - At (x = 1) the above expression becomes:

y = 2

Step 4 - At (x = 2) the expression (2) becomes:

y = 4

Step 5 - At (x = 4) the expression (2) becomes:

y = 16

The graph of [tex]\rm y = 2^x[/tex] is attached below.

For more information, refer to the link given below:


what is the value of the expression below? (8^5/3)^1/5




Step-by-step explanation:






Step-by-step explanation:

Exponent Rule: [tex](a^{m})^{n}=a^{m*n}[/tex]

[tex](8^{\frac{5}{3}})^{\frac{1}{5}}= 8^{\frac{5}{3}}*{\frac{1}{5}}\\\\\\=8^{\frac{1}{3}}\\\\= \sqrt[3]{8} \\\\= \sqrt[3]{2*2*2}\\\\= 2[/tex]

What is a counterexample to this claim? Dividing a number by 2 always results in a smaller number.



Dividing a number by 2 always results in a smaller number.

To find:

The counterexample to the given claim.


If 0 is divided by is divided by any non-zero real number [tex]a[/tex], then


Let us consider the unknown number be 0. Then dividing a number by 2, we get


Here, the result is not a smaller number because [tex]0=0[/tex].

Therefore, the counterexample to the given claim is "Dividing 0 by 2".



Step-by-step explanation:

Given quadrilateral ABCD, where the diagonals AC and BD intersect at point E. AE⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯≅EC⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯AE¯≅EC¯ and BE⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯≅DE⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯BE¯≅DE¯. Can you prove can you prove that the figure is a parallelogram? Explain.



In a quadrilateral ABCD, diagonals AC and BD intersect at point E.

[tex]AE\cong EC[/tex]

[tex]BE\cong DE[/tex]

To prove:

The figure is a parallelogram.


We know that if the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

In a quadrilateral ABCD, diagonals AC and BD intersect at point E.

[tex]AE\cong EC[/tex]

[tex]BE\cong DE[/tex]

Since the diagonals AC and BD of a quadrilateral ABCD bisect each other, therefore the quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram.

Hence proved.

Consider the following 8 numbers, where one labelled
is unknown.
12, 46, 31,
, 49, 24, 41, 14
Given that the range of the numbers is 63,
work out 2 values of


Put the data set in order:

12, 14, 24, 31, 41, 46, 49

In order to find a value of x using the range, x has to be on either end of the data set. Meaning:

x, 12, 14, 24, 31, 41, 46, 49 or 12, 14, 24, 31, 41, 46, 49, x

Since the range is the highest value minus the lower value, you can set two equations for x:

x - 12 = 63

x = 75

49 - x = 63

x = -14

Thus, x = 75, -14

Two values of x are -14 & 75

What is range of numbers ?

The difference between highest and lowest numbers of the set of numbers is called the range of numbers.

What are the values of x ?

The given values are 12, 46, 31, 49, 24, 41, 14

Arranging all the values in ascending order we get,

12, 14, 24, 31, 41, 46, 49

If x will be included, then x is in the 1st position or in the last position.

Then the values are x, 12, 14, 24, 31, 41, 46, 49 or 12, 14, 24, 31, 41, 46, 49, x

The range of the number is 63

So, we get two equations from it.

1 ) 49-x = 63

2 ) x-12 = 63

Solving eq. (1) we get, x = 49-63 = -14

Solving eq. (2) we get, x = 63+12 = 75

So the values of x are -14 & 75

Learn more about range of number here :



Which expression is equivalent to 6(3n-4)?
4) 3n-24



[tex]18n - 24[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]6(3n - 4) = 18n - 24[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:


Open the brackets .......



Please help me with this question please and thank you ❤️



x = -1

Step-by-step explanation:

3x - 1/9 (27) = 18

3x - 3

Divide both sides be 3

x = -1


x = 7

Step-by-step explanation:

to solve this equation we are given the value of y which 27. just substitute 27 for y in the equation :

3x - 1/9(27) = 18

3x - 3 = 18

3x = 21

x= 7

What is the function rule for the line?



y =2/3x -2

Step-by-step explanation:

The y intercept is -2

The slope is

m = (y2-y1)/ (x2-x1)

Using the points (0,-2) and  (3,0)

m = ( 0 - -2)/(3 -0)

    = (0+2)/(3-0)

   = 2/3

The slope intercept form is

y = mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

y =2/3x -2

Line ab and cd (if presented in the picture) are straight lines. Find x (the pictures are not scaled)



[tex]x + 2x + 34 + 20 = 180 [/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

Statement Reason

1. m∠AOB = 180° —  Def. of straight ∠

2. m∠AOE + m∠EOF + m∠FOB = m∠

AOB      —-    Parts − whole Postulate

3. x + 2x+34° + 20° = 180°  —-   Substitution

4. x = 42°.  —- Algebra

This is statement and reason! (no problem rsm people)

What is the area of the label on a soup can that is 8 inches high and has a diameter of 4 inches? Round to the nearest hundredth. Assume the label wraps around the entire height of the can and does not overlap. SHOW WORK..



Area of label = 100 inch² (Approx.)

Step-by-step explanation:


Height of label = 8 inches

Diameter of label = 4 inches


Area of label


Design of label = Rectangle


Width of label = 2πr

Width of label = 2(3.14)(4/2)

Width of label = 2(3.14)(2)

Width of label = 12.56 inches

Area of label = Height of label x Width of label

Area of label = 12.56 x 8

Area of label = 100.48

Area of label = 100 inch² (Approx.)

hey are In 1990 oranges cost $0.56 per pound. In 2003 they cost $0.86 per pound. How 0 35. much did the oranges appreciate (percent of increase)?




Solution given:

in 1990

cost of orange[C.P]=$0.56

in 2003

cost of orange[S.P]=$0.86


increased price[profit]=S.P-C.P=$0.86-$0.56=$0.3


increased percent [profit%]=?

we have




the oranges appreciated by 53.57%

[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]

Given:-are In 1990 oranges cost $0.56 per pound. In 2003 they cost $0.86 per pound

Find:-percentage of increasing


we have, 1990 oranges cost $0.56 per pound. In 2003 they cost $0.86 per pound.


C.P of 1990=0.56$c.p of 2003=0.86$

[tex]\sf{increase_{(profit)}=0.86-0.56=0.3 }[/tex]

we know that,

[tex]\bold{ profit\%=\dfrac{profit}{C.P}×100 }[/tex]

According to the question,

[tex]\sf{percentage_{(profit)}=\dfrac{0.3}{0.56}×100 }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{percentage_{(profit)}=\dfrac{5357}{100} }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{percentage_{(profit)}=53.57\% }[/tex]

how can you find the slope of a line and use it to
solve problems?



Step-by-step explanation:

1) Mark two points on the line in the graph.

2) Determine the rise and run. Rise ---> difference in y-coordinates. (y2-y1)

Run -----> difference in  x-coordinates (x2 - x1)

3) Plugin the values in the below mentioned formula.

[tex]Slope = \frac{y_{2}-y_{1}}{x_{2}-x_{1}}[/tex]

1.If slope = 0, then the line is parallel to x-axis.

2. If slope is undefined, then the line is parallel to y-axis.

3. If slope is +ve, then the line slant upwards and if slope = -ve, then the line slant downwards.


a=? P.S I am not in high school I am in 4TH GRADE!!!



a: 1/22

Step-by-step explanation:

cross multiply 1/2a=11

which will give 22a=1

divide both sides by 22

to give a=1/22

What are the x-intercepts of the parabola?
A: (4.5, 0) and (5, 0)
B: (0, 4.5) and (0, 5)
C: (0, 5) and (0, 4)
D: (5, 0) and (4, 0)​



D: (5, 0) and (4, 0)

Step-by-step explanation:

The x-intercepts of a parabola are the points where the parabola intersect the x-axis (horizontal axis). Therefore, the y-value of the x-intercepts are always 0. Since coordinates are written (x, y), we can immediately eliminate answers B and C.

Next, we look at the x-coordinates of where the parabola intersects the x-axis. We can see clearly that the parabola crosses the x-axis at [tex]x=4[/tex] and [tex]x=5[/tex]. Therefore, the x-intercepts of the given parabola are (4, 0) and (5, 0).

Enter an equation in point-slope form for the line.
Slope is 4 and (-2,-1) is on the line.
The equation of the line in point slope form is:




Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

Point-slope form: [tex]y-y_1=m(x-x_1)[/tex] where m is the slope and (x₁,y₁) is the given point


Plug in the slope and the point


I hope this helps!

simplify 6÷[5{6÷(5-2)}]

answer correctly i will give brainliest.



hope this helppppp youuu

the answer is 0.6 :)

[tex] {( - 7)}^{ \frac{5}{3} } \times {( \frac{1}{56} )}^{ \frac{5}{3} } [/tex]
please explain​


[tex]\frac{-1}{32}[/tex] is a required answer.


Solution given:

[tex] {( - 7)}^{ \frac{5}{3} } \times {( \frac{1}{56} )}^{ \frac{5}{3} } [/tex]

take power common


Reduce the fraction


make the1 and 8 in terms power 3


take the common power


Reduce power



distribute power



Segment addition and midpoints.


Answer:  17



AC = 13 and BC = 8

Those two facts must mean AB = AC-BC = 13 - 8 = 5.

Similarly, CD = BD - BC = 12 - 8 = 4


AD = AB + BC + CD

AD = 5 + 8 + 4

AD = 17


Another way to approach this problem would be to say

AD = AC + BD - BC

AD = 13 + 12 - 8

AD = 17

This works because when we add up AC with BD, we're double counting the portion from B to C. So this is why we subtract off BC to correct for this overcounting so to speak.


Segment AD is 17.

Step-by-step explanation:

We know AC is 13, BC is 8, and BD is 12. We need the lengths of AB and CD.

To get AB's length, subtract BC's length from AC's length. We should get 5 for the length of AB (13 - 8 = 5).

To get CD's length, subtract BD's length from BC's length. We should get 4 for the length of CD. (12 - 8 = 4)

Now to add AB, BC, and CD. Add 5, 8, and 4 to get 17. (13 + 4 = 17)

The length of Segment AD is 17.

Daniel paid interest of 1,020 in 5years at12%per annum on a loan. Hw much did he borrow


I = Prt
r=0.12 (12% converted to decimal by dividing by 100)

Please help me out with this one!


Are you sure you need this it’s summer


87 in^2

Step-by-step explanation:

24 + 18 + 15 + 30

the 30  is 2(1/2 * 5 * 6)

f(x) = x2 + 3x + 2 is shifted 2 units left. The result is g(x). What is g(x)?



[tex]g(x) = x^2+7x+12[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

If we are given a function f and we want to shift it a units horizontally, the resulting function will be f(x - a), where a positive a is a shift rightwards and a negative a is a shift leftwards.

We have the function:


And we want to shift it two units to the left.

Since we want to shift it two units to the left, a = -2. Therefore, our new function, let's call it g, must be f(x - (-2)) or f(x + 2). Substitute:

[tex]g(x) = f(x+2)=(x+2)^2+3(x+2)+2[/tex]

Simplify. Expand:

[tex]g(x) = (x^2+4x+4)+(3x+6)+2[/tex]

Combine like terms. Hence:

[tex]g(x) = x^2+7x+12[/tex]

aint the answer for this 10 just let me if im wrong​




Step-by-step explanation:

please I really need help with this




Step-by-step explanation:

(1+25) - (16)(1/8)

26 - 2





Step-by-step explanation:

(1+5^2) -16 ( 1/2)^3


Parentheses first

Exponents in the parentheses

(1+25) -16 ( 1/2)^3

Then add in the parentheses

(26) -16 ( 1/2)^3

Then exponents

(26) -16 ( 1/8)

Then multiply

26 - 2

Then subtract


What is the measure of n



n = [tex]\sqrt{32}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The 2 right triangles inside the larger right triangle are similar , so corresponding sides are in proportion

[tex]\frac{8}{n}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{n}{4}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

n² = 32 ( take the square root of both sides )

n = [tex]\sqrt{32}[/tex]

What is the value of x that makes the given equation true?

a x=-4
b x=-16
c x=-2
d x=0



x = -4

Step-by-step explanation:



2x - 16 = x+5x

Combine like terms

2x-16 = 6x

Subtract 2x from each side

2x-16 = 6x-2x

-16 = 4x

Divide by 4

-16/4 = 4x/4

-4 =x


[tex]\sf{2(x-8)=x+5x }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{2x-16=6x }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{2x-6x=16 }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{-4x=16 }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{ x=\dfrac{16}{-4} }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{x=-4 }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{ }[/tex]


Given: AC BD and AD BC
What postulate could prove DCA ACDB
O Side-Side-Side
O Side-Angle-Side



Step-by-step explanation:

Side - side - side. In fact the two triangles have the side CD in common

An experiment consists of rolling a six sided die to select a number between between 1 and 6 and drawing a card at random from a set of 10 cards numbered 1,2,3,...10. Which event definition corresponds to exactly one outcome of the experiment?



Man this is confusing

Step-by-step explanation:

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