A plane flying horizontally at an altitude of 1 mi and a speed of 480 mi/h passes directly over a radar station. Find the rate at which the distance from the plane to the station is increasing when it is 3 mi away from the station.


Answer 1


First remember that the distance between two points (a, b) and (c, d) is given by the equation:

[tex]d = \sqrt{(a - c)^2 + (b - d)^2}[/tex]

Now let's define the position of the radar as:

(0mi, 0mi)

Then we can write the position of the plane as:

(480mi/h*t, 1mi)

where t is time in hours.

Then we can write the distance equation as:

[tex]d(t) = \sqrt{(480\frac{mi}{h}*t - 0mi)^2 + (1mi -0mi)^2 } \\\\d(t) = \sqrt{(480\frac{mi}{h}*t )^2 + (1mi)^2 }[/tex]

Now we want to get:

the rate at which the distance from the plane to the station is increasing when it is 3 mi away from the station.

So first we want to find the value of t such that:

d(3) = 3mi

We will look at the positive value of t, because at this point the plane is increasing its distance to the station.

[tex]3mi = \sqrt{(480\frac{mi}{h}*t )^2 + (1mi)^2 }\\\\(3mi)^2 = (480\frac{mi}{h}*t )^2 + (1mi)^2\\\\9mi^2 - 1mi^2 = (480\frac{mi}{h}*t )^2\\\\8mi^2 = (230,400 mi^2/h^2)*t^2\\\\\\\sqrt{\frac{8mi^2}{230,400 mi^2/h^2} } = t = 0.0059 h[/tex]

The rate of change when the plane is 3 mi away from the station is:


remember that:

d'(t) = dd(t)/dt

We can write:

d(t) = h( g(t) )

such that:

h(x) = √x

g(t) = (480mi/h*t)^2 + (1mi)^2


d'(t) = h'(g(t))*g'(t)

This is:

[tex]d'(t) = \frac{dd(t)}{dt} = \frac{1}{2}*\frac{2*t*480mi/h}{\sqrt{(480mi/h*t)^2 + (1mi)^2} }[/tex]

The rate of change at t = 0.0059h is then:

[tex]d'(0.0059h) = \frac{1}{2}*\frac{2*0.0059h*(480mi/h)^2}{\sqrt{(480mi/h*0.0059h)^2 + (1mi)^2} } =452.6 mi/h^2[/tex]

Related Questions

Use the following information to answer the next question.
Environmental Concerns
1. release of greenhouse gases
2. release of gases that cause acid rain
3. release of excess heat
4. depletion of solar energy
5. depletion of geothermal energy
6. flooding of land
Which of the above environmental concerns are associated with the production of electricity?
Select one:
O A. 2, 3, and 4
O B. 1, 2, 3, and 6
O C. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6
O D. 1, 3, and 5



1.Emitted primarily through the burning of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal), solid waste, and trees and wood products. Changes in land use also play a role. Deforestation and soil degradation add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, while forest regrowth takes it out of the atmosphere.

2.Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain.

3.Untreated, heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke, a life-threatening condition that occurs when your core body temperature reaches 104 F (40 C) or higher. Heatstroke requires immediate medical attention to prevent permanent damage to your brain and other vital organs that can result in death.

4.The loss of solar energy in passing through the atmospheric layers is called the atmospheric deflection. ... The longer the path traversed, the greater the amount of radiant energy depleted. Various processes whereby heat energy is lost through the atmosphere are known as scattering, diffusion, absorption, and reflection.

5.Geothermal energy is renewable because the Earth has retained a huge amount of the heat energy that was generated during formation of the planet. In addition, heat is continuously produced by decay of radioactive elements within the Earth. The amount of heat within the Earth, and the amount that is lost though natural processes (e.g. volcanic activity, conduction/radiation to the atmosphere), are much, much more than the amount of heat lost through geothermal energy production. At any one geothermal field, however, the temperature of the geothermal reservoir or the fluid levels/fluid pressure in the reservoir may decrease over time as fluids are produced and energy is extracted. Produced fluids can be re-injected to maintain pressures, although this may further cool down the reservoir if care is not taken. Over time, it is commonly necessary to drill additional wells in order to maintain energy production as temperatures and/or reservoir fluid pressures decline.

6.Floods, Floodplains, and Flood-Prone Areas. ... Flooding is a result of heavy or continuous rainfall exceeding the absorptive capacity of soil and the flow capacity of rivers, streams, and coastal areas. This causes a watercourse to overflow its banks onto adjacent lands.

The environmental concerns associated with the production of electricity are the release of greenhouse gases, the release of gases that cause acid rain, the release of excess heat, the flooding of land, and the depletion of geothermal energy so, option C is correct.

What is electricity?

The presence or movement of charged particles is electricity. The movement of electrons through a circuit is known as an electric current. The accumulation of electrons on an insulator causes static electricity.

Mostly released when solid trash, trees, and wood products are burned, along with fossil fuels (coal, gas, and oil).

Land use changes also have an impact. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere by deforestation and soil erosion, while it is removed from it by forest regeneration.

To know more about electricity:



A baseball pitcher brings his arm forward during a pitch, rotating the forearm about the elbow. If the velocity of the ball in the pitcher's hand is 34.0 m/s and the ball is 0.310 m from the elbow joint, what is the angular velocity (in rad/s) of the forearm



[tex]\omega=109.67\ rad/s[/tex]


Given that,

The speed of the ball, u = 34 m/s

The ball is 0.310 m from the elbow joint.

We need to find the angular velocity (in rad/s) of the forearm.

We know that,

[tex]v=r\omega\\\\\omega=\dfrac{v}{r}\\\\\omega=\dfrac{34}{0.31}\\\\\omega=109.67\ rad/s[/tex]

So, the required angular velocity of the forearm is 109.67 rad/s.

B.F.Skinner emphesized the importance of-----?



BFSkinner enfatizó la importancia de   creía en la importancia de desarrollar la psicología experimental y dejar atrás el psicoanálisis y las teorías acerca de la mente basadas en el simple sentido común.


He gave emphasis on the importance of reinforcement in language acquisition. He gave one of the earliest scientific explanations of language acquisition in 1957. He accounted for language development using the influence of the environment.

the current through a wire is measured as the potential difference is varied what is the wire resistance



Resistance, R = 0.02 Ohms


Ohm's law states that at constant temperature, the current flowing in an electrical circuit is directly proportional to the voltage applied across the two points and inversely proportional to the resistance in the electrical circuit.

Mathematically, Ohm's law is given by the formula;

V = IR


V is the voltage or potential difference.

I is the current.

R is the resistance.

From the attachment, we would pick the following values on the graph of current against voltage;

Voltage, V = 0.5 V

Current = 25 A

To find resistance;

R = V/I

R = 0.5/2.5

Resistance, R = 0.02 Ohms


Resistance (R) is the inverse of slope i.e change in current with respect to change in voltage.

A fan that is rotating at 960 rev/s is turned off. It makes 1500 revolutions before it comes to a stop. a) What was its angular acceleration(assuming it was constant)



α = 1930.2 rad/s²


The angular acceleration can be found by using the third equation of motion:

[tex]2\alpha \theta=\omega_f^2-\omega_i^2[/tex]


α = angular acceleration = ?

θ = angular displacement = (1500 rev)(2π rad/1 rev) = 9424.78 rad

ωf = final angular speed = 0 rad/s

ωi = initial angular speed = (960 rev/s)(2π rad/1 rev) = 6031.87 rad/s


[tex]2\alpha(9424.78\ rad) = (0\ rad/s)^2-(6031.87\ rad/s)^2\\\\\alpha = -\frac{(6031.87\ rad/s)^2}{(2)(9424.78\ rad)}[/tex]

α = - 1930.2 rad/s²

negative sign shows deceleration

An object moves in a direction parallel to its length with a velocity that approaches the velocity of light. The length of this object, as measured by a stationary observer:________

a. approaches infinity.
b. approaches zero.
c. increases slightly.
d. does not change.



b. approaches zero.


The phenomenon is known as length contraction.

Length contraction is a result of Einstein's special theory of relativity. This theory states that an observer in an inertial frame of reference will observe a decrease in the length of any moving object placed at another inertial frame of reference.

let the length of the train = L

Let the length observed when the train is in motion = L₀

Apply Einstein's special theory of relativity;

[tex]L_0 = L \times \sqrt{1 - \frac{v^2}{c^2} } \\\\where;\\\\v \ is \ the \ velocity \ of \ the \ train\\\\c \ is \ the \ speed \ of \ light\\\\[/tex]

from the equation above, when v = 0, the length observed is equal to the initial length of the train. (L₀ = L)

As the velocity of the train (v) approaches the speed of light (c), the length of the train observed (L₀) becomes smaller than the initial length of the train (L).  (L₀ < L)

Eventually, when v equals c, we will have a square root of zero (0), and the length observed will become zero.  (L₀ = 0)

Thus, the length of this object, as measured by a stationary observer approaches zero

What bet force is required to stop a 2250 kg car if the decelerates at a rate of -4.3 m/s^2 please answer fast



Force = Mass × Acceleration

[tex]{ \tt{force = 2250 \times 4.3}} \\ = { \tt{9675 \: newtons}}[/tex]

A 3.00-kg ball swings rapidly in a complete vertical circle of radius 2.00 m by a light string that is fixed at one end. The ball moves so fast that the string is always taut and perpendicular to the velocity of the ball. As the ball swings from its lowest point to its highest point Group of answer choices the work done on it by gravity is -118 J and the work done on it by the tension in the string is zero. the work done on it by gravity is -118 J and the work done on it by the tension in the string is 118 J. the work done on it by gravity and the work done on it by the tension in the string are both equal to -118 J. the work done on it by gravity is 118 J and the work done on it by the tension in the string is -118 J. the work done on it by gravity and the work done on it by the tension in the string are both equal to zero.



The ball moves from lowest to highest point:

W = M g h = 3 * 9.8 * 4 = 118 J

This is work done "against" gravity so work done by gravity is -118 J

The tension of the string does no work because the tension does not

move thru any distance   W = T * x = 0 because the length of the string is fixed.

friction between two flat surfaces can be divided into two categories. what are the two most common kinds of friction?



kinetic and static


hope it helps! ^w^

A boy of mass 50 kg on a motor bike is moveny coith 20m/see what is hio k.E​


Kinetic energy=a half mv squared
1/2 multiply 50 multiply 20 squared
1/2 multiply 50 multiply 400
1/2 multiply 20000
1 multiply 20000 divide 2
20000 divide 2=1000

Kinetic energy=1000J

True or False: The forces applied by our muscles on our bones are usually several times larger than the forces we exert on the outside world with our limbs.





This is because of the point where the forces are applied by our muscles and

the angle they have about the bones. Take for example the  diagram I uploaded.

If we do a free body diagram and a sum of torques, we would get that:

[tex]F_{muscle}sin \theta r1 - mg r2 = 0[/tex]

In this case, mg is the same in magnitude as the force made by the hand to hold the ball, so:

[tex]F_{muscle}sin \theta r_{1} - F_{hand} r_{2} = 0[/tex]

If we solve the equation for the force of the muscle we would get that:

[tex]F_{muscle}=\frac{F_{hand}r_{2}}{r_{1}sin \theta}[/tex]

Since r2 is greater than r1 and the sin function can only return values that are less than 1, this means that the force of the muscle is much greater than the force used by the hand to hold the weight.

Let's use some standard values to prove this, let's say that r1=10cm, r2=35cm and theta=60 degrees. When inputing the values into the equation we get:

[tex]F_{muscle}=\frac{F_{hand}(35cm)}{(10cm)sin (60^{o})}[/tex]

which yields:

[tex]F_{muscle}=4.04 F_{hand}[/tex]

so in this example, the force made by the muscle is 4 times as big as the force exerted by the hand.

plz help me with hw A bus of mass 1000 kg moving with a speed of 90km/hr stops after 6 sec by applying brakes then calculate the distance travelled and amount of force applied.​



Mass, M = 1000 kg

Speed, v = 90 km/h = 25 m/s

time, t = 6 sec.


[tex]{ \tt{distance = speed \times time }} \\ { \tt{distance = 25 \times 6}} \\ { \tt{distance = 150 \: m}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \tt{force = mass \times acceleration}} \\ { \bf{but \: for \: acceleration : }} \\ from \: second \: equation \: of \: motion : \\ { \bf{s = ut + \frac{1}{2} {at}^{2} }} \\ \\ { \tt{150 = (0 \times 6) + ( \frac{1}{2} \times a \times {6}^{2} ) }} \\ \\ { \tt{acceleration = 8.33 \: {ms}^{ - 2} }} \\ \\ { \tt{force = 1000 \times 8.33}} \\ { \tt{force = 8333.3 \: newtons}}[/tex]

What is the approximate radius of an equipotential spherical surface of 30 V about a point charge of +15 nC if the potential at an infinite distance from the surface is zero?



V = k Q / R       potential at distance R for a charge Q

R = k Q / V

R = 9 * 10E9 * 15 * 10E-9 / 30 = 9 * 15 / 30 = 4.5 m

Note: Our equation says that if R if infinite then V must be zero.

A spinning wheel having a mass of 20 kg and a diameter of 0.5 m is positioned to rotate about its vertical axis with a constant angular acceleration, a of 6 rad/s If the initial angular velocity is 1.5 rad/s, determine The maximum angular velocity and linear velocity of the wheel after 1 complete revolution.



ωf = 8.8 rad/s

v = 2.2 m/s


We will use the third equation of motion to find the maximum angular velocity of the wheel:

[tex]2\alpha \theta = \omega_f^2 -\omega_I^2[/tex]


α = angular acceleration = 6 rad/s²

θ = angular displacemnt = 1 rev = 2π rad

ωf = max. final angular velocity = ?

ωi = initial angular velocity = 1.5 rad/s


[tex]2(6\ rad/s^2)(2\pi\ rad)=\omega_f^2-(1.5\ rad/s)^2\\\omega_f^2=75.4\ rad/s^2+2.25\ rad/s^2\\\omega_f = \sqrt{77.65\ rad/s^2}[/tex]

ωf = 8.8 rad/s

Now, for linear velocity:

v = rω = (0.25 m)(8.8 rad/s)

v = 2.2 m/s

A Man has 5o kg mass man in the earth and find his weight​



49 N



Mass ( m ) = 50 kg

To find : Weight ( W ) = ?

Take the value of acceleration due to gravity as 9.8 m/s^2

Formula : -

W = mg

W = 50 x 9.8

W = 49 N

A free undamped spring/mass system oscillates with a period of 4 seconds. When 10 pounds are removed from the spring, the system then has a period of 2 seconds. What was the weight of the original mass on the spring? (Round your answer to one decimal place.)



13.3 pounds.


For a spring of constant K, with an attached object of mass M, the period can be written as:

T = 2*π*√(M/K)

Where π = 3.14

First, we know that the period is 4 seconds, then we have:

4s = (2*π)*√(M/K)

We know that if the mass is reduced by 10lb, the period becomes 2s.

Then the new mass of the object will be: (M - 10lb)

Then the period equation becomes:

2s = (2*π)*√((M-10lb)/K)

So we have two equations:

4s = (2*π)*√(M/K)

2s = (2*π)*√((M-10lb)/K)

We want to solve this for M.

First, we need to isolate K in one of the equations.

Let's isolate K in the first one:

4s = (2*π)*√(M/K)

(4s/2*π) = √(M/K)

(2s/π)^2 = M/K

K = M/(2s/π)^2 = M*(π/2s)^2

Now we can replace it in the other equation.

2s = (2*π)*√((M-10lb)/K)

First, let's simplify the equation:

2s/(2*π) = √((M-10lb)/K)

1s/π =  √((M-10lb)/K)

(1s/π)^2 =  ((M-10lb)/K

K*(1s/π)^2 = M - 10lb

Now we can use the equation: K =  M*(π/2s)^2

then we get:

K*(1s/π)^2 = M - 10lb

(M*(π/2s)^2)*(1s/π)^2 = M - 10lb

M/4 = M - 10lb

10lb = M - M/4

10lb = (3/4)*M

10lb*(4/3) = M

13.3 lb = M

you decide to work part time at a local supermarket. The job pays eight dollars and 60 per hour and you work 20 hours per week. Your employer withhold 10% of your gross pay federal taxes, 7.65% for FICA taxes, and 5% for state taxes


I guess that we want to find how much money you get each week.

We know that the job pays $8.60 per hour.

We know that you work 20 hours per week.

Then the gross pay (the total money that you earn) in a week is 20 times $8.60, or:

20*$8.60 = $172.

Now we know that your employer witholds:

10% + 7.65% + 5% = 22.65%

Then your employer withholds 22.65% of your gross pay.

if the 100% of your gross pay is $172

Then the 22.65% will be:

(22.65%/100%)*$172 = 0.2265*$172 = $38.96

This means that your employer withholds $38.96 of your weekly gross pay.

Then each week you get:

$172 - $38.96 = $133.04

If you want to learn more, you can read:


A magnetic force acting on an electric charge in a uniform magnetic field what happend






The charge moves to equilibrium.

E.e = B.e.V

E is electric field force.

e is the charge.

B is magnetic field force.

V is acceleration voltage.

A falcon is hovering above the ground, then suddenly pulls in its wings and begins to fall toward the ground. Air resistance is not negligible.
Identify the forces on the falcon.
a. Kinetic friction
b. Weight w
c. Static friction
d. Drag D
e. Normal force n
f. Thrust
g. Tension T




When a falcon is hovering, the force of up thrust is balanced by the weight.

When it begins to fall towards the ground, the weight acts downwards, kinetic friction is upwards, drag is upwards, normal force is upwards, thrust is upwards.

(a) What is the efficiency of an out-of-condition professor who does 1.90 ✕ 105 J of useful work while metabolizing 500 kcal of food energy? % (b) How many food calories would a well-conditioned athlete metabolize in doing the same work with an efficiency of 25%? kcal



a) The energy efficiency of the out-of-condition professor is 9.082 %.

b) The food calories needed by the well-conditioned athlete is 181.644 kilocalories.


a) The energy efficiency of the food metabolization ([tex]\eta[/tex]), no unit, is defined by following formula:

[tex]\eta = \frac{W}{E}\times 100\,\%[/tex] (1)


[tex]W[/tex] - Useful work, in joules.

[tex]E[/tex] - Food energy, in joules.

If we know that [tex]W = 1.90\times 10^{5}\,J[/tex] and [tex]E = 2.092\times 10^{6}\,J[/tex], the energy efficiency of the food metabolization is:

[tex]\eta = \frac{1.90\times 10^{5}\,J}{2.092\times 10^{6}\,J} \times 100\,\%[/tex]

[tex]\eta = 9.082\,\%[/tex]

The energy efficiency of the out-of-condition professor is 9.082 %.

b) If we know that [tex]W = 1.90\times 10^{5}\,J[/tex] and [tex]\eta = 25\,\%[/tex], then the quantity of food energy is:

[tex]E = \frac{W}{\eta}\times 100\,\%[/tex]

[tex]E = 1.90\times 10^{5}\,J\times \frac{100\,\%}{25\,\%}[/tex]

[tex]E = 7.60\times 10^{5}\,J[/tex]

[tex]E = 181.644\,kcal[/tex]

The food calories needed by the well-conditioned athlete is 181.644 kilocalories.

The Sun is a type G2 star. Type G stars (from G0 to G9) have a range of temperatures from 5200 to 5900. What is the range of log(T) for G stars? Show your work



log T = 3.72 to 3.77


Temperature range is

T = 5200 to 5900

Take the log


log T = log 5200 to log 5900

log T = 3.72 to 3.77

A frictionless spring with a 9-kg mass can be held stretched 1.8 meters beyond its natural length by a force of 80 newtons. If the spring begins at its equilibrium position, but a push gives it an initial velocity of 1.5 m/sec, find the position of the mass after tt seconds. meters



the required solution is; x(t) = 0.675sin( 2.222t )


Given the data in the question;

Using both Newton's and Hooke's law;

m[tex]x^{ff[/tex] + k[tex]x[/tex] = 0, [tex]x[/tex](0) = 0, [tex]x^f[/tex](0) = 1.5

given that mass m = 9 kg

[tex]x[/tex] = 1.8 m

k is F / x


k = F / x

given that, F = 80 N

we substitute

k = 80 / 1.8

k = 44.44


m[tex]x^{ff[/tex] + k[tex]x[/tex] = 0,

we input

9[tex]x^{ff[/tex] + 44.44[tex]x[/tex] = 0,

[tex]x^{ff[/tex] + 4.9377[tex]x[/tex] = 0

so auxiliary equation is,

r² + 4.9377 = 0

r² = -4.9377

r = √-4.9377

r = ±2.222i

hence, the solution will  be;

x(t) = A×cos( 2.222t ) + B×sin( 2.222t )

⇒ [tex]x^t[/tex](t) = -2.222Asin( 2.222t ) + 2.222Bcos( 2.222t )

using initial conditions

x(0) = 0

⇒ 0 = A

[tex]x^t[/tex](t) = 1.5

1.5 = 2.222B


B = 1.5 / 2.222 = 0.675

Hence, the required solution is; x(t) = 0.675sin( 2.222t )

In what kind of reaction is water (H20) broken down into hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2)?

A. Combination
B. Decomposition
C. Displacement
D. Combustion ​



Answer is B (Decomposition)

Sorry I really see ur questions but I don't know the answer but next time I will try to answer sorry:(

Find the ratio of the Coulomb electric force Fe to the gravitational force Fo between two
electrons in vacuum.



thus the coulomb force is F – 8.19x10-8N. this is also an attractive force, although it is traditionally shown as positive since gravitational force is always attractive. the ratio of the magnitude of the electrostatic force to gravitational force in this case is,thus,FFG – 2.27x1039 F F G – 2.27x 10 39.

What is the maximum wavelength, in nm, of light that can eject an electron from a metal with Φ =4.50 x 10–19 J?




The minimum energy needed to kick out an electron from a metal's surface is when the energy of the incident radiation is equal to the metal's work function [tex]\phi[/tex]:

[tex]E = h\nu - \phi = \dfrac{hc}{\lambda} - \phi = 0[/tex]


[tex]\dfrac{hc}{\lambda} = \phi[/tex]

Solving for the wavelength [tex]\lambda[/tex],

[tex]\lambda = \dfrac{hc}{\phi}[/tex]


[tex]\:\:\:\:\:= 4.4×10^{-7}\:\text{m}[/tex]

Note that as the radiation's wavelength increases, its energy decreases. So a radiation whose wavelength is longer than this maximum will lose its ability to kick out an electron from this metal.

The maximum wavelength, in nm, of light that can eject an electron from the metal, given the data is 441.73 nm.

To find the wavelength, the given values are,

Energy (E) = 4.50×10¯¹⁹ J

What is wavelength?

The distance between two consecutive crests and troughs is called the wavelength of a wave.

Here, for the wavelength,

Energy (E) = 4.50×10¯¹⁹ J

Planck's constant (h) = 6.626×10¯³⁴ Js

Speed of light (v) = 3×10⁸ m/s

The wavelength of the light can be obtained as illustrated below:

E = hv / λ

Cross multiply λ,

E × λ = hv

Divide both sides by E,

λ = hv / E

Substituting all the values,

λ = (6.626×10¯³⁴ × 3×10⁸) / 4.50×10¯¹⁹

λ = 0.000000441733 m

λ = 441.73nm

λ - The maximum wavelength of light.

Thus, the wavelength of the light that can eject an electron from the metal is 441.73 nm

Learn more about wavelength,



A soap bubble was slowly enlarged from a radius of 4cm to 6cm. The amount of work necessary for enlargement was 1.5 x 10^-4 joules. Calculate the surface tension of the soap bubble.​



[tex]T=3*10^-3 N/m[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Radius :


Work [tex]W=1.5 * 10^{-4}[/tex]

Generally the equation for Work done  is mathematically given by



[tex]dA=A_2-A_1\\\\dA=(2 \pi r_2^2)(2 \pi r_1^2)[/tex]

[tex]dA=8 \pi*(r_2^2-r_1^2)\\\\dA=8*3.142*(0.06^2-0.04^2)[/tex]




[tex]T=\frac{1.5 * 10^{-4}}{0.05m^2}[/tex]

[tex]T=3*10^-3 N/m[/tex]

The barometer of a mountain hiker reads 980 mbars at the beginning of a hiking trip and 790 mbars at the end. Neglecting the effect of altitude on local gravitational acceleration, determine the vertical distance climbed. A


Complete Question

The barometer of a mountain hiker reads 980 mbars at the beginning of a hiking trip and 790 mbars at the end. Neglecting the effect of altitude on local gravitational acceleration, determine the vertical distance climbed. Assume an average air density of 1.20kg/m^2




From the question we are told that:

Initial Pressure [tex]P_1=980mbar=>98000Pa[/tex]

Final Pressure [tex]P_2=790mbar=>79000Pa[/tex]

Density [tex]\rho=1.20kg/m^2[/tex]

Generally the equation for Height climbed is mathematically given by




Hannah wants to create a record keeping system to track the inventory needed to efficiently run her lawn and landscape business, such as spare parts, gas cans, string trimmers, etc. Her crew manager will also be using the system. Hannah is considering whether to use Excel or Access. Which one of the following is NOT a benefit of using Access?

a. More data storage
b. Multiuser capability
c. Easier setup
d. Additional reporting features



c). Easier setup


As per the question, 'easier setup' cannot be characterized as the advantage of using Access because it comprises of plenty of steps that must be followed in the sequential order to establishing a database or carrying transactions based on time. However, there are plenty of advantages of using Microsoft access like 'enhanced and increased storage of data,' 'hassle free database systems,' 'easy importing of data,' 'highly economical,' 'capability to allow multiple users,' 'extra features for reporting,' and much more. Hence, option c is the correct answer.

A CD is spinning on a CD player. In 12 radians, the cd has reached an angular speed of 17 r a d s by accelerating with a constant acceleration of 3 r a d s 2 . What was the initial angular speed of the CD



The initial angular speed of the CD is equal to 14.73 rad/s.


Given that,

Angular displacement, [tex]\theta=12\ rad[/tex]

Final angular speed, [tex]\omega_f=17\ rad/s[/tex]

The acceleration of the CD,[tex]\alpha =3\ rad/s^2[/tex]

We need to find the initial angular speed of the CD. Using third equation of kinematics to find it such that,

[tex]\omega_f^2=\omega_i^2+2\alpha \theta\\\\\omega_i^2=\omega_f^2-2\alpha \theta[/tex]

Put all the values,

[tex]\omega_i^2=(17)^2-2\times 3\times 12\\\\\omega_i=\sqrt{217}\\\\\omega_i=14.73\ rad/s[/tex]

So, the initial angular speed of the CD is equal to 14.73 rad/s.

How does an airpump work? ​


The inlet and the outlet are used to direct the flow of air, while the piston is used to generate the flow of air. When the piston is pulled up, air gets sucked into the pump through the inlet. ... When the piston is forced down, the air becomes compressed and closes the inlet. Then the air flows out from the outlet.
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