A political candidate has asked his/her assistant to conduct a poll to determine the percentage of people in the community that supports him/her. If the candidate wants a 3% margin of error at a 90% confidence level, what size of sample is needed


Answer 1


A sample size of 752 is needed.

Step-by-step explanation:

In a sample with a number n of people surveyed with a probability of a success of [tex]\pi[/tex], and a confidence level of [tex]1-\alpha[/tex], we have the following confidence interval of proportions.

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which

z is the z-score that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

The margin of error is of:

[tex]M = z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

90% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.1[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{0.1}{2} = 0.95[/tex], so [tex]Z = 1.645[/tex].

If the candidate wants a 3% margin of error at a 90% confidence level, what size of sample is needed?

We have no estimate of the proportion, so we use [tex]\pi = 0.5[/tex].

The sample size is n for which M = 0.03. So

[tex]M = z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.03 = 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.5*0.5}{n}}[/tex]

[tex]0.03\sqrt{n} = 1.645*0.5[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{n} = \frac{1.645*0.5}{0.03}[/tex]

[tex](\sqrt{n})^2 = (\frac{1.645*0.5}{0.03})^2[/tex]

[tex]n = 751.67[/tex]

Rounding up:

A sample size of 752 is needed.

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How many arrangements of the letters in the word "SCHOOLS" are there?



After careful consideration the answer is...


Hope I helped




Step-by-step explanation:


what are the zeros in this equation?
f(x) = 2x^2 + 6x^2 + 2


So you definately wrote something wrong but I will assume the 6x^2 was meant to be just 6x.

2x^2 + 6x + 2 = 0

x^2 + 3x + 1 = 0

I can't seem to find a better way than to simply use the quadratic formula:

(-3 + sqrt(9 - 4*1*1))/2 [tex]\approx[/tex] -0.382

(-3 - sqrt(9 - 4*1*1))/2 [tex]\approx[/tex] -2.62

So the zeroes for this function are at

(-0.382, 0) and (-2.62, 0)

Or exactly:

((-3 + sqrt(9 - 4*1*1))/2, 0) and ((-3 - sqrt(9 - 4*1*1))/2, 0)

P=2L+2W; L=57, W=148 solve for P



[tex]{ \bf{P = 2L + 2W}} \\ { \tt{P = 2(W + L)}} \\ { \tt{P = 2(148 + 57)}} \\ { \tt{P = 410}}[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:


which algebraic expression represents this phrase? the product of 16 and the time after the start A. 16· t B. 16-t C. 16/t D. 16+ t



the answer is C. 16/t

Step-by-step explanation:

The fourth term of an=(1/2)^n is




Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for the sequence [tex]a_n=\frac{1}{2}^n[/tex] is used to find the [tex]n[/tex]th term of the sequence.

To find the fourth term, substitute [tex]n=4[/tex]:

[tex]a_4=\left(\frac{1}{2})\right ^4,\\a_4=\frac{1^4}{2^4}=\boxed{\frac{1}{16}}[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

the nth term is

[tex]a_{n} = (\frac{1}{2} )^{n}[/tex]

the 4th term is found by substituting n=4

[tex]a_{4} =(\frac{1}{2} )^{4} = \frac{1^{4} }{2^{4} } = \frac{1}{16}[/tex]

Evaluate the following expressions


Step-by-step explanation:





someone find x for me lol


Hi there!

[tex]\large\boxed{x = 60^o}[/tex]

We know:

∠AGB ≅ ∠DGC because they are vertical angles. They both are 90°.

∠AGE ≅ FGC because they are vertical angles, equal 30°.

∠BGF ≅ ∠DGE are vertical angles, both equal x.

All angles sum up to 360°, so:

360° = 90° + 90° + 30° + 30° + x + x


360° = 240° + 2x


120°  = 2x

x = 60°

Two cars that are 150 miles apart start driving toward each other on parallel roads. The average speed of the first car is 60 miles per hour. The average speed of the second car is 55 miles per hour. Which equation can be used to determine t, the time it takes for the two cars to pass each other? A table showing Rate in mile per hour, Time in hours, and Distance in miles. The first row shows First Car and has 60, t, and 60 t. The second row shows Second Car and has, 55, t, and 55 t.



60t + 55t = 150

Step-by-step explanation:

I took the test. I know it's correct!!!

Solve for m∠WUV if m∠TUV= 100 and m∠TUW = 60.




Step-by-step explanation:

100 + 60 = 160

There are 180 degrees in a triangle so we do 180-160 = 20

here bro hope you answer,if you can't just blank it:)​



DIRECTION: On your activity notebook, answer each of the following:

A. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Determine whether each statement is true or false. If the statement is false, explain why.

1. The total area under the normal distribution is infinite.False [its 1]

2. The standard normal distribution is a continuous distribution .True.

3. All variables that are approximately normally distributed can be transformed to standard normal variables.True

4. The z value corresponding to a number below the mean is always negative true..

5. The area under the standard normal distribution to the left of z-0 is negative.


To the nearest 100th feet, find the volume of a hollow cylinder having inner radius =150 in, outer radius= 170 in and the height = 220 in



R1 = 150 in = 12.5 ft

R2 = 170 in = 14.167 ft

H = 220 in = 18.333 ft

Volume of solid cylinder = Pi * R^2 * H

So the volume of a hollow cylinder must be V = Pi * H * (R2^2 - R1^2)

V = 3.142 * 18.33 * (14.17^2 - 12.5^2) = 2565 ft^3


Students in a school were surveyed about their study habits. Forty-two percent of students said they study on weeknights and weekends, 47% said they studied on weekends, and 65% said they study either on weeknights or weekends. If you were to pick one student at random, what is the probability that he or she studies on a weeknight?



0.6 = 60% probability that he or she studies on a weeknight.

Step-by-step explanation:

We solve this question treating these events as Venn probabilities.

I am going to say that:

Probability A: Probability of a student studying on weeknights.

Probability B: Probability of a student studying on weekends.

Forty-two percent of students said they study on weeknights and weekends

This means that [tex]P(A \cap B) = 0.42[/tex]

47% said they studied on weekends

This means that [tex]P(B) = 0.47[/tex]

65% said they study either on weeknights or weekends.

This is [tex]P(A \cup B) = 0.65[/tex]

If you were to pick one student at random, what is the probability that he or she studies on a weeknight?

This is P(A), and the equation used is:

[tex]P(A \cup B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A \cap B)[/tex]

Considering the values we have:

[tex]0.65 = P(A) + 0.47 - 0.42[/tex]

[tex]0.05 + P(A) = 0.65[/tex]

[tex]P(A) = 0.6[/tex]

0.6 = 60% probability that he or she studies on a weeknight.

Answer: 60% joaobezerra Is Right, and Confirmed by Buzz (Acceleration Education)

Step-by-step explanation:

We solve this question by treating these events as Venn probabilities. Forty-two percent of students said they study on weeknights and weekends. This means that 47% said they studied on weekends. This means that 65% said they study either on weeknights or weekends. This is If you were to pick one student at random, what is the probability that he or she studies on a weeknight?

0.6 = 60% that he or she studies on a weeknight.

(02.02)At the Fast-Pack It shipping, the employees can unload 25 trucks in 5 hours. Which of the following is a correct unit rate for this situation?
O 5 hours per truck
1 truck per hour
of a truck per hour
of of an hour per truck



1 truck per hour

Step-by-step explanation:

Responde las preguntas 10 y 11 con base al siguiente gráfico. A 10. ¿Cuáles son los nombres de los ángulos de color azul y rojo respectivamente? A. Obtuso y llano. B. Llano y obtuso. C. Obtuso y agudo. D. Agudo y llano. 11. ¿Cuáles son los colores de un ángulo agudo y uno recto respectivamente? A. Naranja y verde. B. Morado y rojo. C. Morado y naranja. D. Verde y naranja. firmaciones ac​



10) Los ángulos en azul y rojo son llano y obtuso, respectivamente. (Respuesta: B)

11) Los ángulos agudo y recto están diferenciados por los colores morado y naranja, respectivamente. (Respuesta: C)

Step-by-step explanation:

Basándonos estrictamente en lo descrito en la figura, tenemos la siguiente clasificación por colores:

Agudo - Morado.

Plano o Recto - Naranja.

Obtuso - Rojo.

Llano - Azul.

Completo - Negro.

A continuación, se consigna las respuestas en forma de oración:

10) Los ángulos en azul y rojo son llano y obtuso, respectivamente. (Respuesta: B)

11) Los ángulos agudo y recto están diferenciados por los colores morado y naranja, respectivamente. (Respuesta: C)

Please please help me


i dont really know.....

What is the pre-image of vertex A' if the image shown
on the graph was created by a reflection across the y-
(-8. -6)
4-6. 8)
06. -



(- 6, 8 )

Step-by-step explanation:

Under a reflection in the y- axis

a point (x, y ) → (- x, y ) , then

A' (6, 8 ) → A (- 6, 8 )

Then the pre-image of A' is A (- 6, 8 )

The pre-image of vertex A' would be (-8, 6) on the graph was created by a reflection across the y- axis

The pre-image of vertex A' after a reflection across the y-axis can be found by taking the corresponding point on the other side of the y-axis.

If the image is shown on the graph, and vertex A' is located at (8, 6), then the pre-image of vertex A' would be the point on the opposite side of the y-axis, which has the same x-coordinate but the opposite sign for the y-coordinate.

So, the pre-image of vertex A' would be (-8, 6).

To know more about  vertex , here



Robin will choose a movie from the Red Box when all movies are in stock. If she
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choose a Romance?



i’m doing this to high ten the characters i don’t think this answer is right i just need to rank up sorry queen or king

One number is 2 less than a second number.
Twice the second number is 16 more than 4 times
the first. Find the two numbers.



x = one number

y = second number


x = y - 3

2y = 4x - 16

Multiply the first equation by 2 and substitute the second equation into it.

2(x=y-3) : 2x = 2y - 6


2x = (4x - 16) - 6

Combine like terms

2x = 4x - 22

2x - 2x + 22 = 4x - 2x -22 + 22

22 = 2x

22/2 = 2x/2

11 = x

Step-by-step explanation:

Simplify the expression3x 3√648x4y8



= 1296x √ xy

Step-by-step explanation:

Apply exponent rule: a^b . a^c = a^b + c    3 . 3 = 3^ 1 + 1

= x . 3^1+1 √648x . 4y . 8

Add the numbers: 1 + 1 = 2

= x . 3^2 √648x . 4y . 8

= 3^2 . 144x √ xy


= 1296x √ xy

Find the height of a cone with a diameter of 12 m whose volume is 226m Use 3.14 for pi and round your answer to the nearest meter​




Step-by-step explanation:

h=3(/V πr^2)=3(226/ π·6^2)≈5.99484

round to 6

ALEKS questions driving me insane






Step-by-step explanation:


k bestie here we go again...

Initial price:  $3200

Function represents growth

Price increases by 4.1% every year

yo so ill give you a trick

the very first number in the equation is ALWAYS the initial price for exponential functions

if the decimal in the parantheses has a 1 in front of it (e.g. 1.041) it's ALWAYS going to be growth

To find how much it increases move the decimal forward by 2 places

I have 1/3 of my garden is parsely, I want to take 4/5 for lettuce. How much of my garden will be lettuce


2/5 will be lettuce for the garden





Step-by-step explanation:

The last one is the answer.

Hope this helps!



D) d=10.45t

Step-by-step explanation:

His distance(d) was 100. And his time(t) was 9.58 seconds.

So 100=9.58x


The answer is D, because 10.45 is greater than 10.44.

I hope this helps!

Determine whether the variation between the indicated quantities is direct or inverse. The number of calories in a cheese pizza and the size of the cheese pizza



The variance is direct.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since size of the pizza determines the amount of calories.

Let us say that a 2" x4" strip of pizza has 250 calories.

Then a pizza of twice the size (or 4" x 4") will have twice as many calories (500 calories) .

Home sizes in Anytown, USA have a mean of 2400 square feet and a standard deviation of 450 square feet. What is the probability that a random sample of 50 homes in Anytown, USA has mean square footage less than 2200 square feet




Step-by-step explanation:

We are given that

Mean,[tex]\mu=2400[/tex] square feet

Standard deviation, [tex]\sigma=450[/tex]square feet


We have to find the probability that a random sample of 50 homes in Anytown, USA has mean square footage less than 2200 square feet.



Using the formula




Hence, the probability that a random sample of 50 homes in Anytown, USA has mean square footage less than 2200 square feet=0.00084

Find "n" if the Standard Error of M is 4 and the population standard deviation is 16.



n = 16

Step-by-step explanation:

Givem that :

Population Standard deviation , σ = 16

Sample size, n =

Standard Error, S. E = 4

To obtain the standard Error, S. E, we use the relation :

S.E = σ / √n

4 = 16 / √n

√n * 4 = 16

Divide both sides by 4

(√n * 4) / 4 = 16 / 4

√n = 4

Square both sides

n = 4²

n = 16

Hence, Sample size = 16

Use the fact that 1 square mile=640 acres to find the area of a property that measures 7 hectares is for sale.
a. How large is the property in​ acres?
b. If the property is selling for $150,000​, what is the price per​ acre?



a) The property has 17.3 acres.

b) The price per acre is of $8,670.5.

Step-by-step explanation:

The questions are solved by proportions, using a rule of three.

a. How large is the property in​ acres?

Each hectare has 2.47105 acres.

So 7 hectares will have:

7*2.47105 = 17.3.

The property has 17.3 acres.

b. If the property is selling for $150,000​, what is the price per​ acre?

17.3 acres for $150,000. So

150000/17.3 = $8,670.5.

The price per acre is of $8,670.5.

The cost function in a computer manufacturing plant is C(x) = 0.28x^2-0.7x+1, where C(x) is the cost per hour in millions of dollars and x is the number of items produced per hour in thousands. Determine the minimum production cost.


9514 1404 393


  $562,500 per hour

Step-by-step explanation:

The cost will be a minimum where C'(x) = 0.

 C'(x) = 0.56x -0.7 = 0

  x = 0.7/0.56 = 1.25

The cost at that production point is ...

  C(1.25) = (0.28×1.25 -0.7)1.25 +1 = -0.35×1.25 +1 = 0.5625

The minimum production cost is $562,500 per hour for production of 1250 items per hour.


Additional comment

This is different than the minimum cost per item. This level of production gives a per-item cost of $450. The minimum cost per item is $358.30 at a production level of 1890 per hour.

When a < 0 in the quadratic function y = ax2 + bx + C, the graph of the quadratic function opens _____?




Step-by-step explanation:

Given the quadratic function in standard form

y = ax² + bx + c ( a ≠ 0 )

• If a > 0 then the graph opens upwards

• If a < 0 then the graph opens downwards

Find f(5) for f(x) = 6 (3)





f=3 2/5

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