A psychologist exploring the impact of a new drug on activity in the brain is working on the level of ?


Answer 1


A. Lower level


Related Questions

why is the product MILO not a suitable for a vegan diet


MILO and MILO products may not be suitable for a vegan diet due to:

MILO and its products consist mainly of cocoa, malt barley, sugar, and milk powder. Milk powder essentially comes from animals.A vegan is a person whose lifestyles exclude animal products, especially when it comes to diets. A vegan diet primarily consists of plant and plant products.

Hence, the fact that MILO consists of powder milk which is animal-based might make it unsuitable for a vegan diet.

More about vegan diets here: https://brainly.com/question/16160533




A Vegan diet refers to diet that contain food from plants such as maize , beans, rice, wheat e.t.c It is mainly plants source and does not contain animal source.

But MILO is also Plant based energy and it contains several vitamins and minerals to help grow a healthy body: It contain Vitamins B2 and B3 which help to support effecient energy release in the body. It contain Essential nutrients like iron, zinc which are very minute

in plant based diets. Milo contain milk which is of animal source.

Therefore, Milo product is not suitable for a vegan diet because it contains milk solids which is derive from animal source.

Identy three advantages and three disadvantages of bioplastics



Advantages of bioplastics

1.Less oil is used to produce petrochemical (oil-based) plastics which pose a great risk to the environment.

2.The common bioplastics can be injection molded and shaped to take the same form as traditional thermoplastics. In some cases, the bioplastics are stronger and lighter, too, so they are not necessarily only suitable for very niche applications.

3.Bioplastics are more marketable, for example, their usage may improve the value-add of a product through a green marketing campaign. After all, studies have shown that ‘80% of European customers want to buy products with a minimal impact on the environment,’ so bioplastics may represent a useful argument for brands.

Disadvantages of bioplastics

1.First, bioplastics are generally NOT cost-competitive compared to their oil-based counterparts. They are generally two or three times more expensive than the major conventional plastics such as PE or PET, and their production is plagued by low yields and being expensive. This disadvantage should be less acute when manufacturing plants become larger and benefit from economies of scale. A good example is Braskem’s 200,000-tonne bio polyethylene plant (equivalent to about 20% of the world’s current bioplastics production).

2.There is a concern that bioplastics based on terrestrial crops could harm food supplies; however, new innovations using food waste could be helpful in this regard and the concerns would seem to be unfounded as: ‘Perhaps 300,000 hectares are used to grow the crops which the industry processes into plastics. For comparison, this is about 0.02% of the world’s total naturally irrigated area available for cultivation. Even if half the world’s plastics were made from crops grown on food land, the industry would only require 3% of the world’s cultivated acreage.’

3.Crop-based bioplastics require fertile land, water, fertilizers, and are reliant on weather conditions. This means that the supply of raw materials for bioplastics are at risk of natural phenomena, such as drought.


Three advantages of bioplastics:

1. Saving fossil fule

2. Reduction of greenhouse gas emission

3. Reclamation of by-products

Three disadvantages of bioplastics:

1. It won't biodegrade in a landfill

2. It contaminate plastic recycling streams

3. It encourage people to litter more


Hope it will help u

Produces proteins drop down menus



Ok, then what do you need explanation for that ??

4. Which is an environmental factor that affects skin color in humans?
A. number of linked genes

B. number of genes inherited
C. amount of food consumed
D. amount of sunlight absorbed



Option D

amount of sunlight absorbed

I think its d its the answer the best
Hope its help for your question

A group of local environmentalists noticed that there were a lot of dead fish in the lake in their neighbourhood. They blamed it on agricultural activity and a substance P that was used to increase crop yield. P caused the rapid growth of aquatic plant Q which decreased the amount of dissolved R in water. What are P, Q and R? What is this process called?



P-Pesticides, Q- Algae, R- Oxygen


Need help someone knows the answer



d. landfill materials


State one reason why soil organisms need air



Soil organisms need air because to release plants nutrition to soil .

they provide nutrients into the air that are healthy

which type of scientific inquiry requires variables and control group


Answer:The correct answer will be options-a scientific question, a procedure and a conclusion


The scientific investigation is performed to answer, understand and explain the natural events or phenomenon.  The scientific investigation is performed through one of the types of scientific investigation that is descriptive, comparative, and experimental.

The common components of all types of investigation are :

1. Scientific question: the question is asked on the basis of observation made which could be answered.

2. Procedure: the sequential steps are followed to answer and test the scientific question.

3. Conclusion: the main aim of the investigation is the conclusion or inference to the scientific question which is an explanation of the question.


Dhhdbej Dundee Fiji’s

What are the physical characteristics that all specimens have in common


1. All living organisms are made of cells which perform functions necessary for that organism to survive in its environment
2. All living organisms, weather single called or multicellular, expand energy.
3. We all grow and change through the process of cell division or mitosis.
4. Reproduction (either sexually or asexually) - this allows our species to still exist.
5. Adaptation - we all adapt to an environment other species can’t.

The physical characteristics that all specimens have in common can be presence of cells, as there is no specimen given, let's take animals. A dichotomous key can be used to find the similarity.

What is a specimen?

A specimen can be anything that is displayed regarding the subject. In labs the specimens can be chemicals, animals, plants, any objects, etc.

Specimens are displayed to learn about them, to see the actual version of that animal that can not be seen easily.

Thus, Because no specimen is provided, let's take animals as an example, the presence of cells is a trait that all specimens share. To find the similarity, a dichotomous key might be utilized.

Learn more about specimens



Which is a benefit of binomial nomenclature?
1.Fewer common names
2.Increased understanding and communication
3.Reduced plant-related poisoning
4.Better understanding of genetics of plants


2) Increased understanding and communication.

Various cultures and societies shape individual names for a particular organism. However, binomial nomenclature breaks this barrier to allow the scientific community to communicate more efficiently.

For example, the panther or mountain lion can simply become Puma concolor — thus, eliminating confusion. I hope this helps.

list any 6 medical plants​




The 6 medical plants​ are :

1. Chamomile. (Flower) Considered by some to be a cure-all, chamomile is commonly used in the U.S. for anxiety and relaxation. ...

2. Echinacea. (Leaf, stalk, root) ...

3. Feverfew. (Leaf) ...

4. Garlic. (Cloves, root) ...

5. Ginger. (Root) ...

6. Gingko. (Leaf) ...

The Kirkwood gap is a gap with no asteroids as a result of the gravitational pull of____.


⇒ The Kirkwood gap is a gap with no asteroids as a result of the gravitational pull of holes. [tex]I[/tex] [tex]HOPE[/tex] [tex]I'VE[/tex] [tex]HELPED[/tex][tex]MiraculousAlejandra[/tex]

The Kirkwood gap is an asteroid belt region situated between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter that has a significant depletion of asteroids. This chasm is caused by Jupiter's gravitational pull, which causes asteroids to move around and destabilase their orbits.

What is Kirkwood gap?

The Kirkwood gap is an asteroid belt region located between the planetary orbits of Mars and Jupiter that has a significant depletion of asteroids. This chasm is caused by Jupiter's gravitational pull, which causes asteroids to migrate and destabilize their orbits.

Jupiter's gravity has a major influence on the asteroid belt, causing their orbits to grow unstable and potentially crash with other objects. As a result, asteroids in some asteroid belt regions may be expelled from their orbits or smash with other things, leaving gaps or areas with fewer asteroids.

The Kirkwood gap was named after the American scientist Daniel Kirkwood, who first observed the decrease of asteroids in this region in the year 2000.

Therefore, the Kirkwood gap is an asteroid belt region situated between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter that has a significant depletion of asteroids.

Learn more about Kirkwood gap, here:



Phosphates have been banned in most dishwashing detergents in order to
protect the environment. Why were phosphates removed from dishwasher
A. Because they buffer cells from extremes in pH
B. Because they increase the acidity of water and cause acid rain
C. Because they increase the salinity of water and pollute drinking
D. Because they cause algal blooms that starve fish of oxygen



Option D


Seventeen states banned phosphates from dishwasher detergents because the chemical compounds also pollute lakes, bays and streams. They create algae blooms and starve fish of oxygen. ... It just wasn't feasible to make detergent with phosphates for some states and without them for others

please help!! will give brainliest to whoever answers





Just try it out if not then sorry but im pretty sure its A


D Organisms that have favourable characteristics will survive and reproduce


"fitness is defined as reproductive success"


Where do convection currents occur atmophere



Convection takes place in the atmosphere, in the oceans, and in Earth's molten subcrustal asthenosphere.


A frog cannot keep in the classes pisces why​



because it has a four chambered heart


hii can you be my friend dear

because of 4 chamber of heart

hope it will help you

Question 17 of 25
Why do plants produce more carbon dioxide than oxygen during the night?
O A. Respiration produces oxygen during the day and carbon dioxide at
B. Respiration can happen without sunlight, but photosynthesis
O C. Respiration can only occur when there is no available sunlight.
O D. Photosynthesis only produces carbon dioxide during the night.





Respiration can happen without sunlight,but photosynthesis cannot.and photosynthesis doesn't take place at night,so less carbon dioxide is used up than it is produced.

I hope this helps

can you suggest me some biology experimental project work topics?​



1. General

2. Reproduction

3. Health

4. Genetic Engineering

5. Technical Experiments on Humans

6. Relationships and Media

7. War

8. Information and Communication Tech

9. Computer Science and Robotics

una persona camina durante una hora y media y corre 4 km con velocidad constante ¿cuál era su velocidad en km/h y en m/s?​


La respuesta es: su velocidad es 2.66 km/h, equivalente a 0.738 m/s.


Para conocer la velocidad de una persona que recorrió 4 km luego de caminar durante una hora y media es necesario dividir la distancia (en kilómetros) total en el tiempo (en horas). Entonces la operación sería:

4km/1,5h = 2.66 km/h.

Posteriormente, para convertir 2.66 km/h en m/s es necesario aplicar la siguiente formula

2.66 km/h *(1000 m/1 km)*(1 h/3.600 s) = 0.738 m/s.

What is the independent and dependent variable? Two groups of students were tested to compare their speed working math problems. Each group was given the same problems. One group used calculators and the other group computed without calculators



The dependent variable is the one that depends on the value of some other number. ... Another way to put it is the dependent variable is the output value and the independent variable is the input value. So for y=x+3, when you input x=2, the output is y = 5.

Hope this helps you ❤️

MaRk mE aS braiNliest ❤️

Which of the following statements about cardiac muscle is true? a. Cardiac muscle is like smooth muscle, because smooth muscle has a banded appearance. b. Cardiac muscle is like smooth muscle, because it contains no bands. c. Cardiac muscle contains bands like skeletal muscle, but its contractions are involuntary like smooth muscle. d. Cardiac muscle is like skeletal muscle, because skeletal muscle has involuntary contractions.



c. Cardiac muscle contains bands like skeletal muscle, but its contractions are involuntary like smooth muscle.


In Human anatomy, cardiac cycle can be defined as a complete heartbeat of the human heart which comprises of sequential alternating contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles, therefore causing blood to flow unidirectionally (one direction) throughout the human body.

Cardiac muscle is also referred to as myocardium and it's one of the three (3) muscles found only in the heart of vertebrates, the other two (2) being smooth muscle tissue and skeletal muscle tissue.

Cardiac muscle contains bands like skeletal muscle referred to as sarcomeres (contractile units), but its contractions are involuntary like smooth muscle and it's typically being regulated by the sinoatrial node of the heart.

Fill in the blanks:
In water and ice, the slightly ______ hydrogen atoms in one water molecule are drawn to the slightly _______ oxygen atom in another water molecule.

A. positive, negative

B. negative, positive

C. neutral, positive

D. neutral, negative



option c


The water molecule is a polar substance that has partially charged ions. The hydrogen atom is partially positive, whereas the oxygen atom is partially negative in charge. Thus, option A is correct.

What is polarity?

The polarity of the molecule is defined by the presence of the electrical charges over the elemental atom that results in the formation of the chemical bonds by the electrostatic forces.

Water is an example of a polar molecule that is linked by a covalent bond by sharing the electrons between the oxygen and the hydrogen atom of the molecule.

The hydrogen atom is said to have a partial positive charge and oxygen has a partial negative charge because of the uneven electron density. The electronegative oxygen pulls the hydrogen towards it.

Therefore, option A. hydrogen is partially positive and oxygen is partially negative.

Learn more about polarity here:



What does the word Photosynthesis mean?
A. Release of energy through the breakdown of Glucose.
B. Creating photographs.
C. Taking apart with light.
D. Putting together with light.





release of energy through the breakdown of glucose

The release of energy through the breakdown of Glucose means Photosynthesis.


Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's activities. Some of this chemical energy is stored in carbohydrate molecules, such as sugars and starches, which are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water – hence the name photosynthesis, from the Greek phōs  "light", and synthesis  "putting together" Most plants, algae, and cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis; such organisms are called photoautotrophs. Photosynthesis is largely responsible for producing and maintaining the oxygen content of the Earth's atmosphere and supplies most of the energy necessary for life on Earth.

Although photosynthesis is performed differently by different species, the process always begins when energy from light is absorbed by proteins called reaction centers that contain green chlorophyll (and other colored) pigments/chromophores. In plants, these proteins are held inside organelles called chloroplasts, which are most abundant in leaf cells, while in bacteria they are embedded in the plasma membrane. In these light-dependent reactions, some energy is used to strip electrons from suitable substances, such as water, producing oxygen gas.

Learn more about  photosynthesis



Approximately how many mutations occur naturally in DNA per 10,000 bases?
A. 2
B. 2000
C. 200
D. 20



Modern methods indicate that the mutation rate is roughly one to two mutation per 10,000 genes per generation.

In human cells, approximately TWO (2) MUTATIONS occur naturally in DNA per 10,000 bases (Option A is correct).

The mutation rate (u) refers to the occurrence of new mutations in a given nucleotide sequence over time.

In human cells, the mutation rate is approximately 10⁻⁴ per generation.

Therefore, in a DNA sequence that has 10,000 base pairs of length, this value is equal to 2 mutations per generation (u = 2 / 10,000 = 10⁻⁴).  

In conclusion, approximately 2 MUTATIONS occur naturally in DNA per 10,000 bases (Option A is correct).

Learn more in:


One moth population carries three alleles at a genetic locus: X1, X2and X3. X1is dominant to X2and X3; X1produces red antennae. X2is co-dominant to X3; X2X2produces yellow antennae, X3X3produces white antennae, and X2X3produces light yellow antennae. The phenotypes in a population are as follows: 0.04 white; 0.16 light yellow; 0.16 yellow; 0.64 red.Assuming that this population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what is the frequency of the X3allele in this population



The correct answer is - 0.20


According to Hardy Weinberg equation under specific conditions the frequencies of the allele in the gene in a given population remain constant. Thus according to this frequencies of allele and genotype will remain the same through the generation unless there will be no evolutionary influence.

It helps us to predict the genotype frequencies in a large population.  If there are two alleles having allelic frequencies p and q and we know equation of probability and frequencies add to 1


The X3X3 genome produces white antennae. Now Phenotypic frequency of the white antennae is 0.16 or 0.04 in the whole population. Hence the frequency of X3 should be a square root of 0.04 i.e, 0.20.

what is the purpose of ethical guidelines for the handling of experimental subjects



The purpose of ethical guidelines for handling of experimental subjects is to ensure the safety and well-being of all living creatures in an experiment. Ethical guidelines include issues such as human rights, animal welfare, safety compliance with the law, conflicts of interest, health standards.

The human heart weighs how many pounds


After careful consideration your answer is...

Just about 1 pound

*Hope I helped*


1 lb (pound)


it is the answer.

what is the average lifespan of a sperm cell​


[tex]Hello[/tex] [tex]There![/tex]

The answer is...

5 days at least.

Good luck!



the answer is up to 5 days

What are three blood cells in a human body







these are the three blood cells in the human body

red white and platelets

Explain how various animal species have rapidly evolved as a result of human impact.



Numerous examples of this human-induced contemporary evolution have been reported in a number of 'contexts', including hunting, harvesting, fishing, agriculture, medicine, climate change, pollution, eutrophication, urbanization, habitat fragmentation, biological invasions and emerging/disappearing diseases.


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