A pure market economy is sometimes called pure
command economy.


Answer 1




An economy is a function of how money, means of production and resources (raw materials) are carefully used to facilitate the demands and supply of goods and services to meet the unending needs or requirements of the consumers.

Basically, there are four (4) main types of economy and these are;

I. Mixed economy.

II. Command economy.

III. Traditional economy.

IV. Pure capitalism economy.

Pure capitalism also referred to as free-enterprise system or free market can be defined as a type of economy in which prices, products and services are being determined by the market rather than the government. Thus, a pure capitalism is devoid (free) of government regulations, interference or control because the market (enterprises) are the ones who are saddled with the responsibility of determining the market forces.

Simply stated, a pure capitalism is a type of economy that is completely driven by demand and supply of goods and services.

Some of the characteristics of a pure capitalism are;

I. Citizens have rights to the ownership and use of private property.

II. The consumers are free to make their economic choices or decisions such as deciding on which product to buy, which goods interest them, where to shop for goods, etc.

III. The producers are free to make their economic choices or decisions such as deciding on how much is to be charged on a product.

Hence, a pure market economy is sometimes called pure capitalism.

In conclusion, businesses operating in a pure capitalism economy have the freedom to operate for a profit with little or no government intervention.

Answer 2




A pure market economy is sometimes called pure capitalism.

Related Questions

Suppose that labor is the only variable input to the production process. If the marginal cost of production is diminishing as more units of output are​ produced, what can you say about the marginal product of​ labor? If the marginal cost of production is diminishing as more units of output are​ produced, then the marginal product of labor



Marginal product will increase.


Since the labor is only variable input and the marginal cost of production is diminishing that means the cost of producing additional unit is lower. So marginal product of labor will be increasing.

Moreover, MC = w /MPL

Thus, diminishing marginal cost will exhibit increasing marginal product of labor.

Two types of customers are served by a two-step process. Each resource is staffed by one employee. Customer A spends two minutes at resource X and five minutes at resource Y. Customer B spends five minutes at resource X and two minutes at resource Y. The demand rate per hour is 10 customer As and 15 customer Bs. Where in the process is the bottleneck and what is its implied utilization



The bottleneck is in the use of Resource X by Customer B.

The implied utilization of Resource X by Customer B = 125%.


a) Data and Calculations:

Time in minutes spent in   Resource X     Resource Y

Customer A                               2 m                 5 m

Customer B                               5 m                 2 m

                                           Customer A     Customer B

Demand per hour                     10                    15

Total usage of resources   Resource X     Resource Y   Total Time

Customer A                            20 m               50 m                70 m

Customer B                            75 m               30 m               105 m

Resource X by Customer B = demand per hour / capacity per hour

= 75/60

= 125%

¿Qué es la factura?
¿Qué es la Nota de venta?
¿En que momento se usa la factura?
¿En que momento se usa la nota de venta?
¿Por qué el bazar del barrio no da factura ni nota de venta?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, no especificas a qué país te refieres, ya que cada país tiene un régimen fiscal distinto, y los comercios están obligados a declarar impuestos de acuerdo a la legislación vigente en cada país.

Para poder responder a tus preguntas, lo haremos en términos generales ya que no mencionas cuál es tu país.

¿Qué es la factura?

La factura es el comprobante oficial al que obliga el gobierno, a través de la Secretaría de Hacienda y el Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT).  La factura es el comprobante oficial que respalda la compra-venta de un artículo, producto o servicio, y donde se demuestra que se cobro el impuesto por la adquisición de la mercancía.

¿Qué es la Nota de venta?

La nota de venta es un comprobante de control interno que no tiene validez oficial para comprobar el consumo y el cargo del impuesto. La nota de venta sólo la ampara el mismo negocio que la elaboró, el sistema de administración tributario.

¿En que momento se usa la factura?

La factura se usa cuando se requiere elaborar un comprobante oficial que posteriormente pueda ser usado en la declaración mensual de impuestos o en la declaración anual, para que se puedan deducir los impuestos retenidos.

¿En que momento se usa la nota de venta?

Cuando sólo se quiere entregar un comprobante de compra, sin aplicar el impuesto al valor agregado.

¿Por qué el bazar del barrio no da factura ni nota de venta?

Porque probablemente es un pequeño comercio, y no está obligado a facturar. Sólo a dar comprobantes. Los pequeños comercios tributan o pagan impuestos de manera diferente. Son considerados  pequeños contribuyentes y por lo regular se les asigna una cuota fija, siempre y cuando no rebasen una cantidad establecida por la autoridad hacendaria.

Platicando con el dueño de la papelería del barrio, él me comenta que el municipio sólo le pido una licencia de uso de suelo para que pueda operar su negocio. Esa licencia de funcionamiento tiene un costo único que debe ser renovad anualmente. El es pequeño comerciante y debe pagar una cuota fija de manera trimestral.

Willingness to pay Group of answer choices measures the value that a buyer places on a good. is the amount a seller actually receives for a good minus the minimum amount the seller is willing to accept. is the maximum amount a buyer is willing to pay minus the minimum amount a seller is willing to accept. is the amount a buyer is willing to pay for a good minus the amount the buyer actually pays for it.



measures the value that a buyer places on a good.


A product can be defined as any physical object or material that typically satisfy and meets the demands, needs or wants of customers. Some examples of a product are mobile phones, television, microphone, microwave oven, bread, pencil, freezer, beverages, soft drinks, etc.

Willingness to pay measures the value that a buyer places on a good or product. Thus, when this value is high, the customer would ultimately buy a product and vice-versa.

Charlotte knows that John's support will be essential in having her proposal accepted by senior management, so she meets with him informally. "I'd like to get your thoughts on the best approach on getting the staff trained on the new software," she says. "What are your thoughts on the next steps I need to take to get management's approval?" Which influence tactic is Charlotte using?





From the question we are informed about Charlotte knows that John's support will be essential in having her proposal accepted by senior management, so she meets with him informally. "I'd like to get your thoughts on the best approach on getting the staff trained on the new software," she says. "What are your thoughts on the next steps I need to take to get management's approval?" In this case, influence tactic is Charlotte using consultation.

Consultation can be regarded as an influence agent's that seeks help from others by directly influencing another person or group. This tactic focuses on ways to gett others so they can participate in a particular planning process as well as making decisions. This tactic also encourage changes. In this tactic the person that is needed to make participation is first put in good mood before the making of a request, this could be through been friendly or being helpful to him or her.

Emily is a writer, and uses her tablet computer to write a 500-page novel that she sells to a publishing company for $500,000. If the publisher prints 1 million copies that sell for $25 each, what is the contribution to GDP of Emily's novel





Gross domestic product is the total sum of final goods and services produced in an economy within a given period which is usually a year

GDP calculated using the expenditure approach = Consumption spending by households + Investment spending by businesses + Government spending + Net export

Items not included in the calculation off GDP includes:  

1. services not rendered to oneself

2. Activities not reported to the government  

3. illegal activities

4. sale or purchase of used products

5. sale or purchase of intermediate products

Contribution to GDP =  total revenue of book - cost of selling the book to the publishing company

(25 x 1,000,000) - 500,000 = 24,500,000

Wen Co. purchased a building for $200,000. Wen paid $20,000 in lawyer and title fees. Wen also paid an additional $15,000 to modify the building in order to accommodate his business needs. Wen should record the cost of the building at: Multiple choice question. $235,000 $215,000 $220,000 $200,000 g



Cost of the building = $235000


Given  below are the following informations:

Purchased building = $200000

Title fees = $20000

Building modification = $15000

Cost of the building = Purchase price + title fees + modification expense

Cost of the building = 200000 + 20000 + 15000

Cost of the building = $235000

Diving Fiasco. Mike, who owns a dive shop in the United States, decides to take a group of his customers diving in U.S. waters. Mike is aware that sharks occasionally visit the area where the divers will be visiting. He is also aware that, while stingrays are usually tame, they can become aggressive when fed. Mike does not reveal that information to the group of divers going with him. The divers go down into the water, and some have squid with which to feed the stingrays. During the dive, one of the stingrays becomes agitated and latches onto diver Susie's arm. Susie is so disconcerted that she drops her regulator (her breathing device) from her mouth and is in considerable difficulty. Another diver, Billy, encounters a shark, which snaps at him. While the shark does not actually bite Billy, the attack results in damage to his diving equipment. Mike, who is in charge of the dive, does nothing to help and leaves the other divers to return to the boat because the dive turned out to be more trouble than expected. Wendy, another diver on the trip, also returns to the boat without doing anything to help the divers in distress. Sam, on the other hand, goes to rescue the divers who are in distress. He manages to do so but in the process he pulls his back and requires medical care. All divers are very unhappy with Mike. Which of the following is true regarding whether Wendy and Sam had a duty to come to the assistance of the divers in peril?
A. Neither Wendy nor Sam had a duty to aid the divers in peril.
B. Wendy and Sam had a duty to aid the divers in peril, but only if Mike refused to do so.
C. Wendy and Sam did not have a duty to aid the divers in peril, unless they were the first to observe the problem. Wendy and Sam had a duty to aid the divers in peril, but only if they were acquainted with them before the dive.
D. Wendy and Sam had no duty to help strangers. Wendy and Sam had a duty to aid the divers in peril if personal safety was involved, but not O if the only issue was damage to property


Answer: A. Neither Wendy nor Sam had a duty to aid the divers in peril.


Sam and Wendy were simply customers of Mike in this scenario and so could not be reasonable expected to take over his duties to oversee the dive which he initiated and was aware of the risks of.

They therefore did not have a duty to aid the other divers especially given the fact that they did not know the risks involved in diving in that particular area. The only person who had an actual duty to rescue the divers is the company or person that took the people on the dive which in this case was Mike.

enny has applied for a loan to purchase a home and learns that she is unable to qualify for any loan other than a high-cost mortgage. Her lender, MortgageMax, tells her that she must complete pre-loan counseling to obtain the loan. MortgageMax also tells her that it will pay for the counseling if she uses a counselor from its affiliate company, MortgageMax Counseling, and obtains her certification from this company. Which statement is the most accurate assessment of this arrangement


Answer: C. MortgageMax may pay the counseling fees, but is prohibited from steering Jenny towards a particular counselor or allowing her to complete counseling from one of its affiliates.


MortgageMax is violating the law in recommending a particular counselor and recommending one of its affiliates. Lenders are not allowed to direct a loan candidate to a certain counselor in order to avoid any unfortunate situations that arise from the counselor being partial to the lender.

Lenders are also prohibited from offering the counselling via an affiliate for the same reason above. They are however, allowed to pay for the counselling.

Juan is in a management development program with Cisco, a worldwide leader in information technology, networking, and cyber security solutions. Cisco is a manufacturer known for its routers, switches, and wireless units, but it has seen an increase in revenues related to services such as cloud computing. It's no surprise that services account for _______ percent of the economic output of the United States.



"80" is the appropriate solution.


Cisco would be renowned for some of its gateways, exchanges as well as wireless connectivity, although sales from offerings which including cloud computing increased, their companies will benefit.It would hardly be surprising that fundraising activities about eighty percent of the Overall States' economic activity.

A sofa sold at four different stores has a retail price of $1,200. Each store is offering a different promotion
Store A: 10% off sale
Store B: $100 off coupon
Store C: $75 off coupon
Store D: $150 rebate
Which offers the best deal?



Option D will choose



Retail price of sofa cost = $1,200

Store A: 10% off sale

Store B: $100 off coupon

Store C: $75 off coupon

Store D: $150 rebate


Best deal


Store A: 10% off sale


Store A price = 1200[100% - 10%]

Store A price = 1,080

Store B: $100 off coupon

Store B price = 1200 - 100

Store B price = 1,100

Store C: $75 off coupon

Store C price = 1200 - 75

Store C price = 1,125

Store D: $150 rebate

Store D price = 1200 - 150

Store D price = 1,050

Option D will choose


Store D


edge 2021

The North Carolina owner of a secluded area adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean noticed that people from town walked along the shore in front of this property. The owner learned that the local citizens had been walking along this beach for years. The owner went to court to try to stop people from walking along the water's edge in front of the property. The owner is likely to be



unsuccessful, because the owner's property extends only to the high-water mark and the public can use the land beyond this point.


In the given scenario the owner of the property needs to be aware of the boundaries of his property.

For properties that are located adjacent to an ocean, the boundary is at the high-water mark.

Any other land along the shore is not considered part of the property.

In the given scenario the owner of the property will not be able to stop people from walking along the shore because they are walking beyond the limits of his property

Many organizations will apply for temporary permits that allow which of the following activities?
Sell alcohol to members in a private club.
Promote and enhance the sale of an alcoholic beverage on behalf of a brewer or winery.
. Offer in-store wine and beer samples.
• •
Sell alcohol at locations where beverages are not usually sold for on-premise consumption.


The correct answer is "Sell alcohol at locations where beverages are not usually sold for on-premise consumption."

Many organizations will apply for temporary permits that allow selling alcohol at locations where beverages are not usually sold for on-premise consumption.

This usually happens when the organization is having a special event in the company, a celebration, or any activity in which they are gathering many people. As part of their activities and options to entertain the guests, this company wants to sell alcoholic beverages because it is a good way to get some money.

So this could be special celebrations, tournaments, sports contests, festivals, expos & fairs, and some other event of a certain magnitude.

The business management department at a local university began posting all assignments and other class materials to a learning management course website instead of creating a packet or printed materials for students to purchase each term. The business management department is implementing a ________ innovation. Group of answer choices product reactive policy breakthrough process





From the question we are informed about The business management department at a local university which began posting all assignments and other class materials to a learning management course website instead of creating a packet or printed materials for students to purchase each term.

In this case, The business management department is implementing a process innovation.

A process innovation can be regarded as implementation of a new production as well as delivery method, it can also be implementation of improved production as well as delivery method. It encompass making a significant changes in techniques as well as the equipment or software that is been used in the production process.

Do you think it would be ethical for a CPA to have someone else do for them what they are prohibited from doing by the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct?



The description of the given question is described in the below section.


CPA is responsible for raising its opinion against another unethical conduct. An individual can't bear his/her responsibilities by enabling staff to act unethically besides stating that it is not a contribution to knowledge.Whether this is damaging to certain other persons as well as the organization stakeholder, this same CPA should take appropriate harsh measures against these employees.

You live in a culture in which people grow their own food and rarely have to buy food from others.One day,a researcher from the United States asks you to play the Dictator Game with a stranger.You are given $50 and you must decide how much to give to the stranger.Based on all the information given in this question,which of the following amounts are you NOT likely to give?


Answer: $25


The Dictator game is used to measure just how much a person will act out of self interest especially give their surrounding. One person will be the dictator and the other a recipient who would be a stranger. The dictator will decide how much they are to give the recipient.

You live in a culture where you do not have to buy food and as this is a significant expense for humans, it means that you do not need much money. Regardless of this however, it has been shown that people would not give out the majority of their money which means that you would not give out 50% or above of the money.

As 50% is $25 here, that would be the correct option.

Fixed expenses are $499,000 per month. The company is currently selling 5,000 units per month. The marketing manager would like to cut the selling price by $13 and increase the advertising budget by $33,000 per month. The marketing manager predicts that these two changes would increase monthly sales by 900 units. What should be the overall effect on the company's monthly net operating income of this change



decrease of $8,900


Use the following formula to calculate the net operating income

Net operating income = Sales - Variables cost - Fixed cost

At Current Sales Level

Sales = 5,000 x $160 = $800,000

Variable cost = 5,000 x $48 = $240,000

Fixed cost = $499,000

Placing values in the formula

Net Operaitng Income = $800,000 - $240,000 - $499,000 = $61,000

At Increased Sales level

Sales = 5,900 x ($160-$13) = $867,300

Variable cost = 5,900 x $48 = $283,200

Fixed cost = $532,000

Placing values in the formula

Net Operaitng Income = $867,300 - $283,200 - $532,000 = $52,100

Now calculate the change in net operating income

Change in net operating income = Net operating income at current sales - net operating income at increased sales = $61,000 - $52,100 = $8,900

Hence, Net operating income is decreased by $8,900

explain the importance of an office for the successful functioning of organisation ? (Long question answer)​



An office is a location the management of a business can use for the planning, organization, control, direct, and recruit staffs for a business. An office is the place information records are kept and it is used as the channel through which the business makes communication with other businesses, individuals and the public.

The smooth operations of an organization requires the availability of an office as it is the place the business activities are performed

An office is as important to an organization as the brain is to the body of a living organism


3. Hãy nêu quan điểm của Anh (chị) về câu nói sau đây và đưa ra những dẫn chứng cụ thể lien quan đến nghiệp vụ nhân viên Lễ tân để làm cơ sở chứng minh cho qua điểm của mình: "Một dịch vụ tốt có thể bù đắp cho một sản phẩm kém, tuy nhiên một sản phẩm tốt không thể bù đắp cho một dịch vụ kém."



Maybe on hoteljob has but has been deleted T T


patron at a resort ranch took part in a supervised horseback trail ride. Prior to the ride, the patron executed a valid release that enumerated the inherent risks of horseback riding and, by its terms, relieved the resort from liability from any loss, damage, or injury to the guest's person or property suffered during the ride attributable to the negligence of the ranch or its employees. The patron was injured by a fall from the horse. The horse reared in response to negligent behavior of another rider. The patron filed suit against the ranch and the other rider for damages resulting from his injuries that totaled $400,000. At trial, it was determined that the ranch was 75 percent at fault for the patron's injuries due to its selection and training of the horse and that the other rider was 25 percent at fault. The applicable jurisdiction recognizes the validity of such releases and has enacted both a modified comparative negligence statute and pure several liability statute. How much can the patron recover from the other rider





In normally, the parties to the contract could disclaim the liability for the negligence. The exculpatory provision in a contract means there should be recovery with respect to the harms that occurs from the party negligence that are protected by the contract.

This should be applied even in the case when the state has adopted the comparative negligence statute

So nothing should be recovered

The aggregate demand curve A. differs from individual demand curves in that the aggregate demand curve looks at the entire circular flow of income and product while the individual demand curve looks at only one good. B. is like individual demand curves in that prices of other goods are held constant. C. differs from individual demand curves in that the aggregate demand curve is not downward sloping. D. is like individual demand curves in that income is constant.



A. differs from individual demand curves in that the aggregate demand curve looks at the entire circular flow of income and product while the individual demand curve looks at only one good.


An aggregate demand curve is a graphical representation which represents the relationship between the total quantity of the output demanded which is measured as the real GDP and its price level which is measured as an implicit price deflator.

The aggregate demand curve looks at both the circular flow of the income as well as the product whereas the individual demand curve is responsible for only one, keeping the other constant.

Hence, the correct option is option (A).

The three steps in the accounting process are identification, recording, and examination. select an option True 2. The accounting process includes the bookkeeping function. select an option True 3. Managerial accounting provides reports to help investors and creditors evaluate a company. select an option True 4. The two most common types of external users are investors and creditors. select an option True 5. Internal users include human resources managers.



1. False

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. True


Financial accounting is an accounting technique used for analyzing, summarizing and reporting of financial transactions like sales costs, purchase costs, payables and receivables of an organization using standard financial guidelines such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Examples of financial statements includes Balance sheet, cash-flow and income statement.

1. False: The three steps in the accounting process are identification, recording, and examination. Actually, the three steps in the accounting process are identification, recording, and communication to the end users such as investors and creditors.

2. True: The accounting process includes the bookkeeping function.

3. False: Managerial accounting provides reports to help investors and creditors evaluate a company. It actually provide reports to the managers of a business firm and as such it is used internally.

4. True: The two most common types of external users are investors and creditors.

5. True: Internal users include human resources managers.

Lupe's recorded balance was off by $43, and she thinks that it's because she made a mistake in her records. What mistakes did she make?



Lupe made a mistake when she recorded her paycheck in the wrong column. She also failed to record one of her purchases.


Note: This question is not complete as the attachment is not included. The complete question is therefore provided before answering the question by providing the attachment. See the attached photo for the attachment.

The explanation of the answers is now provided as follows:

From the attached photo, it can be observed that the paycheck of 11/15 was wrongly entered in the Payment Amount column instead of the Deposit amount column.

In addition, Lupe forgot to record her $12 Debit Purchase of 11/7 as shown in the Checking Account Statement from Anytown Bank.

Therefore, Lupe made a mistake when she recorded her paycheck in the wrong column. She also failed to record one of her purchases.

Markets may have difficulty providing the proper quantity of a public good because Group of answer choices individuals will tend to become free riders, and private firms will have difficulty generating enough revenue to produce an efficient quantity of the good. the good generally has a very large value to consumers relative to its cost of production. the good is one that tends to benefit a large number of people. the large profit involved in the production of a public good is generally too much for private firms to effectively pay out to shareholders.



individuals will tend to become free riders, and private firms will have difficulty generating enough revenue to produce an efficient quantity of the good.


A public good is a good that is non excludable and non rivalrous. Everyone has assess to the statue and because one person is enjoying the view of the statue does not means another person cannot enjoy the view of the statue

The free rider problem is a form of market failure. It occurs when people benefit from a good or service of communal nature and do not pay to enjoy these services.

Because a public good is non-excludable, the problem of free rider increases so private firms would be unable to generate adequate revenue

A man of seemingly modest means died, leaving his nephew as his sole heir. Among the items inherited by the nephew were some old oil paintings. The nephew knew nothing about art and had no place to put the paintings in his home. He placed an ad in the paper offering to sell the paintings at a price to be mutually agreed upon. A buyer for an art gallery responded to the ad. The buyer did not identify himself as an art gallery buyer or tell the nephew that he was knowledgeable about art. Rather, he concocted a story about wanting the paintings for his country estate. The nephew, for his part, revealed his lack of knowledge about art when he told the buyer that his uncle had probably painted the pieces himself. From the signature and the style, the buyer recognized that the artist was a renowned 19th century American portrait artist. The nephew and the buyer agreed upon a price and executed a contract. However, before the nephew delivered the paintings to the buyer, or the buyer paid him, he sought to rescind the contract. The buyer insisted that the nephew deliver the paintings to him and threatened to sue for breach of contract if he did not. Which argument would give the nephew the best basis for rescinding the contract with the buyer



The response to these questions can be defined as follows:


In the given scenario, the buyer was requested that perhaps the nephew give him the paintings and threatened to sue if they did not. Because the nephew said to the buyer that uncle possibly has painted the nephew's painting are used to give them the best basis to cancel the agreement with both the buyer.

what is journal? Mention it's objectives with specimen.
And if u can plz make me clear about specimen meaning

please help.
it's urgent please please​



See the explanation below.


a. What is journal?

A journal refers to a book of original entries that contains a chronological record of commercial transactions in line with the double entry principle.

As a result, a journal can be described as a book that keeps track of business transactions on a daily basis.

b. Mention objectives of a journal

The objectives of a journal are as follows:

To present necessary information in a logical and orderly manner.To keep a systematic record of all financial transactions.Assist in the preparation of ledgers.To keep track of transactions in a data-driven (chronological) manner.To offer legal proof of commercial transactions.

c. Journal Specimen

Note: See the attached photo for a journal specimen

A journal specimen simply refers to an example of how a journal look like. The attached photo provides a set of transactions (question) at the top and journal specimen (answers or entries for recording the transactions below the question.

From the attached photo, it can be observed that a journal must contain the following columns:

Date: This indicates the date that a transaction occurred.Particulars: This gives records of the accounts to be debited and the account be credited Ledger folio (LF): This records the ledger account's page number where the posting has been made.Debit: This shows amount that is debited. Credit: This shows amount that credited.

Bogart Company is considering two alternatives. Alternative A will have revenues of $160,000 and costs of $100,000. Alternative B will have revenues of $180,000 and costs of $125,000. Compare Alternative A to Alternative B showing incremental revenues, costs, and net income. (Enter negative amounts using either a negative sign preceding the number e.g. -45 or parentheses e.g. (45).)



join goooogle meeet


join to have fun


anyone can join


sex Kar le ladki me sath sab hoga


mia khalifa me sath karna or Mera name Lena to free me karegi.

ok like it plz

Sharon joined a team that was responsible for boosting sales on last year's electronic models. The team began in January and was scheduled to run until May, meeting once a week. The team consisted of four women all with marketing and sales background. When the group first met, they learned they had much in common, outside of work. Now, the majority of time each meeting was spent talking about spouses, children shopping, and hobbies. At the first meeting in March, one of the four said, "You know, we have to have a presentation ready in less than two month. That seems to set everyone in motion. The group quickly divided responsibilities and set to work. The presentation was a success. This scenario describes
A. punctuated equilibrium
B. parallel teams
C. the storming stage of team development
D. sequential interdependence
E. similarity attraction approach



A. Punctuated equilibrium


Definition is a sequence of team development during which not much gets done until the halfway point of a project, after which teams make necessary changes to complete the project on time.

          According to the punctuated-equilibrium model of group evolution, groups frequently advance during short bursts of change following lengthy periods without change.

Answer : A .Punctuated equilibrium is how Sharon and her team's condition is described.

Punctuated equilibrium - what is it?

        The team initially doesn't appear to make much progress while in   punctuated equilibrium. The crew starts to work to make things happen and speed up their efforts as they get closer to their deadline.

      In fact, Sharon's team experienced exactly that. The ladies initially showed a greater interest in exchanging personal experiences and anecdotes. However, they discovered their deadline was approaching about halfway through, so they started to work to finish the project.

For this question, the unanswered choices are:

punctuated equilibriumparallel teamsthe storming stage of team developmentsequential interdependencesimilarity attraction approach

To Learn more About Group, Refer:



An elderly woman entered into a contract with a company in the business of providing home care services. Believing that she had been duped by representatives of the company, the woman commenced an action in federal court, properly based on diversity, seeking rescission of the contract. The company answered, denying the principal allegations of the woman's complaint and asserting a counterclaim against the woman for breach of contract. In addition, the company timely served a demand for a jury trial. The woman did not. Which statement best describes the roles of the judge and jury as finders of fact in the trial of the parties' claims


Answer: The jury will first determine the issues relating to the breach of contract claim, and the judge will determine the issues relating to the rescission claim that have not already been resolved by the jury.


Based on the information given in the question, the statement which best describes the roles of the judge and jury as finders of fact in the trial of the parties' are that the jury will first determine the issues relating to the breach of contract claim, and the judge will determine the issues relating to the rescission claim that have not already been resolved by the jury.

The global environment affects all of the other environmental influences such as the economic, legal, and social environments because _____. Multiple choice question. the increase in free trade among nations and technological changes have created globalization and decreased competition economies are reducing their interactions with one another to reduce debt the increase in free trade among nations and technological changes have created globalization and increased competition it provides a smaller technical base for those who want to communicate more often



the increase in free trade among nations and technological changes have created globalization and increased competition.


The global environment impacts the other environment like economic, legal and social as there should be rise in the free trade that should be between the nations also there is a technological changes that developed the globalization due to which the competition should be increased

therefore the above statement is correct

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