A quality control expert at Glotech computers wants to test their new monitors. The production manager claims they have a mean life of 83 months with a variance of 81. If the claim is true, what is the probability that the mean monitor life would be greater than 81.2 months in a sample of 146 monitors? Round your answer to four decimal places.


Answer 1


0.9922 = 99.22% probability that the mean monitor life would be greater than 81.2 months in a sample of 146 monitors.

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this question, we need to understand the normal probability distribution and the central limit theorem.

Normal Probability Distribution

Problems of normal distributions can be solved using the z-score formula.

In a set with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the z-score of a measure X is given by:

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

The Z-score measures how many standard deviations the measure is from the mean. After finding the Z-score, we look at the z-score table and find the p-value associated with this z-score. This p-value is the probability that the value of the measure is smaller than X, that is, the percentile of X. Subtracting 1 by the p-value, we get the probability that the value of the measure is greater than X.

Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem establishes that, for a normally distributed random variable X, with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the sampling distribution of the sample means with size n can be approximated to a normal distribution with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex].

For a skewed variable, the Central Limit Theorem can also be applied, as long as n is at least 30.

The production manager claims they have a mean life of 83 months with a variance of 81.

This means that [tex]\mu = 83, \sigma = \sqrt{81} = 9[/tex]

Sample of 146:

This means that [tex]n = 146, s = \frac{9}{\sqrt{146}}[/tex]

What is the probability that the mean monitor life would be greater than 81.2 months in a sample of 146 monitors?

This is 1 subtracted by the p-value of Z when X = 81.2. So

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

By the Central Limit Theorem

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{s}[/tex]

[tex]Z = \frac{81.2 - 83}{\frac{9}{\sqrt{146}}}[/tex]

[tex]Z = -2.42[/tex]

[tex]Z = -2.42[/tex] has a p-value of 0.0078.

1 - 0.0078 = 0.9922.

0.9922 = 99.22% probability that the mean monitor life would be greater than 81.2 months in a sample of 146 monitors.

Related Questions

simplify the following without using calculator

√50 + √98​



The exact answer is 12*√2, if you need approximately answer it is 12*1.4= 16.8

Step-by-step explanation:

√50 + √98​ ​= √(25*2)+√(49*2)= √25√2+√49*√2= 5√2+7*√2=12*√2

please help !!!!
i would really appreciate it ​


Answer: A

Step-by-step explanation: x=-2, y=3, z=-3


A. -2, 3, -3

Step-by-step explanation:

x = 7 - 2y + z

y = 21 + 6x + 2z = 21 + 6×(7 - 2y + z) + 2z =

= 21 + 42 - 12y + 6z + 2z = 63 - 12y + 8z

13y = 63 + 8z

y = (63 + 8z)/13

2x + 2y - 3z = 11

2×(7 - 2y + z) + 2×(63 + 8z)/13 - 3z = 11

2×(7 - 2×(63 + 8z)/13 + z) + 2×(63 + 8z)/13 - 3z = 11

14 - 4×(63 + 8z)/13 + 2z + 2×(63 + 8z)/13 - 3z = 11

-2×(63 + 8z)/13 - z = -3

-2×(63 + 8z) - 13z = -39

-126 - 16z - 13z = -39

-29z = 87

z = -3

y = (63 + 8×-3)/13 = (63 - 24)/13 = 39/13 = 3

x = 7 - 2×3 + -3 = 7 - 6 - 3 = -2

The height of a triangle is 4 yards greater than the base. The area of the triangle is 70 square yards. Find the length of the base and the height of the triangle.


9514 1404 393


base: 10 yardsheight: 14 yards

Step-by-step explanation:

Let b represent the length of the base. Then (b+4) is the height and the area of the triangle is ...

  A = 1/2bh

  70 = 1/2(b)(b+4)

  b² +4b -140 = 0 . . . . . multiply by 2, put in standard form

  (b +14)(b -10) = 0 . . . . factor

  b = 10 . . . . the positive solution

The base of the triangle is 10 yards; the height is 14 yards.

Carmen Abdul and David sent a total of 78 text messages over their cell phones during the weekend . Abdul sent 10 fewer messages then Carmen . David sent two times as many messages as Abdul how many messages did they each send?






Step-by-step explanation:

Carmen+Abdul+David = 78




Carmen+Abdul+David = Abdul+10+Abdul+2Abdul=78


Abdul = 68/4=17

Carmen = 17+10=27

David = 2 * 17 = 34


I will give brainliest if you answer properly.



See below

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]2\sin(x) +\sqrt{3} =0 \implies 2\sin(x)=-\sqrt{3} \implies \boxed{\sin(x)=-\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2} }[/tex]

[tex]\therefore x=\dfrac{4\pi }{3}[/tex]

But note, as sine does represent the [tex]y[/tex] value, [tex]\dfrac{5\pi }{3}[/tex] is also solution


[tex]x=\dfrac{4\pi }{3} \text{ and } x=\dfrac{5\pi }{3}[/tex]

This is the solution for [tex]x\in[0, 2\pi ][/tex], recall the unit circle.

Note: [tex]\sin(x)=-\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \implies \sin(x)=\sin \left(\pi +\dfrac{\pi }{3} \right)[/tex]


[tex]\sqrt{3} \tan(x) + 1 =0 \implies \tan(x) = -\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{3} } \implies \boxed{ \tan(x) = -\dfrac{\sqrt{3} }{3} }[/tex]


[tex]\tan(x) = -\dfrac{\sqrt{3} }{3} \implies \sin(x) = -\dfrac{1}{2} \text{ and } \cos(x) = \dfrac{\sqrt{3} }{2}[/tex]

As [tex]\tan(x) = \dfrac{\sin(x)}{\cos(x)}[/tex]

[tex]\therefore x=-\dfrac{\pi }{6}[/tex]


[tex]4\sin^2(x) - 1 = 0 \implies \sin^2(x) = \dfrac{1}{4} \implies \boxed{\sin(x) = \pm \dfrac{\sqrt{1} }{\sqrt{4} } = \pm \dfrac{1}{2}}[/tex]


[tex]\sin(x)=\dfrac{1}{2} \implies x=\dfrac{\pi }{6} \text{ and } x=\dfrac{5\pi }{6}[/tex]

[tex]\sin(x)=-\dfrac{1}{2} \implies x=\dfrac{7\pi }{6} \text{ and } x=\dfrac{11\pi }{6}[/tex]

The solutions are

[tex]x=\dfrac{\pi }{6} \text{ and } x=\dfrac{5\pi }{6} \text{ and }x=\dfrac{7\pi }{6} \text{ and } x=\dfrac{11\pi }{6}[/tex]



Answer:AE=EC và BF=FC => EF là đường trung bình của tam giác ABC

=> EF // và bằng 1/2 AB

=> AB = 16

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Midsegment Theorem states that the segment connecting the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half as long.

The mid-segment of a triangle, which joins the midpoints of two sides of a triangle, is parallel to the third side of the triangle and half the length of that third side of the triangle.








Step-by-step explanation:

Calculate the square root of 25 and get 5.

5 I just thought of what # gets me to 25

a farmer needs 5 men to clear his farm in 10 days. How many men will he need if he must finish clearing the farm in two days if they work at the same rate?



25 workers

Step-by-step explanation:

If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks


pls help me asap !!!




Step-by-step explanation:

Hopefully you can see that this is an isosceles triangle and remembering the inequality theorem of a triangle (4,4,11 triangle cannot exist).  Iso triangle has two side the same length - as well as two angles the same.

190 of 7
6 7 8 9 10
The slope of the line shown in the graph is
and the intercept of the line is


Answer:slope 2/3

Y-int 6

Step-by-step explanation:

A shop sells a particular of video recorder. Assuming that the weekly demand for the video recorder is a Poisson variable with the mean 3, find the probability that the shop sells. . (a) At least 3 in a week. (b) At most 7 in a week. (c) More than 20 in a month (4 weeks).



a) 0.5768 = 57.68% probability that the shop sells at least 3 in a week.

b) 0.988 = 98.8% probability that the shop sells at most 7 in a week.

c) 0.0104 = 1.04% probability that the shop sells more than 20 in a month.

Step-by-step explanation:

For questions a and b, the Poisson distribution is used, while for question c, the normal approximation is used.

Poisson distribution:

In a Poisson distribution, the probability that X represents the number of successes of a random variable is given by the following formula:

[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\lambda}*\lambda^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

In which

x is the number of successes

e = 2.71828 is the Euler number

[tex]\lambda[/tex] is the mean in the given interval.

Normal Probability Distribution

Problems of normal distributions can be solved using the z-score formula.

In a set with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the z-score of a measure X is given by:

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

The Z-score measures how many standard deviations the measure is from the mean. After finding the Z-score, we look at the z-score table and find the p-value associated with this z-score. This p-value is the probability that the value of the measure is smaller than X, that is, the percentile of X. Subtracting 1 by the p-value, we get the probability that the value of the measure is greater than X.

The Poisson distribution can be approximated to the normal with [tex]\mu = \lambda, \sigma = \sqrt{\lambda}[/tex], if [tex]\lambda>10[/tex].

Poisson variable with the mean 3

This means that [tex]\lambda= 3[/tex].

(a) At least 3 in a week.

This is [tex]P(X \geq 3)[/tex]. So

[tex]P(X \geq 3) = 1 - P(X < 3)[/tex]

In which:

[tex]P(X < 3) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2)[/tex]


[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\lambda}*\lambda^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{0}}{(0)!} = 0.0498[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 1) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{1}}{(1)!} = 0.1494[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 2) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{2}}{(2)!} = 0.2240[/tex]


[tex]P(X < 3) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) = 0.0498 + 0.1494 + 0.2240 = 0.4232[/tex]

[tex]P(X < 3) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) = 1 - 0.4232 = 0.5768[/tex]

0.5768 = 57.68% probability that the shop sells at least 3 in a week.

(b) At most 7 in a week.

This is:

[tex]P(X \leq 7) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) + P(X = 3) + P(X = 4) + P(X = 5) + P(X = 6) + P(X = 7)[/tex]

In which

[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\lambda}*\lambda^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{0}}{(0)!} = 0.0498[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 1) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{1}}{(1)!} = 0.1494[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 2) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{2}}{(2)!} = 0.2240[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 3) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{3}}{(3)!} = 0.2240[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 4) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{4}}{(4)!} = 0.1680[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 5) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{5}}{(5)!} = 0.1008[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 6) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{6}}{(6)!} = 0.0504[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 7) = \frac{e^{-3}*3^{7}}{(7)!} = 0.0216[/tex]


[tex]P(X \leq 7) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) + P(X = 3) + P(X = 4) + P(X = 5) + P(X = 6) + P(X = 7) = 0.0498 + 0.1494 + 0.2240 + 0.2240 + 0.1680 + 0.1008 + 0.0504 + 0.0216 = 0.988[/tex]

0.988 = 98.8% probability that the shop sells at most 7 in a week.

(c) More than 20 in a month (4 weeks).

4 weeks, so:

[tex]\mu = \lambda = 4(3) = 12[/tex]

[tex]\sigma = \sqrt{\lambda} = \sqrt{12}[/tex]

The probability, using continuity correction, is P(X > 20 + 0.5) = P(X > 20.5), which is 1 subtracted by the p-value of Z when X = 20.5.

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

[tex]Z = \frac{20 - 12}{\sqrt{12}}[/tex]

[tex]Z = 2.31[/tex]

[tex]Z = 2.31[/tex] has a p-value of 0.9896.

1 - 0.9896 = 0.0104

0.0104 = 1.04% probability that the shop sells more than 20 in a month.

The probability of the selling the video recorders for considered cases are:

P(At least 3 in a week) = 0.5768 approximately.P(At most 7 in a week) = 0.9881 approximately.P( more than 20 in a month) = 0.0839 approximately.

What are some of the properties of Poisson distribution?

Let X ~ Pois(λ)

Then we have:

E(X) = λ = Var(X)

Since standard deviation is square root (positive) of variance,


Standard deviation of X = [tex]\sqrt{\lambda}[/tex]

Its probability function is given by

f(k; λ) = Pr(X = k) = [tex]\dfrac{\lambda^{k}e^{-\lambda}}{k!}[/tex]

For this case, let we have:

X = the number of weekly demand of video recorder for the considered shop.

Then, by the given data, we have:

X ~ Pois(λ=3)

Evaluating each event's probability:

Case 1: At least 3 in a week.

[tex]P(X > 3) = 1- P(X \leq 2) = \sum_{i=0}^{2}P(X=i) = \sum_{i=0}^{2} \dfrac{3^ie^{-3}}{i!}\\\\P(X > 3) = 1 - e^{-3} \times \left( 1 + 3 + 9/2\right) \approx 1 - 0.4232 = 0.5768[/tex]

Case 2: At most 7 in a week.

[tex]P(X \leq 7) = \sum_{i=0}^{7}P(X=i) = \sum_{i=0}^{7} \dfrac{3^ie^{-3}}{i!}\\\\P(X \leq 7) = e^{-3} \times \left( 1 + 3 + 9/2 + 27/6 + 81/24 + 243/120 + 729/720 + 2187/5040\right)\\\\P(X \leq 7) \approx 0.9881[/tex]

Case 3: More than 20 in a month(4 weeks)

That means more than 5 in a week on average.

[tex]P(X > 5) = 1- P(X \leq 5) =\sum_{i=0}^{5}P(X=i) = \sum_{i=0}^{5} \dfrac{3^ie^{-3}}{i!}\\\\P(X > 5) = 1- e^{-3}( 1 + 3 + 9/2 + 27/6 + 81/24 + 243/120)\\\\P(X > 5) \approx 1 - 0.9161 \\ P(X > 5) \approx 0.0839[/tex]

Thus, the probability of the selling the video recorders for considered cases are:

P(At least 3 in a week) = 0.5768 approximately.P(At most 7 in a week) = 0.9881 approximately.P( more than 20 in a month) = 0.0839 approximately.

Learn more about poisson distribution here:


I'm interval notation please


9514 1404 393


  (-2, 4]

Step-by-step explanation:

  -21 ≤ -6x +3 < 15 . . . . given

  -24 ≤ -6x < 12 . . . . . . subtract 3

  4 ≥ x > -2 . . . . . . . . . . divide by -6

In interval notation, the solution is (-2, 4].


Interval notation uses a square bracket to indicate the "or equal to" case--where the end point is included in the interval. A graph uses a solid dot for the same purpose. When the interval does not include the end point, a round bracket (parenthesis) or an open dot are used.

Is this the correct answer?




Step-by-step explanation:

tickets  ( 2 at 10.95 each) = 2* 10.95 = 21.90

popcorn ( 1 at 7.50)         = 7.50

Total cost before discount


subtract the discount

29.40-4.00 =25.40


Yep! That's correct!

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that Marilyn and her sister are each getting a ticket that cost $10.95. They are also getting a $7.50 popcorn to share. Let's add those values up.

(10.95 * 2) + 7.50 {Multiply 10.95 by 2 to get 21.90.}

21.90 + 7.50 {Add 7.50 to 21.90 to get 29.40}

$29.40 (without the credit) in toal

A credit on a movie reward card functions as a discount, so what we need to do next is subtract 4 from 29.40. That will get us $25.40 as the total cost.

After doing the math, I can deduce that your answer is correct!

Which of the fractions below are less than 2/5? Select two.



1/8 is less than

Step-by-step explanation:

i dont see any fractions below gona have to edit your answer

Emily, Yani and Joyce have a total of 3209 stickers. Yani has 2 times
as many stickers as Joyce. Emily has 279 more stickers than Yani. How
many more stickers does Emily have than Joyce?




Step-by-step explanation:

Emily + Yani + Joyce=3209 stickers

if Yani has 2 times as many stickers as Joyce:this statement states that Joyce has x stickers and Yani has 2x stickers because x multiplied by 2

"Emily has 279 more stickers than Yani":therefore the equation for Emily will be ;279+2x

how many stickers does Emily have than Joyce:




5 Cece draws these two figures to prove there is more
than one parallelogram with a 40° angle between a
2-cm side and a 6-cm side. Is Cece correct? Explain.
2 cm
2 cm



chash greatly ta 45uerywryrsyrsyrs

the age of furaha is 1/2 of the age of her aunt if the sum of their ages is 54 years. find the age of her aunt



I think it is twenty seven

Given the function f(x) = -5x + 2, find the range ofly for x = -1, 0, 1.
O 7, 2, -3
O 7, 2, 3
O-7, -2, 3
0-7, -2, -3




Step-by-step explanation:

f(-1)=7, f(0)=2, f(1)=-3

look at the image below




Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area = πr²+πrl (whee r = radius and l = slant height)

= π×3²+π×3×9.5

= 75π/2

= 117.8

(2+1/2) (2^2-1+1/4) find the expression in the form of cubes and differences of two terms.​



Consider the following identity:

a³ - b³ = (a + b)(a² - ab + b²)

Let a = 2, b = 1/2

(2 + 1/2)(2² - 2*1/2 + 1/2²) = 2³ - (1/2)³ =8 - 1/8

Use the algebraic identity given below

[tex]\boxed{\sf a^3-b^3=(a+b)(a^2-ab+b^2)}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (2+\dfrac{1}{2})(2^2-1+\dfrac{1}{4})[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (2+\dfrac{1}{2})(2^2-2\times \dfrac{1}{2}+\dfrac{1}{2}^2)[/tex]

Here a =2 and b=1/2

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2^3-\dfrac{1}{2}^3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 8-\dfrac{1}{8}[/tex]

find the quotient 1/5 / (-5/7) =




Step-by-step explanation:

1/5 ÷ (-5/7)

Copy dot flip

1/5 * -7/5


‏ Lainey is looking for a new apartment and her realtor keeps calling her with new listings . The calls only take a few minutes , but a few minutes here and there are really starting to add up . She's having trouble concentrating on her work . What should Lainey do ? a ) Tell her realtor she can only receive text messages b ) Limit the time spent on each call c ) Turn off her phone until she is on a break d ) Call her realtor back when customers won't see her on the phone



c ) Turn off her phone until she is on a break

Suppose scores on exams in statistics are normally distributed with an unknown population mean and a population standard deviation of three points. A random sample of 36 scores is taken and gives a sample mean of 68. Find a 85 % confidence interval estimate for the population mean exam score. Explain what the confidence interval means​


this the answer of queastions

Step-by-step explanation:


Let mu be the true population mean of statistics exam scores. We have a large random samples of n=36 scores with a sample mean of 68.we know that the population standard deviation is sigma=3.A pivotal quantity is 3^sqrt(36)=(3/6)=68(1/2) which is approximately normally distributed. Therefore the 85%confidence interval is 68-(1/2)(1.6449), 68+(1/2)(1.6449) i.e (67.18,68.82)

Can someone please help solve this equation thank you



A and B

Step-by-step explanation:

Both points are in the shaded/blue zone

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls


Yea both A and B are correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

if you can see you can put (-12,0) inside the shaded triangle also for (-10,1)

you can give brainlist to the person above :D

The midpoint of has coordinates of (4, -9). The endpoint A has coordinates (-3, -5). What are the coordinates of B?


9514 1404 393


  (11, -13)

Step-by-step explanation:

If midpoint M is halfway between A and B:

  M = (A +B)/2

Then B is ...

  B = 2M -A

  B = 2(4, -9) -(-3, -5) = (8+3, -18+5)

  B = (11, -13)


Use the midpoint formula:

[tex]midpoint=(\frac{x_{1}+x_{2}}{2}, \frac{y_{1}+y_{2}}{2})[/tex]

Endpoint A = (x₁, y₁) = (-3, -5)Endpoint B = (x₂, y₂)Midpoint = (4, -9)

Substitute in the values:

[tex](4, -9)=(\frac{-3+x_{2}}{2} +\frac{-5+y_{2}}{2} )[/tex]

[tex]4=\frac{-3+x_{2}}{2} \\4(2)=-3+x_{2}\\8+3=x_{2}\\x_{2}=11[/tex]      [tex]-9=\frac{-5+y_{2}}{2} \\(-9)(2)=-5+y_{2}\\-18+5=y_{2}\\y_{2}=-13[/tex]

Therefore, Point B = (11, -13)

Because the​ P-value is ____ than the significance level 0.05​, there ____ sufficient evidence to support the claim that there is a linear correlation between lemon imports and crash fatality rates for a significance level of α= 0.05.

Do the results suggest that imported lemons cause car​fatalities?

a. The results suggest that an increase in imported lemons causes car fatality rates to remain the same.
b. The results do not suggest any​ cause-effect relationship between the two variables.
c. The results suggest that imported lemons cause car fatalities.
d. The results suggest that an increase in imported lemons causes in an increase in car fatality rates.



H0 : correlation is equal to 0

H1 : correlation is not equal to 0 ;

Pvalue < α ;

There is sufficient evidence

r = 0.945 ;

Pvalue = 0.01524

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data :

Lemon_Imports_(x) Crash_Fatality_Rate_(y)

230 15.8

264 15.6

359 15.5

482 15.3

531 14.9

Using technology :

The regression equation obtained is :

y = 16.3363-0.002455X

Where, slope = - 0.002455 ; Intercept = 16.3363

The Correlation Coefficient, r = 0.945

H0 : correlation is equal to 0

H1 : correlation is not equal to 0 ;

The test statistic, T:

T = r / √(1 - r²) / (n - 2)

n = 5 ;

T = 0.945 / √(1 - 0.945²) / (5 - 2)

T = 0.945 / 0.1888341

T = 5.00439

The Pvalue = 0.01524

Since Pvalue < α ; Reject the Null and conclude that there is sufficient evidence to support the claim.

If 1100 square centimeters of material is available to make a box with a square base and an open top, find the largest possible volume of the box. Round to two decimal places if necessary.


volume= a^2 * h

area= a^2+4ah

take the second equation, solve for h


h=1100/4a -1/4 a now put that expression in volume equation for h.

YOu now have a volume expression as function of a.

take the derivative, set to zero, solve for a. Then put that value back into the volume equation, solve for Volume.

Cited from jiskha

plez halppp mehh ;-;


1) False
2) True
3) True.

You can see for number one the angles are not the same, therefore they are not equal to eachother.

For two, because the line EC is running flat it is equal to 180. Because their is a little box on the other side of 1 & 2, we know that is equivalent to 90 degrees. Therefore the other side (1 &2) HAS to be 90, because the line in which they are on is 180, 90+ 90 = 180.

3, The same type of math for #2





Step-by-step explanation:

Angle 1 cannot be equal to angle 4. Even by just viewing one can see that they can't be equal.

Angle 1 and 2 when combined give a 90 degree angle going from a to c.

Angle 3 and 4 form a 180 degree angle.


Given: AABC, AC = 5
m C = 90°
m A= 22°
Find: Perimeter of AABC


9514 1404 393


  perimeter ≈ 12.4 units

Step-by-step explanation:

The side adjacent to the angle is given. The relationships useful for the other two sides are ...

  Tan = Opposite/Adjacent

  Cos = Adjacent/Hypotenuse

From these, we have ...

  opposite = 5·tan(22°) ≈ 2.02

  hypotenuse = 5/cos(22°) ≈ 5.39

Then the perimeter is ...

  P = a + b + c = 2.02 + 5 + 5.39 = 12.41

The perimeter of ∆ABC is about 12.4 units.

a certain number plus two is five find the number​



Step-by-step explanation:




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