A recent study identified bacteria in the guts of some Japanese people with specialized enzymes that metabolize the complex carbohydrates in seaweed. The researchers hypothesize that these bacteria thrive in the guts of individuals who consume a diet composed highly of seaweed, and help their hosts break down the seaweed better. This relationship is an example of _________.


Answer 1





This is a mutual or corresponding genetic change that occurs between two or more species as a result of interactions among them. They are simply regarded as species evolves in response to each other.  it is also when different species have tight/close ecological interactions with one another


Predator-prey relationship.

terms associated with evolution includes;

1. niche

This is the physical and biological conditions that is needed for the survival,growth and reproduction of an organism.  it  is defined by resources also.

2. competition

This is simply known as two or more species  using the same resource. etc.

Related Questions

Which of the following is NOT an example of a renewable resource?
O biomass


Oil is the correct answer

Which factor motivated The Egyptians and The Mesopotamians choice in their settlement location?



River and river valleys


The availability of rock as well as the Nile River impacted how and where early Egyptians inhabited and established their civilisation. These three elements are examined in depth: landforms, weather, and water. Egypt was considered to be a gift from the Nile by the greeks And romans.

The Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which supplied vital irrigation for crop production, were among the most important elements in the formation of societies in ancient Mesopotamia.

what can one do to protect themself from xenophobia on platforms like twitter​


something that you can do is report pages that you see that are involving in racism or any form of hate speech. you can also block pages & display on your page that you are supportive of ethnic communities or “colored” communities

Colonialism has had a large impact on Wolof kinship and political organization. Despite this, they have managed to maintain their village structure and organization, despite many changes in the overarching political structure. For this question, discuss Wolof kinship and politics by talking about the newly married couple, Baaku and Awa. Where will the newly married couple live



In the village of Wolof kinship.


Baaku and Awa who are the newly married couple live in the tribe of Wolof kinship. They live in the village according to the traditions and customs of the Wolof kinship. They married in the village so they have to follow all the traditions and rules of village of Wolof kinship in order to live peacefully. The newly married couple married in the village of Wolof kinship and also live in Wolof kinship.

Before she got her driver's license, seeing police cars and their flashing red lights did not bother Olive. But then she started driving and has been pulled over several times for speeding. Each time she was pulled over, first she saw the flashing red lights of the police car. Then she would be questioned by the police and given a ticket, which made her feel very tense and upset. Now whenever she sees a police car with its flashing lights on, she feels a little bit nervous, even if it is pulling over someone else. In this example, what is the CONDITIONED STIMULUS



Tense and upset at flashing red lights


Conditioned stimulus: In psychology, the term "conditioned stimulus" is one of the different elements in the theory of "classical conditioning" which was proposed by Ivan Pavlov while experimenting with dogs.

The "conditioned stimulus" is described as a formerly neutral stimulus that tends to trigger or give rise to a "conditioned response" after becoming connected with the "unconditioned stimulus".

In the question above, the conditioned stimulus is "tense & upset at flashing of red lights".

4 Why agricultural sector declared as a critical industry and exempt from the hardest lockdown regulations? was​



Agriculture among many industries was regarded as a critical industry since the entire gobal community depend on it for food and nutritional supplies: about 23% of the agriculture product are is utilized by the household whereas 77% goes to food processing as intermediate input, and hence the stringent measure introduce spelled doom in the entire food supply chain putting many lives and enterprises as stake.

How did the Song dynasty survive despite military setbacks?



The Song dynasty helped survive military setbacks by encouraging innovation in technology and agriculture and supported an extensive trading system


They encouraged innovation in technology and agriculture and supported an extensive trading system


Under the Song, the Chinese economy expanded because of improved farming methods and open border policy. The latter allowed a new type of faster-growing rice to be imported from Southeast Asia. Farmers were now able to produce two crops a year, one of rice and one of a cash crop to sell.

Meg is a perfectionist. She is so preoccupied with perfection she almost never gets things done on time. She procrastinates and focuses so closely on trivial details that she often fails to see how the details fit into the bigger picture. Socially, she rarely goes out because she is too busy working. She often won't make choices because she fears making the wrong choice. Meg's life is dominated by rigid expectations and goals. Meg is suffering from _____personality disorder.



This question lacks options, options are: A) schizotypal B) avoidant C) obsessive-compulsive D) histrionic

The correct answer is C) obsessive-compulsive. Meg's life is dominated by rigid expectations and goals. Meg is suffering from obsessive-compulsive personality disorder


Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is characterized by an excessive preoccupation with order, efficiency, perfectionism, and a marked tendency to mental (emotional and interpersonal) inflexibility and rigidity. The person with this type of disorder must "control everything." through an analytical and detailed vision of reality. The person needs points of reference, she/he is afraid of changes, lack of humor, she/he is rigid and intolerant especially towards herself/himself.

What if sand is exposed to heat and pressure?


The sand will get Warmer fast than the water
It will turn into the metamorphic rock, Quartzite

En culturas como la egipcia el dios principal era Ra, en los griegos Zeus, en los romanos Júpiter, en los escandinavos Odín y en los incas Viracocha. Estos dioses eran considerados los más poderosos, pero también había otros dioses que conformaban el panteón religioso de cada cultura con funciones muy semejantes. Esta situación nos indica que: Grupo de opciones de respuesta


Las respuestas correcta para estas pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó incluir las opciones para responder a tu pregunta. Sin esas opciones, sólo podemos ayudarte a responder em términos generales, basándonos en nuestro conocimiento del tema.

Así que, si esos dioses eran considerados los más poderosos, pero también había otros dioses que conformaban el panteón religioso de cada cultura con funciones muy semejantes, entonces esta situación nos indica que esas culturas eran politeístas, lo que significa que creían en muchos dioses.

El ejemplo más claro es el caso de los Griegos. La mitología griega nos habla de la existencia de muchos dioses que vivían en el Monte Olimpo. Y esos dioses tenían una relación de amor-odi con los humanos.

Hablamos de dioses como el gran dios Zeus, el dios Poseidón, la diosa Atenea, el dios Hermes, la diosa Afrodita, el dios Hades, el dios Apolo o la diosa Artemisa.

De igual manera, la mitología Romana o la mitología Nórdica, entre muchas otras, veneraban a una gran cantidad de dioses.

10. Based on what you can infer from this passage, and your knowledge of American history,
which of the following statements about the Constitution do you think this author would agree
a. It established a pure democracy
b. It was a complex and imperfect series of compromises
c. It was created through a smooth process
d. It was just a few minor adjustments to the Articles of Confederation


The thing which I think the thing which the author would agree with according to the Constitution is b. It was a complex and imperfect series of compromises

What is a Constitution?

This refers to the legal and historic document that gives guidelines on how a country should be run.

Hence, we can see that from the complete text, there is the narration of the thoughts of the author about the Constitution and he believes that it is a complex and imperfect series of compromises.

Read more about Constitution here:



The music is very important because ?​



Music can also stimulate the mind. There are many things in music, to which one can listen and bring attention. Music can raise someone's mood, get them excited, or make them calm and relaxed. Music also - and this is important - allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience in our lives.


Hope this helps you

The Cold War was a political conflict over what two government types?



capitalist and democracy for U.S. and Communist and Dictatorship is Russia


it makes sense

capitalist and communist parties were in conflict

where does depression come from and why?​



Research suggests that depression doesn't spring from simply having too much or too little of certain brain chemicals. Rather, there are many possible causes of depression, including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, and medical problems.While depression can affect a person psychologically, it also has the potential to affect physical structures in the brain. These physical changes range from inflammation and oxygen restriction, to actual shrinking. In short, depression can impact the central control center of your nervous system.

a. What is meant by socialization b. How do you identify as a social person.



We also can identify the socialized person by knowing his/her behaviour, creative and ideal activity, culture, tradition, and s/he follow rules and regulations of the society. also follow social norms and values.

Socialisation is known as the process of inducting the individual into the social world. The term socialisation refers to the process of interaction through which the growing individual learns the habits, attitudes, values and beliefs of the social group into which he has been born.

The main danger to the wooden ships of the early Arctic explorers was the ??????



the pack ice.

I guess it is the right answer

Many scientists classify forests according to __________.

A) location

B) ecological systems

C) size




B. The answer is ecological system

Do you often read the news? IELTS speaking part 1



No I do not often read the news.


Which part of the Thirteen Colonies is represented by Cluster B?


Answer: The New England colonies represents the Cluster A of the thirteen colonies

Explanation: Hopes this helps.

Which of the following terms describes a country with less industry and whose citizens have low average incomes.



answer choices?

I'll help you then

Help please. I need to do this today but pleaseeee helpppppppppppppppp



Due to style and attitude.


The debates between Lincoln and Douglas were very population because of their style of debates and attitude towards one another. Yes, Debating by Lincoln and Douglas in public was able to sway peoples opinion on the issue of slavery as well change their opinions about slavery. These debates spread awareness about the issue of slavery and the people would know the significance of this problem and also convinced to the opinions of Lincoln or Douglas.

C How can development resources be unled! Plain In your opinion, what can be done to develop Nepal? Make a list of suggestions



we should no cut trees everywhere because there is much flood that is caused by trees

Which of the following statements does not describe how the other branches of government check the power of the judicial branch?
A. Congress does not have the authority to set the number of federal judges.
B. When appointed, the Supreme Court justices hold position for life or until they decide to retire.
C. With Senate approval, the president has the authority to appoint all federal justices.
D. The president can decide whether or not to enforce judicial decisions.​


Answer: D. The president can decide whether or not to enforce judicial decisions.​


Decisions by the Judiciary are made with the full weight of the law and so have to be enforced by the Executive which is led by the President. The President cannot therefore pick and choose which judicial decisions will be enforced. They all will.

If the President has a problem with a judicial decision, the President is welcome to challenge the decision in the courts on appeal and if they win, the President can then enforce the new court rulings. Point is, the President cannot decide which to follow and which to discard.

What term refers to a company that invests in other companies on behalf of its investors?
a) An investment bank
b) A mutual fund
c) A security
d) A stock exchange



It's b


Mutual funds operate by collecting money from investors and then investing that money in a very diverse manner. Because mutual funds invest in securities, stocks, and bonds, they offer limited risk as opposed to buying shares of one company in particular. This is helpful for the average investor who doesn't know a lot about investing.

Compare the location of the Nile river to the population distribution of Egypt what comparisons can you make



Most of Egypt's population is densely focused around the Nile River.


Most of the arable land in Egypt (the land suitable for life) is around the Nile River -- the rest of the region is mostly desert without the resources needed to sustain life. This leads people to live densely together around this river, which explains the high physiological density and low arithmetic density of Egypt.

Cho S là ngoại diên của khái niệm con người, p(x,y) = x yêu thương y. 1) Viết các phán đoán sau đây dưới dạng công thức: a) Nhiều người yêu thương A. (Thay A bằng chính tên của em). b) A yêu thương nhiều người. (Thay A bằng chính tên của em).


. I think it's B but I'm not sure

When he was a child, Charlie had a lot of trouble with math. Eventually, he developed the belief that he would never be able to perform well, no matter how hard he tried. Even after he got personalized tutoring to meet his needs, he continued to believe there was no point in trying in his math classes, since he would fail anyway. What is the name for these kinds of beliefs?



Learned helplessness


Learned Helplessness Effect

This was said to be discovered by the scientists called Overmier and Martin Seligman in 1967. The finding shows that inescapable shock acts as an hindrance with subsequent escape learning

Learned Helplessness

This cover the basis that organisms that were in contact to inescapable and unavoidable shocks learn that their actions do not control environmental outcomes.

This is a feeling or belief by an individual that is/has  been learned and the individual believe that He/she is helpless and unable to have any effect on events in His/her lives, so they rather give up trying. it occurs when humans have been conditioned  themselves to expect pain, suffering, or discomfort without any way out and due to long time conditioning, the person will stop trying to avoid the pain at all even when an opportunity present itself to truly avoid it.

The Belmont Report cautions that: Inducements are coercive and may encourage subjects to participate even against their better judgment. Inducements and payment should not be reviewed by the IRB to determine the level of coercion that is tolerable. Inducements should be evenly distributed to all research subjects, especially the vulnerable. Inducements that would ordinarily be acceptable may become undue influences if the subject is especially vulnerable.



The answer is "The last choice".


For academics, its Belmont report is just a critical document. The findings, though, apply for clinical practice too though. The Cournoyer is primarily aimed at protecting the interest of all study participants or participants. The Belmont Report is an ethical focus of research. The caution in the paper, therefore, is that enticements and is usually acceptable might be unfair influences when the topic is particularly susceptible.

What are the three contributing factors that led to human trafficking ?​


Mass displacement, conflict & extreme poverty

what does a person have to do to be considered a member of a society?​



According to sociologists, a society is a group of people with common territory, interaction, and culture. ... Interaction: Members of a society must come in contact with one another. If a group of people within a country has no regular contact with another group, those groups cannot be considered part of the same society.


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