A rectangle's perimeter is equal to 27 plus its width. The length of the rectangle is four times its width. What is the
width of the rectangle in units?


Answer 1


P = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

L = 4*w

P = 27 + w

P = 2*L + 2*w = 27 + w

2L = 2*(4w) = 8w

Put that into the perimeter formula (the first one.)

P = 8w + 2w = 27 + w

10w = 27 + w                        Subtract w from both sides

9w = 27                                Divide by 9

w = 27 / 9                          

w = 3

You should find the Length just so you can check it.

L = 4w

L = 4*3

L = 12


P = 2L + 2w

P = 2*12 + 2*3 = 30

P = 27 + w

P = 27 + 3

P = 30 and everything checks.

Related Questions

the value of [{(6to the power 2+8 to the power 2)to the power 1/2}]to the power 3​



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex][(6^{2}+8^{2})^{\frac{1}{2}}]^{3} = [(36+64)^{\frac{1}{2}}]^{3}\\\\= [(100)^{\frac{1}{2}}]^{3}\\\\= 10^{3}\\\\= 1000[/tex]

Let R={0, 1, 2, 3} be the range of h(x) = x - 7. The domain of h inverse is_____.

{-7, -6, -5, -4}
{7, 8, 9, 10}
{0, 1, 2, 3}




Step-by-step explanation:


thats not correct answer thats an odyssey question and i just tried the answer and its not right just wanted everybody to know

Step-by-step explanation:

The total cost of a flower bouquet depends on the types of flowers in the arrangement. A bouquet containing 6 roses, 3 lilies, and 2 carnations costs $26.75. A bouquet containing 3 roses, 4 lilies, and 5 carnations costs $25.50. A bouquet containing 1 of each flower costs $6.75. Which system of equations represents this situation, where r represents the number of roses, l represents the number of lilies, and c represents the number of carnations?



Roses 2.70, Lillies 2.45, Carnations 1.60

simplify negative 3 / 8 divided by negative 5 / 6




Step-by-step explanation:

1. 3/8 / 5/6

2. 9/20


[tex] \sf \: \frac{9}{20} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given problem,

[tex] \sf \rightarrow \: \frac{ - 3 }{ \: 8} \div \frac{ - 5}{ \: 6} [/tex]

Let's solve the problem,

[tex] \sf \rightarrow \: \frac{ - 3}{ \: 8} \div \frac{ - 5}{ \: 6} [/tex]

[tex] \sf \rightarrow \: \frac{ - 3}{ \: 8} \times \frac{ - 6}{ \: 5} [/tex]

[tex] \sf \rightarrow \: \frac{( - 3 \times - 6)}{(8 \times 5)} [/tex]

[tex] \sf \rightarrow \: \frac{18}{40} = \frac{9}{20} [/tex]

Hence, the answer is 9/20.

Identify the domain of a radical function with an odd index.



A odd index can go to " - infinity "

Step-by-step explanation:

Using trig to solve for missing angles




Step-by-step explanation:

let unknown angle be x

sin x=47/60

sin x=0.783333

x=sin(inverse) 0.7833333


25. A pizza shop offers 30% off the price of a large pizza every Tuesday
night. If the regular price is $25, what is the discounted price?



25 -(.3*25)

25-7.50 = $17.50

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

First find the amount of the discount

25 * 30%

25 * .3


Subtract this from the original amount

25 - 7.5


find the perimeter of the figure


The answer is 51 you add all the sides together to find the perimeter



Step-by-step explanation:

We have 4/6 sides. 4 of them are given, and they are 13.25cm, 7.25cm, 7.75cm, and 22.75cm.

The perimeter is found when you add all the lengths of the sides of a figure.

So far, we can add 13.25+7.25+7.75+22.75 = 51cm.

Let's call the first ungiven side A. We can see that 7.75cm + A = 13.25cm. Using this, we can figure out that A = 13.25-7.75 = 5.5cm.

We can call the second ungiven side B. We see that 7.25cm + B = 22.75cm. So, B = 22.75-7.25 = 15.5cm.

Now, let's add everything together. 51cm + A + B = Perimeter. 51cm + 5.5cm + 15.5cm = 72cm.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any questions if this doesn't make sense. :)





Step-by-step explanation:

There are 6 possible outcomes 1,2,3,4,5,6

P(1) = number of outcomes that equal1 / total


Roll again

P(1) = 1/6

These are independent events so we can multiply the probabilities

P(1 roll again 1) = 1/6 * 1/6 = 1/ 36

A runner covers the last straight stretch of a race in 3 s. During that time, he speeds up from 5 m/s to 11 m/s.What is the runner's acceleration in this part of the race? ​



From first Newton's equation of motion:

[tex]{ \bf{v = u + at}}[/tex]

Substitute the variables:

[tex]{ \tt{11 = 5 + (a \times 3)}} \\ { \tt{3a = 6}} \\ { \tt{a = 2 \: {ms}^{ - 2} }}[/tex]

Acceleration is 2 ms-²

The simple interest formula is I = Prt, where I represents simple interest on an amount, P, for t years at a rate of r, where r is expressed as a decimal.

What is the amount of money, P, that will generate $40 in interest at a 10% interest rate over 5 years?





Step-by-step explanation:

I = Prt

I = 40  R = .10  T = 5

40 = P (.10)(5)

40 = P(.5)

Divide each side by .5

40/.5 = .5P/.5

80 = P

The interest over 5 years is $80.

The correct option is B.

What is the simple interest?

Simple interest is the borrowing amount added only to the principal amount.

The Formula to calculate the simple interest is;

                                                 S.I. = P x T x R / 100,

Where S.I. is simple interest, P is the principal amount, T is the time period and R is the interest rate in a year.

We can use the formula I = Prt to solve for P. We know that I = 40, r = 0.10, and t = 5. Substituting these values, we get:

40 = P(0.10)(5)


40 = 0.5P

Dividing both sides by 0.5:

P = 80

Therefore, the amount of money, P, that will generate $40 in interest at a 10% interest rate over 5 years is $80.

To learn more about the simple interest; https://brainly.com/question/25845758


Please hurry I will mark you brainliest

What is the equation of the line through the point (2, 3) with slope -2?




Step-by-step explanation:

Try plotting the points on desmos. Then use the slope to find the y value.


no links




The answer is D, 3 is the y intercept

Use the given conditions to write an equations for the line in slope- intercept form. passing through (1,-8) and (-7,8)



y = -2x - 6

Step-by-step explanation:

Going from the first point to the second, we see x decreasing by 8 from 1 to -7 (this is the 'run') and y increasing by 16 from -8 to +8 (this is the 'rise').  Thus, the slope of the line through these two points is m = rise/run =  16/(-8) = -2.

Using the point-slope formula y - k = m(x - h) and the point (1, -8), we get:

y + 8 = -2(x - 1), or

y = -8 - 2x + 2, or

y = -2x - 6 (in slope-intercept form)

Find the value of x given in the right triangle


Answer: 7.1 units

Step-by-step explanation:

Using Pythagorean theory, c^2 - a^2 = b^2

We know c= 10

We know a=7

We are looking for b

10^2 - 7^2 = b^2

51= b^2

Take square root of both sides


If 1 ounce of silver costs $5.50, how much money is needed to buy 2 1/2 pounds of silver?
16 oz = 1 pound




Step-by-step explanation:

2 1/2 from oz to pound is 0.156 and then mutiply that by 5.50 is 0.858

Help again this is my last retake


The answer to this question is A, good luck :)

A cuboid has the length 4cm, width 3cm and length 1.5cm Calculate the volume of the cuboid​



18 because we will multiply them all together

formula applied was lbh multiplied together. Mark me as the brainliest

Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is 18cm3.

The formula to calculate the volume of an item is length * width * height (* is multiply by the way). In this case, it is 4cm * 3cm * 1.5cm. So you take 4 * 3, which is 12, then you multiply 12 with 1.5, which is 18. Don’t forget to add a small 3 at the end of your number. The final answer is 18cm3.

Hope this helps!

5^3x +2 = 25^x – 8

step by step please​




Step-by-step explanation:

It wont let me upload anything so i will come back with steps later

PLease help

Belinda is thinking about buying a house for $179,000. The table below shows the projected value of two different houses for three years:

Number of years 1 2 3
House 1 (value in dollars) 186,160 193,606.40 201,350.66
House 2 (value in dollars) 190,000 201,000 212,000

Part A: What type of function, linear or exponential, can be used to describe the value of each of the houses after a fixed number of years? Explain your answer. (2 points)

Part B: Write one function for each house to describe the value of the house f(x), in dollars, after x years. (4 points)

Part C: Belinda wants to purchase a house that would have the greatest value in 30 years. Will there be any significant difference in the value of either house after 30 years? Explain your answer, and show the value of each house after 30 years. (4 points)


There are several types of functions, but this question is limited to just 2 types, which are the exponential function and the linear function.

House 1 has an exponential function of [tex]f(x) = 179000 * 1.04^x[/tex] while house 2 has a linear function of [tex]f(x) =11000x+179000[/tex]. House 1 will have a greater value in 30 years and the difference between the values of the two houses is significant.

The given parameters can be represented as:

[tex]\begin{array}{cccc}{Years} & {1} & {2} & {3} & {House\ 1} & {186,160 } & {193,606.40 } & {201,350.66} & {House\ 2} & {190,000 } & {201,000 } & {212,000} \ \end{array}[/tex]

(a): The type of function

First, we check if the function is linear by calculating the difference between each year

House 1

[tex]d = 193606.40 - 186160 = 7446.4[/tex]

[tex]d = 201350.66 - 193606.40 = 7744.26[/tex]

The difference are not equal; hence, the function is not linear. So, we can assume that it is exponential

House 2

[tex]d = 201000 - 190000 =11000[/tex]

[tex]d = 212000 - 201000 =11000[/tex]

The difference are equal; hence, the function is linear.

(b): The function of each

House 1

An exponential function is represented as:

[tex]y = ab^x[/tex]

When [tex]x = 1;\ y =186,160[/tex]

We have:

[tex]186,160 =ab^1[/tex]

[tex]186,160 =ab[/tex] ---- (1)

When [tex]x = 2;\ y =193606.40[/tex]

We have:

[tex]193606.40 =ab^2[/tex] --- (2)

Divide (2) by 1

[tex]\frac{193606.40}{186160} =\frac{ab^2}{ab}[/tex]

[tex]1.04 = b[/tex]

[tex]b = 1.04[/tex]

Make a the subject in (1)

[tex]186,160 =ab[/tex]

[tex]a = \frac{186160}{b}[/tex]

[tex]a = \frac{186160}{1.04}[/tex]

[tex]a = 179000[/tex]

So, the function for house 1 is:

[tex]f(x) = 179000 * 1.04^x[/tex]

House 2

A linear function is represented as:

[tex]y = mx + b[/tex]

First, we calculate the slope (m)

[tex]m = \frac{y_2 -y_1}{x_2 - x_1}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]m = \frac{201000 - 190000}{2 - 1}[/tex]

[tex]m = \frac{11000}{1}[/tex]

[tex]m = 11000[/tex]

So, the equation is:

[tex]y =m(x-x_1) + y_1[/tex]

Substitute known values

[tex]y =11000(x-1) + 190000[/tex]

[tex]y =11000x-11000 + 190000[/tex]

[tex]y =11000x+179000[/tex]

So, the function for house 2 is:

[tex]f(x) =11000x+179000[/tex]

(c): House with the greatest value in 30 years

This means that:

[tex]x = 30[/tex]

For house 1, we have:

[tex]f(x) = 179000 * 1.04^x[/tex]

[tex]f(30) = 179000 * 1.04^{30}[/tex]

[tex]f(30) = 580568.15[/tex]

For house 2, we have:

[tex]f(x) =11000x+179000[/tex]

[tex]f(30) = 11000 * 30+ 179000[/tex]

[tex]f(30) = 509000[/tex]

By comparison;

[tex]580568.15> 509000[/tex]

House 1 will have a greater value in 30 years

And the difference between the values is significant

The difference is:

[tex]d =580568.15-509000[/tex]

[tex]d =71568.15[/tex]

Read more about functions at:


If I take a 7 question multiple choice test, with 4 choices per question, what is the probability that I get 1 wrong



The probability is [tex]\frac{3}{4^7}[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

Total questions = 7

Number of choices of each question = 4

Probability to give the correct answer = 1/4

Probability to give the wrong answer = 3/4

Probability to give 1 answer wrong

[tex]\frac{1}{4}\times \frac{1}{4}\times \frac{1}{4}\times \frac{1}{4}\times \frac{1}{4}\times \frac{1}{4}\times \frac{3}{4}\\\\= \frac{3}{4^7}[/tex]

The circumference of a circle changes from 20 to 4 after a dilation. What was the scale factor of the dilation? StartFraction 1 Over 25 EndFraction One-fifth 5 25



scale factor: 4/20 = 1/5



Step-by-step explanation:

Please help!! I am literally in tears!!
Consider the function, y = - 13x +52. Find the inverse of the function by solving it for
x. Then, use the inverse to find a value of y such that x = 182.



The customary method of finding the inverse is some variant of the method I'm going to use below. Whatever method you use, make sure you do the exact same steps in the exact same order every time, so you remember those steps when you get to the test.

Find the inverse of y = 3x – 2.

Here's how the process works:

Here's my original function:  

y = 3x - 2

Now I'll try to solve for "x =":  

y + 2 = 3x

(y + 2)/3 = x

Once I have " x =", I'll switch x and y; the "y =" is the inverse.  

y = (x + 2)/3

Then the inverse is y = (x + 2) / 3

If you need to find the domain and range, look at the original function and its graph. The domain of the original function is the set of all allowable x-values; in this case, the function was a simple polynomial, so the domain was "all real numbers". The range of the original function is all the y-values you'll pass on the graph; in this case, the straight line goes on for ever in either direction, so the range is also "all real numbers". To find the domain and range of the inverse, just swap the domain and range from the original function.

Step-by-step explanation:

simplify -8/2 ÷ 6/-3​


Answer: the answer is 2 or C

-8/2 x -3/6

*Always do the recipical*

(-8 x -3) / (2 x 6)

-8 x -3= +24

2 x 6= 12

24/12= 2

The solution of the given expression -8/2 x -3/6 is 2. The correct option is B.

What is an expression?

In mathematics, expression is defined as the relationship of numbers, variables, and functions using mathematical signs such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Given that the expression is,

-8/2 x -3/6

The expression will be solved as below,

E = (-8 x -3) / (2 x 6)

The numerator will get reciprocal and multiplied to the denominator,

E = 24 / 12

Divide the number 24 by 12 and get the solution,

E = 2

Therefore, the solution of the expression will be 2. The correct option is B.

To know more about an expression follow



What is the standard deviation of the following data set rounded to the nearest tenth? 300,785,670,187,760,724



S.D = 236.5









300, 790, 670, 190, 760, 720

In the diagram below, what is the approximate length of the minor arc AB?



The answer is "Option C"

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]r= 30 \ cm\\\\\theta =60^{\circ}[/tex]

Using formula:

[tex]\frac{A}{\theta}=\frac{\pi r^2}{2\pi}\\\\\frac{A}{\theta}=\frac{\pi r^2}{2}\\\\A=\frac{r^2\times \theta}{2}[/tex]

Which expression is equivalent to (x^-6/x-2)^3



= (6/x - 2)^3

Please help me I’m struggling



1st box: 49

2nd box: 7

3rd box: 7

4th box: 2

5th box (above): 1

6th box (below): 3

7th box: 7

8th box: -12

9th box: -2

Please help me answer this question​



a, 14.13. b, 39.25

Step-by-step explanation:

so for a the diameter is 6 so the radius is 3. The equation for the area of the circle is πr2. So 3x3=9. then 9x3.14=28.26. But then we have to divide by two cause we are finding only the shaded area. 28.26/2=14.13.

A is 14.13

for b, its the same thing, so the radiu is 5 and 5x5=25. 25x3.14=78.5, and divide two, so 78.5/2=39.25.

B is 39.25

WARNING: I am not sure this is correct, so if this is wrong i'm sorry, i'm learning too :)

A pancake recipe requires two and two thirds cups of milk to one cup of flour. If four and two thirds cups of milk is used, what quantity of flour will be needed, according to the recipe?



There will need to be 2 and 1/3 cups of flour according to the recipe

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the recipe, we can say that for each 2 and 2/3s cups of milk, one cup of flour is used. We can write this as ( 2 + 2/3)  cups of milk / (1) cup of flour.

We can also write 2 + 2/3 as 2*(3/3) + 2/3 = 6/3 + 2/3 = 8/3, making our ratio

(8/3) / 1

The ratio stays the same, no matter how many cups of milk or flour are used. Therefore, (8/3) /1 = (4 + 2/3) / cups of flour

Writing our final cups of flour as c, we can say

(8/3) / 1 = (4+2/3) / c

(4+2/3)/c = (12/3 + 2/3) /c = (14/3) /c

(8/3)/1 = (14/3) /c

anything divided by 1 is equal to itself

(8/3) = (14/3)/c

multiply both sides by c to make the variable not a denominator

(8/3) * c = 14/3

multiply both sides by 3 to remove the denominators

8 * c = 14

divide both sides by 8 to isolate the c

c = 14/8 = 7/3 = 6/3 + 1/3 = 2 + 1/3

There will need to be 2 and 1/3 cups of flour according to the recipe

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