a rectangular plot has 17m length and 14m width. What will be the cost of fencing at a rate of Rs.25 per meter​


Answer 1

The fence would be the perimeter of the shape.

Perimeter = 17 + 17 + 14 + 14 = 62 meters.

Multiply the price per meter by total meters:

25 x 62 = 1550

Answer 2

For fencing , we have to find the perimeter of rectangle.

[tex] \large\begin{gathered} {\underline{\boxed{ \rm {\red{Formula \: \: Using \: = \: 2 \: ( \: L + B \: )}}}}}\end{gathered}[/tex]

L denotes length of rectangleB denotes breadth of rectangle

L = 17 mB = 14 m

Substuting the values

Perimeter of rectangle = 2 ( L + B )

Perimeter of rectangle = 2 ( 17 m + 14 m )

Perimeter of rectangle = 2 ( 31 m )

Perimeter of rectangle = 62 m.

Hence, the perimeter of rectangle is 62 m.

For Fencing Cost = perimeter × rate of fencing per metre

Fencing Cost = 62 × 25

Fencing cost = 1,550

Hence, the cost of fencing of a rectangular plot is 1,550

Related Questions

tìm tích phân tổng quát






Step-by-step explanation:








I want to know how to solve this equation




Step-by-step explanation:


simply means


using indices rule,

multiplication is addition

5 is common

so 5(³+×)

hence 5^3+×

A movie theater has a seating capacity of 187. The theater charges $5.00 for children, $7.00 for students, and $12.00 of adults. There are half as many adults as there are children. If the total ticket sales was $ 1338, How many children, students, and adults attended?
___ children attended.
___ students attended.
___ adults attended.



A) children attended=98 b) students attended=60 c)adults attended=49

Step-by-step explanation:


Simplify and solve the system.






The revenue equation can be written in terms of just one variable, a.


Solve for a;

use it to find x and c.






highlight%28a=49 -------adults




highlight%28c=98 -------children




highlight%28x=60 ---------students

Please answer I’m struggling


Step-by-step explanation:

Question 7.

[tex] \frac{{(3 + u)}^{2} }{8} [/tex]

[When u = 5]

[tex] = \frac{{(3 + 5)}^{2} }{8} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{ {(8)}^{2} }{8} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{8 \times 8}{8} [/tex]

= 8 (Ans)

Question 8.

-2(a - 7)

(Using Distributive property)

= - 2 × a -2 × (-7)

= -2a + 14 (Ans)


7. 8

8. -2a+14

Step-by-step explanation:

(Excuse this form of the expression)


u = 5

(3 + u)²



Plug in

(3 + 5)²







---- = 8



-2(a - 7)

Multiply -2 with each number in the parenthesis

-2a + 14

Water boils at 100° Celsius and above. Which inequality describes the temperatures at which water would boil?




Step-by-step explanation:

The required inequality is given as x ≥ 100 as the water boils at 100°C and above, Option B is correct.

What is inequality?

Inequality can be defined as the relation of the equation containing the symbol of ( ≤, ≥, <, >) instead of the equal sign in an equation.

As given in the question,
Water boils at 100°C and above,
So let x be the temperature of the water,
And according to the condition,
x ≥ 100° C

Thus, the inequality x ≥ 100 is shown in option B.

Thus, the required inequality is given as x ≥ 100 as the water boils at 100°C and above, and Option B is correct.

Learn more about inequality here:



Một tàu biển trị giá 2.500.000 USD đang chở các lô hàng A, B,C có giá trị lần lượt là 100.000 USD; 300.000USD, 500.000USD và tiền cước chưa thu thuộc chủ tàu là 60.000 USD. Trong hành trình đi từ Indonesia về cảng Sài Gòn tàu bị mắc cạn, vỏ tàu bị thủng, nước tràn vào làm hư hỏng một số hàng hóa. Để cứu tàu và hàng, thuyền trưởng quyết định bịt lỗ thủng bằng các phương tiện trên tàu và vứt một số hàng để tàu nhẹ bớt, đồng thời thuyền trưởng cũng cho máy tàu làm việc vượt công suất nhằm giúp tàu thoát cạn. Sau sự việc, các tổn thất được xác định như sau:

- Vỏ tàu thủng dự kiến phải sửa chữa hết 100.000 USD

- Máy tàu hư do hoạt động quá công suất và dự kiến phải sửa hết 250.000 USD

- Lô hàng B bị nước tràn vào giảm giá trị thương mại 100%.

- Lô Hàng A bị vứt xuống biển toàn bộ.

- Thiệt hại để cứu tàu và chi phí cho thủy thủ trong việc cứu tàu là 10.000 USD.

a. Hãy xác định các tổn thất riêng của các bên

b. Hãy xác định tổng tổn thất chung của các bên

c. Hãy xác định giá trị chịu phân bổ tổn thất chung (giá trị đóng góp của từng chủ thể trên tàu)

d. Hãy xác định các khoản đóng góp vào tổn thất chung của các bên



ask in English then I can help

59 less than twice Mabel's score



Mabel's score = s


Step-by-step explanation:


Is it Mabel from Gravity Falls?


yes it's surprisingly for highschool can someone help I just can't figure it out ​



Step-by-step explanation:

For simplicity, let

x = teary smiley

y = tongue smiley

z = plain smiley

So now our system of equations is

[tex]x + x + x = 12\:\:\:\:\:\:(1)[/tex]

[tex]y + z + x = 18\:\:\:\:\:\:\:(2)[/tex]

[tex]z + z + y = 22\:\:\:\:\:\:\:(3)[/tex]

[tex]z + y + 2x= ??\:\:\:\:\:\:(4)[/tex]

From Eqn(1), we plainly see that

[tex]3x = 12 \Rightarrow x = 4[/tex]

Now subtract Eqn(2) from Eqn(3) to get

[tex](2z + y) - (y + z + x) = 22 - 18[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow z - x = 4[/tex]

But we know that [tex]x = 4[/tex], which then gives us [tex]z = 8.[/tex]

Using the values of [tex]x[/tex] and [tex]z[/tex] in Eqn(2), we find that [tex]y = 6.[/tex] Now that we the values of all the variables, use them in Eqn(3) and we'll get

[tex](8) + (6) + 2(4) = 22[/tex]

A cash register contains $10 bills and $50 bills with a total value of $1080.If there are 28 bills total, then how many of each does the register contain?



8 ten dollar bills

20 fifty dollar bills

Step-by-step explanation:

x = number of 10 dollar bills

y = number of 50 dollar bills

x+y = 28

10x+50y = 1080

Multiply the first equation by -10

-10x -10y = -280

Add this to the second equation

-10x -10y = -280

10x+50y = 1080


 40y = 800

Divide by 40

40y/40 = 800/40

y = 20

Now find x

x+y =28

x+20 = 28

x = 28-20

x= 8

Which of these figures has rotational symmetry?
O A.
O B.
O D.


i say the answer is C.

The figure has rotational symmetry from the given options is shown in Figure B.

What is rotational symmetry?

When a figure is rotated (by a certain amount) about a set point on its surface (often the center), and retains its original appearance, it is said to have rotational symmetry.

According to the given question,

We have the given options in this question:

Assuming that the problem in this instance does not require full rotation (because after full rotation, any figure appears to itself when it returns to its original location as it did before), the first figure that possesses rotational symmetry can be chosen.

It is because you obtain the same figure whether you rotate the first figure by a quarter, half, or quarter and a half rotation. For any of the other stated figures, it won't occur (you can imagine those figures rotating, and then will notice that only option B has rotation symmetry for other angles in addition to full rotation).

Therefore, the figure from the listed figures which has rotational symmetry is Figure B.

To learn more about rotational symmetry, visit:



Points T, R, and P, define _____

A. plane B
B. line e
C. line segment PR⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
D. plane M



Since points T, R, and P are all present on plane B, the answer is A.

Points T, R, and P define plane B

We have given that,

A. plane B

B. line e

C. line segment PR⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

D. plane M

We have to determine the Points T, R, and P, define

What is the plane?

A plane is a two-dimensional doubly ruled surface spanned by two linearly independent vectors. The generalization of the plane to higher dimensions is called a hyperplane. The angle between two intersecting planes is known as the dihedral angle.

Since points T, R, and P are all present on plane B, the answer is A

Points T, R, and P define plane B.

To learn more about the plane visit:



6. Find the missing side. Round to the nearest tenth.



31.9617 rounded to 32

Step-by-step explanation:

set up is sin24=13/x

Question 4 of 16
If the probability of rain today is 35%, what is the probability that it will not rain
A. 100%
B. 65%
C. 35%
D. 50%



I think the answer is B. 65%

In order to pass a class, Amanda needs to have a score higher than 86 on her final. Which graph represents possible scores that Amanda could get to pass this class?



graph C

Step-by-step explanation:

Amanda needs to have a score higher than 86 on her final.

That means she can't get lower than 86 (Obviously) but not even an 86.

It has to be higher than 86 for her to pass

Let x represent Amanda's score


Bolded dots on graphs mean that she can have a 86 but if it's not a bolded dot she can have either higher or lower

Just keep that in mind

The answer will be C. because it describes Amanda's score higher than 86



Step-by-step explanation:

Write an expression to show the total cost of an
item x with a 35% discount.


65/100 * x or 0.65 * x

what is 1034÷22 ?
[tex]1034 \div 22 [/tex]


The answer would be 47

41 is 163 added to y

(How can I write this as an equation)

I was thinking it’s
163 + y = 41



y + 163 = 41

Step-by-step explanation:

I think you are correct. It should be y + 163 = 41

1. Find the HCF of the following numbers by prime factorisation and continued division method10,35,40​



Step-by-step explanation:

10 = 2*5

35 = 5*7

40 = 2*2*2*5

The number 5 is common to all three  factorisations

So the HCF = 5.

Continued division:

10 and 35:

 10) 35(3





- so the HCF of 10 and 35 is 5.

10 and 40:

10)40( 4



So the HCF of 10 and 40 is 10

We found HCF of 10 and 35 is 5 so:

HCF of 10, 35 and 40 is HCF of 5 and 10 which is 5.  

find the range between 14, 15, 16, 14,23,13
15, 24, 12, 23, 14; 20, 17, 21, 22, 1031, 19, 20,
17, 16, 15, 11, 12, 21, 20, 17, 18, 19, 23


the lowest is 11 and the highest is 1031 then subtract it you are going to have 1020


find the number of ways of forming
an executive Committee of four in a
social club consisting of 15 members,
If a particular man must be in
the comittee


There are 365 ways of forming an executive Committee of four in a social club consisting of 15 members

Understanding Permutation and Combination

If a particular man must be in the committee, we can choose the remaining 3 members from the remaining 14 members. The number of ways to choose 3 members from 14 is given by the combination:

14Cr3 = [tex]\frac{14!}{3! 11!}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{14x13x12}{3x2x1}[/tex] = 364

Therefore, there are 364 ways of forming an executive committee of four in a social club consisting of 15 members, if a particular man must be in the committee.

Learn more about combination here:



Write 36 as a product of its prime factors.Write the factors in order,from smallest to largest.

Pls Help me!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:





Hope this helps! <3

Please helppppp!!!!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

The general equation for a circle is the following:


Where (a, b) is the center of the circle and ([tex]\sqrt{c}[/tex]) is the radius of the circle. In order to shift the function to the right, one has to add to the (a) value; to move it to the left one has to subtract from it. Similarly, to move the function up, one has to add to the (b) value, to move it down, one has to subtract from it. Apply this to the given function:


The center of this circle is (-1, 2). The circle is shifted to the right by (3) units, and down by (4). Thus the center is also shifted by these values:

(-1, 2)

Right by (3): (-1 + 3) = 2

Down by (4):  (2 - 4) = -2

Substitute back into the function:


A trolley travels in one direction at an average of 20 miles per hour, then turns around and travels on the same track in the opposite direction at 20 miles per hour of the total time waveling on the trolleys 3.5 hours, how far did the trolley travel in one direction?
Enter your answer in the answer box and then click Check Answer
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9514 1404 393


  35 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

The relevant relation is ...

  distance = speed × time

The total distance the trolley traveled is ...

  d = (20 mi/h) × (3.5 h) = 70 mi

The distance is the same in both directions, so the trolley traveled half this distance in one direction.

The trolley traveled 35 miles in one direction.

In a round-robin chess tournament every player plays one game with every other player. Five participants withdrew after playing two games each. None of these players played a game against each other. A total of 220 games were played in the tournament. Including those who withdrew, how many players participated


9514 1404 393


  26 players to start; 21 players after 5 withdrew

Step-by-step explanation:

We are told that the withdrawing players did not play against each other, so the total number of games they played was 5×2 = 10. Then the number of games played by the remaining players was 220 -10 = 210. When n players play each other, they play a total of n(n -1)/2 games. Here, that total is 210, so we have ...

  n(n -1)/2 = 210

  n^2 -n = 420 . . . . . . . . .multiply by 2

  (n -1/2)^2 = 420.25 . . . . add 0.25 to complete the square

  n = 1/2 +√420.25 = 0.5 +20.5 = 21 . . . . . square root and add 1/2

The number of participating players after 5 withdrew was 21. There were 26 players to start.


Solve the equation for y. Identify the slope and y-intercept then graph the equation.



Please Include a picture of the graph and show your work if you can



Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for y:

[tex]2y-3x=10\\2y=3x+10\\y=\frac{3}{2} x+5[/tex]


y = 3/2x + 5

m = 3/2

b = 5

Graph below courtesy of Desmos.

Can someone please help !


In functions; transformations are used to move lines, points, curves or shapes across the graph (i.e. up, down, right or left). After the transformation of [tex]f(x) = \log\ x[/tex], the resulting function is [tex]g(x) = 2\log\ (-x + 4) - 6[/tex]

Given that:

[tex]f(x) = \log\ x[/tex]

When translated 4 units left, the rule of translation is:

[tex](x,y) \to (x + 4,y)[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]f'(x) = \log\ (x + 4)[/tex]

When translated 3 units down, the rule of translation is:

[tex](x,y) \to (x,y-3)[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]f"(x) = \log\ (x + 4) - 3[/tex]

When reflected about the y-axis, the rule of reflection is:

[tex](x,y) \to (-x,y)[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]f'"(x) = \log\ (-x + 4) - 3\\[/tex]

Lastly, when it is vertically stretched by 2; the rule is:

[tex](x,y) \to (x,2y)[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]g(x) = 2[\log\ (-x + 4) - 3][/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]g(x) = 2\log\ (-x + 4) - 6[/tex]

See attachment for the graph of function f(x) and the new function g(x)

Read more about function transformations at:






Step-by-step explanation:

70 because as the number of trials increase, the actual ratio of outcomes will converge on the expected ratio.

Miya is picking up two friends to go the beach. She drives from her house to
pick up Drea, then she drives to pick up Francine, and then they go to the
beach to play volleyball. What is the total distance of the trip?
The grid below shows the coordinates of their houses on a map. All distances
are in miles.



Option (C)

Step-by-step explanation:

Coordinates of the point representing the location of Miya → (1, 10)

Coordinates of the point representing the location of Drea → (13, 1)

Coordinates of the point representing the location of Francine → (16, 1)

Coordinates of the point representing the location of Beach → (19, 4)

Distance between Miya and Drea = [tex]\sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}[/tex]

                                                        = [tex]\sqrt{(13-1)^2+(1-10)^2}[/tex]

                                                        = [tex]\sqrt{144+81}[/tex]

                                                         = 15 miles

Distance between Drea and Francine = [tex]\sqrt{(16-13)^2+(1-1)^2}[/tex]

                                                               = 3 miles

Distance between Francine and Beach = [tex]\sqrt{(19-16)^2+(4-1)^2}[/tex]

                                                                  = [tex]\sqrt{9+9}[/tex]

                                                                  ≈ 4.2 miles

Total distance between Miya and the beach = 15 + 3 + 4.2

                                                                          = 22.2 miles

Option (C) is the answer.

-8 -6 -4 -2 0-3
O A. y -[x]-2
OB. y -[x]+3
O C. y = (x) - 3
O D. y = [x]+2


The required equation of the line is y = [x]+2

From the graph shown, we can see that the line dotted points forms a straight line. We are to find the required equation of the line formed.

The formula for calculating the equation of a straight line is expressed as

y = mx+b where

m is the slope b is the y-intercept

Get the slope 'm'


Using the coordinate points (2, 0) and (4, 2)


Get the y-intercept 'b'

Substitute m = 1 and (2, 0) into y = mx+b as shown;


Get the required equation. Recall that y = mx+b, hence;

[tex]y = 1x + 2\\y=x+2[/tex]

Hence the required equation of the line is y = [x]+2

Learn more at: https://brainly.com/question/20348771

bHhHshsbsnsnsnsnsnsbsbsbckclccllcxldkdldkdkdk HELP



Step-by-step explanation:

The reasons for each statement are inside the parentheses

1. <1 and <2 are complementary (given)

2. m<1 + m<2 = 90° (definition of complementary angles)

3. m<2 = 74° (given)

4. m<1 + 74° = 90° (Substitution)

5. m<1 = 16° (Subtraction property of equality)

This is gotten by subtracting 74° from both sides as follows:

m<1 + 74° - 74° = 90° - 74°

m<1 = 16°

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