A simple pendulum consists of a ball of mass 3 kg hanging from a uniform string of mass 0.05 kg and length L. If the period of oscillation of the pendulum is 2 s, determine the speed of a transverse wave in the string when the pendulum hangs vertically.


Answer 1


v = 3.12 m/s


First, we will find the length of the string by using the formula of the time period:

[tex]T = 2\pi \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}\\\\l = \frac{T^2g}{4\pi^2}\\\\[/tex]


l = length of string = ?

T = time period = 2 s

g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²


[tex]l = \frac{(2\ s)^2(9.81\ m/s^2)}{4\pi^2}\\\\l = 0.99\ m[/tex]

Now, we will find tension in the string in the vertical position through the weight of the ball:

T = W = mg = (3 kg)(9.81 m/s²)

T = 29.43 N

Now, the speed of the transverse wave is given as follows:

[tex]v=\sqrt{\frac{Tl}{m}}\\\\v=\sqrt{\frac{(29.43\ N)(0.99\ m)}{3\ kg}}\\\\[/tex]

v = 3.12 m/s

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1.931 kilometres is the answer of 1.2 miles

Answer and Explanation:

1 mile = 1.609 km

Set up a fraction to cancel the miles to get the kilometers.

[tex]\frac{1.2mi}{?km} *\frac{1.609}{1mi} = 1.9308km[/tex] <- This is the answer.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

A uniform disk with mass 43.9 kgkg and radius 0.280 mm is pivoted at its center about a horizontal, frictionless axle that is stationary. The disk is initially at rest, and then a constant force 29.0 NN is applied tangent to the rim of the disk. Part A What is the magnitude vv of the tangential velocity of a point on the rim of the disk after the disk has turned through 0.400 revolution



1.36 m/s


I = ½mR²

τ = FR

α = τ/I = FR / (½mR²) = 2F/mR

a = Rα = 2F/m

s = θR

v² = u² + 2as

u = 0

v = √2as = √(2(2F/m)(θR)) = 2√(FθR/m)

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where are the options

it's not full question

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The wavelength of 100-MHz radio waves is 3 m, yet using the sensitivity of the resonant frequency to the magnetic field strength, details smaller than a millimeter can be imaged.

Hope this helps you ❤️

MaRk mE aS braiNliest ❤️

A massage technique that consists of applying pressure to specific points of the face and body to release muscle tension, stimulate and restore balance (chi) is known as






But why post this question in Physics

Rays of light coming from the sun (a very distant object) are near and parallel to the principal axis of a concave mirror. After reflecting from the mirror, where will the rays cross each other at a single point?
The rays __________
a. will not cross each other after reflecting from a concave mirror.
b. will cross at the center of curvature.
c. will cross at the point where the principal axis intersects the mirror.
d. will cross at the focal point. will cross at a point beyond the center of curvature.


A concave mirror is an example of curved mirrors. So that the appropriate answer to the given question is option D. The rays will cross at the focal point.

A concave mirror is a type of mirror in which its inner part is the reflecting surface, while its outer part is the back of the mirror.  This mirror reflects all parallel rays close to the principal axis to a point of convergence. It can also be referred to as the converging mirror.

In this type of mirror, all rays of light parallel to the principal axis of the mirror after reflection will cross at the focal point.

Therefore, the required answer to the given question is option D. i.e The rays will cross at the focal point.

For reference: https://brainly.com/question/20380620

It is easy to produce a potential difference of several thousand volts between your body and the floor by scuffing your shoes across a nylon carpet. When you touch a metal doorknob, you get a mild shock. Yet contact with a power line of comparable voltage would probably be fatal. Why is there a difference?



In sof the friction with the nylon is very small and the current with the line e is largeummary


When we rub the shoes against the carpet, static electricity is produced, when you touch the metal knob you close the circuit and the current can circulate to three of the body, the value of this current is of the order of micro volts, for which a small discharge, the power that circulates through the body is very small of the order of 0.005 A

When you touch the power line, the voltage may be small, but the amount of current that can generate them is of the order of tens of amps, the electric shock is much greater per location.

In general there is a rule that if the body resumes more than P = 4000W the discharge could be fatal.

In sof the friction with the nylon is very small and the current with the line e is largeummary, the difference is that the current at the stop , so the paper that passes through the body is large and can be dangerous.

In contact with metal doorknob, get a mild shock  while with power line of same voltage, fatal the body as the amount of current is more.

What is charging by friction?

When the two materials are rubbed each other, then the electric charged generated between them.

This charging of materials, due to the rubbing of two materials against each other, is called the charging by friction.

It is easy to produce a potential difference of several thousand volts between the body and the floor by scuffing your shoes across a nylon carpet.

In this case, the potential difference may be higher, but the value of current is very low. Thus, when the body touches a metal doorknob, it will get a mild shock.

Now, in another case, the contact with a power line of comparable voltage would probably be fatal. This is because in the power line the amount of current is much higher.

Hence, in contact with metal doorknob, get a mild shock  while with power line of same voltage, fatal the body as the amount of current is more.

Learn more about the charging by friction here;


A parallel-plate capacitor consists of two plates, each with an area of 29 cm2cm2 separated by 3.0 mmmm. The charge on the capacitor is 7.8 nCnC . A proton is released from rest next to the positive plate. Part A How long does it take for the proton to reach the negative plate



   t = 2.09 10⁻³ s


We must solve this problem in parts, first we look for the acceleration of the electron and then the time to travel the distance

let's start with Newton's second law

        ∑ F = m a

the force is electric

        F = q E


we substitute

        q E = m a

        a = [tex]\frac{q}{m} \ E[/tex]

        a = [tex]\frac{1.6 \ 10^{-19}}{ 9.1 \ 10^{-31} } \ 7.8 \ 10^{-9}[/tex]

        a = 1.37 10³ m / s²

now we can use kinematics

        x = v₀ t + ½ a t²

indicate that rest starts v₀ = 0

        x = 0 + ½ a t²

        t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2x}{a} }[/tex]

        t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac {2 \ 3 \ 10^{-3}}{ 1.37 \ 10^3} }[/tex]

        t = 2.09 10⁻³ s

Which nucleus complete the following equation


(C) [tex]^{208}_{84}\text{Po}[/tex]


[tex]^{212}_{86}\text{Rn} \rightarrow \:^4_2\text{He} + \:^{208}_{84}\text{Po}[/tex]

A cylindrical 5.00-kg reel with a radius of 0.600 m and a frictionless axle, starts from rest and speeds up uniformly as a 3.00-kg bucket falls into a well, making a light rope unwind from the reel. The bucket starts from rest and falls for 4.00 s.

a. What is the linear acceleration of the falling bucket?
b. How far does it drop?
c. What is the angular acceleration of the reel?


I think the answer is C

g A small object of mass 2.5 g and charge 18 uC is suspended motionless above the ground when immersed in a uniform electric field perpendicular to the ground. What is the magnitude and direction of the electric field


Answer: [tex]1361.11\ N/C,\text{upward}[/tex]



Mass of particle is [tex]m=2.5\ gm[/tex]

Charge of particle is [tex]q=18\ \mu C[/tex]

Electrostatic force must balance the weight of the particle

[tex]\lim_{n \to \infty} a_n \Rightarrow mg=qE\\\\\Rightarrow E=\dfrac{2.5\times 9.8\times 10^{-3}}{18\times 10^{-6}}\\\\\Rightarrow E=1361.1\ N/C[/tex]

Direction of the electric field is in upward direction such that it opposes the gravity force.

SI units are used for the scientific works,why?​



SI is used in most places around the world, so our use of it allows scientists from disparate regions to use a single standard in communicating scientific data without vocabulary confusion

A strontium vapor laser beam is reflected from the surface of a CD onto a wall. The brightest spot is the reflected beam at an angle equal to the angle of incidence. However, fringes are also observed. If the wall is 1.2 m from the CD, and the second bright fringe is 0.803 m from the central maximum, what is the spacing (in m) of grooves on the CD





From the question we are told that:

Distance of wall from CD [tex]D=1.4[/tex]

Second bright fringe [tex]y_2= 0.803 m[/tex]


Strontium vapor laser has a wavelength \lambda= 431 nm=>431 *10^{-9}m

Generally the equation for Interference is mathematically given by




[tex]d=\frac{2*431 *10^{-9}m*1.4}{0.803}[/tex]


what is science ? what qualities do we deal in deal in physic ? ​


science is all about the world around us

A 100 kg man is one fourth of the way up a 4.0 m ladder that is resting against a smooth, frictionless wall. The ladder has mass 25 kg and makes an angle of 56 degrees with the ground. What is the magnitude of the force of the wall on the ladder at the point of contact, if this force acts perpendicular to the wall and points away from the wall





From the question we are told that:

Mass [tex]m=100kg[/tex]

Ladder Length [tex]l=4.0m[/tex]

Mass of Ladder [tex]m_l=25kg[/tex]

Angle [tex]\theta=56 \textdegree[/tex]

Generally the equation for Co planar forces is mathematically given by

[tex]mgcos \theta *2+Mgcos\theta*1 -N_fsin \theta*4=0[/tex]


[tex]25*9.81cos 56 *2+100*9.81cos56*1 -N_fsin 56*4=0[/tex]


A cylinder is given a push and then rolls up an inclined plane. If the origin is the starting point, sketch the position, velocity, and acceleration of the cylinder vs. time as it goes up and then down the plane.


It will take a shorter amount of time for the cylinder to go down the plane down off the plane Because more pressure is applied one going up then going down there’s no pressure at all it’s the gravity is helping

For example, we can take Water
In (A) Water has same mass and great volume
In (B) Water has same mass and lower volume
Will there be any change in its density then?



yes there will be change in its density

Two streams merge to form a river. One stream has a width of 8.3 m, depth of 3.2 m, and current speed of 2.2 m/s. The other stream is 6.8 m wide and 3.2 m deep, and flows at 2.4 m/s. If the river has width 10.4 m and speed 2.8 m/s, what is its depth?



The depth of the resulting stream is 3.8 meters.


Under the assumption that streams are formed by incompressible fluids, so that volume flow can observed conservation:

[tex]\dot V_{1} + \dot V_{2} = \dot V_{3}[/tex] (1)

All volume flows are measured in cubic meters per second.

Dimensionally speaking, we can determine the depth of the resulting stream ([tex]h_{3}[/tex]), in meters, by expanding (1) in this manner:

[tex]w_{1}\cdot h_{1}\cdot v_{1} + w_{2}\cdot h_{2}\cdot v_{2} = w_{3}\cdot h_{3}\cdot v_{3}[/tex]

[tex]h_{3} = \frac{w_{1}\cdot h_{1}\cdot v_{1}+w_{2}\cdot h_{2}\cdot v_{2}}{w_{3}\cdot v_{3}}[/tex] (2)

[tex]v_{1}, v_{2}[/tex] - Speed of the merging streams, in meters per second.

[tex]h_{1}, h_{2}[/tex] - Depth of the merging streams, in meters.

[tex]w_{1}, w_{2}[/tex] - Width of the merging streams, in meters.

[tex]w_{3}[/tex] - Width of the resulting stream, in meters.

[tex]v_{3}[/tex] - Speed of the resulting stream, in meters per second.

If we know that [tex]w_{1} = 8.3\,m[/tex], [tex]h_{1} = 3.2\,m[/tex], [tex]v_{1} = 2.2\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], [tex]w_{2} = 6.8\,m[/tex], [tex]h_{2} = 3.2\,m[/tex], [tex]v_{2} = 2.4\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], [tex]w_{3} = 10.4\,m[/tex] and [tex]v_{3} = 2.8\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], then the depth of the resulting stream is:

[tex]h_{3} = \frac{(8.3\,m)\cdot (3.2\,m)\cdot \left(2.2\,\frac{m}{s} \right) + (6.8\,m)\cdot (3.2\,m)\cdot \left(2.4\,\frac{m}{s} \right)}{(10.4\,m)\cdot \left(2.8\,\frac{m}{s} \right)}[/tex]

[tex]h_{3} = 3.8\,m[/tex]

The depth of the resulting stream is 3.8 meters.

If a proton and electron both move through the same displacement in an electric field, is the change in potential energy associated with the proton equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to the change in potential energy associated with the electron?

a. The magnitude of the change is smaller for the proton.
b. The magnitude of the change is larger for the proton.
c. The signs Of the two changes in potential energy are opposite.
d. They are equal in magnitude.
e. The signs of the two changes in potential energy are the same.


Answer: They are equal in magnitude.

- The signs of the two changes in potential energy are opposite


When the proton and electron both move through the same displacement in an electric field, the change in potential energy that is associated with the proton is equal in magnitude.

Also, it should be noted that the signs of the two changes in potential energy are opposite.

True or false : conservation of energy gives a relationship between the speed of a falling object and the height from which it was dropped





a volcano that may erupt again at some time in the distant future is


The answer is a dormant volcano

A long string is moved up and down with simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 46 Hz. The string is 579 m long and has a total mass of 46.3 kg. The string is under a tension of 3423 and is fixed at both ends. Determine the velocity of the wave on the string. What length of the string, fixed at both ends, would create a third harmonic standing wave



a)  [tex]v=206.896m/s[/tex]

b)  [tex]L=6.749m[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Frequency [tex]F=46Hz[/tex]

Length [tex]l=579m[/tex]

Total Mass [tex]T=4.3kg[/tex]

Tension [tex]T=3423[/tex]


Generally the equation for velocity is mathematically given by








Generally the equation for length of string is mathematically given by









Assume that the car on the left makes a quick turn to the left. According to inertia, your body will resist a change and still want to go in the original direction. In which direction with the passenger slide?



to the right


if the car turns to the lift, the body forces energy to the left side, so according to the first law of Newton, the body will move to the right side to resist the sudden motion.

which one is more powerful hydrogen bomb or atom bomb and why?​


Hydrogen bomb is more powerful than atom bomb

Hydrogen has a calorie value of 150000KJ .It is very much than nuclear bomb or atom bombScientists also told that Hydrogen bomb is more powerful.But both bombs are destructive.

Assume that a friend hands you a 10-newton box to hold for her. If you hold the box without moving it at a height of 10 meters above the ground, how much work do you do



100 Joules



W = mgh................... Equation 1

Where W = workdone to hold the box above the ground, mg = weight of the box, h = height of the box.

From the question,

Given: mg = 10 newtons, h = 10 meters.

Substitute these values into equation 1

W = 10×10

W = 100 Joules.

Hence the amount of workdone is 100 Joules

2. A parallel-plate capacitor has a capacitance of C. If the area of the plates is doubled and
the distance between the plates is doubled, what is the new capacitance?
A) C/4
B) C/2
D) 4C




The capacitance C of a parallel plate capacitor is given by

[tex]C = \epsilon_0 \dfrac{A}{d}[/tex]

Let C' be the new capacitance where the area and the plate separation distance are doubled. This gives us

[tex]C' = \epsilon_0\dfrac{A'}{d'} = \epsilon_0\left(\dfrac{2A}{2d}\right) = \epsilon_0 \dfrac{A}{d} = C[/tex]

The Earth’s orbit around the Sun is slightly elliptical. At Earth's closest approach to the Sun (perihelion) the orbital radius is 1.471×10^11m, and at its farthest distance (aphelion) the orbital radius is 1.521×10^11m.

a. Find the difference in gravitational potential energy between when the Earth is at its aphelion and perihelion radii.
b. If the orbital speed of the Earth is 29,290 m/s at aphelion, what is its orbital speed at perihelion?





Andrea's near point is 20.0 cm and her far point is 2.0 m. Her contact lenses are designed so that she can see objects that are infinitely far away. What is the closest distance that she can see an object clearly when she wears her contacts?



the closest distance that she can see an object clearly when she wears her contacts is 22.2 cm


Given the data in the question,

near point = 20 cm

far point = 2 m = 200 cm

Now, for an object that is infinitely far away, the image is at is its far point.

so using the following expression, we can determine the focal length

1/f = 1/i + 1/o

where f is the focal length, i is the image distance and o is the object distance.

here, far point i = 2 m = 200 cm  and v is ∞

so we substitute

1/f = 1/(-200 cm)  +  1/∞

f = -200 cm

Also, for object at its closest point, the image appear at near point,


1/f = 1/i + 1/o

we make o the subject of formula

o = ( i × f ) / ( i - f )

given that near point i = 20 cm

we substitute

o = ( -20 × -200 ) / ( -20 - (-200) )

o = 4000 / 180

o = 22.2 cm

Therefore, the closest distance that she can see an object clearly when she wears her contacts is 22.2 cm

One charge is fixed q1 = 5 µC at the origin in a coordinate system, a second charge q2 = -3.2 µC the other is at a distance of x = 90 m from the origin.

What is the potential energy of this pair of charges?





A proton traveling at 17.6° with respect to the direction of a magnetic field of strength 3.28 mT experiences a magnetic force of 9.14 × 10-17 N. Calculate (a) the proton's speed and (b) its kinetic energy in electron-volts.



a) The proton's speed is 5.75x10⁵ m/s.

b) The kinetic energy of the proton is 1723 eV.  


a) The proton's speed can be calculated with the Lorentz force equation:

[tex] F = qv \times B = qvBsin(\theta) [/tex]     (1)          


F: is the force = 9.14x10⁻¹⁷ N

q: is the charge of the particle (proton) = 1.602x10⁻¹⁹ C

v: is the proton's speed =?

B: is the magnetic field = 3.28 mT

θ: is the angle between the proton's speed and the magnetic field = 17.6°

By solving equation (1) for v we have:

[tex]v = \frac{F}{qBsin(\theta)} = \frac{9.14 \cdot 10^{-17} N}{1.602\cdot 10^{-19} C*3.28 \cdot 10^{-3} T*sin(17.6)} = 5.75 \cdot 10^{5} m/s[/tex]

Hence, the proton's speed is 5.75x10⁵ m/s.

b) Its kinetic energy (K) is given by:

[tex] K = \frac{1}{2}mv^{2} [/tex]


m: is the mass of the proton = 1.67x10⁻²⁷ kg

[tex] K = \frac{1}{2}mv^{2} = \frac{1}{2}1.67 \cdot 10^{-27} kg*(5.75 \cdot 10^{5} m/s)^{2} = 2.76 \cdot 10^{-16} J*\frac{1 eV}{1.602 \cdot 10^{-19} J} = 1723 eV [/tex]  

Therefore, the kinetic energy of the proton is 1723 eV.

I hope it helps you!        

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