A solid conducting sphere of radius ra is placed concentrically inside a conducting spherical shell of inner radius rb1 and outer radius rb2. The inner sphere carries a charge Q while the outer sphere does not carry any net charge. The potential for rb1 < r < rb2 is:________


Answer 1


The right answer is "[tex]\frac{KQ}{r_b_2}[/tex]".


As the outer spherical shell is conducting, so there is no electric field in side from

⇒ [tex]r_b_1 < r < r_b_2[/tex].

So the electric potential at all points inside the conducting shell that from

⇒ [tex]r_b_1<r<r_b_2[/tex]  

and will be similar as well as equivalent to the potential on the outer surface of the shell that will be:

⇒ [tex]v=\frac{KQ}{r_b_2}[/tex]

Thus the above is the right solution.

Related Questions

A projectile is fired into the air from the top of a 200-m cliff above a valley as shown below. Its initial velocity is 60 m/s at 60° above the horizontal. Calculate (a) the maximum height, (b) the time required to reach its highest point, (c) the total time of flight, (d) the components of its velocity just before striking the ground, and (e) the horizontal distance traveled from the base of the cliff.​


a) y(max)  = 337.76 m

b) t₁ = 5.30 s  the time for y maximum

c)t₂ =  13.60 s  time for y = 0 time when the fly finish

d) vₓ = 30 m/s        vy = - 81.32 m/s

e)x = 408 m

Equations for projectile motion:

v₀ₓ = v₀ * cosα          v₀ₓ = 60*(1/2)     v₀ₓ = 30 m/s   ( constant )

v₀y = v₀ * sinα           v₀y = 60*(√3/2)     v₀y = 30*√3  m/s

a) Maximum height:

The following equation describes the motion in y coordinates

y  =  y₀ + v₀y*t - (1/2)*g*t²      (1)

To find h(max), we need to calculate t₁ ( time for h maximum)

we take derivative on both sides of the equation

dy/dt  = v₀y  - g*t

dy/dt  = 0           v₀y  - g*t₁  = 0    t₁ = v₀y/g

v₀y = 60*sin60°  = 60*√3/2  = 30*√3

g = 9.8 m/s²

t₁ = 5.30 s  the time for y maximum

And y maximum is obtained from the substitution of t₁  in equation (1)

y (max) = 200 + 30*√3 * (5.30)  - (1/2)*9.8*(5.3)²

y (max) = 200 + 275.40 - 137.64

y(max)  = 337.76 m

Total time of flying (t₂)  is when coordinate y = 0

y = 0 = y₀  + v₀y*t₂ - (1/2)* g*t₂²

0 = 200 + 30*√3*t₂  - 4.9*t₂²            4.9 t₂² - 51.96*t₂ - 200 = 0

The above equation is a second-degree equation, solving for  t₂

t =  [51.96 ±√ (51.96)² + 4*4.9*200]/9.8

t =  [51.96 ±√2700 + 3920]/9.8

t =  [51.96 ± 81.36]/9.8

t = 51.96 - 81.36)/9.8         we dismiss this solution ( negative time)

t₂ =  13.60 s  time for y = 0 time when the fly finish

The components of the velocity just before striking the ground are:

vₓ = v₀ *cos60°       vₓ = 30 m/s  as we said before v₀ₓ is constant

vy = v₀y - g *t        vy = 30*√3  - 9.8 * (13.60)

vy = 51.96 - 133.28         vy = - 81.32 m/s

The sign minus means that vy  change direction

Finally the horizontal distance is:

x = vₓ * t

x = 30 * 13.60  m

x = 408 m

a stone is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 20 m per second determine the total time of flight of stone in air​




The best way to do this is to remember the rule about the halfway mark in a parabolic path. At a trajectory's half way point in its travels, it will be at its max height. To get the total time in the air, we take that time at half way and double it. Here's what we know that we are told:

initial velocity is 20 m/s

Here's what we know that we are NOT told:

a = -9.8 m/s/s and

final velocity is 0 at an object's max height in parabolic motion.

We will use the equation:

[tex]v=v_0+at[/tex] where v is final velocity and v0 is initial velocity. Filling in:

0 = 20 + (-9.8)t and

-20 = -9.8t so

t = 2 seconds. The stone reaches its max height 2 seconds after it is thrown; that means that after another 2 seconds it will be on the ground. Total air time is 4 seconds.

When a charged particle moves at an angle of 26.1 with respect to a magnetic field, it experiences a magnetic force of magnitude F. At what angle (less than 90o) with respect to this field will this particle, moving at the same speed?



The angle is 153.9 degree.


Let the magnetic field is B and the charge is q. Angle = 26.1 degree

The force is F.

Let the angle is A'.

Now equate the magnetic forces

[tex]q v B sin 26.1 = q v B sin A'\\\\A' = 180 - 26.1 = 153.9[/tex]

Vặt nhỏ được ném lên từ điểm A trên mặt đất với vận tốc đầu 20m/s theo phương thẳng đứng. Xác định độ cao của điểm O mà vật đạt được. Bỏ qua ma sát



mặt đất với vận tốc ban đầu 20m/s. Bỏ qua mọi ma sát, lấy g = 10 m/s2. Độ cao cực đại mà vật đạt được là.

what is the major difference between the natural frequency and the damped frequency of oscillation.​



This causes the amplitude of the oscillation to decay over time. The damped oscillation frequency does not equal the natural frequency. Damping causes the frequency of the damped oscillation to be slightly less than the natural frequency

: A fan is placed on a horizontal track and given a slight push toward an end stop 1.80 meters away. Immediately after the push, the fan of the cart engages and slows the cart with an acceleration of -0.45 m/s2. What is the maximum possible velocity (magnitude) the cart can have after the push so that the cart turns around just before it hits the end-stop



The initial velocity is 1.27 m/s.


distance, s = 1.8 m

acceleration, a = - 0.45 m/s^2

final velocity, v = 0

let the initial velocity is u.

Use third equation of motion

[tex]v^2 = u^2 + 2 a s \\\\0 = u^2 - 2 \times 0.45\times 1.8\\\\u = 1.27 m/s[/tex]

We have that the Initial velocity  is mathematically given as


Maximum possible velocity

Question Parameters:

a slight push toward an end stop 1.80 meters away

he fan of the cart engages and slows the cart with an acceleration of -0.45 m/s2

Generally the equation for the  third equation of motion    is mathematically given as

Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2ad




For more information on velocity visit


what effect does the force of gravity have on a stone thrown vertically upwards​



rock go down


what comes up must come down.

There is more than 1 answer,
The picture is down



test her prototype and collect data about its flight

Your little sister (mass 25 kg) is sitting in her little red wagon (mass
8.5 kg) at rest. You begin pulling her forward, accelerating her with a
constant force for 2.35 s to a speed of 1.8 m/s. Calculate the impulse
you imparted to the wagon and its passenger.



p = 60.6N*s


v_f = v_0+a*t

a = (v_f-v_0)/t

a = (1.8m/s)/2.35s

a = 0.77m/s²

F = m*a

F = (25kg+8.5kg)*0.77m/s²

F = 25.8N

^p = F*t

p = 25.8N*2.35s

p = 60.6N*s

Light takes 1.2 sec to get from the moon to the Earth. Assume you are looking at the moon with noticeable earth shine. If the Sun burned out, you would eventually see the crescent of the moon disappear. The earth shine part of the moon would disappear Answer 2.4 s after the crescent disappeared.



1.2 seconds


Answer to the following question is 1.2 seconds

Because light from the moon takes 1.2 seconds to reach Earth, the light released from the crescent immediately before it vanishes will also take 1.2 seconds to reach Earth. As a result, the earth-shine portion of the moon will vanish 1.2 seconds after the crescent has vanished.

A car is traveling at 118 km/h when the driver sees an accident 85 m ahead and slams on the brakes. What minimum constant deceleration is required to stop the car in time to avoid a pileup



The constant minimum deceleration required to stop the car in time to avoid pileup is 6.32 m/s²


From the question, the car is traveling at 118 km/h, that is the initial velocity, u = 118km/h

The distance between the car and the accident at the moment when the driver sees the accident is 85 m, that is s = 85 ,

Since the driver slams on the brakes and the car will come to a stop, then the final velocity, v = 0 km/h = 0 m/s

First, convert 118 km/h to m/s

118 km/h = (118 × 1000) /3600 = 32.7778 m/s

∴ u = 32.7778 m/s

Now, to determine the deceleration, a, required to stop,

From one of the equations of motion for linear motion,

v² = u² + 2as


0² = (32.7778)² + 2×a×85

0 = 1074.3841 + 170a

∴ 170a = - 1074.3841

a = - 1074.3841 / 170

a = - 6.3199

a ≅ - 6.32 m/s²

Hence, the constant minimum deceleration required to stop the car in time to avoid pileup is 6.32 m/s²

A diffraction grating has 6000 lines per centimeter ruled on it. What is the angular separation (in degrees) between the second and the third orders on the same side of the central bright fringe when the grating is illuminated with a beam of light of wavelength 500 nm



Hope it Will help he hsuejwoamxgehanwpalasmbwfwfqoqlmdbehendalmZbgevzuxwllw. yeh we pabdvddxhspapalw. X

The angular separation (in degrees) between the second and the third orders on the same side of the central bright fringe if the wavelength is 500 nm and A diffraction grating has 6000 lines per centimeter ruled on it, is  27.29°.

What is diffraction?

Waves spreading outward around obstructions are known as diffraction. Sound, electromagnetic radiation like light, X-rays, and gamma rays, as well as very small moving particles like atoms, neutrons, and electrons that exhibit wavelike qualities all exhibit diffraction.


The number of lines = 6000 per cm,

The Wavelength, λ = 500 nm = 500 × 10 ⁻⁹ m

Calculate the diffraction grating,

[tex]d = 1 / no\ of\ lines[/tex]

d = 10⁻² / 6000 m,

Calculate the second-order maxima angle and third-order maxima angle by the formula given below,

[tex]dsin\theta_1 = n_1 \lambda[/tex]

[tex]sin\theta_1 = n_1\lambda / d[/tex]

[tex]\theta _1 = sin^{-1}[2\times 500\times 10 ^{-9}/10^{-2}\times 6000][/tex]

θ₁ = sin⁻¹(0.6)

θ₁ = 36.87°

Similarly, for θ₂,

θ₂ = sin⁻¹(3 × 500 × 10 ⁻⁹ / 10⁻² × 6000)

θ₂ = sin⁻¹(0.9)

θ₂ = 64.16°

Calculate the separation as follows,

θ₂ - θ₁ = 64.16° - 36.87°

θ₂ - θ₁ =  27.29°

Therefore, the angular separation (in degrees) between the second and the third orders on the same side of the central bright fringe if the wavelength is 500 nm and A diffraction grating has 6000 lines per centimeter ruled on it, is  27.29°.

To know more about diffraction:



The temperature of a body falls from 30°C to 20°C in 5 minutes. The air
temperature is 13°C. Find the temperature after a further 5 minutes.




is the correct answer

A mass is tired to spring and begins vibration periodically the distance between it's lowest position is 48cm what is the Amplitude of the vibration



The amplitude of vibration of the spring is "24 cm"

The periodic vibrating body's motion follows a sinusoidal path. This sinusoidal path is illustrated in the attached picture.

From the picture, it can be clearly seen that the amplitude of the periodic vibration motion is the distance from its mean position to the highest point.

Since the distance of both the highest and the lowest points from the mean position is the same. Therefore, the distance between the lowest and the highest point must be equal to two times the amplitude of the wave.

Amplitude = 24 cm

If a conducting loop of radius 10 cm is onboard an instrument on Jupiter at 45 degree latitude, and is rotating with a frequency 2 rev/s; What is the maximum emf induced in this loop? If its resistance is 0.00336 ohms, how much current is induced in this loop? And what is the maximum power dissipated in the loop due to its rotation in Jupiter's magnetic field?



a)  fem = - 2.1514 10⁻⁴ V,  b) I = - 64.0 10⁻³ A, c)    P = 1.38  10⁻⁶ W


This exercise is about Faraday's law

         fem = [tex]- \frac{ d \Phi_B}{dt}[/tex]

where the magnetic flux is

        Ф = B x A

the bold are vectors

        A = π r²

we assume that the angle between the magnetic field and the normal to the area is zero

         fem = - B π 2r dr/dt = - 2π B r v

linear and angular velocity are related

        v = w r

        w = 2π f

        v = 2π f r

we substitute

        fem = - 2π B r (2π f r)

        fem = -4π² B f r²

For the magnetic field of Jupiter we use the equatorial field B = 428 10⁻⁶T

we reduce the magnitudes to the SI system

       f = 2 rev / s (2π rad / 1 rev) = 4π Hz

we calculate

       fem = - 4π² 428 10⁻⁶ 4π 0.10²

       fem = - 16π³ 428 10⁻⁶ 0.010

       fem = - 2.1514 10⁻⁴ V

for the current let's use Ohm's law

        V = I R

        I = V / R

         I = -2.1514 10⁻⁴ / 0.00336

         I = - 64.0 10⁻³ A

Electric power is

        P = V I

        P = 2.1514 10⁻⁴ 64.0 10⁻³

        P = 1.38  10⁻⁶ W

The voltage in an EBW operation is 45 kV. The beam current is 50 milliamp. The electron beam is focused on a circular area that is 0.50 mm in diameter. The heat transfer factor is 0.87. Calculate the average power density in the area in watt/mm2.





From the question we are told that:

Voltage [tex]V=45kV[/tex]

Current [tex]I=50mAmp[/tex]

Diameter  [tex]d=0.50mm[/tex]

Heat transfer factor [tex]\mu= 0.87.[/tex]

Generally the equation for  Power developed is mathematically given by




Power in area



Power Density




a bullet is dropped from the same height when another bullet is fired horizontally. they will hit the ground



it will drop simultaneously

Vector a has a magnitude of 8 and makes an angle of 45 with positive x axis vector B has also the same magnitude of 8 units and direction along the



prove that Sin^6 ϴ-cos^6ϴ=(2Sin^2ϴ-1)(cos^2ϴ+sin^4ϴ)

please sove step by step with language it is opt maths question

The answer is:

A + B = 6,123 units at angle 112,5 degrees.
A - B = 14,782 units at angle 22,5 degrees.

A refrigerator has a coefficient of performance equal to 4.00. The refrigerator takes in 110 J of energy from a cold reservoir in each cycle. (a) Find the work required in each cycle. J (b) Find the energy expelled to the hot reservoir. J



The correct answer is:

(a) 27.5 Joules

(b) 141.5 Joules




[tex]Q_c = 110 \ J[/tex]

Coefficient of performance refrigerator,



As we know,

⇒ [tex]Cop(refrig) = \frac{Q_c}{Work}[/tex]


⇒ [tex]Work=\frac{Q_c}{Cop(refrig)}[/tex]


              [tex]=27.5 \ Joules[/tex]


⇒ [tex]Heat \ expelled = Heat \ removed +Work \ done[/tex]


⇒ [tex]Q_h = Q_c+Work[/tex]


         [tex]=141.5 \ Joules[/tex]

herical piece of candy is suspended in flowing water. The candy has a density of 1950 kg/m3 and has a 1.0 cm diameter. The water velocity is 1.0 m/s, the water density is assumed to be 1000.0 kg/m3, and the water viscosity is 1.010-3 kg/m/s. The diffusion coefficient of the candy solute in water is 2.010-9 m2/s, and the solubility of the candy solute in water is 2.0 kg/m3. Calculate the mass tran


Answer: Below is the complete question

A spherical piece of candy is suspended in flowing water. The candy has a density of 1950 kg/m3 and has a 1.0 cm diameter. The water velocity is 1.0 m/s, the water density is assumed to be 1000.0 kg/m3, and the water viscosity is 1.0x10-3 kg/m/s. The diffusion coefficient of the candy solute in water is 2.0x10-9 m2/s, and the solubility of the candy solute in water is 2.0 kg/m3. Calculate the mass transfer coefficient (m/s)


mass transfer coefficient = 9.56 * 10^-5 m/s


Candy density = 1950 kg/m^3

Candy diameter = 1 cm

Velocity of water = 1 m/s

water density = 1000 kg/m^3

Viscosity of water = 1 * 10^-3 kg/m/s

diffusion coefficient of candy in water = 2 * 10^-9 m^2/s

solubility of candy = 2 kg/m^3

Determine the mass transfer coefficient ( m/s )

( Sh) mass transfer coefficient ( flow across sphere ) = 2 + 0.6Re^1/2 * SC^1/3

where : Re = vdp / μ ,   Sh = KLd / Deff

attached below is the remaining solution .

mass transfer coefficient =  9.56 * 10^-5 m/s

1 A thing ring has a mass of 6kg and a radius of 20cm. calculate the rotational inertia. ​





Rotational inertia=mass x radius²

A rugby player passes the ball 7.00 m across the field, where it is caught at the same height as it left his hand.
(a) At what angle was the ball thrown if its initial speed was 12.0 m/ s, assuming that the smaller of the two possible angles was used?
(b) What other angle gives the same range, and why would it not be used?
(c) How long did this pass take?



a)   θ = 14.23º, b)   θ₂ = 75.77,  c) t = 0.6019 s


This is a missile throwing exercise.

a) the reach of the ball is the distance traveled for the same departure height

          R = [tex]\frac{v_o^2 \ sin 2 \theta }{g}[/tex]

          sin 2θ = [tex]\frac{Rg}{v_o^2}[/tex]

          sin 2θ = 7.00 9.8 / 12.0²

          2θ = sin⁻¹ (0.476389) = 28.45º

           θ = 14.23º

the complementary angle that gives the same range is the angle after 45 that the same value is missing to reach 90º

          θ ’= 90  -14.23

          θ’= 75.77º

b) the two angles that give the same range are

         θ₁ = 14.23

         θ₂ = 75.77

the greater angle has a much greater height so the time of the movement is greater and has a greater chance of being intercepted by the other team.

C) the time of the pass can be calculated with the expression


           x = v₀ₓ t

           t = x / v₀ₓ

           t = 7 / 11.63

           t = 0.6019 s

Describe sound and record​



record is information created, received and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person.in simpler terms it's a collection of of fields probably of different data types.

sound is however something loud or soft.which can be defined as vibrations that travel through the air or another medium.

I hope this helps

A circular parallel-plate capacitor whose plates have a radius of 25 cm is being charged with a current of 1.3 A. What is the magnetic field 11 cm from the center of the plates


The magnetic field at 11 cm from the center of the plates is 2.364 x 10⁻⁷ T.


radius of the circular plate, d = 25 cm = 0.25 m

current in the plate, I = 1.3 A

distance from the center of the circular plate, r = 11 cm = 0.11 m

To find:

magnetic field (B)

The magnetic field from the given distance is calculated as from Biot Savart equation:

[tex]B = \frac{\mu_o I}{2\pi r} \\\\where;\\\\\mu_o \ is \ permeability \ of \ free \ space \ 4\pi \times 10^{-7} \ T.m/A\\\\B = \frac{(4\pi \times 10^{-7} ) \times (1.3)}{2\pi \times 0.11} \\\\B = 2.364 \ \times 10^{-6} \ T[/tex]

Therefore, the magnetic field 11 cm from the center of the plates is 2.364 x 10⁻⁷ T.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/17035710

A plastic dowel has a Young's Modulus of 1.50 ✕ 1010 N/m2. Assume the dowel will break if more than 1.50 ✕ 108 N/m2 is exerted. What is the maximum force (in kN) that can be applied to the dowel assuming a diameter of 2.30 cm?

52.3 kN

62.3 kN

72.3 kN

42.3 N





me 2

A painter sets up a uniform plank so that he can paint a high wall. The plank is 2 m long and weighs 400 N. The two supports holding up the plank are placed 0.2 m from either end. Show that the upwards force on each of the planks is 200 N. Draw a sketch.


The upward force on each supporting plank is 200 N

The given parameters include;

weight of the plank, W₁ = 400 Nlength of the plank, l = 2 mupward force of each supporting plank, = W₂ and W₃

To show that the upward force of each supporting plank is 200 N, make the following sketch.

                 W₂                                                           W₃

                  ↑                                                              ↑                                                              


              0.2m                         ↓                               0.2m

                                              400 N

The two supporting planks keeps the 2m plank in equilibrium position. If the plank is in equilibrium position the sum of the upward forces equals sum of the downward force.

W₂  +   W₃ = 400 N

But the distance of each supporting plank from the end is equal, (0.2m).

Then, W₂  =  W₃

2W₂ = 400 N

W₂ = 400N/2

W₂ = 200 N

W₃ = 200 N

Therefore, the upward force on each supporting plank that keeps the plank in equilibrium position is 200 N.

To learn more about equilibrium forces visit: https://brainly.com/question/12582625

List what sources of uncertainty go into calculating the wavelength of the laser (no explanation necessary here). (b) Accurately report the uncertainties for these quantities. (c) Explain which of these contributes the most to the final uncertainty on the laser wavelength



thanks for da 5points hoi

Explanation: thanks dawg

There can be uncertainty in calculating the wavelength of a laser light  due to experimental errors

All measurements have an uncertainty, in the case of direct measurements the uncertainty is equal to the precision of the given instrument.

What are uncertainity in measuring ?

Uncertainty  means the range of possible values within which the true value of the measurement lies.

What are errors?

The deviation  in the value of the measured quantity from the actual quantity or true value is called an error

(a) For the calculation of wavelength of laser light , the sources which can lead to uncertainty are

1. least count of measuring instruments like spectrometer or interferometer

2. Parallax error in the measurement

3. Error in identifying the order of fringes

4.. unable to identify the accurate  reading of Vernier or circular scales present in the measuring instruments.

5. Propagating errors

What is least count?

The least count of a measuring instrument is the smallest and accurate value in the measured quantity that can be measured by instrument.

What is propagating error?

When you have derived variables, that is, when measurements are made with different instruments, each with a different uncertainty, the way to find the uncertainty or error is that  all the errors add up. which increases the uncertainty

b. The uncertainty in measurement due to  least count depends on the instrument used for measurement f wavelength. A  Michelson's

interferometer has the least count of .0001mm. whereas spectrometer has a least count of 0.5⁰. Hence uncertainty in the measurement by Michelson's interferometer is very less as compared to any other instrument.

C. The maximum uncertainty arises due to the least count , as all other errors can be minimized by taking an average value of many observations but the least count of an instrument do not change so uncertainty within the least count arises.

To know more on errors and uncertainty in measurements here



An ink-jet printer steers charged ink drops vertically. Each drop of ink has a mass of 10-11 kg, and a charge due to 500,000 extra electrons. It goes through two electrodes that gives a vertical acceleration of 104 m/s2. The deflecting electric field is _____ MV/m.



  E = 1.25 MV / m


For this exercise let's use Newton's second law

          F = m a

where the force is electric

          F = q E

we substitute

          q E = m a

          E = m a / q

indicate there are 500,000 excess electrons

          q = 500000 e

          q = 500000 1.6 10⁻¹⁹

          q = 8 10⁻¹⁴ C

the mass is m = 10⁻¹¹ kg and the acceleration a = 10⁴ m / s²


let's calculate

          E = 10⁻¹¹ 10⁴ / 8 10⁻¹⁴

          E = 0.125 10⁷ V / m = 1.25 10⁶ V / m

          E = 1.25 MV / m

Rays of light coming from the sun (a very distant object) are near and parallel to the principal axis of a concave mirror. After reflecting from the mirror, where will the rays cross each other at a single point?
The rays __________
a. will not cross each other after reflecting from a concave mirror.
b. will cross at the center of curvature.
c. will cross at the point where the principal axis intersects the mirror.
d. will cross at the focal point. will cross at a point beyond the center of curvature.


A concave mirror is an example of curved mirrors. So that the appropriate answer to the given question is option D. The rays will cross at the focal point.

A concave mirror is a type of mirror in which its inner part is the reflecting surface, while its outer part is the back of the mirror.  This mirror reflects all parallel rays close to the principal axis to a point of convergence. It can also be referred to as the converging mirror.

In this type of mirror, all rays of light parallel to the principal axis of the mirror after reflection will cross at the focal point.

Therefore, the required answer to the given question is option D. i.e The rays will cross at the focal point.

For reference: https://brainly.com/question/20380620

It is easy to produce a potential difference of several thousand volts between your body and the floor by scuffing your shoes across a nylon carpet. When you touch a metal doorknob, you get a mild shock. Yet contact with a power line of comparable voltage would probably be fatal. Why is there a difference?



In sof the friction with the nylon is very small and the current with the line e is largeummary


When we rub the shoes against the carpet, static electricity is produced, when you touch the metal knob you close the circuit and the current can circulate to three of the body, the value of this current is of the order of micro volts, for which a small discharge, the power that circulates through the body is very small of the order of 0.005 A

When you touch the power line, the voltage may be small, but the amount of current that can generate them is of the order of tens of amps, the electric shock is much greater per location.

In general there is a rule that if the body resumes more than P = 4000W the discharge could be fatal.

In sof the friction with the nylon is very small and the current with the line e is largeummary, the difference is that the current at the stop , so the paper that passes through the body is large and can be dangerous.

In contact with metal doorknob, get a mild shock  while with power line of same voltage, fatal the body as the amount of current is more.

What is charging by friction?

When the two materials are rubbed each other, then the electric charged generated between them.

This charging of materials, due to the rubbing of two materials against each other, is called the charging by friction.

It is easy to produce a potential difference of several thousand volts between the body and the floor by scuffing your shoes across a nylon carpet.

In this case, the potential difference may be higher, but the value of current is very low. Thus, when the body touches a metal doorknob, it will get a mild shock.

Now, in another case, the contact with a power line of comparable voltage would probably be fatal. This is because in the power line the amount of current is much higher.

Hence, in contact with metal doorknob, get a mild shock  while with power line of same voltage, fatal the body as the amount of current is more.

Learn more about the charging by friction here;


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