A soliloquy is used in drama to

develop a strong relationship between two characters.
insert humor and lightness into a dramatic scene.
persuade readers toward a specific political viewpoint.
allow the audience direct access to a character’s feelings.


Answer 1


allow the audience direct access to a character’s feelings.


A drama can be defined as a literary work that presents the dialogue between characters, as well as portrayal of fictional and non-fictional events in a theatre.

A soliloquy can be defined as a literary device used mostly in a drama and it typically involves the character speaks directly to him or herself and relates his or her emotions, feelings and innermost thoughts as if thinking aloud.

This ultimately implies that, a character speaks directly to him or herself in a soliloquy. Also, no other character is present when a particular character is soliloquizing on the stage or in a drama.

In conclusion, a soliloquy is used in drama to allow the audience direct access to a character’s feelings as he or she speaks directly to him or herself.

Answer 2

Answer: D. Allow the audience direct access to a character’s feelings.

Explanation: Hope this helps :)

A Soliloquy Is Used In Drama To Develop A Strong Relationship Between Two Characters.insert Humor And

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A hot summer is more a punishment than a gift. The unbearable heat makes us uncomfortable and lethargic.

The period between dawn and sunrise is a lovely sight. The twilight scene is most appealing. The calm and serene atmosphere, the cool and bracing climate and the refreshing breeze soothe our spirits. The sweet chirping sound of birds appears to be the most enchanting.

After some time, we can see the golden disc of the rising sun in the East. It is slightly hot. But as the day advances, temperatures keep increasing. People who are out, begin to come back in order to avoid the oppressive heat. At noon the sun is red hot. People are hardly seen outside. Farmers stop ploughing their fields during these hot hours. The doors and windows of the houses are closed. People sit in their rooms, which are kept cool by fans, desert coolers and air conditioners. Some have to go to the offices. Their clothes become wet with perspiration. One feels very uneasy due to this.

The afternoon is the hottest. The piercing rays of the sun fall on the ground. The heat is unbearable and oppressive during the afternoon.

Modern science has made summer very comfortable. We can even enjoy the luxury of controlling the temperature in our room all round the year.

But in the evening, when the sun begins to set, people again come out. Gardens, public parks and city centres again hum with activity. Then people relish ice creams and cold drinks.


-15. The volume in cubic meter is equal to the cubic centimeter divided by
A. 1,000,000 C. 10,000,000
B. 1,000
D. 100,000
hic meters to cubic centimeters.​



A. 1,000,000  



Cubic meter to cubic centimeter

We have:

[tex]1m = 100cm[/tex]

Take cube of both sides

[tex](1m)^3 = (100cm)^3[/tex]

[tex]1m^3 = 1000000cm^3[/tex]

Hence (a) is correct

Trey’s science teacher made a sad announcement, Romeo, the class guinea pig, had escaped.
Trey’s science teacher made a sad announcement: Romeo, the class guinea pig, had escaped.
Trey’s science teacher made a sad announcement Romeo; the class guinea pig; had escaped.
Trey’s science teacher made a sad announcement; romeo, the class guinea pig, had escaped.



Trey's science teacher made an announcement , romeo,the class Guinea pig has escaped.

1. What is the topic sentence?
2. What are the supporting details?



1. A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the paragraph. In formal writing, the topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it doesn't have to be).

2. Supporting details illustrate, interpret and unfold the main idea. They provide examples, reasons and statistics that make the main idea clear and convincing. There are two kinds of supporting details. ... The major details are essential to understand the main idea and the minor details support major details.


pls mark me as the brainiest !!

Write a news story to be published in newspaper about a local festival/fair you have witnessed.​



"Pizza lovers rejoice" festival


Pizza lovers across the coutry celebrate "Pizza lovers rejoice" festival every year on 30th April. This year too the festival was celebrated with joy and excitement across the country. The festival starts from noon and  the celebration is on till 10 PM. All varieties of Pizza is prepared and served along with music and dance to the visitors. Booze, desert and non-pizza options are also on the plate along with retro games, facepainting etc.

How should a project plan be organized to ensure that the reader clearly
understands how to complete the project?
A. Chronologically, so that the reader can follow the correct order of
the steps
B. Problem-solution, so that the reader can solve problems as they
come up
C. Cause and effect, so the reader can understand what causes
certain issues
OD. Topically, so that the reader can connect the elements of the
project together



1 maybe


I believe the answer is A.

Write a 3 paragraph editorial article regarding your personal thoughts, opinions, stand about the imposition of curfew during this pandemic.​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Here is my editorial article regarding my personal thoughts, about the imposition of curfew during this pandemic.​


There is something more powerful than any pandemic: the fear caused by misinformation.

This misinformation created confusion, fear, and panic. The result, tough and radical decisions that severely affected businesses, jobs, and schools. In this case, a curfew.

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No, probably not. Lockdown was not the best decision.

How does Zitkala-Sa advance her message?



While teaching, she began writing autobiographical stories, which were published in 1900, in the Atlantic Monthly magazine.  Zitkala-Sa's forthright criticism of the Indian boarding school experience caused bad feelings between Zitkala-Sa and her employer at



Hoped this helped  :3

L. Fill in the blanks with what, which or whose. 1. car is this? 2. colour do you prefer? options do we have? house is that? year were you born in? day of the week is the 25th? way is west? pen did you borrow? festival is your favourite? subjects do you want to take in high school?​



1) Whose 2) Which 3) What 4) Whose 5) Which 6) What 7) Which 8) Whose 9) WhICH 10) What



WHOSE car is this? WHICH colour do you prefer? WHAT options do we have? WHOSE  house is that? WHICH year were you born in? WHICH day of the week is the 25th? WHICH way is west? WHOSE pen did you borrow? WHICH festival is your favourite? WHAT subjects do you want to take in high school?​

Writing college-level assignments can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. This week, let’s have a discussion on writing strategies.

Imagine that you have been asked to speak to your classmates and share your most helpful strategy for college-level writing. What would that strategy be?
When you write, what is the difference between writing a paper and writing a discussion post? How does the writing process differ for these two types of assignments? Furthermore, what is the difference between writing an initial discussion post and a response to one of your classmates?


Answer and Explanation:

1. The most useful strategy for me is to create an outline with the main topics I want to present in the official paper. In this outline, I show the order in which topics will be presented and which research sources I will use in each topic. This helps me not to run away from the topic and optimizes writing time.

2. Writing an article requires more preparation and extensive research. In the article, the author must present that he has done in-depth research on the topics discussed. In the article, it is necessary to outline ideas, follow a fixed structure and carry out fixation of research sources. The discussion post, on the other hand, does not require as much preparation and research, but it does require that the content presented in a class be understood and discussed with evidence, which shows that the student understood it efficiently.

3. The discussion post requires more formality than replying to a colleague, as the discussion post is an academic text. Responding to a colleague requires a more informal and less precise language.

Which of the following is a possible theme statement for the topic “Edna’s sense of herself”?

A woman can become a successful artist despite society forbidding it.

A woman can take steps toward independence even if society discourages it.

Women always love their husbands and children too much to leave them.

Edna is ready to divorce her husband and marry Robert.

Answer is B
A woman can take steps toward independence even if society discourages it.



2 is correct


Pffft- physiologic fact: Babies born in august grow up to be strong, tall, and big-
me whos 5'2, 18 (female lol), can't fight, and is skinny as hell, even tho I eat like a horse:



I eat like a horse yet I'm the smallest in my class lol






find out about a popular folktale prevalent to ISLAM region.



many persons who spared islam


kulrus osam a Oatman empire


Fatima the spinner is one of them

a summary about brexit process


Mark Brainliest please

Answer :


Brexit stands for “Britain Exit”, which refers to the UK’s decision to leave the European Union.
The process involves the renegotiation of things such as residence permits and trade regulations.
The announcement of Brexit caused the depreciation of the pound, a decrease in car manufacturing within the UK, and the relocation of $1 trillion worth of assets from the UK to other European countries by the financial services industry. However, many analysts believe Brexit will ultimately be net positive economically for the UK.

Benefits of Brexit

If the United Kingdom does a hard Brexit, they will achieve more freedom to create their own trade deals and regulations. A hard Brexit is a scenario in which the UK gives up access to the single market and customs union. Regaining sovereignty is seen as a win even by those who opted to stay in the EU.

For example, under EU law, a citizen of another EU nation can decide to move to and live in the UK with no restrictions. This has led to a large increase in immigration into Britain and created difficulties fulfilling housing and service needs. Through a hard Brexit, the UK will exercise full control over its borders.

Drawbacks of Brexit

By being a part of the EU, the United Kingdom benefits from trade deals between the EU and other world powers. As an entity, the EU exerts stronger bargaining power as it is the largest economy as a group. Therefore, by leaving, the UK would lose negotiating power and free trade with other European countries. As the UK tries to recreate trade deals with other countries, they may get less favorable results.

The uncertainty of Brexit also causes volatility and affects businesses operating within the UK. In the case of a hard Brexit, goods and services will be subject to tariffs, increasing the cost of raw material into Britain and finished products out.

Brexit’s Impact on Britain

On the day of the referendum result, the pound dropped to a 31-year low. This reflected the uncertainty investors felt for the UK’s future after Brexit. As investors adapted to the news, the pound strengthened over the next year. However, once the Brexit transition plans were released and rejected multiple times, the pound weakened again. While a lower value currency increases exports, the volatility of the pound shows a lack of investor confidence. It also makes it unattractive to buy UK fixed-income assets, and foreign direct investment (FDI) will likely slow.

Uncertainty in terms of tariffs caused the UK car industry to slump 46% in 2017 and 80% over three years. While Brexit was not the sole reason for the decrease, it played a major role. British car plants get components from Europe and export a majority of finished cars to Europe as well. If there are vehicle import tariffs, auto manufacturing plants in the UK may become unprofitable.

Brexit may also impact the supply chain. With possible delays at the borders and additional requirements for importing components, companies will need to hold more inventory to avoid delays. Honda already closed its plant in Britain, while Nissan decided to make a new model of car in Japan instead of in Britain. However, both companies stated the decision was not made because of Brexit.

Another industry heavily impacted is the financial services industry. Since there are many regulatory laws in place for banks set by the EU, Brexit would leave the banks in the UK in an uncertain situation. For example, during a hard exit, UK banks may not be able to access the European market. At the beginning of 2019, it was reported that banks and financial companies had already shifted $1 trillion worth of assets from the UK to the EU.

evaluate three responsible actions the media can take to involve citizens In awareness concerning gender based violence​



1. publish an Editorial by a professor of Women's Studies to inform the public

2. Invite victims if gender based violence to share their stories


idioms of unforgettable 5 line tell me pls​



1. Larger than life

2. On the map

3. Out of this world

4. Class act

5. Red-letter day

Hope it was helpful:)

. Which revision of the sentence correctly uses an active voice?



Orland bakes cake


Above is an example of active voice

Orland - subject

bakes - verb

cake - object

What elements help determine if someone is a skillful writer?​



Showing not telling.

Explanation: [I'm 13 btw]

As a young writer, I've experienced difficulty with this ''show not tell'' thing, I'm still experiencing difficulty with it till this day. But now it's a lot more easier to describe the five senses (what the characters smell, hear, or what the characters see), how a particular place looks like, or how the characters feel throughout each scene.

Showing instead of telling can help the readers reflect what the characters are feeling. Whether they are sad or angry, happy or disappointed, showing is better than telling.

I'll give you an example:


Jane is feeling hot.


The atmosphere of the room was so thick, that sweat showered Jane's hair, her clothes were slightly damp, as she paced up and down her room.

It's better when there is more action described than dialogues. Yes, dialogues are important, especially when characters use them... But try not to overuse it. Otherwise there is a lot more telling than showing. Try to mirror the emotions to your readers. This way your readers won't fall in a long slumber.

~May it help~

Read this excerpt from the persuasive essay "Pets in School: A Supportive Friend for Every Child." Which sentence provides evidence that supports the writer’s claim?
Studies have also shown that interacting with animals can help ease children’s anxiety. This improves their health in the long term. Children who are less anxious learn better and more easily. In a study conducted by University of California, third graders were asked to read to a dog for 10 to 15 minutes once a week for 10 weeks. Even with this limited amount of animal contact, the third graders’ reading fluency improved by 12 percent. What’s more, other studies have found that interacting with a pet can instill a sense of responsibility in children.



"Studies have also shown that interacting with animals can help ease children’s anxiety"


An evidence is an statement within the text that justifies and shows how true the argument presented by the author of the text. In the case of "Pets in School: A Supportive Friend for Every Child." the author reinforces the importance of pets in the classroom. Within this subject the author argues that the presence of these animals is able to help children, make the environment more comfortable and pleasant for them and reduce levels of stress and anxiety. To justify and support this argument, the author shows that there is scientific research, studies that confirm that the presence of pets in the classroom can really reduce anxiety in children and this improves their learning and quality of life.

Sarah is researching the rebound in the bald eagle population.

Which research questions have the strongest connection to the topic? Select two options.

Where do bald eagles primarily live?
Who is in charge of protecting bald eagles?
How many bald eagles exist in the United States?
What steps did the government take to help the bald eagle?
How did the bald eagle recover from being endangered?


Answer: What steps did the government take to help the bald eagle?

How did the bald eagle recover from being endangered?


A research question refers to the question that a research study aims to answer. The research question addresses a problem.

Since Sarah is researching the rebound in the bald eagle population, the research questions that have the strongest connection to the topic include:

• What steps did the government take to help the bald eagle?

• How did the bald eagle recover from being endangered?

I lied , I still need help lol





There is a rhyme scheme, and in the beginning (somewhat) we think she is getting a bad dress passed down or just wearing some clothes she doesn't like but we find out. That she is in a hospital gown.

Which of these words would describe a chasm? Select all that apply.


its wide i guesss choose wide


wide, huge


What do you think about the future?


I think the future is something that you can predict up to a point. You can assume something will happen but the chances of it happening is uncertain. The future can be affected by the choices y ok make in the present. Example: You steal something, you me future is probably living in jail. Every decision you make has an outcome wether it is good or bad. Hope this helps!

the ________door was very heavy
a) sun-dried
c)world-famous ​


b. nail-studded


b, nail-studded, i hope this helps

Read the passage.

1.Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote
2.The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,
3.And bathed every veyne in swich licour
4.Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
5.Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
6.Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
7.The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
8.Hath in the Ram his half cours yronne,

Which literary device is used in lines 3 and 4?


a standard rhyme scheme




Answer: a standard rhyme scheme

i took the test :)

I need help please.





the author's last name and the page number of quoted or paraphrased passage

what element of creaction does this myth explain?



I think A creation myth is a story that is used to explain the creation of the world or the role of people in it, often using imagery and allegory. Nearly every culture, both ancient and modern, has some explanation of how it came to be, or why it exists.

Hope it help! :)

Which line from President Reagan’s Address at Moscow State University is a fact?

Democracy is the standard by which governments are measured.
Throughout the world, free markets are the model for growth.
The key is freedom—freedom of thought, freedom of information, freedom of communication.
Every four years the American people choose a new president, and 1988 is one of those years.






Every four years the American people choose a new president, and 1988 is one of those years. this line from President Reagan’s Address at Moscow State University is a fact. Hence option D is correct.

What is University ?

A university is a centre for higher education and research that grants degrees in a variety of academic fields. The word university is derived from the Latin universitas, which means "the whole." In general, universities provide both undergraduate and graduate programmes. The label is only used for institutions with graduate programmes in the United States. The Latin phrase universitas magistrorum et scholarium, which loosely translates as "community of teachers and scholars," is where the word "university" originates.

Catholic Church monks founded the first colleges in Europe.The first university was established in 1088 and is located in Bologna, Italy

being a university that awards high degrees. despite being run by both clergy and non-clergy, being separate from ecclesiastical schools.

using the newly invented term "universitas"

In general, "a number of persons associated into one body, a society, company, community, guild, corporation, etc." is what the ancient Latin term "universitas" means. Sophisticated "associations of students and teachers with collective legal rights usually guaranteed by charters issued by princes, prelates, or the towns in which they were located" started to be known by this broad word around the period of the development of urban town life and mediaeval guilds. They self-regulated and chose their own members' credentials, much like other guilds.

To know more about University :




Fill in the blank questions usually require
One key word
b. A list of vocabulary words
in the answer.
C. Complete sentences
d. None of these
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
U 000 >


Answer: i didn't understand this ell but i believe its c, complete sentences.


questions need a full sentence to be expressed properly

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