A solution contains only sucrose and water. If the mole fraction of sucrose is 0.0558, determine the molality of sucrose.


Answer 1


The correct solution is "3.28 m".


According to the question,

Mol fraction of solvent,

= 0.0558

Molar mass of water,

= 18 g/mol

Mol of H₂O in 1000 g water,

= 55.55 mol


Let the mol of solute will be "x mol".

Total mol in solution will be "55.55 + x".

As we know,

⇒ The mol fraction of solvent = [tex]\frac{x}{55.55+x}[/tex]






                                                  [tex]=3.38 \ m[/tex]

Related Questions

Different control mechanisms are used to regulate the synthesis of glycogen.

a. True
b. False


True would be your final answer

what is the IUPAC NAME FOR HPO4



hydrogenphosphate I think

Ethanol is the alcohol found in brandy, that is sometimes burned over cherries to make the dessert cherries jubilee. Write a balanced equation for the complete oxidation reaction that occurs when ethanol (C2H5OH) burns in air. Use the smallest possible integer coefficients.


Answer: The balanced equation for the complete oxidation reaction of ethanol is [tex]C_2H_5OH+3O_2\rightarrow 2CO_2+3H_2O[/tex]


Combustion is the chemical process where an organic molecule reacts with oxygen gas present in the air to produce carbon dioxide and water molecules.

It is also known as an oxidation reaction because oxygen is getting added.

The chemical equation for the oxidation of ethanol follows:

[tex]C_2H_5OH+3O_2\rightarrow 2CO_2+3H_2O[/tex]

By stoichiometry of the reaction:

1 mole of ethanol reacts with 3 moles of oxygen gas to produce 2 moles of carbon dioxide gas and 3 moles of water molecules.

Identify each of the following as a covalent compound or ionic compound. Then provide
either the formula for compounds identified by name or the name for those identified by
formula. (1 point each)
a. Li2O
b. Dinitrogen trioxide:
c. PCI3
d. Manganese(III) oxide:




a) Ionic

Lithium oxide

b) Covalent


c) Covalent

Phosphorus trichloride

d) Ionic


Which system monitors carbon dioxide levels in
the blood?


There are two kinds of respiratory chemoreceptors: arterial chemoreceptors, which monitor and respond to changes in the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the arterial blood, and central chemoreceptors in the brain. hope this helps you

have a nice day

5) The properties of a substance depend on _______________

(a) the way ions are connected

(b) the ions it contains

(c) atoms

(d) the atoms it contains and the way these atoms are connected​



(d) the atoms it contains and the way these atoms are connected


hope it will be helpful for you


Extensive properties, such as mass and volume, depend on the amount of matter being measured. Intensive properties, such as density and color, do not depend on the amount of the substance present. Physical properties can be measured without changing a substance's chemical identity.

sự sắp xếp nguyên tử trong vật chất





even i know how to type şïllily

What is chalk considered?



Chalk, soft, fine-grained, easily pulverized, white-to-grayish variety of limestone. Chalk is composed of the shells of such minute marine organisms as foraminifera, coccoliths, and rhabdoliths. The purest varieties contain up to 99 percent calcium carbonate in the form of the mineral calcite.


Chalk is a salt because it has a calcium base; you can tell that it is a salt because it is powdery. It's formula is CaCO₃, or calcium carbonate.

If 8.89 g of 2-methylcyclohexanone (112.17 g/mol) was reduced to 5.14 g of 2-methylcyclohexanol (114.19 g/mol), what is the percentage yield of the product?





The reaction of the problem is 1:1. That means 1 mole of 2-methylcyclohexanone produce 1 mole of 2-methylcyclohexanol.

Percentage yield is defined as 100 times the ratio between actual yield of the reaction (5.14g) and the theoretical yield.

The theoretical yield (All reactant produce products) is obtained from the mass of the reactant as follows:

Theoretical Yield:

8.89g 2-methylcyclohexanone * (1mol/112.17g) = 0.07925 moles 2-methylcyclohexanone

Assuming all reactant produce the product in a 100% of yield, the moles of 2-methylcyclohexanol are 0.07925 moles and the mass (Theoretical yield) is:

0.07925 moles 2-methylcyclohexanol * (114.19g/mol) = 9.05g

Percentage yield:

5.14g / 9.05g * 100 = 56.8%

The percentage of the mass successfully converted into a new product is 57.2%.

Mass of the reactant

The mass of the reactant (2-methylcyclohexanone) before the reduction is given as 8.89 g.

Mass of the product yielded

The mass of the product ( 2-methylcyclohexanol) produced is given as 5.14 g.

Percentage yield of the product

The percentage of the mass successfully converted into a new product is calculated as follows;

[tex]= \frac{5.14}{8.99} \times 100\% \\\\= 57.2 \ \%[/tex]

Learn more about percentage yield here:  https://brainly.com/question/8638404

Next, the chemist measures the volume of the unknown liquid as 0.610 L and the mass of the unknown liquid as 972. g.
Calculate the density of the liquid. Round
your answer to 3 significant digits.
1593.4 g / cm
Given the data above, is it possible to identify yes



Density of liquid = 1.59 g/cm³


We'll begin by converting 0.610 L to cm³. This can be obtained as follow:

1 L = 1000 cm³


0.610 L = 0.610 L × 1000 cm³ / 1 L

0.610 L = 610 cm³

Finally, we shall determine the density of the liquid. This can be obtained as follow:

Volume of liquid = 610 cm³

Mass of liquid = 972 g

Density of liquid =?

Density = mass / volume

Density of liquid = 972 / 610

Density of liquid = 1.59 g/cm³

The density of any given liquid is equivalent to the mass of the liquid divided by the volume of the liquid.

From the given information, we have:

The mass of the unknown liquid to be = 972 g

The volume of the unknown liquid to be = 0.610 L = 610 cm³

If the formula for calculating [tex]\mathbf{Density = \dfrac{Mass}{Volume}}[/tex]


[tex]\mathbf{Density \ of \ the \ unknown \ liquid = \dfrac{972 \\ g}{610 \ cm}}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{Density \ of \ the \ unknown \ liquid = 1.593442623 \ g/cm}[/tex]

The Density of the unknown liquid ≅ 1.593  g/cm³

In conclusion, the density of the unknown liquid is 1.593  g/cm³ to 3 significant figures.

Learn more about significant figures here:


energy difference between t2g and EG level in octahedral complex is denoted by ​





Usually, the d level consists of a set of five degenerate d orbitals. These orbitals rema degenerate until the approach of ligands.

When ligands approach, the d orbitals are split into higher energy eg and lower energy t2g orbitals.

There exists an energy difference between this t2g and eg levels. This energy difference is called the octahedral crystal field splitting denoted as ∆o.

URGENT- please do by 14th July if possible!!!

1. How do metals react with acids?

2. What are the similarities and differences in the way different metals react with water and acids?

3. Why are some metal is more reactive than others

4. Why is the reactivity of metals so important to us?

5. What the displacement reactions?

6. Why do you displacement reactions happen?

7. Why are they important to us?

8. How are displacement reactions explained as redox reactions?

Thank you!



Acids react with most metals to form hydrogen gas and salt. ... When an acid reacts with metal, salt and hydrogen gas are produced

1. Metals react with most acids as to form a salt and hydrogen gas 2.I’m not too sure I’ll find out for you though after 3.metal elements either have 1,2 or 3 electrons in their outer electron orbit meaning when they react they tend to lose electrons in order to form ionic compounds some metals give up their electrons more readily meaning that they are more reactive. 4.the reactivity of metals is important to us as learning it enables us to determine which cation will replace the other from its aqueous solution 5.displacement reactions is when a metal from the electrochemical is mixed with the ions of a metal lower in the electrochemical series. 6.Displacement reactions happen due to the difference in the reactivity of the metals. 7.I’ll find out for u again. 8.Displacement reactions are explained as redox reactions as one species is being oxidised so it is losing electrons while the other is being reduced so it is gaining electrons.

A 4.17 L volume of oxygen gas measured at 7.62 °C is expanded to a new volume of 4.50 L. Calculate the temperature (in oC) of the gas at the higher volume, assuming no change in pressure.



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 8.22 \ \textdegree C}}[/tex]


The question asks us to calculate the temperature of the gas at the higher volume. Since the pressure is constant, we are only concerned about volume and temperature. We will use Charles's Law. This states that the volume of a gas and the temperature of the gas have a directly proportionate relationship. The formula is:

[tex]\frac {V_1}{T_1}= \frac{V_2}{T_2}[/tex]

The gas starts at a volume of 4.17 liters and a temperature of 7.62 degrees Celsius.

[tex]\frac {4.17 \ L}{7.62 \textdegree C} = \frac{V_2}{T_2}[/tex]

The gas is expanded to a new volume of 4.50 liters, but the temperature is unknown.

[tex]\frac {4.17 \ L}{7.62 \textdegree C} = \frac{4.50 \ L}{T_2}[/tex]

We want to solve for the temperature at a higher volume. We must isolate the variable T₂. Cross multiply. Multiply the first numerator and second denominator, then the first denominator and second numerator.

[tex]4.17 \ L * T_2 = 4.50 \ L * 7.62 \textdegree C[/tex]

The variable is being multiplied by 4.17 liters. The inverse of multiplication is division. Divide both sides by 4.17 L.

[tex]\frac {4.17 \ L * T_2 }{4.17 \ L}= \frac{4.50 \ L * 7.62 \textdegree C}{4.17 \ L}[/tex]

[tex]T_2=\frac{4.50 \ L * 7.62 \textdegree C}{4.17 \ L}[/tex]

The units of liters (L) cancel.

[tex]T_2=\frac{4.50 * 7.62 \textdegree C}{4.17 }[/tex]

[tex]T_2=\frac{34.29}{4.17 } \textdegree C[/tex]

[tex]T_2=8.22302158273 \textdegree C[/tex]

The original measurements of liters and temperature have 3 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. For the number we calculated, that is the hundredth place.

The 3 to the right in the thousandth place tells us to leave the 2 in the hundredth place.

[tex]T_2 \approx 8.22 \ \textdegree C[/tex]

The temperature of the gas at the higher volume is approximately 8.22 degrees Celsius.

What was the plum pudding atomic model


Thomson's atomic model is a theory about the atomic structure proposed in 1904 by Thomson, who discovered the electron in 1897, a few years before the discovery of the proton and the neutron.

Hope this helps :))

Use dimensional analysis to solve the following problems. Pay attention to correct use of units and correct use of significant figures in calculations. Please show work!

Convert 0.2502 grams of calcium nitrate to moles.

How many atoms are contained in 3.80 moles of magnesium?



a) 0.001525 mol Ca(NO₃)₂

b) 2.29 × 10²⁴ atoms Mg

General Formulas and Concepts:

Atomic Structure  

Reading a Periodic Table Reactions rxn Compounds



Calcium (Ca) has a +2 charge on the periodic table. Polyatomic ion for nitrate (NO₃) has a -1 charge. We need to balance the compound:


To find the molar mass of calcium nitrate, we must pull data from the PT.

Ca has a molar mass of 40.08 g/mol

N has a molar mass of 14.01 g/mol

O has a molar mass of 16.00 g/mol

Add these all together and multiply respectively to find the molar mass of the compound:

40.08 + 2[14.01 + 3(16.00)] = 164.1 g/mol

To find the amount of moles we have given grams, divide the grams by the molar mass:

(0.2502 g) / (164.1 g/mol) = 0.001525 mol Ca(NO₃)₂

We are given 4 sig figs and our final answer is in 4 sig figs.


We need to know Avogadro's Number - 6.022 × 10²³ atoms, molecules, formula units, etc. This converts moles into atoms, molecules, formula units, etc.

We are given 3.80 moles of Mg. To find the number of atoms, we multiply Avogadro's number:

3.80 mol Mg · (6.022 × 10²³ atoms Mg/ 1 mol Mg) = 2.28836 × 10²⁴ atoms Mg

Since we are given 3 sig figs, we must round:

2.28836 × 10²⁴ atoms Mg ≈ 2.29 × 10²⁴ atoms Mg


Solution given:


we have

1 mole of calcium nitrate=164.088g


0.2502g of calcium nitrate=1/164.088*0.2502=

0.0015248 mole of calcium nitrate

0.2502 grams of calcium nitrate



1 mole of magnesium=[tex]6.02214076 × 10^{23}[/tex]atoms

3.80 mole of magnesium=[tex]6.02214076 × 10^{23}×3.80=2.2884*10^{24}[/tex]atoms


are contained in 3.80 moles of magnesium.

Give numerical answers to the following questions about the structure of a cholesterol molecule.
a. How many six-membered rings are present?
b. How many amide linkages are present?
c. How many hydroxyl substituents are present?
d. How many total functional groups are present?


d! i got it right hope you do
Yea it should be letter d

1. Choose binary compounds with ionic bonds:

a) CCl4; b) KCl; c) ZnO; d) SiO



its kcl ,option.b)


because its contains k+and cl- which is and ionic bond

Option b is the correct option

The following properties are either physical or chemical. Which one is different from the rest based on those two categories? (5 points)

Boiling point






The following properties are either physical or chemical. Which one is different from the rest based on those two categories? We chose all of the above

Write the formulas of all species in solution for the following ionic compounds by writing their dissolving equations:

(Use the lowest possible coefficients.)

1. Rubidium hydroxide: __--__+___
2. Sodium carbonate: __--__+__
3. Ammonium selenite:__--__+__



1. RbOH(s) ⇒ Rb⁺(aq) + OH⁻(aq)

2. Na₂CO₃(s) ⇒ 2 Na⁺(aq) + CO₃²⁻(aq)

3. (NH₄)₂SeO₃(s) ⇒2 NH₄⁺(aq) + SeO₃²⁻(aq)


Let's consider the dissolving equations for the following compounds.

1. Rubidium hydroxide

RbOH(s) ⇒ Rb⁺(aq) + OH⁻(aq)

2. Sodium carbonate

Na₂CO₃(s) ⇒ 2 Na⁺(aq) + CO₃²⁻(aq)

3. Ammonium selenite

(NH₄)₂SeO₃(s) ⇒2 NH₄⁺(aq) + SeO₃²⁻(aq)

Which process takes place when recharging a rechargeable battery?
a- Oxidation occurs at the positive anode.
b- Oxidation occurs at the positive cathode.
c- Oxidation occurs at the negative anode.
d- Oxidation occurs at the positive cathode.



the answer is d.) potassium


Preliminary preformulation studies for a new candidate drug molecule does not include one of these
A. Identity
B. Formula and weight
C. pharmacological activity
D. Pilot scale up



Pilot scale up


Preformulation studies are carried out on candidate drug molecules that show sufficient pharmacological promise in animal model(pharma approach).

It involves preliminary study of the properties of a drug which is considered a potentially active ingredient against a particular disease condition.

Scale-up is the term used to refer to the increase in the batch size of a product. This is only done after a drug has been proven successful against the target disease after extensive pilot studies.

Scale-up is the last operation carried out when a drug has passed through all stages. It is not included in preliminary preformulation studies

Question 9 of 25
How many hydrogen atoms are in a molecule of table sugar (C12H,2011)?
O A. 12
B. 45
C. 11
D. 22



is my answer than welcome

For the following reaction, 15.4 grams of chlorine gas are allowed to react with 49.6 grams of sodium iodide. chlorine (g) sodium iodide (s) sodium chloride (s) iodine (s) What is the maximum amount of sodium chloride that can be formed



19.3 g of NaCl can be produced


We state the reaction:

Cl₂ (g) + 2NaI (s) →  2NaCl (s) + I₂ (s)

We need to determine limiting reagent:

15.4 g . 1mol /70.9g = 0.217 moles of chlorine

49.6 g . 1mol / 149.89g = 0.331 moles of NaI

Ratio is 1:2. 1 mol of chlorine reacts to 2 moles of NaI

0.217 moles may react to (0.217 . 2)/1 = 0.434 moles of NaI

It is ok to say the NaI is the limting reactant because we need 0.434 moles of it and we only have 0.331.

Ratio is 2:2.

0.331 moles of NaI can produce 0.331 moles of NaCl

We convert mass to moles: 0.331 mol . 58.45g /mol = 19.3 g

Calculate the number of moles of sulfuric acid in the total volume you used in the lab (i.e., 8.00 mL). Hint: Use the methodology of Question (1) above for finding out the molarity of the concentrated sulfuric acid first from its density (1.84 g/mL) and concentration (98.0% w/w), then find the number of moles. Show full work.



0.147 mol


Step 1: Calculate the volumetric concentration (Cv)

We will use the following expression.

Cv = Cg × ρ

Cv = 98.0 g%g × 1.84 g/mL = 180 g%mL

Step 2: Calculate the molarity of sulfuric acid

We will use the following expression.

M = mass solute / molar mass solute × liters of solution

M = 180 g / 98.08 g/mol × 0.100 L = 18.4 M

Step 3: Calculate the moles of solute in 8.00 mL of solution

8.00 × 10⁻³ L × 18.4 mol/L = 0.147 mol

When solid Ni metal is put into an aqueous solution of Pb(NO3)2, solid Pb metal and a solution of Ni(NO3)2 result. Write the net ionic equation for the reaction.



[tex]Pb^{2+}(aq)+Ni(s)\rightarrow Ni^{2+}(aq)+Pb(s)[/tex]


Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out firstly necessary for us to write the complete molecular equation as shown below:

[tex]Pb(NO_3)_2(aq)+Ni(s)\rightarrow Ni(NO_3)_2(aq)+Pb(s)[/tex]

Now, we can separate the nitrates in ions as they are aqueous to obtain:

[tex]Pb^{2+}(aq)+2(NO_3)^-(aq)+Ni(s)\rightarrow Ni^{2+}(aq)+2(NO_3)^-(aq)+Pb(s)[/tex]

And then, we cancel out the nitrate ions as the spectator ones, for us to obtain the net ionic equation:

[tex]Pb^{2+}(aq)+Ni(s)\rightarrow Ni^{2+}(aq)+Pb(s)[/tex]

Best regards!

1: When salt is mixed into water it becomes a. element​


Water molecules pull the sodium and chloride ions apart, breaking the ionic bond that held them together. After the salt compounds are pulled apart, the sodium and chloride atoms are surrounded by water molecules, as this diagram shows. Once this happens, the salt is dissolved, resulting in a homogeneous solution.

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

General Chemistry fourth edition by McQuarrie, Rock, and Gallogly. University Science Books presented by Macmillan Learning.
A researcher studying the nutritional value of a new candy places a 6.70 g
sample of the candy inside a bomb calorimeter and combusts it in excess oxygen. The observed temperature increase is 2.29 ∘C.
If the heat capacity of the calorimeter is 37.60 kJ⋅K−1,
how many nutritional Calories are there per gram of the candy?



3.07 Cal/g


Step 1: Calculate the heat absorbed by the calorimeter

We will use the following expression.

Q = C × ΔT


Q: heat absorbedC: heat capacity of the calorimeter (37.60 kJ/K = 37.60 kJ/°C)ΔT: temperature change (2.29 °C)

Q = 37.60 kJ/°C × 2.29 °C = 86.1 kJ

According to the law of conservation of energy, the heat released by the candy has the same magnitude as the heat absorbed by the calorimeter.

Step 2: Convert 86.1 kJ to Cal

We will use the conversion factor 1 Cal = 4.186 kJ.

86.1 kJ × 1 Cal/4.186 kJ = 20.6 Cal

Step 3: Calculate the number of Cal per gram of candy

20.6 Cal/6.70 g = 3.07 Cal/g

The following compound can be identified as



3: Lactone


Lactones are defined as carboxylic esters that contain the structure (−C(=O)−O−) which is essentially showing that an ester has now become part of the chemical structure of the ring.

Thus, looking at the question, it has the structure as defined in Lactones.

Thus, we can say that the compound is a Lactone.

what is the hybridisation of the central carbon in CH3C triple bonded to N​



the carbon would be sp3 hybridized, and it doesn't matter which carbon, since either of them have a full octet

which of these statements is true about planets? Planets
A. revolve around the sun
B. are spherical in shape
C. rotate in its axis
D. all of the above​



D. all of the above


A and C are verified by Keplar's laws of planetary motion.

B is verified by the equatorial and polar aces of the Planet.




they dont have to orbit the sun specifically and are commonly more ovoid than spherical

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