A stock has an expected return of 11.85 percent, its beta is 1.08, and the risk-free rate is 3.9 percent. What must the expected return on the market be


Answer 1




According to the capital asset price model: Expected rate of return = risk free + beta x (market rate of return - risk free rate of return)

rm = expected return on the market

11.85 = 3.9 + 1.08(rm - 3.9)

11.85 - 3.9 =  1.08(rm - 3.9)

7.95 = 1.08(rm - 3.9)

7.95 / 1.08 = rm - 3.9

7.361 = rm - 3.9

rm = 11.26

Related Questions

1. What effect is the Federal Reserve attempting to have on the U.S. economy
through buying these Treasury bonds?





because of the something im just trying to get points

Department S had no work in process at the beginning of the period. It added 12,000 units of direct materials during the period at a cost of $96,000. During the period, 9,000 units were completed, and 3,000 units were 30% completed as to labor and overhead at the end of the period. All materials are added at the beginning of the process. Direct labor was $53,460, and factory overhead was $13,860. The total cost of units completed during the period was a.$72,000 b.$120,600 c.$133,200 d.$159,840





The computation of the total cost of units completed is shown below:

The conversion cost is

= Direct labor + factory overhead

= $53,460 + $13,860

= $67,320

Now the total cost of unit completed is

= Direct material + conversion cost

= $96,000 + $67,320

= $163,320

This is the answer but the same is not provided in the given options

Sheridan Company Ltd. publishes a monthly sports magazine, Fishing Preview. Subscriptions to the magazine cost $28 per year. During November 2022, Sheridan sells 10,500 subscriptions for cash, beginning with the December issue. Sheridan prepares financial statements quarterly and recognizes subscription revenue at the end of the quarter. The company uses the accounts Unearned Subscription Revenue and Subscription Revenue. The company has a December 31 year-end.

Prepare the entry in November for the receipt of the subscriptions.


Answer and Explanation:

The journal entry to record the receipt of the subscription is as follows:

Cash ($28 × 10,500) $294,000

         To Unearned Subscription Revenue $294,000

(being the  receipt of the subscription is recorded)

Here the cash is debited as it increased the assets and credited the unearned subscription revenue as it also increased the revenue

One of the sales consultants at Ebhayi furniture store is performing very poorly. She arrives late for work and phones in sick at least once a month. She is also rude to customers and doesn't mix well with the other staff. The owner has asked you to deal with it. Discuss how you will handle this staff member.



i will give many works like carpenter and also I give her my position just for one day to maintain the shop . I think if she do shop owner's work she will definitely understand it and she becomes change


I will bring the same worker like she and the staff will behave rude to her and she becomes change if she understand the rude staff disturbance that how all staffs and customers feel like her. one day her behaviour will change

Job candidates are leaving an office every 50 minutes. Each candidate goes through three activities during the office visit: verification, written test, and interview. Verification takes 1 minute, the written test takes 40 minutes, and the interview takes 10 minutes. Assume there is only one resource dedicated to each activity. What is the utilization of the bottleneck resource?





Calculation to determine the utilization of the bottleneck resource

First step is to calculate the Flow rate

Flow rate = 1/50

Flow rate = 0.02 customer per minute.

Second step is to calculate the Bottleneck capacity

Bottleneck capacity = Min(1, 1/40, 1/10)

Bottleneck capacity= 0.025 customer per minute.

Now let determine the Utilization of the bottleneck resource using this formula

Utilization of the bottleneck resource = Flow rate/Capacity

Let plug in the formula

Utilization of the bottleneck resource= 0.02/0.025

Utilization of the bottleneck resource= 80%.

Therefore the utilization of the bottleneck resource is 80%

Growing, Inc. is a firm that is experiencing rapid growth. The firm yesterday paid a dividend of $7.70. You believe that dividends will grow at a rate of 25.0% per year for two years, and then at a rate of 5.0% per year thereafter. You expect the stock will sell for $35.09 in two years. You expect an annual rate of return of 23.0% on this investment. If you plan to hold the stock indefinitely, what is the most you would pay for the stock now





The maximum amount a rational investor would pay for the stock is the present value of its future dividends and the present value of the terminal value of dividends beyond year 2(the price at the end of year 2) discounted at the investor's rate of return which is 23.0%

Year 1 dividend=$7.70*(1+25.0%)=$9.63

Year 2 dividend=$9.63*(1+25.0%)=$12.04

Share price at the end of year 2=$35.09(the 5.0% is of no use since terminal value beyond has been given)

price of the stock=$9.63/(1+23.0%)^1+$12.04/(1+23.0%)^2+$35.09/(1+23.0%)^2

price of the stock=$38.98  

Minor Company installs a machine in its factory at the beginning of the year at a cost of $135,000. The machine's useful life is estimated to be 5 years, or 300,000 units of product, with a $15,000 salvage value. During its first year, the machine produces 64,500 units of product. Determine the machines' first year depreciation under the double-declining-balance method. Multiple Choice $66,000. $25,800. $24,000. $54,000. $48,000.





Calculation to determine the machines' first year depreciation under the double-declining-balance method.

Using this formula

Depreciation Expense = (Cost - Salvage Value)/Estimated Useful Life

Let plug in the formula

Depreciation Expense = ($135,000 - $15,000)/5

Depreciation Expense=$120,000/5

Depreciation Expense= $24,000

Therefore the machines' first year depreciation under the double-declining-balance method is $24,000

Christopher can pay $20 for one pair of shoes or $30 for two pairs of shoes. The marginal cost of the second pair of shoes is





2 pairs of the 20$ would be 40$ while 2 pairs is 30$ for the other set so i think its 10.

Answer: I think $10, sorry if its not correct.


Nakatomi Corporation produces 10,000 units of Product A at a cost of $20 per unit. A detailed breakdown of the cost is below. Per Unit Variable costs $ 12 Allocated manufacturing overhead costs 3 Allocated general administrative costs 5 $ 20 Outside supplier's offer $ 17 What are the total relevant cost of producing the units internally


Answer: $120,000


Fixed costs are not considered to be relevant costs because they will be incurred by the business regardless. Variable costs are therefore the only relevant costs and in this case the variable costs are:

= Number of units * variable costs per unit

= 10,000 units * 12

= $120,000

ABC Construction, Inc., has buildings and equipment of $315,600, long-term debt of $154,700, accounts payable of $52,000, cash of $9,800, accounts receivable of $18,300, inventory of $62,000, and retained earnings of $147,000. What is the total equity of the firm





Equity= Assets- liabilities

Assests= 315,600+9800+18300+62000

= 405,700

Liabilities= 154,000+52,000

= 206,000

Equity= 405,700-206,000

= 199,700

how many years will be required for a given sum of money to triple, if it is deposited in a bank account that pays 6% per year compound annualy



19 years


the 19th year your money will triple and be worth 3.0256 times the original sum.

You have been hired as a Training & Education Development consultant for Ebhayi Furniture Store. One of the challenges faced by this small firm is that there is no clear training strategy. Management believes this has led to the company not performing effectively and efficiently.

Ebhayi employs the following staff members:

4 sales consultants

1 cashier

1 cleaner

1 manager

As a consultant, advise the owner of all the types of training and development that will be relevant for each of these staff members.


Answer: sales consultant


Indicate which barrier to entry appropriately explains why a monopoly exists in each scenario?

a. In the natural gas industry, low average total costs are obtained only through large-scale production. In other words, the initial cost of setting up all the necessary pipes and hoses makes it risky and, most likely, unprofitable for competitors to enter the market.
b. The Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) formerly controlled all U.S. sources of bauxite, a key component in the production of aluminum. Given that Alcoa did not sell bauxite to any other companies, Alcoa was a monopolist in the U.S. aluminum industry from the late-nineteenth century until the 1940s.
c. Patents are granted to inventors of a product or process for a certain number of years. The reason for this is to encourage innovation in the economy. Without the existence of patents, it is argued that research and development for improved pharmaceutical products is unlikely to take place, since there's nothing preventing another firm from stealing the idea, copying the product, and producing it without incurring the development costs.


It should be b I hope that help

Swifty Corporation is unsure of whether to sell its product assembled or unassembled. The unit cost of the unassembled product is $24 and Swifty would sell it for $56. The cost to assemble the product is estimated at $20 per unit and the company believes the market would support a price of $69 on the assembled unit. What decision should Swifty make



See below


Assembled product

Cost = $24 + $20 = $44

Selling price = $69

Profit = $69 - $44 = $25

Unassembled product

Cost = $24

Selling price = $56

Profit = $56 - $24 = $32

Therefore, Swifty corporation should sell before assembly, the company will be better off by $7

Take 2014 as the price index base year. That year, you paid $80 for a day at a theme park. In 2015, the price was up to $84. Assuming that the increase reflects the inflation rate and that this rate continues in 2016, match each number to its description.

a. the 2016 price index
b. the 2015 price index
c. the inflation rate as a percentage.
d. the cost of a theme park visit in 2016 dollars:

1. 88.20
2. 110.2
3. 105
4. 5



a. 110.2

b. 105

c, 5%

d. 88.2


Price index measures the changes in price level over time. It is measure of inflation.

Price index = (price of good in a given year / price of good in the base year) x 100

Types of price indexes

1. Producer price index measures the goods and services produced. this would not increase because it is used cars that is being examined

2. The consumer price index measures the changes in price of a basket of good.

Inflation is a persistent rise in the general price levels

Inflation rate = (change in prices / previous years price) x 100

Types of inflation

1. Demand pull inflation – this occurs when demand exceeds supply. When demand exceeds supply, prices rise

2. Cost push inflation – this occurs when the cost of production increases. This leads to a reduction in supply. Higher prices are the resultant effect  

a. (88.2 / 80) x 100 = 110.25

b. (84 / 80 x 100) = 105

c. (84 / 80) - 1 = 5%

d. 1.05 x 84 = 88.2

Michael’s basement recently flooded. He has a homeowner’s policy covering flood damage that has a $500 deductible. The total damages to the basement totaled $2500. How much will the insurance company pay in this scenario? A. $500 B. $2500 C. nothing D. $2000



D. $2000


Calculation to determine How much will the insurance company pay in this scenario

Using this formula

Amount to pay=Total damages -Deductible homeowner’s policy covering flood damage

Let plug in the formula

Amount to pay=$2,500-$500

Amount to pay=$2,000

Therefore How much will the insurance company pay in this scenario will be $2,000

The Correct Answer: $2000

Beta Inc. can produce a unit of Zed for the following costs: Direct material $ 10 Direct labor 20 Overhead 50 Total costs per unit $ 80 An outside supplier offers to provide Beta with all the Zed units it needs at $58 per unit. If Beta buys from the supplier, it will still incur 40% of its overhead. Beta should:


Answer: Beta should buy from the outside supplier


If Beta produces the product itself, only avoidable costs would be accounted for:

= Direct labor + Direct material + Unavoidable overhead

= 10 + 20 + ( (1 - 40%) * 50)

= 10 + 20 + 30

= $60

If however, Beta buys the product, they will buy at $58 per unit which is less than the $60 they would make it for.

Beta should buy the product because they will be able to save $2 per unit.

It is a hot day, and Bert is thirsty. Here is the value he places on each bottle of water: Value of first bottle $7, Value of second bottle $5, Value of third bottle $3, Value of fourth bottle $1

a. From this information, derive Bert’s demand schedule. Graph his demand curve for bottled water.
b. If the price of a bottle of water is $4, how many bottles does Bert buy? How much consumer surplus does Bert get from his purchases? Show Bert’s consumer surplus in your graph.
c. If the price falls to $2, how does quantity demanded change? How does Bert’s consumer surplus change? Show these changes in your graph.



a. Please check the attached image for the diagram

b. He would buy 2 bottles


Please check the attached image for the diagram

c. he demands 3 bottles. his demand increases by 1 bottle

his consumer surplus changes to $3. It reduces by $1

Please check the attached image for the diagram


The demand schedule is a table that shows the relationship between price and quantity demanded of a consumer. It can be seen that the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded. This is in line with the law of demand.

The demand curve is a curve that shows the relationship between price and quantity demanded. The demand curve is negatively sloped because the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded. This is in line with the law of demand.

According to the law of demand, the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded and the lower the price, the higher the quantity demanded.

Consumer surplus is the difference between the willingness to pay of a consumer and the price of the good.

Consumer surplus = willingness to pay – price of the good

the price of the good is $4 and when price is $7, he would purchase a bottle and when it is $5, he would buy a second bottle.

Thus, he would buy 2 bottles when the price is $4

If a candidate is denied a license due to information obtained in the mandatory criminal background check, how
long do they have to request a hearing with NCREC?



60 days

Rationale: The criminal background check is obtained by the candidate at NCREC.Check.com. The background check will be reviewed by NCREC after the candidate passes the examination and before a license is issued.

Fortune Drilling Company acquires a mineral deposit at a cost of $5,900,000. It incurs additional costs of $600,000 to access the deposit, which is estimated to contain 2,000,000 tons and is expected to take 5 years to extract. What journal entry would be needed to record the expense for the first year assuming 418,000 tons were mined


Answer and Explanation:

the journal entry is given below:

Depletion Expense $1,358,500

         To Accumulated Depletion $1,358,500.

(Being depletion expense is recorded)

Here the depletion expense is debited as it increased the expense and credited the accumulated depreciation as it decreased the assets

Working note

Depletion expense is

= ($5,900,000 + $600,000) ÷ $2,000,000 × 418,000

= $1,358,500

The most common measure of __________ is the spread between the number of shares which advance in price and the number of shares which decline in price.
A. market breadth
B. market volume
C. odd-lot trading
D. short interest



A)market breadth


Breadth of market can be regarded as indicator that is been utilized in security analysis. It can be computed on a stock market through finding the ratio of advancing stocks numbers to that of number of declining stocks.

It should be noted that the The most common measure of market breadth is the spread between the number of shares which advance in price and the number of shares which decline in price.

Merone Company allocates materials handling cost to the company's two products using the below data:

Modular Homes Prefab Barns
Total expected units produced 6,600 9,600
Total expected material moves 660 260
Expected direct labor-hours per unit 860 360

The total materials handling cost for the year is expected to be $228,300. If the materials handling cost is allocated on the basis of direct labor-hours, the total materials handling cost allocated to the prefab barns is closest to:

a. 164,883.33
b. $91,576.16
c. $106,275.00
d. $86,400.00



d. $86,400.00


The computation of the  total materials handling cost allocated to the prefab barns is given below:

Total Materials Handling Cost is $228,300

Total is

= 6600 ×860 + 9600 × 360

= $5,676,000 + $3,456,000

= $9,132,000

Allocation Rate = Total Materials Handling Cost ÷ Total direct labor hours  

= $228,300 ÷ $9,132,000

= $0.025


Total Materials Handling Cost allocated to prefab barns is

= Allocation Rate×  direct albor hours for Modular Homes

= $0.025 ×  $3,456,000

= $86,400

Given the following information, determine the amount of cash on the balance sheet, assuming that the company has only three assets.

Liabilities equal $3,350
Owner's equity equals $28,000
Supplies equal $2,000
Land equals $23,500



Cash balance = $5850


Below is the given values and calculations:

Liabilities  = $3350

Equity = $28000

Supplies = 2000

Land = $23500

Cash on the balance sheet can be determined by subtracting the sum of supplies and land from the sum of liability and equity.

Cash balance = (28000 + 3350) - (2000 + 23500)

Cash balance = $5850

Ace Products has a bond issue outstanding with 15 years remaining to maturity, a coupon rate of 9% with semiannual payments of $45, and a par value of $1,000. The price of each bond in the issue is $1,180.00. The bond issue is callable in 5 years at a call price of $1,090.

a. What is the bond's nominal annual yield to maturity (YTM)?
b. What is the bond's nominal annual yield to call (YTC)?
c. Assuming interest rates remain at current levels, will the bond issue be called?



a. Nper = 30

PMT = 45

FV = `1000

Price Pv = -1180

Rate (YTM) = ?

Using the MsExcel Rate function to derive YTM

Nominal annual yield to maturity = Rate(Nper, Pmt, -Pv, Fv) * 2

Nominal annual yield to maturity = Rate(30, 45, -1180, 1000) * 2

Nominal annual yield to maturity = 7.04%

b. Nper = 10

PMT = 45

Call Price = 1090

Price Pv = -1180

Rate (YTC) = ?

Using the MsExcel Rate function to derive YTM

Nominal annual yield to call = Rate(Nper, Pmt, -Pv, Fv) * 2

Nominal annual yield to call = Rate(10, 45, -1180, 1090) * 2

Nominal annual yield to call = 6.31%

C. Yes, the bond issue should call because the YTC is less than the YTM.

Starfish Enterprises produces men’s sports coats that are sold by popular department stores. Each retail order is treated as a job that accumulates materials, labor, and overhead costs for a batch of sports coats. Material costs for a selected job is $900 for a batch of 30 suit coats (units). The material cost per unit is ________. $27.00 $30.00 $27.70 $26.00



Unitary cost= $30


Giving the following information:

Material costs for a selected job are $900 for a batch of 30 suit coats (units).

To calculate the unitary cost, we need to use the following formula:

unitary cost= total batch cost / number of units

unitary cost= 900 / 30

unitary cost= $30

Employees earn vacation pay at a rate of one day per month. The company estimated and must expense $1,500 of accrued vacation benefits for the year. Which of the following is the necessary year-end adjusting entry to record accrued vacation benefits?
a) Debit Vacation Benefits Expense $1,500; credit Prepaid Vacation $1,500.
b) Debit Vacation Benefits Expense $1,500; credit Vacation Benefits Payable $1,500.
c) Debit Payroll Tax Expense $1,500: credit Payroll Taxes Payable $1.500.
d) Debit Prepaid Vacation Benefits $1,500; credit Vacation Benefits Payable $1,500



b) Debit Vacation Benefits Expense $1,500; credit Vacation Benefits Payable $1,500.


The journal entry to record the accrued vacation benefit is given below:

Vacation Benefits Expense $1,500

        To Vacation Benefits Payable $1,500

(being the accrued vacation benefit is recorded)

Here vacation benefit expense is debited as it increased the assets and credited the vacation benefit payable as it also increased the liabilities

A firm sells two products, Regular and Ultra. For every unit of Regular the firm sells, two units of Ultra are sold. The firm's total fixed costs are $1,536,000. Selling prices and cost information for both products follow. What is the firm's break-even point in units of Regular and Ultra?



regular - 32,000

ultra - 64,000


Please find the remaining part of this question in the attached image

Breakeven quantity are the number of  units produced and sold at which net income is zero

Breakeven quantity = fixed cost / price – variable cost per unit

Contribution margin :

Regular = 22 - 8 = 14

Ultra = 25 - 8 = 17

weighted contribution margin = (1/3 x 14) + (2/3 x 17) = 16

Firms breakeven =  $1,536,000 / $16 = 96,000

Regular's breakeven = 1/3 x 96,000 = 32,000

Ultra's breakeven = 2/3 x 96,000 = 64,000

Determine the amount of long-term debt for ABC Co. using the following balance sheet information: cash balance of $24,733, accounts payable of $95,119, common stock of $400,875, retained earnings of $500,644, inventory of $206,573, other assets equal to $76,981, net plant and equipment of $707,919, short-term notes payable of $30,000, and accounts receivable of $142,431.





i. Total Assets = Cash + Inventory + Accounts receivable + Other Assets + Net plant and Equipment

Total Assets = $24,733 + $206,573 + $142,431 + $76,981 + $707,919

Total Assets = $1,158,637

ii. Current liabilities = Accounts payable + Short term debt

Current liabilities = $95,119 + $30,000

Current liabilities = $125,119

iii. Common stock = $400,875

iv. Retained Earnings = $500,644

Long term debt = Total Assets - [Common stock + Retained earnings + Current liabilities]

Long term debt = $1,158,637 - [$400,875 + $500,644 + $125,119]

Long term debt = $1,158,637 - $1,026,638

Long term debt = $131,999

Productivity measures Group of answer choices the changes in real wealth caused by price level changes the amount of capital goods used per worker. per-unit production costs. real output per unit of input.



The correct answer is the last option: Real output per unit of input.


To begin with, in the microeconomics and business management field the concept known as "productivity" refers to the measurement related to the efficiency of production of goods or services and it is most commonly expressed as a ratio of an aggregate output to a single input so therefore that this index is very important to the companies and the governments in order to understand how the production can improve and more important how can evolve regarding the machinery and the inputs that either the business or the government.

Refer to Exhibit 15-5. Assume that the economy starts out in short-run equilibrium. An economist who believes that the economy is not self-regulating would assert that the government should use _________________ fiscal policy to close the existing ___________________ gap.


Answer: b. Contractionary; Inflationary gap


If the economy starts out at the short-run, the GDP would be higher than the GDP if we were using the Long Run Aggregate Supply Curve which shows what the potential GDP is.

This means that the Actual GDP is higher than the potential GDP and when this happens there will be an inflationary gap because prices will be higher than they should be as the economy is overheated.

In order to close this inflationary gap, the government should embark on contractionary fiscal policies that would reduce economic activity and bring GDP down to the potential level.

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