A student is conducting their science experiment on the effects of sugar on bullfrogs. He has 3 groups of test subjects. 1 group of frogs that receives nothing, they are the control group. The 2nd group of frogs receives half a sugar pill each, and the 3rd group receives a whole sugar pill each. He will measure their activity levels and jump heights after giving them the pills. When he is setting up his data table, what should go in the first column?


Answer 1


Group 1 of frogs.


It is the first thing because you have to note which of the frogs you're talking about before you start.

Related Questions

Put the following steps of Meiosis in the correct order:

I. The cell divides into 2 daughter cells
II. Homologous chromosomes pair up in the center of the cell
III. Spindle fibers separate homologous chromosomes
IV. Chromosomes become shorter and thicker


Because first thing that happens in meiosis is the homologous pairs come in the center of the cell. Without that happening first, the cell can’t divide into 2 daughter cells, so it is NOT option A.
Chromosomes will become shorter and thicker at the end so the only option that remains is C.
Homologous chromosomes pair up in the center of the cell.Spindle fibers separate homologous chromosomes.The cell divides into 2 daughter cells.Chromosomes become shorter and thicker.

What is Meiosis

Meiosis  (listen); from Ancient Greek'lessening', since it is a reductional division) is a special type of cell division of germ cells in reproducing organisms that produce the gametes, such as sperm or egg cells. It involves two rounds of division that ultimately result in four cells with only one copy of each chromosome (haploid). Additionally, before the division, genetic material from the paternal and maternal copies of each chromosome is crossed over, creating new combinations of code on each chromosome. Later on, during fertilization, the haploid cells produced by meiosis between a male and female will fuse to create a cell with two copies of each chromosome again, the zygote.

Errors in meiosis resulting in aneuploidy (an abnormal number of chromosomes) are the leading known cause of miscarriage and the most frequent genetic cause of developmental disabilities.

Learn more about Meiosis



Devise an experiment to test the effect of pH on the activity of biological washing powder



boil a water on a container deep your face inside it and you know the temperature ️ of water

8.the following one is considered as safety rule in laboratory

1 point

never eat or drink anything in the science lab

always clean up when you have finished the experiment

wear safety goggles while doing experiments

all the above​


All the above would be classified as safety rules

Biological organization extends beyond the organism. Which group of terms would be included beyond organism in the same list



This question lacks options, the options are:

A. populations, communities, and ecosystems

B. DNA, RNA, and protein

C. Cells, tissues, and organs

The answer is A


The biological level of organization shows the organized build up of life from cellular level to organismal level. However, this organization goes beyond the organismal level. Individual species of organisms can assemble to form a POPULATION.

Likewise, populations of different species can coexist to form a COMMUNITY. The community of organisms can interact with their abiotic environment to form an ECOSYSTEM.

Therefore, the level of biological organization extends as follows:

populations → communities → ecosystems

The basal metabolism of a human adult is the total rate of energy production when a person is not performing significant physical activity.

a. True
b. False




Metabolism refers to the countless chemical processes going on continuously inside the body that allow life and normal functioning.

The amount of kilojoules your body burns at any given time is affected by your metabolism.

Your metabolic rate is influenced by many factors – including age, gender, muscle-to-fat ratio, amount of physical activity and hormone function.

Hope this helps you ❤️

MaRk mE aS braiNliest ❤️^_^




If blood is in short supply, which blood type would be the most beneficial to have on hand if someone needed a blood transfusion?


I think it’s o+ if not try o- sorry if this was no help

6. Which of the following does not allow observation of living organisms?
a) Bright field microscopy
b. Phase contrast microscopy
c) Fluorescent microscopy
d. Dark Field microscopy ...​


Dark field microscopy because it’s dark and you can only observe things in light

What role do government agencies play in a mixed market economy?
They run shipping companies and other sources of distribution.
They own farms, factories, and other sources of production.
They regulate some aspects of production and distribution,
O They employ most of the workers in the economic system.
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They regulate some aspects of production and distribution


Got it Correct

In a mixed market economy, government agencies regulate some aspects of production and distribution. Hence option C is correct.

What is a mixed market economy?

A mixed market economy is an economic system that combines elements of a free market system with elements of government intervention and regulation.

In a mixed market economy, goods and services are produced primarily by private individuals and businesses operating in a market environment. However, the government also regulates and oversees economic activity, and may provide goods and services directly to the public.

In a mixed market economy, the government's role is typically focused on providing public goods and services, protecting consumers, and maintaining competition.

This may include regulating some aspects of production and distribution, and ensuring that businesses operate in a fair and ethical manner. At the same time, individuals and businesses are generally free to pursue their own economic interests and to compete in the market on a level playing field.

Hence option C, they regulate some aspects of production and distribution is correct.

To know more about the mixed market economy:



which primitive organic molecule was essential to form lipid bilayer?​



autocatalytic RNA is the primitive organic molecules was essential form liquid bilayer .

During transcription, RNA polymerase synthesizes RNA from a DNA template with the help of accessory proteins.

a. True
b. False



The correct answer is a. True


The information to produce a protein is coded in the cells in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Transcription is the process in which a DNA sequence is copied into a ribonucleic acid (RNA) sequence. This RNA sequence is a messenger RNA (mRNA) because it will be then translated into a functional protein. For this, the DNA sequence is read and an RNA strand is synthesized by an RNA polymerase (an enzyme that synthesizes RNA molecules from a DNA template). During the process participate other proteins, such as DNA binding proteins, activators, coactivators, etc. (accessory proteins).

This is the last

What are the vestigal organs present in human body??​



Charles Darwin listed a number of putative human vestigial features, which he termed rudimentary, in The Descent of Man (1871). These included the muscles of the ear; wisdom teeth; the appendix; the tail bone; body hair; and the semilunar fold in the corner of the eye.

hope it's helpful .!pls mark me in brainlist

Which characteristic of a dog is inherited?


Doing tricks

Walking on a leash

Whining for food



Barking is inherited characteristic of dog.


They inherit that from their ancestors.

The other is learn

what is the waterfalls ​



waterfall is a falling of a river or other body of water over a steep Rocky ledge. Shows interruption in water flow

Los microondas tienen una frecuencia mayor a las ondas de radio. verdadero o falso,justifique


Los microondas tienen una frecuencia mayor a las ondas de radio.Verdadero o Falso.


→ Porque, los microondas con/y las radiofrecuencias son radiaciones electromagnéticas de mayor frecuencia.



how do the decisons that we make each day influence how efficiently our body operates



Our decisions have direct impact on the operations or actions of our body.


The decisions that we make each day greatly influence our body and efficiently our body operates because the activities we do in daily life put pressure on our body system. If our decisions force us to do hard work so it makes our body more stronger and healthier as compared to those decisions which requires no hard work so our body is not strong enough and our body can't operates efficiently.

A biologist discovered a new animal. Upon studying its embryonic development, she observed radial cleavage with the blastopore developing into an anus. This animal was categorized as a parazoan. pseudocoelomate. deuterostome. protostome. radiata.



The correct answer is ''deuterostome''.


Deuterostomes are a superphylum of animals in which the anus is formed in or near the blastopore area in the developing embryo, and the mouth is secondarily formed elsewhere. The oral apparatus that these adult animals enjoy does not come from the embryo's blastopore. Instead it is a new formation. They enter the Bilateria classification, where species that enjoy bilateral symmetry are incorporated. In deuterostomes, the primary phases of division occur in parallel to the axis between the tips. That is, the segmentation they have is radial when the embryo is in state 1 with four cells.

what is gestation period?​


Gestation is the period of development during the carrying of an embryo or fetus inside viviparous animals.[1] It is typical for mammals, but also occurs for some non-mammals. Mammals during pregnancy can have one or more gestations at the same time, for example in a multiple birth.
The time interval of a gestation is called the gestation period. In human obstetrics, gestational age refers to the fertilization age plus two weeks. This is approximately the duration since the woman's last menstrual period (LMP) began.


gestation period is the period of development during the carrying of the embryo or fetus inside viviparous animals

What happens when the density of a medium increases?


A substance that is more dense per volume has more mass per volume. Usually, larger molecules have more mass. If a material is more dense because its molecules are larger, it will transmit sound slower.

As a group, you and three other students must make a presentation on an animal. Which option is the best example of your group coming to a consensus on the
presentation topic?

The group cannot agree on what animal to choose so your teacher chooses your presentation topic.

Each member gets a vote and the animal with the most votes will be the presentation topic.

A group member is selected as the team leader and the team leader chooses the presentation topic.

The group writes options on slips of paper, puts them in a hat, and the paper that is selected will be the presentation topic


Each member gets a vote and the animal with the most votes will be the presentation topic, is the best example of your group coming to a consensus on the presentation topic.

what are the different types of presentation ?

Presentations should be always unique as  the information we are trying to present.

An informative presentation is always educational, concise, and only specific points are mentioned.

The main aim of an informative presentation is to share information with  others.

An Instructive Presentations teaches to the audience on a specific topic, but it goes beyond sharing facts.

Persuasive Presentations is to sell something or persuade the audience to take actions. It present  an issue  and explain their solution using data.

Motivational Presentations is an inspiring presentations, aim to generate interest in an audience’s approval.

Decision-making Presentations is to shares a problem, their solution and their outcomes can help speed along the process.

For more details regarding presentation, visit:



Macronutrients is the most readily available for energy production



The correct answer is - true.


All the macronutrients carbohydrates, fats, and protein all three produce energy. Carbohydrates are the most preferred source of energy for the human body as it is the macronutrient that your system most requires.

The human body easily breaks down most carbohydrates and provides a significant amount of energy. The energy-providing process is called cellular respiration starts with glucose as a substrate. Glucose is the simplest carbohydrate.

How do make a sperm cell go in to a woman


During sex, sperm cells travel through the vagina to the uterus and fallopian tubes. In the fallopian tube, the sperm meets the egg that was released from the ovary during ovulation.

Please help;
Given the range of current speeds shown on the graph above, would deposition ever be possible for clay (0.001 mm) or silt (0.01mm) particles?
Answer yes or no and explain your answer.





Yes, deposition can be possible for clay (0.001 mm) and silt (0.01mm) particles when the agent that carry its load is absent in that region such as wind. Wind is the agent that moves clay and silt particles with it so if there is high wind in a specific region, no deposition will occur while on the other hand, those areas where wind is not present, deposition will definitely occurs so we can say that deposition depends on the presence and absence of wind.

Which purpose is the main function of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?



The overall purpose of the light-dependent reactions is to convert light energy into chemical energy. This chemical energy will be used by the Calvin cycle to fuel the assembly of sugar molecules. The light-dependent reactions begin in a grouping of pigment molecules and proteins called a photosystem.

The light-dependent reactions convert light energy into chemical energy. The goal of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis is to collect energy from the sun and break down water molecules to produce ATP and NADPH. These two energy-storing molecules are then used in the light-independent reactions.

Indicate whether each statement is true or false: 1. Compliance is the tendency for blood vessel volume to increase as blood pressure decreases. True 2. Blood vessels with a large compliance exhibit a small increase in volume when the pressure increases a small amount. True 3. Venous compliance is approximately 24X greater than arterial compliance, so as venous pressure increases the volume of veins greatly increases. True



1. False

2. False

3. True


1. Compliance is the capacity of a container to increase in size to allow it hold more content. Blood vessel, arteries and veins expand (increase in volume) to be able to accommodate a surge in blood flow, which is as a result of an increase in pressure of the blood from the heart pumping of the blood

Therefore, compliance in the tendency for blood vessel volume to increase as the blood pressure increases not decrease

The statement is false

2. A large compliance is indicative of being highly sensitive to changes in pressure

Compliance, C = ΔV/ΔP

From the above equation, a blood vessel with a large compliance, exhibit a large increase in volume when the increase in pressure is small

Therefore, the statement 'Blood vessels with a large compliance exhibit a small increase in volume when pressure increases a small amount; is false

3. The compliance of the vein ranges from 10 to 20 times (30 times in some literature) greater than arteries. A factor which can be affected by the vascular smooth muscle contraction or relaxation

Therefore, the statement, 'venous compliance is approximately 24 times larger than arterial compliance, so as venous pressure increases the volume of veins greatly increases' is true

Describe the similarities and differences between the cheek cell wet mount and dental plaque wet mount.



Cells from the cheek are a type of epithelial cell, similar to skin. ... They can be seen faintly even at 40x (scanning power), but the most dramatic images are at 400x where the nucleus is clearly visible as a dark spot in the center of the cell.


Help .....plz help....​



2. sedimentation (decantation follows sedimentation)

3. immiscible (water and oil never mix with each other)

4. size

5. evaporation (condensation chills the mixture where evaporation heats the mixture )

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pls mark it as brainliest




pls mark it as brainliest

if you look away from this sentence and focus your eyes on a distant object, the eye muscles _______ to focus images on the retinas


If you look away from this sentence and focus your eyes on a distant object, the eye muscles relax to focus images on the retinas.

What is produced during the replacement reaction of Ba(NO3)2 and Na2SO4?

2BaNa + 2NO3SO4
2NaNO3 + BaSO4
NaNO3 + BaSO4
BaNa2 + (NO3)2SO4



2NaNO3 + BaSO4



2NaNO3 + BaSO4


Hydrocarbons are burned to produce water and carbon dioxide. Propane (C3H8) is a homologous series alkane that belongs to the hydrocarbon family. As a result, when propane is burned, three molecules of carbon dioxide and four molecules of water are produced.

Because there is an overabundance of oxygen, carbon dioxide is created when butane is completely burned.

Locate each of the following general areas of your body as listed in the background by pointing to areas on your body in reference to body orientation terms. Become familiar with these terms so you can eventually recall their meanings without referring to the background.

a. Anterior
b. Caudal
c. Cephalic
d. Deep



a. Anterior: Refers to the front of the body, which comprises the face and abdomen.

b. Caudal: Refers to the lower structures of the body, starting from the waist towards the foot.

c. Cephalic: Refers to the entire head region.

d. Deep: Refers to the inner core regions of the body, such as the bones within the muscle, the organs, among other internal structures.


The regions of the body presented above are very important for all health professionals, as it facilitates the study and understanding of the human body and the structures that make it up. In addition, the memorization of these terms allows health professionals to talk clearly about the injuries that patients have and the best way to treat them.

All human impacts on the environment, such as the depletion of natural resources, are significantly worsened by __________. air and water pollution climate change human population growth agricultural practices





this along with the others listed have triggered climate change and soil erosion

Other Questions
What statement best explains the impact of the dogsgrowling in this passage?Read the excerpt from chapter 6 of Animal Farm.All the animals remembered passing such resolutions:or at least they thought that they remembered it. Thefour young pigs who had protested when Napoleonabolished the Meetings raised their voices timidly, butthey were promptly silenced by a tremendous growlindfrom the dogs. Then, as usual, the sheep broke into"Four legs good, two legs bad!" and the momentaryawkwardness was smoothed over. Finally Napoleonraised his trotter for silence and announced that hehad already made all the arrangements.It illustrates a growing sense of community amongthe animalsIt reveals new information about Napoleon in a smallamount of text.It highlights the ways in which the animals are beingsilenced and controlled.It shows how Napoleon's leadership has progressedin a short period of time. identify the following organism and state to which phylum it belongs 3. Ta n hon phin hp s thm khi:A. Ngi yu cu vng mt ln th nht khng c n xin xt x vng mtB. Ngi yu cu c triu tp hp l ln th hai m vn vng mt C. Kim st vin vng mt D. Ngi yu cu vng mt ln th nht c n xin xt x vng mt Un tractor tira de un remolque cargado sobre un camino plano libre de friccin, con una fuerza horizontal constante de 440 N. Si la masa total del remolque y su contenido es de 275 kg, Qu aceleracin tiene el remolque? Formula a utilizar : F = m . A * How can computer be beneficial in agriculture and tourism What return do you expect earn if you buy the 3 years ,10% coupon bond today and sell it in exactly 1 year( if current price is 1051.45 rupees) please solve asap thanks plssssss help me answer this quickly y = 4x 10y = 2What is the solution to the system of equations?(3, 2) (2, 3)(2, 2)(2, 2) Am faceehenda non-sequ untiur aut ut que debita con eate essinvenda corion nonserest, coriatistis min nonem If there are:6 red marbles10 yellow marbles5 green marblesand 1 blue marbleWhat is the probability of picking 1 red marble and 1 green marble? (Once a marble is chosen it IS put back into the box). (Write your answer in the form of a decimal, round to 2 places). Using Eulers formula, how many edges does a polyhedron with 9 faces and 14 vertices have? Background information: In September 1941, this lawwas passed in Germany.Why would Hitler pass a law requiring Jewish people towear a yellow star? Check all that apply.so Jews could be easily identifiedso Jews could be persecutedso Jews could avoid discriminationso Jews could be arrested more easilyso Jews could show pride in their religion In the statements below, V is a vector space. Mark each statement true or false. Justily each answer a. The set R is a two-dimensional subspace of R3.Choose the correct answer below O A. False, because R2 is not closed under vector addition. O B. True, because R2 is a plane in R3 . False, because the set R2 is not even a subset of R3 OD. True, because every vector in R2 can be represented by a linear combination of vectors inR3 b. The number of variables in the equation Ax 0 equa's the dimension of Nul A. Choose the correct answer below O A. False, because the number of free variables is equal to the dimension of Nul A. O B. True, because the number of variables in the equation Ax 0 equals O C. True, because the dimension of Nul A equals the largest any solution to O D. False, because the number of plvot columns is equal to the dimension of Nud A. c. A vector space the number of columns in A and the number of columns in A equa's the dimension of Nul A. number of Os in any solution to the equation Ax -b, and the equation Ax- 0 always has the trivial solution, so the number of variables is infinite-dimensional if it is spanned by an infinite set Choose the correct answer below O A. True, because the dimension of a vector space is equal to the number of elements in a set that spans O B. Faise, because a basis for the vector space may O C. True, because the dimension of a vector space number of O D. Faise, because all vector spaces are finite-dimensional. d. If dim Van and it S spans V, then S is a basis of V. Choose the correct answer below. the vector space. have only finitely many elements, which would make the vector space finite-dimensional is the number of vectors in a basis for that vector space, and a vector space spanned by an infinite set has a basis with an infinite number of vect O A. False, because the set S must have less than n elements O B. True, because if a vector space is finite-dimensional, then a set that spans t is a basis of the vector space O C. False, in order for S to be a basis, it must also have n elements O D. True, because if a set spans a vector space, regardiess of the dimension of the vector space, then that setis a basis of the vector spaoe e. The only three-dimensional subspace of R3 is R3 itself. Choose the correct answer below Faise, because False, because any subspaces of R3 which contain three-element vectors are three-dimensional, but most of these most three-dimensional subspaces of R3 are spanned by a linearly dependent set of tree vectors, but R can only be sparned by thre Inearly independent vectors subspaces do not contain all of R D. True, because any three linearly dependent vectors in R3 span all of R3, so there is no three-dmensional subspace of R' that is not R Please tell me whats the number? please help me in solving this 5.4 Which social class do you think teachers are in? Provide a reason for your answer. (4) 1. Neither the students nor the teacher ________ come.A. has B have C. is D. are 2 cans of beans cost 98 how many cans can you buy for $3.92? whats is the quotient for the rational expression shown below?