a study of patients who were overweight found that 53% also had elevated blood pressure. If 3 overweight patients are selected find the probability that all three have elevated blood pressure


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:


Related Questions

The director of research and development is testing a new medicine. She wants to know if there is evidence at the 0.02 level that the medicine relieves pain in more than 384 seconds. For a sample of 41 patients, the mean time in which the medicine relieved pain was 387 seconds. Assume the population standard deviation is 23. Find the P-value of the test statistic.



The p-value of the test statistic is 0.2019.

Step-by-step explanation:

Test if there is evidence at the 0.02 level that the medicine relieves pain in more than 384 seconds.

At the null hypothesis, we test if it relieves pain in at most 384 seconds, that is:

[tex]H_0: \mu \leq 384[/tex]

At the alternative hypothesis, we test if it relieves pain in more than 384 seconds, that is:

[tex]H_1: \mu > 384[/tex]

The test statistic is:

[tex]z = \frac{X - \mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

In which X is the sample mean, [tex]\mu[/tex] is the value tested at the null hypothesis, [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation and n is the size of the sample.

384 is tested at the null hypothesis:

This means that [tex]\mu = 384[/tex]

For a sample of 41 patients, the mean time in which the medicine relieved pain was 387 seconds. Assume the population standard deviation is 23.

This means that [tex]n = 41, X = 387, \sigma = 23[/tex]

Value of the test statistic:

[tex]z = \frac{X - \mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

[tex]z = \frac{387 - 384}{\frac{23}{\sqrt{41}}}[/tex]

[tex]z = 0.835[/tex]

P-value of the test:

The p-value of the test is the probability of finding a sample mean above 387, which is 1 subtracted by the p-value of z = 0.835.

Looking at the z-table, z = 0.835 has a p-value of 0.7981.

1 - 0.7981 = 0.2019

The p-value of the test statistic is 0.2019.

Suppose 50.7 liters of water came out of a faucet today. If 2.6 liters of water come out each minute, for how many minutes was the faucet on?


I believe the answer is 19.5 (or 19m 30s), 50.7/2.6=19.5, 2.6x19.5=50.7

Select the correct statement about what data scientists do during the Data Preparation stage.

a. During the Data Preparation stage, data scientists define the variables to be used in the model.
b. During the Data Preparation stage, data scientists determine the timing of events.
c. During the Data Preparation stage, data scientists aggregate the data and merge them from different sources.
d. During the Data Preparation stage, data scientists identify missing data.
e. All of the above statements are correct.



e. All of the above statements are correct.

Option e is correct. All of the above statements are correct.

What is Data science?

Data science is an interdisciplinary academic field that uses statistics, scientific computing, scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract or extrapolate knowledge and insights from noisy, structured and unstructured data

Data Scientist makes value out of data, he is expert in various tools and technologies like machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence and he solve business problems by presenting a model to predict business future.

During data preparation, data scientists and DBAs aggregate the data and merge them from different sources. During data preparation, data scientists and DBAs define the variables to be used in the model.

Hence, All of the above statements are correct, Option e is correct.

To learn more on Data science click:



Draw clearly the graph of the linear equation. y=1/2x, where x= (-4 -2, 0, 2, 4)​



(in attachment)

Step-by-step explanation:

you can find the points by inputting the x-values into the equation to solve for the y-values, then connecting the plotted points to create the line.

When x=-4




Repeat for all values.

i’ll make brainliest
look at the photo and check my work?
also tell me the answer to the ones i didn’t do
thanks :)


First of all, your work all seems to be correct.

2. =, this is because in decimals 100% and 1 are the same.

3. Measure of center is the mean, median, and mode, as they are all ways to interpret the center of the data.

5. The lines do not appear to be congruent as they are of different lengths.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.
The person above is correct but gives me Brainliest because I’m want it mores then they can, but I don’t want too do wrk

An industrial psychologist consulting with a chain of music stores knows that the average number of complaints management receives each month throughout the industry is 4, but the variance is unknown. Nine of the chain's stores were randomly selected to record complaints for one month; they received 2, 4, 3, 5, 0, 2, 5, 1, and 5 complaints. Using the .05 significance level, is the number of complaints received by the chain different from the number of complaints received by music stores in general?
1. Use the five steps of hypothesis testing.
2. Sketch the distributions involved
3. Explain the logic of what you did to a person who is familiar with hypothesis testing, but knows nothing about t tests of any kind. Be sure to explain how this problem differs from a problem with a known population variance and a single sample.


Answer: See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Use the five steps of hypothesis testing.

Step 1: The aim of the research is to conduct the five steps of hypothesis testing.

Step 2:

Null hypothesis: H0 u= 4

Population mean: H1 u = 4

Alternate hypothesis: u ≠ 4

Population mean: u ≠ 4

Step 3 and step 4 are attached.

Step 5: Based on the calculation, the calculated value of t is less than the t critical value, therefore, the null hypothesis will be failed to be rejected.

2. Sketch the distributions involved

This has been attached.

3. Explain the logic of what you did to a person who is familiar with hypothesis testing, but knows nothing about t tests of any kind.

The distribution is "t".

The means is tested by using T-test.

Chi-square is used to test the single variance.

wrote the terms below.

–8, –4, 0, 4, 8, 12

What do these terms represent?
an arithmetic series
an arithmetic sequence
a geometric series
a geometric sequence



an arithmetic sequence

Step-by-step explanation:

an arithmetic series is wrong also heres an example i found of an arithmetic sequence

The terms in the given sequence represents an arithmetic sequence.

What is Arithmetic Sequence?

Arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers where the numbers are arranged ion a definite order such that the difference of two consecutive numbers is a constant. This constant of difference is called common difference which is commonly denoted by the letter 'd'.

Given sequence of numbers is,

-8, -4, 0, 4, 8, 12, ......

We have to find which sequence does it represent.

This is not a series since they are not represented as the sum.

If the sequence is a geometric sequence, then the ratio of consecutive numbers will be same.

If it is arithmetic sequence, then the difference of consecutive numbers will be same.

Here, ratio is not same.

Difference are same.

-4 - -8 = 4, 0 - -4 = 4, 4 - 0 = 4, 8 - 4 = 4, ........

Common difference is 4.

Hence it is an arithmetic sequence.

Learn more about arithmetic Sequence here :



Answer this please~!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

113.04=3.14 x 3^2 x h/3

f(x) = 2x2 + 4x - 5
g(x) = 6x3 – 2x2 + 3
Find (f + g)(x).




(f+g) (x)=6x³+3

Step-by-step explanation:

Find x on this triangle



3 sqrt(3) =x

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

cos theta = adj / hyp

cos 30 = x/6

6 cos 30 = x

6 ( sqrt(3)/2) = x

3 sqrt(3) =x

can someone help me out with this question??? ​




Step-by-step explanation:

Not sure how to do this


Scale factor of 2

I compared the lengths of AC to DF. AC is one unit long, whereas DF is two units long, so DF is dilated by a scale factor of 2.

please help me its timed -H.M​



f(3) = g(3)

General Formulas and Concepts:

Algebra I


Function NotationGraphing

Step-by-step explanation:

We can see from the graph that the lines intersect at (3, 6). If this is the case, then that means that when x = 3 for both functions, it outputs f(x) = 6.

Rewriting this in terms of function notation:

f(3) = 6, g(3) = 6

∴ f(3) = g(3)

A researcher wishes to estimate the proportion of adults who have​ high-speed Internet access. What size sample should be obtained if she wishes the estimate to be within with ​% confidence if ​(a) she uses a previous estimate of ​? ​(b) she does not use any prior​ estimates?



732 samples ;

752 samples

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

α = 90% ; M.E = 0.03 ; p = 0.58 ; 1 - p = 1 - 0.58 = 0.42

Using the relation :

n = (Z² * p * (1 - p)) / M.E²

Zcritical at 90% = 1.645

n = (1.645² * 0.58 * 0.42) / 0.03²

n = 0.65918769 / 0.0009

n = 732.43076

n = 732 samples


If no prior estimate is given, then p = 0.5 ; 1 - p = 1 - 0.5 = 0.5

n = (Z² * p * (1 - p)) / M.E²

Zcritical at 90% = 1.645

n = (1.645² * 0.5 * 0.5) / 0.03²

n = 0.67650625 / 0.0009

n = 751.67361

n = 752 samples

A drinking container is shaped like a cone and must hold at least 10 ounces of fluid. The radius of the top of the container is 2.25 inches. The steps for determining the height of the cone-shaped container are shown below.


9514 1404 393


  C.  h ≥ 1.9 in

Step-by-step explanation:

As the final step, divide both sides of the inequality by 5.3:

  (5.3h)/5.3 ≥ 10/5.3

  h ≥ 1.9

What is the derivative of x^2?



[tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}[x^2] = 2x[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:



DerivativesDerivative Notation

Basic Power Rule:

f(x) = cxⁿf’(x) = c·nxⁿ⁻¹

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle y = x^2[/tex]

Step 2: Differentiate

Basic Power Rule:                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = 2x^{2 - 1}[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = 2x[/tex]

Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)

Unit: Differentiation

The average cost when producing x items is found by dividing the cost function, C(x), by the number of items,x. When is the average cost less than 100, given the cost function is C(x)= 20x+160?
A) ( 2, infinit)
B) (0,2)
C) (-infinit,0) U (2,infinit)
D) (- infinit,0] U [2,infinit)


9514 1404 393


  A)  (2, ∞) . . . . or C) (-∞, 0) ∪ (2, ∞) if you don't think about it

Step-by-step explanation:

We want ...

  C(x)/x < 100

  (20x +160)/x < 100

  20 +160/x < 100 . . . . . separate the terms on the left

  160/x < 80 . . . . . . . subtract 20

  160/80 < x . . . . . multiply by x/80 . . . . . assumes x > 0

  x > 2 . . . . . . simplify

In interval notation this is (2, ∞).   matches choice A


Technically (mathematically), we also have ...

  160/80 > x . . . . and x < 0

which simplifies to x < 0, or the interval (-∞, 0).

If we include this solution, then choice C is the correct one.


Comment on the solution

Since we are using x to count physical items, we want to assume that the practical domain of C(x) is whole numbers, where x ≥ 0, so this second interval is not in the domain of C(x). That is, the average cost of a negative number of items is meaningless.

describe how you could use the point-slope formula to find the equation of a line that is perpendicular to a given line and passes through a given point



Using the slope intercept formula, we can see the slope of line p is ¼. Since line k is perpendicular to line p it must have a slope that is the negative reciprocal. (-4/1) If we set up the formula y=mx+b, using the given point and a slope of (-4), we can solve for our b or y-intercept. In this case it would be 17.

identify the angles relationship




Step-by-step explanation:

Adjacent angles are two angles that have a common vertex and a common side but do not overlap

If he is correct, what is the probability that the mean of a sample of 68 computers would differ from the population mean by less than 2.08 months


Complete Question

The quality control manager at a computer manufacturing company believes that the mean life of a computer is 91 months with a standard deviation of 10 months if he is correct. what is the probability that the mean of a sample of 68 computers would differ from the population mean by less than 2.08 months? Round your answer to four decimal places. Answer How to enter your answer Tables Keypad



Step-by-step explanation:

From the question we are told that:

Population mean \mu=91

Sample Mean \=x =2.08

Standard Deviation \sigma=10

Sample size n=68

Generally the Probability that The  sample mean  would differ from the population mean


From Table


T Test

[tex]Z=\frac{\=x-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n} } }[/tex]

[tex]Z=\frac{2.08}{\frac{10}{\sqrt{68} } }[/tex]




Therefore From Table


Give the properties for the equation x2 + y2 + 8x - 2y +15 = 0
Radius √2 4 2​



ind the center and radius of the sphere: x2 + y2 +z2-8x + 2y + 62+1 0 2) Find an equation of the sphere that passes through the point (6,-2, 3) and has center (-1,2, 1). Find the curve in which the sphere from #2 intersects the yz-plane. For #4-11, u : ? + j-2k 4) 2u +3v 5) Iv 6) uv and v-3i-2j + k 8) Ivxu 9) comp,v 10) proju 11) Find the angle between u and v 12) Find the scalar triple product of a, b, and c. If a (3, 1,2), b (-1,1,0), and c (0,0,-4) 13) Find the values of x such that (3,2, x) and (2x, 4, x) are orthogonal 14) Find two unit vectors that are orthogonal to both j + 2k and i-2j+3k 15) Find the acute angle between two diagonals of a cube 16) Find a vector perpendicular to the plane through the points A(1,0,0), B(2,0,-1) and C(1,4,3) 17) Find parametric equations for the line through (4,-1, 2) and (1, 1, 5) 18) Find parametric equations for the line through (-2, 2, 4) and perpendicular to the plane 2x-y+5z 12 19) Find an equation of the plane through (2, 1,0) and parallel to x + 4y -3z 1 20) Find an equation of the plane through (3, -1, 1), (4, 0, 2), and (6, 3, 1). 21) Show that the planes x y-z 1 and 2x 3y + 4z 5 are neither parallel nor perpendicular. Find the angle between the planes.

A number is chosen at random from 1 to 50. What is the probability of selecting
multiples of 10.


Answer: 25

Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

1 : 1 :sqrt(2)

The legs are  in the ratio of 1 to 1

tan 45 = opp side / adj side

tan 45 = 1/1

tan 45 =1


Step-by-step explanation:

Find the y-intercept from the line passing through (1, 3) and having slope m=2.



The y intercept is 1

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope intercept form of a line is

y = mx+b  where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

y = 2x+b

Substitute the point into the equation and solve for y

3 = 2(1)+b

3 =2+b

1 = b

The y intercept is 1

Y-intercept is (0,1)

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Use the method of cylindrical shells to write out an integral formula for the volume of the solid generated by rotating the region bounded by the curve y = 2x - x^2 and the line y = x about the y-axis.



The answer is "[tex]\frac{5\pi}{6}[/tex]"

Step-by-step explanation:

Please find the graph file.

[tex]h= y=2x-x^2\\\\r= x\\\\Area=2\pi\times r\times h\\\\= 2 \pi \times x \times (2x-x^2)\\\\= 2 \pi \times 2x^2-x^3\\\\volume \ V(x)=\int \ A(x)\ dx\\\\= \int^{x=1}_{x=0} 2\pi (2x^2-x^3)\ dx\\\\= 2\pi [(\frac{2x^3}{3}-\frac{x^4}{4})]^{1}_{0} \\\\= 2\pi [(\frac{2}{3}-\frac{1}{4})-(0-0)] \\\\= 2\pi \times \frac{5}{12}\\\\=\frac{5\pi}{6}\\\\[/tex]

please answer all the questions and get 15 pts



Here you go

Ans is in pictures.

A kite is a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent, congruent sides. The vertex angles are those angles in between the pairs of congruent sides. Prove the diagonal connecting these vertex angles is perpendicular to the diagonal connecting the non-vertex angles. Be sure to create and name the appropriate geometric figures. This figure does not need to be submitted.​


Try the answer vertex

Describe how to transform the graph of f(x) = x2 to obtain the graph of the related function g(x).
Then draw the graph of g(x).

1. g(x) = f(x + 1)
2. g(x) = f(x) - 2

Please help i also need to graph


9514 1404 393


left 1 unitdown 2 units

Step-by-step explanation:

The transformation g(x) = f(x -h) +k is a translation of f(x) to the right by h units and up k units.

1. h = -1, so the graph of g(x) is the graph of f(x) shifted left 1 unit. (blue)


2. k = -2, so the graph of g(x) is the graph of f(x) shifted down 2 units. (green)

I don't get this question i need some help please!!!



2 sqrt(2) = x

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

sin theta = opp / hyp

sin 45 = x/4

4 sin 45 = x

4 ( sqrt(2)/2) =x

2 sqrt(2) = x

Answer: D

Use sine to find the x-value:

[tex]sin(45)=\frac{x}{4} \\\\4*sin(45)=x\\\\x=\frac{\sqrt{2} }{2} *4=2\sqrt{2}[/tex]  

At a concession stand; three hot dogs and two hamburgers cost $9.75; two hot dogs and three hamburgers cost $10.25. Find the cost of one hot dog and the cost of one hamburger.


9514 1404 393


hot dog: $1.75hamburger: $2.25

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x and y represent the cost of a hot dog and a hamburger, respectively. The the two purchases can be described by ...

  3x +2y -9.75 = 0

  2x +3y -10.25 = 0

We can list the coefficients of these general-form equations in 2 rows, listing the first one again at the end:

  3, 2, -9.75, 3

  2, 3, -10.25, 2

Now, we can form differences of cross-products in adjacent pairs of columns:

  d1 = (3)(3) -(2)(2) = 9 -4 = 5

  d2 = (2)(-10.25) -(3)(-9.75) = -20.50 +29.25 = 8.75

  d3 = (-9.75)(2) -(-10.25)(3) = -19.50 +30.75 = 11.25

Then the solutions are found from ...

  1/d1 = x/d2 = y/d3

  x = d2/d1 = 8.75/5 = 1.75

  y = d3/d1 = 11.25/5 = 2.25

The cost of one hot dog is $1.75; the cost of one hamburger is $2.25.


Additional comment

This is my simplification of the "cross-multiplication method" of solving a pair of linear equations. That method can be found described on web sites and in videos. This version, and the versions described elsewhere, are variations on Cramer's Rule and on the Vedic Maths method of solving equations. Each of those do similar differences of cross products, perhaps in less-easily-remembered fashion.

For a given pair of columns with coefficients ...

  a b

  c d

The cross-product we form is ad -cb.

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