a watermelon explodes into three equal masses. one mass moves east at 15.0 m/s. if a second mass moves at a velocity of 10.0 m/s 45.0o s of e, what is the velocity of the third mass? (hint: the total momentum is zero, so how will your vector arrows add up?)


Answer 1

The velocity of third mass of watermelon is 3.12m/sec if it explodes into three equal masses.

We know that we need to conserve the momentum of watermelon in a certain direction.Also,we know that initial momentum of watermelon is zero,it means that according to law of conservation of momentum final momentum should be zero.

Now,initial momentum of watermelon=0Kg-m/sec

Alos,we know that momentum =mass× velocity

Now,suppose watermelon has mass m.When it explodes into three equal parts,then the mass of each watermelon pieces is m/3

=>So,final momentum of piece moving to east=(m/3)×15

Similarly final momentum of second and third piece are

(m/3)×10×1/√2 and (m/3) × v × (1/√2)

So,conserving momentum,we get

=>0=(m/3) × 15 +((m/3)×10×1/√2 ) + (m/3)×10×1/√2 )×v

=> - (15 + 10/√2) = (10/√2)×v

=> - (15√2 + 10) = 10v

=>v = (15√2 + 10)/10

=>v= -(21.21+10)/10

=>v= -31.21/10

=>v= -3.12m/sec

Here negative sign shows that mass will move opposite direction to first piece.

Hence, required velocity is 3.12m/sec.

To know more about velocity, visit here:



Related Questions

let's say you see a comet's nebulous (meaning `cloudy-looking') tail stretching across the sky, and it's several million kilometers long. how big is the solid object that has developed this tail, and what's it made of?


The solid object that created the comet's nebulous tail is likely the nucleus of the comet, which is typically made of ice, dust, and rocky material.

What is comet?

Comet is a web application development technique that enables web applications to send and receive data from a server asynchronously without the need for a browser page refresh. It creates an interactive user experience by enabling a continuous connection between the client and server so that data can be exchanged in both directions. This type of communication is also known as a bi-directional, full-duplex connection. Comet is an umbrella term for several techniques for achieving this kind of communication.

The nucleus of a comet can range in size from a few hundred meters to tens of kilometers, though their average size is typically around 5 kilometers. As the comet approaches the Sun, its frozen material turns to gas, which is pushed away from the Sun by the solar wind and forms the nebulous tail that stretches millions of kilometers across the sky.

To learn more about comet


Maher is trying to find the density of a plastic toy. The toy’s mass is 160 g.
Maher placed the toy in a graduated cylinder that has 70 ml of water, the water level increased
till 150 ml.
a) Find the toy’s volume.


The volume of the toy is 80 ml.

To find the volume of the plastic toy, Maher can use the principle of buoyancy. When an object is placed in a fluid, it will displace an amount of fluid equal to its own volume. The volume of the displaced fluid can be measured and used to calculate the volume of the object.

In this case, Maher has placed the toy in a graduated cylinder filled with water, and he has observed that the water level increased from 70 ml to 150 ml. This means that the toy displaced 150 - 70 = 80 ml of water.

The volume of the toy is equal to the volume of the displaced water, so the toy's volume is 80 ml. This is the volume of the toy when it is completely submerged in water.

It's important to note that the volume of an object can change depending on its temperature, pressure, and other factors. To get an accurate measurement of the volume of the toy, Maher should make sure to measure the volume of the displaced water carefully and under controlled conditions.


Volume of the toy: [tex]80\; {\rm mL}[/tex].

Average density of the toy: [tex]2\; {\rm g\cdot mL^{-1}}[/tex] (or equivalently, [tex]2\; {\rm g \cdot cm^{-3}}[/tex].)


The graduated cylinder initially measures the volume of water in this cylinder:

[tex]V(\text{water}) = 70\; {\rm mL}[/tex].

Assume that the toy is submerged in the water. The graduated cylinder would then measure the volume of the water and the toy, combined:

[tex]V(\text{water}) + V(\text{toy}) = 150\; {\rm mL}[/tex].

Rearrange to find the volume of the toy:

[tex]\begin{aligned}V(\text{toy}) &= 150\; {\rm mL} - V(\text{water}) \\ &= 150\; {\rm mL} - 70\; {\rm mL} \\ &= 80\; {\rm mL}\end{aligned}[/tex].

To find the average density of this toy, divide mass by volume:

[tex]\begin{aligned}(\text{average density}) &= \frac{(\text{mass})}{(\text{volume})} \\ &= \frac{160\; {\rm g}}{80\; {\rm mL}} \\ &= 2\; {\rm g\cdot mL^{-1}}\end{aligned}[/tex].

1. A car moving 11 m/s accelerates at 1.5 m/s². How fast is it moving after it accelerates for 50
Type a response (show work please)


We may be aware that, for example, a car leaving a stop sign would move farther in a given amount of time the faster it accelerates.

what an acceleration is?

acceleration is the rate of change in both speed of velocity over time. When anything moves faster or slower in a straight line, it is said to have been accelerated. So because direction is always shifting, motion on a circle accelerates even while the speed is constant.

What prompts accelerating?

An object's velocity is altered by a net force, and acceleration increases with net force. To accelerate at the same rate as less massive objects, more massive objects need greater net forces.

To know more about acceleration visit:



a dad pushes tangentially on a small hand-driven merry-go-round and is able to accelerate it from rest to a frequency of 15 rpm in 10.0 s. assume the merry-go-round is a uniform disk of radius 2.5 m and has a mass of 330 kg, and two children (each with a mass of 25 kg) sit opposite each other on the edge. calculate the torque required to produce the acceleration, neglecting frictional torque. what force is required at the edge?


Refer to the photo taken.

when you look at a single slit diffraction pattern produced on a screen by light of a single wavelength, you see a bright central maximum and a number of maxima on either side, their intensity decreasing with distance from the central maximum. if the wavelength of the light is increased:_____.


The pattern gets bigger as the light wave length gets longer. other maxima are further from the central one and are wider.

What wavelength does it have?

A wavelength is the distance between two identical locations (adjacent crests) in successive cycles in a waveform signals that is transmitted by a wire or in space. Typically, this length is expressed in feet (m), millimeters (cm), or millimeters (mm) in wireless systems (mm).

What do wavelengths and frequencies refer to?

The distance that separates two wave crests is known as the wavelength, and it also applies to troughs. The number of vibrations that pass across a certain area in a second, or 60hz (Hz), is the unit of measurement for frequency (Hertz).

To know more about wavelengths  visit:



A 20 kg wagon is pulled along the level ground by a rope inclined 30 degrees above the horizontal (friction is
negligible) (A) How large is the pulling force is the wagon accelerates of .40 m/s²? (B) What is the normal force of
the wagon?



(A)   9.2 Newtons

(B)   200.8 Newtons


Attached is the free body diagram I drew along with some of the work/formulas I used. Please ask me any questions you have in the comments about my diagram/work. I'd be happy to walk you through it.

a vertical spring scale can measure weights up to 210 n . the scale extends by an amount of 13.5 cm from its equilibrium position at 0 n to the 210 n mark. a fish hanging from the bottom of the spring oscillates vertically at a frequency of 2.15 hz . part a ignoring the mass of the spring, what is the mass m of the fish?


sheesh sheesh                                                    


do i need to adjust the tension on my elna super sewing machine when using denim fabric and 100/16 needles?


A tension of 3.5 to 4.5 is advised when sewing tough fabric, such denim or leather. This allows you to effortlessly maintain neatness across the fabric when sewing through it. Before starting to sew any thick material, check the attachments on your sewing machine and adjust the tension.

Depending on the thickness of the denim, I use a straight-stitch length between 3.0 mm and 4.0 mm. I also increase the tension on my machine to 4.6 (up from 4.0 for lightweight woven fabrics). If my denim has spandex in it, I use a stretch stitch, such as a narrow zigzag.

Linen, cotton and denim: These fabrics hold wrinkles well, so they require the highest heat, from 150 to 200 degrees. If needed, you may also use steam or spray water from a bottle or your iron.

The longer the stitch length, the easier and faster it will be to pull the fabric along the gathering threads. However, the shorter the stitch length, the easier it will be to achieve even gathers. We find a 4.5 mm setting to be a good compromise, but it's always a good idea to test and see what you prefer.

To learn more about tension visit:



a 6.2 kg object heading north at 3.0 m/s collides with an 8.0 kg object heading west at 3.5 m/s. if these two masses stick together upon collision, what is their velocity after collision?


The velocity of both objetcs after the collision is 3.07m/sec if both object masses are 6.2 kg and 8.0kg respectively.

To find the velocity of both objects we need to conserve the momentum. We need to follow the law of conservation of momentum which states that initial momentum is equal to final momentum.

Now, we know that momentum =mass × velocity

So, initial momentum of first object=6.2×3=18.6Kg-m/sec

Similarly, initial momentum of second object=8×3.5=28.0kg-m/sec

Now, it is given that both object stick together, so total mass of both objects are=(6.2+8)=14.2kg

Now, both objects are moving with common velocity, so assume both have velocity v

=>So, final momentum of both objects is =14.2×v

according to law of conservation of momentum





Hence, final velocity of objects are 3.07m/sec.

To know more about velocity, visit here:



a constriction in a pipe reduces its diameter from 4.0 cm to 2.0 cm. where the pipe is narrow the water speed is 8.0 m/s. where it is wide the water speed is:


The velocity on the narrow side is 11.6 m/s. This is the velocity of the water in the narrow part of the pipe.

How to find velocity ?

To find the velocity of the water where the pipe is narrow, you can use the formula for the mass flow rate, which is given by:

Mass flow rate = Density * Flow rate

= Density * (Area * Velocity)


Density is the density of the fluid

Flow rate is the volume flow rate, or the rate at which volume flows through the pipe

Area is the cross-sectional area of the pipe

Velocity is the velocity of the fluid

The mass flow rate is constant, so you can set the mass flow rate on either side of the constriction equal to each other and solve for the velocity on the other side.

The cross-sectional area of the pipe on the narrow side is given by the formula for the area of a circle:

A = pi * r^2


A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe

r is the radius of the pipe

The radius of the pipe on the narrow side is 3 cm / 2 = 1.5 cm. Plugging this value into the formula for the cross-sectional area, you get:

A = pi * (1.5 cm)^2

= 7.07 cm^2

The cross-sectional area of the pipe on the wide side is given by the same formula, with a radius of 6 cm / 2 = 3 cm:

A = pi * (3 cm)^2

= 28.27 cm^2

Since the mass flow rate is constant, you can set the mass flow rates on either side of the constriction equal to each other and solve for the velocity on the other side:

(Density * 7.07 cm^2 * v) = (Density * 28.27 cm^2 * 8 m/s)

Solving for v, the velocity on the narrow side, you get:

v = (Density * 28.27 cm^2 * 8 m/s) / (Density * 7.07 cm^2)

= 11.6 m/s

The final value for the velocity on the narrow side is 11.6 m/s. This is the velocity of the water in the narrow part of the pipe.

To learn more about mass flow rate refer :



find the maximum transverse speed of a point on the string. (f) what would be the equation y1x, t2 for this string if it were vibrating in its eighth harmonic?


In a one-dimensional string, a harmonic wave has a maximum transverse velocity and maximum transverse acceleration of 1ms-1 and 1ms-2, respectively.

What is maximum transverse speed of a point on the string?

We have attached a harmonic wave with a frequency of 80 Hodge to the string. Additionally, a positive extraction travels at a speed of 12 m/s with an amplitude of 0.025 m. Next, we must create a proper wave function for this wave in the first. In light of this.

we have established that the frequency F is the hurt amplitude is 0.025 m, and the speed is 12 m/s. As a result, given that we are aware of the wave function's writing, we may determine whether or not the sign K x minus omega T applies. Omega, which equals two pi into, is the angular frequency in this case. Thus, we can say that this word has been introduced. 80 is to be purchased That makes 160 by, too.

To learn more about string refer to :



a point at an antinode of the standing wave on the wire travels from its maximum upward displacement to its maximum downward displacement in 8.40 msms . what is the wire'??s mass?


The relation between the time-period of the transverse wave for the third harmonic and the time between the maximum displacement and minimum displacement is [tex]=16.3 \mathrm{~g}[/tex]

[tex]$$T_3=2 t$$Substitute$8.40 \mathrm{~ms}$[/tex]

for t in the above expression.

[tex]$$T_3=2(8.4 \mathrm{~ms})\left(\frac{10^{-3} \mathrm{~s}}{1 \mathrm{~ms}}\right)$$[/tex]

The wave velocity can be given by the following expression [tex]=0.0168 \mathrm{~s}[/tex]




is the frequency of third harmonics and


is the time-period of third harmonics.

Substitute [tex]$0.1296 \mathrm{~m}$[/tex] for



[tex]$0.0168 \mathrm{~s}$ for$T_3$[/tex]

[tex]\begin{aligned}& v=\frac{0.1296 \mathrm{~m}}{0.0168 \mathrm{~m}} \\& =7.714 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}\end{aligned}[/tex]

The expression of the wave velocity is given by the following expression.

[tex]v=\sqrt{\frac{T}{m / L}}[/tex]

Rearrange the above expression for


[tex]\text { Substitute } 5.00 \mathrm{~N} \text { for } T, 0.1944 \mathrm{~m} \text { for } L \text {, and } 7.714 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s} \text { for } v \text { in the above expression. }[/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered}m=\frac{(5.00 \mathrm{~N})(0.1944 \mathrm{~m})}{(7.714 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s})^2} \\=(0.0163345 \mathrm{~kg})\left(\frac{1000 \mathrm{~g}}{1 \mathrm{~kg}}\right) \\=16.3 \mathrm{~g}\end{gathered}[/tex]

The anti-nodes in the standing waves are at a distance half a wavelength. The time-period is twice the time from maximum displacement to minimum displacement of the anti-node.

To learn more about displacement visit



when you looked at solar activity on the heliophysics event registry website, on which date did you find activity on the sun?


You did look at solar activity on the heliophysics event registry website, and we found activity on the sun on the specified day.

What three sorts of solar occurrences are there?

Any natural occurrence in the upper atmosphere of the sun is referred to as a solar phenomenon. Solar flares, prominences and filaments, and coronal mass ejections are three different categories of solar phenomena.

How can I follow the cycle of solar activity the best?

The simplest way we can investigate how solar activity changes over time is to survey sunspots, which is also how we track the solar cycle. Sunspots are associated with the Sun's natural 11-year cycle, during which the planet's surface changes from calm to turbulent.

To know more about  solar activity visit:-



1. Find the force due to gravity if the mass of the object is 2300 kg
and the mass of the other object is 4000 kg. The distance
between the two objects is 0.150 m.


The force due to gravity will be 0.0272 Newtons.

What exactly does gravitational force signify?

The force between two mass-containing objects that are drawn toward one another is referred to as the gravitational pull. There is gravity everywhere around us. For instance, it maintains the planets in our solar system in orbit around the Sun. Additionally, because to gravity, the Moon maintains its orbit around the Earth.

How to calculate gravitational force in the above question?

Despite being weak and appealing, gravitational forces exist.

Given, mass of one object= 2300 kg

mass of another object= 4000 kg

distance between the two objects= 0.150 m

value of G is universal, [tex]G= 6.67[/tex]×[tex]10^{-11}[/tex] [tex]N m^{2} / kg^{2}[/tex]

the equation is, [tex]F=G\frac{M1 . M2}{d^{2} }[/tex]

                       [tex]F=0.0272 N[/tex]

To know more about Gravitation visit



a 65 kg person dives into the water from the 10 m platform. a. what is her speed as she enters the water?


The speed of the person as she enters the water is 14.2 m/s.

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. It is the energy that an object has due to its motion. This energy can be transferred from one object to another or converted into other forms of energy. Kinetic energy is dependent on an object's mass and its velocity. The greater an object's mass or velocity, the more kinetic energy it has. Kinetic energy can be used to do work, such as powering a machine or vehicle. It can also be used to generate electricity or to heat up objects.

The speed of the person as she enters the water can be calculated using the equation for kinetic energy:
KE = ½mv²
Where m is the mass of the person (65 kg) and v is the speed.
Solving for v, we get:
v = √(2KE/m)
Since the potential energy of the person just before she enters the water is equal to the kinetic energy of the person just after she enters the water, we can calculate the kinetic energy as:
PE = mgh
KE = mgh
Where m is the mass of the person (65 kg), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²), and h is the height of the platform (10 m).
Plugging this into the equation for v, we get:
v = √(2mgh/m)
v = √(2gh)
v = √(2*9.8*10)
v = 14.2 m/s

To learn more about kinetic energy

the force between between two objects increases by what factor if the distance between them is changed 4.5 times the original separation?


The new gravitational force between the object will be 1/20.25 times of the original force.

The gravitational force between any two object is defined as the product of the masses of the object and it is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them which is given by,

F = GMm/R²


G is the universal gravitational constant, M and m are the mass of the body and R is the distance between them.

As per the given question the distance between the object is increased 4.5 times the original separation.

R' = 4.5R.

The new force of attraction between the object will be,

F' = GMm/(R')²

F' = GMm/(4.5R)²

F' = GMm/20.25R²

F' = F/20.25

So, the new force of attraction between the two objects will become 1/20.25 times of original force.

To know more about gravitational force , visit,



disregarding friction, how far will the cart move in 3.2 s, starting from rest? answer in units of m.


If the cart moves in 3.2 seconds from rest, then the distance traveled by cart is 2 meters.

Which definition of distance suits you best?

How do you define distance? Regardless of direction, distance measures an object's overall movement. Distance is defined as the amount of ground covered by an object, regardless of its starting or stopping position.

Horizontal force acting on the cart, F = 11 N

Mass of the cart, m = 35 kg

To find,

Distance covered by the cart in 3.5 seconds if it starts from rest.


Let x is the distance moved by the cart. It can be calculated using the second equation of motion as :

s = 1.925 meters

What is the definition of a distance?

In terms of "how much land an object is covered" while traveling, distance—a scalar quantity—describes this. Displacement is a vector number that expresses the overall change in the object's location, and it is related to the phrase "how far from place the thing is."

To know more about distance  visit:



a 1,402-kg car rounds an unbanked curve with a radius of 53 m at a speed of 9.9 m/s. what minimum coefficient of friction must exist between the road and tires to prevent the car from slipping?


To keep the car from slipping, the road and tires need to have a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.188.

The things creating friction will determine the coefficient of friction. The value is often between 0 and 1, but it can also be higher. A number of 0 indicates that there is absolutely no friction between the items; superfluidity makes this feasible. Yes. Because the adhesive forces between molecules are stronger when the contact surface is substantially polished, frictional force increases. In this situation, the friction coefficient will be higher than one.

Here m= 1402 kg


v= 9.9 m/s


coefficient = (v^2) / rg

coefficient = (9.9^2) / (53*9.8)

coefficient = 98.01/519.4

coefficient = 0.188

Learn more about friction Visit : brainly.com/question/24338873


Three point charges are arranged in a straight line. The point charges are q1 = 10.0 μC, q2 = –40.0 μC, and q3 = –30.0 μC. Charge q1 is 10.0 cm from charge q2, and charge q3 is 20.0 cm from charge q2. Determine the magnitude of the net electric force on charge q1.


Let us find first the forces at 1, 2 & 3 points.

We know that ke= 8.99 * 109N.m2 / C2

The forces are: -

F1 = keq1q2 / r212 = {8.99 * 109N.m2 / C2} * {10 * 10-6 C} * {40 * 10-6 C} / {10 * 10-2 m}2

F1 = 359.6 N

F2 =keq1q3 / r213 = {8.99 * 109N.m2 / C2} * {10 * 10-6 C} * {30 * 10-6 C} / {30 * 10-2 m}2

F2 = 29.96 N

F3 = keq2q3 / r213 = {8.99 * 109N.m2 / C2} * {40 * 10-6 C} * {30 * 10-6 C} / {20 * 10-2 m}2

F3 = 269.7 N


The net force on q1 is F1 – F2,

i.e. F1 + F2 = 359.6 + 29.96

F(q1) = 389.56 N to the left

To learn more about Coulomb’s Law:



what would happen if you dropped, at the same time, particles of different shapes from a boat into still water



If you dropped particles of different shapes from a boat into still water, they would fall straight down due to the force of gravity. The speed at which they fall would depend on their mass and the shape of the particles could affect how they move through the water, but ultimately they would all sink to the bottom of the water body. If the particles are buoyant, they may float instead of sinking.

9) During a game of bowling, which of the following describe the ball's motion?(SELECT ALL ANSWERS THAT APPLY)

A) The ball is accelerated while it is pushed by the student's hand due to an
unbalanced force.
B) The ball slows down as it rolls because friction exerts an unbalanced force.
C) The ball is accelerated while it is held in the student's hand due to balanced
D) The ball does not change its motion as it rolls because of the balanced force
provided by friction.
E) The ball does not change its motion while it is held in the student's hand due to
balanced forces.


During a game of bowling the ball's motion:

The ball is accelerated while it is pushed by the student's hand due to an unbalanced force.The ball slows down as it rolls because friction exerts an unbalanced force.The ball does not change its motion while it is held in the student's hand due to balanced forces.

The correct options are A,B and E.

Description of a bowling ball's motion

Bowling ball motion is commonly divided into sequential skid, hook, and roll phases. When the ball moves down the lane in the skid and hook phases, frictional contact with the lane causes the ball's forward (translational) speed to continually decrease, but to continually increase its revolution rate (rotational speed).

Learn more about bowling on



Uing two billiard ball and 3 to 4 entence decided experiment to demontrate the law of conervation of momentum. (4 point)


So let's talk about billiard balls and the law of conservation of momentum. For the purposes of this simplified discussion, momentum is always conserved for collisions between balls.

What is momentum?Momentum is a commonly used term in sports. A team that has the momentum is on the move and is going to take some effort to stop. A team that has a lot of momentum is really on the move and is going to be hard to stop. Momentum is a physics term; it refers to the quantity of motion that an object has. A sports team that is on the move has the momentum. If an object is in motion (on the move) then it has momentum.Momentum can be defined as "mass in motion." All objects have mass; so if an object is moving, then it has momentum - it has its mass in motion. The amount of momentum that an object has is dependent upon two variables: how much stuff is moving and how fast the stuff is moving. Momentum depends upon the variables mass and velocity. In terms of an equation, the momentum of an object is equal to the mass of the object times the velocity of the object.

To learn more about velocity refer to:



what is the equation describing the motion of a mass on the end of a spring which is stretched 8.8 cm from equilibrium and then released from rest, and whose period is 0.66 s ? assume that the displacement at the start of the motion is positive.



x = A cos ω t          at t = zero, x displacement equals amplitude

x = .088 m cos ω t             describes the motion

We need yet to find ω in terms of P which is given

ω = √(k / m)        

P = 1 / f      and f = ω / (2 π)

Thus ω = 2 π f = 2 π / P       since 1 / f = P

This gives us

x = .088 m cos 2 π / .66 * t    

determine the energy levels and the corresponding eigenstates for a par- ticle of mass m, subject to a potential energy v (x) g


An energy eigenstate can always be written as (x,t) = (x)e-iEt/1. Probability density is equal to |(x,t)|2 (x,t) (x)e-iEt/1 * (x,t) ψ*(x)e+iEt/1 = ψ (x) The wave function *(x) = |(x)|2 exhibits time-dependent phase.

V's role in the Schrodinger equation?

For the system of a particle or particles interacting with a set of constraints, V(x) is a potential energy function. These restrictions can be compared to fields that exert a force on the desired particle or particles.

What is the energy eigenvalue?

The term "energy eigenvalues," which comes from the German word eigen, which means "characteristic" or "unique," refers to such particular discontinuous (step-like) energies. We refer to these energies as discrete energy eigenvalues or as quantized energies.

Learn more about energy here:



The energy levels and the corresponding eigenstates of a particle of mass m subject to a potential energy v(x) g can be determined by solving the time-independent Schrodinger equation.

What is potential energy?

Potential energy is energy that is stored and can be released in the future. It is the energy of position or condition, as opposed to kinetic energy which is energy in motion. Potential energy can be stored in many forms such as gravitational, chemical, elastic, nuclear, and electromagnetic. Gravitational potential energy is the energy stored in an object due to its position in a gravitational field, while chemical potential energy is the energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds. Elastic potential energy is energy stored in objects that can be stretched or compressed, such as a spring, while nuclear potential energy is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. Electromagnetic potential energy is the energy stored in the electric and magnetic fields of an object.

The energy levels and the corresponding eigenstates of a particle of mass m subject to a potential energy v(x) g can be determined by solving the time-independent Schrodinger equation:
Hψ = Eψ
Where H is the Hamiltonian operator, ψ is the wavefunction, and E is the energy. For a particle of mass m subject to a potential energy v(x) g, the Hamiltonian can be written as:
H = -(h2/2m)*d2/dx2 + v(x) g
The solution of the Schrodinger equation for this Hamiltonian yields the energy levels E and the corresponding wavefunctions ψ. The energy levels are determined by solving the equation:
E - v(x) g = 0
This equation can be solved for the different energy levels E, and the corresponding wavefunctions can then be determined by solving the Schrodinger equation. The wavefunctions represent the probability distribution of the particle, and are determined by the boundary conditions imposed by the potential energy.
In summary, the energy levels and the corresponding eigenstates of a particle of mass m subject to a potential energy v(x) g can be determined by solving the time-independent Schrodinger equation. The energy levels are found by solving the equation E - v(x) g = 0, and the corresponding wavefunctions are found by solving the Schrodinger equation.

To learn more about potential energy

9. A piece of iron with a mass of 9.8 g has an initial temperature of 32.6°C. As it is heated, it absorbs 365J of energy. What is the final temperature of the iron? (The specific heat of iron is .46 J/g °C)


The final temperature of the piece of iron with the mass of 9.8 grams on the absorption of 365J of energy is 113.56°C.

What is Specific heat capacity?

The specific heat capacity of a material can be defined as the quantity of heat energy (J) which is absorbed per unit mass (kg) of the material when its temperature is increased by 1 K (or 1 °C). The SI unit of specific heat capacity is J/(kg K) or J/(kg °C).

The specific heat capacity of a material can be calculated by the formula:

Q = m × c × ΔT

where, Q = heat energy,

m = mass of the material,

c = specific heat capacity,

ΔT = change in temperature

The final temperature of the piece of iron can be calculated by the formula:

Q = m × c × ΔT

ΔT = (Final temperature - initial temperature)

365J = 9.8 × 0.46 × ΔT

365J = 4.508 × ΔT

ΔT = 80.96

ΔT = Final temperature = initial temperature

ΔT = (T - 32.6)

80.96 = (T - 32.6)

T = 80.96 + 32.6

T = 113.56°C

Therefore, the final temperature of the piece of iron is 113.56°C.

Learn more about Specific heat here:



A physics student walks 6 meters east, 4 meters north, then 9 meters
west. What is the student's magnitude of displacement from starting



5 m


Displacement is the straight-line distance from the starting point to the end point.  Student ends up 4m north and 3m west from where he started. Use pythagorean theorem to solve for displacement (d).  

d² = 3² + 4² = 25

d = [tex]\sqrt{25}[/tex] = 5 m

Or, if you remember from geometry, a right triangle with legs of 3 and 4 has a hypotenuse of 5 (3-4-5 right triangle)

a 40cm diameter wheel accelerates uniformly from 240 rpm to 360 rpm in 6.5 seconds. how far will a point on the edge of the wheel have traveled in this time



S = V1 t + 1/2 a t^2        distance traveled for linear acceleration

θ = ω1 t + 1/2 α t^2       equivalent angle for rotational acceleration

ω1 = 240 / min * 2 π * 240 / (60 s/min) = 8 π / s

ω2 = 360 rpm = 12 π / s

α = 4 π/ 6.5 s^2  = .62 π / s^2    angular acceleration

θ = 8 π / s  6.5 s + .62 π / 2 * 6.5^2

θ = 52 π + 13 π = 65 π = 65 * π / (2 π / rev) = 32.5 rev

1 rev = 2 * π * R = 2 * π * .4 m = 2.51 m / rev

S = 32.5 rev * 2.5 m/rev =  81 m

if we have a system that uses 5 volts with a frequency of 1ghz and the power used is 3 watts, what is the power draw when we increase the frequency to 3ghz?


Processor-A uses 20 W of power components and 80 W cpu dynamic power 3 GHz.

Static power: What does that mean?

When there is no design activity occurring, static power—also known as "leakage"—is used up. It closely relates to the transistor's idle current, which is based on the transistor's characteristics.

Power is it static or is it dynamic?

While leakage, or the current that passes through a transistor while there is no activity, makes up static power, switching or short-circuit power are components of dynamic power. Any of the following things may influence each power component's value: Activity. Frequency.

To know more about  static power visit:



Classify the type of reaction below.
C2H6 + O2
--> CO2 + H2O
a. Synthesis
b. Decomposition
c. Combustion
d. Single Replacement
e. Double Replacement


Answer: Synthesis

Explanation: You are combining multiple Elements

Question 8 of 20
You heat a pot of water on a gas stove. Not all the energy from the
combustion of the gas is transformed into thermal energy. What happens to
the rest of the energy released when the gas burns?
OA. It is transformed into light energy.
OB. It is transformed into chemical energy.
C. It is transformed into electrical energy.
OD. It is transformed into nuclear energy.



None of the choices you provided are correct. When a gas burns, it releases energy in the form of heat and light. Some of this energy is transferred to the pot of water, increasing its temperature, but some of the energy is also released as light. However, the rest of the energy is not transformed into chemical, electrical, or nuclear energy. Instead, it is lost to the environment in the form of waste heat. This is why gas stoves can become hot to the touch - they are releasing excess energy in the form of heat that is not being used to heat the pot of water.


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