A woman comes to the office to have a gold crown on tooth #3 placed permanently. However, she mentions that she has been
experiencing a dull ache and temperature sensitivity in that area for the past 5 days. After the dentist examines the area, he informs the
dental assistant that he will cement the gold crown on tooth #3 with temporary cement. Why is this change in cementation needed?


Answer 1

The change in cementation from permanent to temporary may have been due to an infection or even a damage in the tooth cavity which she felt as a dull ache and temperature sensitivity.

Cementation is the process of using a certain dental cement to a tooth for restorative purposes. This process is used when there is the need to keep a damaged or loose tooth in place so as not to make it empty.

Dental cementation is done if a person wants to retain his/her tooth, or if the tooth is infected or damaged. This allows the tooth to be treated, with the dental cement acting as a cavity filling for the damaged tooth.Moreover, cementation helps restore the tooth and makes it easier for a person to consume foods.There are two types of dental cementation- temporary and permanent.While temporary cementation may be used for replacements or fillings with an easy removal process, permanent ones are less advantageous as they are hard to remove after the cement sets in.In the case of the woman who wants to have her gold crown permanently set, the dentist's decision to go for temporary cementation is because of the "dull ache and temperature sensitivity" that she experienced.Since these issues are detected in the tooth, there is a risk in permanently cementing the crown. This is because, with the ache and sensitivity issue, there might be a chance of infection or other dental issues, which can be hazardous if permanent cementation is done.

So, the dentist's decision to do temporary cementation rather than a permanent one is to ensure that in case of any infection, the removal process can be easily done and the infected tooth treated.  

Learn more about dental infections here:


Related Questions

Lainey is looking for a new apartment and her realtor keeps calling her with new listings. The calls only take a few minutes, but a few minutes here and there are really starting to add up. She's having trouble concentrating on her work. What should Lainey do? a) Tell her realtor she can only receive text messages O b) Limit the time spent on each call O c) Turn off her phone until she is on a break O di Call her realtor back when customers won't see her on the phone



C: Turn her phone off until she is on break and then she can call him back.


D: Call her realtor back when customers wont see her on the phone.

I am not entirely sure this is the correct answer but I hope it helps limit it down a little for you :)

what happens to the tsunami when it reaches the shore?​


the tsunami’s speed decreases and begins to become shallow, but the height of it begins to grow
What Happens When It Hits Land. A tsunami's trough, the low point beneath the wave's crest, often reaches shore first. When it does, it produces a vacuum effect that sucks coastal water seaward and exposes harbor and sea floors.

How does sugar in the blood get absorbed by our cell normally


It uses white blood cells

give two examples of social security​



-Any system by which a society or community provides for those of its members who may be in need

-is a monthly check received by a retired worker which is based on the age of the worker and the amount of money the worker has earned over their work history.


I hope it helps

Low-fat, low-cholesterol, and dairy-free diets are all diets that are necessary for
A. religious reasons
B. moral reasons
C. ethical reasons
D. health reasons


Yea it’s health reason so letter d I hope this help

Which of the following represents a time when a person would likely consult a company handbook ? a ) To find the company's mission statement or goals Ob ) To view a list of customers c ) To find all the company locations d ) To view their coworkers ' vacation requestso


I Think the answer is A (To find the company’s mission statement or goals .

Which mind maps would display the cause and effect of events?



The correct answer is - a chain of events maps.


A Chain of Events Map is a mapping tool that allows researchers and students to exhibit information in various steps or stages, specifically to demonstrate the sequence of events.

This mind map tool helps in visualizing how one action or event leads to the next and, finally, to the result. It shows the cause and effect of an event how the event cause and what could be the result from it.

Question 9 (2 points)
Sam has a mental image of himself as being kind and empathetic, and is aware that
his deep voice carries, so he tries to talk softly. What do you call this mental image?
What is the answer



the answer is adout his moral character how he tries that to talk softly so his deep voice carries he to talk softly so,that is his answer.

The gluteus maximus is located superior to which muscle?

Biceps brachii
Erector spinae





Name the arteries that branches off the subclavian arteries and extends into thoracic region.



The subclavian artery is one of the most important arterial routes of the head, neck and thorax, since together with the carotids it is the main source of oxygenated blood for the thoracic region, the brain and all its areas. There are two subclavian arteries, the right is further from the thorax while the left is inside the thorax.


The right and left subclavia originate differently, with the left having a longer course with an intrathoracic course. Being a main artery, it is in charge of irrigating important parts, the best known are: they cross the scalenes, clavicle, axis, cranial cavity, spinal cord, rhombencephalon, ribs, cerebellum, thorax, thyroid, thymus, pericardium, diaphragm, scapula, muscles and cervical vertebrae.The left subclavian artery begins in the thorax lower than the right subclavian artery, runs posterior to the left primitive carotid and lateral to the trachea.In the subclavian we recognize a prescalenic trajectory, the collateral branches that present the subclavias are born in the prescalenic trajectory and are: vertebral artery, internal thoracic artery, transverse artery of the neck, suprascapular artery, dorsal artery of the scapula. Internal thoracic artery runs down in front of the pleural dome, entering the thorax where it runs vertically behind the costal cartilages to the sixth intercostal space. In this course it gives anterior intercostal branches that anastomose to the intercostal arteries coming from the thoracic aorta, thus supplying the thoracic wall.

Joe's manager, Claire, is very busy this week at the warehouse. Joe has been placed in charge of finding room for some new deliveries but he has some questions to ask Claire. Which behavior would demonstrate that Joe respects her time ? a) Calling Claire after work hours to discuss his questions b) Booking a two-hour meeting for tomorrow to discuss all his questions at once c) Emailing Claire a long list of questions d) Booking a ten-minute meeting to discuss his most urgent questions


Answer: D- booking a 10 minute meeting to discuss his most urgent questions.


True or false human trafficking victims will always present as sad and depressed





trafficking victims experience often lead to serious mental or emotional health consequences, including feelings of severe guilt, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, substance abuse

True , human trafficking victims will always present as sad and depressed.

What is human trafficking's ?

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.

What are the 3 types of human trafficking?

The 3 most common types of human trafficking are sex trafficking, forced labor, and debt bondage.

Therefore, true , human trafficking victims will always present as sad and depressed.

To learn more about human trafficking, here



Just because an individual has one or more risk factors, it does not mean that they will get the disease.


It’s false. Just depends on the person

why is body cavities important to the body system



These cavities contain and protect delicate internal organs, and the ventral cavity allows for significant changes in the size and shape of the organs as they perform their functions. Anatomical structures are often described in terms of the cavity in which they reside.



These cavities contain and protect delicate internal organs, and the ventral cavity allows for significant changes in the size and shape of the organs as they perform their functions. Anatomical structures are often described in terms of the cavity in which they reside.

Question 27
The sex glands in the male are the
a. gametes
b. androgens
C. glans
e. spermatozoa



e. spermatozoa is the correct answer

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

Answers. ...The answers are prostate gland,Cowper Gland and the seminal vesicles


.Gonads are the male and female primary reproductive organs

Your readings for this unit discussed a research study in which participants were exposed to a live cold virus. What are your thoughts about this study? Would you be willing to participate in such research? Why or why not?





Yes, I will participate in this research because the cold virus disease is not dangerous. It causes cold which is not dangerous for life so participation in this type of research is good for study. My thoughts about the study is that this is a good research study which enables us to find out different aspects of the virus as well as the duration of infection that caused by this virus. It also shows us the effect of immune system of the body on infection whether it cures the infection in less time or more time.

Good evening, I need help answering this question, please and thank you

Which of the following statements is generally true about change in the workplace ? a ) Most people accept change easily . b) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. c) Change in the workplace fairly infrequently d Individuals can learn to manage the change

i think is d or c ?


D is correct I believe. Hope that helps
d is correct! hope this helps!!

How many digits does the flexor digitorum superficialis control?


The flexor digitorum superficialis is an extrinsic muscle that allows the four medial fingers of the hand to flex. These fingers include the index, middle, ring, and pinkie fingers
Unlike the flexor digitorum profundus, flexor digitorum superficialis has independent muscle slips for all four digits.

Một thuốc có tỉ lệ ion hóa là 40%, sinh khả dụng của thuốc là 30%. Hỏi nồng độ thuốc được hấp thu vào máu là bao nhiêu?


What language do you speak? If you can translate into English i can help you


um yeah what language so that i can translate it, when you do ill get back to you as soon as i can :)


Population education helps to produce a conscious generation. Discuss





Cause we learn every single day. But if you're talking about the education system therefore,its better to have an educated population because, thru this we will be in more advanced.

The aerobic exercise helps to increase:__________

a. flexibility
b. cardiorespiratory
c. musculoskeletal fitness
d. the ability to perform moderate-to-high-intensity activity involving large muscle groups for long periods of time.



b) Cardio respiratory


Just as exercise strengthens other muscles in your body, it helps your heart muscle become more efficient and better able to pump blood throughout your body. This means that the heart pushes out more blood with each beat, allowing it to beat slower and keep your blood pressure under control. Aerobic exercise boosts your good cholesterol (HDL), and lowers your bad cholesterol (LDL).

Hope this helps ya! Best of luck <3

What are the do's and dont's of nutrition during exercise exercises​



hope its help you


like and mark bainlist

Fuel Your Body with Protein. ...
Increase Your Glycogen Intake. ...
Eat the Right Kind of Carbs. ...
Satisfy Your Meal with Healthy Fats. ...
Stay Away from Unknown Ingredients. ...
Don't Eat Spicy Food. ...
Avoid Unnecessary Sugars. ...
Skip the Alcohol.

A criticism of duty based ethics is ______________.


that it discounts outcome as a valid factor in evaluating the morality of an action

Use the following scenario to answer questions 6 through 10: Scenario: You are the emergency department nurse caring for a
72-year-old man who sustained a fracture to his right femur and left ankle when he fell off the roof of his two-story home. Your
client is complaining of pain that is a 9 on a scale of 0 to 10. You note that he has no medications ordered for pain.



1. tHe old patient is expressing his pain of 9 on a pain scale of 0 to 10 indicates very severe pain which means the patient requires a fast-acting medication. In such a case, an Injection by the intravenous route is the best route of administration as it is directly administered in blood stream to relieve or control pain at the earliest

2. The dosage adjustment has to be done based on the renal function of the patient. The initial dose can be loading doses then the gradual tapering of the doses administered and then stopping the medication.

3. BIn older ages the renal functions are compromised normally due to physiological processes and if the patient has any medical complaints or is on any medications it makes it more decreased. The decreased renal function can cause the accumulation of the drug in the body and causing discomfort. So it has to be calculated on the basis of glomerular filtration rate.

A type of payment model in which the patient pays a monthly or annual fee to the physician is known as



Capitation payments


Capitation payment are used

Which of the following statements is generally true about change in the workplace? a) Most people accept change easily. b) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. Oc) Change in the workplace happens fairly infrequently. Od) Individuals can learn to manage the change in their lives.





Joe's manager, Claire, is very busy this week at the warehouse. Joe has been placed in charge of finding room for some new deliveries but he has some questions to ask Claire. Which behavior would demonstrate that Joe respects her time ? a) Calling Claire after work hours to discuss his questions b) Booking a two-hour meeting for tomorrow to discuss all his questions at once c) Emailing Claire a long list of questions d) Booking a ten-minute meeting to discuss his most urgent questions



I would think D is the most appropriate and fastest way to discuss things in a business

What measures can you take to prevent diabetes


Measures that can be taken to prevent diabetes:

-Eating a healthy and balanced diet
-Limiting sugar consumption
-Exercising consistently
-Drinking water as your primary beverage
-Not smoking
-Losing weight of your at an unhealthy weight

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Team sports develop a person's social health through learning to respect members of the opposite team.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



I think it is F :D


It’s f!! Our teachers and team mates help us do that not the sports p

The graph shows the percentage of the US population that were obese in 1960 to 2010. A graph titled U S Obesity Trends over Time shows years on the horizontal axis and percentage of populate obese on the vertical axis. The graph shows an upward trend from 13% in 1960 to 36% in 2010. Which statement best describes the obesity trend in the United States from 1960 to 2010? Obesity has almost tripled. Obesity has doubled. Obesity has quadrupled. Obesity has remained the same.



The correct answer is - Obesity has almost tripled.


Finding the point for 1960, here obesity percentile is at 13%. Now look and locate the point for the year 2010 that has a percentile at 36%.

the difference can be checked by dividing it

36/13 = ~2.77 (rounded).

2.77 is close to 3 (by rounding)

thus, the obesity has almost tripled (x3) is your answer.


obesity almost tripled


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