اقبال کا قومی سیاست میں کردار


Answer 1


سر محمد اقبال کے سی ایس آئی (اردو: محمد اقبال؛ 9 نومبر 1877 - 21 اپریل 1938) ایک جنوبی ایشین مسلمان مصنف ، [1] [2] فلسفی ، [3] اور سیاست دان تھے ، [4] جن کی اردو زبان میں شاعری ہے۔ بیسویں صدی کے سب سے بڑے لوگوں میں ، []] []] []] []] اور جس کا نظریہ برطانوی حکمرانی والے ہندوستان کے مسلمانوں کے لئے ایک ثقافتی اور سیاسی آئیڈیل []] تھا وہ پاکستان کے تسلسل کو متحرک کرنا تھا۔ [1] ] [10] عام طور پر ان کا اعزاز علامہ [11] کے ذریعہ دیا جاتا ہے (فارسی سے: علامہ ، رومانائزڈ: الāما ، لِٹ۔ 'بہت جاننے والا ، سب سے زیادہ سیکھا ہوا')۔ [12]ایک نسلی کشمیری مسلم گھرانے میں ، پنجاب کے شہر سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوئے اور بلند ہوئے ، اقبال نے سیالکوٹ اور لاہور میں تعلیم حاصل کی ، اور اس کے بعد انگلینڈ اور جرمنی میں تعلیم حاصل کی۔ اگرچہ اس نے واپسی کے بعد قانون کی مشق قائم کی ، لیکن اس نے بنیادی طور پر سیاست ، معاشیات ، تاریخ ، فلسفہ ، اور مذہب پر علمی کام لکھنے پر توجہ دی۔ وہ اپنی شعری تخلیقات کے لئے مشہور ہیں ، بشمول اسرار الخودی — جس نے نائٹ ڈوئڈ um رمزِ بیخودی ، اور بنگ-دارا کو حاصل کیا۔ ایران میں ، جہاں وہ اقبالā لاہوری (لاہور کے اقبال) کے نام سے جانے جاتے ہیں ، ان کے فارسی کاموں کے لئے ان کا بہت احترام کیا جاتا ہے۔ اقبال پوری دنیا میں ، لیکن خاص طور پر جنوبی ایشیاء میں اسلامی تہذیب کی سیاسی اور روحانی بحالی کا ایک مضبوط حامی تھے۔ اس سلسلے میں انہوں نے لکچرز کا ایک سلسلہ شائع کیا جو اسلام میں مذہبی خیال کی تعمیر نو کے طور پر شائع ہوا تھا۔ آل انڈیا مسلم لیگ کے ایک رہنما ، انہوں نے اپنے 1930 کے صدارتی خطاب میں ، برطانوی حکمرانی والے ہندوستان میں مسلمانوں کے لئے ایک الگ سیاسی فریم ورک کا تصور کیا۔ []] 1947 میں قیام پاکستان کے بعد ، انہیں وہاں کا قومی شاعر نامزد کیا گیا۔ 9 نومبر کو ان کی ولادت (یوم ویلت محمدḥ اقبل) کی برسی پاکستان میں عام تعطیل تھی۔ [13]


in english

Sir Muhammad Iqbal KCSI (Urdu: محمد اقبال‎; 9 November 1877 – 21 April 1938) was a South Asian Muslim writer,[1][2] philosopher,[3] and politician,[4] whose poetry in the Urdu language is among the greatest of the twentieth century,[5][6][7][8] and whose vision of a cultural and political ideal for the Muslims of British-ruled India[9] was to animate the impulse for Pakistan.[1][10] He is commonly referred to by the honorific Allama[11] (from Persian: علامہ‎, romanized: ʿallāma, lit. 'very knowing, most learned').[12]

Born and raised in Sialkot, Punjab in an ethnic Kashmiri Muslim family, Iqbal studied in Sialkot and Lahore, and thereafter in England and Germany. Although he established a law practice after returning, he concentrated primarily on writing scholarly works on politics, economics, history, philosophy, and religion. He is best known for his poetic works, including Asrar-e-Khudi—which brought a knighthood—Rumuz-e-Bekhudi, and the Bang-e-Dara. In Iran, where he is known as Iqbāl-e Lāhorī (Iqbal of Lahore), he is highly regarded for his Persian works.

Iqbal was a strong proponent of the political and spiritual revival of Islamic civilisation across the world, but in particular in South Asia; a series of lectures he delivered to this effect were published as The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam. A leader in the All India Muslim League, he envisioned—in his 1930 presidential address—a separate political framework for Muslims in British-ruled India.[9] After the creation of Pakistan in 1947, he was named the national poet there. The anniversary of his birth (Yom-e Welādat-e Muḥammad Iqbāl) on 9 November was a public holiday in Pakistan.[13]

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A is the answer to this question
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good luck dudeeeeee

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Can you Post the following. So I can maybe help.

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Zarathustra was known for his teachings on being religious and was opposed by civilians for what he believed in.

Hope this is right!

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The most effective protest movements have strategies for spreading their messages that are multifaceted and target different groups of people in different ways. This is important as it involves numerous interest groups in a movement, all of which bring with them different resources, influences and ideas. This diversity increases the likelihood of a movement sustaining momentum in the long term.

Setting short-term and long-term aims

Depending on the cause, it may be important for movements to set clear short-term and long-term aims or goals. This involves creating a vision that extends beyond the immediate issues that gave rise to a movement and looks for practical ways to transform society. By setting short-term and long-term aims, movements are prompted to think about and take action to ensure the sustainability of their cause. The creation of these aims should be done collaboratively and representatively to ensure that members believe in them, and they should be clearly framed.[1] Clearly stated aims help movements to measure the successes and failures of actions and campaigns. Many movements are successful in the short term but dissipate once short-term aims have been met, despite the potential they may have had to make lasting change. Similarly, the failure to meet short-term goals does not necessarily minimise the impact a movement can have in the long term. For instance, during the Chilean student protests, the short-term goal was to increase state support to students through scholarships and subsidised lunches and transport. However, the movement was less successful in achieving its long-term aim, which was to reform a political system still based on a constitution written during the Pinochet dictatorship. However, because of the short-term successes, many members of student movements were able to garner enough public support to start their own political parties and run for elected office. Those parties went on to hold  around 20 per cent of the seats in parliament and thus may in future be able to achieve the long-term aims of the movement and ensure sustained change.[2]

Diverse campaigns

There are a number of ways that movements can spread their messages and achieve their aims. However, no single way is always effective as different contexts require different strategies. It is important to consider all of the actors that are involved in bringing about change and design campaigns to target each of them. In Mexico, the growing disappeared movement, which arose in response to the tens of thousands of people who have been disappeared, uses an array of campaign strategies. The movement organises mass marches in multiple locations, particularly on special days such as Mother’s Day, and also carries out widespread advocacy and awareness campaigns in an attempt to gather information about the missing people. The movement partnered with the media to spread awareness about the situation on a local and global scale, and also physically carries out search parties and digs to find mass graves. Each of these strategies targets a different segment of society in the hope that cumulatively they will lead to an improvement in the situation and the uncovering of the truth.[3]

While carrying out protests, it is also necessary to develop a strategy to target reformers within government. Particularly in very repressive environments, these reformers provide an opening for citizens to express their grievances to sympathetic people with access to the levers of power


(What is proportional development?)​


i remember it being development and growth of the brain i’m not sure sorry :/

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how has society influenced our opinions on lithium mining?!!!!



It is not environmental friendly.


Society influenced our opinions on lithium mining by thinking it not environmental friendly but this mining is very important because lithium is used in various electrical instruments such as laptops and mobile phones etc. The society seems it bad for the environment due to removal of vegetation and degradation of soil but this metal is very important for making of various technology so in this way society influenced our opinions on lithium mining.

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there are none the victim is right


how can social pressure be regarded as a stressor for young people in their family relationships



Peer pressure might encourage teens to become more active in athletics or to avoid risky behaviors. Or it could lead them to try alcohol or drugs, skip school or engage in other negative behaviors


Affiliation with friends who engage in risk behaviors has been shown to be a strong predictor of an adolescent's own behavior. Peer pressure can also have positive effects when youth are pressured by their peers toward positive behavior, such as volunteering for charity or excelling in academics.

explain how Human Development Index (HDI) are used as indicator to measure development



plz mark me as brainiest


The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a decent standard of living. ... The HDI uses the logarithm of income, to reflect the diminishing importance of income with increasing GNI                                      

plzzzzzzzzzzzz mark me as brainiest

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The store acquires shirts at a marginal cost of $5 per shirt. Each shirt sells

for a marginal benefit of $10 per shirt.

How many shirts would the retailer need to sell for its marginal benefits to be greater than its total costs?

Edit 125 is the answer





oops you answered it sorry

You are conducting a research project about life during the Civil Rights Movement. Which source of information would be the MOST credible and reliable source for the project? Group of answer choices Asking your US History teacher questions History An interview of someone who lived during the Civil Rights Movement Jackie Robinson’s personal diary


Answer: An interview of someone who lived during the Civil Rights Movement


Since the research project is about life during the Civil Rights Movement, the source of information that would be the most credible and reliable source for the project will be an interview of someone who lived during the Civil Rights Movement.

Unlike the other options such as asking the US History teacher questions, Jackie Robinson’s personal diary or the website, an interview of someone who lived during the Civil Rights Movement will help in giving a first hand account of what happened. This will serve as an authoritative price of information

What was one key WEAKNESS of the Articles of Confederation?

it was not ratified by every state

it was too structured for the states to follow

it gave too much power to the federal government

it gave too much power to the states




it gave too much power to the states


No explanation

Did you disagree with a point raised during the discussion? How did you respond to it?



I had disagreed. I responded to it by calmly stating my opinion towards the point that had been raised and made sure that I didn't offend anyone during me doing so.

Here are some milestones in the development of technology used by geographers. Put them in the order in which they appeared in history



1. Cartography

2. Navigational compass


4. Internet


Cartography: is a method of designing, creating and studying geographic locations on flat surfaces like maps. This scientific method dates to some thousands of years ago. It dates to pre-historic times as far back as 2300 BCE when the Babylonians represented locations in clay tablets.

Navigational compass: is thought to have originated in the Han Dynasty in China between the 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD. Then it was used for fortune-telling and was called the "South Pointing Fish." It was adapted as a navigational compass in the Song Dynasty in the 11th century.

Photography: This originated in the 19th century precisely the late 1830's when Nicéphore Niépce captured the pewter plate exposed t light and coated with bitumen. In the later part of the century, geographers began adapting it to their work.

Internet: the inventions of computers in the 1950's came along with the internet that has been a useful resource for geographers.

How does reductionism explain simulations?​



Thus, the ideas that physical bodies are collections of atoms or that a given mental state (e.g., one person's belief that snow is white) is identical to a particular physical state (the firing of certain neurons in that person's brain) are examples of reductionism. ...


discuss the positive and negative economic, sociocultural and environment impacts on tourism​


Some of the positive socio-cultural impacts include income generation and employment opportunities from both community-based tourism projects and safari companies, infrastructure development such as airport and airstrips, tarred roads, hotels, lodges and camps, the improvement of social services such as banking, health ...

The positive is happy the negative is always trying to bring you down

What is the best representation of this political cartoon



The Plumb-pudding in Danger

James Gillray's The Plumb-pudding in Danger (1805). The world being carved up into spheres of influence between Pitt and Napoleon. According to Martin Rowson, it is "probably the most famous political cartoon of all time—it has been stolen over and over and over again by cartoonists ever since."

How did the Fourteenth Amendment help former slaves?

It made them citizens of the United States.

It provided ways for them to move to other parts of the country.

It gave them farms of their own.

It outlawed the Ku Klux Klan.



A It made them citizens of the United States

Answer: I believe it’s

A. It made them citizens of the United States.

Explanation: The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted citizenship to all people born in the US, even former enslaved people.

I hope this helped you :)

The world has seen a dramatic explosion of movements emphasizing ethnic uniformity as the sole basis for unity in recent years. Based on what you know, which of the following is likely to accompany such a movement?

a. A nation-state that emphasizes multiculturalism.
b. Increasing communication between people in the movement's territory and those outside of it.
c. An increase in security and stability in the region
d. The violent restoration of a strict gender binary and gender roles



d. The violent restoration of a strict gender binary and gender roles


All the other answers are associated with greater intergroup contact and empathy at the social and legislative level. Furthermore, ethnic uniformity is often accompanied by an emphasis on the control of reproduction and womens' rights, in an effort to maintain racial 'purity'.

The correct option is d.) The violent restoration of a strict gender binary and gender roles. which  is likely to accompany such a movement.

What does ethnic nationalism look like?

Some organizations might think that because of their shared racial or ethnic background, their members can be viewed as "relatives" because they share the same ancestors. The distinction between the Gujarat and Punjab tribes of India, the Croatians and Bosnians of the former Yugoslavia, and other ethnic groups are examples of Ethnonationalism.

Ethnic nationalists' main argument is that "nations are characterized by a shared legacy, which typically comprises a common language, a common faith, and a common ethnic ancestry." People from other ethnic groups could be viewed as second-class citizens.

Which 4 categories best describe social movements?

Reform movements, revolutionary movements, reactionary movements, self-help movements, and religious movements are the main categories of social movements. Social movements typically need to draw sizable numbers of people in order to be successful.

learn more about ethnic nationalism movement here-



Your employer leaves a message on your voice mail
asking you to work overtime this weekend, but you plan to
attend your friend's birthday party.
1. What medium (Email, Text, call) would you use to
explain why you can't work overtime?
2. Explain why did you choose that medium?
3. Draft a message you might send via email explaining
your situation.
4. In the email Message you drafted above, what type of
email style did you use?(note, memo or letter style)


I am pretty sure it is #3 not sure though

express your views on how the law the citizens and community can protect and support victims of human rights violation​



plz mark me as brainiest


On the support of victims of human rights violation, the law should clearly state and express the repercussions of violating human rights. ... The community can mobilize and make aware the people of their rights and also allow any victim of human rights violations to face the law and seek justice

Does anyone know the answer?? Please help



local governments.


These forms of government are closest to the everyday lives of people and have a great effect on their daily activities.

1.8. Assess how posting or forwarding humiliating and offensive material
to other people may affect the person who is posting.​



He lost respect and honour.


Posting or forwarding humiliating and offensive material  to other people may affect the person who is posting because the respect is vanished in the hearts of people for the person who posting such posts. The people around him show hatred towards his action so in this way the person get affected through its own actions. He was insulted by his own actions of posting humiliating and offensive material.

critically discuss three negative reasons why some people join protest action​



money power race

to steal

to get elected

they are undercover police

disadvantage of electronic media as part of a campaign for human rights violation​



Human rights violations are diverse in nature, stemming from willful transgressions against—or neglect of—basic principles stated in the International Bill of Human Rights and subsequent instruments. Evidence of human rights violations, correspondingly, comes in many forms and is created for many purposes.

Human Rights electronic evidence is any information created or stored in digital form that is relevant to establishing the occurrence of a human rights event. It is collected on an increasingly diverse array of devices including computers, cell phones, video recorders, and cameras. It may consist of first-person (primary source) recordings of events; testimonials and statements after the event has occurred; news articles and videos; forensic evidence collected with the intention of establishing facts of what occurred; and any manner of additional materials collected through real-time monitoring or subsequent investigation. The types of documentation created may include, but are not limited to:

digitally generated images and digitally encoded audio and video

networked communications, such as e-mail and text messages

information created and disseminated via web-based technologies (web pages, blogs, Twitter posts, and other social media)

human- or computer-generated files in “born-digital” format (text files, wordprocessing documents, spreadsheets, data files, indices, logs)

database records, indices, reports, and supporting management systems

records of transactions (including communication logs and financial transactions)

court records, testimonies, and supporting documentation gathered as a result of judicial processes, and

digitally converted evidence from content previously contained in analog formats (scanned images of a physical document, digitized audio or video,

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