"According to new growth​ theory, ______. A. prosperity will last but growth will not last because eventually the real interest rate​ falls, which slows the capital accumulation needed for growth B. growth can persist indefinitely C. growth rates and income levels per person around the globe will converge D. labor productivity grows most quickly in countries with the largest populations"


Answer 1




Answer 2

According to new growth theory option B. growth can persist indefinitely.

What is growth theory?

Growth theory is an economic framework that aims to explain the factors and mechanisms driving economic growth and development over time.

It seeks to understand why some economies experience sustained increases in their output (GDP), while others do not. Growth theory examines the role of various factors such as technological progress, human capital accumulation, capital investment, innovation, and institutions in driving long-term economic growth.

It provides insights into how economies can achieve higher standards of living and improve the well-being of their populations.

learn more about growth theory: https://brainly.com/question/15681800


Related Questions

A client has a third-degree burn on the leg. The wound is being treated by the open method. After about 4 days, a hard crust has formed around the leg and is impairing the circulation to the leg. What procedure would be done to relieve pressure on the affected area?
A. escharotomy
B. debridement
C. allograft
D. silvadene application


your answer is third hope it's helpful to you

Allograft procedure would be done to relieve pressure on the affected area.

What is Allograft?

Allograft refers to the transplant of an organ or tissue from one person of the same species to another with a different genotype. For instance, an allograft is a transplant from one individual to another who is not an identical twin. Many human transplants, including those involving cadaveric, live related, and living unrelated donors, use allografts. also referred to as a homograft or an allogeneic graft.

Allografts can be used in a variety of conditions with varied degrees of severity. For instance, bone allograft transplants can be utilized for more cosmetic purposes in dentistry or plastic surgery, as well as to repair limbs in orthopedics.

Allograft transplants can be employed both during the operation and directly for the treatment of patients. A type of bone putty created from donated bone or tissue material is called a demineralized bone matrix. Musculoskeletal allograft transplants are the most popular kind of allograft transplants.

This relates to one of the primary justifications for the use of allograft transplants: synthetic materials can have characteristics that differ from those of biologically human tissue and may not be appropriate for the intended application. In addition, tissue from an allograft transplant usually fuses with the recipient's own tissue over time, becoming an indistinguishable component of the recipient's body. If one's own tissue cannot be used in sufficient quantities, allograft transplants may be employed.

Tissues can be prepared for allograft transplantation using a variety of techniques. To get rid of as many cellular components as feasible, the tissue is treated with antibiotics, and detergents during aseptic processing.

It is also possible to chemically sterilize allograft tissue using the sterilization process. Gamma irradiation, a type of electromagnetic radiation that purges the tissue of microorganisms, is frequently combined with this. However, viruses might not be eliminated by gamma radiation.

Hence, correct option is C.

To learn more about allograft, click here

A good manager: A. gives advice freely and frequently. B. is more result-oriented than relationship-oriented. C. has a judger mind-set and low self-awareness. D. schedules time for listening to employees each day. E. believes that listening too much is a sign of indecisiveness.





If you're asking a good manager that keeps the busniess running the answer is B because he would get the best money results.

If you mean the best manager because CO-workers like him the answer is A, but I don't think that's what you're asking so the answer is most likely B.





What is the basis of the law of demand?
Group of answer choices

Self-interested behavior

Marginal utility

Utility curves

Market timing


market timing


because that way u wont miss customers

logical fallacy Well, what form of government do you want, a government by liberal do-gooders ready to spend your hard-earned dollars or a government led by business minds that understand how to live within a tight budget and generate jobs that put people to work. Group of answer choices



i don´t nou sorry


What is one main objective in the study of economics?
recognizing the types of services available to everyone
O recognizing the relationship between producers and consumers
O recognizing the reasons why consumers supply services
O recognizing the difference between producers and consumers



O Recognizing the relationship between producers and consumers.


Economics is the study of how resources are used by people to produce goods and provide services. This branch of study focuses on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

While the study of economics can be classed into macroeconomics and microeconomics, one of the main objectives of this study is to determine the relationship between producers and consumers. The focus is on the way people respond to the availability and use of the resources.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.

Short Answer Questions What is a public enterprise? Explain the main features of public enterprises. 1.​



A business organization wholly or party owned by the state and controlled through a public authority is called public Enterprise.

Government ownership and control,main motive of service,autonomy,continuity is one feature of public Enterprise.

account question ❓❓❓​







Answer: 90011
17 b+c -=

The Rybczynski theorem asserts that in a two-good world, and assuming that product prices stay constant, growth in the endowment of one factor of production, with the other factor unchanged, will lead to:
A. An equal percentage increase in the output of both goods.
B. An increase in the output of the good that uses the growing factor intensively and a decrease in the output of the other good.
C. An increase in the output of both goods but a greater percentage increase in the output of the good that uses the growing factor intensively.
D. An increase in the output of the good that uses the growing factor intensively and no change in the output of the other good.



The answer is "Option b".


The theorem of Rybczynski affirms that certain expansion in the endowments of one factor of manufacturing throughout the two-good economy, with other unchanged factors, which would be the result in increased output for the product that employs the increasing factor as well as a drop throughout the output of the other good.

An increase in the wage rate causes Group of answer choices a decrease in the quantity of labor demanded. an increase in labor's marginal productivity. a leftward shift of the firm's labor demand curve. a rightward shift of the firm's labor demand curve.



a decrease in the quantity of labour demanded.


Changes in wage rate leads to changes in the quantity of labour demanded and not a change in demand.

Changes in the quantity of labour demanded leads to a movement along the demand curve for labour and not a shift of the demand curve.

The quantity demanded of labour is inversely related to the wage rate.

An increase in the wage rate increases the cost of employing labour. As a result, the quantity demanded of labour falls

On the other hand, a decrease in the wage rate reduces the cost of employing labour. As a result, the quantity demanded of labour increases

Which school faculty member should you talk to about enrolling in an AP


Answer: The guidance counselor


Social worker is someone who helps people cope with the challenges tahtnthwy face in their lives. Social workers work with people who have addiction issues, people with disabilities, children etc.

A paraprofessional refers to someone who's specially trained to support students in school. Such oeeosn can be a teaching assistant, special education paraprofessional etc.

A registrar is the keeper of records in an educational institution whinis charged with the responsibility of registering students, and keeping their academic records.

The guidance counselor is a professional who provides career, academic, and social-emotional competencies to the students in a schoool through counseling. Such person is the faculty member smtaht you should talk to about enrolling in an AP.


A firm has a demand function p=108-5q and the cost function c=-12q+q^2. find the price at which profit is maximum. find the maximum profit. also find the output for maximum cost.



[tex](a)\ q=3.5[/tex]

[tex](b)\ t_{max} = 120.25[/tex]

(c) No maximum



[tex]p = 108 - 5q[/tex]

[tex]c = -12q + q^2[/tex]

Solving (a): The price at maximum profit.

The profit (t) is calculated using the following function

[tex]t = p - c[/tex] --- price- cost

So, we have:

[tex]t = 108 - 5q - (-12q + q^2)[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]t = 108 - 5q +12q - q^2[/tex]

[tex]t = 108 +7q - q^2[/tex]

Rewrite as:

[tex]t = - q^2 + 7q + 108[/tex] --- this is the profit function

A quadratic function is represented as:

[tex]y = ax^2 + bx + c[/tex]

The maximum is:

[tex]x = -\frac{b}{2a}[/tex]

By comparison:

[tex]q = -\frac{7}{2*-1}[/tex]

[tex]q=3.5[/tex] ----- price at maximum profit

Solving (b): The maximum profit

The profit function is:

[tex]t = - q^2 + 7q + 108[/tex]

The maximum is:

[tex]t_{max} = -3.5^2 + 7 * 3.5 +108[/tex]

[tex]t_{max} = 120.25[/tex]

Solving (c): Maximum cost

We have:

[tex]c = -12q + q^2[/tex]

The maximum price of the above function is:

[tex]q = -\frac{-12}{2*1}[/tex] ---- from x = -b/2a

[tex]q = \frac{12}{2}[/tex]

[tex]q = 6[/tex]

So, the maximum cost is:

[tex]c_{max} = -12 * 6 + 6^2[/tex]

[tex]c_{max} = -36[/tex]

The cost function has no maximum; only minimum

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