According to the authors of your text, consumers are advised to be less concerned about the presence of subliminal messages in advertising and more concerned that ads __________.


Answer 1


Consumers are advised to be less concerned about the presence of subliminal messages in advertising and more concerned that ads reduce our attention span and our ability to evaluate persuasive messages critically.


We are currently being overwhelmed by all the information we received and all the social media content we are exposed. It is said that we should not be so concerned by subliminal messages, but for our reduced attention span and our critical abilities. Having so much exposure to different types of advertising we might lose attention span and our ability to evaluate persuasive messages critically, conditioning our choices.

Related Questions

I want to travel to a country . should I take my sister or my best friend ?​


Take your best friend


take your best friend. you never know when that will friendship will end so make it worth it while it lasts

When Mr. Bergman's wife died, his family members and friends dressed in black, attended a funeral, and participated in a burial service. Mr. Bergman covered all the mirrors in his house with black cloths. This set of culturally specified expressions of thoughts and feelings is __________.





Mourning is a term that describes an expression of sadness or a period of grieving that comes after the death of someone one cared for, or other crucial loss.

In other words, Mourning is a process which involves individuals taking the grief on the inside or internally and express it outside or externally.

Hence, in this case, this set of culturally specified expressions of thoughts and feelings is MOURNING.

A 911 emergency response service needs operators who are bilingual in English and Spanish. A few applicants of Spanish origin are rejected due to their poor English-speaking skills. They file a complaint on the grounds of discrimination based on nationality. The rejected applicants ultimately lose in a bench trial before a judge as a matter of law. Here, the government likely was able to prevail because:



bona fide occupational qualifications


In this scenario, the government likely was able to prevail because of bona fide occupational qualifications. This refers to a quality or an attribute that employers are allowed to consider when deciding whether or not to hire an individual candidate. Usually, this is in regard to a quality or trait, that under other circumstances, would be considered discrimination. In this case, the trait in question is Fluent Bilingual Skills, and here it is not considered discrimination because this skill is necessary and an employee without them may put lives at risk.

What is the definition of democracy by Abraham Lincoln​



The government of the people, for the people, and by the people.


It is a political system in which the supreme power lies in somebody of citizens which are elected by the citizens of that country through lawful voting.

What are the effect of corona virus ravaging our country



economy of country is going down.educational organizations are also not running.daily wage workers are being unemployed.people just returning from foreign country are,trade are not going well due difficulties in import and export of goods.


Which country do you mean

If you mean Great Britain here is the answer


People educations is not going well as we can't go school and even though teachers may set pupils homework and work to do at home some children may just ignore it. Another reason is that people jobs are being lost as their is no work for them to do and they won't make any money to keep things going which will lead them to being homeless.

A researcher conducts a survey examining eating and sleeping behavior as well as academic performance for a group of elementary school children. The results of the survey indicate that the children who eat a more nutritious breakfast tend to have better grades than the children who have a breakfast low in nutrition. However, the research suspects that the children's parents may be responsible for this relationship. Specifically, the better-educated parents probably encourage their children to eat better food and work harder in school compared to parents with less education. If the researcher is correct, this is an example of the ____. third-variable problem directionality problem reversal problem criterion problem



third-variable problem


Third variable problem refers to the common correlation that exists between two correlated variables. According to third variable problem, there exists a third variable that can be the reason of a correlation being existing between the two variables. In the given expert, the third variable is the education of the parents of the children that exists between the other two variables. The first two variables were the academic performance of the children and their level of nutrition. With the help of the third variable the argument was presented that education level of the parents had a correlation between the academic performance of the children and their level of nutrition.

7. Diminishing returns to an input set in: A) when all inputs are fixed. B) when some inputs are fixed and some are variable. C) when all inputs are variable. D) only in the long run.


Answer: B) when some inputs are fixed and some are variable

Explanation: The law of diminishing returns refers to a very popular narrative in economics which explains how the return or yield generated from adding an additional unit of input starts to decrease at a certain period. The concept of diminishing returns involves that, in the production of a certain good or services, some of the inputs required such land, labor or equipment, when a certain input is increased such as land while the others such as equipment or labor is fixed, there is an increase in the output of production, However, as land continues to increase while the other factors are fixed, a decrease in the output begins to set in.

A professor decides to perform an experiment with two of his classes. He believes that students in a hot classroom do not learn well. In one class, he leaves the room temperature at 70 degrees (normal room temperature). In another class, he turns the temperature up to 85 degrees. At the end of the semester he gives the same final exam to students from each classroom to see if one group has learned significantly more than the other. (Overall, a highly unethical study.)
In this experiment, who would be the experimental group?
A) The 70-degree class.
B) Because of ethics, there was no experimental group.
C) The 85-degree class.
D) Both groups are experimental groups.


Answer: C) The 85-degree class.

Explanation: An experimental group simply refers to the participants who are subjected to the actual treatment during a study. In the scenario above, the groups of participants are involved, while the first group were subjected to seventy degree temperature, which corresponds to the normal oom temperature, this means they weren't subjected to any actual treatment. The other group however witnessed a temperature higher than the normal at 85 degrees and as such makes them the experimental group.

what is office and why is important



an office is an important place for the coordinating function


important of an office helps to Link the activities of various person and department in and out of the office also helps to direct them towards the attainment of the organization goals and objectives

I hope this was helpful


Definition of office

An office is a place in an organization from where different activities of an organization are performed.

Importance of Office

1. Information centre

Office is the centre of an organization for information. It preserves important records in a systematic manner for future reference in the form of invoice , report , agreement , contract and government related documents. Office collects different information from different places and people so that it can provide those information to the people whenever required. The management gets information from the office for making decisions and formulating plans and policies.

2. Evidence of existence

Office provides the solid evidence or proof of existence of an organization. It represents the physical form of an organization. In case of financial institutions like banks , insurance companies , cooperatives etc as well as some service concerns, office is the only evidence or proof of existence of an organization.

3. Medium of communication

Communication of information to the right person or authority in right time is essential for the smooth operation of an organization. In this regard, office receives as well as transmits information from / to insiders / outsiders. Hence, Office acts as the medium of communication.

4. Centre for formulating plans and policies

Organizations are established for attaining certain objectives. For this , it is essential to formulate and implement plans and policies. As the centre of an organization, an office remains as the centre for the preparation of plans and policies and implement them.

5. Co-ordination

An organization is divided into various departments and units. They perform their functions on uniform basis. Office maintains co-ordination among all the departments and units by providing essential information. Besides , co-ordination with stakeholders like creditors, suppliers , government and banks is also maintained through the office. It eventually helps to build image and reputation of the organization. In an office , the problems of different departments can be consulted and better solutions can be found out.

6.Management and control

Management is the art and science of getting works done through people as well as other resources. It is done through an office. An office also established standard of works and performance. It compares the actual performance with the standard and detects variations, if any , for taking corrective actions. It is called control.

7.Service centre

All the necessary information are served to the people who are needed with the information either it be the people of same organizations or outsiders/ visitors. Further more, it helps to understand the problems of people and solve them.

Hope I helped!

Best regards!

As a child, Robin was frequently surrounded by many people and came to see herself as a very sociable person. As an adult, she has chosen a career that requires her to interact with other people on a daily basis. As a result, Robin is becoming even more sociable than before. This process is called ________.



The options are

a. reciprocal determinism

b. the approach-avoidance goal system

c. the expectancy value theory

d. vicarious learning

The answer is a. reciprocal determinism


Reciprocal determinism was a theory coined by a psychologist called Albert Bandura . This theory states that an individual’s behavior can either be influenced or can influence personal factors and environment at large.

Robin being exposed to having many people surround her made her a jovial and a very sociable person. This influenced her decision as an adult to chose a career that requires her to interact with other people on a daily basis.

Doing a bee assignment. What is the impact on Australia if all the bees die?



what you are asking i


don t know

All the trees would die, flowers and plants would die and Australia would become more of a barren wasteland, I suppose

Hope this helped -з-

Leonard can remember exactly where he was and how he felt when he got the call to tell him that his grandmother had died; the weather, the time, what activities he was engaged in. He feels that the memory of this day is more vivid and intense than his memory of a regular day would be. Leonard’s experience is an example of a _____________________ memory. These memories can be triggered by events or experiences that are very emotional in nature.


Answer: flashbulb memory

what is the rule by the people​



The rule by the people is democracy

Hope this helps!

The rule by the people is democracy

Nancy, aged 70, has a vacant plot adjacent to her house that she intends to bequeath to her grandson Roy upon her death. However, an important railroad project is being undertaken nearby and the local authorities have informed Nancy that the new railroad will cover her vacant lot. They have also promised her fair compensation in return. Can the government take her property?



Yes, the government can take her property.


The government can take Nancy's property because it has eminent domain over the property. In other words, it means that the government can take private property and make it a public giving the owner compensation for the land. Besides, there has to be a public purpose for the eminent domain over the plot; which, could be the construction of roads, railroads, or public buildings.

Why should hdi be high
(Only appropriate answer and I will mark it brainliest )



A country scores a higher HDI when the lifespan is higher, the education level is higher, and the gross national income GNI (PPP) per capita is higher. ... The index does not take into account several factors, such as the net wealth per capita or the relative quality of goods in a country.

Clara thinks Carlo's idea for organizational outreach is impractical and cannot be implemented effectively. The discussion becomes heated and things seem to be getting out of control, so Chad suggests that the group take a break to rethink the issue. Chad is fulfilling which type of group role



social role


Based on Chad's behavior in this scenario it seems that he is fulfilling a social role. These are any and all rights, duties, expectations, norms, and behaviors that a person has to face and fulfill involving those around you and their well being. Which is exactly what Chad is doing by making sure they take a break to relax, clear their heads, and get rid of some of their stress when things started to get tense in the group.

The map shows peanut production in Georgia in 2012.

What does this map indicate about peanut farming?

It is better suited for warm weather.
It is better suited for the mountains.
It is better suited for a tropical climate.
It is better suited for an arid climate



D. It's Better suited for an Arid Climate




Which of the following amendments to the U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of federalism?



The Tenth Amendment

The British Agricultural Revolution resulted in many farmers losing their jobs. Which sentence best explains the change that farmers experienced?



They moved to the cities to work in factories, leading to the urbanization of the national economy.


The British Agricultural Revolution took place between the seventeenth to the nineteenth century in Britain. It was a revolution which led to an enormous increase in the production of agricultural products. This was the result of the increase in the land and the labor supply. The countryside was vacated and the industrial production was multiplied. The peasants lost their land that got concentrated in the hands of few. They had no other option than to force themselves to work in the industries. This led to an increase in urbanization.

Paula expects that diligent study will enable her to earn good grades on her tests. Paula's belief best illustrates


Determination , she works hard to achieve results

Irene wants to examine the effect of a defendant's appearance on the judgment of guilt for a crime.She has participants read an identical account of the crime except for the defendant's appearance.A group of high school students receive the description of an attractive defendant,while a group of senior citizens receive the description of an unattractive defendant.Both groups are then asked to rate the defendant's guilt on a seven-point scale.A major cause for confusion in Madison's experiment is the _____.A) manipulation of appearanceB) measure of guiltC) description of the crimeD) age of the participants



D) age of the participants


Irene seeks to investigate the impact of defendant existence on the verdict of a crime. She read the account equivalent to the offense to the participants excluding the presence of the defendant. A group of high school students get an attractive respondent explanation, Based on the information provided in the question I can say that the main reason for the confusion in the Irene experiment was the age of the participants Hence the correct answer is the age of the participants

Kiandra and her mother have always had great communication. When Kiandra is upset about anything she can talk to her mother about it without yelling or getting angry. Her mother will listen while Kiandra tells her what she wants without being disrespectful. Kiandra and her mother demonstrate _____________ communication.



Sahi answer commercial unit of strength upon a time there was a frog of the view from brest to brest in share of foot leg by three killed while the floor and lock distance and where will die we know our country try any for the said the the sun and the term then we can set the kill the your to fly why are the other father the small is the of the being a speed and feed through he he said happy the is song gladly get it

In two to three paragraphs, evaluate how Georgia's geography has affected the development of the Piedmont and Coastal
Plain regions. Be sure to discuss specific geographic features, including the fall line, the Chattahoochee and Savannah
Rivers, and the Barrier Islands. Be sure to use reasons and evidence from the lesson to support your conclusions.


Georgia’s geography has affected its development in many ways. The fall line divides the Piedmont from the coastal plain. It is the point at which many of Georgia’s rivers, including the Chattahoochee and Savannah Rivers, become unnavigable. As a result, many towns were founded on the rivers at this point, including Augusta, Macon, and Columbus.

The Barrier Islands protect Georgia's coastline, but they remain largely uninhabited. This is because they are difficult to reach, except by boat. A few islands, such as Jekyll Island, are connected to the shore by bridges and causeways, and are important tourist destinations as a result. Thousands of people live here, and millions more visit every year.

Is there life on other planets other than Earth?



That is unknown as for now, but it might change in the future. No, scientists have not discovered any life on other planets.




The short answer is yes because think about it do you really think we are the only living things in the world?

Bowlby argued that infants perform behaviors which increase the probability that adults will care for them. This idea was based on the principle that ducklings will also increase the probability that they will survive if they perform certain behaviors. What was the specific behavior that we discussed in class that ducklings perform which may increase their probability of survival


Answer: Imprinting

Explanation: The concept of imprinting refers to a biological or psychological concept whereby infant or newly born animals develop a natural sense of survival attained through an automated phase of character development by bonding with the species required to ensure their survival after birth. This phase of development seems really automated as newly born infants develop a very strong sense of attachment to their mothers who in the real sense are the ones required to provide them with the food, sheltwr and other requirements needed for survival. This is also the case with baby ducklings who tend to form a strong natural sense of attachment to their mothers upon delivery following her in other to provide cover, shelter and learn a out their identity.

Middle-aged people who lose their jobs may be discriminated against when trying to find a new job, which is not only illegal, but also based on misguided assumptions. All of the following statements are true about middle-aged workers EXCEPT __________. a. they miss fewer work days than younger workers b. they hold their jobs longer and are more reliable c. they lack sufficient technolog



b. they hold their jobs longer and are more reliable


It is very true and rational that middle-aged people who lose their jobs may be discriminated against when trying to find a new job, which is not only illegal, but also based on misguided assumptions. All of the following statements are true about middle-aged workers;

1. They miss fewer work days than younger workers.

2. Middle-aged workers lack sufficient technology.

However, it is false to say that they hold their jobs longer and are more reliable than young workers because with an increase in age, comes health related issues, fatigue and they would require more breaks, leave or off time to get enough rest.

Media covers sports in South Africa both positively and negatively



sorry didnt get you


Can't understand your question. I can't get what you are trying to say.

Hope it helps!!Please mark me as the brainliest!!!


A member of a new fundamentalist church believes that she has found the one true way to achieve salvation, and that members of other religions are pagans who will go directly to hell when they die. This is an example of


I believe the answer is: ethnocentric. Which means: evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one's own culture.

A disorder characterized by chronic physiological arousal, sleep disturbances, recurrent unwanted thoughts or images of a previous trauma, and avoidance of things that call the traumatic event to mind is called:



This disorder based on similar eff ects observed in PTSD.

LaTonya has been given an award by her company and makes a speech at an awards banquet. Her entire speech focuses on the contributions of her work group, her family, and her friends. At no time does she note her own work or her personal achievements. LaTonya seems to emphasize the cultural value of ________.





Collectivist societies prioritize the objectives and aspirations of the community as a whole over each individual's wants and requirements. In these cultures, interactions with other group members and people-to-people interconnections play a significant role in the identity of every individual. As per the question, LaTonya stresses the importance of her group members for her own success and it is a classic example of collectivist cultural values.

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