According to the letter in the Unit, Milo Thompson and Louisa Bethley were allowed to get married.




Answer 1




According to the letter, they were allowed to get married.

Related Questions

Write a paragraph explaining how theme develops in the story.
Write a topic sentence that mentions the theme, title, and author.
Then follow your graphic organizer and write your ideas about how protagonist, antagonist, conflict, falling action and resolution, mood, and setting develop in the story.
Be sure to include the theme of the story.
End with a sentence that restates your idea about the theme.

The Nest

Randall squinted up through the trees, trying to gauge the time, but gave up quickly. He should have paid attention when his father taught the family to read the position of the sun. He should have paid attention, too, before sneaking off this morning on his first solo hike, forgetting the whistle his mother stressed he always bring.

He pictured his parents now at their camp beneath the tree with the eagle’s nest, wondering where he was. Randall was wondering the same thing. Lost and out of food, he feared he had but a few hours before darkness closed in, trapping him in the bitter cold with the creatures of the night.

He closed his eyes to fight back tears, when he heard it in the distance. Water! His father’s words came flowing into his mind; one tip he actually remembered. “If you’re ever lost, find a river and follow it.”

In a flash, he was on his feet, scaling fallen trees, tearing through brush, frantically following the sound. The sky grew darker, but the noise grew louder, and Randall, tired and scared, forged ahead until he found it. He reached the river bank and was mulling his next move when a sudden splash caught his eye.

A majestic eagle rose from the water, soaring skyward with a freshly caught fish in its talons. Could it be the same eagle nested above his camp? It glided triumphantly into a high nest a short distance away, eager to greet its family. Randall smiled, equally triumphant, eager to do the same as he followed the eagle’s flight.

In the distance, he saw his mother, his whistle clutched in her hand.



Setting: woods, forest, some kind of family field trip.


Conflict: he was lost

Mood: lonely and fearful, but hopeful at the end

Climax: he got lost in the woods

Falling Action: he finds a river

Resolution: he sees his mother

Theme: the importance of listening to your parents because they know best


According to Violet Sorzano's short story "The Nest," listening to your parents has a lot of value. When Randall gets lost in the woods, he is challenged by the antagonist (not a person). This story's main character is in conflict with himself. All of his parents' advice is put to use by Randall in order to locate his own parents. the scene of the forest

Which graphic would best support the information in
this paragraph?
Read the paragraph
Slapstick is also known as physical comedy, meaning it
has more actions than words. Most people think of
slapstick as people hitting one another and then falling
down, much like the style of The Three Stooges® What
they do not always know is that slapstick comedians
are masters of timing, with a flair for the dramatic. They
create the illusion of hitting and falling, without causing
injury to the performers. They stay safe while the
audience laughs hysterically
O a diagram of how The Three Stooges perform a
physical comedy stunt
O a photo of The Three Stooges after a comedy show
a flow chart identifying the different types of comedy
O a bar graph of the amount of laughter at different
types of comedy shows
Mark this and return
Save and Exit



a diagram of how The Three Stooges perform a physical comedy stunt


In order to find which graphic would best support the information supported in the passage we must identify the main idea of the passage.

The passage's main idea is to inform us on how slapstick comedians create an illusion of hitting and falling.

So the audience sees the comedians falling and getting hurt but in reality they are performing an illusion that makes it seem as they are injuring themselves and they are not actually hurting themselves.

Now that we have identified the main idea let's look back at the question.

Which graphic would best support the information in this paragraph?

a diagram of how The Three Stooges perform a physical comedy stunt

A diagram of how the three stooges perform a physical comedy stunt would definitely show how the comedians make it seems as they are hurting themselves as it shows us how they perform the stunts. So this could be the answer but let's look at the other ones just in case .

A photo of The Three Stooges after a comedy show

A photo would likely not show much of how the comedians perform their stunts so we can eliminate this answer choice.

a flow chart identifying the different types of comedy

The passage is specifically talking about slapstick comedy so a flow chart talking about other types of comedies would not be supporting of the passage.

a bar graph of the amount of laughter at different

Though this answer may show the effect of the stunts on the audience it would not support the author's main idea which is that slapstick comedians create an illusion that makes it seem that they are injuring themselves when they really aren't.

So the first choice would be the best answer

Can Someone please check my essay, The words in red are the mistakes that the professor thinks I’ve made, i don’t see it tbh I mean I had 2 spelling mistakes which were in the first paragraph “your down instead of you’re down” and “on the other hands instead of on the other hand” but that’s it
I’m literally questioning my English skills at this point so please just tell me if u think he’s right or is he pointing out mistakes that don’t even exist
(Keep in my it’s just a general English skills course nothing serious)


For the first red, you don't need an article before "relationship".

When you're saying "type of [word]", do not put any article before that word.

Example: "a type of device"

Not too sure about the "your back" parts. It could be your teacher does not like repition.

Also not too sure about "did". He probably wanted you to use the word "felt" instead of "did feel"

The first word of the last paragraph should be "in" not "at".

The red commas definitely do not need to be there.

Don't know why he marked "time to" and "to" red.

Help me please…………………



The answer is A


What should be included to make this introduction more effective?



A good introduction should identify your topic, provide essential context, and indicate your particular focus in the essay. It also needs to engage your readers' interest. A strong conclusion will provide a sense of closure to the essay while again placing your concepts in a somewhat wider context.


(f) What do people do in picnics apart from eating?​


People talk, read, do homework/ study/ work, take naps, rest and do activities to keep themselves entertained!

If... what they must do.
a. was not explained them
b. was not explained them.
c. was not being explained them
d. was not explained to them​



Option D
Was not explained to them

when we use did and could ​



We use did in past simple tense

and could as past ability to do smthg or to express posibility to make suggestions and request

What do you mean by this

the purpose as this message is to nofity you that we received the delivery = ( acknowledge )



what do you mean by this?????

write a paragraph give a description of a person you know
1.who's he (name/age/nationality/work or study/family)?
2.what dose he look like?
3.what's he like?
4.what are his favorite free time activities?



My friend Jane is as beautiful as a movie star. She has beautiful thick, wavy, and long black hair. Her hair graciously falls down to her shoulders. She also has a diamond-shaped face. She has a golden tanned skin which looks gorgeous when she's out in the sun or public in general. Furthermore, she has big, blue eyes. She has a small mouth, but her lips are puffy, and she always brings them out to attention by wearing red lipstick or lip balm. Her smile is the best part about her, it could light up anyone's day. She is 16 years old and studies in 10th grade, she's almost done with it. She lives here in America, but was born in Korea, so you could say she's Korean-American. Not only that, but she loves singing and dancing. Likewise, she also likes playing the piano. She is a big book nerd who loves the Harry Potter series.

Which is an example of satire? A. The family members in a short story have an elephant living in their dining room that they refuse to discuss, just as they refuse to deal with other problems.
B. In a novel, the partners in a couple have good news they hide from each other, unaware that the other is doing the same thing.
C. A play about a deaf character includes jokes that are funnier in sign language, so audience members who don't know sign language are left out.
D. A film's teenage character rolls her eyes and says, "Sure, I'd love to," when her mother asks her to clean the toilet.​


A. The family members in a short story have an elephant living in their dining room that they refuses to discuss, just as they refuse to deal with other problems.

Satire is used in literature to demonstrate quality of foolishness in humans. The story revolves around a middle class family who keeps their eyes off the problems that may come their way and hinder their progress. They avoid discussing problems and believe that one day all problems will go away themselves as they are not giving them importance.

Learn more at

Why does Sara compare herself to a soldier and say, ‘I will pretend this is part of a war.’?
the movie "little princess"


She is fighting through her struggles too

define local autonomy​


Local autonomy is the ability of local governments to have an independent impact on the well-being of their citizens
(Hope this helps

4. Develop the following outlines into a beautiful story and supply a suitable title.

A poor boy in a village..........walk door to door for job...........finds no day find a wallet with a large amount of money ..........find an identity card in the wallet with phone number..........a business company's owner's wallet............ decides to return it...........phones the man..........the man comes.........pleased with the him Rs. 1000/- as reward........... man praise his honesty... ....the man offer him a good job in his company............ works hard with honesty promoted to the post of manager...............handles the company..... becomes a co-owner of the company after the man's death........ lives a successful life.......... ​



pls mark brainliest...........

hope it helps u

Need help with this last problem. Not sure what is the answer​



Standing as we do upon the watch tower of human freedom


This statement includes a simile standing as we do on a watch tower

Hope this helps <3

Need thanks? Comment /hearthelp


Standing as we do upon the watchtower of human freedom.


this is the correct answer! Thank you bye

The smoke from the fire went ...... into the sky. (into/up/to/onto)​


it went up into the sky.

ANSWER: "up"


He began to listen to what Madeline said about God forgiving you he began to believe that God would forgive him, that God would forgive the most dreaded sin, and that God would be there to catch him.

No corrections needed.

This is a run-on.

This is a comma splice.

This is / contains a fragment.


i think it’s b. This is a run-on.

PLEASE HELP ASAP?!!!!! I need help please anyone



6. Mega-musicals

7. True


im sorry


1. Megan musicals


if you......starting a new company, how could you raise money? A.are B. was C. had been D. were



Chose A

Explanation: Because it's present simple


A. are


Here, the only question of dilemma would be between are and were. But if it had been were then the second phrase should be with would instead of could. And thus, we cancel out were and we are left with are.

Hope this helped.

ravi as well as his friend____present now. ( is, are, were)​





is. because it says present and present means now.
like the past and present and future tenses. so the answer is "is".

Abolitionist is a person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution especially capital punishment of (former) slavery

Use this in a sentence



In 1865 at the close of the war, he declared that slavery being abolished, his career as an abolitionist was ended


What is the definition of conflict?

Problems or obstacles that make it difficult for characters to achieve their goals

A speech the character gives about his or her thoughts and feelings

Text in a script that tells actors how to speak lines or how to move

Words characters speak out loud to each other during a play


Answer: A

Explanation: The conflict is the moment in the book when only things bad are happing

Answer: Answer A).
problems or obstacles that make it difficult for characters to achieve their goals.


In plot, Conflict is the main, or a collection of issues/difficulties which prevent the main character from reaching their ultimate goals.. pls brainlist

Pick out non - infinite He always knew the right time to begin everything. knew to begin always​



A finite verb is the word:   knew

Noninfinite is the word:  begin


Finite verbs and nonfinite verbs differ in that the former can act as the root of an independent clause or a full sentence, whereas the latter cannot.

Take the following sentence as an example:  The dog runs to the park to get a ball. Because it agrees with the subject (dog) and marks the tense, "runs" is a finite verb (present tense). Because it does not agree with the subject or mark the tense, "get" is a nonfinite verb.

I first _____(meet) my best friend three years ago.​




you use the past form of meet since you "met" your friend many years ago.


I first met my best friend three years ago.​

These signal the passage of time in a passage





hmm i dont really remember

What do you think is the answer ?
Write down your answer below !





I hope it helps choose me the brainest

Aman:my parent send me money but i'm always broke?​



u don't have a plan to use money

Help me please…………………..


A or B I think , hope you get food grades <3




We can set short term goals to help combat procastination, which will end up getting us no where.

(plz help me plz plz )what does the author reveal about his background in the first paragraph ."friends of mines confess over dinner that they put spyware on their 15 year old son consider?



his friends are crazy over protective of their son


Complete the gaps using either the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in the brackets. When you have finished, compare your answers with those of another student.

1. Yesterday we ______ (play) football after class.
2. The boys _____ (clean) the car. It looks new again.
3. We _____ (just, read) the book. Now we can watch the film.
4. I first _____ (meet) my best friend three years ago.
5. None of my family members _______ (ever, visit) another country before.
6. She ______ (buy) her car when she was working in a business company.​



1. played

2. cleaned

3. just, read  -----> (no changing forms, this will stay as it is)

4. met

5. ever, visited  

6. bought


1. Yesterday we played football after class.

2. The boys cleaned the car. It looks new again.

3. We just read the book. Now we can watch the film.

4. I first met my best friend three years ago.

5. None of my family members ever visited another country before.

6. She bought her car when she was working in a business company.​

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