According to the passage, who of the following statement about seals is true?


Answer 1


They have antifreeze proteins in their blood.

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Describe persuasive language



but i don't think persuasive language could be

mr. kulkarni is the .........of our college. he is the man of .........​



Mr.kulkarni is the owner of our college.

Guided Practice

Read the sentence and answer the question that follows.

People still remember John F. Kennedy’s famous words “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

Which correctly shows where a colon is needed in the sentence?

words: “Ask

famous: words

do: for

remember: John



A. Words: "Ask"

this is quotated information...

The protagonist and antagonist are in conflict with each other.


The protagonists and antagonists are usually in conflict with one another yes

pls what is networking and can you tell what it means to you ​



the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.

"the skills of networking, bargaining, and negotiation"


the linking of computers to allow them to operate interactively.

"the demand for wireless networking is increasing rapidly"

Thank You! Please mark me Brainliest!

1. A. focus B. open C. chore D. impose
2. A. generation B. advice C. typical D. elegant
3. A. manners B. conflicts C. objects D. viewpoints
4. A. decision B. impose C. arise D. organisation
5. A. restricted B. obliged C. respected D. beloved



C chore

A generation

A manners

D organisation

A restricted

Choose the redundant phrase in the sentence below.Up until last August, I didn't know how to surf.A.up until B.until last C.last August



its last august


All changes saved
2. A group is planning a multimedia presentation on the history of computers. Which of the following might be a helpful addition to the presentation?
O text explaining how to code
an audio file of someone keyboarding
O music from a video game
O photos of the earliest computers



photos of the earliest computers


the other answers don't seem as relevant to the history of computers itself.

the presentation may want to focus on how computers themselves have evolved over time. we all know what computers look like now, but it would be a nice comparison to some of the first models/designs of them

hope this helps!

A group is planning a multimedia presentation on the history of computers the following might be a helpful addition to the presentation photos of the earliest computers, Thus, option "D" is correct.

What is multimedia?

The other answers don't seem as relevant to the history of computers itself.

The presentation may want to focus on how computers themselves have evolved over time. we all know what computers look like now, but it would be a nice comparison to some of the first models/designs of them

Thus, option "D" is correct.

To learn more about  multimedia click here:


The Canterbury Tales were mostly written in ________ form.

- prose

- poetry

- sonnet

- eulogy





the answer is poetry

Examples of people who weren't afraid to take help to succeed



•Students-they are not afraid to ask help to someone who is more knowledgable in order to suceed in their studies.

•Entrepreneurs- they are not afraid to ask help to someone — a rich person or anyone that can be beneficial in making their businesses grow.

•Politicians-they are not afraid to ask help to someone because they know that the more people who will help them in terms of voting, the more chances of them being elected.

 [tex]\tt{ \green{P} \orange{s} \red{y} \blue{x} \pink{c} \purple{h} \green{i} e}[/tex]

write an email to your friends to give information about a place of interest in your hometown (nam dinh) . Use the cue question below: where is it located ? how can people visit there? why would you recommend it? do they need to pay any cost to get it?



ok I will write thank you

What does the descriptive detail in this passage show about the authors purpose?



It shows that the writer's memory is imperfect and sets up the reason for the trip. ... The author wants to explore human reactions to nature.

The author of Passage 2 would likely criticize the author of Passage 1 for


It is likely that the author of Passage 1 would criticize the author of Passage 2 for failing to think about the drawbacks of this increased time spent on technology—such as a decreased amount of time to spend "learn[ing] and develop[ing] through outdoor activities." Choice (A) is incorrect because the author of ....

If you were the leader in a group and one of your group-mates told you, “I feel like we are stuck, and I don’t know what to do”, what could be a question you could ask to guide him or her to figuring out an independent way to tackle that obstacle?

two or more questions you would ask


I would find a way to do my best


ask what the obstacle is, you could also ask in which area they are stuck in.

what is the biggest challenge that you have faced in high school and how did you handle it? What did you learn from the experience? (100-300 words)


The biggest challenge I have faced throughout high school is the motivation to do the work. I've always been one to put off work until the last minute, but, once I started high school things got much worse. Work started to pile up and I would put it off until the morning of, or if it was an essay the night before. Recently I realized that I need to buckle down and do my work because I almost failed my sophomore year. This summer I've had to do summer school and it has been very difficult but there has only been a singular due date for all of the assignments so it was quite a lot easier than normal school. As of yesterday, I have decided to start taking life more seriously because if I don't I could end up living in the streets. I’ve learned how to handle the pressure of homework the past few weeks and am doing much better.

Why is it important that an argument address a counterargument? Most teachers will not read a paper that does not include a counterargument. All readers will distrust texts that neglect to include counterarguments. Doing so strengthens the ethos, logos, and pathos of the argument. Counterarguments are usually weak and easy to rebut.



Doing so strengthens the ethos, logos, and pathos of the argument.


Providing a counterargument means that a paper and its author understand other people's perspectives. It also means that the author had thought through the argument and what others might say. A counterargument means that an author is well read and has studied all sides of an argument. Additionally, it shows that the author has the ability to rebut points made by people that disagree with them.

This helps appeal to readers through ethos, logos, and pathos. It strengthens ethos because the extra information provides credibility. The counterargument also can change a reader's feelings, which shows pathos. Finally, logos is strengthened because a strong rebuttal appeals to one's logic.

Read this excerpt from Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
I knew I could never let Mom hear the messages, because protecting her is one of my most important raisons
d'être, so what I did was I took Dad's emergency money from on top of his dresser, and I went to the Radio
Shack on Amsterdam. It was on a TV there that I saw that the first building had fallen. I bought the exact same
phone and ran home and recorded our greeting from the first phone onto it. I wrapped up the old phone in the
scarf that Grandma was never able to finish because of my privacy, and I put that in a grocery bag, and I put that
in a box, and I put that in another box, and I put that under a bunch of stuff in my closet, like my jewelry
workbench and albums of foreign currencies.
Which word best describes the tone of this excerpt?
O deceitful
O respectful


the answer is c i took the test

The word that best describes the tone of this excerpt is "methodical". The narrator describes in detail the steps he took to protect his mother from hearing the messages on the phone, including buying a new phone and hiding the old one.

What tone is set in "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close'' ?

The tone of "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer is complex and multifaceted, as the novel deals with a range of themes and emotions.

The tone is calm and deliberate, as if the narrator is carefully planning and executing his plan to protect his mother.

There is no sense of deceit or disrespect in the tone, and while there may be a hint of sentimentality in the mention of the scarf that his grandmother was never able to finish, it is not a dominant tone in the passage. Hence, option C is correct.

Find more on  "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close":


What is a key similarity or difference between these accounts?

Both accounts provide evidence that the woman feels uncomfortable in jail and misses domestic items from her home.

In the play, characters are sympathetic toward the jailed woman. In the article, most people are against the jailed woman.

In the play, the jailed woman is concerned about domestic matters. In the article, the woman worries her family’s opinions.


Answer: In the play, characters are sympathetic toward the jailed woman. In the article, most people are against the jailed woman.


You didn't give the accounts of both the play and the articles. I searched online and.couodnt get it but the correct answer has been provided.

The key difference between these accounts is that in the play, characters are sympathetic toward the jailed woman while in the article, most people are against the jailed woman.

Answer: B

Explanation: I did it

What’s a particle on grammar? Please help me lol



In grammar, the term particle (abbreviated PTCL) has a traditional meaning, as a part of speech that cannot be inflected, and a modern meaning, as a function word associated with another word or phrase to impart meaning. ... Many languages use particles, in varying amounts and for varying reasons.

How would I cite a book in MLA format if there is no publication date, only century of origin?



using Author name and tittle of the book


You can cite a book in MLA format by using author's name and tittle of the book

1to collect things or people from different places into one area
2 a grouping of things organized by type
Which one is category and which one is gather I’m confused



pls ask your question in the right way

analysis this please and I’ll give Brainly



The Justice Department announced the findings of its two civil rights investigations related to Ferguson, Missouri, today.  The Justice Department found that the Ferguson Police Department (FPD) engaged in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the First, Fourth, and 14th Amendments of the Constitution.  The Justice Department also announced that the evidence examined in its independent, federal investigation into the fatal shooting of Michael Brown does not support federal civil rights charges against Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson.

“As detailed in our report, this investigation found a community that was deeply polarized, and where deep distrust and hostility often characterized interactions between police and area residents,” said Attorney General Eric Holder.  “Our investigation showed that Ferguson police officers routinely violate the Fourth Amendment in stopping people without reasonable suspicion, arresting them without probable cause, and using unreasonable force against them.  Now that our investigation has reached its conclusion, it is time for Ferguson’s leaders to take immediate, wholesale and structural corrective action.  The report we have issued and the steps we have taken are only the beginning of a necessarily resource-intensive and inclusive process to promote reconciliation, to reduce and eliminate bias, and to bridge gaps and build understanding.” 

How can our society progress ? ​


he social progress of a society can be measured based on factors such as its ability to address fundamental human needs, help citizens improve their quality of life, and provide opportunities for citizens to succeed. Social progress is often improved by increases in GDP, although other factors are also re

Hope it is helpful
If you like this than thanks me i always with you

. I believe that he was concerned ________ all those matters which his wife metioned.
A. upon B. over C. above D. with


I think answer is D (with)
I am not sure about that

55 POINTS!!!!

Which sentence from My Antonia shows a contrast?
"They had all, like Antonia, been early awakened and made observant by coming at a tender age from an old
country to a new."
"Some of the high-school girls were jolly and pretty, but they stayed indoors in winter because of the cold ...
"But every one of them did what she had set out to do, and sent home those hard-earned dollars."
"Their children are better off than the children of the town women they used to serve."



Your answer is B.


Any significant quotes from the novel “book thief” with page number included please??? I'm very in need !



lakh Nath poudel


he is best of best in the world

1. Why is conflict important in stories?



To create tension and suspense in stories, making people reading more interested. also calling attention to characters' motivations, values, and weaknesses.


Which is an example of collaboration that requires the use of modern technology?


The third one: texting

'Collaboration' is described as 'working together of a group of people in order to attain a common goal.'

The example that illustrates a 'collaboration' that requires the employment of modern technology would be:

C). Texting your workgroup about a project idea.

In the modern world, technology plays a vital role in human life and therefore, collaborations are also taking place digitally.

Among the given situations, texting the group members through a mobile application to inform them about a new idea for a project demonstrates the use of present technology.

This helps in immediate communication among the group members without any delay.

Learn more about 'collaboration' here:

Write a sentence containing the plural possessive form of the noun, parent.


do not touch that which is foreign


My parents’ house is being renovated.

Which of the following sentences has a correct signal phrase for the book The Nasty Bits written by author Anthony Bourdain? Question 1 options: A) According to Anthony, “Perhaps the best thing chefs can do is cook, whenever possible, with heart” (40). B) In The Nasty Bits, chef Anthony Bourdain states, “Perhaps the best thing chefs can do is cook, whenever possible, with heart” (40). C) The Nasty Bits states, “Perhaps the best thing chefs can do is cook, whenever possible, with heart” (40). D) “Perhaps the best thing chefs can do is cook, whenever possible, with heart” (40).


The best signal phrase is In The Nasty Bits, chef Anthony Bourdain states, “Perhaps the best thing chefs can do is cook, whenever possible, with heart” (40)

In formal writing, signal phrases are phrases and words used to introduce a quotation. This commonly includes the first name and last name of the author and an introductory word such as states, thinks, asserts, claims, etc. Also, details such as the profession of the author and the title of the book, article, etc. can be included.

In this context, the best phrase is option B, these are the reasons:

This is the only one that includes the name and last name of the author (Anthony Bourdain)It includes the word "states" that is appropriate for the quoteIt has complementary information such as the title of the book "The Nasty Bits" and the profession "chef" that make the signal phrase to be complete

Learn more in:

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please help me asap:) will give brainliest to the correct answer Find the circumference of the circle. Then, find the length of each bolded arc. Use appropriate notation What is the main clue about the character's personality shown by this line of dialogue?"That's fine, but where is my ice cream cone?" Jack asked.A He is friendly.B He is shy.C He is greedy.D He is smart. WILL MAKE BRAINLIEST Where is the stressed in the word Important HELP PLZ For a standard normal distribution, find:P(z > -1.6)Express the probability as a decimal rounded to 4 decimal places. What is the common difference in this sequence: 3, 11, 19, 27,35?1.1/8O B. 3O C. 8O D. 12 Sort phrases related to warm fronts and cold fronts into the correct categories.Warm Fronts.Cold Fronts. bring gentle, long-lasting rainsslide over the top of existing air massshown as red half circles on mapbring heavy stormsforce existing air up into atmosphereshown as blue triangles on map On June 15, Oakley Inc. sells inventory on account to Sunglass Hut (SH) for $4,500, terms 4/10, n/30. On June 20, SH returns to Oakley inventory that SH had purchased for $1,000. On June 24, SH completely fulfills its obligation to Oakley by making a cash payment. What is the amount of cash paid by SH to Oakley Assume that in the absence of immigration and emigration, the growth of a country's population P(t) satisfies dP/dt = kP for some constant k > 0. a. Determine a differential equation governing the growing population P(t) of the country when individuals are allowed to immigrate into the country at a constant rate r > 0. b. What is the differential equation for the population P(t) of the country when individuals are allowed to emigrate at a constant rate r > 0? Identifica las formas de energa mecnica(cintica y potencial) que tienen lugar en diferentes puntos del movimiento enun sistema mecnico (cada libre, montaa rusa, pndulo). What is the graph of the solution set of the inequality? PLS HELP! When rolling a single number cube, what are the odds, in simplest form, in favor of rolling a 4 or a 5? A. 1:1 B. 1:2 C. 1:3 D. 1:5 f(x) = 2x2 + 4x - 5g(x) = 6x3 2x2 + 3Find (f + g)(x). Simplify: 45 3 + 2 8 - 12 + 42 pleaseee help mee helpp meeee Travis and Andrea were divorced in 2017. Their only marital property consisted of a personal residence (fair market value of $400,000, cost of $200,000), and publicly traded stocks (fair market value of $800,000, cost basis of $500,000). Under the terms of the divorce agreement, Andrea received the personal residence and Travis received the stocks. In addition, Andrea was to receive $50,000 for eight years. I. If the $50,000 annual payments are to be made to Andrea or her estate (if she dies before the end of the eight years), the payments will qualify as alimony. II. Andrea has a taxable gain from an exchange of her one-half interest in the stocks for Travis' one-half interest in the house and cash. III. If Travis sells the stocks for $900,000, he must recognize a $400,000 gain. a.I, II, and III are true. b.Only III is true. c.Only I and II are true. d.Only I and III are true. Prior to June 30, a company has never had any treasury stock transactions. A company repurchased 100 shares of its $1 par common stock on June 30 for $40 per share. On July 20, it reissued 50 of these shares at $46 per share. On August 1, it reissued 20 of the shares at $38 per share. What is the journal entry necessary to record the repurchase of stock on June 30?A. Debit Common Stock $2,300; credit Cash $2,300.B. Debit Common Stock $20; debit Treasury Stock $2,290; credit Cash $2,300.C. Debit Common Stock $2,300; credit Treasury Stock $2,000; credit Paid-In Capital, Treasury Stock $300.D. Debit Cash $2,300; credit Paid-in Capital, Treasury Stock $300; credit Treasury Stock $2,000.E. Debit Cash $2,300; credit Treasury Stock $2,300. Drag each tile to the correct box. Match each type of character with the correct description. antagonist static round flat opposes the protagonist arrowRight does not change over the course of a story arrowRight a one-dimensional character arrowRight a complex, well-developed character