according to the rational root theorem which of the following are possible roots of the polynomial function below? F(x)=6x^3-7x^2+2x+8


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

all potential roots are of the form a/b where a is a divisor of 8

and b is a divisor of 6 ( in Z)

So A,D,E,F may be roots

but B and C not.

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The radius of a circle is 16 ft. Find its area in terms of pi


Step-by-step explanatio

0_____ is
than all negative numbers.



is whole number

Step-by-step explanation:

plz mrk me brainliest


0 is larger than all negative numbers.

Step-by-step explanation:

When dealing with negative numbers, the number closer to zero is the bigger number. Zero (0) has the unique distinction of being neither positive nor negative.

ok please help i don't understand part of the question, I will try and give brainly



j' = (1,-2)   k'=(3,-1) L' = (3,-3)

Step-by-step explanation:

I think that you just multiply all the x,y values for the three points by 1/5?

5 1

-10 -2

j' = (1,-2)


15 3

-5 -1




15 3

-15 -3

l' = (3,-3)

Complete the solution of the equation. Find the
value of y when x equals 17.
-X + y = -27
Enter the correct answer.
Clear all



y = -10

Step-by-step explanation:

When x = 17, the equation be -17 + y = -27 when you plug in 17 for x

Then, add 17 to both sides to get y = -10

Answer:  " y =  -10 . "


Step-by-step explanation:


The question:

Find the  value of  "y" when "x" equals 17.

Given the equation:

 - x + y = -27 ;


We plug in the given value: "17" ; for "x" ; and solve for "y" :

- 17 + y = -27 ;


↔ y + (-17) = -27 ;

Rewrite as:

   y − 17  = -27 ;   {since:  "adding a negative value" is the same

                                           as "subtracting a positive value."}.


Now, we add "17" to each side of the equation;

to isolate "y" on one side of the equation; and to solve for "y" :

  y − 17 + 17  = -27 + 17 ;

to get:

  y  =  - 10 .


Hope this is helpful to you.

Best wishes to you in your academic pursuits—

    and within the "Brainly" community!


please answer this for me really struggling thanks



Just agree on having ice cream

Step-by-step explanation:

Can anyone help me with this?



baba booey

Step-by-step explanation:


ASAP!! I'll mark you as BRAINLIEST Please help me out here I would really appreciate <3​



d) 16, 19, 14 + x

e) x + 20, 30, 33, 15, y - 20, x+x+20=60 and James would be 20.

f) 13

g) 120

Step-by-step explanation:


(1) 14 + 2 = 16

(2) 14 + 5 = 19

(3) 14 + x


(1) x + 20

(2) 10 + 20 = 30

(3) 13 + 20 = 33

(4) 35 - 20 = 15

(5) y - 20

(6) x + (x + 20) = 60 | 2x + 20 = 60 | 2x = 40 | x = 20


200 - 148 = 52

52 / 4 = 13 each


500 + 100 = 600

600 / 5 = 120 without the discount

Hope this helps!

Solve the triangle. Round to the nearest tenth when neccesary or to the nearest minute as appropriate. ​



Here is the detailed answer below

Step-by-step explanation:

Express 1.2, 2.25, 3.5, 4.06 as a fraction in its simplest form​



1.2 = 12/10 = 6/5

2.25 = 225/100 = 9/4

3.5 = 35/10 = 7/2

4.06 = 406/100 = 203/50

Find all three distinct roots for X³ =1. (two of them are complex mumber). And show that sum of all roots is zero.​


x ³ = 1

x ³ - 1 = 0

x ³ - 1³ = 0

Factorize the right side as a difference of cubes:

(x - 1) (x ² + x + 1) = 0


x - 1 = 0   or   x ² + x + 1 = 0

The first equation yields x = 1 as a root.

For the other equation, rearrange and complete the square to get the other two roots,

x ² + x + 1/4 = -3/4

(x + 1/2)² = -3/4

x + 1/2 = ±√(-3/4) = ± i √3/2

x = -1/2 ± i √3/2

x = (-1 ± i √3)/2

Since complex roots occurs in conjugate pairs, taking the sum of these two roots eliminates the imaginary part:

(-1 + i √3)/2 + (-1 - i √3)/2 = (-1 - 1)/2 = -2/2 = -1

and adding to 1 indeed shows that the sum of roots is zero.

In a survey of 850 students in a school, 90% reported having pets at home. If the margin of error is 3.4%, what is the interval that is likely to contain the exact percent of all people who have pets at home?

Between 3.4% and 90%
Between 90% and 93.4%
Between 86.6% and 90%
Between 86.6% and 93.4%



Between 86.6% and 93.4%

Step-by-step explanation:

To obtain the population proportion from the sample, we calculate the confidence interval ; Confidence interval = phat ± margin of error Phat = 90% ; margin of error = +3.4%   90% ± 3.4% (90 - 3.4)% ; (90 + 3.4)% 86.6% ; 93.4%

The total cost of 2 bracelets and 3 necklaces is $15.50. The total cost of 4 bracelets and 1 necklace is $13.50. Let b represent the cost of each bracelet and n represent the cost of each necklace. This situation can be represented by the following system of equations.


What is the cost of one bracelet?









Step-by-step explanation:

b = cost of bracelet

n = cost of necklace

2b+3n = 15.50

4b+1n = 13.50

Multiply the first equation by -2

-4b -6n = -31

4b +n = 13.50


-5n = -17.50

Divide each side by -5

-5n/-5 = -17.5/-5

n = 3.50

Now we can find b

4b+n = 13.50

4b+3.50 = 13.50

4b+3.50-3.50 = 13.50 -3.50

4b = 10

Divide by 4

4b/4 = 10/4

b = 2.50

Which situation is best represented using a negative integer?


The answer is A (a mountain climber descending a mountain. This sis the answer because it is the only option with a decrease. When something decreases, a negative value (a number) represents the amount it decreased



Step-by-step explanation:

(y+2)(y^2-2y+4) ..........................


You can use the distributive property to multiply:

( y )( y² - 2y + 4 ) + ( 2 )( y² - 2y + 4) =

y³ - 2y² + 4y + 2y² - 4y + 8 =

y³ + 8

The -2y² and the 2y² cancel each other, and the 4y and -4y cancel each other out!

The answer is y^3 +8

How are a desert and a tundra similar?

A. They both have high levels of precipitation.
B. They have many trees and a lot of vegetation.
C. They have high average temperatures.
D. They have low humidity and low levels of precipitation.



D is right option

Step-by-step explanation:


Both the biomes experience less precipitation due to this they have a less diversity of flora and fauna as compared to other biomes like savanna, grasslands, chaparral etc. Let us see how they differ from each other!

Low rain fall _ annual rainfal of lessthan 20cm in deserts, 15-20cm in tundra

Minimal life_ only small shurbs can survive in both kind of environments

Poor drainage.. In deserts, though sandy soil may seem much porous, these are most flood prone areas of world. The tundra is characterised by permafrost soils ie, under the thin layer of soil, a thick ice sheet is present and hence is no seepage.

High range of temperatures: In tundra, the maximum temperatures are recorded in summer (abt 10^C) and minimum during winter(-20 to -30^C). While, in desert too, the temperature range is high but diurnally ie, nights are too cold and day time is scorching.

On a survey, 6 students reported how many minutes it takes them to travel to school. Here are their responses.

Find the mean travel time for these students.

4, 11, 14, 9, 4, 8


The mean would be 8.33

A) 60° B) 85° C) 96° D) 40°​




Step-by-step explanation:

a straight line is 180° then

if a line bisect it in to a half it become 90°


the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of two interior angles

this means 150°-90°=60°

Answer: A) 60

Step-by-step explanation:

The line at the top signifies 180 degrees, as does any straight line. The 150° that intersects with P tells you that P must be 30 degrees, as 180 - 150 = 30.

The three angles of a triangle must always equal 180°. Angle R tells you that it’s 90°, shown by the square instead of a curve. If you subtract the value of P we found before, and the value of R we just found, you get your answer.

180 - 30 - 90 = 60.

The vertex is 2,-4 what is the parabola equation



y + 4 = (x - 2)^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The vertex form of the equation of a vertical parabola is

y - k = a(x - h)^2, where (h, k) represents the vertex and a is a scaling factor which stretches or compresses the parabola vertically.  If all we know is the vertex (2, -4), then the desired equation is:

y + 4 = a(x - 2)^2

If there is no vertical stretching or compression, then the equation becomes:

y + 4 = (x - 2)^2


y = x² - 4x

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a parabola in vertex form is

y = a(x - h)² + k

where (h, k ) are the coordinates of the vertex and a is a multiplier

Here (h, k ) = (2, - 4) , with a = 1 , the equation is

y = (x - 2)² - 4 ← expand using FOIL

 = x² - 4x + 4 - 4

y = x² - 4x ← equation of parabola

Algebra 1 need help ASAP



Step 1: 12-2a=3a-18

Step 2: 12-5a=-18

Step 3: -5a=-30

Step 4: a=6

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls

she bought 9 gallons of milk and no toilet tissue

plz plz solve this. ​


Step-by-step explanation:

Disclaimer: When writing this on the paper use the theta symbol, I'm using x since I'm on mobile.



[tex] \sin(x) \tan(x) \sec(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \sin(x) \sec(x) \tan(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \sin(x) \frac{1}{ \cos(x) } \tan(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \frac{ \sin(x) }{ \cos(x) } \tan(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \tan( x) ) \tan(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \tan {}^{2} (x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]


[tex] \sec {}^{2} (x) (1 - \sin {}^{2} ( x ) ) = 1[/tex]

[tex] \sec {}^{2} (x) ( \cos {}^{2} (x) ) = 1[/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{ \cos {}^{2} (x) } \cos {}^{2} (x) = 1[/tex]

[tex]1 = 1[/tex]


[tex] \cot {}^{2} (a) - \cos {}^{2} (a) = \cot {}^{2} (a) \cos {}^{2} (a) [/tex]

[tex] \frac{ \cos{}^{2} (x) }{ \sin {}^{2} (x) ) } - \cos {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

Factor out cosine

[tex] \cos {}^{2} (x) ( \frac{1}{ \sin {}^{2} (x) } - 1) [/tex]


[tex] \cos {}^{2} (x) ( \frac{1 - \sin {}^{2} (x) }{ \sin(x) } [/tex]

[tex] \cos {}^{2} (x( \frac{ \cos {}^{2} (x) }{ \sin {}^{2} (x) } ) = [/tex]

[tex]( \cos {}^{2} ( x ) ( \cot {}^{2} (x) )[/tex]

At Tubman Middle School, there are 6 English teachers and 5 science teachers. If each
student takes one English class and one science class how many possible combinations of
teachers are there?


There are 30 possible combinations of teachers.

Given that at Tubman Middle School, there are 6 English teachers and 5 science teachers, to determine, if each student takes one English class and one science class, how many possible combinations of teachers are there, the following calculation must be performed:

To calculate possible combinations, the number of options A must be multiplied by the number of options B. Thus, the calculation would be as follows.

6 x 5 = X30 = X

Therefore, there are 30 possible combinations of teachers.

Learn more about combinations in

The area CA) of a Parallelogram is found by using this formula A = BH What is the area when b is 7cm and h is 3cm?​



Area of parallelogram = 21

Step-by-step explanation:

A = BH

Plug in

A = 7×3


A = 21

The answer will be 21.


Find the measure of angle TOS in the figure below. SHOW YOUR WORK SO I CAN SEE HOW YoU GOT IT!!!!


Step-by-step explanation:

<TOS=122° [being vertically opposite angle]


angleTOS =122°


[ If two straight lines intersect at point O, vertically opposite angles are equal]As vertically opposite angles are equal; Hence AngleTOS=QOR=122°


find the surface area of the cylinder and round it to the nearest tenth.​




Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area=2*pi*r*(r+h)=2*pi*1*(3)=18.8

A saleslady is paid a commission of 3% on goods worth over 100,000 and a salary 11,000 .If she had a20% salary increase and total earnings of 22,200. Calculate the total amount received from sales



I am not sure on the answer but i think its $9,000

Step-by-step explanation:




which would mean she got $9,000 from commissions.

if you did 100,000x0.03=3,000

9,000/3,000= 3

so she would have had 3 commissions worth over 100,000

What is the complete factorization of What is the complete factorization of 5x2 − 11x − 12?




x=3 x=-4/5


(5x + 4)(x - 3)

Step-by-step explanation:



5x² - 11x - 12

Think: What two numbers add up to -11 but multiply to (5)(-12)?

Answer: -15 and 4


5x² - 11x - 125x² - 15x + 4x - 12       Expand with the values we found5x(x - 3) + 4(x - 3)        Factor by grouping(5x + 4)(x - 3)

The factored expression is (5x + 4)(x - 3)

Combine any like terms in the expression. If there are no like terms, rewrite the expression.
8r + 9pg - pg - pq




Step-by-step explanation:

The subtractable pg cancels out one of the 9 pg's. So 9 pg-1 pg= 8 pg

Hope this helps!

Find the values of the missing sides. You must use exact answers! PLEASE HURRY AND HELP



x=4sqrt3 a=4 b=3  ,y=8sqrt3 c=8 d=3

Step-by-step explanation:

because this is a 30-60-90 triangle, it is easy to find the side lengths. the longer leg is sqrt(3) times the shorter leg so x= 12/sqrt(3) or 4sqrt(3). the hypotenuse is 2 times the shorter leg so y= 8sqrt(3)

help me with this two I don't understand


Step-by-step explanation:


[tex](5 + 4 \sqrt{7} ){x}^{2} + (4 - 2 \sqrt{7} ) x- 1 = 0[/tex]

Simplify both radicals.

[tex](5 + \sqrt{112) {x}^{2} } + (4 - \sqrt{28} )x - 1 = 0[/tex]

Apply Quadratic Formula

First. find the discramnint.

[tex](4 - \sqrt{28} ) {}^{2} - 4(5 + \sqrt{112} )( - 1) = 64[/tex]

Now find the divisor 2a.

[tex]2(5 + \sqrt{112} ) = 10 + 8 \sqrt{7} [/tex]

Then,take the square root of the discrimant.

[tex] \sqrt{64} = 8[/tex]

Finally, add -b.

[tex] - (4 + 2 \sqrt{7} )[/tex]

So our possible root is

[tex] - (4 + 2 \sqrt{7} ) + \frac{8}{10 + 8 \sqrt{7} } [/tex]

Which simplified gives us

[tex] \frac{ 4 + 2 \sqrt{7} }{10 + 8 \sqrt{7} } [/tex]

Rationalize the denominator.

[tex] \frac{4 + 2 \sqrt{7} }{10 + 8 \sqrt{7} } \times \frac{10 - 8 \sqrt{7} }{10 - 8 \sqrt{7} } = \frac{ - 72 - 12 \sqrt{7} }{ - 348} [/tex]

Which simplified gives us

[tex] \frac{6 + \sqrt{7} }{29} [/tex].

6. The answer is 2.

9514 1404 393


  5. x = (6 +√7)/29; a=6, b=1, c=29

  6. x = 2

Step-by-step explanation:


The quadratic formula can be used, where a=(5+4√7), b=(4-2√7), c=-1.




Use the substitution z=3^x to put the equation in the form ...

  z² -3z -54 = 0

  (z -9)(z +6) = 0 . . . . . factor

  z = 9 or -6 . . . . . . . . value of z that make the factors zero

Only the positive solution is useful, since 3^x cannot be negative.

  z = 9 = 3^2 = 3^x . . . . use the value of z to find x

  x = 2

Find the sin P rounded to the nearest hundredth




[tex]\sin \left(x\right)=\frac{6}{\sqrt{49+36}}[/tex] = 40.60°


SIN(Θ) = 6/[tex]\sqrt{49+36 }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

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