According to your reading material, one cause of excessive pressure is a/an __________.
a. overestimation of the severity of one’s own problems
b. lack of sleep
c. lack of self-confidence
d. lack of self-esteem


Answer 1

Answer: D

Explanation: A lack of self-esteem can lead to reliance others advice which can also lead to excessive pressure by the people your getting advice from.

Answer 2

lack of self-esteem

Related Questions

Required information Skip to question [The following information applies to the questions displayed below.] The Tennis Times (TTT) is a publisher of magazines. Its accounting policy for subscriptions follows: Revenues Revenues from our magazine subscription services are deferred initially and later recognized as revenue as subscription services are provided. Assume TTT (a) collected $420 million in 2018 for magazines that will be distributed later in 2018 and 2019, (b) provided $204 million of services on these subscriptions in 2018, and (c) provided $216 million of services on these subscriptions in 2019. Required: Using the information given, indicate the accounts, amounts, and accounting equation effects of transactions (a), (b), and (c). (Enter any decreases to assets, liabilities, or stockholders equity with a minus sign. Enter your answers in whole dollars.)



The solution to the given question is defined in the attached file please find it.


The difference between actual overhead costs incurred and the budgeted overhead costs based on a flexible budget is the: Multiple Choice Production variance. Controllable variance. Volume variance. Price variance. Quantity variance.


The difference between actual overhead costs incurred and the budgeted overhead costs based on a flexible budget is the controllable variance.

In accounting, there are two elements of a variance- rate variance and volume variance. While the rate variance refers to the difference in the actual price paid vs. the budgeted price, the volume variance refers to the portion of the variance in sales, unit usage.

The controllable variance is in the "rate" element of the variance.Controllable variance refers to the process by which the efficiency of using variable overhead resources is measured.This means that the controllable variance is the difference between the actual cost and the budgeted overhead cost.The calculation for this variance is: Actual overhear expense - (budgeted overhead cost x standard number of units)= overhead controllable variance.

In short, we can say that the controllable variance is the amount that is not part of the volume variance. Rather, it is the difference in the overhead cost incurred and the budgeted overhead cost.  

Learn more about variance here:

Colorado Cleaning has a 5-year maximum acceptable payback period. The firm is considering the purchase of a new washing machine and must choose between two alternative ones. The first machine requires an initial investment of $25,000 and generates annual after-tax cash inflows of $6,500 for each of the next 8 years. The second machine requires an initial investment of $75,000 and provides an annual cash inflow after taxes of $9,500 for 15 years.

a. Determine the payback period for each machine.
b. Comment on the acceptability of the machines, assuming that they are independent projects.
c. Which machine should the firm accept? Why?
d. Do the machines in this problem illustrate any of the weaknesses of using payback? Discuss.



a) Payback period = period up to which cumulative cash flow is negative +

                                    (negative cumulative cash flow /cash flow succeeding    

                                       the above period)

Project A - Up to year 4 ,cash flow recovered = 3000 * 4 = 12,000

Payback period =14,000/3,000 = 4.67 years

Project B= Cash flow recovered up to year 5 = 4000 * 5 = 20000

Payback period = 21,000/4,000 =5.25 years

b) On the basis of the Payback period, Project A should be selected, as it has a lower payback period and is also within the maximum acceptable payback period. back period.(4.67 < 5)

Project B should not be selected as its payback recovery is not within the maximum acceptable payback period (5.25 >5 )

c) Machine A should be selected as it has a lower payback period. than machine B.

d)The payback period ignores the life present value of cash flow and also the life of the machine each project has.

so the decision on the basis of the payback period may not be accurate.

Thomlin Company forecasts that total overhead for the current year will be $12,300,000 with 150,000 total machine hours. Year to date, the actual overhead is $8,270,500, and the actual machine hours are 97,300 hours. If Thomlin Company uses a predetermined overhead rate based on machine hours for applying overhead, as of this point in time (year to date), the overhead is a.$291,900 overapplied b.$291,900 underapplied c.$158,100 overapplied d.$158,100 underapplied



b. $291,900 underapplied


With regards to the above information, we will calculate the predetermined overhead rate first.

Predetermined overhead rate = Estimated total overhead / Total machine hours

= $12,300,000 / 150,000

= $82 per machine hours

Total overhead = Predetermined overhead rate × Actual total machine hours

= $82 × 97,300

= $9,798,600


Overhead = Total overhead - Actual overhead

= $9,798,600 - $8,270,500

= $291,900 underapplied

1. The process of establishing the image or identity of a brand or product so that customers perceive it in a certain way is the definition of which of the following terms?

A. Marketing Strategy,
B. Social Media,
C. Marketing Position,
D. Target market

2. Anton's Coffee positions itself to provide the highest quality and most unique coffee drinks in the area. This is an example of which of the following?

A. Marketing Strategy
B. Social Media
C. Target Market
D. Marketing Postion



Answer of your question is Marketing Position


Market positioning refers to the process of establishing the image or identity of a brand or product so that consumers perceive it in a certain way. For example, a car maker may position itself as a luxury status symbol.

McKean Corporation authorized 500,000 shares of common stock in its articles of incorporation. On May 1, 2019, 100,000 shares were sold to the company's founders. However, on October 15, 2019, McKean repurchased 20,000 shares to settle a dispute among the founders. At this date, how many shares were issued and outstanding, respectively?



100,000 shares and 80,000 shares


Calculation to determine how many shares were issued and outstanding, respectively

The shares that were issued will be 100,000 shares that were sold to the company's founders while the shares outstanding will be 80,000 shares Calculated as :

Shares outstanding=Shares issued -Shares repurchased

Shares outstanding=100,000 shares-80,000 shares

Shares outstanding =80,000 shares

Therefore the Number of shares that were issued and outstanding, respectively are:100,000 shares and 80,000 shares

Typical Request and Response Messages
The purpose of many business messages is to make a request or to reply to previously received communication. Familiarize yourself with the organization of these messages so you can communicate your purpose and achieve a positive outcome.
Read the scenario:
The office manager asks you for advice on how to structure a request message with numerous questions.
What advice would you give?
A. Give an approximate date for the deadline in the body.
B. Place the deadline in the opening.
C. Set an end date to take action in the closing.
Read the following request message:
To: Customer Support
From: Helen Martin
Subject: Warranty Information for Netbook Computer
Dear Customer Service,
I need this information by noon tomorrow at the latest. My team has an important presentation to give, and my netbook crashed while we were working on the presentation. I can’t find the warranty information anywhere. So I have a few questions.
Where is my warranty information? How long does it normally take to repair these machines? Do I have to mail the netbook to you, or can I bring it to your local repair shop?
Will you please answer these questions in a timely manner? Thank you in advance for your help.
Helen Martin
1. Where do I find my warranty information?
Reason A: 2. How long does the average netbook repair take?
3. Do I need to mail in my netbook for repairs or bring it to your local repair shop?
Revision B: Where is my warranty information? How long does the average repair take? Do I have to mail in my netbook?
Revision C:
Where do I find the information?
How long does it take?
Can I take it to my local shop?
Which of the preceding revisions is the best revision for the body of this message?
A. Revision B
B. Revision C
C. Revision A
In addition to making requests, you will have to respond to requests in the business world.
Complete the following sentence with the dropdown menu.
Direct response messages might _______?
A. include long, flowery descriptions
B. use the "me" view
C. supply explanations and additional information
Many businesses use social media to communicate with customers. In order to make the most of social media, you should learn how to respond to various types of customer comments.
Read the scenario, and then answer the question.
You manage the social media presence of a company that manufactures travel apparel and gear. A customer posts an angry comment about a suitcase that failed to function properly after its first use. This is not the first complaint the product has received.
How should you respond to the customer?
A. Acknowledge the problem, and let the customer know that the company is working to rectify the situation.
B. Document and delete the comment. You don’t want news of the flawed product to spread.
C. Let the comment stand. No response is necessary.



B. Place the deadline in the opening.

A. Revision B

B. Use the "me" view

A. Acknowledge the problem, and let the customer know that the company is working to rectify the situation.


Customer service is the most difficult task. If a customer is angry because of mis functioning of a product then concerns should be heard with patience and the company staff should try to resolve these issues and satisfy customer properly. One angry customer may take away 100 potential customers of a business.

Sybil, age 40, is single and supports her dependent parents who live with her, as well as her grandfather who is in a nursing home. She has AGI of $80,000 and itemized deductions of $8,000. What is the taxable income?





Calculation to determine the taxable income

Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) $80,000

Deduct Standard deduction (head of household) ($18,350)

Taxable Income $61,650


Therefore the vthe taxable income is $61,650

The following data relate to direct materials for the month for the Hodge Wax Company: The standard costs for the work done was 5,900 pounds of wax at $9.50 per pound. The actual costs were 6,300 pounds at $9 per pound. What is the direct materials efficiency variance


Answer: $3800 U


The direct material efficiency variance will be calculated as follows:

Direct material efficiency variance = (Standard quantity - Actual quantity) × Standard price of material

= (5900 - 6300) × 9.50

= 400 × 9.50

= $3800 U

Therefore, the direct material efficiency variance is $3800 Unfavorable.

Bengal Co. provides the following unit sales forecast for the next three months: July August September Sales units 4,800 5,500 5,360 The company wants to end each month with ending finished goods inventory equal to 25% of the next month's sales. Finished goods inventory on June 30 is 1,200 units. The budgeted production units for July are: Multiple Choice 6,000 units. 3,600 units. 6,175 units. 2,400 units. 4,975 units.


Answer: 4,975 units


Budgeted production in July = Sales forecast for July + Ending inventory for July - Beginning inventory

Beginning inventory = 25% of July sales

= 25% * 4,800

= 1,200 units

Ending inventory = 25% of August sales

= 25% * 5,500

= 1,375 units

Budgeted production is therefore:

= 4,800 + 1,375 - 1,200

= 4,975 units

Presented below are definitions of certain terms. Select the appropriate term from the dropdown list. Definitions 1. Quantity of input required if a production process is 100% efficient. 2. Managing by focusing on large differences from standard costs. 3. Record that accumulates standard cost information. 4. Preset cost for delivering a product or service under normal conditions. a. Standard cost card b. Management by exception c. Standard cost d. Ideal standard



1. Ideal standard

2. Management by exception

3. Standard cost card

4. Standard cost


Costing is the measurement of the cost of production of goods and services by assessing the fixed costs and variable costs associated with each step of production.

In Financial accounting, a direct cost can be defined as any expense which can easily be connected to a specific cost object such as a department, project or product. Some examples of direct costs are cost of raw materials, machineries or equipments.

On the other hand, any cost associated with the running, operations and maintenance of a company refers to indirect costs. Some examples of indirect costs are utility bill, office accessories, diesel etc.

1. Ideal standard: quantity of input required if a production process is 100% efficient.

2. Management by exception: Managing by focusing on large differences from standard costs.

3. Standard cost card: record that accumulates standard cost information.

4. Standard cost: preset cost for delivering a product or service under normal conditions.

In its closing financial statements for its first year in business, the Runs and Goses Company, had cash of $242, accounts receivable of $850, inventory of $820, net fixed assets of $3,408, accounts payable of $700, short-term notes payable of $740, long-term liabilities of $1,100, common stock of $1,160, retained earnings of $1,620, net sales of $2,768, cost of goods sold of $1,210, depreciation of $360, interest expense of $160, taxes of $312, addition to retained earnings of $508, and dividends paid of $218.


a. Return on equity = __________
b. Return on total assets = __________
c. Gross profit margin = __________
d. Net profit margin = __________



return on equality

return on way

return on potos

i will want to know about questio n

i can help you in this field ok bro

helnid is my code way ti go

Return on Equity can be calculated as Return on Equity = Net Income / share holders equity. Return on Equity = 726 /2780. Thus, Return on Equity = 26.11%

What is Return on Equity?

The ratio of a company's net income to the equity of its shareholders is known as return on equity (ROE). A company's profitability and the effectiveness of its revenue generation are measured by its return on equity (ROE). A corporation is better at turning its equity financing into profits the higher the ROE.

Although average ratios and those deemed "good" and "poor" might differ significantly from industry to industry, a return on equity ratio of 15% to 20% is typically regarded as good. The ratio would be regarded as low at 5%.

b)Return on Asset Ratio

Return on Asset Ratio = Net Income / Total Assets

Return on Asset Ratio = 726/ 5,320

Return on Asset Ratio = 13.65%

c)Gross Profit Margin

Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit / Net Sales

Profit Margin = 1,558/ 2,768

Profit Margin =56.29%

d)Net Profit Margin

Net Profit Margin = Net Income / Net Sales

Profit Margin = 726/ 2,768

Net Profit Margin =26.23%

Learn more about Return on Equity, here


As operations manager, you are concerned about being able to meet sales requirements in the coming months. You have just been given the following production report: JAN FEB MAR APR Units produced 2,250 1,750 2,750 2,950 Hours per machine 318 194 393 315 Number of machines 5 7 6 5 Find the average of the monthly productivity figures (units per machine hour).


Answer: 2.81 per hour


Average monthly productivity = (January productivity + February productivity + March productivity + April productivity) / 4

January productivity:

= Units produced / ( Hours per machine * Number of machines )

=  2,250 / ( 318 * 2 )

= 3.537

February productivity:

= 1,750/ ( 194 * 4 )

= 2.255

March productivity:

= 2,750 / ( 393 * 3 )

= 2.332

April productivity:

= 2,950/ ( 315 * 3)

= 3.121

Average monthly productivity = (3.537 + 2.255 + 2.332 + 3.121)/ 4

 = 2.81 per hour

Why do tourism business have market cost for the printing​



Launching tourist ventures involves overcoming two major hurdles: first, the venture must be

financed; and second, demand must be generated. In particular, the marketing of tourism and

hospitality ventures provides special challenges, the ability to reach the target market and convince

them to travel to remote locations being a critical success factor (Dolli, N.; Pinfold, J.F., 1997). Thus,

the main issue related to the marketing of tourist services is not their production, but their sale and

promotion, so as to ensure that all the consumers’ needs are comprehensively satisfied. (Nistoreanu,

P., 2006).

It is in this context that both the producers as well as the suppliers (intermediaries) of tourism services

should take into consideration the fact that a touristic product is sold only if there is a demand on the

market for that particular product. This means that suppliers have the possibility to either offer what is

requested on the market, responding to the consumers’ needs, or to stimulate or generate the demand

for a certain product so as to facilitate the selling of that product. In both cases, however, the

producers and suppliers need to apply a promotion strategy, through which potential clients may be

informed with regard to the offer on the market, as well as induce the clients’ desire to consume a

certain product.


Omega Enterprises budgeted the following sales in units: January 40,000 February 30,000 March 50,000 Omega's policy is to have 30% of the following month's sales in inventory. On January 1, inventory equaled 8,000 units. February production in units is: a.36,000. b.40,000. c.20,000. d.28,000. e.26,500.



a. 36,000


Calculation to determine what February production in units is:

Sales for the month 30,000

Add Ending inventory 15,000


Less Beginning inventory (9,000)


February production in units 36,000 units

Therefore February production in units is: 36,000 units

Dome Metals has credit sales of $144,000 yearly with credit terms of net 120 days, which is also the average collection period. Assume the firm adopts new credit terms of 5/10, net 120 and all customers pay on the last day of the discount period. Any reduction in accounts receivable will be used to reduce the firm's bank loan which costs 10 percent. The new credit terms will increase sales by 20% because the 5% discount will make the firm's price competitive.

a. If Dome earns 25 percent on sales before discounts, what will be the net change in income if the new credit terms are adopted?
b. Should the firm offer a discount?



a. The net change in income if the new credit terms are adopted is a net gain of $2,880.

b. Since the discount of 5% will result in a net gain which is $2,880, the firm should offer a discount.


a. If Dome earns 25 percent on sales before discounts, what will be the net change in income if the new credit terms are adopted?

Old sales = $144,000

New Sales = Old sales * (100% + Percentage sales increase) = $144,000 * (100% + 20%) = $172,800

Increase in Sales = New Sales - Old sales = $172,800 - $144,000 = $28,800

Increase in Profit from new sales = Profit Margin * Increase in Sales = 25% * $28,800 = $7,200

Average Accounts Receivable without discount = Average Collection Period * Average daily Sales = 120 * ($144,000 / 360) = $48,000

Average Accounts Receivable with discount = Average Collection Period * Average daily Sales = 10 * ($172,800 / 360) = $4,800

Reduction in Accounts Receivable = Average Accounts Receivable without discount - Average Accounts Receivable with discount = $48,000 - $4,800 = $43,200

Loan balance as a result of reduction in accounts receivable. Therefore, we have:

Interest Saving = Interest Rate * Loan Reduction = 10% * $43,200 = $4,320

Cost of Discount = Discount Rate * New Sales = 5% * $172,800 = $8,640

Net Gain (loss) = Increase in Profit form new sales + Interest Saving - Cost of Discount = $7,200 + $4,320 - $8,640 = $2,880

Therefore, the net change in income if the new credit terms are adopted is an net gain of $2,880.

b. Should the firm offer a discount?

Since the discount of 5% will result in a net gain which is $2,880, the firm should offer a discount.

This Question: 1 pt
The law of demand
shown graphically by a
demand curve
When the price of a good drops, consumers purchase more of it because of
O A. the substitution effect only.
OB. neither the income nor the substitution effect.
O C. the income effect only
OD. both the income and substitution effect.
Click to select your answer
Type here to search



C. the income effect only


In microeconomics, the income effect is the change in demand for a good or service caused by a change in a consumer's purchasing power resulting from a change in real income. This change can be the result of a rise in wages etc., or because existing income is freed up by a decrease or increase in the price of a good that money is being spent on

trình bày các vai trò của đạo đức kinh doanh trong phát triển doanh nghiệp




Trung thực: Tính trung thực trong đạo đức kinh doanh thể hiện ở chỗ không buôn bán, sản xuất những mặt hàng nhà nước cấm, không dùng các chiêu trò dối trá để đạt được lợi ích của mình, không trốn thuế, làm ăn phi pháp; không tham ô, hối lộ; trung thành chấp hành đúng quy định của pháp luật…

Tôn trọng con người: Tôn trọng con người bao gồm tôn trọng nhân viên, đối tác khách hàng, đối thủ cũng như tất cả những người làm việc cùng với mình

Đạo đức kinh doanh gắn liền lợi ích của công ty doanh nghiệp với lợi ích chung của khách hàng và trách nhiệm đối với xã hội

A company like Motorola might establish a goal of reducing its inventory by 50 percent over the next year. To ensure that it reaches this goal, the company could monitor its progress on a quarterly or monthly basis. If the managers at Motorola discover that there is a danger of not achieving this goal, they can take corrective action to adjust for the deficiency. This is a description of the managers' ____ function.



stfhgocovovohdj vbb



Explain how the hotel business could create added value to the goods they buy in?



Well-designed rooms, attractive and comfortable appliances, well-dressed and respectful assistants, good quality entertainment equipment, and delightful food made by experienced chefs.


Guests will feel more welcomed to a clean and comfortable hotel. Respectful assistants, good quality entertainment equipment, and food made by experienced chefs can boost the morale of guests.

Identify whether each of the following statements best illustrates the concept of consumer surplus, producer surplus, or neither.
Statement Consumer Surplus Producer Surplus Neither
Even though I was willing to pay up to $83 for a watch, I bought a watch for only $75.
I sold a used textbook for $55, even though I was willing to go as low as $47 in order to sell it.
A local store was having a sale on sweaters, so I bought a jersey sweater for my brother.



Consumer surplus

producer surplus



Consumer surplus is the difference between the willingness to pay of a consumer and the price of the good.

Consumer surplus = willingness to pay – price of the good

The willingness to pay for the watch was $83 but the watch was bought for $75. There is a consumer surplus from the purchase

Producer surplus is the difference between the price of a good and the least price the seller is willing to sell the product

Producer surplus = price – least price the seller is willing to accept

The least price the seller was willing to accept for the purchase was $47 but he was paid $55 for the textbook. This is a producer surplus

At year-end (December 31), Chan Company estimates its bad debts as 0.30% of its annual credit sales of $896,000. Chan records its Bad Debts Expense for that estimate. On the following February 1, Chan decides that the $448 account of P. Park is uncollectible and writes it off as a bad debt. On June 5, Park unexpectedly pays the amount previously written off. Prepare Chan's journal entries for the transactions.




Dec 31:

Debit Bad debts expense = 0.003 × $896000 = $2688

Credit Allowance for doubtful accounts = $2688

February 1:

Debit Allowance for doubtful accounts $448

Credit Accounts receivable—P. Park $448

June 5:

Debit Accounts receivable—P. Park $448

Credit Allowance for doubtful accounts $448

June 5:

Debit Cash $448

Credit Accounts receivable—P. Park $448

Standish Company manufactures consumer products and provided the following information for the month of February:

Units produced 131,000
Standard direct labor hours per unit 0.20
Standard fixed overhead rate (per direct labor hour) $2.50
Budgeted fixed overhead $65,000
Actual fixed overhead costs $68,300
Actual hours worked 26,350

a. Calculate the fixed overhead spending variance using the formula approach.
b. Calculate the volume variance using the formula approach.


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below:

a. Fixed overhead Spending Variance is

= Budgeted Fixed Overhead - Actual Fixed overhead

= $65000 - $68300

= - $3300 (unfavorable)


Fixed Overhead Volume Variance is

= (131000 × 0.20 × $2.50) - $65000

=$65500 - $65000

= $500 Favorable

In this way these can be determined

In the short run, open-market purchases a. increase investment and real GDP, and decrease interest rates. b. increase real GDP and interest rates, and decrease investment. c. increase investment and interest rates, and decrease real GDP. d. decrease investment, interest rates, and real GDP.


Answer: a. increase investment and real GDP, and decrease interest rates.


During an Open Market Purchase, the central bank of the country would be buying back securities from the public which means that it would be infusing money into the economic system.

With an increased amount of money in the economy, people will be able to save more which means that interests rate will drop because there are now more loanable funds. This drop in interest rates will encourage more companies and people to borrow cash for investment which will then lead to a higher GDP.

In the short run, in the open-market purchase, there has been an increase in investment and real GDP and decreased interest rates. Thus option A is correct.

The interest rate has been the amount of interest lent onto the principal sum. The GDP has been the gross domestic product that has been the market value of the final products.

In the open-market purchase, there has been an increase in the amount of money in the market. The government has been buying the securities and results in the market flow of money. The market flow will eventually result in an increase in the GDP with the decreased interest rates.

Thus in the short run, in the open-market purchase, there has been an increase in investment and real GDP and decreased interest rates. Thus option A is correct.

For more information about the open market purchase, refer to the link:

You have been asked by the president of your company to evaluate the proposed acquisition of a new special-purpose truck for $250,000. The truck falls into the MACRS three-year class, and it will be sold after three years for $50,000. Use of the truck will require an increase in NWC (spare parts inventory) of $5,000. The truck will have no effect on revenues, but it is expected to save the firm $80,000 per year in before-tax operating costs, mainly labor. The firm's marginal tax rate is 21 percent. What will the operating cash flow for this project be during year 3



Please find the complete solution in the attachment file.


Please find the attachment table for the 3 years of cash flow:

From the list below, select the items that are classified as a materials activity. (You may select more than one answer. Single click the box with the question mark to produce a check mark for a correct answer and double click the box with the question mark to empty the box for a wrong answer. Any boxes left with a question mark will be automatically graded as incorrect.)
Raw materials used
Raw materials beginning inventory
Raw materials purchases
Work in process beginning inventory
Goods manufactured
Direct labor used
Factor overhead used


Answer and Explanation:

The classification is as follows:

Under Materials activity  

Opening balance of Raw materials inventory

Purchase of the Raw materials purchases

Under Production activity:

OPening balance of Work-in process inventory

Raw material used

Direct labor used

Factory overhead used

Under Sales activity:

Goods manufactured

In this way it should be categorized

Hence, the same should be relevant

pllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ​



liability risk



liability risk is right opstion

In ________ organizational cultures, more individuality is shown through the organization’s rules being less strictly applied.





An organizational culture can be defined as the shared norms, beliefs, assumptions and values that exist in an organization.

An ethical climate can be defined as a collection of behaviors that are considered to be acceptable and correct within an organization or business firm. Also, an ethical climate provides the human resources management of an organization with a framework or benchmark on how employee behavioral issues or ethical problems are to be managed or handled within the organization.

In weak organizational cultures, more individuality of an employee working within an organization is shown as a result of the organization’s rules being less strictly applied.

On a related note, the rules guiding an organization are generally strictly being applied in strong organizational culture.

A new machine requires an investment of $630,000 and will generate $100,000 in cash inflows for 7 years, at which time the salvage value of the machine will be $130,000. Using a discount rate of 10%, the net present value of the machine is $_________





Net present value is the present value of after-tax cash flows from an investment less the amount invested.  

NPV can be calculated using a financial calculator  

Cash flow in Y0 = -630,000

Cash flow in Y1 - Y6 = 100,000

Cash flow in Y7 = 100,000 + 130,000

I = 10%

npv = $-76,447.56

To find the NPV using a financial calculator:

1. Input the cash flow values by pressing the CF button. After inputting the value, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.

2. after inputting all the cash flows, press the NPV button, input the value for I, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.  

3. Press compute  


-76,510, (76,510)


At the beginning of the period, the Cutting Department budgeted direct labor of $125,000, direct materials of $151,000 and fixed factory overhead of $11,800 for 8,000 hours of production. The department actually completed 10,600 hours of production. What is the appropriate total budget for the department, assuming it uses flexible budgeting? Round hourly rates to two decimal places. Round interim calculations to two decimal places. Round your final answer to the nearest dollar. a.$381,335 b.$377,606 c.$291,635 d.$287,800



the  appropriate total budget should be $377,500


The computation of the appropriate total budget should be given below:

Direct material ($151,000 ÷ 8,000 × 10,600) $200,075

direct labor ($125,000 ÷ 8,000 × 10,600) $165,625

fixed factory overhead $11,800

Total budget cost 377,500

Hence, the  appropriate total budget should be $377,500

This is the answer but the same is not provided in the given options

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Help anyone can help me do the question,I will mark brainlest. A person walks away from a pulley pulling a rope slung over it. The rope is being held at a height 10 feet below the pulley. Suppose that the weight at the opposite end of the rope is rising at 4 feet per second. At what rate is the person walking when s/he is 20 feet from being directly under the pulley What is the Constant of which bait works best for a fly trap? 20) solve: [tex] {8}^{2} + 2 = [/tex]21) solve: [tex]4(2x + 5y = [/tex]22) simplify the expression [tex]4( {2}^{2} + 30) - 4 = [/tex] Match the answers.. O domnio da metrpole portuguesa sobre sua colnia na Amrica submeteu os colonos a condies impostas que, na maioria das vezes, oportunizaram apenas os interesses de Portugal. A explorao excessiva que era realizada por Portugal teve seus reflexos de descontentamento a partir do final do sculo XVII. Neste, ocorreu apenas um movimento de revolta, mas foi ao longo do sculo XVIII que os casos se multiplicaram. Entre os principais movimentos nativistas podemos destacar a Revolta dos Beckman, a Guerra dos Mascates, a Guerra dos Emboabas e a Revolta de Filipe dos Santos. Sobre essas revoltas, pesquise em diferentes fontes e preencha o quadro abaixo com as informaes solicitadas. #What is the value of the discriminant for the quadratic equation 3 = x2 + 2x?Discriminant = b2 4ac84816 On a job interview, Mary is asked to describe herself. She begins to talk about her earliest memories and the favorite places she visited as a child. Although this is a description of herself, this type of _____ is probably NOT what the interviewers were looking to hear. Which statement describes the motion of the sun? The sun rotates more slowly at its equator. The sun rotates faster at its equator. The sun rotates faster at its poles. The sun does not rotate at its poles. You order CDs for $14.25 each and the website charges $4.50 for each shipment.The expression $14.25p + $4.50 represents the cost of p CDs. Find the total cost forordering 4 CDs. What were Seneca's influences on Shakespeare A box contains a yellow ball, an orange ball, a green ball, and a blue ball. Billy randomly selects 4 balls from the box (with replacement). What is the expected value for the number of distinct colored balls Billy will select? Which of these Fair Deal reforms did not happer?O A. A higher minimum wageB. Providing more social security benefitsO c. Public housing for the poorO D. A national health insurance program Typical Request and Response MessagesThe purpose of many business messages is to make a request or to reply to previously received communication. Familiarize yourself with the organization of these messages so you can communicate your purpose and achieve a positive outcome. Read the scenario: The office manager asks you for advice on how to structure a request message with numerous questions.What advice would you give?A. Give an approximate date for the deadline in the body.B. Place the deadline in the opening.C. Set an end date to take action in the closing.Read the following request message:To: Customer Support From: Helen Martin Subject: Warranty Information for Netbook ComputerDear Customer Service,I need this information by noon tomorrow at the latest. My team has an important presentation to give, and my netbook crashed while we were working on the presentation. I cant find the warranty information anywhere. So I have a few questions.Where is my warranty information? How long does it normally take to repair these machines? Do I have to mail the netbook to you, or can I bring it to your local repair shop?Will you please answer these questions in a timely manner? Thank you in advance for your help.Regards,Helen Martin 1. Where do I find my warranty information?Reason A: 2. How long does the average netbook repair take? 3. Do I need to mail in my netbook for repairs or bring it to your local repair shop?Revision B: Where is my warranty information? How long does the average repair take? Do I have to mail in my netbook?Revision C: Where do I find the information? How long does it take? Can I take it to my local shop?Which of the preceding revisions is the best revision for the body of this message?A. Revision BB. Revision CC. Revision AIn addition to making requests, you will have to respond to requests in the business world.Complete the following sentence with the dropdown menu.Direct response messages might _______?A. include long, flowery descriptionsB. use the "me" viewC. supply explanations and additional information Many businesses use social media to communicate with customers. In order to make the most of social media, you should learn how to respond to various types of customer comments.Read the scenario, and then answer the question.You manage the social media presence of a company that manufactures travel apparel and gear. A customer posts an angry comment about a suitcase that failed to function properly after its first use. This is not the first complaint the product has received.How should you respond to the customer?A. Acknowledge the problem, and let the customer know that the company is working to rectify the situation.B. Document and delete the comment. You dont want news of the flawed product to spread.C. Let the comment stand. No response is necessary. the first battle of the revolutionary war? which of the following is is a chemical property of pure water If side A is 10 inches long, and side B is 24 inches, find the length of the unknown side. Mention the structure of the federal system of government of Nepal NO LINKS OR ANSWERING QUESTIONS YOU DON'T KNOW!!!Chapter 11 part 2:What are three different properties of logarithmic functions when encountering the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication? Provide an example of each. This is CIVICS IF UR CORRECT ILL GIVE BRAINLISTAccording to the laws of supply and demand, what will happen to the supply of automobiles if automobile prices fall?A. The supply of automobiles will decrease because consumers will buy more of them at higher prices. B. The supply of automobiles will increase because consumers will buy more of them at lower prices.C. The supply of automobiles will increase because consumers will buy more of them at higher prices.D. The supply of automobiles will decrease because consumers will buy more of them at lower prices.