Active into pasive
She cleans the house every day


Answer 1


the house is cleaned by her everyday

Related Questions

What is the author's purpose in Common Sense?




To convince that colonists to break away from British rule.

Hope this helps!!

Answer :

Common Sense is a 47-page pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775-1776 advocating independence from Great Britain to people in the Thirteen Colonies. Writing in clear and persuasive prose, Paine marshaled moral and political arguments to encourage common people in the Colonies to flght for egalitarian government.

Hope it helps ☺️

Write an informative essay on a Greek mythical character. Your essay will use research to summarize the plot


Solution :


Hercules was considered equivalent to the Greek divine hero named Heracles, who was the son Jupiter. Hercules was well known in classical mythology for his strength and courage and also for his various  far-ranging adventures.

In Greek mythology, Hercules was a mythical character. He was the son of Zeus, the God of thunder. He was seen as half man and half God. He was a man of immense power and strength. In the battle of Troy, Hercules defeated the greatest and strongest warrior in the battle field, Hector.

Hercules is considered the greatest of all Greek heroes.

In the passage above, what does “impartial” mean?



Simple Question:


The answer is Fair and Unprejudiced..Hope this helps....Have a nice day!!!! :D
Fair and unprejudiced

Underline the content words in the following sentence :
"They're going to watch the news at seven o'clock"



sentence :

"They're going to watch the news at seven o'clock"

Alguien me ayuda por favor

Escriba el presente de los siguientes verbos irregulares:













30 POINTS PLEASE HELP!!! Read this paragraph from the article:

Together with the United Nations, the U.S. government, and partners around the world, the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves focuses on working with local communities and organizations to develop a market for cookstoves and fuels that significantly reduce emissions, cook more efficiently, and fit with local customs and culture. . . .

Why does the author use the word significantly rather than mostly?

A) Significantly has a more positive connotation, indicating that the author has total confidence in the plan's success.

B) Significantly has a stronger connotation, indicating that the predicted reduction in emissions will make a notable difference.

I didn't include the other two because they were just obviously wrong and I'm stuck on these 2



B) Significantly has a stronger connotation, indicating that the predicted reduction in emissions will make a notable difference.


Question 1 You must answer this question You received an email from your friend, Oscar who is interested to buy some gems.(pew) Hi, My mother's birthday is almost here. I am thinking of getting a gemstone for her birthday. Which jewellery shop should I go to and how do I choose a gemstone jewellery for her. Could you come along and help? I will be waiting eagerly for your reply. Now, write an email to your friend in about 80 words. Write your answer below.​



I hope you know the format


Hey! Wow it's your mother's birthday and you are buying her a gemstone. GREAT CHOICE. Well if you ask me which shop you should go in I would prefer Thomson's jewelry shop. He sells gemstones at reasonable prices and the gemstones at his shop are worth buying. Ask your mother her favourite colour and give her the same coloured gemstone.

a word that is an example of the prefix dis- meaning not.​



This are a few! I hope I've helped!

disapprove! it means to “not approve”

Make an Interesting story including the the given verb(any form of these verb can be used: Regret, rely, say, search, vary, worry, meet, lose, Justify, Ignore, admit, argue, behave, cling, correct... Pls do this i will give the highest mark for this


Answer and Explanation:

Henry clung tight to the uncompromising rope, his neck slightly above the rebelling threads of his killer. He struggled physically but also mentally, even deeper to his soul, regrets. If only he could justify some of his actions, he could at least admit it was worth it. But there he was, a lost cause, searching his soul in the last moments of his life, wishing there could be something to correct all his wrongs and make his death a lot less painful.

David watched him closely from 2 meters away, ignoring his every move to loosen the rope. His expression said "futile". Henry was a dead man the moment Huttle Ban's rope was hooked to his neck from the Oak tree. He'd worried about him before his death sentence at Fort County Area Court but none of Henry's actions varied from the former; a consistent show of rebellion for the law. After a night of firey arguments interwoven with near death altercations with his brother, David had walked to the Sergeant's office himself to submit all evidences and information to bring him down. He'd relied on Uncle Luke's gentle words to turn Henry from a life of crime, and there he stood, sure his criminal brother had left crime for good.

List three things that you improved during your revision.



1. I fixed the mispunctuation.

2. I took out words that were unneccessary.

3. I made sure that I used the correct format.

A list of three common areas that students often focus on when revising for exams are Content Review, Practice Questions and Mock Exams, Study Strategies and Time Management.

What is Content Review?

Content Review: Students typically focus on reviewing and consolidating the main concepts, theories, and key information related to the exam topics. This may involve going through textbooks, lecture notes, and other study materials to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Practice Questions and Mock Exams: Practicing past exam questions and taking mock exams can help students become familiar with the exam format, time constraints, and the types of questions they may encounter. This allows them to assess their knowledge and identify areas where further study or clarification is needed.

Study Strategies and Time Management: During the revision period, students often work on improving their study strategies and time management skills. This may involve creating a study schedule, breaking down topics into manageable chunks, using mnemonic devices or visual aids to enhance memory retention, and finding effective ways to stay focused and motivated while studying.

Learn more about revision at:


How is using deductive reasoning helpful



if you know what answers not to use its easier to determine the correct answer


by deducting the answers you know are false even if itsjust one or two answers that you know are false it gives you a much larger chance of getting the question right

hope this helps

to what extent does human activity affect language?


Answer: Modes of Human Activities Involving Language. Listening: The language art of listening begins developing at birth and provides the basis for development of speaking, reading and writing skills. ... Speaking: Speaking is making use of vocal sounds to communicate with others.


Modes of Human Activities Involving Language. Listening:

In which sentence is the word my used as an INTERJECTION?
A. -My-. letter to the editor was published today.
B. I expressed -my- ideas about the new freeway
C. I could not believe -my- eyes
D. My, there were a lot of letters on the subject!





D. My, there were a lot of letters on the subject!

-the word "My" shows a reaction to seeing a lot of letters on the subject so is an interjection

A. -My-. letter to the editor was published today.

B. I expressed -my- ideas about the new freeway

C. I could not believe -my- eyes

-for A,B,C this "my" shows possession my letter, my ideas, my eyes

Question 1 of 10
Which best describes the type of rhymes used in "Lissadell"?
A. Slant internal rhymes
B. Perfect end rhymes
c. Perfect internal rhymes
D. Slant end rhymes



I belive its B

can i ask if the orange is orange, it is named orange or it called orange ? ​




Orange the fruit came first. The word came into English either from Old French 'pomme d'orenge', or from the Spanish 'naranja' (with the subsequent transfer of the 'n' over to the indefinite article, as per 'apron' and 'adder', originally 'napron' and 'nadder'). The Spanish word is itself a modification of the Arabic 'naaranj' (cf. also Persian 'naarang'). Our colour term thus derives from the name of the fruit, not the other way round; we also have apricot, peach, violet, lilac, maroon, indigo, burgundy, and so on, which show how productive this process of colour naming is

your best friend had just be suspended for trancy write a letter to him or her expressing your displeasure and inviting him or her to turn a new Leaf​



ls it correction?


your best friend had just be suspended for trancy write a letter to him or her expressing your displeasure and inviting him or her to turn a new Leaf​

Your best friend had just been suspended for truancy, write a letter to him or her expressing your displeasure , and inviting him or her to turn a new Leaf​.

The jackfruit the largest tree fruit in the world are known for its size and for its strange musky smell




The error in this sentence is the word "are". In this case it needs to be "is" since the sentence is referring to the JackFruit Trees in general but is still in singular form and in present tense. Therefore, for the sentence to be correct and make sense you would need to swap these two words. After doing so you can add commas and the correct sentence would be the following.

"The jackfruit, the largest tree fruit in the world, is known for its size and for its strange musky smell"

Read the passage carefully and paraphrases the underlined words/phrases.
I like the poem for the very reason that anyone else would like it for its humour. I also like the poem because the poet balances the exaggeration
with seemingly convincing logic.
underline words:-1.exaggeration


A good way to paraphrase the underlined words is to use excess rather than exaggeration and persuasive rather than convincing

Paraphrase means to express one idea using different words. This means you do not change the meaning of a message but use different words to express it.

When paraphrasing try to:

Look for words with the same meaning but that are clearer or easier to understandPreserve the meaning of the original idea

In this context, the best way to paraphrase the underlined words (exaggeration and convincing) is to use synonyms:

Exaggeration =  excessConvincing =  persuasive

Thus, you can say "I also like the poem because the poet balances the excess with seemingly persuasive logic"

Learn more in:

what is a customer courtesy card from wendys?​


As far as I know, the card says you can get a free combo meal. However, is there any sort of limitation on what kind of combo meal you can get?

Tet in Viet Nam starts with the first new moon, usually in late January or early February. The celebrations usually last for three days. The Vietnamese celebrate Tet with family gatherings, wonderful foods and lion dances. Let"s take a look at some of the traditions linked to Tet, the most popular festival in Viet Nam.

Red is a bright, happy colour that keeps away bad spirits. That"s why people decorate their homes with red and yellow to bring good luck fen the next year. Also, parents and grandparents give children special lucky money in red envelopes.

One thing people avoid during Tet is sweeping the house . Before Tet, the Vietnamese clean their houses to clear out any bad luck from the previous year. People finish cleaning before New Year"s Day because they believe you"ll brush away your good luck if you sweep the house during Tet. People also buy branches of apricot blossom or peach blossom, which symbolise a long life, to decorate their houses.

Traditionally, people travel back to their hometowns to celebrate Tet with their family. During their stay, they visit relatives and have large meals together. They wear colourful new clothes to bring them good luck for the coming new year. They also visit flower fairs and calligraphy(n) nghệ thuật viết chữ - markets where calligraphers can write poems on ""giay do. , wood or stone for them.

According to the passage, how long does Tet usually last?

In late January

For three days.

In early February

For a long time.





Because the text says ''The celebrations usually last for three days.''

The corrective and most suitable answer is B , and that is the Tet in Vietnam do celebrations usually last for three days.

The Tet family gather together ans enjoy the different varieties of food and do the traditional dance , and we all know Red is the bright color which keeps the bad spirits away due to which people of Tet paint their home with the red color to bring the happiness in their home and keep the house bright and even people gives money to there relatives in red envelopes.

People usually clean their houses before the new year as they believe if we clean the house during the Tet then you will sweep your good luck and also they buy blossom or peach blossoms.

During the Tet and also decorate the house and it seems so beautiful, people were used to travel back their home to celebrate the Tet with their love ones.

For more information on Tet , please refer the below link :

what all precautions and things do we need to follow if we travel by
1. a train
2. a bus
3. a boat
4. a motorbike
5. on foot ( for example a trek)



no smoking


it can suffocate others

What is one goal you have for the school
year? What is something you hope to


My goal that I set for myself is to get straight A’s.
Something I hope to accomplish is to start doing extra PE hours.

Brainliest would be nice :)

4.2.9 HELP english 10 sem 2
Draft an argumentative research essay based on the outline you created in Lesson 1. Although you're free to find new sources and make changes to your original plan, all the original requirements from Lesson 1 remain, including a strong claim, evidence from credible sources, and supporting reasons that back up the claim.
In addition to writing your draft, you must respond to at least one counterclaim. This response may appear in one of the body paragraphs you already planned out in Lesson 1, or it may appear in a new body paragraph. Your assignment should show good judgment about where best to address counterclaims.
Your essay should include the following elements:
A claim, supporting reasons, and evidence from at least five sources
An introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph
A counterclaim, followed by a response that supports your argument
Transitions to show how the claim, reasons, evidence, and counterclaim are related


Hello. As shown in the question above, you must write an argumentative essay. An argumentative essay is a text where you present arguments that are your opinions about something. As an opinion and an argument are very personal things, I can't write an essay for you, but I can show you how to write one.

First you must decide what topic you will present in the essay and do research on it. These researches must be done in reliable research sources and that present correct and proven information about the subject that you will be approaching.

Reliable research sources are those that present articles written by experts in the field, are present in academic journals and books, or are present on the websites of reliable institutions. These sites often have the words "org," "edu" and "gov" in their link.

These research sources need to show data and facts that prove their opinion on the topic covered in the essay, that is, they need to show that their opinion is correct and for this reason their argument is valid. As shown in the question above, you need to do this research on at least five research sources.

Once you have defined the subject of your essay and have researched the research sources, you can start writing the essay. An essay can be written as follows:

Introduction: Where you will quickly present the subject that will be discussed in your essay and show your position on it. This placement is called the thesis statement and should be placed at the end of your introduction.Body: The body of an essay must have at least two paragraphs and will be the place where you will show your opinions on the subject covered in the essay and will show the evidence, that is, the information that proves that your argument is correct. This information will be taken from your research sources. It will be important that in this essay you write three paragraphs in the body of the essay, in the first two you will show your arguments and the evidence that supports them. In the third paragraph you will show a counterclaim (an argument contrary to yours) and present evidence that proves that this counterclaim is incorrect, contrary to your arguments.Conclusion: Lastly you will end the essay with a conclusion. Here you will present what is the final reasoning that your arguments show in relation to the subject of the essay, besides showing predictions about that subject and how it can affect society.

After that, you should submit a list of your research sources. This list must follow the guidelines of the MLA, which states that a research source must be presented with the following sequence of information:

Author's Last name, First name. "Title of Source." Title of Container, other contributors, version, numbers, publisher, publication date, location.

Example: Anderson, Charles. "Effects of Domestic Violence in Upscale Los Angeles Areas." National Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 23, no. 3, May-June 2018, pp. 161-220.

You can find more information in the following related question:

Which sentence most clearly makes use of metaphor rather than
personification or simile
A As our trusted leader, you are the glue that holds this team
OB Hurricanes assault the coast every few years punishing us
O C Gina's boss is as vicious as a boa constrictor and as cunning as a
OD Sliding down the snowy hill. I struck a rock and my sled rejected





metaphor compares without the use of "like" or "as". answer A. compares the leader to glue

Identify the correct figure of speech. Then write the meaning.
I went swimming this morning, and the water was freezing.

A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Irony E. Hyperbole



The water was not literally freezing. A hyperbole is a figure of speech that exaggerates something, in this case the use of a hyperbole exaggerates how cold the water is.

What is the role of a large news agency like the Associated Press?

It keeps some news stories hidden from public view.

It spreads blased or unfair stories instead of real news.

It collects and shares news stories from many sources.

It makes sure that reporters are paid fairly for their work.



it collects and shares news from many sources

Which answer sounds like a recurring theme you might see in a narrative poem?
Group of answer choices

a problem the author faces

trust and friendship

camping in the woods

a beautiful summer day


I know trust and friendship is one for sure
Trust and friend ship

Identify whether the underlined clause is an adjective clause, adverb clause, or noun clause.
While the sailboat bobbed at anchor, we watched the stars come out.



Adverb Clause

While the sailboat bobbed at anchor we watched the stars come out.


Adverb Clause-a clause that functions as an adverb in a sentence. It always starts with a subordinating conjunction.

Example: Even if I take the test, my grades won't change.


Noun Clause-a clause that acts as a noun.

For example, I am not interested in whatever Anthony says.


Adjective Clause-a clause that is used to describe a noun in a sentence.

For example, the guy who claimed to be a genius didn't even make it to the top list.

is it a claim or not a claim?



hey darlingg I think this is a weak claim because it is comparing electric to gas powered which can’t really be compared


Hello hun^^

Your answer would be...

Weak: Not a claim

*Hope I helped*


Question 3 of 10
What must a speaker keep in mind to best appeal to the audience?
A. Famous speeches the audience may know by heart
B. The length of time the audience has been waiting to hear the
C. The right of the audience to ask questions
D. The expectations and knowledge of the audience





The speaker should explain to the audience if they don't know what they are talking about


the correct answer is: D

Other Questions
What is fossilized evidence of pollen most likely to reveal? 1a) whether the area was warm, swampy, grassy, or wooded2a) whether the area was inhabited by people3a) whether the area was inhabited by many animals4a) whether dinosaurs lived in the area (philosophy)Pojman describes two arguments for moral objectivism. What are these arguments and how dothey differ? Can someone help me with this math homework please! What was the goal of the Crusades?O A. To gain power for the MoorsO B. To push the Moors out of SpainO C. To retake Jerusalem from the MuslimsO D. To spread Catholicism to Asia Write an email to your state representative as a teenager? Give an idea Plz help! What factor is described as sexualselection?A. non-random matingB. migrationC. small populationsD. natural selection Lines m and p are perpendicular. If the slope of line m is -3, what is the slope of line p? Si enfriamos mercurio de 100C. Calcular la cantidad de calor que se debe restar sabiendo que la masa de mercurio es de 1800gr 23/20 as a mixed number 6 of 6Lena and Ras drive to work.Lena drives 24 miles in 1.5 hours.Ras drives 36 km in 1 hour 15 min.Work out the difference between their average speeds in km/h.1 mile = 1.6 kmkm/h Read the paragraph.[1] Studies have shown that kids who eat healthy food have more energy. [2] When students are more energized, they get better grades. [3] Still, half the Lincoln High students eat pizza at its lunchtime. [4] The school plans to start offering healthier options like salads and fruit as an alternative.Which sentence contains a pronoun-antecedent error?sentence 4sentence 3sentence 2sentence 1ANSWER: B Which audience appeal does Churchill most clearly use here? A. Pathos B. Repetition C. Ethos D. Logos Determine whether the series is convergent or divergent by expressing sn as a telescoping sum (as in this example). [infinity] 6 n(n + 3) n = 1a) convergent b) divergent If it is convergent, find its sum. (If the quantity diverges, enter DIVERGES.) Help! Which of the following strategies can reduce urban sprawl?A. Increasing the number of green beltsB. Decreasing the length of city blocksC. Creating expensive housing in the cityD. Eliminating high-rise homes and offices what's the ratio of 16 apple and 48carrots Exercise 6-10 Petty cash fund accounting LO P2 Palmona Co. establishes a $200 petty cash fund on January 1. On January 8, the fund shows $38 in cash along with receipts for the following expenditures: postage, $74; transportation-in, $29; delivery expenses, $16; and miscellaneous expenses, $43. Palmona uses the perpetual system in accounting for merchandise inventory. Prepare journal entries to (1) establish the fund on January 1, (2) reimburse it on January 8, and (3) both reimburse the fund and increase it to $450 on January 8, assuming no entry in part 2. Hint: Make two separate entries for part 3. answer asap please:) What happen when:a. Magnesium Burns in oxygen.b. Calcium carbonate is heated.c. Hydrogen reacts with nitrogen at necessary condition.d. potassium hydroxide reacts with nitric acid.e. Carbon dioxide is treated with limewater.Please help me to do this problem. He could understand it if you______it to him more clearly She......him when he called her a.pretended not hearb.pretended she heard not c.pretended not to hear d.did not pretended hear