Adenine and Thymine are examples of...


Answer 1

Adenine and Thymine are examples of nitrogenous bases in a nucleotide.

What is a nucleotide base?

A nucleotide is the monomer constituting DNA or RNA biopolymer molecules.

Each nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous heterocyclic base (or nucleobase), which can be either a double-ringed purine or a single-ringed pyrimidine; a five-carbon pentose sugar (deoxyribose in DNA or ribose in RNA); and a phosphate group.

The two classes of nitrogenous bases are purines and pyrimidines and they are as follows;

Purines - Adenine and GuaninePyrimidines - Cytosine, Uracil, Thymine

According to this question, Adenine and thymine are examples of nitrogenous bases.

Learn more about nucleotide at:


Related Questions

This picture shows the weather station model at a location.

Image shows a weather symbol with the following attributes: In the center is a circle that is entirely black. Surrounding this circle are several other symbols and numbers. To the left of the circle is a symbol that consists of three small black dots. In the upper-left corner of the model is the number 57; In the upper-right corner of the model is the number 107; In the lower-left corner of the model is the number 56; in the lower right corner of the model is the number -6. A line segment runs from the central circle through the upper left corner of the model; two smaller line segments - one larger than the other - connect to this line segment to form an 'F'.

What type of weather is expected at the location?






In this location, a thunderstorm is expected, a thunderstorm is a small-scale storm that includes both thunder and lightning.

What is a thunderstorm?

Some thunderstorms have a chance of producing hail and/or tornadoes. Localized heavy snow showers during the winter may also include thunder and lightning. Additionally, it frequently delivers heavy rain as well as violent gusts.

Thunderstorms are ferocious, brief meteorological disturbances that are nearly always accompanied by lightning, thunder, thick clouds, significant amounts of rain or hail, and strong gusts of wind.

Layers of warm, moist air rise in a strong updraft to cooler areas of the atmosphere, whereupon thunderstorms form.

Therefore, according to all directions shown in the image thunderstorm weather is expected at the location.

Learn more about thunderstorms, here:


What is an organism’s phenotype? its specific set of physical traits. the number of genes in its genome. its specific set of genes. the number of nucleotides in its genome






Quick question. What is this? Should I move out???



thats a bed bug you're screwed

pretty sure that’s a bed bug man

The period during smooth muscle contraction of sustained tension is referred to as the



I could be wrong but I believe the answer is fused tetanus.


Searched it up, but it could be incorrect.



because it is a new virus that us humans have not experienced and we are still learning about it

DNA provides a very significant role in the formation and development of an organism.what is that role?



The significant role that DNA provides is the organism's genetic information. It stores its information inside, and that's what makes up all the traits of the organism. All known cellular life contains DNA for this reason, and basically serves as long-term storage of information about the organism.

Which organising consume dead organic matter



saprophytes are responsible for consumption of decay or decid matter

what are the defining characteristics of the animal cell





animal cells have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles Unlike the cells of plants and fungi, animal cells lack a cell wall. This gives animal cells flexibility.

During which phase of meiosis does the separation of homologous chromosomes occur?



In anaphase I, centromeres break down and homologous chromosomes separate. In telophase I, chromosomes move to opposite poles; during cytokinesis the cell separates into two haploid cells.

Let me know if this helps

Thanks :)


The number of_____in the nucleus is also known as the____number. ​



The mass number also called atomic mass number or nucleon number, is the total number of protons and neutrons (together known as nucleons) in an atomic nucleus.


The number of Protons and Neutrons in the nucleus is also known as the Covalent bonds.

Hope I helped!

Two types of worms exist in London. One which comes out during the day and the other which come out at night. The day worms are eaten more often by the birds.

i) After a few years only night worms existed in the region. Why? (2)

ii) What kind of selection has taken place? (1)


i) Because the worms would have either learned to become night worms or all day worms would have been eaten faster than they could reproduce

ii) Natural selection. Humans had no interaction with which worms survived, so it's all natural.

I hope this helps! Good luck!

Brainly involved! :) Why is studying animals in the wild considered to be somewhat experimentally "out of control"?
A) There are many factors that cannot be controlled that could influence the study.
B) It does not take place in a laboratory and is therefore not a valid experiment.
C) The test subjects are not trained to behave in a certain manner.
D) The experimenters are as careful with recording their results.



Hmmm i tied between A and C because they both seem correct but since C sounds a little off ima say A  





Other answers seem to appear only partially correct or not correct at all. If there's anything unclear, feel free to ask.

E. coli Is a species of bacteria that causes many different Infections in humans. Certain E. coli strains have developed resistance to antibiotics,
making Infections with these strains difficult to treat. How do bacteria such as E. coll, which reproduce asexually, galn new tralts such as
antibiotic resistance?
O A. by adapting to changes in environmental conditions without undergoing changes in their DNA
OB. by mutating their DNA in response to environmental conditions to gain beneficial traits
OC. by undergoing spontaneous mutations when they replicate, which increases genetic variation in a population
OD. by producing offspring with new gene assortments from genetic recombination, which increases diversity in a population



The correct answer would be B


Antibiotic resistance in bacteria develops in response to the environment in which the bacteria survives.  

The antimicrobial resistance trait is acquired by any species of bacteria through one of the two ways that are either by making changes in their DNA sequences or through horizontal gene transfer mechanisms.

In the given E. coli gained the trait to develop resistance against antibiotic by making changes in their DNA as once the gene is altered or mutated, the trait can be passed on to the offsprings.

Therefore, Option-B is the correct answer.


B. By mutating their DNA in response to environmental conditions to gain beneficial traits


Through the process of natural selection, bacteria such as E coli can gain new traits that benefit them.

This can occur when a DNA mutation occurs, where the mutated gene is actually beneficial to respond to environmental conditions.

Then, these bacteria with the gene will survive and produce more offspring with the same gene. This is how E coli can develop antibiotic resistance.

So, B is the correct answer.




Pastry dough is rolled out thinly and used as a base for baked products. Pastry is differentiated from bread by having a higher fat content, which contributes to a flaky or crumbly texture. ... On the other hand, overmixing results in long gluten strands that toughen the pastry.


1. Which factor does not affect species richness on islands?

Age of island
Geographical location
Habitat size
Island shape

Question 2

Which combination of factors will result in an island community with the lowest ecological tolerance?

Upwelling of colder ocean water, increased sunlight
Introduction of invasive species, increased freshwater sources
Increased human population, increased agricultural expansion
Increased colonization, decreased extinction rate

Question 3

The table depicts characteristics of five amphibian species (A–E). Use the information in the table to answer the following question:

Ecological Parameter Species A Species B Species C Species D Species E
Temperature Range 15–30 °C 10–40 °C 15–20 °C 10–30 °C 15–25 °C
Freshwater or Brackish Water Fresh/brackish Brackish Brackish Fresh Fresh/brackish
Food Sources Varied Two mainland species of grasshopper Only island arthropods Varied Varied
Habitat Lakes Estuaries/ponds Estuaries/ponds Lakes Lakes

Which individual(s) of the species listed in the table would likely die if moved to a new island habitat?
Species C and E
Species A and C
Species A only
Species B only

Question 4

Island biogeography studies the ________ on islands.

mountain topography
natural disasters
distribution of species
climate change

Question 5

Increased deforestation reduces the habitat for an arthropod species preferred by an island reptile. Which of the following descriptions predicts the most likely outcome for these two species?

The reptile population increases as arthropods are confined to smaller sections of the island.
The reptile population decreases as arthropods decrease with their habitat.
Island arthropods decrease as the reptile population increases.
Island arthropods and reptiles both increase in the island habitat.

Question 6

Which statement describes a factor in the island biogeographical model?

Dispersing species are more likely to find smaller secluded habitats
Smaller populations are less likely to go extinct
Large islands have less available niches for immigrating species
Islands closer to the mainland have greater colonization

Question 7

Which of the following ideas helps explain the factors that affect island colonization of and species richness for a region?

Species-area effect
Rescue effect
Target effect
Time/stability hypothesis
I and II
II and III



Ecological tolerance refers to the ability of an organism, or animal to be able to adapt and survive changing environmental conditions.

The combination of factors that would result in an island community with the lowest ecological tolerance would be option B Introduction of invasive species, increased deforestation because with the introduction of invasive species, there would be more competition for natural resources such as food, water, sunlight; and with increased deforestation, there is greater chances of soil erosion.

interact with other living organisms and

interact with the physical environment

Insular biogeography or island biogeography is a field within biogeography that examines the factors that affect the species richness and diversification of isolated natural communities. The theory was originally developed to explain the pattern of the species–area relationship occurring in oceanic islands.

The reptile population decreases as arthropods decrease with their habitat

Migrating species are more likely to find larger habitats over smaller ones. Explanation: The concept of island biogeographical model establishes that larger islands and habitats will have a larger number of species than a smaller island. Larger islands have more tendency to attract new species.The species–area relation, whereby the number of species in a spatial unit increases with that unit’s area, well predates the MacArthur and Wilson theory of island biogeography, having been documented for about 150 years. Two general kinds of models for this relation have been proposed. The first has number of species predicted from an assumed species–abundance distribution and the total number of individuals of all species combined (assumed proportional to area). The second develops species–area relations from MacArthur and Wilson’s species-equilibrium approach.

A hurricane sweeps across the ocean and damages the houses of people living along the coast. This is an example of interactions between the

biosphere, atmosphere, and sand
hydrosphere, sand, and biosphere
atmosphere, sand, and hydrosphere
atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere



I think its atmosphere, sand, and hydrosphere


good luck :)

What kind of rock is shown in the picture ?
How do you know what type of rock it is ?




Because it is made is sediments


got it right , edge 2020

The picture shown here is of sedimentary rock. It is visible so because of the identification features of a rock as shown in the image.

What is the formation of rock making process ?

The process is that the soil and the sand that gets accumulated and together with the mud gets collected in order to form a hard mass by the passing of time called as rock.

The kind of rock identification is done on the basis of rock identification aspects that are decided for each type of rock that has been kept under observation. In sedimentary rock, the grains and the displacement of rock grains together gives a larger or smaller appearances.

The types of layers and mud particles joined together along with the ripple marks that have been put together shows the marks on the rocks.

Learn more about sedimentary rock at :


what is fertilization?​



Here is the definition of fertilization: the action or process of fertilizing an egg, female animal, or plant, involving the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote. Or this one: the action or process of applying a fertilizer to soil or land.


the action or process of fertilizing an egg or a female animal or plant, involving the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote.

How is the blackjack seed suited to its method of dispersal?



Seeds are widely dispersed through the fruits hook-like bristles that embed themselves in clothing and the fur of mammals and feathers of birds. They are also spread by wind, water and soil.


A lamp that plugs into a wall socket draws energy which flows through a thin wire in the bulb causing it to glow. What energy transformation are taking place?





Electrical energy refers to energy which is gotten from potential energy. This energy source could be a wall socket.

Thermal energy on the other hand refers to internal energy of a system where temperature is constant.

Light energy is made up of photons which transmits electromagnetic radiation which move in waves and become visible to human eye.

Therefore, the energy transformation taking place according to the question is option D.

Think and discuss:Suppose you are a farmer trying to grow plants in a greenhouse. Why would it be important to know what the limiting factor is



Because limiting factors affect plant growth


A limiting factor is a condition that limits the population's growth in an ecosystem by slowing or stopping its growth. These factors are generated by the lack or excess of a particular resource. In plants, limiting factors include, among others, light, water, temperature, oxygen, food, (i.e., nutrients and minerals), space, etc. In this case, the farmer must know which greenhouse conditions are limiting factors in order to ensure the survival and optimal development of the plant population.

Which process passes genetic material to offspring?


Genetic inheritance

The Genetic inheritance occurs due to genetic material, in the form of DNA, being passed from parents to their offspring. When organisms reproduce, all the information for growth, survival, and reproduction for the next generation is found in the DNA passed down from the parent generation.

Im 4 and my sis is 13. SHE told me she was on her period but then I told her there was this thing called subject and predicate and how she isnt supposed to have a period at the end of her statement because it wouldnt make any sense... and ya, it didnt go well cause' she put on a tantrum.
But the weird thing is that Google said this "Tantrums are most common between the ages of one and four, then decrease when children start school." SO HOW COME I DIDN"T HABE A TANTRUM!! life makes no sense.

P.S: I even saw mom buying DiApERS for her! Like I stopped my diapers and got potty trained about 1 or 2 months ago and IM 4yrs old. SHE IS 13.

man she must have a hard time walking with those things in her short skinny pants.
AND lm A boy by the way.



Stop the cappin



Please destroy your tablet.


First of all, why are you on Brainly when you're 4.

And second of all, you're sister is wearing short pants, so she is going through a lot right now. Even 13 year old's have tantrums.

How did Claire's digestion reaction weights tell you that the problem was in her small intestine, and not in her stomach



The reaction rate of the digestion helps in understanding which part of the digestive system having trouble in digestion especialy stomach and intenstine related.

It involves the fact that most of the enrgy or calories are get by the small intestine and also vitamins and minerals are absorbed by this part of the digestive system so if the small intestine is having problem the rate of digestion would be affected and and an individual could be malabosrbed.

If the problem lies in the stomach  it might show some effects of a poor digestion, however the rate of digestion would be better than if the problem lies in the small intestine.

2. Could gene therapy someday cure the common cold? Why or why not?



No, it sadly would not be able to do so. Gene therapy cures genetic disorders, so something you were born with. A cold is something you would catch.


No, it sadly would not be able to do so. Gene therapy cures genetic disorders, so something you were born with. A cold is something you would catch.

The kinetic theory of matter states that matter is made up of tiny particles that are in
constant motion. The kinetic theory of matter is most useful in describing which of the

o the relationship between mass and weight
o the relationship between mass and energy
o the relationship between a balance and a scale
the relationship between the motion of particles and their state: solids, liquids, and gases



its D


have a good day

Which set of organelles would be found in both human and lemon tree cells.? F chloroplast,nucleus, and cell wall. G nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, and cell wall. H mitochondria,nucleus, and endoplasmic reticulum. J mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum, and centrioles



Mitochondria, nucleus, and endoplasmic reticulum, and centrioles


trust me

Which physical evidence supports the evolution of Earth due to chemical weathering? (10 points!)

Hammer shape of Bryce Canyon rocks

Red color of Bryce Canyon rocks

Streaks on the face of Wave Rock

Concave shape of Wave Rock


Answer: B

Explanation: It is believed that Thor's Hammer started out as a large plateau 40 to 60 million years ago and has slowly evolved through the natural processes of weathering and erosion to its current formation. The red coloring on the rock is due to oxidation, a form of chemical weathering.

Answer: B

Explanation: It is believed that Thor's Hammer started out as a large plateau 40 to 60 million years ago and has slowly evolved through the natural processes of weathering and erosion to its current formation. The red coloring on the rock is due to oxidation, a form of chemical weathering.

How many chromosomes will be found in
each of the two new cells formed as a result
of mitotic cell division?


At the end of mitosis, the two daughter cells will be exact copies of the original cell. Each daughter cell will have 30 chromosomes. At the end of meiosis II, each cell (i.e., gamete) would have half the original number of chromosomes, that is, 15 chromosomes.

23 pairs of chromosomes will be found in each of the two new cells formed as a result of mitotic cell division.


Mitosis is a kind of cell division that results in the formation of two daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

Mitosis is used for growth and tissue repair in living organisms. In mitosis, a parent cell divides into two new daughter cells, however, each cell possess the same number of chromosomes as the parent.

In a somatic human cell, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 chromosomes). If this cell undergoes mitotic division, then, there will be 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell formed.

Learn more:

On a scratch sheet of paper, complete the Punnett square of the cross between two heterozygous red-eyed flies (Rr). What color eyes will the offspring have?



75% red, 25% other color (brown?)


A cross between two heterozygous red eye flies (Rr x Rr)

                     R                     r

R                  RR                   Rr

r                   Rr                   rr

The possible genotypes are RR, Rr, and rr. There are two possibilities of Rr.

Since the heterozygotes have red eyes, the red eye allele must be dominant. Therefore, RR and Rr genotypes will all have red eyes. That means 3/4 (75%) of offspring will have red eyes. 1/4 25% are h0m0zygous recessive (rr), and will therefore have the other eye color (question doesn't mention which colour this is, it is likely brown)

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