Adham lives in Dhaka. After his annual exam, he went to his village with his father. He observed that the life style, food habit and clothes of the village people are different from urban people. His family got invitation for Nobanno festival from a farmer's family. Adham became very excited and wanted to see how they celebrate this festival. a) What is abstract culture? 1 b) Which parts of culture is changeable? Explain 2 c) Which culture is mentioned in the above stem? Explain. 3 d) Justify the observation of Adham that people of different cultures are living together in our country in light of your text.


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

What is Abstract culture: Abstract culture is at the heart of culture. Abstract culture defines most human communication as it works from the background. Example- a basic understanding of implicit cultural embeddings that surround a certain texts and form of languages.

Which parts of culture is changeable?

Every part of culture is changeable. Languages, practices change. Culture is always changing and many factors contribute to these changes- economic development, civilization, education/enlightenment etc.

What culture is described?

Bengali culture in Bangladesh

Justify Adahm's observation that people of different cultures live together in a country

Multicultural countries are common occurrences. In fact a study has shown there is more cultural variability within countries than between countries. Cultural awareness is understanding and accepting that cultural differences and similarities exist everywhere, and being open minded to it helps one appreciate these differences.

Related Questions

which was a goal of mercantilism but not of capitalism?
A. Building up a country's reserves of gold and silver
B. Reducing the government's involvement in the economy
C. increasing a country's exports
D. Providing a larger number of middle-class jobs



Its B


B. ruducing the government’s involvement in the economy

Before World War 1 started, why do you think so many people said, “it felt like a powder
keg, ready to explode". What does this mean?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Before World War 1 started, why do you think so many people said, “it felt like a powder keg, ready to explode". This meant that the situation was so tense, so risky, that any small detail or incident could have caused the beginning of the warlike actions in the European continent.

One of the main causes of World War I is tied with the Serbian terrorist group, the Black Hand, and was the assassination of Austrian-Hungary Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife on June 28, 1914. He and his wife Sophie were in Sarajevo to oversee the Austrian troops stationed there.

During the war, the Allied Powers of France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and the US defeated the Central Powers comprised of Germany, Bulgaria, the Austria-Hungary Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.

what was the significance of the scientific revolutiontion the study of history



The Scientific Revolution laid the foundations for the Age of Enlightenment.


The Scientific Revolution led to the rise of modern science in Europe, which changed the view of seeing science with experiments. The Scientific Revolution created conditions for the emergence of the enlightenment movement in Europe. The Enlightenment philosophy stemmed from the scientific method based on dispassionate, empirical observation of a specific phenomenon to arrive at general laws.

What military advantage did the Qin have over the other northern states in battle?
horse-drawn chariots
body armor
an extensive navy




A, I've taken the test on ed


horse-drawn chariots


Write an advertisement for a home in Athens explaining why does a better location



''A better location has all the necessities and luxuries which wanted and dreamed by every person''.


''A better location has all the necessities and luxuries which wanted and dreamed by every person''. A better location is the place where the land has sufficient amount of all resources as well as beautiful scenery. Better location will be ideal location for living when it has all the necessities of life so we can conclude that a better location has all the needy materials on which the life depends.

Which early river valley civilization is marked by the letter A on the map?


Indus Valley







China is d

Indus is c

Mesopotamia is b

The letter A is egypt and D is China and C was Indus Valley B is Mesopotamia

is this true or false?​


I’m pretty sure it’s false

Which American philosophy most contributed to the "closing" of the Western frontier?



Manifest destiny


In the year 1890, the closure of the frontier was broadcasted. what this meant was that there were no apparent tracts of land that had no settlers. Manifest destiny was an idea that the United States of America was destined by God. This idea was the continuous expansion of all boundaries of the United States towards the Pacific West and past it.


Manifest Destiny


During Benito Mussolini's reign in
Italy, the nation that became his
closest ally was which of the
A. France
B. Germany
C. the U.S.


This Nation would be Germany, due to the fact that Italy joined the alliance in which Germany was apart of.

what did sulla do to recognize the government structure of rome
A he disbanded the senate
B he established an emperor
C he eliminated one of the consuls
D he removed all power from the tribunes ​



D He removed all power from the tribunes


Correct answer is D


Took the test

The First Amendment (Amendment 1) protects all of the following rights except the right to:
O practice any religion freely in the U.S.
petition the government.
speak freely about personal and political beliefs.
start a violent political protest.


All except for starting a violent political protest that’s illegal and not part of the the first amendment

The first amendment is an amendment that protects all rights but right to start a violent political protest.

What is the first amendment?

This is the rights that are granted to the citizens of the United states. The rights gives them the freedom of expression.

All of the rights have to do with the first amendment but it does not allow for people to have violent protests.

Read more on first amendment here:


Género literario de La Mancha indeleble



El cuento “La Mancha Indeleble” nos deja la lección de que en nuestras actuaciones públicas y privadas debemos hacerlo correctamente, con transparencia y honestidad, sobre todo, para aquellos funcionarios públicos que hacen un uso inadecuado e incorrecto de los recursos públicos, en desmedro del Estado dominicano.

5. Who was the Persian king who made Babylonia part of the Persian empire



I think that is Cyrus II.


Hope this helps.

Can you pleaseee help meeeeeee


The bottom right image of the novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" reminds me of the uproar caused 9 years before the war. The north and south both opinionated stances on the acceptance of the book due to its contents.

The top left shows The Liberator newspaper, a widely circulated anti-slavery newspaper that continued publishing throughout the war. It bashed the Constitution and went as far as calling it a pro-slavery document.

why malaysia has many rivers ?​


Malaysia has 189 river basins - 89 in Peninsular Malaysia, 78 in Sabah and 22 in Sarawak. All the rivers originate and flow from the highlands.

What was happening in the
world during the time of this
speech that would have made
a general fear of a nation
arming itself?
A. World War I
B. The Great Depression
C. World War II


The answer is C. World War 2

Answer: C (World War ll)

Explanation: (Acellus)

All of the following were reasons some Americans opposed the war in Vietnam
1) The draft seemed unfair because some people could get deferments
The brutality of the war was covered on television and Americans were dying
and suffering
3) Innocent civilians were being killed
4) All of the above are correct


4) All of the above are correct

Despite US Government efforts to stop media outlets from showing the brutality of the Vietnam War, many citizens opposed the actions in the war.

Mark has diabetes and needs to undergo dialysis twice a week. Dialysis purifies the blood by removing waste and excess water from the blood. Which body system does dialysis perform a function for?



excretory system


The excretory system's job is to remove waste and excess water from the blood.  Since Mark has diabetes and his body can't naturally do that, he has to undergo dialysis.  Dialysis helps the kidneys function.  And the kidneys are part of the excretory system.

Give 2 reasons why the former dictator, Batista was not popular among the Cuban people



1: Abused power.

2: Also because of increasingly rampant corruption, greed, brutality and inefficiency within the Batista government.


Why did Russia lead the Pan Slavic movement?



Pan-Slavism in the south would often turn to Russia for support. Austria feared that Pan-Slavists would endanger the empire.

Adopting the Slavophile notion that western Europe was spiritually and culturally bankrupt and that it was Russia's historic mission to rejuvenate Europe by gaining political dominance over it, the Pan-Slavists added the concept that Russia's mission could not be fulfilled without the support of other Slav peoples,,,

Question: Many historians believe that the Cold War resulted from thinking that developed within the Truman administration during the late 1940s. Develop and support a thesis that addresses this view.​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Many historians believe that the Cold War resulted from thinking that developed within the Truman administration during the late 1940s.

Yes, it makes sense to think that the Cold War resulted from thinking that developed within the Truman administration during the late 1940s.

After World War II, Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin was not satisfied with the agreements that resulted from the Yalta Conference. This initiated a series of conflicts and differences with the United States. Both powerful countries aspired to influence and control the world.

The Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, and the Watergate scandal were all key events that took place during the Cold War era. These events had the most significant impact on the United States society and policy because they caused the United States government to make decisions and implement changes in the internal policy as well as the foreign policy to try to contain the advancements and movements of the Soviet Union.

During the Cold War years, the United States and the Soviet Union competed almost in everything, basically in the arms race, the space race, and the spread or containment of Communism, respectively. These caused too many problems and tension not only between the two but to all the countries. Let's just remember that during the Cuban Missiles Crisis of October 1962, the world was on the brink of another major war.

What is one of the defining characteristics of the modern era?


Answer: In the west, the definining feature of the modern era is the development of all forces of modernity, i.e., science, reason, democracy, liberty and equality. Medieval is in fact a term that is used to describe a societal period that lacked all these features.
The modern era is closely associated with the development of individualism, capitalism, urbanization and a belief in the possibilities of technological and political progress.

6. Who did the colonists believe should make the laws for the colonies?
7. Whom did the Second Continental Congress name as leader of the Continental Army?
8. Why was Thomas Jefferson chosen to write the Declaration of Independence?
9. Who was the young Frenchman who helped the American army?
10. How does the flag change when a new state is added?
11. What do the thirteen stripes on our flag represent?
12. Who was the American spy executed by the British?


The Declaration of Independence of the United States of Americab (official title is The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America) a is a document drawn up by the Second Continental Congress - in the Pennsylvania State House (now Independence Hall) in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776 - which proclaimed that the Thirteen North American Coloniesc - then at war with the Kingdom of Great Britain - defined themselves as thirteen new sovereign and independent states and no longer recognized British rule; 11 instead they formed a new nation: the United States. John Adams was one of the politicians who undertook the independence process, approved on July 2 by the full Congress without opposition. A committee was in charge of writing the formal declaration, which was presented when Congress voted on it two days later.

Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration.

Adams persuaded the committee to entrust Thomas Jefferson with the task of leading the writing of the original draft of the document, 12 which Congress edited to produce the final version. The Declaration was primarily a formal explanation of why Congress severed its political ties with Britain on July 2, more than a year after the outbreak of the American Revolution. The next day Adams wrote to his wife Abigail: "The second day of July 1776 will be the most memorable time in the history of America."


On July 4 - after ratifying the text - Congress released the Declaration in various forms. It was initially published in John Dunlap's flyer, 14 which was widely distributed and read to the public. The original copy used for this print has been lost and may have been in the possession of Jefferson.15 The original draft with Adams and Benjamin Franklin's corrections and Jefferson's additional notes on the changes made by Congress is preserved in the Library of Congress. The best-known version of the Declaration - a signed copy popularly regarded as the official document - is on display at the National Archives in Washington DC This handwritten copy was requested by Congress on July 19 and signed on August 2.


The Consumer Protection Act was passed in ?



On July 15, the Senate passed the Act, 60–39. President Obama signed the bill into law on July 21, 2010.



On July 15, the Senate passed the Act, 60–39. President Obama signed the bill into law on July 21, 2010.


What decision did David make to make just prior to the beginning of the civil war



surrender Southern forces or face annihilation attack the Northern city of Washington, D.C. fire on Fort Sumter or let it be replenished stop acts of secession or be impeached.



C.)fire on Fort Sumter or let it be replenished

Union forces surrender at Fort Sumter

decision which Davis made to make just prior to the beginning of the Civil War was to C.)fire on Fort Sumter or let it be replenished. The situation around Fort Sumter increasingly began to resemble a siege and eventually Confederate gained victory

After a 33-hour bombardment by Confederate cannons, Union forces surrender Fort Sumter in South Carolina's Charleston Harbor. The first engagement of the war ended in Rebel victory. The surrender concluded a standoff that began with South Carolina's secession from the Union on December 20, 1860.

HISTORY channel

What did FDR accuse big business owners of doing


They did not think that the conflicts in Europe and Asia were going to develop into a war.


sabotaging the economy


Match the following
the act of securing information
1. convoy
about an enemy
drawn out or extended for a long
2. protracted
a group of unarmed ships guarded
by destroyers and battleships
3. reconnaissance



Convoy: A group of unarmed ships guarded  by destroyers and battleships

Protracted: Drawn out or extended for a long

Reconnaissance: The act of securing information

4 complete sentences about the painting A Centennial Independence


A Centennial Independence is an ancient painting created by Henri Rousseau.It is a joyful painting with dancers, musicians etc.The painting is based on a french dance.Henri Rousseau took the inspiration for his painting from a french magazine but added elements like waving banners and liberty poles etc.

Por que los egipcios dividieron sus etapas en Imperio Antiguo, Medio y Nuevo?




porque sus creencias y leyes del antiguo cambiaronpor otra mas aceptable

Which of the following was the time of
attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan
because they knew the U.S. would not
be in a position to fight back?
A. Sunday morning
B. Friday night
C. Saturday evening




sunday morning



A.Sunday morning


Because those are to plan and to make sense .of what they are doing better

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