Advantage of natural classification of plant and animal?


Answer 1


The natural advantage of plant is given bellow:

• it gives us oxygen.

• it gives us firewood and timber.

• it also gives us medicine.

The natural advantages of animal is given bellow:

• it gives meat.

• it gives us eggs.

• it helps to carry loads.

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do you think that giving a person oxygen would be effective treatment ? answer right now



It depends on the case, there is not enough information given to fully answer this question do to not knowing the patients symptoms and our what they have, but if the question is asking will giving oxygen to sustain the patients airflow and they have an open airway, then yes it would be an effective help but not full treatment.



When glycogen is formed from monosaccharides, it occurs by a process called hydrolysis.





yes its true. it occurs by a process called hydrolysis

The formation of glycogen from monosaccharides happens through the process of dehydration. So the statement is false.

What is the process of glycogen formation?

The process of formation of glycogen is called glycogenesis. Glycogen is the storage form of glucose, a primary carbohydrate in the liver and the muscle cells of animals

The process of Glycogenesis happens when the levels of glucose in the blood are high enough to allow the excess glucose to be stored.

The process of glycogenesis is stimulated by the insulin hormone. It helps the muscle cells to uptake glucose into themselves. Insulin is not required for the transport of glucose into the liver cells.

However, insulin has very important effects on the metabolism of glucose inside the liver cells. Insulates stimulates the process of glycogenesis and inhibit the process of glycogenolysis, which is the breakdown of glycogen into glucose.

Therefore the statement is false.

Read more about glycogen, here


What prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms best explains why salamanders that mate in May do not successfully mate with salamanders that mate in July?



If the inter breeding absent between the individual of different species due to some barrier or mechanism calles reproductive isolation.

Most chemical reactions within cells do not occur spontaneously. Instead, they need a catalyst to get them started. Why do you think this is so?​



A catalyst is a chemical involved in, but not changed by, a chemical reaction. Many enzymes function by lowering the activation energy of reactions. By bringing the reactants closer together, chemical bonds may be weakened and reactions will proceed faster than without the catalyst.

where y chromosomes go if all children are female​



All males have a Y chromosome, and females do not

A hypothesis is a plausible explanation for a particular fact, observation, or process. Write a hypothesis about how the various concentrations of acid will affect the amount of limestone that is dissolved from each jar.


The hypothesis will state as follows: IF the concentration of acid increases, THEN, the amount of limestone dissolved will also increase.


A hypothesis is a crucial part of the scientific method. It is a testable explanation of an observation or a proposed answer to a scientific question.

A hypothesis, which must be testable via experimentation, can either be accepted or rejected depending on the outcome of the experiment.

A hypothesis is an IF, THEN statement that must include the independent and dependent variables of the experiment i.e. it must show how the dependent variable (effect) is affected by the independent variable (cause).  

In this case regarding the dissolution of limestone with respect to different concentrations of acid, a possible hypothesis will state as follows:

"IF the concentration of acid increases, THEN, the amount of limestone dissolved will also increase".

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The hypothesis will state as follows: IF the concentration of acid increases, THEN, the amount of limestone dissolved will also increase.


A hypothesis is a crucial part of the scientific method. It is a testable explanation of an observation or a proposed answer to a scientific question.

A hypothesis, which must be testable via experimentation, can either be accepted or rejected depending on the outcome of the experiment.

A hypothesis is an IF, THEN statement that must include the independent and dependent variables of the experiment i.e. it must show how the dependent variable (effect) is affected by the independent variable (cause).  

In this case regarding the dissolution of limestone with respect to different concentrations of acid, a possible hypothesis will state as follows:

"IF the concentration of acid increases, THEN, the amount of limestone dissolved will also increase".

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credit - the guy above me

What is photosynthesis ​



The process by which green plants and some other organisms in the presence of sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water is called photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's metabolic activities.




c ,this the correct answer cytoplasm ,cytoplasm a.nucles ,plasma membrane

What is the division of type based on?



There are two types of cell division: mitosis and meiosis. Most of the time when people refer to “cell division,” they mean mitosis, the process of making new body cells. Meiosis is the type of cell division that creates egg and sperm cells. Mitosis is a fundamental process for life.


A well designed experiment includes an experimental group and a control group.

True or false





A good experiment needs the control group to see what the base is and an experimental group to be tested.

hope this helps. . . <3

Do you think a charger would be a good example for mitochondria?



not really because mitochondria break down and convert material into energy. a charger just resembles pulling energy from a bigger source.


You can trust scientific information from advertisers because they are selling a product.

True or false?


False. Advertisers are not a good course of scientific information because they are a biased source. Since their goal is to sell, you cannot trust the information they supply.
The correct answer is false.

The advertisers goal is to sell whatever product they are selling, so they will say anything that will persuade the audience to buy it and not all of the information whether it’s scientific or not, can’t always be trusted.

I need help really badly


Answer: esay



The process by which plants produce food is known as photosynthesis. This process requires sunlight, carbon dioxide, chlorophyll and ……………..

A) Sodium B) Potassium C) Water D) Oxygen


I think the answer is water


Option C. Water is the correct choice here.


Photosynthesis is the change of water and CO2 to glucose in the presence of chlorophyll and sunlight.

what does erythropoietin do



Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hormone produced primarily by the kidneys, with small amounts made by the liver. EPO plays a key role in the production of red blood cells (RBCs), which carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. This test measures the amount of erythropoietin in the blood 2020


Condition present: EPO level

Polycythemia: Normal or low

Anemia: High

Why do you blink

This is what it looks like when you blink with your eyes and mouth







Which approach is most directly concerned with assessing the relative contributions of heredity and experience to personality development?
a. biological
b. cognitive
c. biopsychosocial
d. psychodynamic


The biopsychosocial approach is most directly concerned with assessing the relative contributions of heredity and experience to personality development (Option C)

The Biopsychosocial Approach is an interdisciplinary model which was first developed by George Engel and Jon Romano (1977).

The biopsychosocial approach is a type of model that recognizes biological (inheritance), psychological, and social (environmental) factors as well as the interactions among these factors to understand the health and illness state of an individual.

Social factors include economical, environmental, and cultural factors (e.g. work concerns and family issues).

Biological factors include both genetic and biochemical factors.

According to this approach, both mind and body determine the health of the subject.

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The ear is on the blank surface of the head



The ear is on the blank surface of the head is the most superier


3 ways of transporting carbon dioxide in blood​


Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood in three ways: 1) dissolved in solution 2) bound to proteins 3) buffered with water

Ricky recently moved from a quiet rural area into a more chaotic urban location for work. He has been struggling to sleep due to the loud noise of police sirens at night, but has noticed that the sirens have been disturbing his sleep less as he gets used to the noise. Which of the following terms best describes what Ricky is experiencing?
a. Sensitization
b. Habituation
c. Operant conditioning
d. Extinction





Ricky has been struggling to sleep due to the loud noise of police sirens at night, but has noticed that the sirens have been disturbing his sleep less as he gets used to the noise. Ricky is experiencing habituation.

What is habituation?

habituation is a type of response where complete elimination of a particular response or  zero frequency of occurrence occur.

If the stimulus continues  for an additional number of trials, although no changes occur but  the response will exhibit lower levels of recovery.

Habituation is a non-associative learning in which an automatic decrease in the intensity of a response occur which is repetitive, weak stimulus, without serious consequences, for example, ignoring stimuli

Habituation defines as  the fading of the response over the course of monotonous stimulation, and sensitization refers to processes of increased response.

For more details regarding habituation, visit


Ways in which biology, technology, and society are connected?


Biology and technology are connected in many ways and virtually everything will eventually affect society in some way or another. The technological advances of biology are currently having a massive effect on society due to the length of people's lives increasing. It is now common for people to live well into their 80's and 90's which is mainly due to new medications and treatments that can prevent and cure disease and infection. Most of the elderly will have a concoction of medications it is necessary for them to take on a daily basis in order for them to live happy and fulfilling lives. 50 years ago this would not have been available and they would have died much younger.

Technology and biology
The Technological advancement towards a cure for cancer seems to be getting closer every day. More and more people are now surviving cancer which was previously such a massive killer in people of all ages. Immunization is now available for every single person in developed countries so diseases are less common. Sanitation is now much better so illnesses that were previously caused by ill health, dirt and germs are now much lower because we are not exposed to such things on a daily basis.

This is all fantastic news as it living longer is something that virtually everyone wants.

Advancements and society
We want to get the most out of our lives and live a long and fulfilling life. But many countries are now struggling to cope with the increase in elderly people who need help and support from the government in order to survive. Many elderly people need people to care for them or do not have enough money to live and no way of working to provide themselves with an income. Pension plans, hospital care and home nursing care must be provided for the people who cannot afford it themselves and this is a massive drain on the economy and has a knock on effect to society and effects us all.

At Geometry Inc. Susy works 8 hours and gets paid $96. How much would Tony get pay if
he works 12 hours?


Susy got $144 have a good day

Explain why a relatively large forest can only support a
small number of wolves.





It's not necessarily that a large forest can only have a small population of wolves because a larger population will not affect the ecosystem that much but it just depends on the area. One forest may have more prey than others which the wolves rely to eat and stay healthy.  So yes it would be preferred to have a smaller population but again, it doesn't hurt to have a large one either. The main problem with having a larger population of wolves can be one of two issues;

To many wolves to feed with less prey.To many wolves are going to want to fight for being the alpha in the pack.

Best of Luck!

Where did abiogenesis take place


Answer: Hi, There! Your Answer is Below :)

as deep below Earth's surface


More Information below!

abiogenesis is the theory that life came from non living matter. Cell theory says that life comes from life or more correctly cells come from other cells. abiogenesis says that cell theory is wrong and that at some time in the distance past cells came into being by accidental random natural causes.



What does science tell us


it helps us to answer important questions through experiments and observation and understand how everything in the natural world works

Is this a good problem/observation?


Yes, but maybe limit your experiment to a certain type of plant. Because you’re changing the type of plant and the frequency it may interfere. So maybe put only one specific type of plant- so maybe say something like “I want to observe whether my wild flowers grow faster depending on the frequency I water them- once a day in comparison to once every two days, or a week.”

Animals are also victons of inhumane Forming methods. Explain the three ways how they get affected ​


Cattle’s are fattened up and kept in horrible living conditions. Chickens often have half their beak removed because of the crowded living conditions. Pigs are kept in such horrible living conditions that they’re already dying before getting slaughtered.


Chickens are kept in such crowed condition that half of their beaks are removed lest they peck each other to death. Cattle are fattened up in feedlots where they are kept in crowed and filthy conditions; often their feet are rotting before they get to slaughter. Pigs too are kept overcrowded and in cages. Factory farming is NOT your grandfather’s farming methods, and those of us who object to it are not sentimental fools, as one writer here would have you believe. The animals are really abused. They are so crowded many of them would die if they were not routinely given antibiotics in their food, which why we have so many antibiotic resistant bacteria these days. Not every farmer keeps animals this way. If you like eating meat, milk, and eggs, it is possible to find them raised in healthy, humane, and sustainable ways. The products will be more expensive, but are usually tastier and of better quality. The worst abusers are surprise the big corporations pushing for profit at any cost.

Which of the following statements about eukaryotic RNA is true?
O -A small cap of extra nucleotides is added to both ends of the RNA.
O -The modified RNA molecule is transported into the nucleus.

-Exons are spliced together.

-Introns are not transcribed from DNA to RNA.



A small cap of extra nucleotides is added to both ends of the RNA

Hope you like it

Thank you ❤️

The statement 'exons are spliced together' is TRUE. The exons are the coding regions of genes.

RNA splicing is a eukaryotic mechanism by which non-coding sequences of genes called 'introns' are removed from the precursor messenger RNA (pre-mRNA), whereas protein-coding sequences called 'exons' are spliced together.

These gene coding sequences (exons) are spliced together by a macromolecular complex known as the spliceosome.

In consequence, a pre-mRNA is converted into a mature mRNA, which is subsequently used for protein synthesis.

In conclusion, the statement 'exons are spliced together' is TRUE.

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Carbohydrates stored in the liver are in the form of starch.





It is false. carbohydrates are stored in form of glycogen.

Chemosynthesis is the main source of
energy capture
A. where light energy is not available.
B. in oxygen-rich environments.
C. when water has a pH of 7.


Answer: the answer would be a

Explanation: because I had the same question too on acellus and got a right

Photosynthesis makes use of light energy while chemosynthesis is the main source of energy capture where light energy is not available.

What is photosynthesis?

It is defined as a process by which plants and other photosynthetic organisms convert the light energy in to chemical energy  through the process of cellular respiration.

Some of the energy which is converted  is stored in molecules of carbohydrates like sugar and starches  which are made up of from carbon dioxide and water . Photosynthetic organisms which can perform photosynthesis  are algae and cyanobacteria. Photosynthesis is largely responsible for producing and maintaining the content of oxygen in earth's atmosphere.

The process begins with proteins absorbing light energy  which are called reaction centers and contain a green pigment which is called chlorophyll . In plants ,these pigments are present inside organelles called chloroplasts while in bacteria they are present in plasma membrane.

Learn more about photosynthesis,here:


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