After making a fortune in this industry, the Welser family was briefly granted colonial rights to Venezuela by Charles V. During the 15th century, several colonies in the Black Sea were governed by a Genoan firm in this industry named after Saint George. An early variation of this industry emerged when the Knights Templar began issuing special letters to pilgrims. In the 16th century, Europe's copper trade was monopolized by a member of this industry named Jakob (YAH-kop) the (*)


Answer 1

After making a fortune in this industry, the Welser family was briefly granted colonial rights to Venezuela by Charles V. During the 15th century, economy was centered on gold mining and livestock farming. The relatively small number of colonists employed

Pilgrim Venezuela's essential worth to Spain was geographic: its long Caribbean shore gave security from unfamiliar adversaries and privateers for the Spanish bullion armada during its yearly process between Portobelo, in present-day Panama, and Cuba.

I would agree that the spread of a majority rules system prompted the modern upset since it empowered everybody to begin their organizations, subsequently laying out a free enterprise society whose economy was represented by industrialists. since it empowered everybody to begin their own organizations, consequently laying out a free enterprise society whose economy was represented by industrialists.

Learn more about fortune:


Related Questions

when charles darwin introduced the concept of natural selection, he began by describing a commonly accepted example of species adaptation over time. his example was....


Individuals who possess adaptive features (traits that provide them an advantage) are more likely to live and reproduce. These people then pass on their adaptive qualities to their descendants. These beneficial features become more widespread in the population over time.

The overall notion of evolution was quickly accepted as a result of debate over Darwin's work, but the specific mechanism he proposed, natural selection, was not widely accepted until it was revitalized by biological advancements from the 1920s to the 1940s.

The term "electronic commerce" refers to the sale of electronic goods. He proposed the theory of natural selection for evolution and demonstrated that all existing species of creatures descended from a common ancestor.

Learn more about to Darwin's visit here;


You have read two informational texts describing the Great Chicago Fire: “What (or Who) Caused the Great Chicago Fire” and “Great Cities of the United States.” Write a short narrative (a few paragraphs) about the Great Chicago Fire from the perspective of a Chicago firefighter. You must include details from both informational texts to support your ideas and add interest to your narrative.




who is china 1st president?



Chiang Kai-shek



Sun Yat-sen 孫中山 was China's first president.

BRAINLIEST!! Which of the following most distinguished World War I as a "total war"?

A. The use of wartime propaganda
B. The use of the draft
C. The secret postwar plans of the major players
D. The extraordinary demand and impact on civilians





D. The extraordinary demand and impact on civilians. World War I was a total war in the sense that it involved the mobilization of entire populations, including civilians, and had a profound impact on the civilian population. The use of wartime propaganda, the use of the draft, and the secret postwar plans of the major players were all factors in the war, but they do not necessarily distinguish it as a total war.


D. The extraordinary demand and impact on civilians


Got this right on the FLVS Module 7 test!

Good luck, everyone.

PS: Study well.

canadian-american reciprocity treaty buchanan-pakenham treaty hay-herbert treaty convention of 1818 webster-ashburton treaty. t/f



All the treaties listed were actual treaties signed by the United States and Canada (or Britain, which was ruling Canada at the time).

In 1854, Canada and the United States signed a treaty of mutual benefit, allowing free trade between the two countries. The Buchanan-Pakenham Treaty, also known as the Treaty of Oregon, was signed in 1846 and established the border between the United States and Canada along the 49th parallel. The Hey Herbert Treaty, also known as the Alaska Boundary Treaty, was signed in 1903 to settle border disputes between Alaska and Canada.

The Treaty of 1818 was signed in 1818 and defined the boundary between the United States and Canada along the 49th parallel west of the Lake of the Woods. The Webster-Ashburton Treaty, also known as the Treaty of Washington, was signed in 1842 and settled many disputes between the United States and Great Britain, including the border between the United States and Canada.

Read more about this on


"My purpose was
to see if the shameful facts, spread out in all their shame, would not burn through our civic
shamelessness and set fire to American pride."

According to Steffens, what was the purpose of muckraking journalism?

• to encourage people to buy fewer newspapers
O to encourage people to become muckraking journalists themselves
• to encourage people to rise up against their government
O to encourage people to take action against widespread corruption



to" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.

The first tax cut designed to stimulate the economy and promote full employment was enacted byPresident ______.a.Lyndon B. Johnsonc.Franklin D. Rooseveltb.


The correct option is D; Roosevelt , During the majority of the Great Depression, Roosevelt led the federal government, executing his New Deal domestic agenda in response to the worst economic catastrophe in American history.

He established the New Deal Coalition, which characterized modern liberalism in the United States for the next three decades.

In principle, the First New Deal sought to stabilize the United States' financial system, offer assistance and employment to the poor, and reenergize America's capitalist economy.

He attempted to attain this last goal by forging alliances between industry and government in order to resuscitate industrial production.

Learn more about to Roosevelt  visit here;


The _____ quickly developed a distinctive Romanesque architecture style that became the major source of French Gothic architecture.
Group of answer choices






The Normans quickly developed a distinctive Romanesque architecture style that became the major source of French Gothic architecture.

Who were Normans?

The Norse Viking settlers mixed with the local West Franks and Gallo-Romans to become the Normans, a population that emerged in the medieval Duchy of Normandy.

The phrase is also used to refer to emigrants from the duchy who conquered nations like Sicily and England.

The Norse settlements in West France came after a series of invasions, mostly from Denmark but also from Norway and Sweden, on the French northern shore.

Following the siege of Chartres in 911, Rollo, a Scandinavian Viking leader, decided to swear fealty to King Charles III of West Francia, giving these settlements their final stamp of approval.

In the first part of the 10th century, the mingling in Normandy led to the emergence of an ethnic and cultural "Norman" identity.

Learn more about Normans, here


The entry of the United States into World War I in April 1917:
a. gave the nearly-defeated Allied Powers a psychological boost.
b. was greatly feared by the German naval staff.
c. was a response to Turkey's entrance into the war on the side of the Central Powers.
d. put an end to Germany's use of unlimited submarine warfare.
e. was an attempt to keep Russia in the war after the February Revolution.


The entry of the United States into World War I in April 1917 because to declare war on Germany to put an end to Germany's use of unlimited submarine warfare.

In Europe when more than two and half years of World war I passed then U.S. entered in first world war for their benefits and entry of U.S. was the turning point for the first world war. Because it evetually defeated the Germany possible. Germany destroyed  many Americans merchant ship around the British Isles which makes the sense for the U.S to entered into the World War I

U.S. troops played a major role to determined the outcome of european battlefields in time to deliver the support on most of the fronts and considerably the war ended sooner.

Learn more about World War I click the link here:


2._____________This mountain range forms a natural boundary between France and Spain.



The Pyrenees Mountains.


The border between France and Spain is formed by the Pyrenees Mountains.

the excerpt could best be used by historians studying the resistance against the expansion of united states influence


Option (d) is correct. The excerpt could best be used by historians studying the resistance against the expansion of United States influence.

A historian is a person who studies and writes about the past and is regarded as an authority on it. Historians are concerned with the continuous, methodical narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race; as well as the study of all history in time.

Some historians are recognized by publications or training and experience. "Historian" became a professional occupation in the late nineteenth century as research universities were emerging in Germany and elsewhere.

The excerpt could best be used by historians studying the resistance against the expansion of United States influence. Historians devote their careers to studying notable past events, such as military conflicts, political milestones, and social movements. These professionals work in universities and other educational settings, as well as for the various public, private and nonprofit organizations.

To know more about Historians visit:


Complete question: The excerpt could best be used by historians studying the

A. origins of the Second Great Awakening

B. effects of the market revolution on family roles

C. colonization of eastern North America by English settlers

D. resistance against the expansion of United States influence

How did the government try to influence citizens views of paying income tax? Would this have worked for you?


The government campaigns aim to shape public opinion positively, individuals may have diverse beliefs and attitudes towards income tax based on their values, experiences, and perceptions of government practices.

The government has used various methods to influence citizens' views of paying income tax over the years.

One common approach is to highlight the importance of taxes in funding essential public services and government programs.

They may emphasize how tax revenues support education, healthcare, infrastructure development, and social welfare initiatives.

By framing income tax as a means of contributing to the greater good and the well-being of society, the government aims to garner support and acceptance from citizens.

Another strategy is to promote a sense of civic duty and patriotism. Government campaigns may appeal to citizens' sense of responsibility as contributing members of society, urging them to pay their fair share to support the nation's progress and prosperity.

Such campaigns may highlight the sacrifices made by past generations and the role of taxes in upholding democratic values and the country's stability.

The government also utilizes communication channels and public relations efforts to disseminate information about tax benefits and incentives.

Tax credits, deductions, and exemptions may be promoted to show how citizens can reduce their tax burden legally and gain financial advantages.

Whether these strategies would work for an individual depends on various factors.

Some citizens may be more receptive to the idea of paying taxes as a civic duty and contributing to the greater good, while others might be motivated by the potential benefits and incentives offered.

Personal financial situations, perceptions of government transparency and efficiency, and trust in the government's use of tax revenues can also influence one's views on income tax.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of these approaches varies from person to person.

For similar questions on income tax


Which statements about subjective ideas are true? Choose three answers.


The statements about subjective ideas that are true are:

(B) They cannot be supported with facts.  

(C) They are based on opinions.  

(E) They use only evidence that supports the idea.

What is a subjective thinking?

Subjective thinking is entirely determined by a person's views, which may or may not correspond to those of other people. Subjective thinking may ignore the truth in order to support one's own beliefs. Subjective thoughts are those that are based on individual opinions or beliefs about a person.

The individual's personal views and preferences have an impact on these notions. Since no fact can substantiate them, they cannot be considered universal truths. They contrast with objective thoughts, which are factual notions that may be demonstrated to be true or wrong. These are not beliefs.

Since they are not universal truths, statements B, C, and E that they are not supported by facts and merely use evidence to support the idea are true.

Learn more about subjective ideas from

See full question below

Which statements about subjective ideas are true? Check all that apply. They can be proven with facts. They cannot be supported with facts. They are based on opinions. They recognize all relevant evidence of an idea. They use only evidence that supports the idea

The Lion and the Mouse
Once when a Lion was asleep, a Mouse began running up and down upon him. This soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon the Mouse, and opened his big jaws to swallow the little creature. “Pardon, O Great Lion,” cried the little Mouse, “Forgive me this time, and I shall never forget it. Who knows? I may be able to do you a good turn one day.” The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him that he lifted his paw and let him go.

Sometime later, the Lion was caught in a hunters’ trap. The hunters, who wanted to bring the Lion alive to the king, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him. Just then, the Mouse happened to pass by. Seeing the sad plight of the Lion, the Mouse went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the mighty animal. “Was I not right?” asked the little Mouse.

1. List the characters in the fable.

Start typing here...
2. Summarize the plot.

Start typing here...
3. What moral lesson do you think this fable is trying to teach?

Start typing here...
4. Do you think this kind of storytelling is effective? Why or why not?

Start typing here...


1. The characters in the fable are the Lion and the Mouse.

2. The plot of the fable is as follows: The Lion is asleep when the Mouse starts running up and down on him. The Lion wakes up and catches the Mouse, but the Mouse begs for mercy and says that he may be able to help the Lion one day. The Lion is amused by this and lets the Mouse go. Later, the Lion is caught in a trap set by hunters, and the Mouse happens to pass by and sees the Lion's predicament. The Mouse gnaws through the ropes that bind the Lion and frees him.

3. The moral lesson of the fable is that one should be kind to others, even if they are weaker or seemingly insignificant, because they may be able to help you in the future.

4. This kind of storytelling, using animals as characters and conveying a moral lesson, is often effective because it is easy to understand and remember. The use of animals as characters allows for the story to be more relatable and the use of a moral lesson helps the reader to apply the story to their own lives. Additionally, the use of an interesting and engaging plot helps to keep the reader's attention and make the story more memorable.

how is the judiciary branch checked by other branches


The legislative branch's Senate certifies the President's nominations for judicial positions, but the judicial branch interprets laws. Congress has the power to impeach any of these judges and have them removed from their seats.

How is the judiciary branch checked by Congress?

The Court's authority can be curtailed by Congress through legislation that modifies the Court's jurisdiction, alters the consequences of a Court judgment after it has been rendered, or amends the Constitution as it relates to the Court.

What is the best way for the judicial branch to "check up" on the other branches?

The judicial branch has the authority to deem laws passed by the legislative and executive branches to be unlawful.

To know more about judicial visit:


1 . holistic
began training ethnographers
2 . branislaw malinowski
study every aspect of culture
3 . ethnocentrism
evaluating a culture from the native's point of view
4 . culturally relative
comparing things among various societies
5 . noble savage
believing one's own culture is superior to others
6 . comparative method
seeing a primitive culture as superior to one's own


1 . Holistic - study every aspect of culture.

2 . Branislaw Malinowski - began education ethnographers

three . Ethnocentrism - believing one's personal way of life is advanced to others

4 . Culturally relative - evaluating a subculture from the local's point of view

five . Noble savage - seeing a primitive subculture as advanced to one's own

6 . Comparative method - comparing things among numerous societies

way of life is precise to a people. it's far their manner of existence and is probably shaped by positive environmental and ideological elements.

lifestyle may be visible within the manner people get dressed, the shape of food they eat, how they worship, their morality and values. it is interesting to observe the tradition of others.

while someone gets to a brand new surroundings, they may ought to investigate the cultures of others to adapt.

Conclusively, lifestyle is the humans's way of existence.

Learn more about cultures here:


Due to industrialization, many industries experienced growth rates of over ______ within a few years during the nineteenth century.


Due to industrialization, many industries experienced growth rates of over 50% within a few years during the nineteenth century.

What impact did industrialization have on the world economy in the 19th century?

The Industrial Revolution transformed an economy based on agriculture and handicrafts into an economy based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and a factory system. New machines, new sources of energy, and new ways of organizing work have increased the productivity and efficiency of existing industries.

What is industrialization and how did it affect America in the late 19th century?

The Industrial Revolution caused rapid urbanization in America, with people moving from the countryside to the big cities in droves. In 1800, only 6% of the American population lived in cities, but by 1900 that number had increased to 40%.By 1920, the majority of Americans lived in cities.

Learn more about industrialisation:


Which of these is not included in the First Amendment?
A. Freedom to vote
B. Freedom of speech
C. Freedom of religion
D. Freedom to assemble


Answer: Freedom to vote

Explanation not included.

Write a comprehensive note on Songhai empire.​


The Songhai Empire was a West African state that flourished in the 15th and 16th centuries. It was located in what is now modern-day Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso, and it controlled a vast territory that extended from the Atlantic coast to the Niger River. The Songhai Empire was founded by the Sonni dynasty, which came to power in the 14th century and established its capital at Gao, a city located on the Niger River.

During the 15th and 16th centuries, the Songhai Empire reached its peak of power and prosperity under the leadership of three great rulers: Sonni Ali, Askia Muhammad, and Askia Dawud. Sonni Ali, who ruled from 1464 to 1492, was a brilliant military strategist who expanded the empire's territory through a series of successful wars. He also made Gao a center of trade and learning, attracting scholars from across West Africa.

Askia Muhammad, who ruled from 1493 to 1528, was known for his religious tolerance and his efforts to centralize the government. He also promoted the spread of Islam throughout the empire, establishing schools and mosques throughout the region.

Askia Dawud, who ruled from 1549 to 1582, was a patron of the arts and sciences and made Gao a center of scholarship and learning. He also established a system of government that was based on Islamic law, which ensured that justice was administered fairly and evenly throughout the empire.

The Songhai Empire was a major economic power in West Africa, and it played a key role in the trans-Saharan trade that linked West Africa to North Africa and the Mediterranean. The empire's wealth was based on trade in gold, salt, and other valuable commodities, and it was also known for its sophisticated system of government and its cultural achievements.

However, the Songhai Empire eventually declined and collapsed in the late 16th century due to internal conflict and external pressure from European powers. Despite its decline, the Songhai Empire left a lasting legacy in West Africa and continues to be remembered as one of the greatest empires in African history.

Learn more from here:

what is the purose of NATO​


Answer: Its purpose was to secure peace in Europe, to promote cooperation among its members and to guard their freedom – all of this in the context of countering the threat posed at the time by the Soviet Union. The Alliance's founding treaty was signed in Washington in 1949 by a dozen European and North American countries.

1815. Napoleon met his final defeat ; Island of Elba. Napoleon died on this island ; Charles X · The July revolution forced this king to flee to England ; Consulate.


Napolean met his final defeat in 1815 and he was died on Island of Elba. Charles X ensured to the July revolution that was forced to the king to flee to England.

Napolean was a French military Commander and also good political leader. He played major role in the French Revolution in 1789-99 and served as a first consul and also the first empror of France.

Napolean was so genius because he controlled every detail of the battlefield with an attack based formula playing against the enemy's weakness. Naploean was Defeated by the Duke of Wellington and also the end of Napolean era from European history.

Learn more about Napolean click the link here:


Salena had some hats and bought 15 more. After sold one third of the hats, she now has
30 hats. With how many did she begin?



To solve this problem, we need to use the information given to set up and solve a system of equations.

First, let's define a variable to represent the number of hats that Salena had originally. Let's call this number "h".

Next, we can set up the first equation based on the information that Salena bought 15 more hats:

h + 15 = 30

Next, we can set up the second equation based on the information that Salena sold one third of the hats:

h / 3 = 30

Finally, we can solve the system of equations by substituting the second equation into the first equation and solving for h:

h + 15 = 30

(h / 3) + 15 = 30

h + (h / 3) + 15 = 30

4h / 3 + 15 = 30

4h + 45 = 90

4h = 45

h = 45 / 4

h = 11.25

Therefore, Salena had 11.25 hats originally.


Selena began with 45 hats.

Let X be the number of hats Salena had originally.

After Salena bought 15 more hats, she had X + 15 hats.

After Salena sold one-third of the hats, she was left with (X + 15) - (1/3)X = 30 hats.

Solving for X gives:

X = 45 hats

Salena had originally 45 hats.

frances perkins, the first woman to be appointed to a presidential cabinet position, played a large role in establishing


Frances Perkins, the first woman to be appointed to a presidential Cabinet position, played a large role in establishing social security.

Frances Perkins was an American workers-rights advocate who served as the 4th United States secretary of labor from 1933 to 1945, the longest serving in that position. A member of the Democratic Party, Perkins was the first woman ever to serve in a presidential cabinet. As a loyal supporter of her longtime friend, President Franklin D.

Roosevelt, she helped make labor issues important in the emerging New Deal coalition. She was one of two Roosevelt cabinet members to remain in office for his entire presidency. Her most important role came in developing a policy for social security in 1935. She also helped form government policy for working with labor unions, although the union leaders distrusted her.

Her Labor Department helped to mediate strikes by way of the United States Conciliation Service. Perkins dealt with many labor questions during World War II, when skilled labor was vital to the economy and women were moving into jobs formerly held by men.

To know more about Frances Perkins visit:


president nixon claimed that he had the right to protect the privacy of conversations, which led to a constitutional conflict over taping phone conver


The correct option is A ;  PUCL case , The Representation of People Act of 1951, according to the People's Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL), infringed the right to freedom of speech since it did not sufficiently preserve secrecy while recognising the choice to not vote.

In order to protect the national interest and retain the confidentiality of discussions inside the executive branch, Nixon claimed that the idea of executive privilege allowed him the authority to withhold sensitive material, such as the tapes, from other government branches.

The Nixon White House recording system's history Haldeman, Nixon ordered the system to be taken down, but in his first two years in office,

he came to the opinion that audio recordings were the only way to guarantee a complete and accurate account of discussions and conclusions (after attempting alternative methods).

President Nixon invoked executive privilege, claiming the authority to maintain the confidentiality of discussions, resulting in a constitutional disagreement over...

Learn more about to President Nixon visit here;


Full Question ;

president nixon claimed that he had the right to protect the privacy of conversations, which led to a constitutional conflict over taping phone conver

A PUCL case

B LED Cover

C Starlight Cover

D Mood light LED

The development of trench warfare in France was characterized by:
a. quick advances and seizures of enemy trenches.
b. fewer casualties due to thick fortifications.
c. long periods of boredom broken by artillery barrages and frontal assaults by enemy troops.
d. high morale and assurance of victory among the troops, whose use of modern weapons reduced casualty rates.
e. fraternization between the opposing armies.


Option (c) is correct. The development of trench warfare in France was characterized by long periods of boredom broken by artillery barrages and frontal assaults by enemy troops.

Trench warfare is a type of land warfare using occupied lines largely comprising military trenches, in which troops are well-protected from the enemy's small arms fire and are substantially sheltered from artillery. Trench warfare became archetypically associated with World War I (1914–1918), when the Race to the Sea rapidly expanded trench use on the Western Front starting in September 1914.

Trench warfare proliferated when a revolution in firepower was not matched by similar advances in mobility, resulting in a grueling form of warfare in which the defender held the advantage. On the Western Front in 1914–1918, both sides constructed elaborate trench, underground, and dugout systems opposing each other along a front, protected from assault by barbed wire. The area between opposing trench lines was fully exposed to artillery fire from both sides. Attacks, even if successful, often sustained severe casualties.

To know more about Trench warfare visit:


as the anti-qaddafi movement took steam in 2011 ________ advocated for a no-fly zone but ______ was initially opposed.






HELP ME GUYS!!! What was the first major sign of an active policy of the German government against Jewish people?

A. Nuremberg Laws
B. Wannsee Conference
C. Evian Conference
S. Final Solution


The answer is S. Final solution


Nuremberg Laws


I'm sure this is correct. The Final Solution was wrong! Do not choose it!

Try going with the Nuremberg Laws.

Hope this helps,

Have a wonderful rest of your day!

Which country Colonised the most?


British Empire( United Kingdom) colonized about one quarter of all the land in the world.

What are there cause that led to the creation of the Declaration of Independence



In the early 1770s, more and more colonists became convinced that Parliament intended to take away their freedom. In fact, the Americans saw a pattern of increasing oppression and corruption happening all around the world


In at least 250 words, make a claim as to whether or not becoming an imperial power was more beneficial or detrimental (harmful). Consider viewpoints from pro and anti-American imperialists and Cubans and Filipinos: Primary voices can include Theodore Roosevelt, Josiah Strong, William Sumner, Henry Cabot Lodge, Emilio Aguinaldo, Jose Marti.

please help


The question of whether becoming an imperial power was more beneficial or detrimental is a complex one that has been debated by historians and political scientists for many years. The answer likely depends on one's perspective and the specific circumstances involved. Some, like Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge, were strong proponents of American imperialism and believed that it was a necessary and natural extension of the country's manifest destiny. Others, like Josiah Strong and William Sumner, were opposed to imperialism and believed that it went against the country's founding principles of liberty and democracy.

From the perspective of pro-American imperialists, the benefits of imperialism were numerous. For example, they believed that imperialism would allow the United States to spread its democratic ideals and Christian values to other parts of the world. In addition, they believed that imperialism would provide new markets for American goods and allow the country to exert greater influence on the global stage. Some also argued that imperialism would help the United States to defend itself against potential threats from other powers.

On the other hand, those who were opposed to American imperialism argued that it was detrimental in several ways. For example, they believed that imperialism would lead to the exploitation of other nations and their people, and would ultimately result in a loss of freedom and democracy for both the United States and the countries it conquered. In addition, they believed that imperialism would result in unnecessary wars and conflicts that would drain the country's resources and harm its reputation on the world stage.

Cubans and Filipinos, who were among the countries that were conquered by the United States during this period, also had their own perspectives on the issue. For example, Emilio Aguinaldo and Jose Marti were leaders of the Filipino and Cuban independence movements, respectively, and were strongly opposed to American imperialism. They believed that it was a violation of their countries' sovereignty and that it would lead to the exploitation of their people and resources.

Overall, the question of whether becoming an imperial power was more beneficial or detrimental is a complex one that likely depends on one's perspective.

Pls award brainliest!
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