Air contained in a rigid, insulated tank fitted with a paddle wheel, initially at 300 K, 2 bar, and a volume of 2 m3, is stirred until its temperature is 500 K. Assuming the ideal gas model, for the air, and ignoring kinetic and potential energy, determine


Answer 1


The final pressure in bar will be "[tex]\frac{10}{3} \ Bar[/tex]".


As we know,

PV = nRT

[tex]\frac{P_1}{T_1} =\frac{P_2}{T_2} =CONST[/tex]


⇒ [tex]\frac{2 \ bar}{300 \ K} = \frac{P_2}{500 \ K}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]P_2=(\frac{2}{300}\times 500 )Bar[/tex]

        [tex]=\frac{10}{3} \ Bar[/tex]

Thus the above is the correct answer.

Related Questions

A uniform circular disk has a radius of 34 cm and a mass of 350 g. Its center is at the origin. Then a circular hole of radius 6.8 cm is cut out of it. The center of the hole is a distance 10.2 cm from the center of the disk. Find the moment of inertia of the modified disk about the origin.



u can ask it to the person who give ot to u i dont no

Why does the north poll of Jupiter form hexagonal shapes in the clouds of Jupiter. Trying to see if people got brains



They believe that vortexes occur at the planet's north pole because of atmospheric flows deep within the gas giant, and that these vortexes pinch an intense horizontal jet near the equator—which is what warps the storm into a hexagon

When a player's finger presses a guitar string down onto a fret, the length of the vibrating portion of the string is shortened, thereby increasing the string's fundamental frequency. The string's tension and mass per unit length remain unchanged.
If the unfingered length of the string is l=65cm, determine the positions x of the first six frets, if each fret raises the pitch of the fundamental by one musical note in comparison to the neighboring fret. On the equally tempered chromatic scale, the ratio of frequencies of neighboring notes is 21/12




For frequencies n generated in a string , the expression is as follows

n = 1 /2L√ ( T/m )

n is fundamental frequency , T is tension in string , m is mass per unit length and L is length of string.

If T and m are constant , then

n x L = constant , hence n is inversely proportional to L or length of string.

Frequencies increase by 21/12 = 1.75 , length must decrease by 1 / 1.75 times

Initial length of string is 65 cm .

x1 = 65 x 1 / 1.75 = 37.14 cm

x2 = 37.14 x 1/ 1.75 = 21.22 cm

x3 = 21.22 x 1 / 1.75 = 12.12 cm

x4= 12.12 x 1 / 1.75 = 6.92 cm

x5 = 6.92 x 1 / 1.75 = 3.95 cm

x6 = 3.95 x 1 / 1.75 = 2.25 cm

a 2.00 kg object is moving east at 4.00 m/s when it collides with a 6 kg object that is initially at rest. after the collision the larger object moves east at 1 m/s. what is the final velocity of the smaller object after the collision


The final velocity of the smaller object is 1 m/s.

To calculate the final velocity of the smaller object, we use the formula below.


mu+m'u' = mv+m'v'............. Equation 1


m = mass of the bigger objectm' = mass of the smaller objectu = initial velocity of the bigger objectu' = initial velocity of the smaller objectv = final velocity of the bigger objectv' = final velocity of the smaller object.

From the question,

m = 6 kgm' = 2 kgu = 0 m/s (at rest) u' = 4 m/sv = 1 m/s

Substitute these values into equation 1

6(0)+2(4) = 6(1)+2(v')8 = 6+2v'2v' = 8-62v' = 2v' = 1 m/s

Hence, The final velocity of the smaller object is 1 m/s.

Learn more about velocity here:

A bullet is fired vertically upward a velocity of 80m/s to what height will the bullet rise above the point of projection​



The bullet will rise 320 meters above the point of projection.


Assuming that air friction is negligent we can use the kinematic equation:

[tex]v_{2} ^2=v_{1} ^2+2(-a)d\\0\frac{m^2}{s^2} =6400\frac{m^2}{s^2} +2(-10\frac{m}{s^2} )d\\-6400\frac{m^2}{s^2} =(-20\frac{m}{s^2}) d\\320m=d[/tex]

*acceleration is negative (-a) as it is acting in the opposite direction of the motion of the bullet.*

The bullet rises to a height of 3600 m if a bullet is fired upward with a velocity of 80 m/s.

Assume the air friction is negligible, the kinematic equation:

[tex]v_f^2 = v_i^2 +2(-a) d[/tex]


[tex]v_i^2[/tex] - iinitial velocity = 80 m/s

[tex]v_f^2[/tex]- final velocity = 0

[tex]d[/tex]- distance= ?

[tex]a[/tex]- gravitational acceleration = 9.8 m/s² = 10 m/s²

Put the values in the formula,

[tex]\begin {aligne} 0 = (80)^2 + 2 (10)^2 d\\\\d = \dfrac {6400}{ 200}\\\\d &= 3600 \rm \ m\end {aligne}\\[/tex]

Therefore, the bullet rises to a height of 3600 m if a bullet is fired upward with a velocity of 80 m/s.

To know more about kinematic equation:

Help please. I don’t understand




That's the statement of the Pythagorean theorem.

[tex]c^2=a^2+b^2 \Rightarrow c = \sqrt{a^2+b^2}[/tex]

how liquid state is change into solid state?



The change from the liquid state to the solid state is called freezing. As the liquid cools, it loses thermal energy. ... For example, solid water melts at 0°C and liquid water freezes at 0°C. During freezing, the temperature of a substance remains constant while the particles in the liquid form a crystalline solid.


When the liquid state freezes, it changes into solid state.


When you freeze water, it changes into ice, ice is a solid.

What magnitude point charges creates a 10000 N/C electric field at a distance of 0.5 m?
a. 877.2 nC

b. 287.7 nC

c. 277.8 nC

d. 872.7 nC



c. 277.8 nC



E = kq/r²............. Equation 1

Where E = electric field intensity, q = charge, r = distance, k = coulomb's constant.

make q the subject of the equation

q = Er²/k............... Equation 2

From the question,

Given: E = 10000 N/C, r = 0.5 m

Constant: k = 9×10⁹ Nm²/C²

Substitute these values into equation 2

q = (10000×0.5²)/(9×10⁹)

q = 277.8×10⁹

q = 277.8 nC

Hence the right option is c. 277.8 nC

Question 8 of 20
What identifies your skills and interests to help you plan out your career
A. A self-examination
B. A self-assessment
O C. A self-help book
O D. A bit of self-knowledge




Explanation: because i took it and got it correct

The answer is C, however since is different for everyone

Thermodynamic Processes: An ideal gas is compressed isothermally to one-third of its initial volume. The resulting pressure will be



The resulting pressure is 3 times the initial pressure.


The equation of state for ideal gases is described below:

[tex]P\cdot V = n \cdot R_{u}\cdot T[/tex] (1)


[tex]P[/tex] - Pressure.

[tex]V[/tex] - Volume.

[tex]n[/tex] - Molar quantity, in moles.

[tex]R_{u}[/tex] - Ideal gas constant.

[tex]T[/tex] - Temperature.

Given that ideal gas is compressed isothermally, this is, temperature remains constant, pressure is increased and volume is decreased, then we can simplify (1) into the following relationship:

[tex]P_{1}\cdot V_{1} = P_{2}\cdot V_{2}[/tex] (2)

If we know that [tex]\frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}} = \frac{1}{3}[/tex], then the resulting pressure of the system is:

[tex]P_{2} = P_{1}\cdot \left(\frac{V_{1}}{V_{2}} \right)[/tex]

[tex]P_{2} = 3\cdot P_{1}[/tex]

The resulting pressure is 3 times the initial pressure.

State what is meant by a gravitational potential at point A is -1·70 × 109 J kg-1.​



The energy stored in a body due to either it's position or change in shape is called gravitational potential energy.

Some copper wire has a resistance of 200 ohms at 20 degrees C . A current is then passed through the same wire and the temperature rises to 90 degrees C. Determine the resistance of the wire at 90 degrees correct to the nearest ohm assuming the coefficient of resistance is 0.004/degree C at 0 degrees ​



256 ohms



R = R'[1+α(T-T')]............. Equation 1

Where R = Final resistance of the wire, R' = Initial resistance of the wire, T = Final temperature, T' = Initial temperature, α = Temperature coefficient of resistance

From the question,

Given: R' = 200 ohms, T = 90 degrees, T' = 20 degrees, α = 0.004/degree

Substitute these values into equation 1

R = 200[1+0.004(90-20)]

R = 200[1+0.28]

R = 200(1.28)

R = 256 ohms

The resistance of the wire at 90 °C correct to the nearest ohm assuming the coefficient of resistance is 0.004 °C¯¹ is 256 ohm

Data obtained from the question Original resistance (R₁) = 200 ohmOriginal temperature (T₁) = 20 °C Coefficient of resistivity (α) = 0.004 °C¯¹New temperature (T₂) = 90 °C New resistance (R₂) =?

How to determine the new resistance

α = R₂ – R₁ / R₁(T₂ – T₁)

0.004 = R₂ – 200 / 200(90 – 20)

0.004 = R₂ – 200 / 200(70)

0.004 = R₂ – 200 / 14000

Cross multiply

R₂ – 200 = 0.004 × 14000

R₂ – 200 = 56

Collect like terms

R₂ = 56 + 200

R₂ = 256 ohm

Learn more about linear expansion:

How much work does a supermarket checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.420 m horizontally with a force of 4.60 N? Express your answer in joules and kilocalories.



We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf Work\:Done=Force\times Displacement} [/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\longmapsto Work\:done=0.420\times 4.60[/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\longmapsto Work\:done=1.932J[/tex]

What is your angular position 75 seconds after the wheel starts turning, measured counterclockwise from the top? Express your answer as an angle between 0∘ and 360∘. Express your answer in degrees.


Complete Question

A Ferris wheel on a California pier is 27 m high and rotates once every 32 seconds in the counterclockwise direction. When the wheel starts turning, you are at the very top.

What is your angular position 75 seconds after the wheel starts turning, measured counterclockwise from the top? Express your answer as an angle between 0∘ and 360∘. Express your answer in degrees.




From the question we are told that:

Height [tex]h=27m[/tex]

Period [tex]T=32sec[/tex]

Time [tex]t=75sec[/tex]

Generally the equation for angular velocity is mathematically given by

[tex]\omega=\frac{2 \pi}{T}[/tex]

[tex]\omega=\frac{2 \pi}{32}[/tex]



[tex]\theta=\omega t[/tex]


[tex]\theta=843.75 \textdegree[/tex]




what is the critical angle of light traveling from vegetable oil into water



Question: A glass is half-full of water, with a layer of vegetable oil (n = 1.47) floating on top. A ray of light traveling downward through the oil is incident on the water at an angle of 56.1∘ .

A glass is half-full of water, with a layer of vegetable oil (n ... › academy › answer › a-glass-is-half-ful...

An capacitor consists of two large parallel plates of area A separated by a very small distance d. This capacitor is connected to a battery and charged until its plates carry charges Q and - Q, and then disconnected from the battery. If the separation between the plates is now doubled, the potential difference between the plates will



Will be doubled.


For a capacitor of parallel plates of area A, separated by a distance d, such that the charges in the plates are Q and -Q, the capacitance is written as:

[tex]C = \frac{Q}{V} = e_0\frac{A}{d}[/tex]

where e₀ is a constant, the electric permittivity.

Now we can isolate V, the potential difference between the plates as:

[tex]V = \frac{Q}{e_0} *\frac{d}{A}[/tex]

Now, notice that the separation between the plates is in the numerator.

Thus, if we double the distance we will get a new potential difference V', such that:

[tex]V' = \frac{Q}{e_0} *\frac{2d}{A} = 2*( \frac{Q}{e_0} *\frac{d}{A}) = 2*V\\V' = 2*V[/tex]

So, if we double the distance between the plates, the potential difference will also be doubled.

While standing at the edge of the roof of a building, a man throws a stone upward with an initial speed of 6.63 m/s. The stone subsequently falls to the ground, which is 14.5 m below the point where the stone leaves his hand.

At what speed does the stone impact the ground? Ignore air resistance and use =9.81 m/s2 for the acceleration due to gravity.

impact speed:
How much time is the stone in the air?
elapsed time:




You final velocity is correct but not to the correct number of significant digits. The actual answer should be 18.1 m/s. We will use that to find the total time the stone was in the air in the equation:

v = v₀ + at

18.1 = 6.63 + (-9.81)t and

11.5 = -9.81t so

t = 1.17 seconds.

We know this was how long the stone was in the air (as compared to the time that the stone took to reach its max height or some other height) because we used the velocity with which the stone hit the ground to find the total time the rock was in the air before it hit the ground going at that velocity.

* 1a Average speed
Carl Lewis runs the 100 m sprint in about 10 s.
His average speed in units of m/s would be:



[tex] \implies v_{av} = \dfrac{total \: displacement}{total \: time} [/tex]

[tex] \implies v_{av} = \dfrac{100}{10} [/tex]

[tex]\implies v_{av} =10 \: {ms}^{ - 1} [/tex]

The diagram below shows snapshots of an oscillator at different times. What is the amplitude of oscillation?



the amplitude of the oscillation of the given mass is 0.1 m.


The amplitude of an oscillation is the maximum displacement of the object from the equilibrium position.

The equilibrium position of the given mass in question is at the zero (0) mark.

The maximum displacement of the object from the equilibrium position is 0.1 m upwards or 0.1 m downwards.

Therefore, the amplitude of the oscillation of the given mass is 0.1 m.

When the gun fires a projectile with a mass of 0.040 kg and a speed of 380 m/s, what is the recoil velocity of the shotgun and arm–shoulder combination?


Complete question:

The recoil of a shotgun can be significant. Suppose a 3.6-kg shotgun is held tightly by an arm and shoulder with a combined mass of 15.0 kg. When the gun fires a projectile with a mass of 0.040 kg and a speed of 380 m/s, what is the recoil velocity of the shotgun and arm–shoulder combination?


The recoil velocity of the shotgun and arm–shoulder combination is 1.013 m/s



combined mass of the shotgun and arm–shoulder, m₁ = 15 kg

mass of the projectile, m₂ = 0.04 kg

speed of the projectile, u₂ = 380 m/s

let the recoil velocity of the shotgun and arm–shoulder combination = u₁

Apply the principle of conservation of linear momentum;

m₁u₁  +  m₂u₂ = 0

m₁u₁ = - m₂u₂

[tex]u_1 = -\frac{m_2u_2}{m_1} \\\\u_1 = - \frac{0.04\times 380}{15} \\\\u_1 =-1.013 \ m/s\\\\u_1 = 1.013 \ m/s \ \ \ in \ opposite \ direction[/tex]

Therefore, the recoil velocity of the shotgun and arm–shoulder combination is 1.013 m/s

? What is the difference between the Primitive cell and convectional cell


The above answer is correct!

the roque requried to turn the crank on an ice cream maker is 4.50 N.m how much work does it take to turn the crank through 300 full turns



the work required to turn the crank at the given revolutions is 8,483.4 J



torque required to turn the crank, T = 4.50 N.m

number of revolutions, = 300 turns

The work required to turn the crank is given as;

W = 2πT

W = 2 x 3.142 x 4.5

W = 28.278 J

1 revolution = 28.278 J

300 revlotions = ?

= 300 x 28.278 J

= 8,483.4 J

Therefore, the work required to turn the crank at the given revolutions is 8,483.4 J

when we jump on a concrete surface,the feet get injured.Why​






its because a concrete surface is a hard surface which doesn't absorb the energy of gravitation when we fall down so we get hurt more badly..

hope this helps

why the change of the pressure and temperature affect the velocity of the sound ​



Air pressure has no effect at all in an ideal gas approximation. This is because pressure and density both contribute to sound velocity equally, and in an ideal gas the two effects cancel out, leaving only the effect of temperature. Sound usually travels more slowly with greater altitude, due to reduced temperature.

explain relative velocity briefly​




Relative velocity is defined as the velocity of an object B in the rest frame of another object A.

In a race, Usain Bolt accelerates at
1.99 m/s2 for the first 60.0 m, then
decelerates at -0.266 m/s2 for the final
40.0 m. How much time did the race take?
(Unit = s)



65.87 s


For the first time,


v² = u²+2as.............. Equation 1

Where v = final velocity, u = initial velocity, a = acceleration, s = distance

From the question,

Given:  u = 0 m/s (from rest), a = 1.99 m/s², s = 60 m

Substitute these values into equation 1

v² = 0²+2(1.99)(60)

v² = 238.8

v = √238.8

v = 15.45 m/s

Therefore, time taken for the first 60 m is

t = (v-u)/a............ Equation 2

t = (15.45-0)/1.99

t = 7.77 s

For the final 40 meter,

t = (v-u)/a

Given: v = 0 m/s(decelerates), u = 15.45 m/s, a = -0.266 m/s²

Substitute into the equation above

t = (0-15.45)/-0.266

t = 58.1 seconds

Hence total time taken to cover the distance

T = 7.77+58.1

T = 65.87 s

A 215 N sign is supported by two ropes. One rope pulls up and to the right 1=29.5∘ above the horizontal with a tension 1 , and the other rope pulls up and to the left 2=44.5∘ above the horizontal with a tension 2 , as shown in the figure. Find the tensions 1 and 2 .


The sign is held in equilibrium. Using Newton's second law, we set up the equations of the net forces acting on the sign in the horizontal and vertical directions:

F (horizontal) = T₁ cos(29.5°) - T₂ cos(44.5°) = 0

(right is positive, left is negative)

F (vertical) = T₁ sin(29.5°) + T₂ sin(44.5°) - 215 N = 0

(up is positive, down is negative)

Solve the system of equations. I use elimination here:

• Multiply the first equation by sin(29.5°) and the second by cos(29.5°):

sin(29.5°) (T₁ cos(29.5°) - T₂ cos(44.5°)) = 0

cos(29.5°) (T₁ sin(29.5°) + T₂ sin(44.5°) - 215 N) = 0

T₁ cos(29.5°) sin(29.5°) - T₂ cos(44.5°) sin(29.5°) = 0

T₁ cos(29.5°) sin(29.5°) + T₂ cos(29.5°) sin(44.5°) = (215 N) cos(29.5°)

• Subtract the first equation from the second to eliminate T₁ :

T₂ cos(29.5°) sin(44.5°) - (- T₂ cos(44.5°) sin(29.5°)) = (215 N) cos(29.5°)

• Solve for T₂ :

T₂ (cos(29.5°) sin(44.5°) + cos(44.5°) sin(29.5°)) = (215 N) cos(29.5°)

T₂ sin(74.0°) = (215 N) cos(29.5°)

… … … (using the fact that sin(x + y) = sin(x) cos(y) + cos(y) sin(x))

T₂ = (215 N) cos(29.5°) / sin(74.0°)

T₂ ≈ 195 N

• Solve for T₁ :

T₁ cos(29.5°) - T₂ cos(44.5°) = 0

T₁ cos(29.5°) = T₂ cos(44.5°)

T₁ = T₂ cos(44.5°) / cos(29.5°)

T₁ ≈ 160. N

Estimate the average power of a water wave when it hits the chest of an adult standing in the water at the seashore. Assume that the amplitude of the wave is 0.56 m , the wavelength is 2.0 m , and the period is 3.4 s . Assume that the area of the chest is 0.14 m^2.





From the question we are told that:

Amplitude [tex]A=0.56m[/tex]

Period [tex]T=3.4s[/tex]

Wavelength [tex]\lambda=2.0[/tex]

Area [tex]a=0.14m^2[/tex]

Generally the equation for Power is mathematically given by

[tex]Power = 2 \pi ^2 \rho a(\frac{\lambda}{T})(\frac{1}{T})*A[/tex]

[tex]P= 2 3.142^2 1025 0.14(\frac{2.0}{3.4})(\frac{1}{3.4})^2*0.56^2[/tex]


What is the kinetic energy of a 6.00 kg toy car that is going at 1.75 m/s across the floor?



9.1875 Joules


The kinetic energy of an object can be given by the equation [tex]EK = \frac{1}{2} mv^{2}[/tex], in which m is the mass and v is the velocity. Plugging in the mass and velocity values into the equation, we get:

[tex]EK = \frac{1}{2} (6kg)(1.75m/s)^2\\EK = 9.1875 J[/tex]


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 9.19 \ Joules}}[/tex]


Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to motion. The following formula is used to calculated kinetic energy.

[tex]E_k= \frac{1}{2} mv^2[/tex]

In this formula, m is the mass and v is the velocity.

The car has a mass of 6.00 kilograms and a velocity of 1.75 meters per second.

m= 6.00 kgv=1.75 m/s

Substitute the values into the formula.

[tex]E_k= \frac{1}{2} (6.00 \ kg )(1.75 \ m/s)^2[/tex]

Solve the exponent.

(1.75 m/s)²= 1.75 m/s *1.75 m/s = 3.0625 m²/s²

[tex]E_k= \frac{1}{2}(6.00 \ kg )(3.0625 \ m^2/s^2)[/tex]

Multiply the numbers together.

[tex]E_k=\frac {1}{2} (18.375 \ kg*m^2/s^2)[/tex]

[tex]E_k= 9.1875 \ kg*m^2/s^2[/tex]

The original measurements of mass and velocity both have 3 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. For the number we calculated, that is the hundredths place. The 7 in the thousandths place to the right (9.1875) tells us to round to 8 up to a 9.

[tex]E_k \approx 9.19 \ kg*m^2/s^2[/tex]

1 kilogram meter squared per second squared is equal to 1 Joule. Our answer of 9.19 kg*m²/² is equal to 9.19 Joules.

[tex]E_k \approx 9.19 \ J[/tex]

The kinetic energy of the toy care is approximately 9.19 Joules.

A boy at a football field practice kicked a 0.500-kg ball with a force of 100N. How fast will the ball move after reaching a distance of 7m?​



v(7) = 52.915 m/s


First, find the value for acceleration.

F = ma

100 = .5 * a

a = 200 m/s²

Next find the velocity at x = 7 using kinematic equations.

v² = v₀² + 2a(Δx)

v² = (0)² + 2(200)(7)

v = [tex]\sqrt{2800}[/tex]

v = 52.915 m/s

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Lost and out of food, he feared he had but a few hours before darkness closed in, trapping him in the bitter cold with the creatures of the night.He closed his eyes to fight back tears, when he heard it in the distance. Water! His fathers words came flowing into his mind; one tip he actually remembered. If youre ever lost, find a river and follow it.In a flash, he was on his feet, scaling fallen trees, tearing through brush, frantically following the sound. The sky grew darker, but the noise grew louder, and Randall, tired and scared, forged ahead until he found it. He reached the river bank and was mulling his next move when a sudden splash caught his eye.A majestic eagle rose from the water, soaring skyward with a freshly caught fish in its talons. Could it be the same eagle nested above his camp? It glided triumphantly into a high nest a short distance away, eager to greet its family. Randall smiled, equally triumphant, eager to do the same as he followed the eagles flight.In the distance, he saw his mother, his whistle clutched in her hand. What is the estimated value of 2v12 . 3V5 / V30 . V36 Phn tch vai tr ca cc yu t trong bin tp Audio v Video Fifteen-year-old Roxana wants to skip school today because she is having a bad hair day and is convinced that everybody will notice and think badly of her. Which aspect of adolescent egocentrism is Roxana experiencing?A) the personal fable.B) the imaginary audience.C) the fight-or-flight response.D) the top-dog phenomenon. In a class of students, the following data table summarizes how many students have a cat or a dog. What is the probability that a student who has a cat also has a dog?Has a catDoes not have a catHas a dog76Does not have a dog82 Presidents can sidestep the usual treaty process through _________________. Group of answer choices exercising executive privilege the necessary and proper clause of the Constitution the privileges and immunities clause of the Constitution the supremacy clause of the Constitution executive agreements which are exempt from Senate ratification Tres personas, A, B, C, jalan una caja con ayuda de cuerdas cuya masa es despreciable. Si la persona A aplica 3 en direccin horizontal y la persona B aplica a su vez 5 en direccin horizontal, Cul es el valor de la fuerza que debe ejercer la persona C, para que la caja est en equilibrio fsico?