Algorithmic Complexity: what is the asymptotic complexity (Big-O) of each code section? Identify the critical section of each.\ Line 1: for (int i=0; i<532; i++) { f(n) = O( ) Line 2: for (int j=1; j


Answer 1


Check the explanation


1) f(n) = O( 1 ), since the loops runs a constant number of times independent of any input size

there is no critical section in the code, as a critical section is some part of code which is shared by multiple threads or even processes to modify any shared variable.This code does not contain any variable which can be shared.

2) f(n) = O( log n! ), the outer loop runs for n times, and the inner loop runs log k times when i = k,ie the total number of print will be – log 1 + log2 +log3 +log4+…...+ log n = log (1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . ……. . n ) =log n!

there is no critical section in the code, as a critical section is some part of code which is shared by multiple threads or even processes to modify any shared variable.This code does not contain any variable which can be shared.

Note : Log (m *n) = Log m + Log n : this is property of logarithm

3) f(n) = [tex]O( n^2 )[/tex], since both outer and inner loop runs n times hence , the total iterations of print statement will be : n +n+n+…+n

for n times, this makes the complexity – n * n = n2

there is no critical section in the code, as a critical section is some part of code which is shared by multiple threads or even processes to modify any shared variable.This code does not contain any variable which can be shared.

Related Questions

In this lab, you use the flowchart and pseudocode found in the figures below to add code to a partially created C++ program. When completed, college admissions officers should be able to use the C++ program to determine whether to accept or reject a student, based on his or her test score and class rank.

// HouseSign.cpp - This program calculates prices for custom made signs.

using namespace std;
int main()
// This is the work done in the housekeeping() function
// Declare and initialize variables here
// Charge for this sign
// Color of characters in sign
// Number of characters in sign
// Type of wood

// This is the work done in the detailLoop() function
// Write assignment and if statements here

// This is the work done in the endOfJob() function
// Output charge for this sign
cout << "The charge for this sign is $" << charge << endl;


Here is the complete question.

In this lab, you use the flowchart and pseudocode found in the figures below to add code to a partially created C++ program. When completed, college admissions officers should be able to use the C++ program to determine whether to accept or reject a student, based on his or her test score and class rank.

start input testScore,

classRank if testScore >= 90 then if classRank >= 25 then output "Accept"

else output "Reject" endif else if testScore >= 80

then if classRank >= 50 then output "Accept" else output "Reject" endif

else if testScore >= 70

then if classRank >= 75 then output "Accept"

else output "Reject"

endif else output "Reject"





Study the pseudocode in picture above. Write the interactive input statements to retrieve: A student’s test score (testScore) A student's class rank (classRank) The rest of the program is written for you. Execute the program by clicking "Run Code." Enter 87 for the test score and 60 for the class rank. Execute the program by entering 60 for the test score and 87 for the class rank.

[comment]: <> (3. Write the statements to convert the string representation of a student’s test score and class rank to the integer data type (testScore and classRank, respectively).)

Function: This program determines if a student will be admitted or rejected. Input: Interactive Output: Accept or Reject

*/ #include using namespace std; int main() { // Declare variables

// Prompt for and get user input

// Test using admission requirements and print Accept or Reject

if(testScore >= 90)

{ if(classRank >= 25)

{ cout << "Accept" << endl; }


cout << "Reject" << endl; }

else { if(testScore >= 80)

{ if(classRank >= 50)

cout << "Accept" << endl;

else cout << "Reject" << endl; }

else { if(testScore >= 70)

{ if(classRank >=75) cout << "Accept" << endl;

else cout << "Reject" << endl; }

else cout << "Reject" << endl; } } } //End of main() function



The objective here is to use the flowchart and pseudocode found in the figures below to add code to a partially created C++ program. When completed, college admissions officers should be able to use the C++ program to determine whether to accept or reject a student, based on his or her test score and class rank.



using namespace std;

int main(){

// Declare variables

int testScore, classRank;

// Prompt for and get user input

cout<<"Enter test score: ";


cout<<"Enter class rank: ";


// Test using admission requirements and print Accept or Reject

if(testScore >= 90)  

{ if(classRank >= 25)

{ cout << "Accept" << endl; }


cout << "Reject" << endl;


else { if(testScore >= 80)

{ if(classRank >= 50)

cout << "Accept" << endl;

else cout << "Reject" << endl; }

else { if(testScore >= 70)

{ if(classRank >=75) cout << "Accept" << endl;

else cout << "Reject" << endl;


else cout << "Reject" << endl; }


return 0;

} //End of main() function


See the attached file below:

4. Write an interface ObjectWithTwoParameters which has a method specification: double area (double d1, double d2) which returns the area of a particular object. Write three classes RectangleClass, TriangleClass, and CylinderClass which implement the interface you created. Also, write a demo class which creates objects of RectangleClass, TriangleClass, and CylinderClass and call the corresponding methods



The java program for the given scenario is as follows.

import java.util.*;

//interface with method area

interface ObjectWithTwoParameters


double area (double d1, double d2);


class RectangleClass implements ObjectWithTwoParameters


//overriding area()

public double area (double d1, double d2)


return d1*d2;



class TriangleClass implements ObjectWithTwoParameters


//overriding area()

public double area (double d1, double d2)


return (d1*d2)/2;



class CylinderClass implements ObjectWithTwoParameters


public double area (double d1, double d2)


return ( 2*3.14*d1*d1 + d2*(2*3.14*d1) );



public class Test


public static void main(String[] args)


//area displayed for all three shapes

ObjectWithTwoParameters r = new RectangleClass();

double arear = r.area(2, 3);

System.out.println("Area of rectangle: "+arear);

ObjectWithTwoParameters t = new TriangleClass();

double areat = t.area(4,5);

System.out.println("Area of triangle: "+areat);

ObjectWithTwoParameters c = new CylinderClass();

double areac = c.area(6,7);

System.out.println("Area of cylinder: "+areac);




Area of rectangle: 6.0

Area of triangle: 10.0

Area of cylinder: 489.84


1. The program fulfils all the mentioned requirements.

2. The program contains one interface, ObjectWithTwoParameters, three classes which implement that interface, RectangleClass, TriangleClass and CylinderClass, and one demo class, Test, containing the main method.

3. The method in the interface has no access specifier.

4. The overridden methods in the three classes have public access specifier.

5. No additional variables have been declared.

6. The test class having the main() method is declared public.

7. The area of the rectangle, triangle and the cylinder have been computed as per the respective formulae.

8. The interface is similar to a class which can have only declarations of both, variables and methods. No method can be defined inside an interface.

9. The other classes use the methods of the interface by implementing the interface using the keyword, implements.

10. The object is created using the name of the interface as shown.

ObjectWithTwoParameters r = new RectangleClass();

3.34 LAB: Mad Lib - loops in C++

Mad Libs are activities that have a person provide various words, which are then used to complete a short story in unexpected (and hopefully funny) ways.

Write a program that takes a string and integer as input, and outputs a sentence using those items as below. The program repeats until the input is quit 0.

Ex: If the input is:
apples 5
shoes 2
quit 0

the output is:
Eating 5 apples a day keeps the doctor away.
Eating 2 shoes a day keeps the doctor away.

Make sure your answer is in C++.



A Program was written to carry out some set activities. below is the code program in C++ in the explanation section




#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

string name; // variables

int number;

cin >> name >> number; // taking user input

while(number != 0)


// printing output

cout << "Eating " << number << " " << name << " a day keeps the doctor away." << endl;

// taking user input again

cin >> name >> number;



Note: Kindly find an attached copy of the compiled program output to this question.

In this exercise we have to use the knowledge in computational language in C++ to describe a code that best suits, so we have:

The code can be found in the attached image.

What is looping in programming?

In a very summarized way, we can describe the loop or looping in software as an instruction that keeps repeating itself until a certain condition is met.

To make it simpler we can write this code as:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

string name; // variables

int number;

cin >> name >> number; // taking user input

while(number != 0)


// printing output

cout << "Eating " << number << " " << name << " a day keeps the doctor away." << endl;

// taking user input again

cin >> name >> number;



See more about C++ at

Implement the function pairSum that takes as parameters a list of distinct integers and a target value n and prints the indices of all pairs of values in the list that sum up to n. If there are no pairs that sum up to n, the function should not print anything. Note that the function does not duplicate pairs of indices



Following are the code to this question:

def pairSum(a,x): #find size of list

   s=len(a) # use length function to calculte length of list and store in s variable

   for x1 in range(0, s):  #outer loop to count all list value

       for x2 in range(x1+1, s):    #inner loop

           if a[x1] + a[x2] == x:    #condition check

               print(x1," ",x2) #print value of loop x1 and x2  

pairSum([12,7,8,6,1,13],13) #calling pairSum method


0   4

1   3


Description of the above python can be described as follows:

In the above code, a method pairSum is declared, which accepts two-parameter, which is "a and x". Inside the method "s" variable is declared that uses the "len" method, which stores the length of "a" in the "s" variable. In the next line, two for loop is declared, in the first loop, it counts all variable position, inside the loop another loop is used that calculates the next value and inside a condition is defined, that matches list and x variable value. if the condition is true it will print loop value.

g Create your own data file consisting of integer, double or String values. Create your own unique Java application to read all data from the file echoing the data to standard output. After all data has been read, display how many data were read. For example, if 10 integers were read, the application should display all 10 integers and at the end of the output, print "10 data values were read" Demonstrate your code compiles and runs without issue. Respond to other student postings by enhancing their code to write the summary output to a file instead of standard output.



See explaination





import java.util.Scanner;

public class ReadFile


public static void main(String[] args)


int elementsCount=0;

//Create a File class object

File file=null;

Scanner fileScanner=null;

String fileName="sample.txt";



//Create an instance of File class

file=new File(fileName);

//create a scanner class object

fileScanner=new Scanner(file);

//read file elements until end of file

while (fileScanner.hasNext())


double value=fileScanner.nextInt();



//print smallest value

System.out.println(elementsCount+" data values are read");


//Catch the exception if file not found

catch (FileNotFoundException e)


System.out.println("File Not Found");




Sample output:








5 data values are read

Write a program named RectangleArea to calculate the area of a rectangle with a length of 15.8 and a width of 7.9. The program should have two classes, one is the RectangleArea holding the Main(), and the other one is Rectangle. The Rectangle class has three members: a property of length, a property of width, and a method with a name of CalArea() to calculate the area. You can invoke the auto-provided constructor or write a self-defined constructor to initialize the rectangle. Calculate and display the area of the rectangle by first initialize an object named myRectangle and then calculate its area using the CalArea() method.



public class RectangleArea {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Rectangle myRectangle = new Rectangle(15.8, 7.9);

       double calArea = myRectangle.calcArea(15.8, 7.9);

       System.out.println("The area is "+ calArea);



class Rectangle{

   private double length;

   private double width;

   //Defined Constructor

   public Rectangle(double length, double width) {

       this.length = length;

       this.width = width;


   public double calcArea(double len, double wi){

       return len* wi;




This is solved with Java programming languageStart by creating both classes RectangleArea and and RectangleSInce both classes are in the same file, only one can be publicClass Rectangle contains the three members are decribed by the questionprivate double length, private double width and the method calcArea(). It also has a sefl-declared constructor.In the class RectangleArea, an object of Rectangle is created and initialized.The method calcArea is called using the created object and the value is printed.

Define a function CoordTransform() that transforms the function's first two input parameters xVal and yVal into two output parameters xValNew and yValNew. The function returns void. The transformation is new = (old + 1) * 2. Ex: If xVal = 3 and yVal = 4, then xValNew is 8 and yValNew is 10.



Check the explanation


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void CoordTransform(int x, int y, int& xValNew,int& yValNew){

  xValNew = (x+1)*2;

  yValNew = (y+1)*2;


int main() {

  int xValNew = 0;

  int yValNew = 0;

  CoordTransform(3, 4, xValNew, yValNew);

  cout << "(3, 4) becomes " << "(" << xValNew << ", " << yValNew << ")" << endl;

  return 0;


Let A be an array of n numbers. Recall that a pair of indices i, j is said to be under an inversion if A[i] > A[j] and i < j. Design a divide-and-conquer based algorithm to count the number of inversions in an array of n numbers. You can start by splitting into two subproblems. Answer clearly how you do the merge step, then obtain a recurrence relation that captures the run time of the algorithm. Solve the recurrence relation. Write the complete pseudocode.



Check the explanation


#include <stdio.h>

int inversions(int a[], int low, int high)


int mid= (high+low)/2;

if(low>=high)return 0 ;



int l= inversions(a,low,mid);

int r=inversions(a,mid+1,high);

int total= 0 ;

for(int i = low;i<=mid;i++)


for(int j=mid+1;j<=high;j++)



return total+ l+r ;



int main() {

int a[]={5,4,3,2,1};


  return 0;


Check the output in the below attached image.

Given the following header: vector split(string target, string delimiter); implement the function split so that it returns a vector of the strings in target that are separated by the string delimiter. For example: split("10,20,30", ",") should return a vector with the strings "10", "20", and "30". Similarly, split("do re mi fa so la ti do", " ") should return a vector with the strings "do", "re","mi", "fa", "so", "la", "ti", and "do". Write a program that inputs two strings and calls your function to split the first target string by the second delimiter string and prints the resulting vector all on line line with elements separated by commas. A successful program should be as below with variable inputs:



see explaination


#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

vector<string> split(string, string);

int main()


vector<string> splitedStr;

string data;

string delimiter;

cout << "Enter string to split:" << endl;


cout << "Enter delimiter string:" << endl;


splitedStr = split(data,delimiter);

cout << "\n";

cout << "The substrings are: ";

for(int i = 0; i < splitedStr.size(); i++)

cout << "\"" << splitedStr[i] << "\"" << ",";

cout << endl << endl;

cin >> data;

return 0;


vector<string> split(string target, string delimiter)


unsigned first = 0;

unsigned last;

vector<string> subStr;

while((last = target.find(delimiter, first)) != string::npos)


subStr.push_back(target.substr(first, last-first));

first = last + delimiter.length();



return subStr;


How we can earn from an app​



Hewo, Here are some ways in which apps earn money :-

AdvertisementSubscriptionsIn-App purchasesMerchandisePhysical purchasesSponsorship

hope it helps!

3.15 LAB: Countdown until matching digits
Write a program that takes in an integer in the range 20-98 as input. The output is a countdown starting from the integer, and stopping when both output digits are identical.

Ex: If the input is:

the output is:

93 92 91 90 89 88
Ex: If the input is:

the output is:

Ex: If the input is:

or any value not between 20 and 98 (inclusive), the output is:

Input must be 20-98.


using namespace std;

int main() {

// variable

int num;

// read number

cin >> num;



cout<<"Input must be 20-98 ";

cin>> num;


while(num % 10 != num /10)


// print numbers.

// update num.



// display the number.

return 0;


I keep getting Program generated too much output.
Output restricted to 50000 characters.

Check program for any unterminated loops generating output



See explaination


n = int(input())

if 20 <= n <= 98:

while n % 11 != 0: // for all numbers in range (20-98) all the identical

digit numbers are divisible by 11,So all numbers that

​​​​​​ are not divisible by 11 are a part of count down, This

while loop stops when output digits get identical.

print(n, end=" ")

n = n - 1



print("Input must be 20-98")

Which of the following is an example of the rewards & consequences characteristic of an organization?
pay raise
time sheets
pay check
pay scale



Pay raise is an example of the rewards & consequences characteristic of an organization.

I think its pay rase?

Write the interface (.h file) of a class Counter containing: A data member counter of type int. A data member named counterID of type int. A static int data member named nCounters. A constructor that takes an int argument. A function called increment that accepts no parameters and returns no value. A function called decrement that accepts no parameters and returns no value. A function called getValue that accepts no parameters and returns an int. A function named getCounterID that accepts no parameters and returns an int.



See the attached image for The interface (.h file) of a class Counter

6 things you should consider when planning a PowerPoint Presentation.


Answer: I would suggest you consider your audience and how you can connect to them. Is your presentation, well, presentable? Is whatever you're presenting reliable and true? Also, no more than 6 lines on each slide. Use colors that contrast and compliment. Images, use images. That pulls whoever you are presenting to more into your presentation.


Write a program to read as many test scores as the user wants from the keyboard (assuming at most 50 scores). Print the scores in (1) original order, (2) sorted from high to low (3) the highest score, (4) the lowest score, and (5) the average of the scores. Implement the following functions using the given function prototypes: void displayArray(int array[], int size) - Displays the content of the array void selectionSort(int array[], int size) - sorts the array using the selection sort algorithm in descending order. Hint: refer to example 8-5 in the textbook. int findMax(int array[], int size) - finds and returns the highest element of the array int findMin(int array[], int size) - finds and returns the lowest element of the array double findAvg(int array[], int size) - finds and returns the average of the elements of the array


Answer: Provided in the explanation segment


Below is the code to carry out this program;

/* C++ program helps prompts user to enter the size of the array. To display the array elements, sorts the data from highest to lowest, print the lowest, highest and average value. */


//include header files



using namespace std;

//function prototypes

void displayArray(int arr[], int size);

void selectionSort(int arr[], int size);

int findMax(int arr[], int size);

int findMin(int arr[], int size);

double findAvg(int arr[], int size) ;

//main function

int main()


  const int max=50;

  int size;

  int data[max];

  cout<<"Enter # of scores :";

  //Read size


  /*Read user data values from user*/

  for(int index=0;index<size;index++)


      cout<<"Score ["<<(index+1)<<"]: ";



  cout<<"(1) original order"<<endl;


  cout<<"(2) sorted from high to low"<<endl;



  cout<<"(3) Highest score : ";


  cout<<"(4) Lowest score : ";


  cout<<"(5) Lowest scoreAverage score : ";


  //pause program on console output


  return 0;



/*Function findAvg that takes array and size and returns the average of the array.*/

double findAvg(int arr[], int size)


  double total=0;

  for(int index=0;index<size;index++)




  return total/size;


/*Function that sorts the array from high to low order*/

void selectionSort(int arr[], int size)


  int n = size;

  for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)


      int minIndex = i;

      for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++)

          if (arr[j] > arr[minIndex])

              minIndex = j;

      int temp = arr[minIndex];

      arr[minIndex] = arr[i];

      arr[i] = temp;



/*Function that display the array values */

void displayArray(int arr[], int size)


  for(int index=0;index<size;index++)






/*Function that finds the maximum array elements */

int findMax(int arr[], int size)


  int max=arr[0];

  for(int index=1;index<size;index++)



  return max;


/*Function that finds the minimum array elements */

int findMin(int arr[], int size)


  int min=arr[0];

  for(int index=1;index<size;index++)



  return min;


cheers i hope this help!!!

Which term describes the order of arrangement of files and folders on a computer?
File is the order of arrangement of files and folders.



Term describes the order of arrangement of files and folders on a computer would be ORGANIZATION.

:) Hope this helps!


The term that describes the order of arrangement of files and folders on a computer is organization.


3. You are working for a usability company that has recently completed a usability study of an airline ticketing system. They conducted a live AB testing of the original website and a new prototype your team developed. They brought in twenty participants into the lab and randomly assigned them to one of two groups: one group assigned to the original website, and the other assigned to the prototype. You are provided with the data and asked to perform a hypothesis test. Using the standard significance value (alpha level) of 5%, compute the four step t-test and report all important measurements. You can use a calculator or SPSS or online calculator to compute the t-test. (4 pts)



Check the explanation


Let the population mean time on task of original website be [tex]\mu_1[/tex] and that of new prototype be [tex]\mu_2[/tex]

Here we are to test


The data are summarized as follows:

                                                       Sample 1             Sample 2

Sample size                                        n=20                    n=20

Sample mean                                 [tex]\bar{x}_1=243.4[/tex]             [tex]\bar{x}_2=253.4[/tex]

Sample SD                                     s1=130.8901          s2=124.8199

The test statistic is obtained from online calculator as


The p-value is given by 0.821

As the p-value is more than 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance and hence conclude that there is no statistically significant difference between the original website and the prototype developed by the team at 5% level of significance.

The equation of certain traveling waves is y(x.t) = 0.0450 sin(25.12x - 37.68t-0.523) where x and y are in
meters, and t in seconds. Determine the following:
(a) Amplitude. (b) wave number (C) wavelength. (d) angular frequency. (e) frequency: (1) phase angle, (g) the
wave propagation speed, (b) the expression for the medium's particles velocity as the waves pass by them, and (i)
the velocity of a particle that is at x=3.50m from the origin at t=21.os​



A. 0.0450

B. 4

C. 0.25

D. 37.68

E. 6Hz

F. -0.523

G. 1.5m/s

H. vy = ∂y/∂t = 0.045(-37.68) cos (25.12x - 37.68t - 0.523)

I. -1.67m/s.


Given the equation:

y(x,t) = 0.0450 sin(25.12x - 37.68t-0.523)

Standard wave equation:

y(x, t)=Asin(kx−ωt+ϕ)

a.) Amplitude = 0.0450

b.) Wave number = 1/ λ


From the equation k = 25.12

Wavelength(λ ) = 2π/25.12 = 0.25

Wave number (1/0.25) = 4

c.) Wavelength(λ ) = 2π/25.12 = 0.25

d.) Angular frequency(ω)

ωt = 37.68t

ω = 37.68

E.) Frequency (f)

ω = 2πf

f = ω/2π

f = 37.68/6.28

f = 6Hz

f.) Phase angle(ϕ) = -0.523

g.) Wave propagation speed :


h.) vy = ∂y/∂t = 0.045(-37.68) cos (25.12x - 37.68t - 0.523)

(i) vy(3.5m, 21s) = 0.045(-37.68) cos (25.12*3.5-37.68*21-0.523) = -1.67m/s.

Assume the existence of an UNSORTED ARRAY of n characters. You are to trace the CS111Sort algorithm (as described here) to reorder the elements of a given array. The CS111Sort algorithm is an algorithm that combines the SelectionSort and the InsertionSort following the steps below: 1. Implement the SelectionSort Algorithm on the entire array for as many iterations as it takes to sort the array only to the point of ordering the elements so that the last n/2 elements are sorted in increasing (ascending) order. 2. Implement the InsertionSort Algorithm to sort the first half of the resulting array elements so that these elements are sorted in decreasing (descending) order.



class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

      char arr[] = {'T','E','D','R','W','B','S','V','A'};

      int n = arr.length;

      System.out.println("Selection Sort:");


      long comp1 = selectionSort(arr);

      System.out.println("Total comparisons: "+comp1);

      System.out.println("\nInsertion Sort:");


      long comp2 = insertionSort(arr);

      System.out.println("Total Comparisons: "+comp2);

      System.out.println("\nOverall Total Comparisons: "+(comp1+comp2));


  static long selectionSort(char arr[]) {

      // applies selection sort for n/2 elements

      // returns number of comparisons

      int n = arr.length;

      long comparisons = 0;


      // One by one move boundary of unsorted subarray

      for (int i = n-1; i>=n-n/2; i--) {

              // Find the minimum element in unsorted array

              int max_idx = i;

              for (int j = i-1; j>=0; j--) {

                      // there is a comparison everytime this loop returns


                      if (arr[j] > arr[max_idx])

                              max_idx = j;


              // Swap the found minimum element with the first

              // element

              char temp = arr[max_idx];

              arr[max_idx] = arr[i];

              arr[i] = temp;






      return comparisons;


  static long insertionSort(char arr[]) {

      // applies insertion sort for n/2 elements

      // returns number of comparisons

      int n = arr.length;

      n = n-n/2;   // sort only the first n/2 elements

      long comparisons = 0;

      for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {

          char key = arr[i];

          int j = i - 1;

          /* Move elements of arr[0..i-1], that are

                  greater than key, to one position ahead

                  of their current position */

          while (j >= 0) {

              // there is a comparison everytime this loop runs


              if (arr[j] > key) {

                  arr[j + 1] = arr[j];

              } else {





          arr[j + 1] = key;





      return comparisons;


  static void printArray(char arr[]) {

      for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)

          System.out.print(arr[i]+" ");




Explanation is in the answer.

Write Scheme functions to do the following. You are only allowed to use the functions introduced in our lecture notes and the helper functions written by yourself. (a) Return all rotations of a given list. For example, (rotate ’(a b c d e)) should return ((a b c d e) (b c d e a) (c d e a b) (d e a b c) (e a b c d)) (in some order). (b) Return a list containing all elements of a given list that satisfy a given predicate. For example, (filter (lambda (x) (< x 5)) ’(3 9 5 8 2 4 7)) should return (3 2 4).



Check the explanation


solution a:

def Rotate(string) :

n = len(string)

temp = string + string

for i in range(n) :

for j in range(n) :

print(temp[i + j], end = "")


string = ("abcde")


solution b:

nums = [3,9,5,8,2,4,7]

res = list(filter(lambda n : n < 5, nums))


Describe the Software Development Life Cycle. Describe for each phase of the SDLC how it can be used to create software for an Employee Payroll System that allows employees to log the number of hours completed in a work period and then generate their pay. Use Microsoft Word to complete this part of the assessment. Save your file as LASTNAME FIRSTNAME M08FINAL1 were LASTNAME is your lastname and FIRSTNAME is your first name. Upload your answer to this question; do not submit this assessment until you have completed all questions. This question is worth 25 points.



Check the explanation



SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle

It provides steps for developing a software product

It also checks for the quality and correctness of a software

The main aim of SDLC is to develop a software, which meets a customer requirements

SDLC involves various phases to develop a high-quality product for its end user

Phases of SDLC

           There are seven phases in a software development life cycle as follows,

Requirement Analysis   Feasibility Study   Design    Coding    Testing Deployment      Maintenance

kindly check the attached image below

Requirement analysis

This is the first stage in a SDLC.

In this phase, a detailed and precise requirements are collected from various teams by senior team members

It gives a clear idea of the entire project scope, opportunities and upcoming issues in a project

This phase also involves, planning assurance requirements and analyze risk involved in the project

Here, the timeline to finish the project is finalized

Feasibility Study

In this stage, the SRS document, that is “Software Requirement Specification” document is defined, which includes everything to be designed and developed during the life cycle of a project


In this phase as the name indicates, software and system design documents are prepared, based on the requirement specification document

This enable us to define the whole system architecture

Two types of design documents are prepared in this phase as follows,

High-Level Design

Low-Level Design


In this phase, the coding of project is done in a selected programming language

Tasks are divided into many units and given to various developers

It is the longest phase in the SDLC


In this stage, the developed coding is tested by the testing team

The testing team, checks the coding in the user point of view


In this stage, a product is released by the company to the client


Once the product is delivered to the client, the maintenance phase work will start by fixing errors, modifying and enhancing the product.

Employee Payroll System

Requirement analysis

Gather information from various team for requirement

Analyze the number of employees to handle the project

Timeline to finish the project, eg.1 month

Feasibility Study

The system requirements such as how many systems are required

Decide which software to be installed to handle the project.

For example, if we are going to develop the software using C language, then software for that has to be installed

The SRS document has to be prepared


In this the HLD and LLD is prepared, the overall software architecture is prepared

The modules involved in coding are decided

Here the modules can be employee, payroll manager, Employee Log time, account details

The input and output are designed, such as employee name is the input and output is the salary for him, based on working hours


Here the coding is divided into various sections and given to 2 or more employees

One may code employee detail, one will code working hours of employees and one may code the banking details of employee


The coding is tested for syntax, declaration, data types and various kinds of error

The testing team will test the coding with various possible values

They may even check with wrong values and analyze the output for that


Now the software is installed in the client system and the client is calculating the payroll for an employee based on working hours in a month


If any error occurs, the team will clear the issue.

When a new employee joins, then the employee data will added to the database and the database is updated

Also if the client asks for any new features, it will done in this phase.

Consider the following relations:
Emp(eid: integer, ename: varchar, sal: integer, age: integer, did: integer) Dept(did: integer, budget: integer, floor: integer, mgr_eid: integer) Salaries range from $10,000 to $100,000, ages vary from 20 to 80, each department has about five employees on average, there are 10 floors, and budgets vary from $10,000 to $1 million. You can assume uniform distributions of values. For each of the following queries, which of the listed index choices would you choose to speed up the query.
1. Query: Print ename, age, and sal for all employees.
A) Clustered hash index on fields of Emp.
B) Unclustered hash index on fields of Emp.
C) Clustered B+ tree index on fields of Emp.
D) Unclustered hash index on fields of Emp.
E) No index.
2. Query: Find the dids of departments that are on the 10th floor and have a budget of less than $15,000.
A) Clustered hash index on the floor field of Dept.
B) Unclustered hash index on the floor field of Dept.
C) Clustered B+ tree index on fields of Dept.
D) Clustered B+ tree index on the budget field of Dept.
E) No index.



Check the explanation


--Query 1)

SELECT ename, sal, age


--Query 2)



WHERE floot = 10 AND budget<15000;

Rewrite this if/else if code segment into a switch statement int num = 0; int a = 10, b = 20, c = 20, d = 30, x = 40; if (num > 101 && num <= 105) { a += 1; } else if (num == 208) { b += 1; x = 8; } else if (num > 208 && num < 210) { c = c * 3; } else { d += 1004; }



public class SwitchCase {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       int num = 0;

       int a = 10, b = 20, c = 20, d = 30, x = 40;

       switch (num){

           case 102: a += 1;

           case 103: a += 1;

           case 104: a += 1;

           case 105: a += 1;


           case 208: b += 1; x = 8;


           case 209: c = c * 3;

           case 210: c = c * 3;


           default: d += 1004;





Given above is the equivalent code using Switch case in JavaThe switch case test multiple levels of conditions and can easily replace the uses of several if....elseif.....else statements.When using a switch, each condition is treated as a separate case followed by a full colon and the the statement to execute if the case is true.The default statement handles the final else when all the other coditions are false

Write an expression to detect that the first character of userinput matches firstLetter.

import java.util.Scanner; public class CharMatching { public static void main (String [] args) { Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; String userInput; char firstLetter; userInput = scnr.nextLine(); firstLetter = scnr.nextLine().charAt(0); if (/* Your solution goes here */) { System.out.println("Found match: " + firstLetter); } else { System.out.println("No match: " + firstLetter); } return; } }


Answer: Provided in the explanation segment


Below is the code to run this program.

we have that the


import java.util.Scanner;

public class CharMatching {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

      //Scanner object for keyboard read

      Scanner scnr=new Scanner(;

      //Variable for user input string

      String userInput;

      //Variable for firstletter input

      char firstLetter;

      //Read user input string


      //Read first letter from user


      //Comparison without case sensititvity and result

      if(Character.toUpperCase(firstLetter)==Character.toUpperCase(userInput.charAt(0))) {

          System.out.println("Found match: "+firstLetter);


      else {

          System.out.println("No match: "+firstLetter);







Found match: h

cheers i hope this helped !!!

D-H public key exchange Please calculate the key for both Alice and Bob.
Alice Public area Bob
Alice and Bob publicly agree to make
N = 50, P = 41
Alice chooses her Bob
picks his
Private # A = 19 private #
B= ?
I am on Alice site, I choose my private # A = 19.
You are on Bob site, you pick up the private B, B and N should have no common factor, except 1.
(Suggest to choose B as a prime #) Please calculate all the steps, and find the key made by Alice and Bob.
The ppt file of D-H cryptography is uploaded. You can follow the steps listed in the ppt file.
Show all steps.



See explaination


Please kindly check attachment for the step by step solution of the given problem.

This represents a group of Book values as a list (named books). We can then dig through this list for useful information and calculations by calling the methods we're going to implement. class Library: Define the Library class. • def __init__(self): Library constructor. Create the only instance variable, a list named books, and initialize it to an empty list. This means that we can only create an empty Library and then add items to it later on.



class Library:      def __init__(self):        self.books = [] lib1 = Library()lib1.books.append("Biology") lib1.books.append("Python Programming Cookbook")


The solution code is written in Python 3.

Firstly, we can create a Library class with one constructor (Line 2). This constructor won't take any input parameter value. There is only one instance variable, books, in the class (Line 3). This instance variable is an empty list.

To test our class, we can create an object lib1 (Line 5).  Next use that object to add the book item to the books list in the object (Line 6-8).  

5.14 ◆ Write a version of the inner product procedure described in Problem 5.13 that uses 6 × 1 loop unrolling. For x86-64, our measurements of the unrolled version give a CPE of 1.07 for integer data but still 3.01 for both floating-point data. A. Explain why any (scalar) version of an inner product procedure running on an Intel Core i7 Haswell processor cannot achieve a CPE less than 1.00. B. Explain why the performance for floating-point data did not improve with loop unrolling.



(a) the number of times the value is performs is up to four cycles. and as such the integer i is executed up to 5 times.  (b)The point version of the floating point can have CPE of 3.00, even when the multiplication operation required is either 4 or 5 clock.



The two floating point versions can have CPEs of 3.00, even though the multiplication operation demands either 4 or 5 clock cycles by the latency suggests the total number of clock cycles needed to work the actual operation, while issues time to specify the minimum number of cycles between operations.


sum = sum + udata[i] * vdata[i]

in this case, the value of i performs from 0 to 3.


The value of sum is denoted as,

sum = ((((sum + udata[0] * vdata[0])+(udata[1] * vdata[1]))+( udata[2] * vdata[2]))+(udata[3] * vdata[3]))


(A)The number of times the value is executed is up to 4 cycle. And the integer i performed up to 5 times.


(B) The floating point version can have CPE of 3.00, even though the multiplication operation required either 4 or 5 clock.

For dinner, a restaurant allows you to choose either Menu Option A: five appetizers and three main dishes or Menu Option B: three appetizers and four main dishes. There are six kinds of appetizer on the menu and five kinds of main dish.

How many ways are there to select your menu, if...

a. You may not select the same kind of appetizer or main dish more than once.
b. You may select the same kind of appetizer and/or main dish more than once.
c. You may select the same kind of appetizer or main dish more than once, but not for all your choices, For example in Menu Option A, it would be OK to select four portions of 'oysters' and one portion of 'pot stickers', but not to select all five portions of 'oysters'.)

In each case show which formula or method you used to derive the result.



The formula used in this question is called the probability of combinations or combination formula.



Given that:

Formula applied is stated as follows:

nCr = no of ways to choose r objects from n objects

  = n!/(r!*(n-r)!)

The Data given :

Menu A : 5 appetizers and 3 main dishes

Menu B : 3 appetizers and 4 main dishes

Total appetizers - 6

Total main dishes - 5


Part A :

Total ways = No of ways to select menu A + no of ways to select menu B

          = (no of ways to select appetizers in A)*(no of ways to select main dish in A) + (no of ways to select appetizers in B)*(no of ways to select main dish in B)

          = 6C5*5C3 + 6C3*5C4

          = 6*10 + 20*5

          = 160

Part B :

Since, we can select the same number of appetizers/main dish again so the number of ways to select appetizers/main dishes will be = (total appetizers/main dishes)^(no of appetizers/main dishes to be selected)

Total ways = No of ways to select menu A + no of ways to select menu B  

          = (no of ways to select appetizers in A)*(no of ways to select main dish in A) + (no of ways to select appetizers in B)*(no of ways to select main dish in B)

          = (6^5)*(5^3) + (6^3)*(5^4)

          = 7776*125 + 216*625

          = 1107000

Part C :

No of ways to select same appetizers and main dish for all the options

= No of ways to select menu A + no of ways to select menu B  

= (no of ways to select appetizers in A)*(no of ways to select main dish in A) + (no of ways to select appetizers in B)*(no of ways to select main dish in B)

=(6*5) + (6*5)

= 60

Total ways = Part B - (same appetizers and main dish selected)      

= 1107000 - 60

= 1106940

after turning the volume all the way up on the speakers you still can't hear any sound which of the following should be your the next step



check if its pluged in


What is blue L.E.D. light


The invention of blue LEDs meant that blue, red, and green could all be combined to produce white LED light, which can function as an alternative energy-saving light source.
A blue led light is just a the color blue with the LED strips
Other Questions
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(a) What is tt when the particle has height 2020? t=t= (b) What is the velocity of the particle when its height is 2020? v =v= (c) When the particle has height 2020, it leaves the helix and moves along the tangent line at the constant velocity found in part (b). Find a vector parametric equation for the position of the particle (in terms of the original parameter tt) as it moves along this tangent line. Find the length of the right triangles other leg. Round to the nearest tenth.leg = 10 fthypotenuse = 12 ft As the caravan crosses the Sahara, Santiago and the Englishman each make an effort to gain new insights by practicing the other's method of learning: Santiago reads the Englishman's books about alchemy, and the Englishman spends several days observing the caravan and the desert. When the Englishman asks Santiago what the boy learned about alchemy from reading his books, Santiago sums up his reading in a few short sentences (on page 83). What does he say he learned? 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Stem Leaf 1 1, 2, 3, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 9, 9.5 2 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 3 0, 0, 0, 2, 8 4 5 0 6 7 8 0 9 10 11 12 0 The outer fences are ___________. Blood has traveled from the heart to the toes. Which describes the next stepof the circulation process?A. The blood goes back to the heart to get oxygen.B. The blood releases oxygen on the way back to the heart.C. The blood goes through the liver to get oxygen.D. The blood travels to the lungs to get oxygen. Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) has a molar mass of 98.1 g/mol. How many oxygen atoms are found in 75.0 g of H2SO4? A. 1.15 10^23 B. 1.84 10^24 C. 4.61 10^23 D. 7.87 10^23 If an angle is supplementary and one measures 70 what is the measure if the other angle? Everybody in the United States has heard the song about the star-spangled banner. Nearly everybody has sung it. It was written by Francis Scott Key.Key was a young lawyer. In the War of 1812 he fought with the American army. The British landed soldiers in Maryland. At Bladensburg they fought and beat the Americans. Key was in this battle on the American side.After the battle the British army took Washington, and burned the public buildings. Key had a friend who was taken prisoner by the British. He was on one of the British ships. Key went to the ships with a flag of truce. A flag of truce is a white flag. It is carried in war when one side sends a message to the other.When Key got to the British ships, they were sailing to Baltimore. They were going to try to take Baltimore. The British commander would not let Key go back. He was afraid that he would let the Americans know where the ships were going.Key was kept a kind of prisoner while the ships attacked Baltimore. The ships tried to take the city by firing at it from the water. The British army tried to take the city on the land side.The ships did their worst firing at night. They tried to take the little fort near the city.Key could see the battle. He watched the little fort. He was afraid that the men in it would give up. He was afraid that the fort would be broken down by the cannon balls.The British fired bomb-shells and rockets at the fort. When these burst, they made a light. By this light Key could see that the little fort was still standing. He could see the flag still waving over it. He tells this in his song in these words:"And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in airGave proof through the night that our flag was still there."But after many hours of fighting the British became discouraged. They found that they could not take the city. The ships almost ceased to fire.Key did not know whether the fort had been knocked down or not. He could not see whether the flag was still flying or not. He thought that the Americans might have given up. He felt what he wrote in the song:"Oh! say, does that star-spangled banner yet waveO'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?"When the break of day came, Key looked toward the fort. It was still standing. There was a flag flying over it. It grew lighter. He could see that it was the American flag. His feelings are told in two lines of the song:"Tis the star spangled banner, oh, long may it waveO'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave!"Key was full of joy. He took an old letter from his pocket. The back of this letter had no writing on it. Here he wrote the song about the star-spangled banner.Which is the best summary statement for this passage?A)Francis Scott Key was kept as a kind of prisoner on a British ship bombing Baltimore.B)Francis Scott Key was a young lawyer who fought in the War of 1812 with the American army.C)The British soldiers became discouraged when they were unable to take the city of Baltimore.D)Francis Scott Key used the battle for Baltimore as inspiration for writing "The Star-Spangled Banner. Discuss the narrators tragicomic treatment of akaky in the opening pages What challenges arise when trying to protect the environment? Select four options. A)expensive clean energy startup B)costs threat to the livelihood of many citizens. C) negative effect on future crop yieldsD)expensive to monitor fishing and tourism industries more land available for farming Service Department Charges In divisional income statements prepared for Demopolis Company, the Payroll Department costs are charged back to user divisions on the basis of the number of payroll distributions, and the Purchasing Department costs are charged back on the basis of the number of purchase requisitions. The Payroll Department had expenses of $64,560, and the Purchasing Department had expenses of $40,000 for the year. The following annual data for Residential, Commercial, and Government Contract divisions were obtained from corporate records: ResidentialCommercialGovernment Contract Sales$2,000,000 $3,250,000 $2,900,000 Number of employees: Weekly payroll (52 weeks per year)400 250 150 Monthly payroll80 30 10 Number of purchase requisitions per year7,500 3,000 2,000 a. Determine the total amount of payroll checks and purchase requisitions processed per year by the company and each division. Can yall answer this or not !?