Allowing 20 % discount on the marked price of an article and levying 15 % VAT. a buyer has to pay Rs 9.200 for the article. Find the marked price of the article.​


Answer 1


here I'm confused that whether the selling price is Rs.9,200 or Rs.9.200

any ways you can take the help of below procedure

Step-by-step explanation:


let marked price be X



SP with VAT= 9200


SP without VAT= SP - VAT of SP

= 9200-15/100 ×9200

= 9200- 1380

=Rs. 1380


SP= MP - D of MP

or,7820= x- 20/100 × x

or, 7820× 100 = 100x- 20x


or, 782000/80=X

or, X= 9775.

hence MP is Rs 9775

Related Questions




First we need the formula to solving a cone :

[tex]V=\pi r^2\frac{h}{3}[/tex]

We substitute pi as 3.14!

62.8 is the answer


3.14 x 5 squared x 12/3 is 62.8

Therefore the answer is 62.8

Simplify the square root. Please explain




Step-by-step explanation:

Square of 1: 1*1=1

Square of 2: 2*2=4

Square of 3: 3*3=9

Square of 4: 4*4=16

Square of 5: 5*5=25

Square of 6: 6*6=36

Square of 7: 7*7=49

Square of 8: 8*8=64

Square of 9: 9*9=81

Square of 10: 10*10=100

Those are the basics.

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls


[tex] \large{ \tt{❊ \: S \: O \: L \: U \: T \: I \: O \: N \:❊ }}[/tex]

[tex] \underline{\large{ \tt{۵ \: S \: T \: E \: P \: S} }} : [/tex]

[tex] \large{ \tt{❁ \: \sqrt{ \frac{16}{25} }→\sqrt{ \frac{ {4}^{2} }{ {5}^{2} } }→ \sqrt{ (\frac{4}{5} ) ^{2} } → (\frac{4}{5} )}^{ \frac{2}{2} } → \boxed{ \tt{ \frac{4}{5} }}} [/tex]

[tex] \boxed{ \boxed{ \tt{⤳ \: OUR \: FINAL \: ANSWER : \boxed{ \frac{4}{5} }}}}[/tex]

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions regarding my answer and also notify me , if you need any help! :)

Find the value of the power. 3⁵=​




Step-by-step explanation:

When you multiply 3 five times you get 243.

Answer: 243

Step-by-step explanation: Make sure to multiply three five times/ Don't get confused so right when you do three times three you multiply it by the number you got.

which of the following is the sum of the numbers if the mean of five number is 6



Step-by-step explanation:

you have to do 5+1 and then you will get 6

Explain how to find the middle quartile of a box-and-whisker plot.


Step-by-step explanation: The middle quartile or second quartile as I like to call it is the median of the entire data set. Remember that the median is the middle number when the data is written from least to greatest.

7. The list price of an article is 25% above the selling price and cost price
is 40% below the list price, then rate of discount is:
a. 15%
b. 20%
C. 25%
d. 40%



I think its C.

Step-by-step explanation:

this that I brain farted oooo i got it

if n(p(a)) = 256. find n(a)​


n(p(a)) = 256

256 = 2^8

n(a) = 8

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

PLEASE HELP ME!. I will give thanks, 5 star rating, and brainly to the most helpful answer, and I will report unrelated answers, so don't try me.

Three vertices of a parallelogram are (0,1), (2,0), and (2,5). Label all the possible location(s) of a fourth vertex.



(0, 6), (4, 4), and (0, -4)

Step-by-step explanation:

basically you pick 2 sides (each with endpoints at two of the three verticies) to be the adjacent sides, and then you can easily find the fourth vertex for each case.

Someone exchanged a dollar bill for change and received 7 coins, none of which were half-dollars. How many of these coins were dimes? a. 0 b. 1 c. 4 d. 5 e. Cannot be determined from the information given


There is only 1 dime because there are 3 quarters, 3nickels, and 1 dime which makes 7 coins

Someone plz help me I’m stuck with this one T^T




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex] ÷ [tex]\frac{1}{6} =[/tex]

[tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex] * [tex]\frac{6}{1} =[/tex] = 12/3 = 4


[tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] ÷ [tex]\frac{1}{9} =[/tex]

[tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] * [tex]\frac{9}{1} =[/tex] = 9/3 = 3

In an arithmetic sequence, the first term is 5 and the third term is -5. What is the 20th term?




Step-by-step explanation:

Thus with the sequence /question numbers are reducing by 5 .

The answer above is correct

please answer this!!​




Step-by-step explanation:

tan equal to (opposite side) /(adjacent side)

am not able to write root 3 on phone but its something like this


in which¤3 is root 3

Your monthly finance charge is based on your interest rate and your balance, the higher your interest rate, the higher your finance charge will be.




Step-by-step explanation:

If you don't pay by the deadline, interest rate will contribute to your finance charge.

I think it would be true

The graph represents the system of inequalities shown below. Determine whether the statement that follows the graph is true or false.




Step-by-step explanation:

there is no graph...

the study of the organization and collection of data is know as?



investigation isanswer

Chọn bốn ví dụ sau Ví dụ nào không phải là phân số
A.3/-5 B.1,7/3 C.0/2 D.-13/-4




Step-by-step explanation:

vì số âm không nằm ở dưới

Find the equation of the axis of symmetry and the coordinates of the vertex of the graph of y = 2x2 – 12x + 6.


Step-by-step explanation:

The real part (red) and imaginary part (blue) of the Riemann zeta function along the critical line Re(s) = 1/2. The first non-trivial zeros can be seen at Im(s) = ±14.135, ±21.022 and ±25.011. The Riemann hypothesis, a famous conjecture, says that all non-trivial zeros of the zeta function lie along the critical line.




Which value for the constant d makes x = -2 an extraneous solution in the following equation?
[tex]\sqrt{6-15x} =5x+d[/tex]



Solution given:

[tex]\sqrt{6-15x} =5x+d[/tex]......(1)




Substituting value of x in equation 1.

[tex]\sqrt{6-15*-2} =5*-2+d[/tex].

Solve the like terms

[tex]\sqrt{6+30} =-10+d[/tex].

solve the like terms

[tex]\sqrt{36} =-10+d[/tex].

we have square root of 36 is 6.



the value of constant term is 16.

The value of d for the expression [tex]\sqrt{6-15x} = 5x+d[/tex] is 16.

What is an expression?

Expression in maths is defined as the collection of the numbers variables and functions by using signs like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

The value of 'd' is calculated as,

[tex]\sqrt{6-15x} = 5x+d[/tex]

Put the value of x =-2,

[tex]\sqrt{6-(15\times -2)}=(5\times -2)+d[/tex]

√36 = -10 + d

6 = -10 + d

d = 16

To know more about Expression follow


I’m giving out brainlist!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

Find the unit rate.

[tex]\frac{Dollars}{Cookies}=\frac{9}{15}[/tex] ÷ [tex]\frac{15}{15}=\frac{0.6}{1}[/tex]

Therefore, the cost for one cookie is $0.60.



You need to find the unit rate. Unit rate is a ratio of 1 to another number, written like 1 : ?.

If a box of 15 cookies costs $9, and you want to find the price of one cookie, then you will need to use unit rate.

Start with the ratio of cookies to dollars.


Now, you need to find out the cost of one cookie. To do this, you will need to divide 9 by 15 (9/15) because you're trying to split 9 into 15 cookies.

9÷15= .6

But, you can't have .6 dollars, so the answer will be $0.60, or 60 cents.

Brainliest is very much appreciated! I work very hard to write lengthy answers.




P and Q only intersect for 2 as 2 is common for P and Q . So P U Q = 2

For the diagram :

One big circle name U with 1 on the

Far corner left and 9 on the far right corner.

Then on the left, a circle within circle U with the number Of P

Same with Q on the right.

But P and Q must intersect on number 2 as 2 is in both circles.

ps : nothing oblidge you to set the number on mathematical order. Of it'esasier to do the circles, do it whatever you like as long as you respect what is said.

The temperature falls from 0 degrees to - 123 degrees in 3 hours. Which expression finds the change in
temperature per hour? ?
7 49
7 49
0 -24
49 7
0 -1
49 7
4 -




Step-by-step explanation:



Expand and simply
(5x + 4)²​



25x^2 +40x+16

Step-by-step explanation:

(5x + 4)²​



first  5x*5x = 25x^2

outer  5x*4 = 20x

inner 4*5x = 20x

last = 4*4 = 16

Add them together

25x^2 +20x+20x+16

Combine like terms

25x^2 +40x+16


[tex] {(5x + 4)}^{2} \\ = {(5x)}^{2} + 2 \times 4 \times 5x + {4}^{2} \\ = 25 {x}^{2} + 40x + 16 \\ thank \: you[/tex]

Round the number 553 to the tens place.
is it 550? because 3 is less than 5 so I replace it with a 0




Step-by-step explanation:

To round 553 to the tens place, we would need to identify the value of the digit in the ones place.

If the digit in the ones place is greater than 5, we increase the tens place by 1 & convert the ones place into a 0.

If not, we leave the tens place as is & convert the ones place into a 0.

Since 3 is less than 5, we round 553 to 550 so you are correct.



550 has 2 sig figs

553 has 3

Step-by-step explanation:

passes through (−3, 7) and is parallel to y = 4x − 1.



Equation of the line is y = 4x + 19

Step-by-step explanation:

slope, m = 4

[tex]y = mx + c[/tex]

consider (-3, 7):

[tex]7 = (4 \times - 3) + c \\ 7 = - 12 + c \\ c = 19[/tex]


[tex]y = 4x + 19[/tex]


y = 4x + 19

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

y = 4x - 1 ← is in slope- intercept form

with slope m = 4

Parallel lines have equal slopes, then

y = 4x + c ← is the partial equation

To find c substitute (- 3, 7) into the partial equation

7 = - 12 + c ⇒ c = 7 + 12 = 19

y = 4x + 19 ← equation of parallel line

14. Peter needs to buy a package of pencils to write his final exam. The store offers two packages.
Package 1: pack of 6 pencils for $1.68
Package 2: pack of 9 pencils for $2.34
Determine the cost per pencil. Which is the better deal? Round to 2 decimal places. Show all your work for full marks.



Step-by-step explanation:

1.68/6=0.28 per pencil in pack 1

2.34/9 =0.26 per pencil in pack 2

So pack 2 is better in terms of Maths

But in business, people prefer pack 1

What is the value of the discriminant of the quadratic equation -2x2=-8x+8, and what does its value mean about the number of real number solutions the equation has?

The discriminant is equal to 0, which means the equation has no real number solutions.
The discriminant is equal to 0, which means the equation has one real number solution.
The discriminant is equal to 128, which means the equation has no real number solutions.
The discriminant is equal to 128, which means the equation has two real number solutions.


B..The discriminant is equal to 0, which means equation has on real number solutions

The discriminant is equal to 0, which means the equation has one real number solution, option B is correct.

What is quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is a second-order polynomial equation in a single variable x , ax²+bx+c=0. with a ≠ 0 .

The discriminant of a quadratic equation in standard form, ax² + bx + c = 0, is given by the expression b² - 4ac.

The given equation is -2x² = -8x+8

a = -2, b = 8, and c = -8.

Substituting these values into the formula for the discriminant, we get:

b² - 4ac = (8)² - 4(-2)(-8)

= 64 - 64

= 0

Therefore, the discriminant is equal to 0.

When the discriminant is equal to 0, it means that the quadratic equation has one real number solution (a double root) because the quadratic formula will give only one root.

Hence,  the discriminant is equal to 0, the equation -2x² = -8x + 8 has one real number solution.

To learn more on Quadratic equation click:


Find measure of one exterior angle in each regular polygon



Pentagon = 72°

Octagon = 45°

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve for the measure of one exterior angle in a regular pentagon;

n = number of sides

180 - (180 x n-2/n)

180 - (180 x 5-2/5)

180 - (180 x 3/5)

180 - (540/5)

180 - 108

Exterior angle = 72°

To solve for the measure of one exterior angle in a regular octagon;

n = number of sides

180 - (180 x n-2/n)

180 - (180 x 8-2/8)

180 - (180 x 6/8)

180 - (1080/8)

180 - 135

Exterior angle = 45°





I used a calculator.



Step-by-step explanation:

0.000010*0.00055*0.002= 1.1*10^-11 or basically 0.

subtract -5/6 from 1/3



1 1/6

Step-by-step explanation:

1/3 - (-5/6)

Subtracting a negative is like adding

1/3 + 5/6

Get a common denominator of 6

1/3 *2/2 + 5/6

2/6 + 5/6


6/6 + 1/6

1 1/6

Answer: -1 1/6

Step-by-step explanation: -5/6 - 1/3 (2/2) -5/6 - 2/6 -7/6 -1 1/6

ABCD is rotated counterclockwise about the origin. By how many degrees
was ABCD rotated?



180 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

ABCD is now opposite where it started, so it was rotated 180 degrees

I hope this helps!


180 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

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