Also write it's methods preservation. of​


Answer 1


what? what is the question say clearly.

Related Questions

Eun Sun is a young and enthusiastic intern in a law firm and puts a lot of effort into her work. Her boss, however, never appreciates her work; he rather increases her workload every time she submits something for his approval. Though she is quite content with the nature of the work and the pay, Eun Sun is personally discontent with the work culture. On the basis of these factors, which of the following is most likely true of Eun Sun?

-Eun Sun lacks intrinsic motivation.
-Eun Sun lacks perceived organizational support.
-Eun Sun lacks extrinsic motivation.
-Eun Sun lacks both intrinsic and organizational support.



It's option B. Eun Sun lacks perceived organizational support.

The reason I chose this option is that perceived organizational support means that an individual working for the company is receiving good remarks or support for their hard work done. This is exactly what Eun Sun is in need of but unfortunately, her boss, fails to understand this and instead keeps giving her a hard time. Now, only if he were to say things like, "thank you for your hard work," or " you did great", Eun Sun would probably want to work even harder and better. Supportive words and encouragement can take you far.

Thực tế, thị trường đã dùng cách nào để xác định thời gian lao động xã hội cần thiết cho 1 loại sản phẩm


I’m sorry I don’t understand what language This is d

what angles cover the same rang? what do you call these angles?


Answer:Una figura formada por dos rayos trazados desde el mismo punto se llama

un ángulo. Los rayos que forman el ángulo se llaman sus lados y su extremo

común se llama el vértice del ángulo. Se debe considerar que los lados se extendienden a partir del vértice indefinidamente.

Un ángulo se denota usualmente con tres letras mayúsculas donde la de en

medio marca el vértice y las otras dos señalan un punto en cada uno de los lados. Se dice, por ejemplo, “el ángulo AOB” o “el ángulo BOA” (Figura 1). Es

posible denotar un ángulo con una sola letra que marca el vértice siempre que

no haya otros ángulos con el mismo vértice en el diagrama. A veces también

denotaremos un ángulo con un número dentro del ángulo cerca de su vértice.

Los lados de un ángulo dividen al plano que contiene al ángulo en dos regiones. Una de ellas se llama la región de adentro del ángulo y la otra se llama

la región de afuera. Usualmente se considera que la región de adentro es la que

contiene los segmentos que unen cualesquiera dos puntos sobre los lados del

ángulo, por ejemplo, los puntos A y B en los lados del ángulo AOB (Figura 1).

Sin embargo a veces se necesita considerar la otra parte del plano como la parte

de adentro. En casos tales algún comentario especial se hará para especificar

cuál región del plano es la que se considera la de adentro. Ambos casos se representan por separado en la Figura 2, donde la región de adentro está sombreada

en cada caso


Ángulo agudo un ángulo de menos de 90°

Ángulo recto un ángulo de 90°

Ángulo obtuso un ángulo de más de 90° pero menos de 180°

Ángulo llano un ángulo de 180°

Ángulo reflejo o cóncavo un ángulo de más de 180°

"The world economic crisis instigated the outbreak of the worlf war 2" . support the statement with fact.



>the world economic crisis instigated the outbreak of the world war 2 by following reason , Looking around at the magnitude of death and destruction that resulted from the World War I, leaders of the some of the world’s major powers convened a conference in Paris, the outcome of which they hoped would ensure that no such devastation would ever happen again. Unfortunately, the combination of a poorly designed peace treaty and the most severe economic crisis the modern world had ever experienced brought about a deterioration of international relations that would culminate in a war even more calamitous than the one that preceded it.

Which two ways are handy for overall development of a state?​



1. Promoting capital formation: Capital formation is a fundamental requirement for economic  development. Private savings are very low in the underdeveloped countries in view of the low  income of the people. Therefore, there is a need for generation of savings by the government.  Developing countries have to depend primarily on government to mobilize domestic resources  during the early stages of economic development. The government has a major role to play in  promoting capital formation.

2. Development of Economic Infrastructure: Provision of economic infrastructure is mostly the  responsibility of the government. Key economic services, called infrastructure, like railways, road transport, communication network, roads, bridges, irrigation works, gas, electricity, etc. are  very essential for economic development. The absence of infrastructure can reduce economic  development.  


Promoting the capital formation and Development of Economic Infrastructure, are the two ways that handy for overall development of a state.

What is the capital formation?

Capital Formation is defined as the component part of a country's current end product and imports that is not consumed during the accounting period, but alternatively added to its stock of capital goods.

Capital formation modifies investment, that affects economic development. This can also be created by the persons in the investments activities.

Therefore, promoting capital formation and developing economic infrastructure are two methods that are beneficial to a state's overall development.

Learn more about the capital formation, refer to:


Please help it is urgent .​



it has helped us in the sentences like saya thunga phulka Hami aautai malla Nepali means which ever religion we follow which ever caste we are we all are same we celebrate every festival together with happiness

Another theory within the symbolic interaction perspective is ________, based on the idea that successful personal development throughout the life course and subsequent mastery of the challenges associated with everyday life are based on the components of choice, enhancements and at least some rewards.



selective optimization with compensation theory


This theory by Baltes(1990) in symbolic interaction perspective suggests that as individuals get older they seem to try to get the best results from the most little efforts. In other words, an older elderly person with physical limitations seeks to optimize his gains as much as possible while putting as much little effort as is possible(within his physical ability) to compensate for other losses or range of goals that may not have been accomplished.

A young woman went to her local shoe shop and selected a pair of shoes. She gave the salesperson cash for the shoes. As the salesperson was putting the shoes into a bag, a robber brandishing a gun entered the store, forced the salesperson to put all of the money in the register into the bag with the shoes, and fled with the bag, the money, and the shoes. After the police had come, the young woman asked the salesperson to get her another pair of shoes. He told the young woman that she would have to pay for them again. The young woman refused.

If the young woman sues the shoe shop for another pair of shoes, who will prevail?
A The young woman, because she did not yet have possession of the shoes.
B The young woman, because the purpose of the contract had been made impossible by an unforeseen event.
C The shoe shop, because title to the shoes had already passed to the young woman.
D The shoe shop, because the contract goods had already been identified.


Answer: A The young woman, because she did not yet have possession of the shoes.


It says that "As the salesperson was putting the shoes into a bag." Proof that she never had possession of the shoes.

She also paid for the shoes.

After Rachel bought a magazine subscription, she does not enjoy the articles in the magazine. However, she dutifully reads the entire magazine every month because she had already paid for the subscription and feels the money will be wasted if she does not read it. What psychological factor associated with behavioral economics explains Rachel's behavior



The sunk cost fallacy

any four advantage of development plan at local level​



(a) the design of projects that arise from, and respond to, local needs, priorities and circumstances; (b) the development of a local capacity not only to formulate and evaluate investment projects, but also to manage their ...

write down the different types of resources and how they affect the developemt process​



Resources can broadly be classified upon their availability—they are classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. Examples of non renewable resources are coal ,crude oil natural gas nuclear energy etc. ... An item becomes a resource with time and developing technology. Typically resources are materials, energy, services,staff knowledge,or other assets that are transformed to produce benefit and in process may be consumed or made unavailable.

Hope this helps...

Three-year-old Chase rarely speaks and has little interest in interacting with his siblings or parents. His interest seems completely absorbed by a few of his toys, and sometimes, he will spin around and around for nearly an hour. Chase may be diagnosed with _____ disorder.



Autism spectrum


No explanation

His interest seems completely absorbed by a few of his toys, and sometimes, he will spin around and around for nearly an hour. Chase may be diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder.

What is a disorder?

If you have a strict and harmful habit of thinking, acting, and treating, you may have a mental problem. An individual with psychopathology has issues understanding and interacting with people and circumstances.

Chase may have some connection with the changes that have been happening in autism. He will not care about the crowd that is present around them.  People with autism spectrum condition can live freely as an adult.

People with ASD frequently struggle with social language and contact, as well as with constrained or repeating habits or hobbies. But not everyone reaches the same degree of autonomy.

Learn more about disorder, here:


nepal has the high potentiality of generating hydroelectricity explain this statement



Nepal has endowed high potential of water resources, covering 395,000 ha (48%) area within 45,000 km in length of 6000 rivers with 170 billion m3 annual runoff and 45,610 MW feasible hydroelectricity generation. ... Nepal government has planned to increase its current 67.3% access in electricity to 1426 MW (87%), by 2022.


please mark me brillient

Como en la sociedad colombiana la familia es importante



Para nosotros, la familia es la célula principal de la sociedad, es donde se aprenden los valores y la práctica de éstos constituye la base para el desarrollo y progreso de la sociedad. Es, quizá, el único espacio donde nos sentimos confiados, plenos; es el refugio donde nos aceptan y festejan por los que somos, sin importar la condición económica, cultural, intelectual, religión a profesar o preferencia sexual. La familia nos cobija, apoya, nos ama y respeta.

The somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system comprise the
central nervous system.
peripheral nervous system.
skeletal nervous system.
afferent nervous system.



Peripheral Nervous System


The Somatic Nervous system transmit sensory and motor signals to and from the Central Nervous system.

The correct option is B. The somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system comprise the peripheral nervous system.

Somatic and autonomic nervous systems make up the peripheral nervous system, which is further divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

What organs are in the peripheral nervous system?

The nerves and ganglia make up the peripheral nervous system's organs. Similar to how muscles are made up of bundles of muscle fibers, so are nerves. Peripheral organs including muscles and glands are connected to the CNS by spinal and cranial nerves.

Your peripheral nerves are located away from your brain and spinal cord. They transmit data from your brain to the rest of your body. Two major sections make up the peripheral nervous system: The ANS or autonomic nervous system regulates glands and controls involuntary body activities.

Thus, B is the best choice. The peripheral nervous system is made up of the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous system.

Learn more about the peripheral nervous system here:


If a draft were started in the United States during a time of war, who would be affected?
Citizens would be required to participate in the draft.
Citizens would be able to choose whether or not to participate in the draft.
Only green-card holders would be affected by the draft.
Only permanent residents would be required to participate in the draft.
Reset Next


The correct answer is A) Citizens would be required to participate in the draft.

If a draft were started in the United States during a time of war, who would be affected?


Citizens would be required to participate in the draft.

United States citizens are required to participate in the draft to enlist them into the war.

One of the past examples could be the Selective Service legislation passed in September 1940 that contributed to mobilization in that it required men to register for the draft.

This law sponsored by legislators Edward R. Burker and James W. Wadsworth was signed into law on September 16, 1940, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This piece of legislation required that all American men from 21 to 26 years old be part of the US draft.



write any two pilgrimage sites of province no 1



are two pilgrimage in province no. 1

Why Was The necessity of getting a constitution fromlated by a popularly elected constitution assembly felt after the second popular movement 2062 / 63 ? list the reasons.​



kullabs:I n the history of Nepal, altogether 6 constitutions were promulgated. They were made by a single authority. All of them did not comprehend the sentiments of the people and their aspirations due to which Mass Movement 2062/63 took place and Loktantra was established. After the establishment of Loktantra in Nepal, the constituent assembly was conducted and thus, a constituent assembly was formed. It was formed to ensure better rights and freedom to the people.


I guess this is the answer but I don't know the reasons

In Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer's classic experiment, participants were injected with epinephrine and either informed or not informed about the drug's effects. Participants were later asked to rate their own emotional states. In this experiment, participants' emotion ratings are the:



Early studies showed that most emotions exhibited the same physicological reactions. More recent studies have showed some discrimination between extreme emotions.

The researchers hypothesize that "an emotional state may be considered a function of a state of physiological arousal and of a cognition appropriate to this state of arousal". "Cognitions arising from the immediate situation as interpreted by past experience provide the framework wihin which one understand and labels his feelings".

How is a school a reflection of the society?​


In other words education and its institutions such as the school, university, classrooms and curriculums are all social facts. They exist in society and are a reflection of society. Because they are social facts they cannot be the cause for society; rather it is the reverse that is true.

short description about Madal​



Madal is a trditional musical instrument.

it is mostly played at festivals .

present condition of health in Nepal ?​



six districts of Nepal are declared with 99.9% immunization coverage Nepal achieved polio- free status on 27 on March 2014

How did the soviet union act during the darkest hour


This month marks 75 years since the United States launched its Lend-Lease program to supply the Allies with much-needed war materiel for the fight against Hitler. Downplayed by the Soviet Union, the program was of vital importance to the USSR’s war effort, as even Marshal Zhukov later admitted.

On March 11, 1941 American President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Lend-Lease bill, which permitted the U.S. to supply its anti-Hitler coalition allies with materiel.

please mark me has a brainist

write down the main function of Western Nepal rural drinking water and sanitation project list any five​



RWSSP-WN's main purpose is to fulfill the basic needs of the poor and to ensure rights of access to the households and the poor for getting safe domestic water, provide good health and hygiene through the decentralized governance system




For what purposes did the Greeks use the hilly land around their city-states?
h. What impact did mountains and seas have on Greek city-states?



mountains & Mediterranean:

encouraged the formation of many local centers of power, rather than one all-powerful capital

aristocracy strove to maintain their city-states' independence and to unseat any potential tyrants.

Greek polis (city-states) rather than kingdoms

raised goats,sheep, olive trees and grape vines


describe how foreign employment helps in improving the economic condition of a country


One way that it can help is to put the undesirable jobs out of the country in question.

Please help ill give BRAINLIST
Select the two correct answers.

Building codes are a form of government regulation. How might building codes impact business ownership?

Building codes may determine the price points of goods sold by the business.

Building codes may determine who can own the business.

Building codes may determine where the business can be located.

Building codes may determine what goods can be sold by a business at a given location.



C. Building codes may determine where the business can be located.

D. Building codes may determine what goods can be sold by a business at a given location.


Building codes is also referred to as building regulations or building controls and it can be defined as a set of established rules that are used to specify the chosen standards for the construction of building and non-building structures. Also, they are considered to be a form of government regulation.

This ultimately implies that, the construction of building and non-building structures must be in tandem (conformity) with building codes before a planning permission will be granted by the government.

The main purpose of building codes is to protect the health of the general public, promote safety and guarantee general welfare with respect to the construction and occupancy of any building.

In this context, building codes can impact business ownership in the following ways;

I. Building codes may determine where the business can be located. The building for housing a business can't be situated just anywhere without the right or appropriate approval by the government.

II. Building codes may determine what goods can be sold by a business at a given location. Since, its highly dependent on government approval or permission, specific goods are designated for some particular locations in a state.

What are the clothes of brahmin?​


The Daura is a variant of the Kurta and is the upper garment, the Suruwal is the trouser. The coat was added to the costume by Jang Bahadur Rana, a prime minister of Nepal in the 19th century. The outfit is also popular in Darjeeling in neighbouring India amongst people of Nepali origin.

Have a nice day!

Brahmins are the class in Hinduism. Brahmins are believed to come from India. The ethnicity of Brahmin is Aryan. Brahmin is divided into two groups: purbiya and kumai. Brahmin is again subdivided into; Upadhya and jaisi. Upadhya is regarded to be higher in rank than jaisi. In many places, were even people of Upadhya class do not eat the food offered by jaisi. From many years, Brahmas used to be engaged in religious activities as priest. They make pujas in Brahmin caste, In marriage and even in death ceremony. In many ceremonies, It is very important to have Brahmin priest.

In marriage ceremony, bridegroom goes in the house of bride to marry her. They both worship fire and god and take around fire promising each other not to leave each other’s support, love in front of family, friends and relatives. Bride has to go in the house of bridegroom after marriage.

Why is it important for students to learn that private citizens such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton (women’s right to vote), William Lloyd Garrison (abolition of slavery), and Martin Luther King, Jr. (equal rights for African Americans) have made a positive difference in American society?


It’s important to learn about these leaders because they worked very hard to make change . They fought to be equal and fought to have the same right as everybody else.

It is important for students to know about private citizens like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, William Lloyd Garrison, and Martin Luther King Jr because they left a legacy for future generations and contributed to the history of the country.

William Lloyd Garrison was an American journalist who was noted for his radical opposition to slavery. Lloyd was the creator of the American Anti-Slavery Society. Additionally, he stood out nationally and internationally for being the editor of the abolitionist newspaper "The Liberator" where he expressed his ideas on slavery and discrimination against women.

Second, like William Lloyd, Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a woman who was noted for her abolitionist social activism and for women's rights in the United States. One of her best-known actions was her participation in the Seneca Falls Declaration in 1848, one of the first spaces in which the movement for women's rights was organized and made visible worldwide.

Finally, Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the best known social reformers in history for his tireless fight for the civil rights of African Americans, as well as for peace (in the context of the Vietnam War). His influence allowed him to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

According to the above, these characters were important reformists of society and builders of the culture that exists in the country today and who have influenced movements in other countries. That is why it is important for students to study his legacy and his actions.

Learn more in:

Lamar has had panic attacks for some time, and when this happens he usually gets a feeling of tightness and squeezing in his chest. As a result he has stopped wearing compression t-shirts when he works out, and usually wears shirts that are one size too big. This attempt to avoid an internal sensation associated with a panic attack is called ______.



This attempt to avoid an internal sensation associated with a panic attack is called interoceptive avoidance.

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