An array A[0..n - 2] contains `n-1` integers from 1 to `n` in increasing order. (Thus one integer in this range is missing.) Design an algorithm in $\Theta(\log n)$ to find the missing integer. Your algorithm should be given in **pseudo code**. For example, the array `A` could be `{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}` in which `5` is missing.


Answer 1


I do not understand anything

Related Questions

Write a c++ program to find;
(I). the perimeter of rectangle.
(ii). the circumference of a circle.

(1). all the programs must allow the user to make his input .
(2).both programs must have both comment using the single line comment or the multiple line comment to give description to both programs.​




{ \tt{perimeter = 2(l + w)}}


{ \tt{circumference = 2\pi \: r}}

Just input the codes in the notepad

or Java,
program to perform this computa
Isaac Newton devised a clever method to casily approximate the square root of a number without having
to use a calculator that has the square root function. Describe this method with illustration​



The illustration in Java is as follows:

import java.util.*;

import java.lang.Math.*;

class Main{

public static void main (String[] args){

 Scanner input = new Scanner(;

 double num, root, temp;

 num = input.nextDouble();

 temp = num;

 while (true){

  root = 0.5 * ( (num / temp)+temp);

  if (Math.abs(root - temp) < 0.00001){

   break;   }

  temp = root;  }

 System.out.println("Root: "+root);



This declares all necessary variables

 double num, root, temp;

This gets input for num (i.e the number whose square root is to be calculated)

 num = input.nextDouble();

This saves the input number to temp

 temp = num;

This loop is repeated until it is exited from within the loop

 while (true){

Calculate temporary square root

  root = 0.5 * ( (num / temp)+temp);

The loop is exited, if the absolute difference between the root and temp is less than 0.00001

  if (Math.abs(root - temp) < 0.00001){

   break;   }

Save the calculated root to temp

  temp = root;  }

This prints the calculated root

 System.out.println("Root: "+root);

A technician is able to connect to a web however, the technician receives the error, when alternating to access a different web Page cannot be displayed. Which command line tools would be BEST to identify the root cause of the connection problem?





Nslookup command is considered as one of the most popular command-line software for a Domain Name System probing. It is a network administration command-line tool that is available for the operating systems of many computer. It is mainly used for troubleshooting the DNS problems.

Thus, in the context, the technician receives the error "Web page cannot be displayed" when he alternates to access different web page, the nslookup command is the best command tool to find the root cause of the connection problem.

Write a function number_of_pennies() that returns the total number of pennies given a number of dollars and (optionally) a number of pennies. Ex: If you have $5.06 then the input is 5 6, and if you have $4.00 then the input is 4. Sample output with inputs: 5 6 4 506 400



The function is as follows:

def number_of_pennies(dollars,pennies=0):

   return dollars*100+pennies



This defines the function

def number_of_pennies(dollars,pennies=0):

This returns the number of pennies

   return dollars*100+pennies

Note that, if the number of pennies is not passed to the function, the function takes it as 0


Code is given as:-

#number_of_pennies function with one default argument with pennies as 0 when no pennies parameter is given

def number_of_pennies(dollars,pennies = 0):

  pennies = dollars*100 + pennies #one dollar equals 100 pennies so calculate total pennies with this formula

  return pennies #return total pennies

print(number_of_pennies(int(input()),int(input()))) #both Dollars and pennies

print(number_of_pennies(int(input()))) #Dollars only


Here is the sample code and output.

My iPhone XR screen is popping out. Is it because I dropped it?



Yes that is most likely why your screen is popping out.


Most likely

Fill in the necessary blanks to list the name of each trip that does not start in New Hampshire (NH) Use the Colonial Adventure Tour Database listing found on the Canvas webpage under Databases or in the text.
WHERE Trip____ ____NH:




FROM AllTrips




Fill in the blanks

The table name is not stated; so, I assumed the table name to be AllTrips.

The explanation is as follows:

This select the records in the TripName column


This specifies the table where the record is being selected

FROM AllTrips

This states the fetch condition


Note that:

The wild card 'NH%' means, record that begins with NHNot means opposite

So, the clause NOT LIKE 'NH%' will return records that do not begin with NH

name any two objectives of a business​



Growth – Another important objective of business is to achieve growth. The growth should be in terms of increase in profit, revenue, capacity, number of employees and employee prosperity, etc.

Stability – Stability means continuity of business. An enterprise or business should achieve stability in terms of customer satisfaction, creditworthiness, employee satisfaction etc. A stable organization can easily handle changing dynamics of markets.

52. Which of the following numbering system is used by the computer to display numbers? A. Binary B. Octal C. Decimal D. Hexadecimal​



Computers use Zeroes and ones and this system is called


hope it helps

have a nice day

A.Binary B. octal is the correct answer

1.               Which of the following is smallest?

a)     desktop System Unit

b)     notebooks System Unit

c)     PDA System Unit

d)     tablet PC’s​



c)     PDA System Unit


.... ...

Trust me mark me as brainliest trust me


The smallest is PDA System Unit - c

electronic age,what format/equipment people use to communicate with each other?​



They share or broadcast information by making a letter or information in a papyrus material. in industrial age they use Telegraph or typewriter to communicate each other.

In electronic age, people use electronic medium for communication, like emails and messegers.

Reverse Word Order: Write a program that reverses the order of the words in a given sentence. This program requires reversing the order of the words wherein the first and last words are swapped, followed by swapping the second word with the second to last word, followed by swapping the third word and the third to last words, and so on.



function reverseArray(arr) {

   if (arr.length > 1) {

      arr = [arr[arr.length-1], ...reverseArray(arr.slice(1, -1)), arr[0]]


   return arr;


function reverseSentence(sentence) {

   let words = reverseArray( sentence.split(" ") );

   return words.join(" ");


console.log( reverseSentence("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog's back") );

console.log( reverseSentence("one two three") );

console.log( reverseSentence("one two") );

console.log( reverseSentence("Single") );


This is a solution in javascript leveraging several powerful constructs in that language, such as the spread operator.

Write a function addingAllTheWeirdStuff which adds the sum of all the odd numbers in array2 to each element under 10 in array1. Similarly, addingAllTheWeirdStuff should also add the sum of all the even numbers in array2 to those elements over 10 in array1.



The function is as follows:

def addingAllTheWeirdStuff(array1,array2):

   sumOdd = 0

   for i in array2:

       if i % 2 == 1:


   for i in array1:

       if i < 10:




   sumEven = 0

   for i in array1:

       if i % 2 == 0:


   for i in array2:

       if i > 10:




This declares the function

def addingAllTheWeirdStuff(array1,array2):

This initializes the sum of odd numbers in array 2 to 0

   sumOdd = 0

This iterates through array 2

   for i in array2:

This adds up all odd numbers in it

       if i % 2 == 1:


This iterates through array 1

   for i in array1:

This adds up all elements less than 10 to sumOdd

       if i < 10:


This prints the calculated sum



This initializes the sum of even numbers in array 1 to 0

   sumEven = 0

This iterates through array 1

   for i in array1:

This adds up all even numbers in it

       if i % 2 == 0:


This iterates through array 2

   for i in array2:

This adds up all elements greater than 10 to sumEven

       if i > 10:


This prints the calculated sum


A. Describe four types of information that you can enter into a worksheet cell when using a spreadsheet package, giving specific examples.​



The first step of learning about spreadsheets is understanding the terminology you will encounter as you work through this lesson. The glossary below lists terms that are specific to spreadsheet applications. Terminology that we learned when we looked at wordprocessing (such as copy, paste, clipboard, etc.) also apply to spreadsheet applications.

which of the following is an example of how science can solve social problems?
It can reduce the frequency of severe weather conditions.
It can control the time and day when cyclones happen.
It can identify the sources of polluted water.
It can stop excessive rain from occurring.



It can identify the sources of polluted water.


Science can be defined as a branch of intellectual and practical study which systematically observe a body of fact in relation to the structure and behavior of non-living and living organisms (animals, plants and humans) in the natural world through experiments.

A scientific method can be defined as a research method that typically involves the use of experimental and mathematical techniques which comprises of a series of steps such as systematic observation, measurement, and analysis to formulate, test and modify a hypothesis.

An example of how science can solve social problems is that it can identify the sources of polluted water through research, conducting an experiment or simulation of the pollution by using a computer software application.

In conclusion, science is a field of knowledge that typically involves the process of applying, creating and managing practical or scientific knowledge to solve problems and improve human life.


It can identify the sources of polluted water.


The _________ attack exploits the common use of a modular exponentiation algorithm in RSA encryption and decryption, but can be adapted to work with any implementation that does not run in fixed time.
A. mathematical.
B. timing.
C. chosen ciphertext.
D. brute-force.



chosen ciphertext


Chosen ciphertext attack is a scenario in which the attacker has the ability to choose ciphertexts C i and to view their corresponding decryptions – plaintexts P i . It is essentially the same scenario as a chosen plaintext attack but applied to a decryption function, instead of the encryption function.

Cyber attack usually associated with obtaining decryption keys that do not run in fixed time is called the chosen ciphertext attack.

Theae kind of attack is usually performed through gathering of decryption codes or key which are associated to certain cipher texts

The attacker would then use the gathered patterns and information to obtain the decryption key to the selected or chosen ciphertext.

Hence, chosen ciphertext attempts the use of modular exponentiation.

Learn more :

The purpose of a good web page design is to make it



Hi , so your answer is that a good web page design is to make it easy to use and meaningful and able to help people .


Really hope i helped , have a nice day :)

Answer: helpful for everyone


some student need help  so then he can't find the answer in the other websites so it is department about communication

Write a program in Python representing 7 logic gates:

Accept (only) two inputs to create all outputs.
Use the if statement to perform the Boolean logic.
Only accept numeric input.
If a number is greater than 0 treat it as a 1.
Specify in your output and in the beginning of the code (through print statements) which gate the code represents.
Comment your code.



The program in python is as follows:

a = int(input("A: "))

b = int(input("B: "))

if a != 0:

   a= 1

if b != 0:

   b = 1

print("A AND B",end =" ")

if a == b == 1:




print("A NAND B",end =" ")

if a == 0 or b == 0:




print("A OR B",end =" ")

if a == 1 or b == 1:




print("A NOR B",end =" ")

if a == 1 or b == 1:




print("A XOR B",end =" ")

if a != b:




print("A XNOR b",end =" ")

if a == b:




print("NOT A",end =" ")

if a == 1:




print("NOT B",end =" ")

if b == 1:





These get inputs for A and B

a = int(input("A: "))

b = int(input("B: "))

a and b are set to 1 for all inputs other than 0

if a != 0:

   a= 1

if b != 0:

   b = 1

This prints the AND header

print("A AND B",end =" ")

AND is true if only A and B are 1

if a == b == 1:




This prints the NAND header

print("A NAND B",end =" ")

NAND is true if one of A or B is 0

if a == 0 or b == 0:




This prints the OR header

print("A OR B",end =" ")

OR is true if one of A or B is 1

if a == 1 or b == 1:




This prints the NOR header

print("A NOR B",end =" ")

NOR is false if one of A or B is 1

if a == 1 or b == 1:




This prints the XOR header

print("A XOR B",end =" ")

XOR is true if A and B are not equal

if a != b:




This prints the XNOR header

print("A XNOR b",end =" ")

XNOR is true if a equals b

if a == b:




This prints NOT header for A

print("NOT A",end =" ")

This prints the opposite of the input

if a == 1:




This prints NOT header for B

print("NOT B",end =" ")

This prints the opposite of the input

if b == 1:




Write the algorithm for finding the perimeter of a rectangle using English like form step by step


L+L+W+W= Permiter
Or Lenght+Lenght+Width+Width= Perimeter
That’s all just add all the 4 sides

In this chapter, you learned that although a double and a decimal both hold floating-point numbers, a double can hold a larger value. Write a C# program named DoubleDecimalTest that declares and displays two variables—a double and a decimal. Experiment by assigning the same constant value to each variable so that the assignment to the double is legal but the assignment to the decimal is not.



The DoubleDecimalTest class is as follows:

using System;

class DoubleDecimalTest {

 static void Main() {

     double doubleNum = 173737388856632566321737373676D;  

    decimal decimalNum = 173737388856632566321737373676M;


   Console.WriteLine(decimalNum);  } }



Program to test double and decimal variables in C#

This declares and initializes double variable doubleNum

     double doubleNum = 173737388856632566321737373676D;

This declares and initializes double variable decimalNum (using the same value as doubleNum)

     decimal decimalNum = 173737388856632566321737373676M;

This prints doubleNum


This prints decimalNum


Unless the decimal variable is commented out or the value is reduced to a reasonable range, the program will not compile without error.

Given 4 floating-point numbers. Use a string formatting expression with conversion specifiers to output their product and their average as integers (rounded), then as floating-point numbers. Output each rounded integer using the following: print('{:.0f}'.format(your_value)) Output each floating-point value with three digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows: print('{:.3f}'.format(your_value))



The program is as follows:

prod = 1

isum = 0

for i in range(4):

   num = float(input())



avg = isum/4




This initializes the product to 1

prod = 1

..... and sum to 0

isum = 0

The following iteration is repeated 4 times

for i in range(4):

Get input for each number

   num = float(input())

Calculate the product


Add up the numbers


This calculates the average

avg = isum/4

Print the products


Print the average


Describe how data is transmitted using half-duplex serial data transmission.



In half duplex mode, the signal is sent in both directions, but one at a time. In full duplex mode, the signal is sent in both directions at the same time. In simplex mode, only one device can transmit the signal. In half duplex mode, both devices can transmit the signal, but one at a time.

as an IT manager write a memo to the student explaining the requirements of an ideal computer room


The correct answer to this open question is the following.


To: IT class.

From: Professor Smith.


Dear students,

The purpose of this memorandum is to let you all know the requirements of an ideal computer room.

1.- The compute room should be a decent, large, space, ready to accommodate the number of students that are going to participate in class.

2.- The proper temperature levels. All the hardware can't stand too much heat. We need ventilators and the right temperature for safety purposes.

3.- The organization of the PCs on every desk must be precise in order to have enough room for everybody's participation and interaction.

4.- Have a proper fire suppression system in place. The risk of fire when working with electronics is considerable.

5.- Access control. The equipment is expensive and must be just for qualified students. Have the proper control-access system to keep the place safe.

Thank you for your attention.

With your cooperation, the computer room should be a place to learn and have fun learning new things.

Describe what happens at every step of our network model, when a node of one network...



Each node on the network has an addres which is called the ip address of which data is sent as IP packets. when the client sends its TCP connection request, the network layer puts the request in a number of packets and transmits each of them to the server.

Which of followings are true or false?

a. Swapping two adjacent elements that are out of place removes only one inversion.
b. Any algorithm that sorts by exchanging adjacent elements requires O(n log n)
c. Shellsort with a proper distance function is faster than mergesort for a very large input (like sorting 1 billion numbers).
d. The average-case performance of quick sort is O(NlogN), but the best-case performance of quick sort is O(N) for a pre-sorted input.
e. The number of leaves in a decision tree for sorting n numbers by comparisons must be 2n.
f. The height of a decision tree for sorting gives the minimum number of comparisons in the best case.
g. Any decision tree that can sort n elements must have height Big-Omega (n log n).
h. Bucket-sort can be modeled by a decision tree.




a. Swapping two adjacent elements that are out of place removes only one inversion.

Answer: True

b. Any algorithm that sorts by exchanging adjacent elements requires O(n log n)

Answer: False

c. Shellsort with a proper distance function is faster than mergesort for a very large input (like sorting 1 billion numbers).

Answer: True

d. The average-case performance of quick sort is O(NlogN), but the best-case performance of quick sort is O(N) for a pre-sorted input.

Answer: True

e. The number of leaves in a decision tree for sorting n numbers by comparisons must be 2n.

Answer: False

f. The height of a decision tree for sorting gives the minimum number of comparisons in the best case.

Answer: True

g. Any decision tree that can sort n elements must have height Big-Omega (n log n).

h. Bucket-sort can be modeled by a decision tree.

Answer: True

What does the following code print?
if 4 + 5 == 10:
(2 Points)





Write a method that prints on the screen a message stating whether 2 circles touch each other, do not touch each other or intersect. The method accepts the coordinates of the center of the first circle and its radius, and the coordinates of the center of the second circle and its radius.

The header of the method is as follows:

public static void checkIntersection(double x1, double y1, double r1, double x2, double y2, double r2)


Distance between centers C1 and C2 is calculated as follows:
d = Math.sqrt((x1 - x2)2 + (y1 - y2)2).

There are three conditions that arise:

1. If d == r1 + r2
Circles touch each other.
2. If d > r1 + r2
Circles do not touch each other.
3. If d < r1 + r2
Circles intersect.



The method is as follows:

public static void checkIntersection(double x1, double y1, double r1, double x2, double y2, double r2){

    double d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x1 - x2),2) + Math.pow((y1 - y2),2));

    if(d == r1 + r2){

        System.out.print("The circles touch each other");     }

    else if(d > r1 + r2){

        System.out.print("The circles do not touch each other");     }


        System.out.print("The circles intersect");     }



This defines the method

public static void checkIntersection(double x1, double y1, double r1, double x2, double y2, double r2){

This calculate the distance

    double d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x1 - x2),2) + Math.pow((y1 - y2),2));

If the distance equals the sum of both radii, then the circles touch one another

    if(d == r1 + r2){

        System.out.print("The circles touch each other");     }

If the distance is greater than the sum of both radii, then the circles do not touch one another

   else if(d > r1 + r2){

        System.out.print("The circles do not touch each other");     }

If the distance is less than the sum of both radii, then the circles intersect


        System.out.print("The circles intersect");     }


1. Briefly explain the various types of models used in software Engineering with benefits and limitations for each



The Software Model represents the process abstractly. The different activities involved in developing software products are present in each phase of the software model. The order for each stage to be executed is also specified.


Waterfall model:-


Implementing the waterfall model is very easy and convenient.

It is very useful for implementing small systems.


If some of the changes are made at certain phases, it may create confusion.

First, the requirement analysis is performed, and sometimes not all requirements can be expressly indicated in the beginning.

Spiral model:-


The working model of the system can be quickly designed through the construction of the prototype.

The project can be refined by the developer and the user during the development phase.


If customer communication is not good or proper, the result is total project failure or project failure which could lead to project comission.

3. It is used to measure the resistance on ohms and voltage that flow in circuit both AC and DC current. A. Gadget C. Electrical tape B. Voltage D. Multi-tester VOM​



the answer is D. Multi -tester VOM

It is used to measure the resistance on ohms and voltage that flow in the circuit both AC and DC current is D. Multi-tester VOM​.

What does an ammeter degree?

Ammeter, tool for measuring both direct or alternating electric powered modern, in amperes. An ammeter can degree an extensive variety of modern values due to the fact at excessive values most effective a small part of the modern is directed thru the meter mechanism; a shunt in parallel with the meter consists of the main portion. ammeter.

A multimeter or a multitester additionally referred to as a volt/ohm meter or VOM, is a digital measuring tool that mixes numerous size capabilities in a single unit. A traditional multimeter can also additionally encompass capabilities consisting of the capacity to degree voltage, modern and resistance.

Reda more about the Voltage:


Your IaaS cloud company has announced that there will be a brief outage for regularly scheduled maintenance over the weekend to apply a critical hotfix to vital infrastructure. What are the systems they may be applying patches to


Answer: Load Balancer




The systems that they may be applying the patches to include load balancer, hypervisor and router.

The load balancer will help in the distribution of a set of tasks over the resources, in order to boost efficiency with regards to processing.

A hypervisor is used for the creation and the running of virtual machines. The router helps in the connection of the computers and the other devices to the Internet.

You are a high school student learning about computers and how to build them. As a class project, you have built a new computer. You power on your computer and begin to configure the system. After a short while, you notice smoke coming from the PC, and shortly after that, the computer stops working. After removing the computer case, you see that the CPU and surrounding areas are burnt and very hot. You realize that the costly mistake you made was not using a heat sink. When rebuilding your computer, which cooling systems would MOST efficiently remove heat from the CPU?



You can use thermal paste, active heat sink, liquid pipes, and even a fan. These are just some that I've heard.


All of these are cooling and will stop the Central Processing Unit from overheating.

Hope this helps :)

When rebuilding your computer, the cooling systems which would most efficiently remove heat from the Central processing unit (CPU) are: cooling fan and thermal compounds.

A computer refers to an intelligent electronic device that is designed and developed to receive raw data as an input and then processes these data into an information (output) that is usable by an end user.

Basically, the main part of a computer are broadly divided into the following;

Input devices (peripherals). Output devices (peripherals). Motherboard. Memory and storage device.Central processing unit (CPU).

A cooling device can be defined as a device that is designed and developed to efficiently remove or dissipate heat from the inside of a computer. The cooing system used in a computer are grouped into two

(2) main categories and these are:

I. Active cooling device: an example is a cooling fan.

II. Passive cooling device: an example is a heat sink.

In conclusion, the cooling systems which would most efficiently remove heat from the Central processing unit (CPU) are cooling fan and thermal compounds.

Read more:

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