An inflatable balloon with the volume of 0.75 L at 303 K was placed inside the freezer where the temperature is 263 K. Find out what will happen to the volume of the balloon if the pressure remains constant.


Answer 1


Final volume, V2 = 0.66 Litres


Given the following data;

Initial volume = 0.75 L

Initial temperature = 303 K

Final temperature = 263 K

To find out what will happen to the volume of the balloon if the pressure remains constant, we would use Charles' law;

Charles states that when the pressure of an ideal gas is kept constant, the volume of the gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.

Mathematically, Charles' law is given by the formula;

[tex] VT = K[/tex]

[tex] \frac{V_{1}}{T_{1}} = \frac{V_{2}}{T_{2}}[/tex]


V1 and V2 represents the initial and final volumes respectively.T1 and T2 represents the initial and final temperatures respectively.

Making V2 as the subject formula, we have;

[tex] V_{2}= \frac{V1}{T1} * T_{2}[/tex]

[tex] V_{2}= \frac{0.75}{303} * 263 [/tex]

[tex] V_{2}= 0.0025 * 263 [/tex]

Final volume, V2 = 0.6575 ≈ 0.66 Litres

Related Questions

what's the target cells of melatonin?​



The suprachiasmatic nucleus appears as a target of melatonin in mammals.The pineal hormone may thus be involved in a feedback loop of the mammalian photoneuroendocrine system.

define cell and atom.....​


Cell: A cell is the structural and fundamental unit of life. The study of cells from its basic structure to the functions of every cell organelle is called Cell Biology.

Atom:  atom is the smallest component of an element, characterized by a sharing of the chemical properties of the element and a nucleus with neutrons, protons and electrons. The protons and the neutrons reside in the nucleus.

whats the difference between atom and cell?

function wise atoms take part in every chemical reaction while cells are responsible for the development and growth of living existences. Atoms do not have life. They do not need food, water, and they do not reproduce. Cells are alive. Cells consume food and water and can reproduce. Atoms construct molecules and Cells make tissues for organs.

Which of the cardiac cell characteristics describes the
ability to initiate an electrical impulse?



The correct answer is: automaticity.


Cardiac muscle has several properties. These properties are: automaticity (given by the pacemaker cells), conductivity (meaning that each cardiac cell can transmit the electrical impulse to the next cardiac cells), contractility (like other types of muscles, cardiac muscle cells can contract), and irritability (each cell can contract on its own without the external stimuli).

Cardiac pacemaker cells are the ones with the capacity to initiate the electrical impulse by creating rhythmic impulses called action potentials, and thus directly regulating heart rate.

Pacemaker cells are located in the sinoatrial (SA) node, in the upper portion of the right atrial wall. In these cells, depolarization of the cardiac muscle begins, and the electrical impulse generated by it is transmitted to the atrioventricular (AV) node, the His bundle and then the Purkinje fibers - this order of events is necessary for the correct contraction of the heart to occur. All of these structures are part of the Conduction System of the heart.

Below is a mature eukaryotic mRNA transcript. Translate this mRNA into a protein, also showing the tRNA anticodons involved. Make sure you start and end translation in the right place! Label the ends of the polypeptide chain as N and C terminus.
amino acids:




tRNA ⇒                           UAC  GCC  GAG  UCA  ACU

protein ⇒ N - MET   ARG   LEU   SER   Stop - C


In protein synthesis, the ribosome reads mRNA in the 5´ to 3´ direction, and, according to the codons that are being readen, tRNA transfers the correct amino acids to build the polypeptide chain. A codon is a short sequence of three nucleotides that store the genetic information for the aminoacids´ assembly. Each tRNA has two important sites. One of them that couples with the codon of the mRNA molecule, named anticodon. The other site couples with an amino acid. tRNA allows amino acids to align according to the nucleotidic sequence in the mRNA molecule.  

Once the new amino acid links to the growing peptidic chain, the binding between the amino acid and the tRNA molecule breaks. The tRNA is now free to join another amino acid and repeat the cycle.  

The protein is synthesized from the amino terminus to the carboxy terminus, while the added amino acids to the chain are coded by a codon formed by three bases in the mRNA. mARNs also have a start and end codon that are the signals of the synthesis initiation and finish. When the ribosome reaches the end codon, protein synthesis is over.    

Each of the codons represents one of the 20 amino acids used to build the protein. Each amino acid can be codified by more than one codon. From the total 64 codons, 61 codify amino acids, and one of them is a start codon. The left three codons are stopping translation points.

The codons indicating the initiation or stop points during the translation process are:

• The start codon AUG is the most common sequence used by eukaryotic cells and places near the 5´extreme of the molecule.  

• The end codons are UAA, UAG, UGA.

Protein synthesis initiates in the AUG start codon -Metionin-, and ends when reaching either of the stop codons UAA, UAG, UGA.

In the exposed example we have the following mRNA.


Codons are separated by a space left between them. AUG is the start codon placed near the 5´ extreme. UGA is the end codon near the 3´ extreme. tRNA will add amino acids from the start codon, not before.


Anticodons are separated by a space left between them.

protein ⇒ N - MET   ARG   LEU   SER   Stop - C

Each mRNA codon codifies for an amino acid. The start codon codifies for methionine. AUG = Met, CGG = Arg, CUC = Leu, AGU = Ser, UGA = Stop codon. The amino terminus is represented as an N and the carboxy terminus is a C. The first extreme to be translated carries the amino-terminal group, while the other extreme carries the carboxy-terminus group.

The membrane potential that occurs when neurotransmitters bind to their receptors is called _______.



action potential


Transmission of a signal within a neuron (from dendrite to axon terminal) is carried by a brief reversal of the resting membrane potential called an action potential. When neurotransmitter molecules bind to receptors located on a neuron's dendrites, ion channels open.


I guess action potential is the correct one

we should conserve environment give reason​



for healthy living and long life

to save nature and the animals

What is your opinion about climate change ?


A scientific consensus on climate change exists, as recognized by national academies of science and other authoritative bodies. The opinion gap between scientists and the public in 2009 stands at 84% to 49% that global temperatures are increasing because of human-activity.

When body temperature increases, thermoreceptors are stimulated and send nerve signals to the CNS. The CNS sends motor signals to sweat glands, which attempt to reduce body temperature. This is an example of a __________ reflex.a. organ.b. stretch.c. withdrawal.d. visceral.



d. visceral.


The visceral reflex is one that happens autonomously in the body, aiming to maintain the balance of the body through quick responses to some specific impulses. An example of a visceral reflex is the reduction in body temperature with the release of sweat from the sweat glands.

The visceral reflexes are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, using the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

which property has not been observed for membrane proteins being degraded for energy during biological pathways



energy storage


Membrane proteins are proteins that are either form part of or interact with cell membranes. Based on their interactions, membrane proteins can be categorized into integral proteins, which are a permanent part of a cell membrane, and peripheral proteins, which adhere temporarily to the cell membrane. Membrane proteins play many critical functions, for example, 1-they are involved in the passive and active transport of substances across cell membranes, 2-act as enzymes that catalyze chemical reactions, 3-act as receptors that bind specific molecules (such as hormones or neurotransmitters) in order to activate signaling cascades, 4-mediate communication between cells, 5-provide a mechanical link between the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton, etc.

Many of the phenotypes of DiGeorge syndrome have been traced back to one of the genes that is in the deleted region, TBX1. Some of the evidence for the important role of TBX1 in DiGeorge syndrome came from individuals who have some of the symptoms of DiGeorge syndrome without having the typical deletion. Closer examination showed that some of these individuals had SNV in the TBX1 gene. Which of the following SNVS would be most likely to create a similar phenotype to the deletion?
A. A variant in the promoter region of TBX1 that increases its expression
B. A variant in the intronic region of TBX1 that does not affect splicing. X
C. A nonsense variant near the 5' end of the TBX1 gene.
D. A silent variant near the 5' end of the TBX1 gene.



D. A silent variant near the 5' end of the TBX1 gene.


TBX1 gene is wild type human being. It gives instructions for making protein called T-box 1. It plays an important role in tissue formation and organs during embryonic development.

Comparing Densities
If two balls have the same volume, but ball A has twice as much mass as ball B, which one will have the greater
If ball C is 3 times the volume of ball D and ball D has 1/3 the mass of ball C, which has the greater density?
If two balls have the same mass, but ball P is twice as large as ball Q, which one will have the greater density?
If ball X is twice as big as ball Y and weighs only half as much as ball Y, then which one will have the greater
mious Activity



Ball A has more density.  


Density is found using mass divided by volume. Let's say ball A has a mass of 6 grams, and ball B has a mass of 3 grams. If the volume for both is 1 mL, then ball A has more density.

define cell and atom​



Cell is made of molecules whereas atoms make up molecules. Cells are the smallest functioning unit in a living organism.

Atom is the smallest unit of matter. Usually, a cell is on the micrometer scale while an atom is in the angstrom scale .


What is silk thread?


Silk worms are an invasive species in the UK. They cover trees and kill them….. silk comes out of their butt and we call it silk thread. Silk thread is silk spun into thread, or silk worm pooo pooooooo

Activity 3: Direction: Study the picture. Write the phases of the moon 1 new moon O first quarter O MOON PHASES last quarter waning crescent woving crescent Waning gibbous working globos​



1.full moon

2.waxing gibbous

3.first quarter

4.waning gibbous moon

6.wabing cresent

7.last quarter

8.waxing cresent

Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly? Carol was the last person out of the house wasn't, she? Carol was the last person, out of the house wasn't she? Carol was the last person out of the house, wasn't she? Carol, was the last person out of the house wasn't she?



The third sentence......................


The correct sentence is Carol was the last person out of the house, wasn't she?

Why is a comma important?

Commas help your reader figure out which words go together in a sentence and which parts of your sentences are most important. Using commas incorrectly may confuse the reader, signal ignorance of writing rules, or indicate carelessness.

What are the Rules of commas?

Comma Rules

Use a comma after an introductory phrase or clause. Use commas before and after a parenthetical phrase or clause. Use a comma to separate two independent clauses linked by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, nor or, so, yet) Use a comma to separate items in a series.

Learn more about the use of commas here


In pea plants, flowers are either white or purple: the purple color is produced by pigments called anthocyanins. The production of anthocyanins is a two-step process: the first step is controlled by the C gene and the second by the P gene. Both genes must produce functional proteins for anthocyanin to be produced. This is an example of:



This is an example of gene translation.


Gene translation refers to the genetic process where a set of genes is used to create amino acids that will be responsible for creating a protein needed to perform some function or characteristic of the organism. In the question above, we can see that anthocyanin, responsible for the pigment of flowers, is created through the work of proteins that are created from gebes C and P. This is an example of gene translation, as it presents the formation of proteins regulated by genes.

Explain why virus could not fit into any one of the five kingdom



To make copies of themselves they necessarily need the intervention of a cell. Therefore, viruses are not living beings. That is why they are not included in any Kingdom in which living beings are included

Write an experiment to show that sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis.



Explanationwe have two or three plants, they both get the same water every day they both get the same amount of soil and fertilizer, one is without sunlight and one is with, after a 2 weeks our results will be found

hope this helps

What is a group of microscopic unicellular organisms


Protists are a diverse collection of organisms. While exceptions exist, they are primarily microscopic and unicellular, or made up of a single cell. The cells of protists are highly organized with a nucleus and specialized cellular machinery called organelles.

7. Shawn plotted the data in a bar graph with two bars: one representing the number of bees per colony in the control cages and the other representing the number of bees per colony in the cages exposed to the fungicide. If the results support the hypothesis that fungicides harm bee development, what would you expect this bar graph to show? Describe the expected pattern in a few sentences.



The first bar increases in length as compared to the second bar.


The length of the bar of control cages in graph increases because the number of bees per colony increases while on the other hand, the length of the bar of the cage that is exposed to fungicides decreases because the bees are negatively affected from the application of fungicides. They act abnormal in behaviour and adversely affected the reproduction of bees that greatly affected its population.

5. The major functions of carbohydrates irſclude
A. Structure framework. B. Storage C. Both Aan B
D . None of these​





used to provide energy to the body

Dark skin ( a result of increased melanin production in equatorial populations), is likely a response to ultraviolet radiation because UV radiation causes:


Answer: Skin cancer


Melanin is a pigment derived from an amino called acid tyrosine. The most common form of melanin is called eumelanin, which is a polymer of dihydroxyindole carboxylic acids and their reduced forms. When a person is exposed to the ultraviolet light (UV) from the sun, the melanocytes will produce eumelanin to prevent the skin from burning and damage to the cell nuclei (where DNA is found) of the epidermis. This melanin production causes the skin to darken. The eumelanin in the skin then acts as a natural sunscreen by blocking the damaging effects of sunlight. So, skin darkens when exposed UV light, thus providing greater protection when needed by producing more eumelanin, but it also becomes more likely to develop melanoma, which is a type of skin cancer. This is because UV rays damage the DNA of skin cells. The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic material that has the instructios to the growth and functioning of an organisms). Skin cancers begin when eumelanin protection is not sufficient and this damage affects the DNA of the genes that control the growth of skin cells. This results in a tumor, which is the uncontrolled growth of cells (in this case, skin cells) because there will be a mutation in DNA that affects the function of the cells.

i.Name two heart diseases in humans.

ii.State three causes of heart diseases.​





Common causes of heart diseases


Drug abuse.

Excessive use of alcohol or caffeine.

High blood pressure.

Which of the following was not part of the original cell theory, but was added later after we learned more about cellular structure?

A. all cells have the same basic composition

B. all cells come from pre-existing cells

C. all cells have a nucleus

D. all cells have the same exact structures.​



c oooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkk

que contiene el condón?



plss translate it in English so i Can easyly answer it.


Thank you.

Cystic fibrosis is most common in individuals of Northern European descent, affecting 1 in 3200 newborns. Assuming that these alleles are at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what is the frequency of the disease-causing CFTR alleles in this population





Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease, thereby an individual must have both copies of the CFTR mutant alleles to have this disease. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium states that p² + 2pq + q² = 1, where p² represents the frequency of the homo-zygous dominant genotype (normal phenotype), q² represents the frequency of the homo-zygous recessive genotype (cystic fibrosis phenotype), and 2pq represents the frequency of the heterozygous genotype (individuals that carry one copy of the CFTR mutant allele). Moreover, under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the sum of the dominant 'p' allele frequency and the recessive 'q' allele frequency is equal to 1. In this case, we can observe that the frequency of the homo-zygous recessive condition for cystic fibrosis (q²) is 1/3200. In consequence, the frequency of the recessive allele for cystic fibrosis can be calculated as follows:

1/3200 = q² (have two CFTR mutant alleles) >>  

q = √ (1/3200) = 1/56.57 >>

- Frequency of the CFTR allele q = 1/56.57 = 0.0177  

- Frequency of the dominant 'normal' allele p = 1 - q = 1 - 0.0177 = 0.9823

In the aerobic metabolism of proteins by chemoheterotrophs (e.g., E. coli and you):____.
A. Proteins are broken down into smaller peptides and eventually into amino acids by proteases (peptidases).
B. Certain amino acids may be converted to pyruvate.
C. Certain amino acids may be converted to intermediates (e.g. oxaloacetate) of the Krebs cycle.
D. Certain amino acids may be converted to acetyl-CoA.
E. All of the above are true.


The answer is A because
A) proteins are broken down into smaller peptides and eventually into amino acids by proteases

The energy source for active transport is ________ , while the force driving facilitated diffusion is ________.





define cell and atom​



Cell is made of molecules whereas atoms make up molecules. Cells are the smallest functioning unit in a living organism.

Atom is the smallest unit of matter. Usually, a cell is on the micrometer scale while an atom is in the angstrom scale.


3. A bacterial isolate from a urine specimen was grown in culture, Gram stained, and then tested for its ability to ferment sugars and hydrolyze various subtrates. What approach to bacterial identification is this an example of



Phenotypic approach for bacterial identification


Bacterial identification can be done by conventional methods, which are based on phenotypical characteristics. These methods are much affordable and reasonable.

Phenotypical identification is based on bacteria´s observable characteristics, such as their morphology, development, and biochemical/metabolic properties.

It is important to consider that these methods do not provide absolute certainty. They can only indicate the genera or species to which the bacteria under study may belong.

Some primary evidence is usually used for fast bacteria identification:

Gram staining, morphology, growth at different media or different incubation atmospheres, glucose fermentation, spores production, motion, aerobiosis/anaerobiosis, among others.  

Knowing that the bacteria in the exposed example was isolated and grown in culture, then Gram-stained and tested for biochemical reaction, we can assume that the approach for its identification is phenotypic.  

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