An oscillating particle has the equation x = 10cos(8πt +π ) (x in cm, t in s). The number of times the object passes through the equilibrium position in one second is


Answer 1


x = A sin (wt + theta)        where w = angular frequency - basic SHM equation

w = 8 pi = 2 pi f

f = 4         basic frequency

N = 8     number of times thru origin

Each cycle the particle will pass thru the origin +x and -x    twice

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Given that two vectors A = 5i-7j-3k, B = -4i+4j-8k find A×B​


[tex]\textbf{A}×\textbf{B}= 68\hat{\textbf{i}} + 52\hat{\textbf{j}} - 8\hat{\textbf{k}}[/tex]



[tex]\textbf{A} = 5\hat{\textbf{i}} - 7\hat{\textbf{j}} - 3\hat{\textbf{k}}[/tex]

[tex]\textbf{B} = -4\hat{\textbf{i}} + 4\hat{\textbf{j}} - 8\hat{\textbf{k}}[/tex]

The cross product [tex]\textbf{A}×\textbf{B}[/tex] is given by

[tex]\textbf{A}×\textbf{B} = \left|\begin{array}{ccc}\hat{\textbf{i}} & \hat{\textbf{j}} & \hat{\textbf{k}} \\\:\:5 & -7 & -3 \\ -4 & \:\:4 & -8 \\ \end{array}\right|[/tex]

[tex]= \left|\begin{array}{cc}-7 & -3\\\:4 & -8\\ \end{array}\right|\:\hat{\textbf{i}}\:+\:\left|\begin{array}{cc}-3 & \:\:5\\-8 & -4\\ \end{array}\right|\:\hat{\textbf{j}}\:+\: \left|\begin{array}{cc}\:\:5 & -7\\-4 & \:\:4\\ \end{array}\right|\:\hat{\textbf{k}}[/tex]

[tex]= 68\hat{\textbf{i}} + 52\hat{\textbf{j}} - 8\hat{\textbf{k}}[/tex]

In which situation should a parent be proactive and act to assume responsibility?


Answer: Patsy is eager to learn how to bake a cake but does not know how to do it.

Explanation: i picked this and it is correct, you’re welcome:)

Large cockroaches can run as fast as 1.50 m/s in short bursts. Suppose you turn on the light in a cheap motel and
see one scurrying directly away from you at a constant 1.50 m/s. If you start 0.90 m behind the cockroach with
an initial speed of 0.80 m/s toward it, what minimum constant acceleration would you need to catch up with it
when it has traveled 1.20 m, just short of safety onder a counter?



The time that you need to use 1.2/1.5 because this is how long it took the cockroach to travel the 1.2 meters to the counter. That is therefore how long you have to catch up to it.


Consider newtonian mechanics here.

Dynamic equation is

The time we have to use 1.2/1.5 this how long it took the cockroach to travel the 1.2 meters to the counter.

we'll consider newtonian mechanics here.

so the dynamic equations is S = ut + 0.5at^2

we know u=0.8



find a.

Keisha writes that if an object has any external forces acting on it, then the object can be in dynamic equilibrium but not
static equilibrium
Which statement best describes Keisha's error?
An object that is not moving is always in static equilibrium.
O An object that is moving must be in dynamic equilibrium.
An object in either state of equilibrium must have no forces acting on it.
An object in either state of equilibrium must have no net force acting on it.



An object in either state of equilibrium must have no net force acting on it.


Answer: An object in either state of equilibrium must have no net force acting on it.


What is not one of the main uses of springs?
A. Car suspension
B. Bike suspension
C. The seasons
D. Clock making


Hi! I believe the answer is C. or The seasons because all the other options use springs when making cars, bikes, and clocks. I hope this helped. Goodluck :)

3. A microscope is focused on a black dot. When a 1.30 cm -thick piece of plastic is placed over the dot, the microscope objective has to be raised 0.410 cm to bring the dot back into focus. What is the index of refraction of the plastic


The index of refraction of the plastic is approximately 1.461

The known values in the question are;

The thickness of the piece of plastic placed on the dot = 1.30 cm

The height to which the microscope objective is raised to bring the dot back to focus = 0.410 cm

The unknown values in the question are;

The index of refraction


Calculate the refractive index by making use of the apparent height and real height method for the black dot under the thick piece of plastic

[tex]\mathbf{ Refractive \ index, n = \dfrac{Real \ depth}{Apparent \ depth}}[/tex]

The real depth of the dot below the piece of plastic, d₁ = 1.30 cm

The apparent depth of the dot, d₂ = The actual depth - The height to which the microscope is raised


The apparent depth of the dot, d₂ = 1.30 cm - 0.410 cm = 0.89 cm

[tex]The \ refractive \ index, \ n = \dfrac{d_1}{d_2}[/tex]

Therefore, n = 1.30/0.89 ≈ 1.461

The refractive index of the plastic block, n ≈ 1.461

Learn more about refractive index of light here;

Which of the following accurately describes circuits?


In a parallel circuit, there's only one path for the current to travel.


In a series circuit, the amount of current passing through each part of the circuit may vary.


In a series circuit, the current can flow through only one path from start to finish.


In a parallel circuit, the same amount of current flows through each part of the circuit.


' C ' is the only correct statement.

What is the submarine's maximum safe depth in sea water? The pressure inside the submarine is maintained at 1.0 atm


Hi! The answer is 15km I'm pretty sure


The submarine's maximum safe depth in sea water is 801.678 m.



Max Pressure = Initial Pressure + (Water Density)(Gravity)(Max Depth)

Area of Window = Pi*(Diameter/2)^2 = Pi*(.4m/2)^2 = 0.125664 m^2

Max Pressure= (1.0*10^6 N)/(0.125664 m^2)= 7.95775-E6 Pa

Initial Pressure= 1atm= 101.3kPa= 101300Pa

Water Density (rho) = 1000kg/m^3

Gravity= 9.8m/s^2

So rearranging for h= (P-Po)/((rho)*g)

h=((7.95775-E6Pa)-(101300Pa))/((1000kg/m^3)(9.8m/s^2))= 801.678 m

Which of the following quantities is measured by the area under the velocity time graph? (a) Magnitude of velocity (b) Magnitude of acceleration (c) Magnitude of displacement (d) Average Speed​




magnitude of displacement

A simple model of the human eye ignores its lens entirely. Most of what the eye does to light happens at the outer surface of the transparent cornea. Assume that this surface has a radius of curvature of 6.50 mm and that the eyeball contains just one fluid, with a refractive index of 1.41. Determine the distance from the cornea where a very distant object will be imaged.



the distance from the cornea where a very distant object will be imaged is 23.35 mm


Given the data in the question;

For a spherical refracting surface;

[tex]n_i[/tex]/[tex]d_0[/tex] + [tex]n_t[/tex]/[tex]d_i[/tex] = ( [tex]n_t[/tex] - [tex]n_i[/tex] )/R

where [tex]n_i[/tex] is the index of refraction of the light of ray in the incident medium

[tex]d_0[/tex] is the object distance

[tex]n_t[/tex] is the index of refraction of light ray in the refracted medium

[tex]d_i[/tex] is the image distance

R is the radius of curvature

Now, let [tex]d_0[/tex] = ∞, such that;

[tex]n_i[/tex]/∞ + [tex]n_t[/tex]/[tex]d_i[/tex] = ( [tex]n_t[/tex] - [tex]n_i[/tex] )/R

0 + [tex]n_t[/tex]/[tex]d_i[/tex] = ( [tex]n_t[/tex] - [tex]n_i[/tex] )/R

we make [tex]d_i[/tex] subject of the formula

[tex]n_t[/tex]R = [tex]d_i[/tex]( [tex]n_t[/tex] - [tex]n_i[/tex] )

[tex]d_i[/tex] = ( [tex]n_t[/tex] × R ) / ( [tex]n_t[/tex] - [tex]n_i[/tex] )

given that; R = 6.50 mm, [tex]n_t[/tex] = 1.41, we know that [tex]n_i[/tex] = 1.00

so we substitute

[tex]d_i[/tex] = (1.41 × 6.50 mm ) / ( 1.41 - 1.00 )

[tex]d_i[/tex] = 9.165 / 0.41

[tex]d_i[/tex] = 23.35 mm

Therefore, the distance from the cornea where a very distant object will be imaged is 23.35 mm

15- A racehorse coming out of the gate accelerates from rest to a velocity f 15.0 m/s due west in 1.80 s. What is its average acceleration?


Answer: (15 - 0)/1.8 = 8. 33m/s^2


The acceleration of the racehorse is 8.33 m/s²

The given parameters;

initial velocity of the racehorse, u = 0

final velocity of the racehorse, v = 15  m/s

time of motion of the horse, t = 1.8 s

The acceleration of the racehorse is calculated from change in velocity per change in time of motion as shown below;

[tex]a = \frac{\Delta v}{\Delta t} = \frac{v-u}{t} \\\\a = \frac{15 - 0}{1.8} \\\\a = 8.33 \ m/s^2[/tex]

Thus, the acceleration of the racehorse is 8.33 m/s²

Learn more here:

Two infinitely long parallel wires carry current in opposite directions. Wire 1 has current 15.0 A and wire 2 has current 19.9 A. If they are separated by a distance 4.3 m, at what location between the wires is the net magnetic field be twice the strength of the magnetic field from wire 1



x= 2*I1*d/(I1+I2) meter

Electrons are emitted from a surface when light of wavelength 500 nm is shone on the surface but electrons are not emitted for longer wavelengths of light. The work function of the surface is



Given: [tex]\lambda = 500\:\text{nm} = 5×10^{-7}\:\text{m}[/tex]

[tex]\nu = \dfrac{c}{\lambda} = \dfrac{3×10^8\:\text{m/s}}{5×10^{-7}\:\text{m}}[/tex]

[tex]\:\:\:\:\:= 6×10^{14}\:\text{Hz}[/tex]

The work function [tex]\phi[/tex] is then

[tex]\phi = h\nu = (6.626×10^{-34}\:\text{J-s})(6×10^{14}\:\text{Hz})[/tex]

[tex]\:\:\:\:\:\:\:= 3.98×10^{-19}\:\text{J}[/tex]

The work function of the surface is equal to 3.98 × 10⁻¹⁹J.

What are frequency and wavelength?

The frequency can be explained as the number of oscillations of a wave in one second. The frequency has S.I. units of hertz.

The wavelength can be explained as the distance between the two adjacent points such as two crests or troughs on a wave.

The expression between wavelength (λ), frequency, and speed of light (c) is:

c = νλ

Given, the wavelength of the light, ν = 500 nm

The frequency of the light can determine from the above-mentioned relationship:

ν = c/λ= 3 × 10⁸/500 × 10⁻⁹ = 6 × 10¹⁴ Hz

The work function = h ν =  6 × 10¹⁴ × 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴

φ = 3.98 × 10⁻¹⁹J

Therefore, the work function of the surface is 3.98 × 10⁻¹⁹J.

Learn more about wavelength and frequency, here:


Steel railway tracks are laid at 8oC. What size of expansion gap are needed 10m long rail sections if the ambient temperature varies from -10oC to 50oC? [Linear expansivity of steel = 12 x]​



Gap left = Change in length on heating

Gap=Initial length×Coefficient of linear expansion×change in temperature


⟹Gap=0.0018 m

this is an example u have to put your equation in it

A spherically mirrored ball is slowly lowered at New Years Eve as midnight approaches. The ball has a diameter of 8.0 ft. Assume you are standing directly beneath it and looking up at the ball. When your reflection is half your size then the mirror is _______ ft above you.



The distance between mirror and you is 2 ft.


diameter, d = 8 ft

radius of curvature, R = 4 ft

magnification, m = 0.5

focal length, f = R/2 = 4/2 = 2 ft

let the distance of object is u and the distance of image is v.

[tex]\frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{v}+\frac{1}{u}\\\\\frac{1}{2}=\frac{1}{v}+\frac{1}{u}\\\\v = \frac {2 u}{u - 2}[/tex]

Use the formula of magnification

[tex]m = \frac{v}{u}\\\\0.5 =\frac { u}{u - 2}\\ \\u - 2 = 2 u \\\\u = -2 ft[/tex]

A 15.0 g bullet traveling horizontally at 865 m>s passes through a tank containing 13.5 kg of water and emerges with a speed of 534 m>s. What is the maximum temperature increase that the water could have as a result of this event



The rise in temperature is 0.06 K.


mass of bullet, m = 15 g

initial speed, u = 865 m/s

final speed, v = 534 m/s

mass of water, M = 13.5 kg

specific heat of water, c = 4200 J/kg K

The change in kinetic energy

[tex]K = 0.5 m(u^2 - v^2)\\\\K = 0.5\times 0.015\times (865^2-534^2)\\\\K = 3473 J[/tex]

According to the conservation of energy, the change in kinetic energy is used to heat the water.

K = m c T

where, T is the rise in temperature.

3473 = 13.5 x 4200 x T

T = 0.06 K



u distribute it
(a+b) • x2
ax2 + bx2
THE ANSWER IS ax2 + bx2 (the two means squared)

A sinewave has a period (duration of one cycle) of 645 μs (microseconds). What is the corresponding frequency of this sinewave, in kHz


The corresponding frequency of this sinewave, in kHz, expressed to 3 significant figures is: 155 kHz.

Given the following data:

Period = 645 μs

Note: μs represents microseconds.


1 μs = [tex]1[/tex] × [tex]10^-6[/tex] seconds

645 μs = [tex]645[/tex] × [tex]10^-6[/tex] seconds

To find corresponding frequency of this sinewave, in kHz;

Mathematically, the frequency of a waveform is calculated by using the formula;

[tex]Frequency = \frac{1}{Period}[/tex]

Substituting the value into the formula, we have;

[tex]Frequency = \frac{1}{645 * 10^-6}[/tex]

Frequency = 1550.39 Hz

Next, we would convert the value of frequency in hertz (Hz) to Kilohertz (kHz);


1 hertz = 0.001 kilohertz

1550.39 hertz = X kilohertz

Cross-multiplying, we have;

X = [tex]0.001[/tex] × [tex]1550.39[/tex]

X = 155039 kHz

To 3 significant figures;

Frequency = 155 kHz

Therefore, the corresponding frequency of this sinewave, in kHz is 155.

Find more information:

The position of a particle is given by ~r(t) = (3.0 t2 ˆi + 5.0 ˆj j 6.0 t kˆ) m



[tex]v=(6ti+6k)\ m/s[/tex]


Given that,

The position of a particle is given by :

[tex]r(t) = (3.0 t^2 i + 5.0j+ 6.0 tk) m[/tex]

Let us assume we need to find its velocity.

We know that,

[tex]v=\dfrac{dr}{dt}\\\\=\dfrac{d}{dt}(3.0 t^2 i + 5.0j+ 6.0 tk) \\\\=(6ti+6k)\ m/s[/tex]

So, the velocity of the particle is [tex](6ti+6k)\ m/s[/tex].

Cho dòng điện xoay chiều trong sản xuất và sinh hoạt ở nước ta có tần số f = 50Hz. Tính chu kỳ T và tần số góc ω?



T = 1/f = 1/50(s)

ω = 2πf = 100π (rad/s)

(vote 5 sao nhó :3 )

Write the derivation and unit of impulse​



impulse applied to an object produces an equivalent vector change in its linear momentum, also in the resultant direction. The SI unit of impulse is the newton second (N⋅s), and the dimensionally equivalent unit of momentum is the kilogram meter per second (kg⋅m/s).

Question 5 of 10
What must be the same for two resistors that are connected in parallel?



in parallel combination : potential difference between two terminal of resistors are always constant. ... hence, potential difference ( voltage ) must be same across each resistor .


Flapping flight is very energy intensive. A wind tunnel test
on an 89 g starling showed that the bird used 12 W of
metabolic power to fly at 11 m/s. What is its metabolic power for starting flight?



The metabolic power for starting flight=134.8W/kg


We are given that

Mass of starling, m=89 g=89/1000=0.089 kg

1 kg=1000 g

Power, P=12 W

Speed, v=11 m/s

We have to find the metabolic power for starting flight.

We know that

Metabolic power for starting flight=[tex]\frac{P}{m}[/tex]

Using the formula

Metabolic power for starting flight=[tex]\frac{12}{0.089}[/tex]

Metabolic power for starting flight=134.8W/kg

Hence, the metabolic power for starting flight=134.8W/kg

what Is accuracy ............​



Accuracy is how much the consequence of an estimation adjusts to the right worth or a norm' and basically alludes to how close an estimation is to its concurred esteem



In a set of measurements, accuracy is closeness of the measurements to a specific value, while precision is the closeness of the measurements to each other.


_Hope it helps you_

A rock is suspended by a light string. When the rock is in air, the tension in the string is 37.8 N. When the rock is totally immersed in water, the tension is 32.0 N. When the rock is totally immersed in an unknown liquid, the tension is 20.2 N. What is the Density of the unknown liquid?


When the rock is suspended in the air, the net force on it is

F₁ = T₁ - m₁g = 0

where T₁ is the magnitude of tension in the string and m₁g is the rock's weight. So

T₁ = m₁g = 37.8 N

When immersed in water, the tension reduces to T₂ = 32.0 N. The net force on the rock is then

F₂ = T₂ + B₂ - m₁g = 0

where B₂ is the magnitude of the buoyant force. Then

B₂ = m₁g - T₂ = 37.8 N - 32.0 N = 5.8 N

B₂ is also the weight of the water that was displaced by submerging the rock. Let m₂ be the mass of the displaced water; then

5.8 N = m₂g   ==>   m₂ ≈ 0.592 kg

If one takes the density of water to be 1.00 g/cm³ = 1.00 × 10³ kg/m³, then the volume of water V that was displaced was

1.00 × 10³ kg/m³ = m₂/V   ==>   V ≈ 0.000592 m³ = 592 cm³

and this is also the volume of the rock.

When immersed in the unknown liquid, the tension reduces further to T₃ = 20.2 N, and so the net force on the rock is

F₃ = T₃ + B₃ - m₁g = 0

which means the buoyant force is

B₃ = m₁g - T₃ = 37.8 N - 20.2 N = 17.6 N

The mass m₃ of the liquid displaced is then

17.6 N = m₃g   ==>   m₃ ≈ 1.80 kg

Then the density ρ of the unknown liquid is

ρ = m₃/V ≈ (1.80 kg)/(0.000592 m³) ≈ 3040 kg/m³ = 3.04 g/cm³

Solve numerical problem. Please give me step - step explanation Help me out plz



You should multiply 60 kg*9.8 and answer will come.

Hope this will help you.


yes she is right you should multiple 60*9.8

have a great day God bless you

What is the need for satellite communication elaborate


The high frequency radio waves used for telecommunications links travel by line of sight and so are obstructed by the curve of the Earth. The purpose of communications satellites is to relay the signal around the curve of the Earth allowing communication between widely separated geographical points.


hope it helps!!

A 2.5 kg block slides along a frictionless surface at 1.5 m/s.A second block, sliding at a faster 4.1 m/s , collides with the first from behind and sticks to it. The final velocity of the combined blocks is 2.5 m/s. What was the mass of the second block?





Given data

mass m1= 2.5kg

mass m2=??

velocity of mass one v1= 1.5m/s

velocity of mass two v2= 4.1m/s

common velocity after impact v= 2.5m/s

Let us apply the formula for the conservation of linear momentum for inelastic collision

The expression is given as

m1v1+ m2v2= v(m1+m2)


2.5*1.5+ m2*4.1= 2.5(2.5+m2)

3.75+4.1m2= 6.25+2.5m2

collect like terms

3.75-6.25= 2.5m2-4.1m2

-2.5= -1.6m2

divide both sides by -1.6

m2= -2.5/-1.6

m2= 1.5 kg

Hence the second mass is 1.5kg

A mass weighing 4 lb stretches a spring 4in. Suppose the mass is given an additional in displacement downwards and then released. Assuming no friction and no external force, the natural frequency W (measured in radians per unit time) for the system is? (Recall that the acceleration due to gravity is 32ft/sec2).
a) None of the other alternatives is correct.
b) W = v2 3
d) w = 4/6
e) w=213



4√6 rad/s


Since the spring is initially stretched a length of x = 4 in when the 4 lb mass is placed on it, since it is in equilibrium, the spring force, F = kx equals the weight of the mass W = mg.

So, W = F

mg = kx where m = mass = 4lb, g = acceleration due to gravity = 32 ft/s², k = spring constant and x = equilibrium displacement of spring = 4 in = 4 in × 1ft /12 in = 1/3 ft

making k the spring constant subject of the formula, we have

k = mg/x

substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

k = mg/x  

k = 4 lb × 32 ft/s² ÷ 1/3 ft

k = 32 × 4 × 3

k = 384 lbft²/s²

Now, assuming there is no friction and no external force, we have an undamped system.

So, the natural frequency for an undamped system, ω = √(k/m) where k = spring constant = 384 lbft²/s² and m = mass = 4 lb

So, substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

ω = √(k/m)

ω = √(384 lbft²/s² ÷ 4 lb)

ω = √96

ω = √(16 × 6)

ω = √16 × √6

ω = 4√6 rad/s

1. A sequence of potential differences v is applied accross a wire (diameter =0.32 mm length = 11 cm and the resulting current I are measured as follows: V 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 I (MA) 72 144 216 288 360 2) a) plot a graph of v against I.
b) determine the wire's resistence , R.
c) State ohm's law and try to relate it . your results.​



a. Find the graph in the attachment

b. 720 kΩ

c. The ratio V/I gives us our resistance which is 720 kΩ


a) plot a graph of V against I.

To plot the graph of V against I, we plot the corresponding points against each other. With the voltage V measured in volts and the current I measured in mA, the plotted graph is in the attachment.

b) Determine the wire's resistance , R.

The resistance of the wire is determined as the gradient of the graph.

R = ΔV/ΔI = (V₂ - V₁)/(I₂ - I₁)

Taking the first two corresponding measurements. V₁ = 72 V, I₁ = 0.1 mA, V₂ = 144 V and I₂ = 0.2 mA

R = (144 V - 72 V)/(0.2 - 0.1) mA

R = 72 V/0.1 mA

R = 72 V/(0.1 × 10⁻³ A)

R = 720 × 10³ V/A

R = 720 kΩ

c) State ohm's law and try to relate it your results.​

Ohm's law states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it provided the temperature and all other physical conditions remain constant.

Mathematically, V ∝ I

V = kI

V/I = k = R

Since the ratio V/I = constant, from our results, the ratio of V/I for each reading gives us the resistance. Since we have a linear relationship between V and I, the gradient of the graph is constant and for each value of V and I, the ratio V/I is constant. So, the ratio V/I gives us our resistance which is 720 kΩ.

Since V/I is constant, we thus verify Ohm's law.

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What happened before Moses Austin could establish his settlement in Texas?a.Moses Austin died of pnuemonia.b.The Mexican government revoked his land grant.c.Agustin de Iturbide was overthrown and executed.d.The ship, Lively,was shipwrecked on Galveston Island.''help'' plzzzzz What was President Roosevelt's New Deal?A. A series of radio speeches the president gave to encourage the countryB. The first 100 days of Franklin Delano Roosevelts term as president C. Personal appearances by the president & the First Lady around the country D. Economic programs designed to help citizens through the depression Terry is convinced that he is Abraham Lincoln. He believes that the attendants at the mental hospital where he is receiving treatment are Confederate spies who want him to reveal government secrets. The hospital attendants often hear Terry having heated arguments in his room, even though he has no one with him. In this case, it is likely that Terry would be classified as having: Please help me to find this answer Why does Momma "keep her cool so well when she is being aped bythe "powhitetrash girls? How does witnessing this incident affectMarguerite? USE TWO QUOTATIONS IN YOUR RESPONSE. (meaning 2pieces of evidences Hillyard Company, an office supplies specialty store, prepares its master budget on a quarterly basis. The following data have been assembled to assist in preparing the master budget for the first quarter:a. As of December 31 (the end of the prior quarter), the company's general ledger showed the following account balances:Cash 42,000 Accounts receivable 201,600 Inventory 58,050 Buildings and equipment (net) 352,000 Accounts payable 85,725Common stock 500,000Retained earnings 67,925 653,650 653,650b. Actual sales for December and budgeted sales for the next four months are as follows:December (actual) 252,000January 387,000February 584,000March 298,000April 195,000c. Sales are 20% for cash and 80% on credit. All payments on credit sales are collected in the month following sale. The accounts receivable at December 31 are a result of December credit sales. d. The company's gross margin is 40% of sales. (In other words, cost of goods sold is 60% of sales.)e. Monthly expenses are budgeted as follows: salaries and wages, $17,000 per month; advertising, $57,000 per month; shipping, 5% of sales; other expenses, 3% of sales. Depreciation, including depreciation on new assets acquired during the quarter, will be $42,420 for the quarter.f. Each month's ending inventory should equal 25% of the following month's cost of goods sold.g. One-half of a month's inventory purchases is paid for in the month of purchase; the other half is paid in the following month.h. During February, the company will purchase a new copy machine for $1,200 cash. During March, other equipment will be purchased for cash at a cost of $71,000.i. During January, the company will declare and pay $45,000 in cash dividends.j. Management wants to maintain a minimum cash balance of $30,000. The company has an agreement with a local bank that allows the company to borrow in increments of $1,000 at the beginning of each month. The interest rate on these loans is 1% per month and for simplicity we will assume that interest is not compounded. The company would, as far as it is able, repay the loan plus accumulated interest at the end of the quarter.RequiredUsing the data above, complete the following statements and schedules for the first quarter:1. Schedule of expeted cash collections:Hillyard Company Schedule of Expected Cash Collections January February March QuarterCash sales 77,400 77,400Credit sales 201,600 201,600Total collections 279,000 279,0002-a. Merchandise purchases budget:Hillyard Company Merchandise Purchases Budget January February March QuarterBudgeted cost of goods sold 232,200* 350,400 Add desired ending inventory 87,600 Total needs 319,800 350,400 Less beginning inventory 58,050 Required purchases 261,750 *$387,000 sales x 60% cost ratio = $232,200.$350,400 25% = $87,600.2-b. Schedule of expected cash disbursements for merchandise purchases:Hillyard Company Schedule of Expected Cash Disbursements for Merchandise Purchases January February March QuarterDecember purchases 85,725 January purchases 130,875 130,875 February purchases March purchases Total cash disbursements for purchases 3. Cash budget. (Cash deficiency, repayments and interest should be indicated by a minus sign.)Hillyard Company Cash Budget January February March Quarter Beginning cash balance 42,000 Add cash collections 279,000 Total cash available 321,000 Less cash disbursements: Purchases of inventory 216,600 Selling and administrative expenses 104,960 Purchases of equipment Cash dividends 45,000 Total cash disbursements 366,560 Excess (deficiency) of cash (45,560) Financing: Borrowings Repayments Interest Total financing Ending cash balance 4. Prepare an absorption costing income statement for the quarter ending March 31.Hillyard Company Income Statement For the Quarter Ended March 31Cost of goods sold Selling and administrative expenses: 5. Prepare a balance sheet as of March 31.Hillyard Company Balance Sheet March 31Assets Current assets: Total current assets Total assets Liabilities and Stocholders' Equity Current liabilities Stockholders' equity Total liabilities and stockholders' equity Professional service organizations include __________.