An unbalanced 6.0-newton force acts eastward on an object for 3.0 seconds. The impulse
produced by the force is
18 N:s east
2 Nós east
18 N:s west
2 Nis west


Answer 1
c. 18 N:s West ksmxmak kxkammxj kan

Related Questions

Un muelle se alarga 20 cm cuando ejercemos sobre él una fuerza de 24 N. Calcula:El valor de la constante elástica del muelle



120 Nm-1


Según la ley de Hooke;

F = Ke

F = fuerza sobre el resorte

K = constante de fuerza

e = extensión

Por eso;

K = F / e

K = 24N / 20 × 10 ^ -2m

K = 120 Nm-1

A converging lens of focal length 20cm, forms a real image twice the size of the object. Calculate:
i) the power of the lens;
ii) the position of the image.



Solition given:

focal length(f)=20cm

size of image(v)=2x

size of object(u)=x

we have

power of lens= reciprocal to focal length=1/20=0.05/cm


the position of the image is beyond C.


See the attachment !!!!!!!

define Neutons 3rd law .​



that when two object interact, they apply forces to one another that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.


Newton's third law: the law of action and reaction

1. How much heat energy ( Q ) is required to heat 2.0 kg of copper from 30.0 oC to 80.0 oC?





I looked it up so it may be wrong

What do is mean by environment friendly behaviour?​


Being environmentally friendly means having a lifestyle that is better for the environment

derive an expression for resistivity of conductor of length l and area of cross section A​



Resistivity R = K * L / A    where resistivity is constant for material, L the length of the material and A the area of the material

K = R * A / L     where R is the resistance of the material

Saul is testing an installation and discovers a short circuit what’s causing this
A.high current

B.high voltage

C.low resistance

D.low voltage


C. Low resistance


im pretty sure that it's (A.) High current



not 100% sure, tho

What kind of circuit is the one shown below?
A. Series
B. Parallel
C. Open
D. Combination


That's a parallel circuit. (B)

When current from Point-A reaches the 3-way intersection just to the right of Point-B, it has to make a choice:  Either turn left, go through B, and light the lower bulb, or go straight and light the upper bulb.

A circuit that has any "decision" points in it is a parallel circuit.  What happens in the real world is:  The current splits up.  Some of the current that reaches the intersection turns left toward Point-B, and the rest of it goes straight up.

A series circuit is one in which there's only one possible path all the way around.  There are no intersections of more than 2 roads, and no electron ever has to decide which way to flow.

An open circuit is one in which there's a break somewhere along the line and electrons can't jump across it.  It's like a railroad where a big piece is cut out of the track somewhere.  So no trains can travel on that route, and there's no current flowing anywhere in the circuit.

I'm not so sure about a "combination" circuit.  I guess you could give that name to a complicated circuit that has some series parts and some parallel-parts.  Personally, I'd call that a "series-parallel" circuit.  But it really doesn't matter right now.  Whatever the word means, the circuit in the picture is definitely not a "combination" circuit.


B. Parallel Circuits


A parallel circuit is constructed by connecting the terminals of all the individual load devices so that the same value of voltage appears across each component. In a parallel circuit, charge divides up into separate branches such that there can be more current in one branch than there is in another.

hope i helped

the slope of a line on a position vs time graph is the

a. velocity
b. time
c. distance
d. displacement


It's the velocity, but only the magnitude. It can't show the direction of the velocity. So it's better to call it speed.

Given: F = k· m. g
Solve for "k"



[tex]F = kmg \\ k = \frac{F}{mg} [/tex]


F = k . m . g

=> F = k . mg

[tex] = > k = \frac{F}{mg} (ans)[/tex]

2. ¿Puede haber trabajo en un sistema si no hay movimiento
a. Sí, si hay una fuerza siempre.
b. Sí, ya que el movimiento es sólo relativo.
c. No, ya que un sistema que no se mueve no tiene energía.
d. No, porque la ecuación de trabajo lo define.



d. No, porque la ecuación de trabajo lo define.


En Física, el trabajo realizado se puede definir como la cantidad de energía transferida cuando un objeto o cuerpo se mueve a lo largo de una distancia debido a la acción de una fuerza externa.

Matemáticamente, el trabajo realizado viene dado por la fórmula;

[tex] W = F * d [/tex]


W es el trabajo realizado.F representa la fuerza que actúa sobre un cuerpo. d representa la distancia recorrida por el cuerpo.

Por lo tanto, podemos deducir de la definición de trabajo y su fórmula que el trabajo se realiza cuando un objeto (cuerpo) se mueve una distancia o experimenta cualquier forma de desplazamiento mientras transfiere energía.

why Fossil fuel has been used more in the existing world ?​


Fossil fuels are found most of the part of the world .It can be found easily by the people.It is free of cost or low cost.Thats why people can find it easily and in low cost.Also it is easy to useSo fossil fuel has been used more in existing world

what do you mean by scattering of light



Scattering of light is the phenomenon in which light rays get deviated from its straight path on striking an obstacle like dust or gas molecules, water vapours etc. Scattering of light gives rise to many spectacular phenomena such as Tyndall effect and the “red hues of sunrise and sunset”.

A car has a mass of 2000 kg. While it is traveling along a perfectly flat road, it goes around an unbanked turn that has a radius of 40.0 m. The coefficient of static friction between the car tires and the road is 0.500. The car travels successfully around the turn at a constant speed of 10.0 m/s. Calculate the magnitude of the car's acceleration as it goes around the turn. _______ m/s^2



2.5 m/s²


The given parameters are;

The mass of the car, m = 2,000 kg

The radius of the car, r = 40.0 m

The coefficient of friction between the car tires and the road, μ = 0.500

The constant speed with which the car moves, v = 10.0 m/s

The normal reaction of the road on the car, N = The weight of the car;

∴ N = m × g


g = The acceleration due to gravity ≈ 9.81 m/s²

N ≈ 2,000 kg × 9.81 m/s² = 19,620 N

The frictional force, [tex]F_f[/tex] = μ × N

The centripetal force, [tex]F_c[/tex] = m·v²/r

The car moves without slipping when [tex]F_f[/tex] = [tex]F_c[/tex]

Therefore, [tex]F_f[/tex] = 0.500 × 19,620 N = 2,000 kg × [tex]v_{max}[/tex]²/40.0 m

∴ [tex]v_{max}[/tex] = √(0.500 × 19,620 N × 40.0 m/2,000 kg) ≈ 14.007 m/s

Therefore, the velocity with which the car moves, v < [tex]v_{max}[/tex]

The cars centripetal acceleration, [tex]a_c[/tex] = v²/r

∴ [tex]a_c[/tex] = (10.0 m/s)²/40.0 m = 2.5 m/s²

The cars centripetal acceleration as it goes round the turn, [tex]a_c[/tex] = 2.5 m/s².

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