Anaphora is the use of a repeated word or phrase that

A. concludes a speech.
B. urges political action.
C. mitates the rhythm of poetry.
D. introduces a clause or sentence


Answer 1


Option c is correct, I hope this will help

Answer 2


its d


katie you suck at moderating stop deleting my answers theyre correct

Related Questions

in the book holes how dose the flashback about stanley's grandfather affects the reader






It helps the reader understand why Stanley and his family always have bad luck. It helps the reader to understand why Stanley was sent to Camp Green Lake. ... It makes the story more predictable and easier for the reader to understand.

Write a two to three-sentence summary of the short story “The Medicine Bag”. Then, write about what lesson about discussion Martin could learn from his experience with his grandfather



Martin’s great grandfather came to visit martin and his family, but the rosebud reservation, his great grandmother's home and martins home is about 3 days away by bus. Since he's 83 he of course passes out from fatigue after reaching martins home. But luckily he wakes up. Martin’s friends came to his house to see his great grandfather. Martin thought they were going to make fun of him because of his great grandfathers appearance. Both martin and his friends were amazed. Martin received the medicine bag from his great grandfather after his great grandfather handed the bag to martin he went to bed. He was taken to the hospital that night and died two weeks later. Martin’s predecessors had placed their own sacred possessions in the medicine bag. After the death of martin's grandfather he returns to the rosebud reservation and carries on the tradition. So basically the medicine bag is about a boy called martin that his ancestors are Native Americans. He used to tell untrue stories about his grand pa which he knew from the TV or movies and his friends believed him and thought that his grand pa is amazing but when his grand pa visited them he was so embarrasses of him because he didn't look like the way he told his friends about. He was very short and had grey hair and he was old two. but when martin's friends visited him to see his grand pa he was so ashamed and he thought that his friends will make fun of him and his grand pa but instead they loved his grand pa and thought that he is amazing and martin was so sad because he was embarrassed of his grand pa, so now he loves his grand pa and says that he is amazing.

He learned that he must not be embarrassed of his cultures or traditions. Before the grand pa died he gave him the medicine bag.


Find three quotations from the text where the author presents evidence to support the claim.


Hello. Unfortunately, you did not submit the text that your question refers to. This prevents me from being able to answer this question, because I don't know the text that should be analyzed. However, I will try to help you by showing you how you can answer this question.

You will be able to answer this question very simply, all that will be necessary is for you to read the text. When you read the text, you will notice that the author makes some statements, where he shows an opinion or a certainty that he or she has about something. The evidence will be the sentences the author uses to show that the statements he has made are correct and trustworthy. In this case, to answer this question, you need to present the sentences where the author justifies and proves the opinions he presented in the text.

List four things we learn about Nicole Renard in this extract


Nicole was:
Seemed nice to be around


Nicole Renard '17 became a dancer at age 2 and competed in her first pageant while in fifth grade.

Little did she know then that she'd dance across the Miss America stage as Miss Washington on Sept. 10.

Soon after she began her pageant career, Renard won National American Miss.


Recall a Significant Historical Event. What happened and why is it significant.
3 - 4 Sentences in Length.



my birthday


it is significant because I celebrated with great pleasure and happiness

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You received an eman from your fa She asked you for some information about Tet holiday. Read part of her smaid below.

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Write an email responding to Jane. You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Tank Fulfillment Organ Vocabulary and Grammar,

from your English friend, Sam





it's nice tho

Why does the speaker disagree with native burial customs?
a) The speaker believes that death is an eternal sleep.
b) The speaker believes people should not be buried with every day objects.
c) The speaker believes Native Americans will rest well in the afterlife.
d) The speaker believes that death should not be joyful.



a) The speaker believes that death is an eternal sleep.


Philip Morin Freneau's poem "The Indian Burying Ground" is about the speaker's recent visit to a burial ground of the Native Americans. This imaginative analysis of such burying grounds and contrasts it with the more 'decent' burial of the 'civilized' Europeans.

In the poem, the speaker reveals his opinion about burying the dead, "I still my old opinion keep; the posture that we give the dead, points out the soul's eternal sleep". And contrary to this, he reveals how the native tribes bury their dead, "seated with his friends, and shares again the joyous feast." He also points out his belief of the very nature of burial of the Indians, "activity, that knows no rest."

Thus, to the speaker, death is an eternal sleep.


The speaker believes that death is an eternal sleep.

Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb in Past Continuous Tense . _____ the washerman______ the clothes? (wash)​



the washerman will wash the clothes

what is the figure of speech that gives objects and animals human characteristics is called?



Personification is a type of figure of speech that gives objects and animals human characteristics.




Read the passage and answer the question. "... Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.... And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." John F. Kennedy Select the correct answer. What is Kennedy implying in this excerpt from his inaugural address? Americans are not responsible for defending freedom. Americans have civil responsibility. The government has a responsibility to all Americans. The success of liberty is dependent upon America.


Answer:Americans have civil responsibility.


I got it correct

Pls help, i don't read
In literature, many characters struggle. A common theme is man vs. himself. Choose a character from a book or short story you have read and explain his or her internal struggle. To earn credit for this forum, state the name of the character, the title of the work, and the author. Your response should be 3-5 sentences long and show that you’ve thought about the topic/question at hand. Please be aware we are looking for YOUR PERSONAL OPINION and there is not a single “correct answer.”



"The Great Gatsby" is a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald in which the main character, Gatsby, develops the theme of man vs. self. This type of conflict takes place inside the character, so to speak, concerning his struggles with his feelings, decisions, and doubts. With Gatsby, the struggle lies in what he truly is and what he wishes to be. Gatsby lies to the world about his money and his business, but he cannot lie to himself. Thus, he is constantly wearing a metaphorical mask, constantly struggling with his own self-worth. In his desperation to be accepted, the mask falls. When accused by another character of being a criminal, Gatsby can no longer contain himself. If he did not care, perhaps the consequences wouldn't be so terrible. But he cares, a lot. Inside, Gatsby is still insecure - and that is what costs him everything he ever dreamed.


Take the answer above as an example. If you do not wish to write about "The Great Gatsby," feel free to choose a different character and literary work and use the answer as a template.

Conflicts, in literature, are the struggle between two opposing forces. There are external conflicts, such as character vs. character, or character vs. nature. There are also internal conflicts, such as character vs. self, which is the one we must develop in this answer.

Which option corrects the punctuation in the sentence?

Lucas signed up to help bag groceries at a food bank … the one just a few blocks from his home … on the first Saturday of each month.

О Lucas signed up to help bag groceries at a food bank … the one just a few blocks from his home … on the first Saturday of each month.
О Lucas signed up to help bag groceries at a food bank, the one just a few blocks from his home—on the first Saturday of each month.
О Lucas signed up to help bag groceries at a food bank … the one just a few blocks from his home: on the first Saturday of each month.
О Lucas signed up to help bag groceries at a food bank; the one just a few blocks from his home, on the first Saturday of each month.
О Lucas signed up to help bag groceries at a food bank—the one just a few blocks from his home—on the first Saturday of each month.



the second one


Lucas signed up to help bag groceries at a food bank—the one just a few blocks from his home—on the first Saturday of each month.

Explanation: took the test got u

Kayla and Emma are best friends, and they're at Emma's
house studying for a chemistry exam. Kayla is flunking
chemistry, and Emma is a straight-A student. Kayla asks
Emma if she can copy her answers during the test. Emma
hates the idea of cheating, even for Kayla, and she sleeps
terribly that night. She thinks about pretending to be sick to
avoid the situation, but she goes to school and tells Kayla
that she doesn't feel comfortable cheating and refuses to
give Kayla the answers. Kayla fails the test and is mad at
Emma for a long time. Eventually Kayla realizes that
cheating is wrong, and she and Emma make up.
Which statement best represents the conflict in this passage?


Emma hates the idea of cheating, even for Kayla and she sleeps terribly that night.

This statement is an example of internal conflict.

why can self-esteem change quickly?


Society makes the change

Help me¡¡¡¡¡

I ask here because I don't know English, please help



1. "Dani does not eat spaghetti bolognaise every week."

2. "Can most Dutch people speak English and German?"

3. "My mum can't play the piano very well."

4.  "Do you work in the city centre?"

5. "I don't like walking in the countryside."


Hope this helps :)


1) Dani doesn't eat spaghetti bolognaise every week.

2) Can most Dutch people speak English and German?

3) My mum can't play the piano very well.

4) Do you work in the city center ?

5) I don't like walking in the countryside .

How time management could help real learning and to manage your daily timetable?

write your response..


I just woke up and woke on the highway and

please help

read the following sentence.mrk if the sentence Is a compound sentence, simple sentence or complex sentence

1: we have to go to bed when the clock chimes ten 0 clock
A.simple B.complex C. compound​


A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses joined with a comma and coordinating conjunction . C

I haven’t written to him for 3 weeks.
= The last time………………………………………………………………
It’s months since we decorated this room
=We haven’t…………………………………………...................….
I didn’t know how to swim until I was 17 years old.
=Not until..................................................................................



1. I wrote to him was 3 weeks ago.

2. decorated this room for months.

3. Not until I was 17 years old did I know how to swim.

How do you think the ties between some states will be strengthened?

Thank you :D



They could trade with one another. Greet each others leaders and peoples. And even gives gifts to that state and form alliances.


For example:

Leader Johnny: Gives 500 apple cider gallons

Leader Tim: Thanks Johnny and remembers the gift?

I agree with the other person to add on we see this work lots of times in history with countries and even people groups trading

A signal word is a figure of speech

True or False?

honest and helpful answers get branliest





Signal words transition between ideas.

A figure of speech is metaphorical and not literal.

The two have nothing in common.

Read the following excerpts:

Excerpt from My Antonia, by Willa Cather

Sometimes I went south to visit our German neighbors and to admire their catalpa grove, or to see the big elm tree that grew up out of a deep crack in the earth and had a hawk's nest in its branches.

Excerpt from Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain

North of the house, inside the ploughed fire-breaks, grew a thick-set strip of box-elder trees, low and bushy, their leaves already turning yellow…

What might be the shared theme of these excerpts?

the beauty of nature

the importance of neighbors

the values of farm life

the simplicity of animals



The beauty of nature. Neither excerpt focuses on meeting the neighbors, nor the animals that lived in that area, nor the value of farming.

How does drama reveal the characters?
A. narration
B. description
C. characters' internal thoughts
D. dialogue and action


I think this will be dialogue and action

pls give brainliest and ❤️

dialogue and action (d)

Read these lines from a poem by Emily Dickinson.

Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

What theme is expressed in these lines?



I guess you could go with " the feeling of achievement is better when you've worked hard"



Struggling makes you appreciate the times when you are thriving.


What the heck is this supposed to mean? I asked a question and this is what I got.


I think whoever deleted your question thought it was a bad question or maybe that it wasn't a question that needed to be asked? What was your question that was deleted>???


Bro It happens to everyone.


The same thing happened to me too, the thing is that u must have asked a question that was not somehow related to studies and DEAR, GOD it is soo da   m n annoying.

What is the theme The poem “ The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost​


The theme of Robert Frost’s famous poem, ‘The Toad Not Taken’ is choosing. The poem is about all the choices in life we make and how many paths we haven’t taken.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Hi! Does anyone have some SSAT essay examples? Also, what are some good strategies for writing the SSAT essay?



You can look online for SSAT essay samples

You need to be able to write something good in 25 minutes

1. The narrator says that people with eyesight often fail to see what is right in front of
them. What do you think he means? Do you agree with the statement?​


I think he means that even with eyesight people seem to ignore what could be happening right in front of them, so it has nothing to do with eyesight more to do with your mind and how you see things. Yes I agree with him because we as people always ignore the problems right in front of us

In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, how long has the Tin Woodman been unable to move?

A. A year
B. A week
C. Six months
D. Five years



I believe the answer is (a). The Tin man was walking through the forest during a rainstorm, chopping trees to pass time. The water rusted him completely leaving him frozen for a year.


In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the Tin Woodman has been unable to move for almost an year.

What is The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a children’s book that was written in 1900 by L. Frank Baum. Described as a modern-day fairy tale with a distinctly American setting, a delightfully cool-headed and assertive heroine, and surprisingly engaging fantasy characters, the story became enormously popular and became a cult classic among children’s literature. However, by the late 20th century the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz which was an adaptation of the book had become more familiar than the book on which it was based.

Upon her arrival in Oz, she learns that she can't return home until and unless she has destroyed the Wicked Witch of the West.

The book was published in its country of origins i.e., United States in May 1900 by the George M. Hill Company.  a total of 10,000 copies, had quickly sold out following the ending of the publication  

Who is Tin Woodman?

The Tin Woodman can be described as a fictional character invented by L Frank Baum, who is the popularly known author and creator of the Oz legacy. In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, he is introduced to us for the first time by the author , published in 1900."

Tin Woodman was born and raised in the magical Land of Oz and the name given to him at birth was Nicholas chopper, or simply "Nick" Chopper for short. However, His nickname 'Tin Woodman' is the one by which he is known by the most in popular media.

He is the one that joins the journey alongside Dorothy Gale, who finds him rusted solid in distress in the middle of a forest.

Hence, option A is the correct answer

To learn more about The Wonderful Wizard of Oz here,


Which quotation most effectively expresses the concept that
Black Hawk is brave and has done his duty to his nation?



The quotation that most effectively expresses the concept that Black Hawk is brave and has done his duty to his nation is:

B. "But he can stand torture, and is not afraid of death. He is no coward. Black Hawk is an Indian."


The quotes in the attachment belong to Black Hawk's Surrender Speech, which he gave in 1832. Black Hawk (1767-1838) was leader and war chief of the Sauk Native American tribe.

Among the options given, letter B is the one that most effectively expresses the concept that Black Hawk is brave and has done his duty to his nation. Not being afraid of torture and death is not something just anyone can say about themselves. It takes a lot of courage and a deep sense of honor to withstand torture and to face death. When he says he is an Indian, he shows his care for his nation, for his tribe.

The other options focus on the suffering brought by the white man's violence and cheating.

Read this excerpt of 'From Blossoms*:
From laden boughs,
from hands,
from sweet fellowship in the bins,
comes nectar at the roadside, succulent
peaches we devour, dusty skin and all,
comes the familiar dust of summer, dust we eat.
Which word helps create a positive mood?
• A. devour
• B. dust
• C. bins
O D. sweet


Answer B

Explain because because it gives the fellowship and you have a good time
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Suppose you entered a contract to buy your friend's iPad. Without your knowledge, it was malfunctioning at the time you bought it, and it died soon after you started using it. Your friend had recently removed a large number of applications from the iPad that were not working. Although he honestly thought the problem was with the applications and not the iPad itself, he failed to tell you about the problem. You reasonably concluded, based on your inspection of all of the current applications on the iPad, that it was functioning properly. Can you rescind the contract to buy the iPad?a. Yes, due to fraud.b. Yes, due to innocent misrepresentation.c. Yes, due to mutual mistake.d. Yes, due to undue influence.e. No, the latent malfunction was not material, because the iPad was functioning when you bought it. Who can contact me to help me with the American literature 1800 exam on Monday? Who is Karl Marx and what was he known for. Study the editorial cartoon by Bill Mauldin. A dilapidated schoolhouse sits in darkness. Pieces of the schoolhouse are strewn about and the "public school" sign is hanging crookedly. How does the atmosphere around the school contribute to the effectiveness of the cartoon's message? The disarray in front shows that public schools have suffered harsh weather damages. The abandoned schoolhouse with an eerie background dramatizes the loss of public schools. The element of disrepair shows readers that this schoolhouse was not built well. The haunted theme makes the reader believe that public schools are ghostly places. Freelife, New Hampshire has a labor force of 78,567 persons and employment of 74,382. The unemployment rate for the city is: Group of answer choices 5.3%. 5.6%. 6.0%. 7.1% Ti sao ni: L hi l cuc i th hai bn cnh cuc i tht, l s tng ha vn ha ngh thut, l mt hin tng vn ha dn gian mang tnh tri? What is the molarity of a solution that contains 0.75 mol Naci in 3.0 L of solution? Select one: O a. 4.0 M O b. 2.3 M O d. 3.8 M O d. 0.25 M Clear my choice As the amount of time one spends with an individual rises, one's liking for that person tends to:______. a. increase. b. remain unchanged. c. vary unpredictably. d. decrease. PLEAS HELP I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST TO THE RIGHT ANSWERSThe Pollution by Problem Roberto Bererra Unfortunately, pollution is like air: its everywhere! Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment that can cause damage and harm to humans, animals, and the environment. It takes on a number of different forms, from chemicals and garbage to something as seemingly innocent as light or noise. Pollution comes from a variety of sources. In addition, it alters, changes, and even destroys a variety of places. For example, exhaust from cars pollutes the air. When it rains, runoff from fertilizers and pesticides, which farmers use to help crops grow, can pollute the water in oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams. Garbage dumped in landfills is not only an eyesore, but also a source of harmful gases that can damage the earths atmosphere. Light pollution, which comes in the form of bright streetlights or signs, disrupts the view of the night sky. Noise pollution caused by cars, trucks, and machines interrupts the natural sounds of the world around us, such as birds singing or leaves rustling. The types of pollution and their effects vary greatly. At the same time, however, they are related; each type of pollution affects the other types. An example of the connection between different types of pollution is acid rain. Acid rain is caused mostly by sulfur or nitrogen emissions given off by sources such as car exhaust and the burning of fossil fuels such as coal. These harmful chemicals rise into the atmosphere where they react with other compounds and then fall as an acidic form of rain, sleet, or snow. Acid rain damages plants and buildings, contaminates soil and water, and has a negative effect on animals, fish, and even humans. Pollution has other effects, too. Breathing toxic air or drinking polluted water can cause humans and animals to develop health problems that can be serious and sometimes deadly. The deaths of too many members of a certain species of animal can upset the local ecosystem, or the area in which they live. As a result, weather patterns and climates can also change. Though pollution is everywhere, there are ways to help prevent it. By walking or riding bikesinstead of driving carspeople can help decrease air pollution. People can also buy and eat organic foods to support farmers that do not use fertilizers on their crops. It is also a good idea to take old things that people intend to throw away and find new ways to use them. A great way to help the environment is to recycle. Save items like used paper, glass and plastic bottles, and metal cans. 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