Answer both of the following questions.

Think of two things that you can measure. Give one that requires high precision, or a low level of uncertainty. Give another that can have lower precision, or a higher level of uncertainty.
Explain why you made your choices. Why does one measurement need to be more precise than the other?


Answer 1
An example of a measurement that requires high precision or a low level of uncertainty is the length of a silicon microchip. One example of a measurement that can have lower precision or a higher level of uncertainty is the temperature of a room.

Precision and Measurement

One example of a measurement that requires high precision or a low level of uncertainty is the length of a silicon microchip. In the field of electronics manufacturing, even small variations in the length of a microchip can have significant impacts on its performance.

Therefore, it is essential to measure the length of a microchip with high precision, such as down to the nanometer scale, to ensure its functionality and reliability.

On the other hand, an example of a measurement that can have lower precision or a higher level of uncertainty is the temperature of a room. While temperature control is crucial in certain environments, such as a laboratory or a data center, in most cases, a general estimate of the temperature is sufficient.

A variation of a few degrees Celsius is unlikely to cause significant problems, making it unnecessary to measure the temperature with high precision.

The level of precision required for a measurement depends on the nature of the object being measured and the context in which the measurement is taken. In the case of the microchip, the manufacturing process is highly precise, and even small variations can lead to significant problems.

Therefore, it is essential to measure the length of the microchip with high precision. On the other hand, in the case of room temperature, the impact of small variations is usually insignificant, so a lower level of precision is acceptable. Overall, the precision required for a measurement depends on the importance of the measurement's accuracy and the potential consequences of imprecision.

Learn more about Precision and Measurement here:


Related Questions




There are 104 nickels and 33 quarters

Step-by-step explanation:

Start of with the equation N = 3Q + 5. q is the amt of quarters n is the nickels. Then substitute Q with 33 since that is the amount of quarters and solve the equation for the amount of nickels that there are.

Is the following number rational or irrational?
Choose 1 answer:


Correct answer:
Rational Number


Which statement correctly compares the reading speed of Danika and Kevin?

A. Each hour, Kevin reads 10 fewer pages than Danika.

B. Each hour, Kevin reads 10 pages more than Danika.

C. Each hour, Kevin reads 5 fewer pages than Danika.

D. Each hour, Kevin reads 5 pages more than Danika.​



No.B is correct statement

Use the distributive property to write the expression without parentheses.



18a - 12

Step-by-step explanation:


6*3a - 6*2

18a - 12

Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:  

[tex]18a - 12[/tex]

»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


[tex]\boxed{\text{Simplifying...}}\\\\6(3a-2)\\-----------------\\\rightarrow \text{Distribute the '6' into '3a' and '-2'.}\\\\\rightarrow 6 * 3a = 18a\\\\\rightarrow 6 * -2 = -12\\\\\\\text{Therefore:}\\\\6(3a-2)\rightarrow \boxed{18a - 12}[/tex]


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  

What’s the sum in the diagram, a + b + c =



Answer is 360 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the exterior angles of a triangle is 360°.

Answer: 360 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

You know that in a triangle is 180 degrees. In the diagram, the figure shows a, b, and c, outside of the triangle. Also, the a, b, and c makes a circle. The circle is 360 degrees, so when you add a, b, and c that will equal 360.

Someone help me out please




Step-by-step explanation:


= 363π/8

= 142.5 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Answered by GAUTHMATH

And these questions



17) 250 km²

18) never

19) sometimes

20) 288 in³

Step-by-step explanation:


this polygon can be seen as the combination of two shapes : a 16×13 rectangle on top, and a right-angled triangle at the bottom.

this triangle has the side lengths

15 km

(16 - 10) = 6 km

(27 - 13) = 14 km

the total area is the area of the rectangle plus the area of the triangle.

the area of the rectangle (length×width)

Ar = 16×13 = 208 km²

the area of the triangle (baseline×height/2)

since it is a right-angled triangle, we use one side of the 90 degree angle as baseline and the other as height

At = 6×14/2 = 3×14 = 42 km²

so the total area of the polygon

Ap = Ar + At = 208 + 42 = 250 km²

18) the first quadrant is the area between the right (positive) side of the x axis and the upper (positive) part of the y axis. all points here have always and only positive x and y values. never any negative ones.

19) when a point is on the x-axis, well, left of point 0 on the x -axis are only negative values of x. and right of point 0 of the x-axis are only positive values of x. so, for some of these points the x value is positive, and for some it is negative. therefore "sometimes".

20) the volume of a box is length×width×height.

V = 8×3×12 = 24×12 = 288 in³

Correct answer gets 5 star



A. The function is Nonlinear.

Write the equation of the function


4/1 is the slope so (-2-1/4=x)

Can someone answer any of these with working out?



sorry I don't know

sorry I Don't know

Arrange in descending order 14/13,25/26,8/3​


26, 25, 14, 13, 8, 3 descending order greatest to least

summer school is over, and I'm feeling self-destructive. Take all of my points and have a good night. 1/3



Thanks for the points... dude.....

This the second time but thank you

môt lâm trường lập kế hoạch trồng 1 số ha rừng, theo đó mỗi tuần lâm trường phải trồng 15ha. Trên thực tế nhờ cải tiến kĩ tuật, lâm trường đã trồng được 20ha mỗi tuần. Do đó, lâm trường khong những đã hoàn thành kế hoạch trước thời hạn 1 tuần mà còn trồng thêm được 5ha rừng. Hỏi theo kế hoạch, lâm trường phải trồng bao nhiêu ha rừng?


Step-by-step explanation:

mình nghĩ là như vầy. Chúc bạn học tôt :))))

Helppppp pleaseeee anyoneeeee


Take it on in parts, there are three shapes. One triangle, Two squares.

Triangle= 1/2 base * height
Triangle= 1/2(20)(11)= 110yd^2
Rectangle 1= base*height
Rectangle 1: (8)(4)= 32yd^2
Rectangle 2= (7)(12)= 84yd^2

Then add them together to get 226yd^2

Alex can cut a cord into 7 pieces in 36 seconds. How long will it take him to cut the cord into 12 pieces?



Step-by-step explanation:

I think you mean 35 seconds because if it was 36 then the answer would be too long so assuming it is 35 seconds the answer is 1 minute or 60 seconds

Anyone ?? Know the answers to these both? Due tmr morning



Just use m a t h w a y for the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Thank me later,or dont thank me at all

how many 5 cents can u get from $1.25?​




Step-by-step explanation:

5 cents = 0.05

1.25 / 0.05 = 25

let me know if i'm wrong



Step-by-step explanation:


125/5 = 25

The breadth of a rectangle is 4 units less than its length. If the perimeter of the rectangle is
20 units, write a pair of linear equations to model the above situation, assuming the length to be l units
and the breadth to be b units.
Equation 1 :
Equation 2 :


Here, we are to find the length and the , breadth of the rectangle

The length of the rectangle = 7 units and Breadth of the rectangle = 3 units


length = l units

Breadth = b units

Perimeter of the rectangle = 20 units

length is the distance measured along the longest dimension of an object

width is the wideness of an object

perimeter refers to the total measurements of an objects

The breadth of a rectangle is 4 units less than its length


Length = l


b = l - 4

Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(length + breadth)

20 = 2{l + (l - 4)

20 = 2(l + l - 4)

20 = 2(2l - 4)

20 = 4l - 8

20 + 8 = 4l

28 = 4l

l = 28/4

l = 7

b = l - 4

b = 7 - 4

b = 3 units

Read more:

Find the value of x in the given
right triangle.




Step-by-step explanation:

Since we have a right triangle, we can use trig functions

sin theta = opp / hyp

sin x = 7/10

Taking the inverse sin of each side

sin^-1 (sin x) = sin^-1(7/10)

x = 44.427

Rounding to the nearest tenth

x = 44.4

"Two-thirds of a number increased by seven."



(2/3)n + 7

Step-by-step explanation:

Represent the number by n.

Then "two thirds of (that) number" is (2/3)n.

Finally, we add 7:

"Two-thirds of a number increased by seven" is (2/3)n + 7

Giving brainliest! View image!




Step-by-step explanation:



21/50 chance to choose inside small rectangle

21/50*2 = 42/100 chance to choose inside small rectangle


factor x ^ 4 - 5x ^ 2 + 4


( − 2 ) ( 3+ 2 2 − − 2 )

Hope this helps, have a great day!

if a number is added to 3, the result is 10 find the number​




Step-by-step explanation:

10 minus 3 will give you the number



Step-by-step explanation:

let the number added to 3 be 'x'

we know;




[tex]3-\sqrt{x} 1-16x^{2}[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

This equation turns out to be a quartic. I'm not sure what should be done with. I can't believe you were asked to find its roots which are unbelievably complex. Here is a graph with the only 2 points that are easily found. If I am not solving what you need, please leave a note.

Express (root 19 - root 7)(root 19 + root 7) in simplest form.



root 354

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

(√19 -√7)(√19 +√7)

( a +b)( a -b) = a²-b²

(√19)² -(√7)² = 19 -7 = 12

What is the quotient of (2x3 – 29x + 13) ÷ (x + 4)?



(19-29x) over (x-4)

Step-by-step explanation:

Need help nsjsisjejskskkdof



8×4=32 and 8 groups of 4 equals 32.

please solve this





Step-by-step explanation:

Note that I will be using a, b, and y instead of their Greek counterparts.

First, we know that sin(c+d) = sin(c)cos(d) + cos(d)sin(a) and sin(c-d) = sin(c)cos(d) - cos(d)sin(a). We can apply these here to get

sin(b+y) = sin(b)cos(y) + cos(b)sin(y)

sin(b-y) = sin(b)cos(y) - cos(b)sin(y)

sin(a+y) = sin(a)cos(y) + cos(a)sin(y)

sin(a-y) = sin(a)cos(y) - cos(a)sin(y)

Plugging these into our equation, we get

(sin(b)cos(y) + cos(b)sin(y) - (sin(b)cos(y) - cos(b)sin(y)))


(sin(a)cos(y) + cos(a)sin(y)-(sin(a)cos(y) - cos(a)sin(y)))


2cos(b)sin(y) / 2cos(a)sin(y)

= cos(b)sin(y)/cos(a)sin(y)

= cos(b)/cos(a)

Next, we can see that a+b = π, so we can subtract b from both sides to get a = π -b. Plugging that in for a in our equation, we get

cos(b) / cos(π-b)

After that, we know that cos(c-d) = cos(c)cos(d) - sin(c)sin(d). Plugging that in here, we get

cos(π-b) = cos(π)cos(b) - sin(π)sin(b)

= -cos(b) + 0

= -cos(b)

Plugging that back into our equation, we get

cos(b) / -cos(b) = -1

question 3&4 help me please



3. (1-7/9)÷2 = 2/9÷2 = 1/9

reciprocal of 1/9 is 9

4. x+2/x=3

if you solve it, you get x = 1 and x = 2, so last option, 1 and 2, is the answer

Answered by GAUTHMATH

Help me with this question please‼️‼️


Answer: 1/2  (choice C)


The gradient is the same as the slope

m = slope

m = rise/run

m = (change in y)/(change in x)

m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

m = (6-1)/(6 - (-4))

m = (6-1)/(6+4)

m = 5/10

m = 1/2

In decimal form, this becomes 0.5

A slope of 1/2 means we move up 1 and to the right 2 units each time to generate points along the diagonal line.

A positive slope goes uphill as we move to the right (due to the positive rise value).


One way to find the gradient is using the expression :

[tex]m = \frac{y_{2} - y_{1}}{x_{2} - x_{1}} = \frac{y_{B} - y_{A}}{x_{B} - x_{A}}[/tex]

So [tex]m = \frac{6 - 1}{6- (-4)} =\frac{5}{10} =\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

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