Anwar is hiking in the woods and he gets lost. He spends several days trying to find his way back to his basecamp, but he has the knowledge to gather wood, start a fire, and keep himself warm at night. He is also able to identify local berries and mushrooms growing that he can eat without being poisoned. Anwar is demonstrating _________ intelligence from the triarchic theory.
A. analytic
B. functional
C. practical
D. fluid


Answer 1
The answer should be A.Analytic
Answer 2

The correct option is C. He is also able to identify local berries and mushroom growing that he can eat without being poisoned. Anwar is demonstrating practical intelligence from the triarchic theory.

According to Baum, gaining practical intelligence involves learning from the past and applying that information to advance the company.

Which intelligence is most important?

The king of the hill in terms of prominence used to be cognitive intelligence. It then manifested as emotional intelligence. Now though, "successful intelligence" may be more important than all the other intelligence categories you've heard about, according to Cornell University's Robert J. Sternberg, professor of human development.

Practical intelligence is the capacity to adapt to, shape, or choose a new environment in the pursuit of personally significant goals in order to achieve a more ideal fit between oneself and the demands of the environment.

Learn more about Intelligence here:


Related Questions

why did prithivi Narayan Shah appoint Kalu Pande as his kaji instead of Viraj bakhati​



as kalu pndey was very famous among the peoplevwhich would help him in unification of development


hope it helpyou

Can someone answer the question I uploaded yesterday, subject is social studies. All you have to do is read an article and answer questions. Giving brainliest.



I can


give a short introduction of the Simrounagadh and Baise and Chaubise​



Baise Rajya (Nepali: बाइसे राज्यहरू) were sovereign and intermittently allied petty kingdoms on the Indian subcontinent, ruled by Khas from medieval India, located around the Karnali-Bheri river basin of modern-day Nepal. The Baise were annexed during the unification of Nepal from 1744 to 1810. The kingdom's founder Prithvi Narayan Shah (ruled 1743-1775) did not live to see this, but his son and grandson annexed the entire collection by the end of the 18th century.

Simraungadh, Simraongarh or Simroungarh ( Devanagari: सिम्रौनगढ) was a fortified city and the main capital of the Tirhut Kingdom founded by Karnat King Nanyadeva in 1097.Presently it is a municipality of Nepal, located in Bara District, Province No. 2. Archaeological investigations of the fort also show that part of the walls extended into Bihar, India as the city was situated on the modern-day border. The municipality was created in 2014 by agglomerating the Village Development Committees of Amritganj, Golaganj, Hariharpur & Uchidih; and later on expanded to include Bhagwanpur, Kachorwa, Dewapur-Teta, and Bishunpur kamalpur.

During the international coronavirus pandemic, many people began acting aggressively toward individuals of Chinese descent, blaming them for the virus even though most of those people had lived in the United States for their entire lives. Those Chinese-Americans were the victim of a process called ________.


The Chinese-Americans were the victim of a process called "Racism".

Racism simply refers to the discrimination, antagonism or prejudice against people of a particular ethnic group, which are marginalized or a minority.

When the coronavirus began, there were racism towards the Chinese descents as some people believed that they caused the virus due to the fact that they ate unclean animals. This term is referred to as racism.

In conclusion, the Chinese-Americans were the victim of a process called "Racism".

Read related link on:

National days reflect National Unity prepare a news report justify the statement



It would help you:

How does the coronavirus relate to conservation?



The sustainability of the natural biodiversity can be retained, since people would be isolated in their homes. there would be less gas emissions in the atmosphere that is produced by vehicles. Research has shown that coronavirus doesn't really affect animal species which is quite beneficial for them. So in this way the different ecosystems may slowly heal and the food chain can perpetuate


list out the importance of celebrating festival​



Festivals are an expressive way to celebrate glorious heritage, culture and traditions. They are meant to rejoice special moments and emotions in our lives with our loved ones. They play an important role to add structure to our social lives, and connect us with our families and backgrounds.


Festivals are an expressive way to celebrate glorious heritage, culture and traditions. They are meant to rejoice special moments and emotions in our lives with our loved ones. They play an important role to add structure to our social lives, and connect us with our families and backgrounds. They give us a distraction from our day to day, exhausting routine of life, and give us some inspiration to remember the important things and moments in life. Festivals were started to pass the legends, knowledge and traditions onto the next generation.

All festivals are cultural in one way or another. There are many types of cultural festivals such as National, Religious and Seasonal. They all serve the purpose of bringing happiness to our lives, and strengthen our sense of community.

National Festivals: They connect us as a people of a nation. National festivals connect citizens to important moments of a nation’s history such as: the founding day of a nation, our independence day or in Europe VE day (Victory of Europe during WWII) is celebrated throughout the continent, with many nations having a public holiday. They solidify patriotic spirits in the society.

Why is population education a multidimensional educational process?



Population education is a multidimensional education process due to following reasons:

It helps to enhance awareness along the people to make ration and responsible decision about population related processes, behaviors and problems.


hope it helps

Hariqbal is preparing an online dating profile. One of the questions for the profile is whether he is a romantic person. In order to answer this question, Hariqbal thinks back on some of his most recent actions. Since in the past week he read a book of love poems, enjoyed a dramatic film, and took a long walk by the beach, he decides that he must be a romantic person. What process has Hariqbal engaged in



This question lacks options, options are:

a. upward social comparison

b. the misattribution of arousal

c. the better than average effect

d. self-perception.  

The correct answer is d.


The American psychologist Daryl Bem is responsible for the development of the theory of self-perception. According to this professional, human beings study their behavior to discover what leads them to act in a certain way. Self-perception supposes the observation of our being; emotions, desires, feelings, etc., and of our context, that is, to identify our behaviors, attitudes and the circumstances of our environment, in a way that allows us to form an accurate but not exact opinion of ourselves, that is, the Self-perception allows persons to learn from their actions and modify their personality based on that learning. Self-perception influences how a person interprets, in a subjective way, certain aspects of his personality that come into play in the relationships he establishes with others.

Explain whether or not you think civil rights legislation is still needed today.



One of the greatest achievements of the civil rights movement, the Civil Rights Act led to greater social and economic mobility for African-Americans across the nation and banned racial discrimination, providing greater access to resources for women, religious minorities, African-Americans and low-income families.

Every society has a set of religions,culture,traditions and social institutions that produce and regulate norms and values. Explain ​



Each society has different culture as it is how they do things in their place they've grown accustomed on their methods that makes them unique from other people in different place. Although all known societies have religious beliefs and practices, religions vary greatly from society to society. A culture consists of the “objects” of a society, whereas a society consists of the people who share a common culture.Religion is important as it shapes people's morals, customs, traditions, beliefs, and, ultimately, behavior. Shared religious beliefs bind people together. People who engage in religious activities have fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety than people who are non-religious. They also cope with stress better. In fact some religious activities, such as prayer or meditation, can reshape the brain for the better.

mention any five strategies related to Road taken by the 13th five year plan​



Five-Year Plans of Nepal generally strove to increase output and employment; develop the infrastructure; attain economic stability; promote industry, commerce, and international trade; establish administrative and public service institutions to support economic development; and also introduce labor-intensive production techniques to alleviate underemployment. The social goals of the plans were improving health and education as well as encouraging equitable income distribution.[1] Although each plan had different development priorities, the allocation of resources did not always reflect these priorities. The first four plans concentrated on infrastructure—to make it possible to facilitate the movement of goods and services—and to increase the size of the market. Each of the five-year plans depended heavily on foreign assistance in the forms of grants and loans


First Five-Year Plan

The First Five-Year Plan(1956–61) allocated Rs 330 million for development expenditures of which Rs 220 million were funded by international donors, partly under the Colombo Plan. Transportation received top priority with almost 30% of the budget allocation but rural development, including agriculture, village development, irrigation and forestry also received significant amounts.


After Parliament, which had been established under the 1959 constitution, was suspended in 1960, the Second Plan failed to materialize on schedule. A new plan was not introduced until 1962 and covered only three years, 1962-65. The Second Plan had expenditures of almost Rs 615 million. Transportation and communication again received top priority with about 39 percent of budget expenditures. Industry, tourism, and social services were the second priority. Although targets again were missed, there were improvements in industrial production, road construction, telephone installations, irrigation, and education. However, only the organizational improvement area of the target was met.

The first two plans were developed with very little research and a minimal data base. Neither plan was detailed, and both contained only general terms.The administrative machinery with which to execute these plans also was inadequate. The National Planning Commission, which formulated the second plan, noted the difficulty of preparing plans in the absence of statistical data. Further, as was the case with the first plan, the bulk of the development budget depended on foreign aid—mostly in the form of grants.The failure of these plans was indicated by the government's inability to spend the budgeted amounts.

"Every society is transforming from primitive to modern." Do you agree this statement ?​



No, I disagree with the statement.


The statement is "Every society is transforming from primitive to modern" is not true because while some countries have transformed from primitive to modern, there are a lot of "developing countries" that used to be more modern than they are now.

Explain the majoritarian policy followed by Sri Lanka.



In Sri Lanka, there were two types of Tamils- Sinhala Tamils and Indian Tamils who migrated to Sri Lanka for job employment opportunities. Sinhala Tamils constitute the majority of the Sri Lankan population and there was a majority rule in Sri Lanka. This can be seen in the act passed in 1956 which recognized Sinhala as the official language. The majority rule was pushed to the extreme when Sinhalans came to be favored at job places and were given top priorities in terms of employment. Later, Buddhism was supported in Sri Lanka as Sinhalans were great followers of Buddism, thus disregarding the feelings of other minorities' and Indian Tamils' feelings.

Saul frequently feels like he has a lump in his throat that makes it difficult for him to speak or swallow. Medical examinations, however, indicate that there is no apparent physical cause for these symptoms. Saul appears to be suffering from a



panic attack/ anxiety attack


4. How many Syrian refugees has Canada actually admitted since 2013? Explain.



Those 2,500 Syrian refugees are actually about 2,302 resettled in Canada since 2013 – approximately 0.05 per cent of the more than 4 million Syrians who have fled the country's bloody civil war and the threat of ISIS.

How does traditional media selling of campaign ads (produced directly by campaigns) differ
from the selling of political ads by PACs with respect to regulation by the FCC?
O They cannot reject a campaign ad under any circumstances.
O They can charge more for the campaign ads.
O They reject most PAC ads based on content, but accept most campaign ads.
O They have less control over content of campaign ads.


Answer: They have less control over content of campaign ads.


Traditional media selling of campaign ads differ from the selling of political ads by PACs with respect to regulation by the FCC as they have less control over content of campaign ads.

In the campaign advertisement, it should be noted that the traditional media have less control over the content of the campaign advertisements when compared to the sale of m political advertisements by PACs. It should be noted that the reason for this is because PACs has been given more freedom to th political ads by FCC.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

why river basins are perfect for human? explain it.



they help to control erosion. as rivers collect and store inland water run-off as a result of rainfall, they help to manage and control flooding

The art of happiness is written by........????
1.Chiddi Charan Shrestha
2.Dalai Lama
3.Moti Ram Bhatta
4.Bhanu Bhakta Acharya
5.Laxmi Prasad Devkota
6.No one





Moti Ram bhatta

hope this will help you

The art of happiness was written by Dalai Lama.

Frances is a college student majoring in Classics and the Greek language. She earns good grades and works part-time. Frances is known to practice white magic. She participates in rituals and spell-casting with a local coven. She can often be heard talking in elvish in an attempt to connect with characters from Lord of the Rings. If Frances has a personality disorder, her behavior is most consistent with a diagnosis of ___



Her behavior is most consistent with a diagnosis of “schizotypal personality disorder”.

explain four contributory factors to unemployment



1. Not updating new knowledge & skills according to market demand.

2. Lack of initiative (expanding relationships, self-discipline, self-study).

3. Do not accept failure and lack of effort.

4. No new updates on market requirements.


I'm not sure but I can help you

13. The word 'REC' stands for
A. Resident Electoral Commissioner
B. Representatives of Electoral Commission
C. Regional Electoral Commissioner
D. Regional Electoral Commission​



Regional Environmental Centre


regional environmental center

How do World Heritage Sites introduce the country and the people?​



Heritage sites introduce the country and the people by designated for having culture, scientific, and historical to everyone can significian.

What kind of economy system in the USA in the 1800s? *


The U.S. economy was primarily agricultural in the early 19th century.

With the advent of industrialization and urbanization, maintaining the _____ family pattern becomes more difficult in societies. Increasingly, young people move from rural to urban areas in search of employment in the industrializing sector of the economy. At that time, the _____ family typically becomes the predominant family pattern in the society.



Extended; Nuclear



This is simply known as development and growth of towns and cities. The idea is Urbanisation is the movement of population away from villages living to larger communities in towns and cities. The idea of industrialization as a means by which machines are often used in the production of goods.

Nuclear family

This a a type of family that comprises of a couple that is husband and wife and their children

Extended family

This is refered to as a type of family family that comprises of a couple that is husband and wife,their children and including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives. It goes beyond the nuclear family.

The 'fit' thesis

This simply gives us a clue that industrialization and urbanization contribute significantly to changes in the family and household. The fit thesis do shift the family structure. It shift it from mainly extended family organisation to one dominated by nuclear families.

What Is an WTAR and NART test, what are they and how are they measured?



The wechsler test of adult reading ( WTAR) is a neuropsychological assessment tool used to provide a measure of premorbid intelligence

has improved access to information.
has created faster production times for many goods.
Over the years, technologies such as
have allowed for faster distribution



The Internet has improved access to information. Automation has created faster production times for many goods. Over the years, technologies such as airplanes have allowed for faster distribution.


The Internet




edg gang

Pam is auditing the accounts payable account of her client, Roadrunner Training Company (RTC). Pam has decided to perform her testing at interim and to use smaller sample sizes. Which of the following pairs of information about the combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk and detection risk best fits this scenario?
A : Combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk » low; detection risk » high
B : Combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk » high; detection risk » low
C : Combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk » low; detection risk » low
D : Combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk » high; detection risk » high


Answer:the answer would be C


what do the terms cooperation mean​



you are able to work with other people


you are also able to work with not just your friend s

description the role played by the citizens in achieving sustainable development.​



As primary agents of their development and the ultimate beneficiaries of the Sustainable Development Goals, citizens have a pivotal role to play not only in terms of the effort and action towards the achievement of the goals but also in terms of the associated monitoring of the progress towards these goals.

Other Questions
Read the passage from "The Most Dangerous Game."Rainsford!" screamed the general. "How in God's name did you get here?""Swam," said Rainsford. "I found it quicker than walking through the jungle."The general sucked in his breath and smiled. "I congratulate you," he said. "You have won the game."Rainsford did not smile. "I am still a beast at bay," he said, in a low, hoarse voice. "Get ready, General Zaroff."The general made one of his deepest bows. "I see," he said. "Splendid! One of us is to furnish a repast for the hounds. The other will sleep in this very excellent bed. On guard, Rainsford." . . .He had never slept in a better bed, Rainsford decided.Which statement best describes how Rainsford solves his moral dilemma in this passage?Rainsford calls a truce with the general even though he knows the general is a terrible man.Although he believes that murder is wrong, Rainsford chooses to kill the general and end the game for good.Instead of killing others or himself, Rainsford lets the general win the game but takes his bed.Rainsford does not smile even though he is thrilled that he won the game. Which best describes the relationship between the line that passes through the points (6, 1) and (11, 2) and the line that passes through the points (5, 7) and (8, 2)?A. same lineB. neither perpendicular nor parallelC. perpendicularD. parallel What is the cultural aspect of environment? In what ways did Americas women lend an assist to the wartime labor shortage? What was Joseph Stalin's role in the Russian Revolution the drug which is used to reduce pain is ..,.... i) opium ii) bhang iii) hashish iv) marijauna a line of reasoning that presents the opposite side of the author's argument is called a g A high altitude balloon is filled with 1.41 x 104 L of hydrogen gas (H2) at a temperature of 21oC and a pressure of 745 torr. What is the volume of the balloon at a height of 20 km, where the temperature is -48oC and the pressure is 63.1 torr If\[\displaystyle\frac{\sqrt{600} + \sqrt{150} + 4\sqrt{54}}{6\sqrt{32} - 3\sqrt{50} - \sqrt{72}} = a\sqrt{b},\]where $a$ and $b$ are integers and $b$ is as small as possible, find $a+b.$ For each city across the U.S., economists construct a price index for a similar basket of goods. In Los Angeles the index is 127.3 and the index for Dallas is 94.8. If you have been offered $137,000 for a job in Los Angeles and $117,000 for a similar job in Dallas, which job affords you the highest purchasing power of the bundle of goods in the price index Drag the tiles to the boxes to form correct pairs.Based on the passage, match each event in the story with the correct plot element.(Mrs. Jones is busy cooking in the kitchen while her eldest son, Jake, is having breakfast. She looks pale and tired. The kitchen is messy. She soon finishes her cooking and starts washing the dishes.)JAKE: Mom, this toast is burnt. Make me another one.MRS. JONES: Just finish it Jake. I dont have the time now. I have a ton of chores to finish before heading off to work.JAKE: But, mom! I can't have burnt toast. Make me another one, or I'm going to school on an empty stomach.(Mrs. Jones sighs and makes him another piece of toast. Jake quickly eats it and walks away without thanking her. Mrs. Jones continues with her work. She hears her daughter yelling.)MRS. JONES: What is it, Clara?CLARA: Mom, come have a look at what Mattie has done.(Mrs. Jones wipes her soapy hands and walks into the living room. She is stunned when she sees the white walls with drawings all over them. She finds her youngest son, Mattie, behind the couch, busy making a drawing on the wall. Without bothering to notice what he is drawing, she drags him out from behind the couch.)MRS. JONES: Mattie, look at what you've done. How could you make such a mess? You've ruined the walls.MATTIE: But, mom, I was just . . .MRS. JONES: Be quiet, Mattie. Day after day I have to look after the three of you, and I never get any appreciation. And now you've gone and scribbled all over the walls. Do you know how long it'll take me to clean up this mess?MATTIE: I'm sorry, mom, I didnt mean to.MRS. JONES: Sorry doesn't change the fact that you've made a big mess.(Mattie looks like he is about to cry.)MRS. JONES: Don't cry, Mattie. Crying is not the solution to our problems.MATTIE: I'm sorry. I'll clean it up right away, mom.MRS. JONES: Yes, you better. Now go and get some soap and a scrubber and get to cleaning.(Mattie looks discouraged as he leaves the room. Mrs. Jones is still furious as she watches him go. She then turns to the wall and her expression changes into one of shock.)MRS. JONES: (to herself) What? Its a drawing of Mattie and me, and the words "I love you, mom" are written below it.(Mattie returns to the room with the soap and scrubber. She looks at him with tear-filled eyes and hugs him tightly to her as he reaches her.)MRS. JONES: I'm sorry too, Mattie. help me out please (geometry) During 2020 Carne Corporation transferred inventory to Nolan Corporation and agreed to repurchase the merchandise early in 2021. Nolan then used the inventory as collateral to borrow from Norwalk Bank, remitting the proceeds to Carne. In 2021 when Carne repurchased the inventory, Nolan used the proceeds to repay its bank loan. This transaction is known as a(n) assignment for the benefit of creditors. product financing arrangement. installment sale. consignment. Find the equation of the line which is perpendicular to the line.(a) with equcation y=5x-4 and passes through (0,7) List three of waters unique properties. Jada worked at the bakery for 14 hours last week he spent $12 of his earnings on a cake for his fathers birthday as he was last with $86 after buying the cake what is Giannas hourly wage 3. Which of the following is NOT a factor of production?a. landd. entrepreneurshipb. outpute. capitalc. inputs What is the process in genetic expression? It costs $7.45 for 2.5 pounds of round steak. What is the unit rate?A.$9.95 per poundB.$18.63 per poundC.$2.50 per poundD.$2.98 per pound g If closing costs of $1,200 are associated with the refinance of a mortgage that would reduce the monthly payment from $1,020 to $949 refinance, it would take approximately ____ months to cover these costs. (Round your answer to the nearest full month.)