anyone know collage level algebra 2? I need help
Evaluate the series: image Question 1 options: A) 392 B) 249 C) 420 D) 406


Answer 1


The required sum is 392

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the sum as shown;

[tex]\sum \left \77} \atop {a=1}} \right. (3a^2-4)[/tex]

When n = 1

f(1) = 3(1)²-4

f(1) = 3 - 4

f(1) = - 1

When n = 2

f(2) = 3(2)²-4

f(2) = 12 - 4

f(2) = 8

When n = 3

f(3) = 3(3)²-4

f(3) = 27 - 4

f(3) = 23

When n = 4

f(4) = 3(4)²-4

f(4) = 48 - 4

f(4) = 44

When n = 5

f(5) = 3(5)²-4

f(5) = 75 - 4

f(5) = 71

When n = 6

f(6) = 3(6)²-4

f(6) = 108 - 4

f(6) = 104

When n = 7

f(7) = 3(7)²-4

f(7) = 147 - 4

f(7) = 143

Taking their sum

Sum = f(1)+f(2)+(3)+f(4)+f(5)+f(6)+f(7)

Sum = -1 + 8 + 23 + 44 + 71 + 104 + 143

Sum = 392

Hence the required sum is 392

Related Questions

3000 dollars is invested in a bank account at an interest rate of 7 percent per year, compounded continuously. Meanwhile, 20000 dollars is invested in a bank account at an interest rate of 5 percent compounded annually.

To the nearest year, when will the two accounts have the same balance?


9514 1404 393


  after 89 years

Step-by-step explanation:

For principal p, interest rate r, and number of years t, the two account balances are ...

  a = p·e^(rt) . . . . continuous compounding

  a = p(1+r)^t . . . . annual compounding

Using the given values, we have

  3000·e^(0.07t) . . . . . compounded continuously

  20000·1.05^t . . . . . . compounded annually

We want to find t so these are equal.

  3000·e^(0.07t) = 20000·1.05^t

  0.15e^(0.07t) = 1.05^t . . . . divide by 20,000

  ln(0.15) +0.07t = t·ln(1.05) . . . . take natural logarithms

  ln(0.15) = t·(ln(1.05) -0.07) . . . . subtract 0.07t

  t = ln(0.15)/(ln(1.05) -0.07) ≈ -1.8971/-0.02121 . . . . . divide by the coefficient of t

  t ≈ 89.4 ≈ 89

The two accounts will have the same balance after 89 years.

40) what is the area of a rectangular porch measuring 8 ft x 12/f

45) Create a stem and leaf plot to represent this set of data.
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please make sure to answer both questions ​


40. 8 times 12. = 96 ft

30 points PLEASE HELP!!!!
Find the volume of the pyramid.
76.34 ft3
458.06 ft3
916.11 ft3
305.37 ft3



916.11 ft³

Step-by-step explanation:


= 211.41×13/3

= 916.11 ft³

Answered by GAUTHMATH


916.11 ft³

Step-by-step explanation:

Simplify the expression.
7(5 +t) - 4(t + 4)
7(5 + t) - 4(t + 4) = [


7(5 + t) - 4(t + 4) =

= 35 + 7t - 4t - 16 =

= 7t - 4t + 35 - 16 = 3t + 19


(−2,2) under a translation is

(−3,5). Find the coordinates of the image of the point

(−3,1) under the same translation.



kslskd बोडलालामसूनिविवल




Domain is (-4, 3]Range is (-5, 5]



The domain is the set of allowed x input values, aka the set of all allowed x coordinates of the points. We see that [tex]-4 < x \le 3[/tex]. It might help to draw vertical lines through the endpoints until you reach the x axis. Note the open hole at x = -4 to indicate we do not include this as part of the domain (hence the lack of "or equal to" for the first inequality sign).

The interval [tex]-4 < x \le 3[/tex] then can be condensed into the shorthand form (-4, 3] which is the domain in interval notation.

It says: x is between -4 and 3. It can't equal -4 but it can equal 3.

So the use of parenthesis versus square brackets tells the reader which endpoint is included or not.


The range describes all possible y outputs. We see that y = 5 is the largest it gets and y = -5 is the lower bound. It might help to draw horizontal lines through the endpoints until you reach the y axis. The open hole means -5 is not part of the range.

The range as a compound inequality is [tex]-5 < y \le 5[/tex]. This condenses into the shorthand of (-5, 5] which is the range in interval notation.

Verbally, the range is the set of y values such that y is between -5 and 5. It can't equal -5 but it can equal 5.



Step-by-step explanation:

Domain(f)= ]-4;3]={x€R | -4<x≤3}

Rang(f)=]-5;5]={y€R | -5< y ≤5}

A hemispherical tank is filled with water and has a diameter of 16 feet. If water weighs 62.4 pounds per cubic foot, what is the total weight of the water in a full tank, to the nearest pound?


Answer: 133,827 lb/ft^3

Step-by-step explanation:

V = (4/3) (3.14)(8^3) = 133,827

Can u help solve this




Step-by-step explanation:

slope = rise/run

rise = difference in y

run = difference in x

slope = (8 - 2)/(3 - 0)

slope = 6/3

slope = 2


Slope = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the Slope-Formula to find the slope

m = slope

m = change in y/change in x

m = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)

Points: (0, 2) (3, 8) where the first point is x1 & y1 and the second point is x2 & y2.

m = (8 - 2)/(3 - 0)

m = 6/3

m = 2

The slope will be 2

- 100
3. What is the simplest form of
a. -51
b. 25i
c. -251
d. 5i



- 5i

Step-by-step explanation:

sqrt(-100) / -sqrt(4)

We know that  sqrt(a) / sqrt(b) = sqrt(a/b)

- sqrt(-100/4)

- sqrt(-25)

We know that sqrt(ab) = sqrt(a) sqrt(b)

- sqrt(25) sqrt(-1)

We know sqrt(-1) = i

Taking the principle value of sqrt(25)

- 5i

for what value of x does 4^x=(1/8)^x+5?


Use main properties of powers

(a^m)^n=a^{m\cdot n};(am)n=am⋅n;


to simplify given equation.





3. Then the equation is


The bases are the same, so equate the powers:





Answer: for x=-3.

3x (x - 2) = x^2 - 4



x = 1, x = 2

Step-by-step explanation:


3x(x - 2) = x² - 4 ← distribute parenthesis on left side

3x² - 6x = x² - 4 ( subtract x² - 4 from both sides )

2x² - 6x + 4 = 0 ( divide through by 2

x² - 3x + 2 = 0 ← in standard form

Consider the factors of the constant term (+ 2) which sum to give the coefficient of the x- term (- 3)

The factors are - 1 and - 2 , since

- 1 × - 2 = + 2 and - 1 - 2 = - 3 , then

(x - 1)(x - 2) = 0 ← in factored form

Equate each factor to zero and solve for x

x - 1 = 0 ⇒ x = 1

x - 2 = 0 ⇒ x = 2

Hey guys ♡
hw r u all doin
pls solve this question for me ⤵️

(m-1)/2 - (m-2)/3 = ( m - 4 )/7 ​



m = - 31

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\frac{m-1}{2}[/tex] - [tex]\frac{m-2}{3}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{m-4}{7}[/tex]

Multiply through by 42 , the LCM of 2, 3 and 7 , to clear the fractions

21(m - 1) - 14(m - 2) = 6(m - 4) ← distribute parenthesis

21m - 21 - 14m + 28 = 6m - 24

7m + 7 = 6m - 24 ( subtract 6m from both sides )

m + 7 = - 24 ( subtract 7 from both sides )

m = - 31

When simplified and written in standard form, which quadratic function is equivalent to the polynomial shown?



The Polynominal is not shown. So how can i answer???

Step-by-step explanation:

Thank You! Hope it helps! Please Mark me brainliest!

Use the function below to find F(-4).
F(x) = 2^x



Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]F(-2)=2^{-2} =\frac{1}{2^2} =\frac{1}{4}[/tex]

So it’s pretty much how the other person did it, except you substitute -4 for x. That will give you 2^-4 which is 1/(2^4)= 1/16

Simplify the complex number √-16+8.



[tex]\sqrt{-16} +8[/tex]



answer please it's urgent​



HOPE IT HELP YOU . Plz tell me if it is write or wrong .

Please help I don’t understand math



x = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the two smaller angles is 140

80+5x = 140

Subtract 80 from each side

80+5x-80 =140-80

5x = 60

Divide each side by 5

5x/5 = 60/5

x = 12

Find X
Round to the nearest tenth



x=437.3 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

cos(29)=B/H, cos(29)=x/500. x=437.3 ft

Help ! With step by step solution



the correct answer is C

Step-by-step explanation:

first step you change the x and y powers to the square root(showing in the pic).

second the number outside of the parenthesis times the numbers inside the parenthesis and then you just figure it out how it works...

I need help plss ( math ) SOMEONE ASAP






e) 89,600

Step-by-step explanation:

just multiply first and divide with upper number to the lower

Answer it please ↓↓

Fubuki drives 18.4 miles in 16 minutes. He passes a sign which gives the speed limit as 60 mph. By how much, in mph, did Fubuki's average speed exceed the speed limit?


Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps to u......

Which expression is equivalent to −24x+72?

−24(x−72)negative 24 times open paren x minus 72 close paren

−24(x−3)negative 24 times open paren x minus 3 close paren

24(x+3)24 times open paren x plus 3 close paren



Answer:-24(x-3) = -24x (-24)(-3)

Step-by-step explanation:


eat my hand where the pic

Step-by-step explanation:


Rewrite in simplest radical form the problem in the image below. Show and explain each step. Thank you for your time and help.




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\dfrac{x^{\frac{5}{6}} }{x^{\frac{1}{6}} } \\\\=x^{\frac{5}{6} -\frac{1}{6} }\\\\=x^{\frac{4}{6} }\\\\=x^{\frac{2}{3} }\\\\=\sqrt[3]{x^2}[/tex]

Hi there!

Look the picture for your answer.

Hope it helps!

Somebody can help me please


It’s 25. Plug -2 into g, which is -5. Then plug -5 into f, which is 25.

Write the fraction or mixed number as a decimal.


Vas happenin!!!
Hope this helps *smiles*
Agreed with guy above

What is the length of AC?


Because all the angles are congruent (the same), this is an equilateral triangle. All equilateral triangles have congruent angles and congruent sides, so all sides has to be 14.

Need help asapppppppppp


The answer is 168 degrees

If sin A= 0.8, find the positive value of cos A​



cosA = 0.6

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the Pythagorean identity

sin²A + cos²A = 1 ( subtract sin²A from both sides )

cos²A = 1 - sin²A ( take the square root of both sides )

cosA = ± [tex]\sqrt{1-sin^2A[/tex]

Since only the positive value is required , then

cosA = [tex]\sqrt{1-(0.8)^2}[/tex]

         = [tex]\sqrt{1-0.64}[/tex]

         = [tex]\sqrt{0.36}[/tex]

         = 0.6



Answer:x = 25°

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2}

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2} 2

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2} 21

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2} 21

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 ( BD - FE ) = ∠ FGE, that is

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 ( BD - FE ) = ∠ FGE, that is\frac{1}{2}

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 ( BD - FE ) = ∠ FGE, that is\frac{1}{2} 2

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 ( BD - FE ) = ∠ FGE, that is\frac{1}{2} 21

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 ( BD - FE ) = ∠ FGE, that is\frac{1}{2} 21

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 ( BD - FE ) = ∠ FGE, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 (135 - x) = 55 ( multiply both sides by 2 to clear the fraction )

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 ( BD - FE ) = ∠ FGE, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 (135 - x) = 55 ( multiply both sides by 2 to clear the fraction )135 - x = 110 ( subtract 135 from both sides )

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 ( BD - FE ) = ∠ FGE, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 (135 - x) = 55 ( multiply both sides by 2 to clear the fraction )135 - x = 110 ( subtract 135 from both sides )- x = - 25 ( multiply both sides by - 1 )

Answer:x = 25°Step-by-step explanation:The secant- secant angle FGE is one half the difference of the intercepted arcs, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 ( BD - FE ) = ∠ FGE, that is\frac{1}{2} 21 (135 - x) = 55 ( multiply both sides by 2 to clear the fraction )135 - x = 110 ( subtract 135 from both sides )- x = - 25 ( multiply both sides by - 1 )x = 25°

The graph of h(x) = (x - 3)2 is a translation of the
graph of f(x) ….. blank
…. Blank units.



right by 3 I think

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: Right by 3 Units

Step-by-step explanation:

Right on edge 2021

In ΔRST, m∠R = 92° and m∠S = 71°. Which list has the sides of ΔRST in order from shortest to longest?




Step-by-step explanation:

We require the third angle in the triangle

∠ T = 180° - (92 + 71)° = 180° - 163° = 17°

The shortest side is opposite the smallest angle

∠ T = 17° → opposite side RS

The longest side is opposite the largest angle

∠ R = 92° → opposite side ST

Then sides from shortest to longest is


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