Are human beings lazy...if yes give


Answer 1

Answer: yes


We’re used to health warnings that urge us to do things that we don’t really have a great urge to do: to exercise more, to eat five or eight or even 10 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. But for once the official advice sounds easy; loaf on the sofa, binge-watch box sets, stay at home. This all sounds as though it should appeal to our lazier sides.

In fact, it is not as simple as that, as you’ve probably already found out, after a few weeks of lockdown. It turns out we are not biologically programmed to do as little as possible. Indeed, we thrive on activity. Or at least, a good balance between being busy and being able to rest. It’s true that we often look for the easy option, the path of least resistance, the shortcut to success. If you have a remote control, why get up and switch channels on the TV itself? If you have a car why cycle to the supermarket? If you can get away with doing half as much work than a colleague, then why not?

Any sort of work or effort involves mental and physical strain, so it makes sense to avoid it where possible. And sometimes we do just that. This is sometimes known as the principle of least effort or Zipf’s Law, a law you might think no one is ever tempted to break. Except that we break it all the time.  

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Answer:sorrry dont know



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to keep the country together as 1

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Put the company first.

Manage your time wisely.  

Be honest.

Maintain a balanced and consistent performance in performing your work.  

Always show respect.

Follow the rules.  

Work with others.  

Stay fit and healthy.


Children depend on adult to help develop their self conscious emotions



That is soo true


The problem-solving interpersonal style of conflict has: High cooperation and low assertiveness low assertiveness and low coooperation high cooperation and high assertiveness none of the above



high cooperation and high assertiveness


In simple words, the interpersonal approach to conflict resolution involves both the parties involved to be completely understandable to the matter in hand as well as to each others point of view. This is the modern approach to conflict resolution under which both the parties remain open to each others opinions and at the same time stay rigid to basic targets they want out of the negotiation.

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what is Mandela.

good try

What heritages of your community make you feel proud ? Write a paragraph​



join me. i'll explain an example




Heritage sites and buildings can have a very positive influence on many aspects of the way a community develops.  Regeneration, housing, education, economic growth and community engagement are examples of the ways in which heritage can make a very positive contribution to community life.   This is because:

• The historic environment is a proven source of benefit to local economies, particularly through tourism.

• An attractive heritage environment assists in attracting external investment as well as maintaining existing businesses of all types, not just tourism-related.

• People are very proud of their local history, but don’t always express how much they value a place until it’s threatened. Because it adds character and distinctiveness to an area, heritage is a fundamental in creating a ‘sense of place’ for a community.

• Adaptive reuse of heritage buildings is an important factor in creating sustainable communities.

• Heritage buildings add value to regeneration projects, both in terms the economic and environmental advantage of reuse over new build and in adding character to a precinct.

• Heritage places can be a potent  driver for community action.

• Increased community values and greater social inclusion can be achieved through a focus on heritage matters.

• The heritage places are an excellent local educational resource for people of all ages. Learning about the history of a place is a good way of bringing communities together through a shared understanding of the unique cultural identity heritage places give to an area.

Dos características de las hojas



Una hoja típica consta de una parte laminar, el limbo, sostenida a la rama por una parte estrecha, con aspecto de tallo, llamada pecíolo. ... En la mayoría de las hojas, las dos caras del limbo presentan color, tacto, pilosidad, etc., ligeramente diferentes.


Vai trò của sinh viên trong việc giữ vững nền độc lập dân tộc và xây dựng CNXH ở nước ta hiện nay.



Explanation:Understand history well, understand tradition so that we can understand how our forebodings were independence and how we need to preserve it later. To absorb and promote the revolutionary traditions of the Party and the nation, build passionate patriotism, a sense of civic responsibility, promote the creative spirit, overcome difficulties, self-reliance, national self-reliance, strive for rich people, strong countries, fair and civilized society. Preserving and promoting Vietnam's cultural identity, absorbing the essence of human culture. Do as you say: 5 things you teach... inheriting and promoting the good tradition of the nation in the tradition of fightingto keep the country of our father, always striving to build a growing and strong country, develop the country to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the five-continent powers in the cause of international development and integration

write a short message for a youth that how they can pay back to Pakistan



like they can try to foregin country so that they can eaeb and pay it fastly

Non-formal institution


it is when we learn in home instead at school

vật chất tồn tại khách quan hay chủ quan? vì sao?



Chất của sự vật là khách quan, vì đó là chất của sự vật, không do ai gán cho sự vật. Nó do thuộc tính của sự vật quy định. Lượng là phạm trù triết học chỉ tính quy định khách quan vốn có của sự vật, hiện tượng về mặt quy mô, trình độ phát triển, biểu thị con số các thuộc tính, các yếu tố cấu thành sự vật.


Measure to modernize agriculture in nepal ​



Provision of loan.

Use of agriculture tools and technology.

Training and focus on agriculture education.

Facility of irrigation.

Joint farming system.

Research and Innovation.

Commercialization of agriculture.

Crops diversification.


which state is the most developed of Nepal and why​


the capital city of Nepal kathmandu is located in this is a highly tourist destination .most populated province.

What would allow gays and lesbians to form legal unions with legal benefits?


Overall, marriage allows this but some jurisdictions also allow a lesser commitment type of union.

Can you do this questions pls?



A. Ability to work individually


B, C, and D were good things in supporting student council members.

A test tube can be used to hold
more concentrated solutions than a beaker holds.
larger amounts of chemicals than a beaker holds.
smaller amounts of chemicals than a beaker holds.
less dangerous substances than a beaker holds.


c because they aren’t as large in volume
The answer is c because when you test and substance, you have to use a small amount.

Which of the following is one of the positive impacts that Colbert’s plan would have on France?
A. Creating more French jobs
B. Removing freedom of choice for French buyers
C. Isolating France from technological advances
D. Limiting France’s growth by preventing international trade


Answer: A. Creating more French jobs


Jean Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683), was the Minister of Finance to Louis XIV in France beginning in 1665. Based on the theories of Mercantilism he developed an economical plan aimed at raising the french economy to be able to compete in the European market. His plan was focused on increasing the national exports and reducing its imports by raising tariffs and encouraging public work projects to create more French jobs.


Created more french jobs


Which of the following is one of the positive impacts that Colbert’s plan would have on France?

A. Isolating France from technological advances

B. Creating more French jobs

C. Removing freedom of choice for French buyers

D. Limiting France’s growth by preventing international trade

Imagine the U.S. government and society in the year 2025. What structural and policy changes would you like to see? For example, would you expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court? Would you eliminate the filibuster, gerrymandering, or the Electoral College? Would you change the way campaigns are financed? What are the political obstacles to getting the changes you would like to see? What can we do, individually and collectively, to overcome these obstacles?


From now until 2025, the structure and policy of the United States government should remain largely the same. For instance, the number of justices on the Supreme Court should remain the same from now to 2025, as it has since 1869. Nine justices work because there are enough to keep each other in check but not too many that the justices are inefficient. (Or at least as inefficient as they would be if more were added.) Filibustering should continue to be allowed. While it is arguably a waste of time, filibustering helps the parties keep each other in check. Gerrymandering should be adjusted if not removed because it takes away the importance of voters in certain districts because they are either so much a majority that they will win either way or so much of a minority that they will lose either way. If gerrymandering was taken away, then the people would have a greater voice in who represents them. Campaign financing is tricky, but I think it may be best if the restrictions were loosened as to who can donate how much but if more transparency was required. There may be political opposition to removing gerrymandering because it allows many politicians to stay in power for a long time without many significant challengers. What we can do, as young citizens, is vote for people who believe in making these changes and petition/lobby for these changes to be made.

A command economy is best described as an economy that:
A. gives businesses complete freedom to produce and sell what they
B. gives the government complete control over production and
C. gives both businesses and the government a role in economic
D. gives people jobs based on their family history and role in the



B. gives the government complete control over production and



As I answered earlier, command economies are centralised and controlled under an authoritarian, often Socialist state. So the government has full control of the economy.

measures to control internal migration



Following are the measure to control internal migration:

Provide people with good opportunites.

Provide People With facilities

No problem area should be made

Make The area safer from disasters and all

1. Why did these beliefs and needs lead the United States to assert itself as a world power?

a. A Desire for New Markets-

b. A feeling of Superiority-

C. A new modern Navy-

d. New Markets in Samoa and Hawaii-

e. Pan-Americanism-



New ml Market in Samoa and Hwaaii

Describe what essentially occurred, and how a culturally sensitive reaction could have been achievable if you or someone you know had used CIA. Look at the theories and suggestions in the readings regarding having success in cross-cultural settings and within your response, explain in detail what can specifically be done to ensure that these behaviors do not take place in the future. Use one of the theoretical frameworks of cultural interpretation (Hofstede, Hall, etc.) presented in our readings and apply this approach to the situation. As a manager, how would you have handled that situation differently



Manger should focus on policies, standards and give equal opportunity to all.


Cross-culture means cross-communication within cultures and diverse behaviors. As a manager when dealing with cross-culture issue by making same set of policies and rule for each individual and maintaining standards. The cultural interpretation as per Hofstede that are identity, power, gender, time, and uncertainty.  The cultural values represent extreme values and associated behaviors. Hofstede's framework is very useful as it provides important information regarding differences between the nations and how they manage such differences.

Analyses have shown that the vaccination rate in the U.S. is markedly lower in states that voted in last November’s election for then-President Donald Trump, who at times downplayed the severity of the pandemic, and now often the number of new cases is higher in the Trump states.

Biden set a goal several months ago of having at least 70% of adults in the U.S. getting at least one vaccine shot by the annual July 4th Independence Day holiday. The U.S., however, fell short of that objective and the number now stands at 68.1%, according to government statistics.



Due to lack of cooperation.


The goal can't be achieved due to non-serious behaviour of the people who are the followers of ex-President Donald Trump. If those people can cooperate and get vaccinated so the percentage will be higher than 70 or even 80. Due to lack of cooperation of people is the main reason for the decrease in the percentage of vaccinated people and fail to achieve the goal of 70 % vaccination of adult population.

examples of deductive arguments​


Examples of deductive logic:Examples of deductive logic:All men are mortal. Joe is a man. Therefore Joe is mortal. ...Bachelors are unmarried men. Bill is unmarried. Therefore, Bill is a bachelor.Bachelors are unmarried men. Bill is unmarried. Therefore, Bill is a bachelor.To get a Bachelor's degree at Utah Sate University, a student must have 120 credits. Sally has more than 130 credits.

relate the art and culture of gujarat with maths, and tell how the art and culture of gujarat is related to math. ( example like geometric patterns) etc.
This question is not only from social science it is also from basic math



Use of circle, tringle and square is most common in Gujarat arts and culture.


Gujrat s a vibrant western state which makes use of the geometric patterns in designing and making cloths and other traditional wear. state of the country known for many great mathematicians and their art explains how they use math's with arts.

what are the two law/legislation that protects citizens against the human trafficking​



under the Constitution of India under article 23 (1) the immoral traffic (prevention ) act, 1955 (ITPA) is the Premier legislation for prevention for prevention of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation

7 rules that you follow in your society​



we just follow th 10 commandments


Speak right: Gossip is the verbal atomic bomb of relationships. It destroys marriages, businesses, friendships.Just because it's true doesn't mean that you have to -- or should -- say it. High-level people speak about ideas, average people speak about things, inferior people speak about people. A kind word at the right time can change a life, inspire, encourage greatness.Act with honesty and integrity: Your word is your bond. You may gain in the short term in money or success through dishonesty, but it will cost you a loss of respect, trust, love and close relationships.If you always answer truthfully, you will avoid doing things that you would be embarrassed to explain.Respect others: Rabbi Akiva said it best, "Don't do unto others as you would not want done to you."Be kind to others: Go out of your way each day to help others. Hold a door for someone, help carry the groceries into the house, listen when you would rather run away, smile at others and find something nice to say.

hope it helps you please make me brainlist

In this article, the independent variable is (are) the ____________________ Group of answer choices social pressure (One confederate versus four confederates) color of clothing worn by the confederates (black versus white) type of questions (conformity versus non-conformity)



Color of clothing worn by the confederates [Black versus White].


The independent variables are those whose presence is not dependent on any event or other variable. These variables are independent and are not effected by change in other variable. In the given statement the independent variable is the clothes worn by the two people. They can wear any color and this is not dependent on any other factor.

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In the way of the way of the way

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Woytinsky, Principal Consulting Economist, Bureauof Employment Security How did New Deal legislation address the economic consequences of the maladjustmentsdiscussed in the excerpt?A. by creating subsidiesB. by funding old age pensionsC. by enforcing immigration quotasD. by outlawing labor union reforms please help me please i will give brainliest Evaluate the expression 2x-xy if x= -1/2 and y=8 My choice is very unanswerable .No, believe me, look at yourself in the mirror once (4m-n-3). 12n138m 20 1-2. Roel earns P 8,000 per month as basic salary. In addition, he earned P 5,725.50 as commission and P 852.50 as overtime pay in January. How much did he earn that month?3-4. A biscuit factory originally packaged 0.65kg of crackers. To increase profitability, the company reduced the weight by 0.035 kg with a more affordable price. What is the new weight per pack of crackers? Sierra used the following steps to copy angle ABC:1. Draw a ray with the endpoint D.2. Place the compass on point B. Swing an arc that intersects rays BA and BC that creates point E on BA and Fon BC.3. Keeping the compass at the same width, place it on point D, and swing an arc that creates point G on the ray.4. Open the compass to the distance between points A and E.5. Keeping the compass at the same width, place it on point G and swing an arc that intersects the arc created from point D.6. Label the intersection of the arcs created from point D with point H, and draw a ray from point D through point H.In which step did the error occur? Explain. (1 point)Step 2. She did not set the proper compass length.O Step 2. She drew an arc Instead of a circle.Step 3. She placed the compass at an incorrect point.Step 4. She measured the incorrect length. it was raining .........( heavy/heavily) SHOW YOUR STEPS PLEASE. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME I NEED THE ANSWER ASAP!!!The cost, c(x), in dollars per hour of running a certain steamboat is modelled by the function c(x)=1.7x^2-13.6+166.4, where x is the speed in kilometres per hour. At what approximate speed should the boat travel to achieve minimum cost? what is the minimum cost? como se llama el primer cartlago de la trquea Which groups' main disagreement at the framing was over the basis of representation in Congress?Group of answer choicessmall states and large statespopulists and elitistsstates' rights advocates and advocates for strong national governmentthe North and the South which vitamin can the human body synthesize? A. vitamin e B. vitamin c C. vitamin k D. vitamin b12 1. Find the ratio of of 25cm and 1m .2. Find the product of (a + 4)(a 4). Question 7 of 20The Supreme Court has recently ruled that a federal lawoutlawing the burning of the American flag in protestviolates the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech.The Court delivered a split decision, with five justicesvoting to overturn the law and four voting to uphold it.How could one of the major organizations within the federal governmentmost effectively overcome the Supreme Court's ruling to allow the federalgovernment to outlaw flag burning?A. Federal district and appellate judges could refuse to follow theSupreme Court's precedent.B. The federal bureaucracy could refuse to comply with the SupremeCourt's orders.C. Congress could propose a constitutional amendment that wouldoutlaw flag burning.D. The president could vold the Supreme Court's ruling using her vetopower.SUBMIT Which table represents a linear function? please help !!!! i would really appreciate it What is the role of syntax in this line?At this, after a second in which his head made the movement of a baffled dog's on a scent and then gave a frantic little shake for air andlight, he was at me in a white rage, bewildered, glaring vainly over the place and missing wholly, though it now, to my sense, filled theroom like the taste of polson, the wide, overwhelming presence.(from The Turn of the Screw by Henry James)OA. parodying archalsmsOB. describing actionOcclarifying meaningOD. intensifying horror Suppose Saron has 7 Birr to be spent on two goods: banana and bread. The unit price of banana is 1 Birr and the unit price of a loaf of bread is 4 Birr. The total utility she obtains from consumption of each good is given below. Table 3.2: Utility schedule for two commodities Income = 7 Birr, Price of banana = 1 Birr, Price of bread = 4 Birr Banana Bread Quantity TU MU MU/P Quantity TU MU MU/P 0 0 - - 0 0 - - 1 6 6 6 1 12 12 3 2 11 5 5 2 20 8 2 3 14 3 3 3 26 6 1.5 4 16 2 2 4 29 3 0.75 5 16 0 0 5 31 2 0.5 6 14 -2 -2 6 32 1 0.25 QUESTION 2A board is 86 cm. in lenght and must be cut so that one piece is 20 cm. longer than the other pieceFind the lenght of each piece.A26 cm and 60 cmb. 33 cm and 53 cmC 30 cm and 56 cmd. 70 cm and 16 cm