' aren't you satisfied with the decision?' asked the judged.​


Answer 1


The judge asked wether isn't satisfied with the decision.

Related Questions

Is the subject- verb agreement correct?

Neither Jenny nor Marcus were impressed by the fact that most doctors consider ice cream, artificially colored foods, and cold cuts extremely unhealthy.



Neither Jenny nor Marcus was impressed by the fact that most doctors consider ice cream, artificially colored foods, and cold cuts extremely unhealthy.


Neither Jenny nor Marcus were impressed by the fact that most doctors consider ice cream, artificially colored foods, and cold cuts extremely unhealthy

this is false sentence because both jenny and marcus are singular so singular word that is was instead of were goes with them

Think of a famous athlete, artist, actor, writer, or scientist and tell

how he or she has set a high standard of performance for other people.

Use the word standard in your writing.


william shakespeare:
sets a high standard to other authors as he repeats the theme of tragedy throughout the majority of his plays and manages to represent it in different form through every play . For example : in romeo and juliet , tragedy is the death of romeo and juliet whereas in macbeth , tragedy is the fall of macbeth ( macbeth killing to get to the throne and ending up dead ) hope this helps x

can anyone write a story like 5 to 6 lines assignment for my little sister so can I get a child story . I have posted a picture to it is just example that I want it like that . please help I will give brainliest ​



Once upon a time, there were two friends and they were walking together. During some point of the journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand “Today my best friend slapped me in the face”.

Help me in poetry plz



small pox and the one u got


To what is George referring to when he say “you say father did it”



that means that the father did something that happen that people are accusing him for maybe doing

1. The ...................... system of the body is made up of our bones. It supports our body and protects our organs ( skeleton )
2. Food is broken by the ..................... system and turned into energy ( digest )
3. Acupunture is one of the oldest ..................... treatments in the world ( medicine )
4. The recipe for this dish .................. in Japan a long time ago ( origin )
5. The practice of acupunture involves placing hair-thin needles in ................ pressure points throughout the body ( vary )
6. , there were 365 acupoints, but this has increased to more than 2000 nowadays ( origin )
7. People who are taking blood related medicine should not have the .............. ( treat )
8. Exercising regularly is a powerful weapon to enhance .............. well-being ( psychology )
9. It has been .................... proved that fasting has tremendous health benefits ( science )
10. Alhough there are ................... questions, acupuncture appears to work ( answer )



1.Skeletal system





i only got the answers of all this. Hope it helps :)

1. Revise this sentence to maintain verb tense: Suddenly, the pet door swung open and a raccoon climbs into the kitchen. 2. Explain what error was in the sentence.​



The sentence lacks verb tense consistency. The first verb 'swung' is past tense, and the second verb 'climbs' is present tense.


6. Tortoise became the leader of the group because (Complete the sentence.)​


Answer: they are the biggest in the group and the strongest


make a summary of 200 - 300 words about your favorite book pls ​


Here is answer , buddy!

Favourite book: The Merchant Of Venice

Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice takes place in Italy where Antonio (a merchant) is sad and can't understand why. His friend Bassanio is broke and feels that the girl he loves is out of his league because of his financial status. Antoinio wants to loan his friend some money but all of his capital is tied up at the moment. He takes out a loan with a Jewish money lender named Shylock (who hates Antonio because he's prejudiced). Shylock tells him that the loan has to be repaid in three month's or Antonia will owe him a pound of flesh.

Meanwhile, Portia's father (the rich girl that Bassanio loves) has a condition for all suitors to his daughter. They have to all choose from one of three caskets that he has displayed. One has a portrait of her in it. If the suitor chooses it, then he can marry her. But, if he chooses the other caskets then they must leave the area and never marry another. Bassanio's friend Larenzo elopes with Shylocks daughter, and Bassanio chooses the right casket with Portia's picture. Portia agrees to marry him on the spot.

Antonio's finances are in a bad way because his ships have been wrecked and lost at sea. He is afraid that he will have no way to repay Shylock. Bassanio hears about what Antoino has done and he hurries back to his friend, leaving Portia behind to wait. However, Portia doesn't listen and follows him disguised as her nurse, Nerissa. Bassanio offers to pay double what Antonio owes but shylock won't hear of it. He's ticked that his daughter has eloped with a Christian. The Duke intervenes and says that shylock can have his pound of flesh as long as it doesn't draw blood. Furthermore things turn against shylock when all of his money is taken from him for making such a bargain and half is given to venice and half is given to Antonio, who gives it back to shylock on the condition that shylock make peace with his daughter. Finally, Antonio hears that his other ships have made it safely to port. Everyone is happy.

I hope it helps you.

Select the option that describes a static character.



Even though I do not have the answer choices the answer should look like this...

A character that stays the same during the whole story


A character that does not change much throughout the story.

Hope this helps :)

I don’t see the options you have to choose from, but a static character remains the same during the entire duration of the piece. This contrasts from a dynamic character who goes through a drastic change.

she hurt her hand in an accident passive voice​



She had hurt her hand in an accident


Please mark as brainliest

18. My grandfather ______________(grow) tomatoes in his garden this summer.
19. He ______________(grow) them every summer .
20. The children ____________________(leave) for school right now.
21. The children ________________(leave) at 8:30 every morning of the week.
22. Shu! The baby ____________________(take) her nap.
23. In the north the season __________________(change) four times a year .
24. Up to now he ____________________ (give) us 5 tests.
25. The monsoon ___________________(come) once or twice a year.
26. It's spring and the days ___________________(get) longer.
27. The weather ___________(get) very cold in Moscow in the winter.
28. It _______________(rain) hard, and I don't have an umbrella.
29. It's November and the birds _________________(fly) south.
30. Many birds of Europe ________________(fly) south to Africa every winter.

Nhanh giúp mình được không ặ :(
Còn 2 tiếng 10 phút ặ
















18. Will grow
19. Grows
20. Are leaving
21. Leave
22. Is taking
23. Changes
24. Will be giving
25. Comes
26. Are getting
27. Gets
28. Is raining
29. Are flying to
30. Fly from

ASAP 25 POINTS What is the summary of the book “sacred lies of minnow bly “ ? include setting, plot , main characters, problem in the book, as much details as u can !!!!



Told as a dual narrative split between Minnow's life in juvie and her past in the cult, The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly deals expertly with issues as personal as faith, family, guilt, and loss, and as far-reaching as racism and the deplorable state of the US juvenile detention system.

hope this helps!

AN Abel



Skyler is selecting a fiction text. She feels like she has

read stories about many different cultures in the United

States, so she wants to choose a text that will expose

her to modern life in a culture from a different part of

the world.
















4. Some people believe that students should be given a large amount of home work so that they can learn independently. Others, disagree and think that they should be engaged in social activities rather than school work at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experiences. LOTT in the best policy"​


I strongly disagree

1. Engaging in social activities helps to boost their self esteem and interact with others well.
An example from my own experience is when I was in elementary school, I was the best student yes, but to keep up my grades, I had tons of tutors for different subjects so I didn’t really go out much.. after school I go home straight for tutorials.. this affected me when I got to middle school, it was really hard to make friends and to even interact, I became very shy and a complete introvert, I also lost my self esteem.. but later I learned to interact properly by engaging in other social activities..

2. It helps to enhance their communication and listening skills..

Some help me with this please!!





i just did it on edge! hope it helps




which of these explains why Beowulf remove the head of the already dead grendel ?

- final act of mercy
- desperate attempt to escape
- additional act of revenge
- angry admission of defeat



It was an additional act of revenge.

~Easy Points ~ ...... wht does it mean to plagiarize ?.....(stup!d answers will be deleted)



To take a non-original piece of work in writing, or literature, and copy it without giving credit to the original author



plagiarism is basically the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as their own work.

for example, if someone were to take a quote or phrase from robert frost and use it as their own, that would be considered plagiarism.

plagiarism is actually considered a violation of academic integrity, so you can possibly be suspended or expelled for doing it.

hope i helped luv (: have a nice rest of your day.

what crimes are cctv and security lock designed to prevent?​





if you are going to prevent theft you should set up cameras so that you can identify the persons and the security lock to prevent it from being opened before bought/sold

what is the meaning of matter?​



In classical physics and general chemistry, matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume.

In physics, matter is anything that has mass and occupy space

Can someone help help me from 1 to 10



2.) pilot

3.) audience

4.) author

5.) owner

6.) director

7.) pharmacist

8.) conducter

9.) astronomer

10.) plaintiff


Which is the term for an explanation that can be tested?(1 point)

an analysis

a conclusion

a hypothesis

an experiment
please quick i dont wanna get beat



a hypothesis,


What is one of the main purposes of the closing section of a cover letter?
O A. To explain how your prior experience makes you a good candidate
B. To introduce yourself
O C. To list all of your contacts in the company
D. To let the reader know how he or she can contact you


D. To let the reader know how he or she can contact you
That’s the answer

what word means water or sea that's an adverb



ocean word means water or sea i guess

Read the following claim from an argumentative essay.

German Shepherds are the best breed of dog to have for personal protection. German Shepherds can be trained to be very obedient, aggressive when necessary, and are naturally very powerful dogs.

Explain what type of sources would provide the most credible evidence for the claim presented in the excerpt above.


A dog training book/expert

A website on behavioral traits of German Shepherds

One pager woods runner



two pager wood runner


meaning of maintained



Maintain is defined as to keep in a current state in order to prevent from failing or breaking or to carry on or to support or provide. An example of maintain is to bring one's car to a mechanic for regular oil changes. An example of maintain is to keep soldiers on task.Maintain two cars.

Her family ………………. swimming next weekends. *



will go


Will go is the answer because it is future tense.


will go


the sentence is in the future tense



Usually wake up, go to the bathroom, wash face, brush teeth, get dressed, go downstairs, have breakfast. Go back to my room, open my laptop, join my school calls, once im done with that, basically just play games with my friends

Is this quote sarcasm? “I would like to apologize to anyone I have not offended yet. Please be patient. I will get to you shortly.”



yes, it is.


it just is.

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