argument essay on why college athletes are not getting paid and should.


Answer 1


Porque trabajan duro para jugar y no obtienen crédito


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Which excerpt from the gift of magi best illustrates the humorous tone of the narrator



the answer is dawin johnson


Throughout the novel, Edna feels caught between the way others see her and the way she sees herself. Identify several moments in which this struggle is apparent, and write an essay that explains how the text portrays Edna's growing awareness of these contradicting views. What is the significance of this perceived split between the "outer Edna" and the "inner Edna"?


Answer:Its from your novel.



Throughout the novel, Edna feels caught between the way others see her and the way she sees herself. Identify several moments in which this struggle is apparent and explain how the text portrays Edna's growing awareness of these contradicting views. What is the significance of this perceived split between the "outer Edna" and the "inner Edna"? Based on the title of the novel, “The Awakening” her view of herself is perhaps the purpose of the entire novel. Edna’s views of herself progressively change as the novel goes on where she at first is submissive and resistant abiding by the standards of a Victorian woman which she feels she is not however, she realizes” her awakening” where she does not have to abide by society standards since she a is a human of freewill who can do as she pleases. In this writing we will view several eye-opening moments Edna displays examining her apparent struggles that avail her self-growing awareness throughout the novel. Moreover, Edna should not expect herself to live up to the standards of others but should however utilize her growing awareness through her inner and outer self, seeing the world through her own lens, thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Edna’sfight is against what a society deems her to be and this commences her “awakening” midwayinto the novel where on Grande Isle she attends a dinner party as Mademoiselle Reisz agrees to play on the piano, “

Which is correct for the word Were in the sentence.

3. Most bears are mild-tempered, becoming violent only when their food supplies or their young WERE threatened.


B. will be

C. are

D. being



being ata


di ako sure Sana makatulong

August doesn't want to be known for his face or for liking Star
Wars anymore. Write about what YOU would like to be known


i would like to be known for my personality, it’s my greatest strength and is over all what makes me truly me. just think, your personality is what makes your friends choose you, your hobbies, interests, little things like your favourite colour. it makes up who you are!

i believe my personality could be my greatest strength because i get to choose what i do with it. it could brighten someone’s day, it could make people know who i am

A. Write whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False': [5]
i) A successful person is successful because of his / her good luck.
ii) We fail if we repeat the same mistake frequently.
iii) All kinds of practice make us perfect.
iv) Traits are the result of constant and consistent training.
v) Motivation keeps us on the right track.​



If u got the wrong answers im sorry


i) False

ii) True

iii) False

iv) True

v) True







Clements of literature
Sonia sat down in the guidance counselor's office, ready to explain her
future. She was going to be a writer, she announced. All she had to do
was finish high school, go to college, and then get a job of some kind
- something that would give her a source of income. Then, she
continued, on the weekends, except for those weekends when she had
soccer practice (because there was no chance she was giving that up).
and as long as her friends didn't invite her to go out partying, she
would write the great American novel. As Sonia finished triumphantly
and looked up for approval, the guidance counselor frowned
Which statement best explains how the plot of the story helps develop the
main character?
O A. Sonia's announcement of her impressive future shows that she
has a lot of untapped talent
OB. Sonia's description of her impractical plans shows that she is
more of a dreamer than a doer.
O c. The guidance counselor's frown shows that Sonia struggles with
school and work
OD. The guidance counselor's choice to meet with Sonia shows that
Sonia is both artistic and practical


Answer: Sonia's description of her impractical plans shows that she is more of a dreamer than a doer.


From the story, Sonia said that she was going to be a writer. She said that all she needed to do was to finish high school, go to college, and then get a job of some kind - something that would give her a source of income.

The above statement that "something that would give her a source of income" shows that she doesn't really have a plan to become a writer.

Then, she also said that she wasn't going to give up soccer practice and that as long as her friends didn't invite her to go out partying, she would write the great American novel. This means that if she's invited to party, she won't become a writer.

Therefore, the statement that explains how the plot of the story helps develop the main character is that Sonia's description of her impractical plans shows that she is more of a dreamer than a doer.

However you may have reformed your life in many things, and may have had religious affections, and may keep up a form of religion in your families and closets, and in the house of God, it is nothing but his mere pleasure that keeps you from being this moment swallowed up in everlasting destruction. —Jonathan Edwards What is the denotation of everlasting in this passage?


Answer: Forever or eternal


The denotative meaning of a word refers to its literal meaning which is in contrast to its connotative meaning which is a secondary meaning that is derived from making associations with the word.

The literal meaning of everlasting is something that goes on forever or is eternal. When a person is to everlasting destruction, it means that they are to be doomed forever and this is a common theme in Christianity as it is taught that should a person die in sin, they would go to hell forever where they would be doomed and destroyed for all time.

Answer: eternal


took test on eng

Which south american leader attempted to prevent people reading his thoughts? (Please dont help with file it doesnt open nor help)



hope I've helped u have a cherishing day

Alternative Title Ideas?
The Things I Wish I Knew Before EMT School
What you need to know before EMT School
How to Get Ahead Before EMT school



What you need to know before EMT School


I think its very important to know the education and the requirements so you can be prepare for EMT School.  

Where do I put these



Students who don't study don't do well in school. I am a student. Therefore I don't do well in school. ⇒ HASTY GENERALIZATION.

Hasty generalization occurs when a person reaches a conclusion that is not supported by the evidence that they relied on to reach the conclusion. Saying that you won't do well because you are a student is not supported by the evidence that students who do not study will fail.

The torrential downpour was light this afternoon ⇒ UNDERSTATEMENT.

Torrential rains are known to be quite heavy so saying that they were light is an understatement.

Uniforms are the leading cause of stripping students of their individuality. I don't understand why students in high school are forced to start their day so early ⇒ STRAW MAN.

Straw man fallacy is where an argument is supported by evidence that does not actually support it. The evidence here that students start their day so early does not support uniforms stripping students of their individuality.

Parents are unreasonably strict when it comes to curfews. After all, they can't possibly remember what its like to be a teenager. ⇒ AD HOMINEM.

Ad Hominem occurs when the person making a counter argument is attacked instead of their argument. The statement here attacks parents directly instead of the argument that they are strict with curfews.


Find an editorial cartoon published in the last year. Research its topic online to make sure you understand the context for the cartoon.

Describe the cartoon and explain the point it is trying to make.


Newspaper editorial cartoons are graphic expressions of their creator’s ideas and opinions. In addition, the editorial cartoon usually, but not always, reflects the publication’s viewpoint.
Editorial cartoons are based on current events. That means that they are produced under restricted time conditions in order to meet publication deadlines (often 5 or 6 per week).
Editorial cartoons, like written editorials, have an educational purpose. They are intended to make readers think about current political issues.
Editorial cartoons must use a visual and verbal vocabulary that is familiar to readers.
Editorial cartoons are part of a business, which means that editors and/or managers may have an impact on what is published.
Editorial cartoons are published in a mass medium, such as a newspaper, news magazine, or the Web.

One of the editorial cartoons published in the last year is this one by RJ Matson (attached with this answer).

     The cartoon depicts a scene of Russian President Vladimir Putin riding a tank into Ukraine, while US President Joe Biden and other Western leaders are watching from a distance, holding signs that say "Stop" or "No". The cartoon implies that the Western response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was weak and ineffective, and that Putin was not deterred by their words or sanctions.

                       The cartoon is based on the historical and political context of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which began in 2014 with Russia's annexation of Crimea and its support for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. In 2022, Russia escalated the conflict by launching a large-scale military offensive across multiple fronts, aiming to capture more territory and destabilize the Ukrainian government.

                        The invasion sparked international condemnation and triggered a humanitarian crisis, as millions of Ukrainians were displaced or fled the country. The West, led by the US and NATO, expressed solidarity with Ukraine and imposed diplomatic and economic sanctions on Russia, but did not intervene militarily or provide lethal weapons to Ukraine. The cartoon suggests that these measures were insufficient to stop Putin's aggression and protect Ukraine's sovereignty.

To learn more about editorial cartoons here


Read the following and determine if adding a coordinate or subordinate
clause would improve the style and smoothness of the writing. Choose the
answer that best rewrites the sentence, or choose to leave it unedited
David called this morning, He told me to look for a letter in the mail tomorrow
O A. David called this morning and told me to look for a letter in the
mail tomorrow
8. Although David called this morning, he told me to look for a better
in the mail tomorrow
O C. The sentence is fine as it is.
D. David called this morning, yet he told me to look for a letter indige



A.   David called this morning and told me to look for a letter in the  mail tomorrow.


hi guys, which one do u think is correct:
It then eats its own eggshell before it starts eating and growing. or
It then eats its own eggshell before to start eating and growing. or
It then eats its own eggshell before starting to eat and grow.



Hello There!!


I believe the answer is is the last one. ↬It then eats its own eggshell before starting to eat and grow.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


I believe its the first one, please correct me if I am wrong

CHOOSE ONE of the audio tracks from a brief film clip. Listen to it carefully. Then, write 200-250 words detailing what you can glean from the film, just by listening to the sound. What is happening in the clip


Hi. You did not enter the movie or audio tracks your question refers to, which makes it impossible for you to answer it. However, I will try to help you by giving you information on how you can answer your question.

To answer this question you will have to listen to one of the audio tracks, as the question itself requires. It is important that you pay attention to whether there is any dialogue between people in this audio track. If there is, you need to listen to this dialogue and describe what these people are talking about. Then you must play the audio track again, this time you won't pay attention to the dialog, but to the ambient sounds and try to find out what that environment is. Do you hear water sounds? car sounds? bird sounds? what can you perceive from the environment? all this must be described by you.

In this excerpt from "Totally like whatever, you know?" elongated hyphens are most likely used for what purpose?

"Declarative sentences—so--called
because they used to, like, DECLARE things to be true, okay,
as opposed to other things are, like, totally, you know, not—
have been infected by a totally hip
and tragically cool interrogative tone?"



for using different words to mean almost the same

Read the chart.

by beside or near
buy to purchase something
bye expression that is short for goodbye
Choose the correct homophones to complete the sentence.

Jiya went to the shop _____ the dentist’s office to _____ materials for her project.

by, buy
bye, by
by, bye
bye, buy



by, buy


jiya went to the shop by the dentist's office to buy materials for her project


A. by, buy


The first one is stating that the shop is by the dentist office. (By meaning location.) It also is saying that Jiya will buy materials for her project. ( Buy meaning paid for.)

Characters, dialogue, props, and other elements of drama work together to create an illusion of reality.
What is this illusion called?


The dramatic effect is “all the elements of drama combined in a performance to produce the vivid illusion of reality” as explained by Quizlet.

Read the passage from 'The King's Magic Drum."
When his father had finished and went home the boy also returned, and having had a
good meal, said nothing to his parents, but went to bed. The next morning he got
some of his brothers, and after his father had finished getting the daily supply, they
went to the tree and collected much foo-foo and soup, and so broke the Ju Ju.
At daylight the tortoise went to the tree as usual, but he could
not find it, as during the
night the whole bush had grown up, and the foo-foo tree was hidden from sight.
Which theme is shaped by these details?
The King's Magic

(A) wisdom comes with age
(B) it is better to listen than to speak
(C) maximum effort will lead to maximum gains
(D) greed destroys good


A or B I am not sure

Which answer uses a participial phrase correctly to further describe the subject of the sentence?

1.Worried that he would be late, Christopher crammed books into his backpack.
2.Wondering about the end of the story so Anna read the last page.
3.Elena, always criticizing her friends.
4.Serving on the student council, this semester is busy for Paul.



1. Worried that he would be late, Christopher crammed books into his backpack.


Participial phrases are those phrases that contain the participle form of the verb, modifying the subject in the sentence. This means that participial phrases are the modifiers of the nouns or pronouns of the sentence.

Among the given sentences, the sentence that correctly uses a participial phrase and describe the subject is sentence 1. In this sentence, the phrase "worried that he would be late" is the participial phrase that describes the subject "Christopher".

Thus, the correct answer is option 1.

Which sentences use nouns correctly? (Multiple Answers)
Select one or more:
a. We don't need to order any more masking tape but we need once Scotch tape.
b. The lawyer offered different advice to each department.
C. Gasoline is a valuable resource.
d. John's company leases seven different types or aircrafts.
e. The uniforms look professional.



b. The lawyer offered different advice to each department.

c. Gasoline is a valuable resource.

d. John's company leases seven different types or aircrafts.


In English language, a noun can be defined as a word used to refer to a person, place, animal, idea, feeling or thing. Therefore, a noun is considered to be a naming word.

There are four (4) major types of nouns and these includes;

1. Abstract nouns.

2. Collective nouns.

3. Common nouns.

4. Proper nouns.

Generally, a singular subject is used with a singular noun while a subject in a plural form (two or more people, things, etc) must be used with plural nouns.

In this scenario, the sentences which use nouns correctly include the following;

I. The lawyer offered different advice to each department.

II. Gasoline is a valuable resource.

III. John's company leases seven different types or aircrafts.

Read the definitions.


\ ˈrəŋ \

[Middle English; Old English hrung or crossbar]

1. one of the crosspieces of a ladder
2. the cross supports on the underside of a chair
3. a level of hierarchy



[Middle English; Old English wringan; German ringan, "to struggle”]

transitive verb
1. past tense of the verb wring, meaning to squeeze or twist dry
2. past tense of the verb wring, meaning to extract or obtain by twisting and compressing
3. past tense of the verb wring, meaning to affect painfully

Which sentences use wrung correctly? Choose two options.

He wrung as much water out of the towel as he could before hanging it up.
When she heard the news, she wrung her hands in frustration.
The wrungs of the ladder are so unsturdy that the ladder should not be used.
The students liked to balance their feet on the wrungs of the desk chairs.
Hard work is required to reach the highest wrungs of success.



He wrung as much water out of the towel as he could before hanging it up.

When she heard the news, she wrung her hands in frustration.


As given in the question, the definitions of the two words "rung" and "wrung" are different. While "rung" is a noun, the word "wrung" is a verb, which clearly shows their difference easily.

Now, the correct use of the verb "wrung" is found in sentences 1 and 2. In sentence 1, the transitive verb is used to refer to the act of extracting, squeezing out the excess water from the towel. Sentence 2 refers to the act of inflicting pain in oneself, like "she wrung her hands in frustration".

Thus, the correct answers are

He wrung as much water out of the towel as he could before hanging it up.

When she heard the news, she wrung her hands in frustration.

Static characters undergo some kind of change during the course of the story true or false


false static characters stay the same
It’s false, because they stay the same.

Select the correct answer.

Which sentence best defines tone in literature?

A. The tone is the overall atmosphere in a literary work.

B. The tone is the author's attitude toward the subject.

C The tone is the author's voice while describing events.

D. The tone is the description of c haracters by the author.


The correct answer is B!

Which figures of speech appear in this excerpt from John Keats’s “Ode to Autumn”?
Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;


thank y’all and may God be with y’all!



Personification is used in the first line "Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?". Here he is comparing autumn to a person hanging around outside the store. Apostrophe is also used.  Alliteration is used in the statement "winnowing wind".

Answer: Personification is used in the first line "Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?". Here he is comparing autumn to a person hanging around outside the store. Apostrophe is also used. Alliteration is used in the statement "winnowing wind"

what do we use in the blank the Sheep .... grazing​



The sheep is/are/was/were/will be grazing.


There can be multiple answers for the black in the given sentence. And depending on the noun and the tense, we can give the answer as below-

1. Singular noun "sheep":

a. "is grazing" for present continuous tense

b. "was grazing" for past continuous tense

c. "will be grazing" for future continuous tense

d. "has been grazing" for present perfect continuous tense.

2. Plural noun "sheep":

a. "are grazing" for present continuous tense.

b. "were grazing" for past continuous tense

c. "will be grazing" for future continuous tense

d. "have been grazing" for present perfect continuous tense.

But in all cases, the noun "sheep" remains the same in spelling whether it be singular or plural because the plural of "sheep" is still "sheep". And there are more tense forms that can be used but the above are some of the common ones.

The rhetorical technique used in this excerpt is



A. Shift


The above option is the correct answer.

The rhetorical technique used in this excerpt is a rhetorical shift. A rhetorical shift is known to occur when someone (a speaker or a writer) alter the tone or style in a speech or written work.

In the given speech, we can see that there was a shift that occurred. The speaker started off by pointing out what the Allies experienced during the first four years of the war. Then when he was about to make a shift, used the phrase "And yet" to transit in order to reveal that in the end of the first four years, the morale of Allies remained higher than that of the Germans.

What evidence of the sexual revolution do you see in society today? What evidence of the sexual counter-revolution do you see in society today? explain please

Marx argued that religion is the "opium of the people" and pointed out that it diverts attention away from suffering and inequality. What evidence do you see that religion does or does not challenge suffering and inequality? explain please


I honestly hope this helps you, I put it inside a word document.  

Drag each tile to the correct location.
Match each prompt to the type of essay it requires.
How to plan a
spring break
Describe the action
at a recent sports
event you watched
or played in
Describe a time
when you had to
apologize to
someone and
how it felt.
Compare and
learning with
online learning
After high school,
students should
travel before
going to college
If you were the
president of the
United States ...
Teenagers should
have the freedom
to decide their
own curfew.
Discuss your fondest
childhood memories
and how they made
you who you are
Narrative Essay
Expository Essay
Persuasive Essay
Reflective Essay





The story was made up by the active voice



The robbers made up the story


The robbers made up the story

The director chose (whom, who) for the role



The answer is whom.


The director chose whom for the role.

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