Arrange the events in the order in which they happened

Arrange The Events In The Order In Which They Happened


Answer 1


Muhammad created the first Muslim community.

Muhammad received his first message from God while mediating in a cave.

Muhammad moved from  Mecca to  Medina with his followers.

Abu Bakr became the leader of Lslam  the leader of  Islam after Muhammad.


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Why did the fight for African American equality move from the courts to the streets?



The civil rights movement was a struggle for social justice that took place mainly during the 1950s and 1960s for Black Americans to gain equal rights under the law in the United States.


francis drake returned to england with his ship filled with treasure and

A: Slaves

B: Fish

C: Butty​


Is c trust me bro I’m not lying trust me pls

Anong pagkakaiba sa FLORANTE AT ALADIN?​



Both are the characters of different novels.


The difference between Florante and Aladin is that the Florante is a duke of Albania and the main protagonist of the novel while on the other hand, Aladin is the main character of the Play which is named is ''Aladin''. Aladdin is a fictional character and the protagonist of the film Aladdin which is based on Aladdin, that is a folk tale and having the origin of Middle Eastern.

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A large number of settlers where of differing religions because they were escaping religious persecutions in the old world.


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can you define........MY ASSS


What was the USSR in control of after WW2?



Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland and eastern Germany.

Explanation:  :)

The Constitution is important because what
part of America comes out of it?
A values
B. business
C. military
D. trade





The answer is A because only A reps the meaning

Describe two positives/ or good things about Spartan government:


Answer: Ok well-


1. The city was ruled by two kings, but their powers were limited by a 28-member 'council of elders. The Spartiates, who belonged to the highest class of society, recruited these men.

2. Sparta was far superior to Athens because of its fierce army, protective policies, and the fact that girls were educated and women enjoyed more freedom. These beliefs made Spartans stronger as mothers. Sparta was the home to the first free woman in ancient Greece, which made it the best polis.

- ¿Cuál es la relación entre el título y el contenido del acta? - ¿Cuál es el tema de la reunión? - ¿Qué fundamentos presentan las/los participantes?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó incluir el "acta."

¿Dónde está el acta? ¿De qué acta estás hablando?

Si no anexas el acta, ¿cómo sabemos qué dice?

A pesar de que se te olvidó anexar tan importante documento para poderte ayudar a responder tu pregunta, hicimos una investigación profunda y podemos comentarte lo siguiente.

Probablemente, te refieres a una acta se levantó después de una junta informativa con los padres de familia en la escuela. En esta acta de acuerdos y responsabilidades para los padres de familia durante el año, los padres y los alumnos se comprometen a mejorar su bajo desempeño académico y a no seguir reprobando.

El alumno va a entrar a la etapa o curso de refuerzo académico, pero se tiene que comprometer a estudiar y ofrecer mejores resultados. Los padres se van a comprometer al firmar el acta, a brindar todo el apoyo a su hijo y a supervisar sus estudios y tareas.

De hecho, es por eso que están firmando esta carta compromiso.

Los padres estarán al pendiente de los estudios y tareas del alumno, apoyarlos en lo que sea posible, justificar sus ausencias cuando sea el caso, y los padres también se comprometen a asistir puntualmente a las juntas que organice la escuela.

After 133 B.C.E..the republican form of government broke down and resulted in a series of civil wars which ended with____ defeating _____ and _____



After 133 B.C.E..the republican form of government broke down and resulted in a series of civil wars which ended with Octavian defeating Mark Anthony and Cleopatra.

I am unsure of the options but it was Octavian's victory over Mark Anthony and Cleopatra in Egypt that ended the Roman Republic Civil wars.

From 133 B.C.E, the Roman Republic saw various civil wars as men like Sulla, Julius Caesar and Octavian vied for control of the Republic over various generations.

Sulla was made dictator after his civil wars and so was Julius Caesar after he defeated Pompey. Caesar was then killed by Brutus and other senators who fled as Ocatavian and Mark Anthony hunted them and their armies down to avenge Caesar.

Mark Anthony and Octavian fell out afterwards and another civil war began that ended with Octavian defeating Mark Anthony and Cleopatra and taking over Egypt as his personal property.

This marked the end of the Roman Republic as Octavian became Augustus, the first emperor of Rome.

Does anyone remember word world? Snug as a bug in a ____.





is this right?? DNDNDN so sorry to keep asking, i’m just not sure. if i’m not, could u plz give me the right answer!! i’m timed!





i hop you get a 100%, have a nice day <33

What is the Nolan chart?

A. a two-axis political plot

B. a two-axis political demographic

C. a two-axis political poll

D. a two-axis political model


Hey I believe the answer is A

Which three statements describe how rights are organized in the bill of rights


Answer:  Amendments protect the rights of those accused of crimes

Amendments protect the rights of those accused of crimes.

Amendments guarantee the rights to free speech, religion, and assembly.


Write one paragraph to explain what causes a revolution. Refer to the American Revolution and French Revolution in the answer



Revolutions are complex processes that emerge from the social order becoming frayed in many areas at once. There are five elements that create an unstable social equilibrium: economic or fiscal strain, alienation and opposition among the elites, widespread popular anger at injustice, a persuasive shared narrative of resistance, and favorable international relations. Revolutions have both structural and transient causes; structural causes are long-term and large-scale trends that undermine existing social institutions and relationships and transient causes are contingent events, or actions by particular individuals or groups, that reveal the impact of longer term trends and often galvanize revolutionary oppositions to take further action.

Explanation: Although the French and American people had several distinct and differing motives for revolting against their ruling governments, some similar causes led to both revolutions, including the following: Economic struggles: Both the Americans and French dealt with a taxation system they found discriminating and unfair.

Someone help me please






Lowering taxes to stimulate business growth


The War Hawks are best described as: Group of answer choices New England Congressmen who advocated tought measures against Britain, but not France southern and western Congressmen whose nationalistic rhetoric took on beligerent tones against Britain Federalists who demanded President madison's resignation Republicans who called for war with France, but not with Britain


Answer: Southern and Western Congressmen whose nationalistic rhetoric took on belligerent tones against Britain


During the Napoleonic Wars, the British and the French imposed several measures on American trade in order to keep America from trading with either the French or the British as both were at war with each other. The British went so far as to forcibly recruit American sailors into British ranks.

America was humiliated and led to the rise of "War Hawk" Congressmen from the South and the West who called for war with Britain. Their constant lobbying for this war contributed in no small part to the War of 1812 against the British.

"" good morning what is illuminati?? ""​



The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, today part of Germany. The society's goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power. "The order of the day," they wrote in their general statutes, "is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them." The Illuminati—along with Freemasonry and other secret societies—were outlawed through edict by Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria, with the encouragement of the Catholic Church, in 1784, 1785, 1787, and 1790. During subsequent years, the group was generally vilified by conservative and religious critics who claimed that the Illuminati continued underground and were responsible for the French Revolution.


Why did Congress take over Reconstruction?
Check all of the boxes that apply.
1. They felt President Johnson’s plan treated the South too harshly.
2. The South elected former Confederate leaders and military officers to high positions.
3. The south passed new laws restricting the rights of African Americans.



2. The South elected former Confederate leaders and military officers to high positions.

3. The south passed new laws restricting the rights of African Americans.


Following the death of Abraham Lincoln, and Andrew Johnson the then Vice President became the president, his method of carrying out reconstruction was believed to be too lenient on the South.

While in office as the President of the United States, he allowed the some things that angered the majority of the United States Congress, thereby making them take over the Reconstruction programme. These things are

1. He allowed the south elected former Confederate leaders and military officers to high positions.

2. He allowed the south passed new laws restricting the rights of African Americans.


B and C


B and C

Which of the following statements best characterizes the house Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s?



The House Un-American Activities Committee wrongly accused many people.


C. The House Un-American Activities Committee wrongly accused many people.


write 4 lessons learnt from the battle of badar​


I'll be honest, I could only find 2 from memory, 1 online. Heart or Brainliest if its helpful though.


In the Battle of Badr,  Muhammad had an army of  313 men, 2 horses and 70 camels yet they defeated an army of 1000 trained soldiers. This shows the lesson its not always quantity over quality.


Upon winning the battler, the believers were reminded that the victory came from Allah’s will.

It was in this Quranic verse indicates His Assistance when only a mere handful of soil was thrown by the Prophet, resulting in the victory. The victory was made possible due to His Power and Support.


Before the battle, the Prophet prayed immensely for Allah’s support. He would say “Oh Lord, if we are defeated, You will not be worshiped at all on Earth.”

The prayer was answered, and the Battle’s victory proved to be crucial in the survival of Islam until today.

Always ask for Allah’s help, as He helps his devotees whenever they ask for His help.

The Treaty of Tordesillas
provided the Portuguese with



Any lands east of the South America belonged to Portugal.


The Treaty of Tordesillas was an agreement entered into by the Spanish Empire and the Portuguese Empire. It was originally created in Tordesillas, Spain on June 7, 1494, and later signed by both parties on 2 July 1494 in Spain and 5 September 1494 in Portugal, and finally on 24 January 1505 by Pope Julius II.

It resulted in dividing the lands of South America and its surrounding, by making the east belong to Portugal and the lands to the west to Spain.

3. What is FDR being made to look like in the cartoon? I​


I am sorry but there is no picture

What was the Marshall Plan?
A; an agreement with the Soviet union to reduce nuclear weapons.
B; a plan for rebuilding Europe after WWII
C; a program for reducing poverty in the U.S
D; a plan for improving civil rights for African Americans


The answer is B) A plan for rebuilding Europe after WWII

Which of these events happened when the United States dropped the first atomic bomb?



On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29 bomber dropped the world's first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion immediately killed an estimated 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure.


i hoped this answered thus

What is the most likely reason that the steamboat was developed soon after the steam locomotive?


Because they already researched steam locomotive


The answer to your question is, The steamboat used the same technology as the locomotive. hope this helps. thanks

Which of the following are types of thematic maps? Check all that apply.

special-purpose maps

physical maps

choropleth maps

dot-density maps

political maps

please help me



- special-purpose maps

- choropleth maps

- dot-density maps


Thematic maps are characterized as maps that aim to display information regarding a specific subject matter, topic, or theme.

As per the question, the maps that would fall under the category of thematic maps are 'special-purpose maps,' 'Choropleth maps,' and 'dot-density maps.' 'Special-purpose maps' is the other name for thematic maps as they focus on portraying a single feature like rivers, landforms, soil, weather, the density of population across different regions, etc. 'Choropleth maps' are the kind of thematic maps in which the distribution of certain statistical data(like per-capita income) across the various regions is showing using distinct colors. While 'Dot-Density maps' are the thematic maps that employ a symbol or dots to display the presence or availability of a specific characteristic or phenomenon across a land.

In a communist state,the?



ur question is incomplete

Russia was close to winning World War1 when Russian army turned against Tsar Nicolas...
True or Flase





Explain the geographical context that led to the development of the Ancient Greece civilization.



The ancient civilization of Greece was located in southeastern Europe along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. ... Geographical formations including mountains, seas, and islands formed natural barriers between the Greek city-states and forced the Greeks to settle along the coast.

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