اريد افكار مواضيع برزنتيشن عن التعليم


Answer 1


نتعلم منه الكثير عن اهمية التعليم وفوائد التعليم بالنسبة للفرد والمجتمع وكيف ان ارتقاء وتقدم الشعوب يكون فقط من خلال الاهتمام بالتعليم. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزي.تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزيلا احد يستطيع ان ينكر فضل و أهمية التعليم, فمن دون التعليم لن ترتقي الامم ولن تتقدم الشعوب.وهنا سنتعرف على اهمية التعليم بالنسبة للفرد والمجتمع وايضا الصفات والمهارات التي يجب ان تكون موجوده في المتعلم. كل ذلك هنا في تعبير عن التعليم بالانجليزي.

Related Questions

Help Please This is science


Answer: climate
Please mark brainliest


The Climate


As the given passage above is about Antarctica, the answer is obviously "The Climate".

Because "the weather" Is a short-lasting term refers to the change in an atmosphere whereas "the climate" is a long-lasting term to say about an atmosphere of a certain place that doesn't change constantly (such as The Climate of Antarctica).


Mortality is:________.
Select one:
a. the certainty of mass casualties.
b. the possibility of dissemination.
c. the potential for death.
d. the availability of biologic substances.



c. The potential for death


Mortality means "being subject to death" or refers to the state of being mortal (destined to die). So mortality would most likely be the potential for death.

The constitutionally established guarantees that protect opinions and property against arbitrary government interference are known as civil _______________ , whereas civil reflect positive acts of government for the purpose of protecting individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory actions.






Civil liberties

This are clearly defined as the rights belongs to all individuals. They are set up to protect the common man against government and backed up by the constitution, legislation, and judicial decisions.

Civil rights

This on the other hand is simply known and refered to as the positive acts of government set up to prevent discrimination and give an equal protection under the laws.

Features of Civil Liberties

1. Freedoms

2. Bill of rights

3. Protection from government

4. Government cannot reduce or limit them

Features of Civil Rights

1. Equality (gender, religion)

2. Protection by the government

3. Government is guaranteed to protect an individual from other people

3. Established through legislation or court cases.

The world's population is expected to drop over the next fifty years.
True or false


false because it rises every year so yeah



Ô nhiễm thế giới đang là một vấn đề rất lớn khi các nhà máy công nghiệp thải chất động cũng như rác thải nhựa ngày một gia tăng

What is the intended "irony" of the anti-John Stuart Mill political cartoon on slide 8 (if you think about it, it's a
double irony)?
A) "Pray clear the way, there, for these-a-persons"
B) Women earned the right to vote in the United States in 1920, about 50 years after this cartoon
C) That John Stuart Mill is so logical and yet he still thinks that women should be able to vote.
D) That John Stuart Mill isn't that tall.



I am not so sure. I need help with the question as well.

Ethnorelativism is a mindset that does not aim to see one culture as better than another, does not see cultural differences as a threat, suspends reactive judgment when encountering difference, and through words, deeds and attitudes tries to create an inclusive and respectful intercultural environment.

a. True
b. False



a. True


Ethnorelativism is a belief that all cultures, group or subgroups are equal. No culture have been seen to be either better or worse, but all are valid

with diverse view of the world.

Ethnorelativism speaks acceptance which makes individuals accept that culture exist and it makes them have a more tolerant attitude towards their differences.

It speaks adaptation which enables other individual learn, see into knowing more about other culture and learning to leave together even with the difference.

which group/people do you feel are most stigmatized in South Africa? why​


Somalia is well known as the home country of the pirates who terrorize the key trade waters near the Horn of Africa. Source: National Defense University. Civil war in the 1980s led to the collapse of Somalia's central government in 1991. Following this, various groupings of Somali factions, sometimes supported by outside forces, sought to control the national territory (or portions thereof) and fought one another. But they continued to stand their ground which is why I find this tribe the strongest.

As per the research that has been done by many researchers, the people who  belong to the category with poor financial conditions, illiteracy, and lack in basic literacy skill belong to the most stigmatized category in South Africa.

Who are researchers?

For doing any kind of research, there is a need for qualified people who are specialized in their field of research. They are called researchers. Researchers are the ones who do research in different fields. There are various fields in which research work is done.

For example, when conducting research on South Africans who fall into the stick but ice category, a sample of people from that nation, according to that research condition, has a high early rate and basic literacy skills are lacking.

Thus, for this researchers are required.

Learn more about researchers from here:



The belief, not shared by bio social theories, that all human beings are born with an equal potential to learn and achieve is known as



Gender equality


Gender equality is the belief that all human beings are born with an equal potential to learn and achieve. There is no inequality between male and female, they all have equal rights of learning and in other aspects of life. This belief provides a tool to women to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. They can gain respect and higher status through hard work and determination.

Carl, a 13-year-old, is overweight and is not motivated to lose weight. In order to persuade him to lose weight, Carl's parents first ask him to go for walks twice a day for an hour each. He flatly refuses. Alternatively, they ask him to play basketball once a day to which he readily agrees. In the context of psychology, this scenario illustrates ________.


Recency Effect: The more recently heard, the clearer something may exist in a juror's memory.

What's the difference between interpersonal and institutional bias?



Interpersonal racism (personally mediated) occurs between individuals. This is the bias that occurs when individuals interact with others and their personal racial beliefs affect their public interactions. Institutional racism occurs within institutions and systems of power.

INSTITUTIONAL RACISM: Institutions and social dynamics (governmental organizations, schools, and courts of law)- that seem race neutral but actually disadvantage racially marginalized groups and privilege whites.

INTERPERSONAL RACISM: This form of racism is manifested in everyday interactions and practices and often unintentional. Since we live in a society structured by racial domination, we develop racialized dispositions that guide our thoughts and behaviors.

institutional racism is institutions and social dynamics that appear neutral but actually disadvantage racially marginalized group, and interpersonal is everyday racism that is often unintentional

5. Explain the opposing claims about Kwame
Nkrumah's legacy voiced in the video.​


Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question just like yours, which featured the video "Faces Of Africa- Kwame Nkrumah." If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.

Answer and Explanation:

Kwame Nkrumah was the prime minister and president of Ghana, being very important to the country's independence process. In this case, we cannot deny that he had a great legacy and impact on Ghanaian society, however he was also a controversial figure, often seen as a dictator and someone who needed to be controlled. In this regard, the video presents some information opposite to Kwame Nkrumah's legacies, such as showing that even gaining independence for the country, he caused economic problems that weakened the economy, he also stimulated the creation of a single party, which was very controversial, even if he took all the risks.

bài tiểu luận Thực trạng, hiệu quả của việc thúc đẩy khả năng pt ngôn ngữ - nhận thức qua các hoạt động ngoài trời của trẻ mầm non



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Children's cognitive growth is aided by outdoor play. Play also helps a child's cognitive abilities, independent thinking, conflict resolution, and behaviour management. They learn to assess events and come up with innovative solutions to problems they face.

Executive function, concentration, and a child's capacity to organise and respond to the events and information they encounter on a daily basis are all part of cognitive development.

What was the purpose of setting up the Public Works Administration and the Works Progress Administration?



to put people who were made jobless by the great depression to work. much of it was public works projects like road & bridge construction but also included things like art

Help please!!! Read the text below, and state one way that the Indian Removal Act of 1830 would affect many Native American Indians.
An act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States to cause so much of any territory belonging to the United States, west of the river Mississippi, not included in any state or organized territory, and to which the Indian title has been extinguished [revoked], as he [the president] may judge necessary, to be divided into a suitable number of districts, for the reception of such tribes or nations of Indians as may choose to exchange the lands where they now reside, and remove there; and to cause each of said districts to be so described by natural or artificial marks, as to be easily distinguished from every other.

-- Indian Removal Act of 1830



Many of them would die because they were forced to walk the Trail of Tears in deadly conditions with no assistance.

If you think more carefully about your plan to complain to the company's CEO, I'm sure you will agree with me that it is not a good idea. After all, I am your boss. I have more experience than you, and I decide who gets fired around here.

a. Does it commit a fallacy?
b. Does it commit an appeal to pity fallacy?



a. Yes.

b. No.


The argument presents a fallacy called Argumentum ad verecundiam, or appeal to authority. A fallacy is an argument that makes disjointed premises to establish itself as true, even if it is not. Appeal to authority is the fallacy that appeals to the relevance of an authority to present an argument as true and to justify a behavior or event. In the above argument, we can see that the speaker, having the authority to dismiss employees, states that this authority should be taken into account when employees want to make complaints to the CEO of the company, when in fact the complaints and the authority of the speaker are not related .

We can see that the argument does not make an appeal to pity, because this is the fallacy where the speaker plays the victim to try to win the listener's sympathy.

3. the Customary marriage requires the consent of​



The requirements are as follows: The marriage must be negotiated, entered into or celebrated in accordance with customary law. ... If one or more of the parties are minors (below the age of 18 years), both his/her parents or legal guardian must give consent to the marriage.


qual a reacao e o pemsmemto do jovem ao descamsar a sambra da arvore​





Explain the scholar definition of psychology​


Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes.


Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, according to the American Psychological Association. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes.


A hospital system is implementing an electronic health record. The facility conducts education and training for nursing staff, medical staff, and ancillary staff over a period of 6 months. This is an example of:__________
a. transformation.
b. innovation.
c. planned change.
d. emergent change.



Option c. Planned change


Types of change

1. unplanned chang/ change by drift

2. planned change

Reasons for Change in organizations

1. Change is done so as to solve some problem or issues arising.

2. Change is done so as to make work procedures more efficient.

3. Change so as to limit workload that are not necessary.

Planned change

This is simply regarded as thorough, intentional effort that has been put in place so as an event or something to occur or happen.

When compared to accidental change or change by drift, it emanated from a well thought through/over and intentioal effort to make sure something occur. More often, change is an intended, purposeful effort/attempt or thought over plan by an people or group.

Change agent

This is an individual well versed in theory and implementation of change, this factor will often determine success of change. Example: manager.


C. planned change


A Planned change is a change that is been prepared for by an entire organization or a significant part of it. This is done for new goals, direction or achievement.

The direction of the change varies it can be cultural, internal structures of the organization, records, processes used by the organization or any other relevant aspect that is required by the organization.

The ability to train the concern staffs before the innovations,to achieve a goal made it a planned change.

Researchers were interested in whether individuals who used websites like Yelp were willing to pay more for their meal. Specifically, is the price point of an establishment related to the customer satisfaction rating. To investigate this question researches used the existing information posted on satisfaction surveys to evaluate this relationship. They found that as customer satisfaction ratings increased so did the average cost per meal. Explain why and the answer should compare the characteristics of the study to the research design chosen.

a. Correlational Research
b. Case study
c. Observational study
d. Archival Research
e. Experimental Research



a. Correlational Research


The research presented in the question above can be classified as correlational research. This is because, as we can see, this research tried to relate whether the product price rate was related to the customer satisfaction index with the website access, which provided this product. In this case, we can see that the research related two variables and the correlational research is exactly the one that establishes a relationship between two variables.

Identify the kind of digestion that takes place in the mouth



Mechanical and chemical digestion begin in the mouth with the chewing of food and the release of saliva, which starts carbohydrate digestion.


Mechanical and chemical digestion begin in the mouth with the chewing of food and the release of saliva, which starts carbohydrate digestion


According to four-drive theory, social norms, past experience, and personal values translate emotional signals into goal-directed effort.
A. True
B. False






This is simply known as those energy or forces in humans that influences that sense of purpose, direction (goal), persistence and Intensity (effort) in relation to behaviour done voluntarily.


This simply brings out emotions that forces us to act on a particular matter. It is said to bing able to put people in a state of readiness.

Drives therefore brings about emotions, thereafter translating into needs and behaviour.

Drives as it is said to bring about emotions, therefore,our self-concept, social norms, and past experience interpret these emotions into goal-directed needs, and thereafter into decisions and behaviour.


They are usually regarded as goal directed/oriented motivational energy of emotion that are put forward toward particular goals.

The four Drive Theory

This theory simply states that needs can be empowered by learning and that humans has the drive to acquire, bond, comprehend and defend as they are all innate, constituents of human brains.

The said drives charges the emotions that humans then regulate through a skill set that takes into account social norms, personal values and past experience and channel these efforts towards achieving goals.

Mariam has had hardly any contact with snakes, and she can't even go to the zoo because of her phobia. According to the two-process theory of avoidance, which of the following maintains Mariam's fear

a. positive pulment when wround snakes.
b. negative reinforcement for rolding snakes.
c. negative punishment for thinking snakes.
d. positive reinforcement for escaping from snakes.



Option A


In simple words, positive pullment refers to the situation under which an individual falls suddenly into scare and phobia when surrounded by a certain environment. This happens due to some inherent characteristics or some self generated phobias due to actions of subconscious mind.

Thus, from the above we can conclude that the correct option is A.

If the marginal propensity to consume is 0.75, and there is no investment accelerator or crowding out, a $15 billion increase in government expenditures would shift the aggregate demand curve right by:__________.
a. $60 billion, but the effect would be larger if there were an investment accelerator.
b. $60 billion, but the effect would be smaller if there were an investment accelerator.
c. $45 billion, but the effect would be larger if there were an investment accelerator.
d.$45 billion, but the effect would be smaller if there were an investment accelerator.


Answer: B. $60 billion, but the effect would be smaller if there were an investment accelerator.


The above question is solved below:

MPC = 0.75

Shift in aggregate demand will then be:

= (1/1-MPC) × ∆G

= (1/1-0.75) × 15

= (1/0.25) × 15

= 4 × 15

= $60 billion

Assuming there was an investment accelerator, the result above will be smaller. Therefore, the correct option is B"$60 billion, but the effect would be smaller if there were an investment accelerator".

The South Pacific Tuna Treaty controls _____.

A the amount of commercial fishing done in parts of Oceania
B the number of turtles that can be caught while fishing for tuna
C the size of fishing vessels in relation to how many fish they catch
D the amount of coral damage allowed by international shipping


Answer: A) the amount of commercial fishing done in parts of Oceania

The South Pacific Tuna Treaty controls the amount of commercial fishing done in parts of Oceania.


The South Pacific Tuna Treaty is a treaty between the United States and many different Pacific Island countries. This treaty has lasted for over 30 years!

Answer: The amount of commercial fishing done in parts of Oceania


In your opinion, why do you think humans have become so evolved?



In my opinion, humans have traits of resourcefulness and curiosity. With that curiosity we have discovered new things, leading to the advancement in tools. Our resourcefulness on the other hand leads in the same direction. If you were being attacked and you saw a stick on the ground, you would most likely grab it to defend yourself, right? That is precisely what I'm talking about. In my opinion, the advancement of humans most likely came from our extensive traits.


If this does not meet criteria, you may report it.

How does social control work between confrmity and deviance?



Conformity and deviance are two responses to real or imagined pressures from others. Conformity is opposite to social deviance which implies obedience to the norms that make a person acceptable in a particular society, group, or social setting.


Fun fact:

Conformity. Social control is established by encouraging individuals to conform and obey social norms, both through formal and informal means. The tendency to conform occurs in small groups and in society as a whole, and may result from subtle unconscious influences or direct and overt social pressure.



La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que que no hay opciones ni incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

La diferencia entre la opinión de una problemática social y el estudio de dicha problemática es que la opinión simplemente se basa en eso, en simples opiniones o criterios propios de los ciudadanos o participantes en la opinión pública. Esa opinión no tiene mayor bases que los respalden porque son simples percepciones.

En cambio, el estudio de una problemática no se basa en opiniones, sino en investigaciones, Esta problemática debe ser analizada desde la perspectiva política, económica, social o científica, dependiendo de la problemática, para poder analizarla, entender el fenómeno que se presenta y dar una explicación sensata con argumentos.

what you think should be done to africanize tourism?​



By adopting techniques of African culture.


We should Africanize tourism by adopting the techniques and methods used in African culture and tradition. We have to built architecture and buildings just like African culture as well as introduce animals and other organisms in the touring spot in order to make a feeling of Africa so giving touch of Africa to the tourism place and materials used is the way we can Africanize tourism .

how does justice relate to fairness and equality?


Your answer to this question is, The most fundamental principle of justice—one that has been widely accepted since it was first defined by Aristotle more than two thousand years ago—is the principle that "equals should be treated equally and unequals unequally." In its contemporary form, this principle is sometimes expressed as follows: "Individuals
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