As of the end of its accounting period, December 31, Year 1, Great Plains Company has assets of $910,000 and liabilities of $300,000. During Year 2, stockholders invested an additional $60,000 and received $35,000 in dividends from the business. What is the amount of net income during Year 2, assuming that as of December 31, Year 2, assets were $995,000 and liabilities were $290,000


Answer 1




From the accounting equation, stockholders' equity is asset minus liabilities, as a result, we would determine stockholders' equity at the end of years 1 and 2 as shown thus:

Year 1 stokcholders' equity=$910,000-$300,000=$610,000

Year 2 stockholders' equity=$995,000-$290,000=$705,000

The closing stockholders' equity is the beginning stockholders' equity plus net income and additional invested capital minus dividends

$705,000=$610,000+net income+$60,000-$35,000

net income=$705,000-$610,000-$60,000+$35000

net income=$70,000

Related Questions

Timothy periodically purchases bonds issued by Prince Waste Collection. Last year, he bought two bonds in February, two bonds in June, and one bond in August, then sold them all in October. Prince Waste Collection bonds were selling at 94.593 in February, 92.661 in June, 105.480 in August, and 102.882 in October. If each bond that Timothy bought had a par value of $1,000, how much profit did he make from buying and selling these bonds





Calculation to determine how much profit did he make from buying and selling these bonds

First step is to calculate how much Timothy invested in February, June and August

February=2 x $1,000 x 94.593%

February = $1,891.86

June= 2 x $1,000 x 92.661%

June= $1,853.22

August= $1,000 x 105.48%

August = $1,054.80

Total investment = $4,799.88


Seconds step

Since Timothg sold 5 bonds in the month of October at 102.882 each which means he will received:

Amount received= 5 x $1,000 x 102.882%

Amount received= $5,144.10

Now let determine his Total profit

Total profit = $5,144.10 - $4,799.88

Total profit= $344.22

Therefore how much profit did he make from buying and selling these bonds will be $344.22

both dual enrollment and AP courses offer the following possibilities except that


AP gives you a higher grade point average. Although, Duel Enrollment just requires you to pass the class but AP requires the test to be taken and passed to count towards college education.

Lifelong Learning: Mastery Test
Select the correct answer.
Why do many organizations encourage their employees to be lifelong learners?
O A employees will be more able to handle increasing responsibilities
OB. employees will be more likely to follow company policies
OC employees will be more likely to remain loyal to the company
OD. employees will be more likely to interact well with each other


Answer: A. employees will be more able to handle increasing responsibilities.


Lifelong learning refers to the ongoing pursuit of knowledge for personal or professional reasons. When a person is a lifelong learner, such person has a growth mindset and pushes himself or herself to find new ideas to solve challenges.

Several organizations encourage their employees to be lifelong learners in order for such employees to be able to handle increasing responsibilities. Some organizations send their employees to study some courses which will help in their growth and development and also to be able to handle certain responsibilities.

The Learner Company uses the weighted average method. Learner's beginning work in process consists of 6,600 units (100% complete with respect to materials and 60% complete with respect to conversion costs). The number of units completed during the period is 126,000. The ending work in process consists of 10,500 units (100% complete with respect to materials and 30% complete with respect to conversion costs). What are the equivalent units of production with respect to conversion costs


Answer: 129150


Based on the information given in the question, the equivalent units of production with respect to conversion cost will be calculated thus:

Equivalent Units = Units Completed + Units in EWIP × Fraction of conversion cost

= 126,000 + (10,500 × 0.30)

= 126,000 + 3150

= 129,150 units

Therefore, the equivalent units of production with respect to conversion costs is 129150 units

Which of the following is not a form of business combination?: (A) Acquisition. (B) S Corporation. (C) Conglomerate. (D) Merger.



b.corporation is answer

A clearinghouse scam involves a victim receiving: a. a letter that claims he or she has inherited a significant amount of money. b. mail from a known party who claims to have access to large sums of money or assets. c. a letter that falsely claims the writer represents a foreign bank. d. an email containing their Social Security number and/or credit information.



c. a letter that falsely claims the writer represents a foreign bank.


A clearing house is a financial institution that should be created for exchanging the payments, securities, or transactions related to derivates. It stands between the two clearing firms. Its motive is to decrease the member risk that failed to honor the trade settlement liabilities

So the clearing house scam includes the victim that collect the letter in which there is false claims where the writer shows the foreign bank

what will happen to trade if business is flourishing?​



if the business is florishing, as an example Medical sectors during pandemic they are going to grow till they are in a high demand

A company issued 6,000 shares of stock at $10 each, with a par value of $2.

What amount is debited as Cash?

A. $6,000

B. $66,000

C. $30,000

D. $72,000


The answer is c $30,000


A. 6,000



A monopoly exists when:
(A) A company is larger than all the other companies in the industry combined.
(B) A company produces greater quantities of an item than any other firm.
(C) A company charges higher prices than anyone else for a product.
(D) There is only one supplier of a particular good or service.


A monopoly exists when a company produces greater quantities of an item than any other firm. Hence, option B is correct.

What is monopoly?

Monopoly is the single seller in the market. Monopoly enjoys the freedom of price variation, as there is no other seller for competition.

The monopoly case is viewed as the polar opposite of perfect competition in conventional economic analysis.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more details about Monopoly, click here:


A subject property has a swimming pool (worth $5,000) and a three-car garage (worth $4,500). Comp property A has a pool only and sold for $452,500. Comp property B has a three-car garage only and sold for $446,000. What adjusted prices should you use for these two comps in a CMA


Answer and Explanation:

The calculation of the adjusted price that could use for these two comps in a CMA is given below:

For Comp property A, the value of the garage should be

= $452,500 + $4,500

= $457,000

And, for comp property B, the value of the pool should be

= $446,000 + $5,000

= $451,000

In this way, it should be considered

1. Give two examples of how life Insurance premiums would be determined based on ageand gender. Explain which type of life Insurance you would
recommend for each situation.



Life insurance is designed to pay out a death benefit to the person or persons you name as beneficiaries when you pass away. In exchange for this coverage, you pay a premium to the life insurance company. In the case of term life insurance, you'd pay these premiums for a set term prescribed by the policy. With permanent life insurance coverage, premiums are due as long as the policy remains in effect

highlights four drawbacks of direct production​



Does not encourage trade as goods are produced for own use.

Citizens have limited variety of goods.

Discourages specialization as one is forced to produce everything required.

Hinders technological development due to use of simple production methods.


hope i helped

What is the business reason for China Noah’s potential currency exposure? Does the company really need to subject itself to substantial exchange rate risk? Is the risk "material" to China Noah? Do you think China Noah should hedge?


srry I dontcknwo


pls make as brriallent

four factors that affect the productivity of an office worker​



not enough sleep

no breakfast



Loud Noise (messes with sleep patterns)
A bad workspace
No breakfast

A security guard, dressed in plain clothes, was working for a discount store when a customer got into a heated argument with a cashier over the store's refund policy. Without identifying himself as a security guard, the security guard suddenly grabbed the customer's arm. The customer attempted to push the security guard away, and the security guard knocked the customer to the floor, causing injuries. The customer sued the discount store for battery on a theory of vicarious liability for the injuries caused by the security guard. The store filed an answer to the customer's complaint, asserting the affirmative defense of contributory negligence. The customer has moved to strike the affirmative defense. Traditional rules of contributory negligence apply. Should the trial court grant the customer's motion


Answer: C. Yes, because contributory negligence is not a defense to battery.


Contributory negligence means that the party suing should take some responsibility for the injuries that they got in relation to an accident because didn't take enough care to ensure that they would not be involved in the accident. For instance, seeing a "wet floor" sign and falling whilst walking across.

Contributory negligence cannot be used as a defense against battery however because it is not accepted that a person should take blame for another person becoming physical with them. The Court would grant the customer's motion in this instance.

It is said that in a perfectly competitive market, raising the price of a firm's product from the prevailing market price of $179.00 to $199.00, ____________________. will likely cause the firm to reach its shutdown point immediately will cause the firm to recover some of its opportunity costs could likely result in a notable loss of sales to competitors is a sure sign the firm is raising the given price in the market



could likely result in a notable loss of sales to competitors


In the case of the perfect competitive market wheen the price of the firm is increased from $179 to $199 as compared to the prevailing market price so this means that there should be the loss with respect to the sales for the competitors or rivalrs as this would result the firm to lose its overall shares to its rivalry

Therefore the above statement should be considered true

Entrepreneurial judgment Group of answer choices is necessary to make business decisions when no fixed decision rule can be used. is fully incorporated into modern economic models of business behavior. requires decision makers to follow carefully defined rules regarding uncertainty, discovery, and business judgment. requires government advice and regulation.


Which behavior would best describe someone who has good communication skills with customers ? a) Following up with some customers b) Talking to customers more than listening to them c) Repeating back what the customer says d) Interrupting customers frequently

Benefits Offered "Must-Haves":


Answer: Extended Health and Dental, Life Insurance and Critical Illness Coverage and Wellness. (Hope this helps!)

Video news releases are ______. Group of answer choices None of the above options is correct produced by PR agencies and companies for use in TV newscasts aired by TV stations as part of their requirement to serve the public interest public service announcements (PSAs) eagerly accepted by TV news departments, especially in large markets



produced by PR agencies and companies for use in TV newscasts.


Public relations involves the process of professionally maintaining and sustaining a favourable public perception and image by an organization or an elite.

It is a strategic communication process used by PR managers to issue and disseminate quality informations between their principal (usually an individual) or an organization and the public, in order to build a mutualistic relationship and boost their level of sales.

Public relations is a marketing tool that combine news covered by the media which are often not a directly paid for medium and is typically used to influence, inform and persuade the consumer to purchase a product.

A video news releases is a segment or portion of a video that's produced to have similarities with news report and are sent to media houses.

On a related note, video news releases are produced by public relations (PR) agencies and companies for use in TV newscasts.

Sixteen-year-old Omar is starting his first job with long daily commutes and heavy traffic. He wants to be a cautious driver and chooses car insurance with a very
low deductible. What is true?
He will likely pay low premiums.
He will probably have discounted premiums based on past safe driver history
His insurance will probably revise premiums every quarter.
His premiums are likely very high.


The statement " the premium is likely to be very much high" is correct.

The following information should be considered:

As per the financial experts, the auto insurance plan i.e. highly deductible should be wise as the annual premium amount should be less.In the case of the monthly premium, more amounts should be paid when there is less deductible. But for cars,  there is no need to worry as there should be car insurance having less deductible.

So, the following statements should not be relevant:

Lower premiums.Discounted premium.Revised premiums.

Therefore we can conclude that the statement " the premium is likely to be very much high" is correct.

Learn more about the premium here:

The true statement for the given question is :

He will likely pay low premiums.

Car Insurance

The car insurance or the vehicle insurance is defined as the insurance of the vehicle or the security deposit against the car to provide protection to any physical damage to the vehicle.

In the context, Omar has to pay low premiums for the insurance of his car.

This is because the money deducted from him for the insurance for his car is very low. So he has to pay low premiums.

Learn More :

Mrs. Moreau was planning to have several guests at her home for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. She had cooked Shady Brook Farms fresh turkeys in the past and had enjoyed them very much. When she went to her usual grocery store, she discovered that the store no longer carried the Shady Brook Farms brand. She called several other grocery stores and was finally able to locate Shady Brook Farms fresh turkeys at a small grocery store approximately 10 miles away. She drove to the store and bought a 20-pound Shady Brook Farms turkey, even though the price per pound was higher than what she normally paid at her usual grocery store. For Mrs. Moreau, the Shady Brook Farms turkey was a(n)



The answer is "Specialty product".


In the given scenario, Specialty products are products that both these consumers constantly seek out just because of their unique characteristics or loyalty to a particular brand. They understand what they want and are willing to put in the time and effort to obtain that. It is an important set of purchasers who is willing to produce the effort to purchase it because of its unique traits or brand identification.

Sam is the marketing director for StyleHub, a clothing boutique. They opened their brick and mortar store last year, but Sam only published the website a month ago and it isn't receiving much traffic yet. Now, they're ready to focus on SEO and have some resources to dedicate to it. Which three tactics should Sam focus on initially



There are several tactics that can help San increase traffic to her clothing store website. Some of them that he could focus on initially could be:

1- Create a profile on G. My Business, which is a tool that allows your site to be highlighted in the g. search tool when potential consumers are looking for clothes in your region, for example.

2- Create valuable content for your target audience, such as a blog, and spread it on social media, as a way to engage your audience and make them interested in visiting your site.

3- Optimize the website making its resources faster and more accessible, including mobile devices.

John and Diana have been married for several years and share a goal of owning a 2nd home on the New Jersey shore in 8 years. They decide to review their financial expenditures monthly to evaluate steps they can take to better save their earnings. Which step of personal financial goals are they most in



Step 5: Implementation and review of the financial plan


Considering the situation described above, the step of personal financial goals in which John and Diana are most in is "Implementation and review of the financial plan"

This is based on the fact that step of personal financial goals is:

1. Establishing and deciding your financial objectives and goals

2. Compiling your financial and personal information

3. Analysing your financial and personal information

4. Advancement and presentation of the financial plan

5. Implementation and review of the financial plan: this stage usually involves the process of income and expenditure adjustments.

Hence, when John and Diana decide to review their financial expenditures monthly to evaluate steps they can take to better save their earnings, they are in step 5 of personal financial goals, which is Implementation and review of the financial plan

Explain the problem that can occur due to learning organization approach.




Mill Co. uses a batch processing method to process its sales transactions. Data on Mill's sales transaction tape are electronically sorted by customer number and are subjected to programmed edit checks in preparing its invoices, sales journals, and updated customer account balances. One of the direct outputs of the creation of this tape most likely would be a


Answer: Report showing exceptions and control totals.


Batch processing system has to deal with input controls showing exceptions and how invoiced are processed on each batch.

The batch processing system helps make it easier to notify invoices automatically as customers get items.

logical fallacy Well, what form of government do you want, a government by liberal do-gooders ready to spend your hard-earned dollars or a government led by business minds that understand how to live within a tight budget and generate jobs that put people to work. Group of answer choices



i don´t nou sorry


You are the CEO of a home appliance manufacturing company and have recently undertaken a review of your company's strategy. In comparing your stock market valuation to that of your closest competitor, you note that your firm is currently valued at $50 billion, while your competitor is valued at $40 billion. How should you proceed?
A.Consider this evidence of a sustainable competitive advantage and maintain your current strategy
B. Compare the current valuations with past valuations to determine a trend
C. Assume your current strategy has failed and begin to formulate a new one
D. Compare your valuation to firms in another industry.



The correct answer is the option B: Compare the current valuations with the past valuations to determine a trend.


To begin with, in the field of business managent when it comes to terms of analyzing strategies that lead the organization in its market value the most important thing to do is to find trends that will compass tasks or ways of action that the company has so that they will know if they are in the correct path growing and how the strategy should continue going or change. Because if you keep the same strategy then maybe the context will change or a fortuite case will appear and harm the organization's strategy so that will indicate that you will have to change that. Therefore that seeking for trends in the history of the company's strategies and to see what has been going well

Franchising offers all the following benefits for franchisers except Group of answer choices franchise agreements require a certain standard of behavior from franchisees, which helps protect the franchise name. franchisers can retain control of their name while increasing global penetration of their products. the franchisee's revenue stream is fairly consistent because franchisers pay fixed fees and royalties. the franchiser's revenue stream is fairly consistent because franchisees pay fixed fees and royalties. franchisers do not have to put up a large capital investment.



Franchising offers all the following benefits for franchisers except

the franchisee's revenue stream is fairly consistent because franchisers pay fixed fees and royalties.


When a franchisor gives a franchisee the authority to do business in the franchiser's trade name, using its business system, it is called franchising.  The franchisee pays a royalty, including an initial franchise fee, to the franchisor in exchange for this right.  In this business arrangement, the franchise right confers on the franchisee the authority to establish branches of the franchising company.

Carter Production, Inc.'s required production for the first six month of the year is as follows. Month Required Production January 50,000 February 70,000 March 85,000 April 105,000 May 110,000 June 120,000 Each unit requires two pounds of material. Given a desired ending inventory of 20% of next month's production needs, the pounds of material to be purchased in April is: Multiple choice question.



212,000 pounds


Calculation to determine what the pounds of material to be purchased in April is

Beginning inventory 210,000

(105,000 x 2)

Add Ending inventory 44,000

(20% of May production needs

( 110,000 x 2 x 20%)

Less Beginning Inventory 42,000

(20% of April)

April pounds of material to be purchased 212,000 pounds


Therefore the pounds of material to be purchased in April is 212,000 pounds

ECO Jeans, Inc. had a mission to become the leading producer of environmentally friendly blue jeans, an emerging and in-demand category in the apparel industry. Its strategy involved leveraging a network of organic cotton farmers and suppliers of environmentally responsible synthetic materials to create a product that is durable, attractive, affordable, and 100% recyclable. However, because it did not upgrade its outdated production facilities, ECO Jeans could not assemble its products at a low-enough cost to offer the jeans at a price that was attractive to customers. ECO Jeans’ strategy failed because


Answer: it was not backed up with strategic commitments.


The reason why ECO Jeans’ strategy failed is because the strategy was not backed up with strategic commitments.

Strategic commitments refers to the decisions that are taken by a company which have a long-term impact on the company.

Since ECO jeans could not upgrade its outdated production facilities, the company could not assemble its products at a low-enough cost to offer the jeans at a price that was attractive to customers. This could have had a positive impact on the company for a long term.

Other Questions
In order to print multiple worksheets, what needs to happen before printing? ActivityPick a health and safety organization of your own choice. Research and find out what exactly the organization stands for, what it does, where itgets its funding, and so on. Write an essay about the organization and whether or not you think it has helped people and made a difference intheir lives. Which number sentence is not true? A. |-4.5| = 4.5 B. |0| < |-45| C. |45| > 0 D. |4.5| > |-45| identify word with positive and negative connotation Help me on this Ill give Brainly! Help!!!! Please!! Thanks i am having troubles solving this 4(x+3)=x+42 can i get some help please. Multiply:2 (21) 7A) 294B) 273C) 7D) 294 From the table below, determine whether the data shows an exponential function. Explain why or why not. x 3 1 -1 -3 y 1 2 3 4 a. No; the domain values are at regular intervals and the range values have a common sum 1. b. No; the domain values are not at regular intervals. c. Yes; the domain values are at regular intervals and the range values have a common factor 2. d. Yes; the domain values are at regular intervals and the range values have a common sum 1. Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D A data set includes data from student evaluations of courses. The summary statistics are n=89, x=3.44, s=0.67. Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the population of student course evaluations has a mean equal to 3.50. Assume that a simple random sample has been selected. Identify the null and alternative hypotheses, test statistic, P-value, and state the final conclusion that addresses the original claim.What are the null and alternative hypotheses?A.H0: =3.50H1: >3.50B.H0: =3.50H1: *VOCABULARY*C. Fill in the blanks by choosing among the words given below.account, poverty, resigned, client, executive, withdraw, debts, unionizing, collaboration, lend, strikes, imports, budget, organize, bargaining, textile, cultivation1. Prior to 1981, labour _______________ by black workers in South Africa were illegal.2. Canadian manufacturers are complaining about cheap _______________ that are being brought into the country.3. Her husband is a senior bank _______________ with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.4. I forgot my grammar book at home. Could you _______________ me yours for a couple of hours?5. The _______________ of corn was first introduced by native people in Colombia.6. Who wants to _______________ the office Christmas party this year?7. Some people think American president Bill Clinton should have _______________ because of his sex scandal.8. After I lost my bank card, someone apparently tried to _______________ some money from my account.9. America's inner cities are being destroyed by _______________ and violence.10. She has been a valued _______________ of our company for years.11. The _______________ industry in this country is being challenged by the introduction of low-priced imports.12. I like going to the market and _______________ with the shopkeepers there.13. By the time he graduated from university, he had _______________ of over $30,000 to pay off.14. The musical _______________ of John Lennon and Paul McCartney produced some of the most popular songs of our era.15. Outside workers at the college are thinking of _______________ because management refuses to improve their working conditions.16. We have to be careful how many cheques we write because our _______________ balance is getting low.17. The school's _______________ for computer equipment is being increased by 25%. Find the largest integer not greater than the following expression :[tex]\displaystyle \large \boldsymbol{} \frac{2150}{2005} +\frac{2150}{2006} +\frac{2150}{2007 } + ...+\frac{2150}{2020}[/tex] Mr. Howe ate 1/3 of a pizza and then Mr. Kurt ate 1/8 of the same pizza. 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Someone answer this pls ;) What are two ways elections are affected by public opinion polls?campaign donations go to candidates with the lowest poll numberspolling more people results in a higher voter turnoutundecided voters vote for the most popular candidatescandidates with high polling numbers get more media coverage find H.C.F OF 4xy and xy you have faced / witness an act of bullying in your school write a letter to the principal of your school reporting the incident Hereditary fructose intolerance is a genetic condition caused by a variant in the ALDOB gene, which is critical for fructose metabolism. Infants with this condition do not initially display symptoms, but as they are transitioned from breast milk or formula to solid foods, in particular fruit-based foods, they begin to display symptoms, which include vomiting, diarrhea, and low blood sugar. Individuals who do not consume fructose do not display these symptoms. Which of the following describes this condition?a. It is incompletely penetrant, due to environmental factors.b. It has variable expressivity, due to environmental factors.incorrectc. It is incompletely penetrant, due to genetic factors.d. It has variable expressivity, due to genetic factors.